MUSIC DIRECTOR REACTS | Polyphia - Ego Death feat. Steve Vai (Official Music Video)

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foreign welcome in my name is drum roll Tony I'm a streamer on Twitch musician and music teacher living in Seattle we're getting back to polyphia it's been since ABC and yeah whatever anyway someone came into my twitch chat tonight and they were like hey have you heard the new Steve Vai and polyphia song I was like what are you talking about so obviously as soon as the stream was done I looked okay we're getting to this now because I'm Legit excited for this let's go it says 675 000 views on the first day and you know you know this is gonna be amazing all right here we go [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] nice shoes Bobby [Music] not such a Tim sound uh very polyphia sounding intro right with the uh the chord progression and the way it's flowing and then just like this artistic pull out and the the way the room is lit very very very this is the style that I like [Music] thank you okay let's get that again before I clean here uh just very very signature Tim right like one of the reasons I'm such a fan of slot base is how percussive it is right is your company and yourself and there's so much Rhythm and groove going on you're getting this you know you're getting that here but with the uh the nice addition of guitar and they're known like I don't want to think of polyphia I think of like pick it to be good to be good to be good about all like 16 note triplets like they cram so much stuff in there also the clavi pattern that's happening underneath that uh it's pretty sick let's grab this again get past my shoes here [Music] that wasn't that background group [Music] the symbol work oh my God there's like a whole little hold on let's listen to the symbols [Music] okay one more time that's just like a bronze Melody right there that is so ridiculous how much from that Splash to how clean and like delicate the ride is and then a couple of things that happen after that so much [Music] thank you [Music] all right that okay the rhythmic design there in our our ostinato our repeating figure of but like happening all the time and then the fill in you just can't it has to be him doing that like that's so so challenging because the guitar line is already it's like an invitation for different drummers and I say this in every video I always praise him this way it's an invitation for everyone else to play way too many notes but clay does not do that he plays the perfect amount of notes and they're super difficult and very tasty with the way the symbols are used because they're out of the way but yet still almost in the foreground with the and the guitar almost like for me flips roles but maybe not for you but that's just where my ears going all right let's keep going [Music] [Applause] yeah see that's that's a political that's so beautiful just leave it off one of those Putters and just getting this back in there just our three note groupings and there's a little bit of a jump there it's so good [Music] thank you no great basically in the whole time there though it's so tasty and out of the way and then a couple little Unison lines at this lineup let's go back 10 and grab it we'll keep going here hahaha [Music] okay we got it the phrasing come on man this is so good 10 seconds the the symbols in there light up the guitar there is so nice both players amazing [Music] I love it it's nice to hear him play like he's such a good guitarist and uh I like that the theme of this like percussive slap guitar lick is going on here uh through this early man they uh that ascending diminished thing was pretty cool so let's go back 15 seconds and grabbed in this one Let It Go On [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] so you get this onslaught of notes and again like it's it's just in your face and then there's like a nice laid-back tasty Melody there too in the phrase this is so nice all right back five here we go foreign [Music] feels like the the king of just these epic transitions to scene locations and weather and temperature like everything is such a huge drop [Music] all right here we go [Music] thank you oh wow that was a thick really thick chordal Bend all the stuff that is happening there's just a lot going on right there and uh I honestly I forgot he was in the video I was so checked out although it was happening I see him I was like oh my God yeah here he is uh shout out to uh to Clay though man just sitting back there two and four in the Hyatt and letting all that breathe that was so nice all right bye back five seconds [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] that little Screech was nice uh okay cool to hear like the marching all that five stroke roll stuff like on that like Piccolo sounding snare so that's kind of a cool um variation to go with the like this weepy bendy uh cool sounds coming out of there so back five let's keep it going [Music] foreign [Music] like think about the contrast of the style between Steve and Tim and it's cool to hear because they're so so different but man the Contour of that solo and how much uh whammy bar band and just melodic uh I guess that's the water over the rocks and the way that was going it's not even what that was like I always use water over the Rocks the most dudes the thing about like Legato smooth tones but that I mean it was Legato but there was like it's like colorful water over Rock so because there's just there's too many creative tones going on it was just really nice all right here we go five back [Music] foreign [Music] I need to hear that climax again because uh there was a lot everyone was playing there everyone like percussion guitars were in I just want to hear how this uh also the stages really cool so shout out to the video design you all know what you're doing very very cool [Music] foreign [Music] foreign I I really had no uh no clue what I was going to be you know watching as far as I was like I wonder how this will fit in together but uh as we see here it fit in very very well together that was like such an emotional build and just resolution there um did not expect the trumpet player at the end though that was great love the addition of that so I hope there's many more collaborations like this because that's a that's a very very established you know it's a guitar God that's been established for a while and then we have the up the upcoming folks that are like taking over so that was cool I'm very curious to see where that goes next let me know what you thought about it and uh man I'm glad someone came into my twitch stream and told me about it so that was uh that was amazing my name is Joe moral Tony I'm a streamer on Twitch make sure to catch me when I'm live so you can tell me about your Guitar Gods and who the players are that you've listened to the most you can find a link to my twitch channel in the video description below as well as my Discord if you like this video you know what to do click that like button subscribe to the channels and catch the next one all right I appreciate you so much for watching thank you take it easy bye foreign
Channel: DrumRollTony Reacts
Views: 141,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polyphia ego death reaction, first time hearing polyphia, react to polyphia ego death, polyphia, polyphia reaction, polyphia reaction ego death, tim henson reaction, steve vai reaction, tim henson steve vai, ego death, ego death reaction, drumroll tony reacts polyphia, drum roll tony reacts, reaction video, drummer reacts to polyphia, music teacher reacts to polyphia, new polyphia song, polyphia new song reaction, first time hearing, clay aeschliman, scott lepage
Id: oL-MHWZtR5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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