Dick Cavett Teaches Eddie Murphy the German Language | The Dick Cavett Show

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👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Justinjah91 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/WhiteRoseofYorkshire 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

I didn’t know Dick. Caveat spoke German..

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Cookie_1977 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Apologies to the fatherland" :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MightyMeepleMaster 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
I know if you're aware of it but during the breaks quotes from you have been coming up yeah yeah a lot of them I've never said really well my researcher is quite accurate I know I'll taste something you were talking about you really seemed genuinely surprised when you said do I curse that much or something like that but every time I read an article they say well it's his preoccupation with Richard Pryor because priors you know an inspiration to all young black comics and many of the white comics and so forth now I don't see that much of Pryor in you but I don't see it either you know why I tell you the reason I talk on stage the way I talk every day and I know that's not true it is true then you must clean up your act when I come to your high because turns around you too I never hear it ain't no spotlight on me with a mic in my hand maybe a different if someone casually says a curse and when you got a spotlight on you yeah well maybe but no your I mean that's not my whole show I don't just walk out there yeah I'm a it's my good night I love you now that I understood but no but you don't talk your talk is not a stream of obscenities when you're in the guy screams no no unless I go into characterization there was one routine I did where I cursed well I tell you what gotten the most flak I did it I was doing the routine with my father coming home drunk but my father curses like that when used to drunk so that's why I did it I want to go up and like as to what my father acted when he was drunk so that's the way it did so the truth is a defense as they say the truth is that that's the way I mean that's the way it happened so that's the way I did it yeah do you think of anything that would embarrass you to hear from somebody else you know I mean I still you don't know what people say when they say I was so embarrassed when I heard this or saw that well what's the last time you blushed or ever embarrassment well the last time I was embarrassed can you member go last time you just it's embarrassing because your legendary cool is amazing unwarranted for a guy your age to be you have Bob Hope's confidence that took him 35 years to get at 19 20 and 21 and 22 I'm 24 yeah but you had it then it seems to me you have this unbelievable calm cool demeanor and as the best people have pointed out you could say the most obscene wretched sacrilegious blasphemous thing but nothing like that's ever come out of my mouth but those eyes make it alright some critic several critics have pointed that at that you have sweet eyes this is getting kind of nauseating [Laughter] no but it's an amazing quality and an actor and it's wonderful on the screen because I never even you can get away with murder you're like the naughty kid but you've got Bob Hope confidence you know Bob Hope confab hope eyes is what it is it sounded like me he does me and it's spooky because he's the only person who does me who sounds like me when I hear it I don't sound that much like the reason I'm getting off the subject now is because who's gonna go do me and noise go go come on do it and I don't feel like doing oh yeah no you should sneak it in when they're not thinking about it yeah hey that Eddie Murphy's son Manny that was Bob Hope that's a good impression it is we do a good Brando too but yeah you do how come you know I don't mean just how come you lived in movies and stuff cuz I thought you were real funny when I was you mean when I was still around no [Laughter] I've done that but I've never done it in a big arena you know except for the Altman movie but I'd love to do that I'd love to do comic parts I think I see a movie where you and I are two guys who go out and solve a crime or commit one or two guys who are movie stars that go up to girls in bars and say hey you want to get in the movies or we're gonna move you want out of it you know I see us as two cool guys moving like hope and Crosby through the world in a film no really the road to angle would I just think it would be wonderful to tell more things you admire about me I like that Oh how many languages do you speak oh well that's embarrass ya you hang out this man he'll walk up to just anybody and just start kicking it to him and their language it's really I'm impressed member that time I kicked it to the German ambassador yeah that was real cool yeah you walked up there's a yeah yeah and a German dude in no way was they get a German person meets in my way give happy foreigners I see you've got a good ear cuz you have the devil tough but you're doing double-talk German but I know you could you could learn real German right here on the spot the whole language no no I'm gonna demonstrate this right now cuz he has a wonderful ear bus machst du Liebling repeat Fox Matt Doon Liebling vas machst vas macht do Liebling do Liebling ask it say what you said was what are you doing darling I was giving you something you could use elsewhere now this is great we did this once no I didn't we can we can we can I'm so netis nation machen v do you do Enzo einem local VG's I'm here yeah I'll buy time I buy a baton I'll bite you [Applause] my apologies to the fatherland what's a nice girl like you're doing working in a dump like this a debate means bobwhite in this to work oh yeah hmm I'll bite you indeed but you say that afterwards that's just remarkable though I mean your ears you know why don't you get a French lady here or man to come to tour you in French and you could pick these languages up like that play international concerts and make some real money I don't know not happy at a broader you know I did not I went to France and did not like it when you can't order like food you say I like a hamburger like you really feel stupid yeah I felt really stupid I feel stupid when I leave the country but you used a French phrase on the MTV Awards and it was perfect when I say that I forgotten no but you were doing this during a priest film thing and you said what was that somebody mister I was probably reading you know with the French you all something really new exit was faultless when we get back I'd like to comment like learn yeah the guy with the sign is here and then maybe you could maybe you could help me with a problem that I have you know it would be funny touch on your show if we never had to do a commercial your stage manager go yeah I got a commercial dick when every guy yellow we gotta go to conversion it's not funny we'll be back after day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dick Cavett Show
Views: 56,126
Rating: 4.944056 out of 5
Keywords: The Dick Cavett Show, Talk Show, Musician, Celebrities, Dick Cavett, United States, Chat Show, Interview, eddie murphy, eddie murphy interview, eddie murphy dick cavett, eddie murphy young, eddie murphy comedy, eddie murphy stand up, eddie murphy stand up comedy, stand up comedy, eddie murphy saturday night light, eddie murphy netflix
Id: 2LdAIdBVtlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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