Dice Chess - Alexandra Botez vs Tania Sachdev

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listening to [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] welcome welcome though so welcome welcome welcome guys welcome tanya sajdevji please unmute yourself before you say some joke and then it gets lost in the muteness of the zoom hello hello hello welcome welcome alexandra hey samai i'm back i'm recovering from the chili's we had last time no it's not about that this time right there that's over we're not that's all right okay because i heard when i got off the call you told everyone that you didn't even feel the spiciness yeah i didn't feel it i'm kashmiri that's what i was telling you right that i am used to spicy food i'm so sorry i was cheated chad he tricked you i got tricked i had three more chilis right after you left just to show off and later that that affected me but anyway guys today we are here to play a game called dice chest so before we play dice chest i would like to say tanya how does it feel to come back on my stream when was the last time i was here i can't remember yeah it's really good but i was thinking actually alex and i were thinking that we thought before behind me also how beautiful yeah we are actually on the same line of thinking yeah take it away kanye okay so you know uh somewhere before someone ate a batch right when alex and i used to travel for tournaments and play action events uh there's this thing in chess called uh as players we get conditions okay so conditions is basically uh when you get certain benefits for playing in a tournament and the organizer of that event gives you a a couple of benefits of playing so now i was like i didn't sign up for that i was not excited okay so um you know um yeah so that happens and obviously today you've organized this dicey chess event for us and i was thinking that alex and i were thinking that we should get some benefits get to the point see now with dice chest obviously blunders happen right like it's full of blunders and it's painful for me and her to play this game as well as it's painful for the chat and for the janda to watch this happen yeah so um you know we thought that in return all the pain that you're going to be causing us we have to put you in pain as well and every time something every time there is a bad dice throw which gets taken advantage of okay that's every dice throw you me every dice though right every dice throw but in the next one the player should be able to take the advantage of it so every time you inflict pain on us you have to have one entire chili wow that's our condition for today wow it's not even that spicy for a semi he could have 25 chilies but you might have to i okay okay you know in a deal there is some back and forth right so uh i i i uh no no this is not up for negotiations so i suggest every time there is a big blunder because of dice i should have one bite of a chilli not the entire actually they do something because then if there's a blunder and it gets it gets taken advantage of green chillies all of the chillies this just came to me when you were talking about the whole chili thing tanya this was a great idea i i support it i i didn't know where we were going with it but i like it i accept the challenge i'm not scared what do you think am i'm not scared of course i'm not scared yeah i'm scared you're not scared that you've forgotten to turn off your green screen into actually something no no it's it's on my estimators so meanwhile as my mom gets me some chillies she's as she prepares for her son's death i would like to introduce okay she's already she's very prepared how sweet my mom thought this should do only four chillies mommy give me all right cool so guys the rules of dice chest is basically i have three dices on the screen i don't know if that's how you pronounce dices or you say dies or whatever there are three dice i have on my stream i think it's on alex's stream also and i shall roll them like this and each player gets to choose one piece out of these like for example if i roll it and it says pawn rook and rook so tanya if she's white she has to play one of these and that is up to her which she chooses but oh look finally we are okay okay that's looking a little bit more fair so i i'll just remove my uh green screen because chilies are green so it appears black so no i'll do a better thing guys go to alex's stream and see this is real chilly you know that i'm giving you also viewers so you guys you are so nice look at this chili i gotta have this entire chili this is too big it is what it is now weren't you bragging didn't you eat two at the end of last stream uh uh uh doesn't that make it more difficult though no no no sanitizer anything thank you okay cool so guys i'll be removing my uh chroma key for this game because this cool okay so i think uh alex do you uh did you get the rules um yes i think i got the rules so tanya and i are playing and you're commentating where are you play i'll be rolling the dice you have to choose one of these pieces say it's spawn queen and pawn so you have to choose one of them and move one of them if it's an illegal move you we roll again okay sounds good yeah okay awesome so let's begin so tanya in some way you're kind of our brain but we've got three choices or maybe less it depends on what gets rolled it's like chest but with probability or a lot of luck yeah this is gonna be much better you know i i believe that uh all the best games are the ones that have a mix of both skill and probability like poker yes so this is like for chess the poker of chess i know what i mean is super fun yeah yeah but without the chili power it was supposed to be super fun but now i don't know how it's going to be well so so tanya what's what what time format should we play so my 30 30 30 30 okay or do you wanna okay also my laptop is crashing a lot these days so it might crash completely so don't hate me i'll be back we'll be back in three four minutes yeah he might do that when he he'll have to eat a chili it'll crash he'll be back yeah yeah yeah you're right um so my do you hear tanya's volume okay on your your stream kind of it's slightly low right yeah tanya is there any way you can make your volume a little bit higher um it helps if it's closer to you is it better okay no when i get excited my volume really rises so i try to keep the mice mic as far away as possible that's fine okay okay quickly get some milk i have heard that milk water quickly going meanwhile please uh talk to you yeah we tell we chill we got this awesome alex i've been i've been pretty good i was gonna ask what's your chest.com username tanya undiscouraged tanya underscore us okay perfect so are you gonna you're gonna send me a challenge yeah i'll send you oh tanya s is offline no it's tanya underscores i'm signed in are you on chess.com what are you doing on stream did you find me should i find you um my name is just alexandra botez okay let me see what happened fun fact about mike you bring it close your voicing oh great chad thank you chili fact longer the chili less spicy it is we'll find out karan ashto soon um yeah i think it's if you're not in chess.com slash live even if you're at home i can't challenge you just go to live chat okay now chuck yeah i wasn't on live i was just on the home page ah okay perfect check check and you're not accepting challenges what you're not accepting challenges i am accepting all challenges guys look i am having the chilis how do i change it i mean quick uh settings on top there's a gear button click on here go to play go to challenges accept everyone the other way around is you add uh alex as a friend why are we not friends already alex i mean you know chess.com friends aren't real friends it's better this way i would you know okay i sent you a friend request so my you're you're already very ex an expert in this you know how to change all of the settings judge.com is the best guys chess.com love you i know everything about sleds.com chess.com okay lives on chess.com that's maybe more please um okay i do not understand what's going on i'm sorry wait no worries i know tanya likes chess 24 but uh tanya if you want to chat i was struggling to find a challenge if you want to send me the challenge if that's easier that works because my challenges are open uh alex i have a better idea how do you how about you create a challenge link and send it to her oh wait a second i could just force her into a game wow wow because i have admins no free will here what sorry but but you have you just have to be on live just as long as yeah i am on live chat okay perfect i'm about to do it tanya i'll give you the white pieces out of the kindness of my heart don't don't blend around purpose okay no we can't why would we blunder on purpose oh so that you can get into trouble this is why the dice is going to be i don't know i'm a little bit rusty samaya i might just slip up occasionally please okay tanya do you see the game uh samaya it just started yes wait what's your idea slash follow um alexander hang on it just got aborted yeah should i do a new 30 minute or a rematch no there you go yeah do not play anything even though your chess player instinct might make you play something you are tanya you have a queen pawn or a queen queen pawn or a queen okay okay let's go awesome not bad yeah yeah that was could be worse but it could only be porn and a night right to begin with so it's probably not that bad to start with uh alex you have a night i do have he doesn't need anything a illegal a knight or a queen what are the what's the pro tip on this one the bishop knight or a queen right no tip is big risks big rewards that's the protip in dice no that's no glory but if you and if you lose you lose with some i together so really there's only winning here it's a win-win exactly okay a rock a rook and a bishop well i have one legal move i i feel like tanya is pretty intimidated by that one the gmat's coming at some point yeah this g5 g4 we've seen that happen in lord alex in at top level chess i'm scared right now exactly you're a commentator this is very well known theory you have a knight a king or a king what okay that's fine i've got a night right yeah just develop thanks amex for that i really appreciate it is both there for emotional support and for calling oh queen queen and a knight okay so that's one choice i mean one piece okay i'm coming for tanya whoa okay that's scary already i'm gonna get another night and i'm gonna come for your pieces because if you get a knight next move and you take knight f2 and i don't get a king then i'm royally messed up no you can you can disrespect gloria you can say it you can see the f word a knight a knight and a rook can i say the f word for you yeah yeah go ahead f2 no a knight okay i think i have to a knight a knight and a rock okay this is actually question of chess is much more fun than regularly fun of course because he's so good at the regular okay let's go i have no idea what's going on but let's go look at this a knight a queen and a pawn will she dare will alex dare yeah will i take on f2 no i'm going to play d5 yeah that's a smart move because uh yeah i need a knight now somebody give me a night otherwise you'll have to have the chilli so you can decide it's a queen a night and a night [Music] i'm very tempted to go a little crazy here because why not so what happens if she gives me a check then we we roll the dice until you have a legal move so basically so don't do that let's go let's go let's go a bit nuts what wow somebody have been watching too many of your streams it's that effect oh she's sabotaging you somalia i'll keep queen so um yeah so i guess someone has to have but actually this was this was voluntarily like i played 95 volunteers i think you don't you don't thank you that's fine we have to be okay okay we'll be fair we'll be fair we'll be fair okay bishop okay excellent role so my excellent role am i supposed to tip the dealer you're good for me at all i need to practice dice chess a little more you should have just played nicely but okay big risks big rewards yeah just bad idea to follow your advice but that's fine so what was it what can you repeat again it was king pawn or bishop um [Music] okay let's go away i'm so excited to roll night on my next movie yeah this is what i'm thinking about it's gonna be a great time what are you thinking do you need any help how about h3 no i'm thinking that she'll get a knight she'll take knight f2 and then what am i gonna do but you know what i'm just overthinking i i should just play something just go attack the night let me think okay i've got 26 minutes go ahead [Laughter] surmise this is a very critical position yeah like critical positions in chess it was completely new game yeah okay you know what you know what i don't know what but let's go okay what nice developing moves what if she gets a pawn that's fine i can always take on deeper we'll see what happens but just don't give her a nightmare tonight i am a king what oh you should have gone for knight f2 oh but what if i don't get a pawn now then i'm just dead right and i am also dead yeah then i'm like then a major rage quit then you probably will get a pawn but i'm not sure oh it's a knight a bishop and a pawn okay okay that's fine let's play safe i'm only a piece down right now could be worse king rook queen oh that's annoying well if i take your queen we have to keep rolling until you get a legal move yeah so you're actually okay that won't take that long well i think this is better because i'm up a piece so if i get into the end game it's you know it doesn't work like that and dice just oh no a bishop a pawn and a rook so of course that's good that's good that was fast mm-hmm it's a queen a rook and a rook well this is unfortunate you know i'm playing very solid yeah i like it rook g8 rocket [ __ ] now going for h5h4 knight pawn and pawn you don't have a knight anymore that's yeah that's just some pawn move right let's do let's do let's do this i guess oh okay okay rook bishop and pawn ah yeah let's just do a quiet gentle pond yeah and if some it's something did you have a chili last time or not because i kind of don't remember seeing that happen because that never nothing happened now it's now she doesn't if you don't get a bishop then i might have to okay fair queen bishop and porn okay so i have to move i mean i i think bishop 86 is just unnecessary risk so i'm not gonna do that i'm gonna play a little more sane and come back to f4 okay probably she is changing the semi strategy of risk reward i tried that we all saw how that went you have a great opportunity alex it's a pawn a rook and a queen yes do you like this move aggression coming for the bishops here i hate it oh lightning doesn't strike the same place twice in a row this is not a lightning situation this is blessing i need blessings oh there you go queen bishop knight bishop in coming okay i'm actually really tempted to go bishop b5 but then if you get a pawn then i'm that's not going to go well for me should i take on g5 and then just just sort of bet on the fact that she may not get up more i think that sounds like a really good strategy i think you're just trying to trick me can you guys calculate the probability of alex getting a pawn it's pretty high right how much is it can you give me the exact number is it based on the amount of pieces on the board so fifty percent no no it's a uh the probability of one of the dice rolling upon it's the rest of your math guys come on let's see so that would be p of yeah i'm not even trying one minus the probability what is it like the p naught what is this what is this language the thing is like if i play bishop g5 i'm only relying on you getting rook bishop and knight because you can't move the king i think it's too much risk let's go back yeah alex can you find the probability which uh which college did you go to i don't remember i went to community college no but but my question is is it for but i need to know what the probability on one dice is of getting upon is it based on the amount of pieces or is it no it's it's just every face has one piece got it okay that makes more sense um it's a king so so then there's one sixth probability of getting a pawn on each of the dice right so is it one over six at the parentheses over the power of two which would be one is that how you do it man it's been a long time since i've done this i took stats when i was like 18 and then i just didn't take this is a question that nobody can answer no not yet only anish gets answered so thank you anish all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait answer without looking at the chat okay if it's i'm really bad at math but if it's rook king bishop knight pawn that's six pieces right there's one piece of space yeah so that six sixes are 36 right there are six things on the dice like it can roll to six points is that that's correct no yeah so that six sixes are 36. and that would mean one one no can be one is it one no i don't know done okay don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me don't i really think it's one minus the probability of not getting a pawn on any of the three how much is that so that should be so the probability of not getting it would be five out of six on the first one and then are you adding these would it be one over sorry five out of six plus five over six plus five over six is that how you would do it are you guys trying to flag me what's going on is isn't that what it was a really dirty trick i have no idea i am a printing engineer i have zero math the only reason i am doing comedy is because i suck at education i have a horrible education in my life which is why i asked you this question i have no idea what a parenthesis is what what you're doing in the air i have no clue i don't even think i could spell that yeah all i know is how to blunder in chess that's all sammy can you tell me what are my pieces while i'm skiing a pawn in the night i think so right have i rolled it yeah i have wasn't that alex's thing and she played knight c6 all right so i'll roll it again for you oh it's a night night and night what could be the probability of this do not try to think about it yeah and also i can't move anything let's go on [Music] actually it's really sad to not have a night because i think nights can be really cool in this game yeah it's a bit depressing queen pawn and a bishop okay let's get rid of your knight whoo it's a pin it's a pin unless you're still thinking of the probability yeah i'm really bothered by this i'm not going to be able to do anything else i'm pretty sure that is how you're supposed to do it but then i don't remember what i do after that see what is the probability of getting a pawn on one dice but that's not how you're supposed to calculate no it's right one and six i guess it's one and six the probability of uh getting up on a second piece is one and six and third is one and sixth so you just do three bytes but but there there is a rule for why you're supposed to do it it's easier to subtract one from anything that's not getting upon right like there's there's no no i have no idea the chat is saying it is 1 minus 125 by 216 which is 0.42 that's the answer yeah yeah and i would have that's what i was that's what i was trying to get to but i couldn't calculate it after i had now now i'm now i'm distraught somebody i'll tell you the solution to it it's 1 minus the probability of not getting it to the power of 3 so it's 1 minus 5 by 6 whole to the power of three yeah which is one minus 125 by 216 which is a proof that i am a printing engineer because i didn't do it the chat did it for me so now that's okay because with the power of chat we are all mathematicians thank you shivanshu mishra for uh helping us thank you for ending this conversation okay okay okay what did you study tanya uh i did english literature in college boom bishop g4 oh god that's really tricky if you don't get a rook you have a chili and i do the game i think that's more important i don't think so i think you can win like till the very last moment it's about oh that's very dramatic summit it's a rook a king and a pawn oh that's nice that's kind of nice looking and upon i really wanna attack something you got her a very good role here semi boom yeah yeah you know the gods aren't my favorite they don't want me to eat chili's also chad is trolling me my own chat is rolling me they're just typing message deleted message related messages deleted that's what they've been typing on i saw that so maya i watched your iq test videos very entertaining it was very entertaining guys please uh watch my stream with magnus carlsen i streamed with magnus cars and he came on my stream so guys after this everyone who's watching alex's stream please come it's youtube it's free please no but let me let me link them to your youtube samai thank you i shall do that same but i hope my laptop doesn't crash so i'll do it right after the stream okay i'm chatting to the big risk if you aren't following samaya yet you don't appreciate what he's done for chess boom thank you boom boom boom go go give him a like on the live video he brings together all the chess personalities he organizes things he has a schedule the man used to do comedy and now he's here entertaining people doing community nights go go check good night okay let's go let's see what what do you have it's a king a king and a king she can't move it she can move it she should not move it yeah nope wow that was a very what was the probability of getting all k please please let god well now well now we know so we can at least solve the occasion right because now you know come on samai what is after you got the answer to the first one you don't have to calculate it i'm not getting a queen right no what's the problem getting a coin it's one by six so one minus one by six whole to the power three which is one minus one by 36 which is 35 by 36 boom yeah 35 by 36 is the probability yeah am i right honestly you talked so fast i couldn't understand half the numbers you're saying guys in the chat please say i'm right thank you i guess it's a queen a pawn and a queen yes that that i understood okay let me think what do i do here you've got a pawn basically okay there you go you need to give me a bishop i don't think luck can favor you so much that now you've got to go so much it hasn't favored me one time oh look at you it's a night a pawn and a bishop it's your lucky day you should sign the lottery today bishop okay but you know the thing is if i take on c6 if she gets a bishop if i take on c6 and alex gets a king king and a bishop or a rook rook and a bishop that would be amazing let's go what what what is that bad but it's pretty bad though because if i don't get a bishop i guess i get a pawn on this one or well wait somebody did you roll i didn't roll i'm just looking at what tanya has done why what have i done i've just taken on c6 why are you so shocked because now she can get a pawn she can get a bishop and if she gets a king only she rolls again no what i'm saying is imagine if she gets a rook rook and a bishop what is the probability of that i have not had not asking it's a rhetorical question do not answer it i'm not having a conversation about any sentence that has the word probability i don't think this is the right move let's see what should i have done what should i have done you should have just taken the bishop back to a4 and then she gets a knight a4 she would have gotten a pawn and gone b5 let's see let's see it's on you no it's on you oh it's a rook a king and a bishop what what alex more than you sami has to have a chili samai go get your chili that is the worst roll i've seen ever in my life ever the entire chicken all of it like a noodle slurp it like spaghetti there you go yes oh that tanya you really took a gamble and it i have to take paid c6 right i didn't really have an option i guess you could have moved back also but no i mean taking on c6 made sense actually now if i move back to i had to move back to a4 and then if you've got a pawn b5 would be really annoying so my please don't take such gambles somewhere awake please don't take the game okay well i have no choice here okay yeah you have to go now you better give me a rook or a bishop if you don't give your rooker a bishop that's it never coming back to this stream again wait wait a second let's go let's go let's go let's go is it weird that my stomach burned just watching samai eat the pepper like some kind of trauma that i remembered it's beauty as the oh no it's a queen a queen and a rook okay that's fine could be better somehow but i'll take it no bishop i appreciate the lack of bishop thank you so much can i please get upon apparently actually you know what this is very dangerous to me alex because if you get a pond and i don't have a way of defending my rook then that'll be very sad oh come on let's get a pawn if i don't get a pawn i'm in trouble and somebody needs another chili actually because if i don't get a pawn so my god if i've i've done so much for charity what was the power of getting a pawn again no no no no no i don't know no it's a bishop a queen and a bishop all right here's some eye it's too big that's stupid there you go anya that was a fantastic idea why are you punishing me for an ice cream i appreciate it i appreciate it okay well here's my only legal move yes that's happened to you a couple of times with rook g8 rook 8 and bishop g7 yeah this is pretty bad now if you get a um yeah bishop no rook would i i don't know what i'd be most afraid of i think i'll be most afraid of any blender yeah i'd like i'd like you to keep your bishop on c6 yeah give me give me give me a bishop wait that's true if you don't get a bishop it's a blunder again you know what goes around comes around tomorrow morning i'm screwed queen pawn and a rook okay that's that's um queen pawn and a rock right i think well samai eats a lot of peppers but it's not like this point that i don't want pepper is gonna get it okay all right how can all be big okay i found one i found a small one but i think it's smaller it's more dense it's going to be more spicy i hope so nice move tanya i don't know if i had anything better but let's go with this so my only legal moves here are kings or pawns yes please give me a pawn king rook and bishop is what we're aiming for knight a bishop and a queen okay one more check one more road oh finally support not bad not bad clean rook and a pawn [Music] mommy mommy what do they get you know i'm so tempted to go rookie savannah [Music] yeah the odds are really high of human getting a king of the rook right so rookie seven would be a really bad move actually why are they doing rookie seven why because i'm just tempted because if imagine if she got bishop and a pawn in a pond that's it go for it it's on you no it's just too much because then i'd also have to get a rook so let's not do that um you know what let's go with i had a pawn as well right rook pawn and a queen okay so let's go with this move actually okay that's a nice move tanya thank you let's see queen queen and knight so we roll again i'll take the re-roll bishop knight and aru okay and show things in a rook okay uh are we gambling here no okay let's see what the super chat says arya but i turned in his grave seeing somebody do probability risky night thank you even alex's twitch chat is stuck solving maths guys that's how the world is maths is very difficult prathamesh agnew thank you so much yeah thank you akash bhagat for the super chat okay so what do you play knight a rook and a bishop will you gamble now with the rook you know had you gambled in the previous move i think you would have had a better position she had an option to play the rook if i would have gone okay oh she did you didn't have okay but anyway that's it's on you it's on you i'm not saying it yeah so wait what is the what what are my options once more a rook a knight a bishop and or an apology for what you have made me done no that's been the best part of the stream okay let's go with peace my mom is great cooking i don't know what she's making out of milk she's making lassi let's see okay about the english man buttermilk no no butter no buttermilk is different oh that's chance yeah let's what is lassi uh it's like curd in water and then you shake it vigorously i think it's okay i don't know but even whenever i've gone to a restaurant in in europe or in the states it's always called mango lassi they don't have an english word for like plus c okay what i don't know alex have you ever had this combination like that yeah i have had mango lassi i i didn't actually like it very much because i don't like smoothies in general okay it's pretty close to a smoothie actually a sweet mango lassi why are you laughing after you said smoothie uh somebody had a funny subscription message where they were mimicking somebody else's oh okay all right okay so you played the rook all right it's on alex and now she's got a queen a bishop in the pawn oh okay i have a bishop that's good you're a pawn also yeah i mean her bishop is attacked so most probably she should i didn't move it right and i don't want to play bishop c3 because then she's just gonna roll her king that's not that's mod unless cheers oh samaya i feel a little bad but not what are you doing remember what he did to you oh i do oh bishop a3 bishop a3 i don't want to check and help her develop yes that's a good idea rook or a bishop why can't you give me a king but that's fine i'll take a bishop let's go with bishop e5 okay i'll take a king or a pawn but the thing is now there's only four pieces we can move so it's gonna get a lot closer to regular chest since there's three maybe we'll find out let's see it's a bishop a pawn or a queen oh yeah i felt it you know that bishop to e5 was a bit tragic you can still take if you got a bishop you can take bishop takes f6 you never know king but that's fine and this so rook what did you say again knight or a queen oh this is sad okay let's come back rook b3 okay not bad yeah but not great either king rook rook okay that's a great role king okay well let's let's get oh i can't castle anymore i forgot oh god why can't you castle no you can castle queen side babe no you could run into rook b8 mate in the next room but why can't you castle because she moved rook g8 rocket [ __ ] in the beginning wow yeah i forgot about that i forget i didn't even remember i did that oh my gosh uh i'm not going to get mated though yeah long cast and the problem is that if i get rook it's game over because it would be no i was trying to play with you okay give me a look now and i was trying to play rook d8 oh my god oh finally finally okay but if this is a mouse slip then maybe we just go back no no you don't go back in tournaments you don't have mouse slips in tournaments you do online olympiad all right fingers crossed alex let's hope you don't get a rook i was really trying rook d8 it's just i love this website please pay me more oh it's a bishop upon another oh thank god you know what let's let's go like high risk let's let's keep the threat of the mate alive and come back to g3 oh god all right i think i should have probably gone for the game king pawn or a knight okay now i need a rook in the next move so you can only move upon alex thank you tanya for clarifying and here i thought i had a plethora of options you know okay i'm trying okay it's mate in one if she gets it's over no it's not going there it's not like this anything what did i get where did i get bishop king okay you know it's fine it's fine king bishop okay let's let's gamble a little more let's go bishop e5 i'm not sure if i'm doing the smart stuff here a bit okay i don't have any of those pieces all right none of those pieces you have a bishop you have a bishop oh a bishop okay right great at night finally i'll take this i'll take this now if you don't give me a bishop because i mean i should have gotten a bishop but let's go f4 it's fine there you go i don't think i had an option right oof yeah makes sense it's a rook a night and a night okay i'll take that i'll just move my my rook has just been going back to g8 for the you know this is some high level strat here with rook g8 what do you think the accuracy of our game is it's probably like eight percent or something we should do that you can check it after right we should it'll be probably the flag of spain all red and orange and i don't know it's why it's it's porn a king and a king pawn a king and a king okay so you know what it's time it's time to do what i was meant to do which is develop between 22 000 people watching guys like the stream let more people know what we are doing here we are creating history guys we are creating history by such inaccuracy it's beyond belief historically the game of chess ever played that's the history we are creating if somebody right now is like oh tanya is playing let me see what she's playing oh she's playing alex oh what the hell is she doing maybe like thank god she didn't play the olympian wow you have that's awesome all right it's it's on uh it's my move right okay like did you play yeah you played king okay now it's on alex it's a king king and a queen okay okay that's a good dream i just gave you a like as well thank you yeah alex you've got only one move on the board oh yeah i got a king move okay here we go here we go he's a bold king he's coming forward yes king is a piece in the end game thank come on man okay uh it's upon a rook and a king that's good pawn rook and a king right yeah options here i have to go for for something let's go to b1 uh oh uh oh i'll some i love how you have the eval bar on just to make me nervous it's a bishop a bishop and a queen what's the what is the evaluation of this position because i'm on focus mode so i can't even see it it's 0.4 to black yeah you know point four actually that's a pretty good game then alex this is some accurate chess here okay give me it's fine because if i get a rook i go to b7 if i get a pawn i take it back if you give me three kings i'm leaving okay queen upon and upon okay that's a very nice role yeah beauty look at our pawn structure that's that's actually a very beautiful pawn structure five pawns on the e5 never seen before history wow wow it's a king a queen and a queen you know we should give this game to again waiter to review if you go king c8 rook b8 rook b7 is checkmate yeah the t8 is the only works i have no choice now i need any i need to accidentally now i'm just struggling yeah oh no it's a queen queen night so we roll again we roll again but you know what sami what don't do that yeah but now the thing is i go rook bh he goes king c7 and if i don't get a rook then i'm not screwed it's still fine how if i get if i get pawn king king then how is it fine then she can take my roku bigger risks bigger rewards bigger chillies okay you know what i'm gonna play it because if it turns out bad at least we see somewhere dying it is in the spirit of the position right this move rook uh b8 so i'll just make king c7 because yeah you don't have an option and now just wait wait but alex should he have rolled for you because now the role comes in me and howard no no that all of that stuff is not working here that's honestly our perspective such dave has won the game with rook b7 checkmate alexandra both has loses and my chilies are still there for tonight's dinner so perfection what a game what tanya that was a nice nice finish there i got lucky because of the long castle the long castle killed me but hey the mouse slip is a mouse slip oh man insane insane guys did you have fun playing this uh variant i had more fun watching you have those chitties i really like chess variants in general it's fun to mix it up a little bit so thank you for suggesting this i yeah i hope you play this with your friends also and this was are you sponsored by the app samai no he actually invented this by the way i'm sponsored by i'm sponsored by this thing it's called mama earth it makes your hair better so please guys buy mama's wherever you are ah i have this also i have a lot of products what are you doing shampoo wow shampoo conditioner and i have money so they looked at samaya and they said you know what he should do hair products commercials there you go samai with the luscious hair the most luscious hair on the stream oh but thank you so much for joining guys thank you chat i hope you had fun this was a short session it wouldn't have been had uh both is not long castle but that's how it is it happens it happens thank you so much thank you so much for joining tanya thank you so much for joining alex alex i hope you had fun and i did even though i lost bye bye take care good night chat i shall see you guys later night streaming some of the other game and i'll also be pinning alice's uh twitch so you can follow her over there and subscribe thank you so much thank you so much bye everyone bye so my bye tanya bye alex bye
Channel: Samay Raina
Views: 379,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UT1iUAzYmFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 12sec (3192 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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