hey everybody we are live what up what up what up what up what up so we are live with a nice giri antonio alexandre and of course of course of course with it is late again so everyone go and spam late OB on visits instagram wherever you can just find them write messages and write lado p thanks so much for having us here you're organizing these legendary chest streams I mean are you convenient or an organizer I don't know you're killing killing it nothing to do that you keep coming you guys have not met before like you have met Anish you've not met a guy admitted I got Mira can you please tell us finally what does a guide meter mean no no it's a it's a it's a secret that I am planning to reveal maybe maybe when the channel reaches 1 million subscribers but such an easy trick you have no secret come on it's just a bait yeah well we will find out unprofessional okay guys please write unprofessional Opie wherever you find with it guys please write bad Internet okay because I think that's that must be the issue we did was a very good guy he's always trying to be on time yeah he was late last time as well but I like that you're standing up for him ah nice you guys you the GM's needs some solidarity I said that he's trying to be on time I didn't say he is on time he's trying very hard but he's got all these distractions you know he likes chocolate sweets he got lost on in the kitchen you mean I think I think it's the kitchen yes - to put it mildly Oh hello guys please let me know if everything is correct if my internet is working fine if there is no lag then we can start yeah and four for the four-player are we gonna be doing teams or free-for-all today free-for-all okay and is it is it the width o'clock or without clock I hear a little bit of an echo is it just me who hears it and you know I hear this were laying the stream on my guys please let me know if there's any lag because I don't want to have any lag today all good right subs Angus here perfect perfect perfect okay with it has texted me I can't connect okay let me send I thought Youth Internet he's a good boy I know I know why he's late it's the hair look at his hair he's dead last half an hour working on his hair no actually you know usually my internet works but then the power failure so it's I think electricity would but I hope nothing let's not think about the bad things let's think what the good things today we have with us an H Gary Antonio ready ak I got matter who no one knows who like a what a girl meter means he will reveal it once he hits one million subscribers so please unsubscribe let's keep it a mystery forever I have to adjust the cameras finally you decide hey have you ever played four players before like I know you you have with it no I can say no but there is evidence of me playing its online son so you guys I'll tell you the rules of four play chess for play chess is like normal chess but it's it's four players that's simple okay everything is correct everything is correct but how the pieces capture pieces like steaks why he caught you take six yours is straight we shall begin diagonal night like an L C okay so it's like a huge board and the goal is that everyone has to get checkmated the last person to be standing wins the match like this actual game is supposed to be played four points but we don't play four points we play four Last Man Standing alright okay makes sense but so much you know I am now so I'm just one second and can you capture also I'll pass on you know difficult questions know that you there is no way like you ever um pass on because they you are too far from each other okay but I like that you try to saw you show your sophistication I wish I need to know I got mother well well fitted isn't here since he was late maybe we can gang up on him and then we'll just back I mean I go for one second and no and I think I think I'm a favorite today because like I am like me and we did we are by far higher rated than our opponents but I got much better internet than with it so I think at the end I will prevail on better connection so are you saying we should gang up on you instead since you're the exactly exactly that's the no no you have to like you have to be know your best target should be like being second as long as you like you're friends with me then I will let you leave till the end so you should just aim for a second place that's what I'm trying to suggest okay who controls which pieces well will will everyone is gonna have their own color that they're playing with and I guess we'll figure out who is who soon I think we all also figure out who is you know as you said who's who not only in the game but what's that personality we'll dip it J or not how good is getting tonight I think is what you didn't find out in this game yes it'll be a long game if it's ten minutes per player that habia could be a very long game like it's almost a classical game alright because it's times four it's very deep third deep observation initially your your sarcasm is really shining fruit no no no no I mean that's the thing like by now I've done so many like of these sarcastic comments that whenever I'm honest everybody suspects sarcasm I was actually really just discovering the maths of ten times four I'm so sorry guys for not being able to talk to you properly I was just fixing this bitrate and everything it's a lot of things for my and now we are ready to begin guys so the basic of four glitches I'll tell you some things that you should know the pawn queens at the eighth rank like normal chess and you can capture and push off I don't know if I pronounce it right and you have to make you have to team up because but love if you play by yourself you will probably lose so eventually on being friends your two-bit reference it's it's it's a mess you'll get to know it and yeah you can you can capture ambisonics Julia here it's clear you can deep deep you could probably even have a four-player stalemate perhaps when I see you find out what sort happens you know when you're for chess players playing for britches we try to figure out the game before it even begins all the possibilities of stalemate I never thought of stalemate actually is it even possible here should be I think I still made it in a four-player game before I'm very easy you just give up all your pieces you go with the King to the corner and somebody still might see that's just how we do it yep yeah of course you you can make it like that but in an actual game I need to figured out how to make a drawing within a second yeah Alexander Botha's no space yep sent it to you and Anish yeah yeah my unease give you just my name that's simple all right okay let me just check but can anyone tell me why is it lagging I have like good internet and bit rate is also 2500 I got is like I I know some countries during the coronavirus have lower the bandwidth for streamers but I don't know if India is amongst those countries well you know you can stop the stream and if you want some I can put it in my OB is a last resort but let me just see okay guys we have stopped it and I have started the stream again so let me know if everything is good like for a streamer this is the worst thing that can happen like you know some technical problems this why this why you style it up channel I got murder now it's now it's fixed I guess let me know guys you this is the Indian solution like if nothing works you just start again I mean another another advantage another advantage of having YouTube channels that you can edit with it's out so I get any point so who NHK is going for today all right so I go first I go for the ready for nights some way how are you playing I'm not playing oh why am i you want me to tell the jokes and you play okay I'm alright is it happening a little bit yellow green and blue from the Queen justice are you sure oh no no don't think don't take the bishop no it's complete it's completely that's the point he got the if it doesn't want that you do it no no see you want it want if it is important to happen so much that there's too many mind tricks here okay with this going for a queen guys I admit event back with the knight again to be I'm just checking what's what's happening guys he's just trying to make legally arrested two more steps the Queen so you have to stop it somebody has to stop it who's gonna stop it who's gonna start winning what oh you forget to the central square you get a queen yeah Oh square okay eighth rank the eighth square right okay already you started to gang up against me this is unfair like it's been like one minute since we begin how am I looking or not you guys I'm asking the chat how am I looking with the clean shave guys I was going to ask it but I didn't want to you know and also please let me know if Sangha trying to figure out the game why beans will get the Queen okay well I guess an itch can stop on each plate so I think it's not possible to stop you guys are not trusting me if she and the most experienced player if you team up with me your chances increase so who is up I mean are you tearing up it visit me together come on videos we go we go against we start with my position look I have motivation to pick you up with you you've got the Queen I wanna come up with as long as that I got is playing for the first time but this is probably play this but with it is very strong these very experienced in for play chess so eliminate him first is what I would say is that doesn't make any sense no I'm extending and you listen listen the point is okay first we beat Alexandra I can mother is going to move the head back and forth then me and we you gotta help me out these games are in here to bully us we can't allow this just just move the night back and forth we did why did she do this - it was hanging and I want to see if you are really with me if you take my bishop I know that you're not with me so listen listen look look how I am with you I am letting you I am letting you take my bishop you see what why to show the to show you to show you that I trust you okay fine I mean we have to the streamers have to unite you have to unite because the grandmasters have United Alexandra is about to Queen guys nobody watch see unite with me I'm just here you just put the Queen in front of her poems you'll never Queen yeah that's it no no I have a different agenda now you have an agenda but yeah but since civility is the only one with the second Queen it would make sense to go after him No yeah like this logic why my ship are you sure no I'm defending my own bishops I'm going to capture are you interested in working as a team of course by the unnies not very stressful which means it's your time to shine okay how I don't see how not taking my bishop okay I'm not gonna take a bishop okay I trust you yeah let's just see how we how we destroyed Alexandra so my castle for now no we only teamed up against the villa - we haven't and within will come for you will betray you out of nowhere I'm telling you to get him out first he has two queens I have two ponies I can attack one of his no actually no I would meet a Commodore to attack another see anybody who attacks me is going to pay for it it's not a threat if it's a genuine case of guys everyone like the stream and we have around 10,000 people watching a round of applause guys 10,000 likes girls offered offered first rule of chess never trust with it yeah my LinkedIn the chat oh yes guys please follow Alexander on Twitch I'll have a link but if I do that my internet might go away so I'll do it Anish you're just quitting you know I'm queening my own phone to reach together attack winning will beat her with an extra queen is fine we'll beat her anyway see any of your pieces attacking they are coming forward I'm creating how to attack I got a list you have no shame look at the rating you guys have combined this is like two high schoolers bullying a little it's not a good look come on man you know but it looks very safe I think you have to give that otherwise a potential Queen is very dangerous is it dangerous yeah don't worry I'm gonna plunder it anyway man she's gonna be good let's forget the Queen come on you get three Queens okay we have the Queen kill we've got all the calculation the tactics it's not about calculation it's about the tactics come on look at her position she's got blue kanji 100 there's no social distancing at all there yeah what's your plan I'm just advancing getting some Queens it's Oh God I will use my queen kind of like I don't know like the u.s. army lens it's bigger army to smaller countries just please don't take my bishop yeah Alexandra Aneesh is going to Queen are you are you switch are you going to I'm just saying we got this let's let's kick them out first and then like you're just pushing your pawns that's true Annie she's just playing for himself here I'm gonna do I can try to stop his pawn I'm just curious to see how you're gonna reply don't be curious you have to be something you have to do something let's not trade Queens yeah you can trust me why are you taking my queen I promise I won't take it guys guys you just promoted the Queen eh and now you're trading it it was a waste of time what you did we're not trading and I'm not gonna take his Queen this is to prove this is he's gonna take yours no he won't no you won't tables are turning Anish tables are turning don't do it it I promise I'm not gonna take it I mean it's all on me dude this is too much pressure she thinks we are eldest she says she's going up against us no I'm not ganging up against vidit just against you Gary never dress with it big fan some I can you ask with this for a shout-out jatin jit then we're gonna give a shout out with it shorter to Jeetendra and I had no square for my queen actually I should have put my queen with a train too damn Queen damn Queen don't do it it alright you wait for my Aneesh I mean should I trust you again for the second time what it again I've always been on your side from beginning minute we didn't promote Queens to trade think of the work that the pawn did to get all the way there those years of laboring let's not trade them and I won't take your queen for real man but they should've with my queen have no exact way if you leave it there I'm not gonna take it happen to that little you're gonna get adrenaline leaving your queen on that square serious you've got nowhere to go either I capture you or she captures you've traded I'm not capturing him I'm not taking his queen and he's gonna play in heels like we did you could go to her to her be five go to be fine all right whatever g4 or that way you can go the first rule of like survival is that you have to think for yourself so first rule why all those trade queens yeah but you always need alliances otherwise you're gonna be outnumbered and we're we both have an advantage we're you know moving together here I've never been targeting you with it but I've know squiz they should you have six minutes well you can leave your you can leave your queen where it is because I promise you I'm not gonna take it and Trust is all I have in this world so if I break my trust and no one will believe me for the rest of the game so I have no intention to take your queen here guys everyone like the stream I have a little penny I have other priorities everyone like this I'm gonna crying after that speech if you trade Queens you no longer defend your pawn with the Queen yes [Music] like I want to take that first you again nuts to capture the pawn I mean we have to take out the look worth three I know you're very strong with it but technically Anisha is a little bit more than us he has better internet connection you all get the strongest person that's all I'm saying so I have no reason to take your queen because I want to be second did you have to somehow yeah I can take it I'm trying to decide whether to take you with the night or the king here I mean sorry I meant the night or the Queen if you take with the Queen then you lose the Queen if you take with the knight then again we'll take your Bishop with the church Oh God I trust you I don't I don't trust anything you say anymore I'm going for a visit spawn don't worry I'm leaving my bishop there I got my doors nice and safe there yeah right now if I could also if I could also do a discovery on Geary's Queen I would do it but this way Bishop with your night I don't know what square that is you're doing a discovery check all source do it yeah then she's gone she's gone in no time you do that yeah so basically you want me to eliminate her and then to play against two grandmas I think I okay so everything is very clear and obvious now what's happening what's happening yeah correct correct Oh Ganesha now do something somehow somehow come on Ivan thank you okay no you should only try to show I try to attack Alexander at some point or not we are doing it already we are yeah I mean if you don't go first I got matter is going to meet me because it's clear come on I got another I'm gonna try to help you out here I'm gonna let you take some pieces from him I'm gonna start by well here we go what does a chick a great observation another check just take us just take his night because if you take a night if you do so if you take with it's night he cannot recapture your night with the bishop because yeah yeah make sense make sure okay Alexandra it's really weird again don't even try it teaming up with Alexander after what you did you to me why I keep my word sir guys the chart I'm already apologizing in advance if my power goes off do not kill me both this is also live you can watch it over there just in case something bad happens wait guys what's going on here please do not you could take you can take Aneesh you could take the pawn Nexus King and then we come I can support your queen the one on I too because he's gonna be in check and then it's my turn to check him then we win with the Queen all the way your queen all the way to the way I mean right now I come to the twitch channel YouTube channel and a super chat and you know the blue queen that's all you have to do your queen whoa what is that you I mean I can't even like say what I want to say what the no I think that when you backstab you know I need a back step that was I mean that was so dumb guys you know I was talking the least and the guy who talks the least usually wins so he makes friends with everyone and then you know he sneak events like you could get rid of a guy and you just don't do it it's probably Pam I don't anyone now I mean took that queen from oh there yeah I mean again she still we can still do it guys you get rid of my queen but we can still do it we're nerfing the grandmasters a god I really respect what you're doing I mean it does it just shows it doesn't make sense if you're twenty seven hundred or whatever world's top five I get you have and keep your word I got you have a most important video visits listen me listen to you we have to crushing us we have to unite don't get emotional about it come on emotion go think about this moment right now what's the best place this the stuff you get one opportunity one chance one moment and you lost it okay now it is a bit weird oh yeah he brought his queen from there to attack me it all made sense in my sense I was hearing you throughout the game no and I mean y-you know I played the game no I played the game assuming that everyone looks out for themselves instead you got these weird people who are asking other people for no reason what was that good why not capture one of capture I didn't want to trade no it was you could have protected you somehow yeah okay my queen after what happened before no the thing is I found it doesn't trust anybody well cuz I keep trying to make truths I'm the only person who's never backstabbed I always do what I say I will but nobody's supporting me I didn't backstab because I made a treaty with Aneesh and he broke it so I'm again ready to don't get too emotional about it yeah let's calm down like this let's take the number up to 17,000 if we can take it everyone like the stream if you like it more people will join they will know about this incredible match and okay okay I like Sentra I'm going to lose anyways so I mean there's nothing for me to gain from this match anymore I've lost I already like you at least I want to defeat honish must vanish you're the Grandmaster you know come up with a plan and I'll do my best to support it if I if I have moves yeah I mean I don't care if I lose anymore so I just want I need to lose before me that's the thing life goals okay okay so his pawn if you want but that doesn't really do much I push my pawn to a guy until he loses on time just keep him keep him keep talking about to jump you just have to get them and keep talking to them as long as you can okay I push my pond and then you bring your queen and then you attack on his King something like that does it work what what pawn push are you making just to bring my Bishop wishbone you got it okay let's try that let's try that but okay he's going to I take my pawn so I mean I'm screwed what should I do this is like no once you realize that I got he's got all his pieces still on the board like vice Queen mad at King because she's not allowed in castle what is this joke pankaj II write some good jokes man so what am I supposed to do okay nobody likes me anymore do you guys anybody likes me still here you are you are now the favorite the visit is to crippled so now we have to find out repeated people we did yeah okay let's do this guy's what did he play video okay okay Alexandre you can bring your queen and pin his King I take his Knight and then we made him next move so you are ready to play Queen I thirteen Miss King just pin there is never an I in chest it's from a two like H so and if that's why you're gonna lose this match buddy I'll send you the notes after the game right just pin his King and I'll take his night and you made him on the nation with something like that okay let's let's see if I hope you do it I'm coming yeah I'm coming I mean should not check me have my back please for some for just be noble ok there are too many queens in front of my cooking I don't like exactly exactly with as many queens here I have meeting to it I got better I don't have meeting to with a girl I mean I can take a spawn but take his novel to militar support you whatever you want I'll take his night yeah yes okay now we can still meet him I can take on be on the pawn in front of his king and then you can take the one in front of his business you can make me come on this point but I mean what is your motivation here what eliminate the Strunk so if I take the pot in front of his King Bishop no no but then it's gonna be your turn before his so you take the pawn in front of his Bishop and then he can't stop both checks so he loses okay yeah yeah yeah that makes it but if you take my queen I'm gonna lose so I have to trust you here yeah they trust you I look at for sure because logically you'd rather have him lose than me because I needed okay oh god this is just [Laughter] do you realize you're getting rid of all your pieces I got us there with the full set junsu my for the commentary owes 15 thousands watching please like like this fee make it 20 thousand guys let's see if we can hit 20,000 today also oh my god [ __ ] it what did he play okay just move this Queen and now we can't interact with his pieces or okay why did you take my queen well because we defeated arrange now it's now it's my turn okay so if I get is so reading now oh but she's the only one left we can finish off with it I've lost hope trust everything there's nothing no be sorry guys it was just so ridiculous we did was so mated not to make him was such a sin against humanity ridiculous what justice I think he got justice you know an issue in few years then is going to grow up and he's going to watch this video and you think why did that betray with it I was I was in check I was in checked no way he's talking about me oh sorry okay so I just leave this and then go somewhere I'll let you guys have all the fun you can make them you can do some politics no but I want to say I just want to cry oh this is so ridiculous I never lost in a more ridiculous way can't believe Grand Master is out no but I mean if like if three people start to I've they're ready tools you made it whatever three Duty you guys oh I mean you were completely made up just totally and then oh oh god he's trying I was meeting for sure it only because you tried to attack me why why would you do that I can't killer this is getting another Queen I have nothing left man give me at least one with the Queen guys I'm done with this I'm just done with it I'm just gonna back to my father [Laughter] he goes okay that makes sense I'm just trying to get my King to safety nice one nice when I got great strategy this is the first time we have seen the strategy that just used to bring a night out and they bring nine back in he doesn't need any Queen he doesn't need anything he's happy exactly is really good Oh guys just like the stream 20,000 like why did you turn turn your back against me like we were doing good we were not taking all the pieces we close to be close to win while we were nowhere in fact see me and you here know where at any point in this game I don't even know what to do what does you have to now start thinking about doing something to I get also you let get a queen and then you both get again just kiss me that's the only if yes yes so many pieces you see Cassandra do you care about finishing second behind with it or behind that God what's your choice okay just what I tell you okay okay okay I can help you meet again and then you can win because I have no pieces left anyways okay you guys I'll make the decisions depending on the situation I'm not sure if you if you don't go for I get he's going to win here's the highest number of pieces but he's been such a nice nice nice teammate that's what I'm also nice guys right yes yeah that's what happens see I'm helping you out I'm helping you out if he takes my roof then he's gone so okay well I'm just gonna I'm just gonna make soft gentle moves here yeah like doubling up your looks that's a very powerful move thank you so much Anish how does it feel to be expected I mean I don't know from where some I guess of the energy to to produce laughter here I mean so you are coming for my pieces what you're not letting me Queen what should I do just lost anyways f0 pieces left yeah but it is making good progress here a long time you're very low on time you're only 55 seconds trust me let with it have a queen you both get again okay so my you I can trust so trust me with it please Alex Andre if you give it at the Queen he will beat us both oh okay it's not my move it's I get matches Alexandra better Dupree moves better start coming now okay okay if you don't take his queen we've lost I'm just gonna protect my queen here yeah I don't want to betray the honest one because when there's no trust I have already said I'm not sure that's the problem well should i attack are you you make a battery no you make a battery of grab grab his pawn gated grab d5 form what did I point he's got the defect born on protector grab a grape on I think no great food isn't the way oh you can grab the grape oh yeah you have to grab them first oh yeah no ink do you have knowing oh man you're a no seconds quick oh I'm gonna flag anyway sorry I had to do it bringing my bishop to attack him everyone for themselves say no I'm just if you don't affect me me I will use my queen to help you well what just happened myself I trusted [Music] what you said we don't play on point somebody betrayed a good mother betrayed us all I usually have two points here though I just could only capture two pieces so basically what happens now since with it is in a position where no matter how many pieces you capture you cannot go int points that is why that computer decides that with it has won but oh you tell us who do you think won the match I got on with it just her or me or me perhaps perhaps me the chat I mean Chad you you can still both for me there's nothing stopping you from I mean it's calculated and checkmate checkmate gives you bonus points of course use 20 points here oh yeah sure you saw that from experience this game right charge of spamming visit I got it I got it again Alexandra I told you if you let him Queen he will beat us both and you know what I god I should have listened really I didn't realize there was the points I gave my queen and I get to get immediately so I mean it was basically a sacrifice do you remember when when beat it could have lost like half an hour ago and now you are complaining to each other or while between wydad video to win well guess what this game is super unpredictable but it's very intense like all the bishops staring at each other from the beginning it's really really wild a two-minute match yeah yeah I'm down justice okay sure or free-for-all you let you know I think it's the I think it's too late I don't want to have anyone as my teammate all right all right free-for-all four minutes to everyone okay let me just take a screenshot where initials only two points hey don't don't refresh oh yeah oh yes I forgot the screenshot that oh okay just post it on Twitter I will share it I will not sorry is entry much yep yep accept it I'm ish what's your ID on each lost yeah this is red I got is green like the same game put this is yellow and Gary is these blue three two one the game is beginning guys four minutes three match rematch rematch okay and this one is four points guys this one whoever has the most points wins the game if you check mad you get 20 points okay I need is coming for me that's no no doubt about that I'm just not going to talk the whole game is gonna focus on win guys silence no look at how silent everyone got but no it's we still do have time like it's not it's not four minutes is plenty yeah so everyone I know Gary said he wants to focus we should focus on him I think for this joke he deserves to die really pissed okay just bring your night out and take it in again yeah okay let's not all use this strategy now we're learning from the best Oh God oh that Queen is closer and closer what what okay what's that he took upon I need lego yes we're done with you match Jesus Christ come on guys poison porn no but listen if you all three start doing this I mean I cannot do anything no matter how hard these don't do it don't do this guys don't do this don't do this this is not this is three players against one I still haven't joined okay [Laughter] no but this is these are actually the best moves yeah yeah look everything is safe no she's incredibly safe just guys like reminding you guys we're playing for points this time whoever has the most points wins Anisha already with it already has two points Anisha has 1 point can you top yourself like last time you are 2 points can you this is I am much more ambitious strategy ok that's not talking this time I scared you you checkmated me last time fitted your queen is close and I'm not comfortable here ok but that strategy would have won you some it's fine guys checkmate is 20 points I'm just reminding you Alexandra if I give my check to a cat okay okay guys we have only 7,000 likes make it 10,000 quickly come on man come on guys please here supports why on YouTube guys what is there what is there to like in this video I lost so badly don't like this video like something else you like like my game against Moscow so that I won like that please unfollow from this channel interesting nothing from this you know nothing you learned that bad guys win in the end [Laughter] because it's just very cute in my heart I want an edge to it how can I win when I play against three people it's ridiculous you are really enemies how are you playing against me we are like we're never even gonna meet the YouTube sensation there okay what's that guys there's no other way than ganging up on somebody let's do this I'm ready I'm ready I'm mentally ready for it Alexandre has the safest King now yeah one person is saying with it and he stood for you when you needed it now stand with an issue he backstab me what did you watch in the end I know that's what I'm saying who wrote that message oh this is a complex position guys you have just captured three pieces the fear is real what is that is trying to do have no idea this is just trying to survive yeah it's a two people are coming for me on the queenside I have to go somewhere I think is going to win this game 13 I to safe is very safe I mean so so God's King meaning it's not gonna be me that's already going for the second Queen you know you already have two queens I'm just I'm just saying my pieces are just compact that's all okay okay okay okay we're getting somewhere gettin somewhere okay nicely nicely blocking gear is rockin Queen it's a very nice scouting intense intense oh it's bad let's wait for me to lose internet and that's it good but there's got a queen again yeah yeah I can't handle the Queen's anyway seriously super solid actually nothing we need to make some alliances it doesn't work like this two points he does have two points you're right I don't know guys if you exchange Queens you'll get nine points each just saying oh okay but if we lose the game Avengers usually change everyone in that much time you have to no no I think there's still plenty of time the name of the game it's called chess there is potential there there is a lot of potential there okay look Sandra you're attacking is Bishop right anisha's bishop listen listen listen we gotta trade a bunch of pieces let's trade a bunch of pieces get lots of points and then beat them on points I mean my bishops open for trades yeah oh we are all open for trades here let's just try the bunch and finish it finish it off simply No BSNL okay guys where did I go I got went to fixes internet things by the way okay now it's the office [Laughter] now asking moves on its own okay listen let's just trade a bunch of pieces okay look then trade Queens get some points okay excellent what the hell is happening wait why is he living his King okay I don't know I think there was like a thunder struck and that I lost intranets for like a few seconds 21 points both this with 20 and with it for yeah the game is going on guys the death bones do they count as points as well or not like the dead ones oh no I don't need Frierson points Alexandre let's finish him off he'll win he has the highest points finish you will win the game you have the highest number of points I have no chance at least let's finish a Venetian piece you said that before did you I didn't take your Bishop on the challenge okay before I get me okay I trusted you I trusted you now okay look I'm giving I'm giving a check I'm pushing I'm pushing give another trick Emily sadly what happened oh my god man yes okay give him a check Alexandre I'm gonna give him a check from where to give a check damn boy just 65 square Ian's mate what why are you doing this okay yeah he take your points he's taking pornos oh she was using that week there was no mate okay give him check Jim Joe oh no no I disconnected you have to reload the page guys okay now it says that it says there's a server update in progress okay just giving check check check 31 points oh my god did you know well I mean this is not a game for me you see I can handle one opponent cannot handle three so I should play like to play chess I don't have such game exists but I think but this four player is not for me she's not working I mean like in the same small the same crazy enough to work 20 minutes but whatever you guys prefer so let me say let's do some I gave four minutes just again yeah thank you thank you thank you oh man just let on each window go please okay well I know with my son I also like let him win so that he's happy just saying yes I have sent you a request you're tired of winning yeah he's tired of winning are you streaming also or you're just on YouTube my channel asking no I'm just here to hang out okay so if you want to see where I got mother you know where to find him he's all over the Internet exactly you know my god Matt is the reason I start streaming in the first place because as a know completely person who doesn't know anything about chess his videos are great if you are just beginning with chest so guys please follow him if you haven't already I am pretty sure you following him and with those sweet words I won't I got to win this game I got your green and it's your blue yeah okay red an example have you oh sorry about that sorry about that I think if I win this game will just keep playing although there's still 30 second chests and 15 seconds yeah there is desperate measures one minute is just like insane yeah and you can you pre move like all three dolls no I don't think Pringle works in Fort Lee chess okay if I'm not if I'm right okay page unresponsive I think they could not handle my awesomeness player chest in one minute they they're not allowing it to too intense so I think it just shows that the stream has to end on my victory no I actually think Chazz dot-com is just updating servers don't start the game okay yeah or we do guys I'm gonna get a competitive edge I just read here in Chad that you can enable pre moves and settings so I mean enabling them oh oh you can't I'll do find settings here it's in the upper right corner so my play instead of me oh yeah unable Primos no no we did we did stay there stay there I don't know it's not starting oh no fully it fixes it so all this trash talk is for nothing actually ok I'm changing colors this time alright oh but your stream I see it's like no no it'll be fine hmm maybe you stopped it and yeah it's fine alright three two one it is lagging my friend okay when you change the color it's all but I've changed the colors guys stream is back Jesus Christ already already a check this is super weird oh [ __ ] give me those pawns Oh oh I really messed this one up it's just a refresh okay at least I got some points here there you go I got Amador winning on points mostly cuz I gave you microwave yeah the greatest we are playing for points just reminding you again we are playing for glory oh don't miss that Wow guys colors have changed this time with this yellow anisha's green alexandra is red and again mater is blue don't take don't take so we can go initial on time please don't lose again we'll have to play 30 seconds oh come on I'm losing it completely come on why me okay Alexandre okay thanks no I'm just a gentle player this is nasty need it do it do it do it do it oh [ __ ] Alexandre name is 56 points but she's long time remove everything the bones are coming it seems in this game the stronger you are at chess like the weaker you are at this game so that explains the standings family a man who's a star witness win giri we can try it 30 seconds 30 seconds gonna gamble every 30 seconds just up the stakes we go again hyper bullet are you serious are you serious I need you or say 30 seconds yes I am yes the people did not witness this due to YouTube's light so you guys could have you know that consolation yeah but it's there on Alexandra stream so it's somewhere 30 seconds now yes there's going to be a viral video code defeating widget in really 30 seconds of course I mean we go all the way point if you just want to play good at one-to-one so my have you thought of the title for this video yeah it's crushed everyone or something I mean I just want refuted initially be three in a row if you win this also I will change the name to a niche Garry was defeated thrice by with a Gujarati that's the name alright three two one it loses in something like 30 seconds the worst 30 seconds in Vedas life I'm doing everything I have no peace is losing this is the one we're gonna print screen' yeah this is the one okay is there beyond 15 seconds it's the last one I promise now this is the shortest and control there is okay you know Alexandra you should win this which will be the only one who did I thought there was nothing for me to lose but there is yeah beginning but wait for it [Music] what in the last um I do not understand what was happening it was please you know we found three moves yes but it's hot pick a square here the squares are too tiny 1/4 1/4 pointed with possible problems it's called hyper casual guys this is a hyper casual game you can tell whatever you want and if you Louis we did he lose he just didn't win then back step was so painful still fine is it all fine Anish jota what is like the most favorable situation for you we want you to win man we don't want we we are here for you do you want us to resign as the game starts I mean that's the best chance or something now you know it's just um it's just me pretending you know I'm actually just happy I'm just happy here having fun you know playing with my friends a good time is not about social gathering it's just bringing happiness to each other and VL Maxime is saying he's enjoying this match almost as much as any Sh no lags but I'm just waiting I'm not shutting the game until the lack goes away so guys how's it going inside anything good when was the last time you won just just ask I won when was the last time you won again like only my memories like last last two games of this fourth paper so I think I've never won again okay it sounds great Oh fifteen seconds come on yeah okay if if Gary doesn't win now we flip coins but it's not about winning now sleep no sleep no sleep what happened to again I say I guess it returns also go on what is happening today yeah no I'm here I have so many queens okay no I'm still there oh you are you're moving oh my god okay okay you're stealing my mojo but give you even both a new Mouse yeah yeah no I think I'm prepared for this okay I have all the equipment I mean this game should last like 24 seconds what this is what this is this is insanity no this is in ten seconds what are you going to do I'm gonna go with nothing ten seconds move the light back and forth ten seconds is insane is it ten or six oh it's six oh I'm first no oh wow at least it's not mate oh yeah that's that's too fast I did made someone though please I just jump from ten points to like pound ridiculous study did you see I managed to construct a mating a net in 15 seconds or in six seconds I constructed the mating net and I'm getting like it's just unbelievable fire there is conspiracy here okay I mean I'm done I'm done with this dream and all this stuff thank you guys for a nice to meet you I don't want to speak to ever you know to anyone ever again don't worry don't be upset hugs are dangerous one 1/2 meter piece are you fine I'm not fine sheesh 6 seconds I don't know if the lag sorted in it by that time or not but to win Alexander won again and is staying home disappointed I think I will tear your memory so let's just recon I won three game then I guess won one game alexandra won two games and punished what was the counts of my like do you guys remember it was less than two I believe please everybody follow videos for his great sense of humor and his wonderful jokes this when they will ask you know what was the moment that your friendship with Vidya this thing French you finally broke this video is going to be like that moment in history where I point to and say this is when it's finished it finished like 45 minutes ago when you took my this is for you for me finish right now it's like it's like monopoly only better I love this thank you so much for organizing it semi the MVP I'm going to tag every one of you guys please follow them on Twitch everywhere right good things to Enosh cheer up Aneesh you guys go please please spam his Instagram which hero punish yes thank you Andy so everyone loves you and H no matter what happened today and within there was some incredible play but this thank you for joining again made a little of you man if not for you I would never be streaming and I'm really sorry if my internet lag might I don't know what happened but that's alright the show must go on and we must go on to have dinner so thank you all for coming here in different time zones yet can you tell us what is the time in your area it's a 3 p.m. so just one lunch time with it same time zone as TPM my have liked its I'm upset o'clock I don't know it's 6 a.m. see you guys Wow this is dedication no I mean now I don't feel bad losing the last two games I mean somebody really deserved it wow wow you ruin your sleep for this it's okay I had to be up for common because we're gonna do in commentary anyway so why not a little earlier and it started like one and a half hours ago so it was like 4:30 a.m. when it started 3:30 and I still got here before you vide you have no excuses a man my goodness no but this changes everything yeah now it's all seems a new perspective it's close to thank you guys for joining I hope I see you again on my stream soon and again I hope I see the analysis of this game in your stream Aneesh thank you of course I was going to analyze the one on each one but the one that got away this on your channel just last question oh yeah I could I could definitely I don't know we'll see I think we all negotiate with yes twenty-five to thirty thousand four thousand Australia if everyone says cheer up on each we love you I think it becomes the last you know the nails coffee now also destroy his Instagram avoids it okay okay not even dm's just tag him I share the post just put it on the post and story and share it as much as I can Alexandra you too right I got it I got it yes so we'll do you still here she already started recording a new video [Music] hello everyone still a gamma domain so to know what it means he needs to reach 1 million subscribers so everyone go and subscribe to Antonio one day we'll probably know what I got my domains thank you so much everyone nice to finally talk to you even online thank you so much thanks guys he's releasing video with it is going to release a video right now like in the next 15 minutes I think on is YouTube channel so everyone go and see it it's a hilarious video I've seen it it's not a stand-up video but it's the chest we knew you will have fun watching it and with that let's say bye bye Abby public public so it's there is there a video is there and please watch it please subscribe to his channel and please like this stream thank you so much thank you bye yeah thanks goodbye maybe toast Oh castle Agha masakinakum' mother Meera Adam a quad stretch Mehta Yamaha my subcommittee but Messiah Maserati huh million if it's a pokemon killing it's just killing a pop G killing it everyone please subscribe to my channel a lot of stuff happens here I'm not a great chess player but I love to