Dice Chess with Tania Sachdev and @SamayRainaOfficial

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hello everybody i'm samaya rana  all the way from pakistan kashmir you should start streaming definitely cute  i'm glad you like it there's alex desana everything we need always happy to see you tanya  it's been a while to see you it's been a while it   has today we're going to play some fun variants  of chess there's one variant dice chess and then   there's a new variant it's called poison pond and  that's some variant i am i've created i'm i've   tried it only once that too uh not like you know  in a proper big stream so i'm trying to experiment   something today like how you experimented  the queen's game decline variation i'm also   experimenting but hoping it will it will not be  hero yeah i hope it will go better for you semi   than my game against tanya the first to say that  but i didn't want to sound mean but uh welcome   guys in the chat if you have any questions please  ask uh you know you can two very very talented uh   players we have and also we have tanya and uh what  is going on here is this like a tanya rose stream   oh wait oh uh yeah it's fine we're back now yeah  i thought we lost each other for a moment while we   were back what was the news has some news for you  anna take it away we need to because i was telling   tonya that as a preparation for today's match i  was watching the dice chess match between tanya   and alexandra and i really loved the idea that the  ladies had tanya came up with this brilliant idea   that you had to be eating chili every time  there was a blunder due to the dice roll   we're gonna be nice to you and not bring  back the chili theme just yet but we do   have a different challenge for you which is  we heard of your amazing singing skills am i   we know you're a great singer we know you want  to perform for thousands and thousands of people   so we're going to let you do that every time we  plunder we need you to rap either about today's   stream about the chess community anything  you want to bring on as a performance do you   fine i can't say no i have been  taught to yes and whole my life   now i have to say yes thank you thank you for  putting me in that spot all right cool let's   do it yeah the watching is going to drop today  because i'm going to sing something and yeah   let's let's go it's going to be legendary i have  to change the title of the stream to cringefest   and let's go so uh for the first game that i've  planned it's daish's you have already seen dice   just so there's not much to explain but still to  the viewers on anna's stream who might not have   seen it daisus is basically i have three dices on  my screen uh on youtube you can see it is sam a y   space raina there are three dices on the screen  i roll them and then they show each dice has one   piece on its face and there are six pieces in game  of chess spawn rook bishop knight king and queen   so when the road dices are rolled uh you have  the option to choose any of the faces that it has   for you like for example if i roll it now it  says uh queen bishop and pawn you have to move   one of these unless it's a forcing move it's  a forcing move then you just make the forcing   that's it and that is nice chest so so the  whole idea is that just me and anna are not   going to be the only ones who will be tortured  here janta will be tortured with your with your   singing somehow will be tortured because he has  to sing it's going to be a torture festival can   we do the chili one instead no the chili was  a warm up for what's to come which is now   fine it's your moment to shine some eye here  that'll get that'll drop that's fine and uh   tanya is with the black pieces and eyes with  the white pieces and let's see what you have in   uh you have a pawn a bishop and a king i  guess my only option is pawn in that case   yeah that was that was a good role as long as  you get a pawn or a knight but not like you   can do anything else yeah you have a pawn a queen  and a bishop all right let's go one guy's saying   how come the guest mics are always better than  summers thank you eddie thank you for that fan art that's the only love swami's getting from his  pants it's a bishop a knight and a king um i   could play king e2 inspired by carter  but i think knight f3 is a bit better   i'm telling you this game in this game bigger  risks bigger rewards rook queen and a knight   um okay let's go this is very normal so far i  am loving very normal but you're also just on   move too so it's fine imagine if you get like  40 normal moves it's like a normal game and   i think it's just the calm before the storm i feel  like it's a rook a pawn and a rook a rook upon a   rook well it's very good actually yeah um i'm just  thinking if i go d4 which would be normal in the   cecilia and what are the consequences because  tanya can get a knight or what is the problem oh no oh no don't walk into that one um yeah i  might just i might just do something else i think   um i think you have to and you can't go  very safe on this i mean i'm not trying to   yeah i think like g3 and all is not a good idea  yeah i was thinking of g3 but you convinced me   i need to be brave tanya i need to be brave d4 you  can do this anna you have a pawn a pawn and a king   you know i think sam is giving us all these roles  so that he doesn't have to drop a freestyle yeah   but uh we we can mess this up for him for later   it's a horrible song coming guys it could it could  it could happen now it's a pawn a pawn and a queen   wow i mean i can take the pawn back  with the queen if i feel really lucky   that's uh yeah that's quite that that'll be too  much i think i'm just gonna go for it if you   want have you been having a lucky day so far um i  live in ireland so people tell tells me i i should   feel lucky i should feel the irish charm upon my  shoulders but i'm just going to play c3 so gambit   it's a bishop a knight and a king i can only  move at night all right that's fine that's fine   as long as there's a knight we got this  oh it's a rook a king king a beauty   i feel like i feel i feel there's  a song incoming on this not yet i   two kings excuse me two kings you have rooks here  what a great move no you have rook b8 i guess i'll   eat it with my rook yeah oh sorry you are looking  fami i think just for that you need to see him it's a queen a bishop and a knight a queen a  bishop so a knight you mean all right let's go   for it anand is saying big fan of anna thank you  so much i i would be a fan of gaining material   though capturing something that i would be a big  fan of that you know you know what's amazing is   whenever we whenever i've gone for tournaments  and anna's there so the last few years normally   anna's commentating in these events and i've  always seen there are more people who want   like photographs and autographs with  anna than with the players themselves so yeah same about you tanya and you're killing  it as a player too because i already stopped   competitive chess but latanya has  her grandmaster norm and she will   be collecting more once the world  goes back to normal i know that   look at look you have so much so much faith in me  that's because you're a very strong player and i   don't know how you managed to combine competitive  chess and media work because for me i had to   i thought i had to pick i just couldn't keep  up with both i think at some point you have to   pick like there's no other way to do it otherwise  you're just kind of sailing in both boats and not   anyway move on yeah bishop a queen and a bishop  this is becoming a career therapy session   no i also like quit accommodative chess uh  before i was born only yeah yeah yeah bishop   the good days i'm gonna tag that night  and hope that you don't roll a knife   that's a good move please no please no it's a  bishop a night and a night now the big question is   super tempted to go night f2 because i feel  that's what the position is begging me to do alex had it against you and i know that  you were afraid of it so you played knight   e4 against her too to try to protect it  twice but yeah it's uh the roll of the dice   will i get the king will i get to move my  queen right now then i'm going to can i   get it the thing is even if you go king  i feel i'll have some compensation so   don't take it to f2 i don't want  to sing you know what let's do this you better not get a king give me  a cake please king king queen rook   queen bishop okay you're still safe semi  you're still safe but who knows for how long   the thing is i may or may not get a knight yeah  and then my bishop is gone i don't think i'll get   a knight because he's rolled tonight so many what  are the problems bishop rook that's disgusting   why did you take your knight that's  unacceptable that does count as a   blunder no because tanya's losing  her night if i get a queen or cake   okay so is that going to happen after i make  the move before so i mean you need time to   hey tanya why you take your knight to f2 you  could have taken it to g5 and made it better   remember to bring your knight back to  safety and you can all make it better   that was hey night by the beatles thank you  to enjoy such cringe just make more blenders   i don't i don't think i'm capable of making a  move anymore like i'm i'm in shock right now i i   uh what were the pieces that i had rook rook and  king right yeah it's no no no no no no rook bishop   poor tanya can't move a bishop i i really uh  anna first can you just give sami some marks   out of 10 on that singing that he just  did oh i thought it was a 12 out of 10. she's just like too sweet the audience is so so  what's the audience saying huh justice for beetles   uh justice i have only poison can cure me from  this okay you know what let's i i don't have   an option because it's real crook bishop i  shouldn't think so much okay let's go please   give me a king or queen though king or queen rook  and a rock oh yes i mean it's not a blunder for me i wish i could protect my bishop but knight e5  just exposes yet another piece i don't know if   i should do that because i'm worried that you're  gonna get the knight and then i need to get the   queen in order to take back true true so if  i played knight t5 i would have a chance to   take back with the knight two but the knight on  e5 then can be captured with your other knight   but either ways i'll need to get a  knife what's the probability of that   don't get into that man what's the problem will i play knight e5 and take a risk or will i  just make a rook move i could also i could also   play rook f1 and then i have three pieces that  some i could roll for me so that i take that   knight maybe that's the best approach i'm gonna  go for that and hope that you don't roll a horsey   no horses i have a feeling a knight is coming  because no no no no no no no no no no no no no   no that's very smart i like i i mean the way  you're thinking this out i really yeah so guys now   if thanos does not get a knight it's very highly  probable that anna might get a king a queen or a   rook and i'll leave that to you guys to calculate  the probability of that yeah and then it's high   what somebody's saying is highly probable that  we listen to another song i already sang for you know that you shouldn't be doing  that oh my god yeah you're right this   this was a very new play by me and i forgot how  to all the things that i've been taught in my   chess career and now i'm being punished for it  you know this is actually reminding me of my   game against alex where alex was given to move her  rook so many times and she had to go rook g8 okay   yeah rotate it so i'm gonna just follow that  and come back but now i need one of those   three pieces one of those three oh thank you i  mean that's very high challenge yeah and a king i think i'm gonna try to castle what  i'm gonna try to cast that way nice   that's interesting it's a pawn a rook  and a bishop okay let's go nice what if   anna does not get a bishop you get  a pawn and then you get a pawn again   oh please don't no no no no no really far  that's like being super hopeful it's a rook   a king and a king i like it i like it one we  moved one step closer to the dream oh no oh no   okay epic if that happens i will cause so that  was my plan but please no pawns now no no i do   have like a million pawns for the piece that  i've sacrificed and zero development really ugly   position for black you have a king king and a king  so i roll again that was so rare that oh i also   forgot to tell you one important rule in this game  which i will tell you after like five more moves   that doesn't sound like a very important rule  then it's a rook a rook and a king poor tanya   okay that's just ridiculous that doesn't make any  sense this is scripted this has to be scripted   what do you mean a rook rook and a king you  roll that like five times already what are the   i'm getting angry now there's just some i wants  to make sure that i have a good time on my first   appearance on his show that i will want to come  back in the future i wouldn't put it past him   what's going on here you're the most unlucky  person there why would you take knight f2 yeah   you were winning listen last six rolls you've  given me such bad roles it has nothing to do   with knight f2 what's happening in my life right  you want to do you want to do the luck change the   way i i just throw a roll of dice in the air and  then everything switches so your luck goes to anna   and anna's luck comes to you you know what i'm  saying ah so after this i'll just roll one which   is not counted and then the next one i'll make  a move it's fine it's fine no this one though   anyway you have to move okay thank you let's do  the luck changer guys let's do the luck change   so am i making a move or not yes you have  to withdraw crook and king yes this is very   irritating i i don't like this there's a  super chat sing thanks so much my friend   woke up from a coma to turn off the stream  when you started singing we owe you this one all right so anna if only we have your consent  so this role of dice that now i'm going to do   we're going to discard it okay just discarding it  so your luck is going away and then tanya's luck   will be your luck you get what i'm saying oh you  mean like that so basically yeah but i hope that   i will still have some luck so this one is gone i  mean do you have veto power on this somewhere can   anna and i decide if you want our luck team i have  i have every power i can just do whatever i want   sorry except play good chess all right so now the  next one is mine right it's a night knight in the   queen i like it i need to get rid of this pawn so  did you don't you have to roll it again i did i   discard one what what was the discarded one can i  stop on either way your pawn was dying that's fine   but this is very dangerous for me have you seen  my pieces okay don't worry paul was such a danger   look at the position i have i don't have anything  else to do but to worry right now but now you have   anna's luck with you okay let's go that is  a rook a pawn and a queen okay there you go   development i can i can pretend to  develop um let's go with this move king queen and a rook all right i mean i could go  for something brave and bored with the queen but   go brave i want to no i don't know if that's a  good idea i'm gonna i really like the rook on   the f5 i don't want to move it but i guess  i guess in dice chest it's also more about   making sure that those pieces will not be  captured so how can i lose either queen or   rook why am i getting the feeling  that you have really prepared for this   my preparation was watching your match against  alex so we watched it with my viewers we really   liked it so thank you so much for the show but  that's all i know about the ice chest thank you   how about that planned out how about knight  g5 just oh wow not only am i losing but now he   says but i don't have a night i'm going to move my  king so that there will be oh yeah you don't have   a night oh yeah look at me that's what i do maybe  i should ask somewhere to help you more knight a   pawn and a rook this dice really loves rooks man  yeah once more you say a rock and it's rage quit okay what what uh right a pawn and a rook i wanna go on knight d4 but i  think that's just me on tilt   something are you giving away  another night yeah i think   um that's ridiculous that's very uncalled  for uh let's try a pawn let's let's go aggressive it's a knight a bishop and a bishop  okay i can develop my bishop and the temple how   do you get all the developing and i get  all the blunders and the ten times rook   tie through and the question is if i play bishop  g5 if tanya gets to move let's say queen will   she dare to take my bishop and whatever don't get  the knight or pawn pawn push to f6 and that would   also make my bishop hanging back as you said  big rigs big risk big reward i'm going for it   this is not big risk vigorous could be bishop  to 8 6. your bishop is defended on g5 you're   attacking my queen there's no risk here oh  man daniel i'm very scared for you what if   you don't get a queen now and i i'm very scared  i'm very scared for the janta summit because   that would mean you'll have to sing again oh man  please yes you are a king a king and a queen oh   because if it was three kings this  time i would have to play king d7   on the board now the big question is will  dhanya be brave and take knight g5 oh   tanya b tanya and play queen d7 i mean d7 no  but you know i was having this conversation   with a friend last night about the thin  line between being brave and being stupid   what should i do now um i have to move my  queen you know if you would have given me   a pawn i would have been so happy but you  haven't okay so queen g5 i'm very tempted we all need to get a knight if you do it tanya  you already sacked the knight and that's all i'm   saying the thing is you know the problem is anna  if i go queen g5 even if you don't get a knight i   have to get a queen in the next turn that's true  because i could capture it and later too that's   a bit annoying so but i don't have a brilliant  square for the queen that's the other problem oh this is such a crap position i think it's now  all about your personality you know what you know   what um you know what actually i think this could  be the best move for the queen after a lot of   thought so let's go with this okay let's see what  would have happened had you taken queen to g5 okay   would and i have gotten a knight yeah let's say no  no no i wasn't the queen but that's the thing now   we need to see would i have gotten the queen on  the next move as well true very true so i can move   a bishop a king or my queen i think that that will  be another bishop move um i'm gonna play this and   try to take on c6 if i go that's smart that's very  clever and that's stressing me out there you go   you have a pawn a queen and a pawn what is there  you go about that people tell me you should queen that was too much i mean that was too much okay uh   so what did you say is my  pawn queen on queen and pawn oh this is super annoying okay  okay let's let's go with this   yeah she has an edge he has a completely  winning position i'm written in the chat   anna has an edge in this game as long as she  has a lip balm engine i do have it with me   that's the references of the video that i  saw on again mirror's channel please watch it   okay i need a bishop semi i need a bishop or  you're gonna sing king king rook um i hope that   just kill the bishop put a king inside his  head didn't move it back in time now he's dead   mama life had just begun now my bishop is  damn so sorry mama did it mean so much to   sing and i and tanya you're watching will go down  to zero damn to zero cause nothing really matters   thank you thank you beautiful thank you guys i you  know anna i don't think we thought this through okay now give me give me a point i need to sorry i  need to make a rook move i'm going to move my rook   here and i'm still trying to  take something let's say rook   d5 for for i think this is like a  beautiful position that you have it's a knight a king and a queen  i think you guys don't think it   so now it's like you're getting oh no a  queen enough king okay that's disgusting   i can't move this knight i can't move this  king anywhere i have to move my queen and   where am i supposed to move my queen okay  chat saying freddie mercury died again yeah oh my god anna you're destroying me  you're you're killing me and not only as   long as i can keep my luck because it will  depend on just one more word can we switch   luck again because i feel like this this  is not cool okay i don't have an option   what i had what okay don't say what because  please give me a better move still have your   luck because it's a king king and a knight that's  not my luck samaritan she does not have a bishop   no so her bishop is no but she has a knight  do you know what's gonna happen to me that is you need a pawn no i don't need a pawn it's pinned what did i get you what a command i don't want  a pawn what has a pawn and a king okay queen   you know the funny thing is i feel like my  queen is almost trapped so it just feels   so pointless to even move it will you dare  and go where should i dare and go queen h2   oh man you have no moves i literally have  no you have coin a5 yeah but it's hideous   what if she does not get a bishop you get a queen  okay this is just the worst game on the planet   ever anna it's a pawn a night and a night  all right i mean it's not bad but not bad also for instance if i were to make  the move knight c7 i cannot win with   a move like it i guess because it will  be rolled until tanya can take my knife   so that's not a good option there's another thing  that if you go knight c7 she might get a king and   then she moves but that's very risky no but i  don't have a king square so i have to you have   to roll till you have to kill this queen because  that's the only move pawn night night i think one   of the good options or interesting options  would be b4 if i feel lucky but queensland   my queen and known man for like two moves but  also uh am i afraid of queen takes b5 because   then i should play a4 to have a second piece that  can be wrong no but then you'll have at least   knight and queen because you can go knight c7  and check c7 would be crazy wow will will you go   that's very interesting v4 is just a beautiful  move that's begging to be played i think it's   got to be played and we'll see if i get lucky  or not before it is and i i don't i want to cry   i know i'm sorry tanya tanya that's it can  you can you read it out i don't know oh no   oh no tanya what is it we're gonna  have a very special song for you tanya   a one minute performance by summer he has  written it just for you pawn knight and bishop okay that's actually not bad is it not bad yeah  actually yeah yeah there's a bishop i can think   bishop b4 why are you guys so negative about my  position stop being such oh i almost had a heart   attack and the audience also yeah the audience  more than anyone i'm also very tempted to go hg5   because anna would have to get a pawn to win my  queen but if she does then it's just game over   i think bishop b4 is the the move to play  i don't know can i ask chat if i should   play hg5 or bishop b rather just saying no  no not again not again that's all there is they're not talking about our chess we  know what they're talking about okay so i need a knight a bishop there you go a bishop  a king and a queen now you just need anything   anything is used for you right now  there are no bad moves in your position   yeah i'm lucky that nothing is in danger and  bishop c6 i think is a good move because tanya   will need to get a pawn look at this position man  the bishop is attacked the knight is attacked the   other bishop is attacked this is this position  is what i did position from a game of mikhail   it's a bishop a bishop and a queen  oh my god i'm leaving bye rage quit i i don't think i can do this  at least you didn't get a rook   i it's better to have gotten a rook because then  you would have to throw it again right like roll   the dice again yeah at least it will be legal so  i have to go bishop d7 right i don't have a move   you what did you say bishop or you go yeah yeah  you have a bishop bishop and queen yeah so i   it's false all right all right just don't give  anna bishop and we can be friends again summon queen pawn and the king all  right now now this works okay   so this there's a move that's really tempting  but it's very risky i think we need to   might be too risky i don't know if i can go for it  that could either win the game or throw the game   what are you thinking are you thinking queen in  sex yes okay between six what if she gets the king   yeah the problem is she checks the problem is she  would need to get a king or a bishop and no bishop   yeah so i think the the issue there is that it's  it's a bigger risk because of the illegal move so   it cannot be other it cannot be a rook it cannot  be a queen it has to be for me a bishop or a king   yeah i think i made it to you right  because it's too much it's too much   what when i'm playing a move then  you're all like gold big risk big reward yeah i'm gonna i'm just gonna make a  pawn move because i have a pawn queen   or king king i don't really wanna move  i'm gonna play a3 to attack the bishop   you know that queen e6 was  very interesting because oh   what what i don't like that face anna you would  have one because she has a king a rook and a rook   oh if i had taken had you taken okay wait i  haven't moved my king yet i can castle technically   right yeah but somebody's saying if i had taken  on e6 you would have had to move your king that is   true but it didn't happen it didn't and now i told  you big risks rewards all right let's go she can't   sold how i'm gonna wait i'm gonna give mate like  this semi i spoiled it you just literally went on okay i'm gonna take the bishop attack the  queen yeah thanks you know what i wish you   had gone queenie six so that this entire  game could have just ended and this whole   thing would have stopped for me because  this is now just going on and on it's   look it's your lucky day it's a pawn  a night and a rook finally oh no   that's a song that is a song that's because it's  a song only if you take it it's not a blunder yet   it is a blunder because my queen goes  everything's gone what am i even playing   with my life is over tanya i'm telling you you  it's very very unlikely that she'll get a pawn   yeah obviously i have to take now i'm thinking  i should take the bishop probably right because   they think which piece to take that is oh yeah  because clearly that's going to define this game   yes so many of my pieces are hanging  that is true and i need to get a pawn   to capture the queen oh my you know i just want  to say one thing okay what if you get a pawn   in the next move if you get a pawn in the next  move what's going to happen i need because this   has been a very difficult last 10 minutes for me  and i feel like you know what if she gets a pawn   if i get a pawn then anna has to sing no if  anna gets upon them what yeah let's do it   look at what i've gone through look at look at  the pain that i've gone through in the last 10   minutes look at the pain that the audience has  gone through look it's a pain that you know the   audience has gone through anna you have the option  you can either because i know you dance really   well she dances well i have the perfect song she  is a dance she's got she have you not seen her   instagram that [ __ ] we're doing this anna you  have to yes and everything in life robot dance   movement and you know everything she's amazing at  it so that's right i have the perfect song anna   okay well if i get a pawn and dancing i do pick  dancing over singing because someone somebody's   our singer here okay so i will be singing to the  song if i get to dance i i think i'm going to do   that playing the song i'll be singing along the  song that i'll be playing no no no no okay fine   we can do it like that same sings along with the  song anna dances if anna gets a pawn okay and i've   made my move chad knows what song is incoming  please chat everybody wish anna gets a pawn i   you know i never thought i'd say this banana i  wish you get up on and there you go some bishop i'm happy and not happy at the same time let's go   are you ready oh no all ready for this i am  so ready for it i need to take the queen but   it's gonna cost me a dance performance with some  eyes singing in the background i think it's worth   it i think it's worth every single queen you've  ever taken what is the song i'll need to perform   maybe if anna prefers a song maybe we can play  that song bro is there a better song than this is there a choreography i need to follow  or i just need to improvise go for it   but you're gonna be singing yes foreign thank you that was amazing and you know what was amazing  was that the way you danced i felt like you   understood the song did i talk to them what is  this song about you know when you did when you   did this and actually at that time he was saying  some he was saying um why don't you explain yeah   it's a song about removing all negativity from  your life no also you push away the negativity   oh i know the literal meaning is actually  that the trash the waste picker has come   give him your trash okay nice but it's all a  metaphor for life you know that i like it and   for that reason i'm gonna take that queen thank  you thank you that was a very deserved queen anna and now i think daniel it's a rook  a rook and a knight can i resign   you can okay you know what before i  resign i'm gonna take one chance my queen   you're gonna attack my queen that's what i'm  thinking let's just go for it yeah i think no that's anna yeah that's what i'm  saying yeah but she can still block it   she can take cointex biduna oh i also have a queen i'm sorry tanya maybe next game warlock okay  fine what what do i get if i get another rook   i'm going rook b8 i'm going all jnk let's  go okay well wait a second if tanya is going   that bold and brave do i actually want to  take that rook or will i block it because i   could play it safe i could i could bring my  bishop back and i just take the god damage   okay i'm taking it and now i'll tell you  the rule that we have saved for the last and another rule is whoever is in a losing  position towards the end of the game   we give them one chance and one chance only  you have a chance tanya just name three pieces   and if those three pieces show up on the  dices as you say them you win the game what   yes but the probability of no the probability  of that happening is very very low i don't even   think i have three pieces left somewhere no no  you have to just say three pieces and if those   three pieces show up on the dice i see highly  unlikely yeah it is but one day it'll happen   that day i'll get great content but what that one  day that it happens maybe that today's the day   it could turn the tables like that avengers  thing right like one in so many billion realities   there's no reality in which it can happen it's  it's very unlikely okay so should we do it now   you can only do it once okay so i want to  play right now because i have another plan   all right it's a king a bishop and a  queen okay i don't want to play right now you can't get to play rook b8 yeah i mean what  do i being a bishop and a what king bishop the chances are 0.46 that's very less and that  was the chance of you winning by the way uh pawn   king and pawn yeah but i'll probably use that when  i'm about to die which is very soon i think burn   king and pawn okay give me a pawn if you give  me a pawn then you know i'm still breathing somebody say something good now queen pond okay okay so now now do i think  i have to take the knight and i think   i have to take it with um so that i can play  like some crazy move like bishop h3 later on   oh if i win this game that would be a comeback  like no one's ever seen yeah that come back then   tell me about bishop bishop and king bishop bishop  and king well i think this bishop has been dead   on g5 for so long i'm gonna chance it and take  the pawn on h6 oh yeah that's that's threatening it's a bishop a rook and a rook oh my god i  had to take my my thing that thing with the   dice roll yeah you need to hi mommy she could  do it next she could do it for my turn because   they're going to do it it's like that money in  the bank uh in wwe you can cash in at any time so what do i have just you have a bishop a rook  and a rook i don't even have a pawn now no all   right whatever you know what i hate you anyway  so it's fine okay and i have to make a move wait   and now no tanya i'm reminding you now you can  you can uh cash it in no but i have to cash it   in on my turn any turn on any turn oh yeah  do it now oh i will of course do it now anna i don't think i have it i'll have another  opportunity in my life to do it okay let's   go bishop a6 and i call for my um devil card  okay the devil card is on the table guys let's   see what tanya chooses i choose i have to pick  three pieces i pick oh my god i pick a pawn i pick i pick a knight yeah you can  also choose one more nights like   porn nightmare also can come i'm just saying  yeah even though she doesn't have two nights   i'm i'm not gonna do porn night night i'm  gonna pick three i'm i'm gonna pick pawn night   what should i pick somebody so random guess  nobody knows are you sure you don't know no   what's chad saying how can anybody guess this  man i don't know it's too much pressure on me   just believe in yourself okay fine i think i  think oh i picked up paul knight and bishop   pawn knight bishop and if that shows up  my mind will blow pawn knight and bishop no it's a pawn bishop and you almost  did it you almost did it tanya oh my   god oh my god you just said for rook and  bishop you would have won the game but   there you go and now to finish it  off in style not yet we have rook pawn and rook okay that's fine i i'm alive   you know it's not over till it's over anna  you saved your rook of course you will   it's a rook a king and king okay seriously  like you can now attack my queen that's and a bishop and we have the cleanest  checkmate of dice chest yet by anna and tanya   that's a checkmate no yeah i can see it's fine you  played really well and i'm dying on the inside i   got destroyed and i had like no charge at all  this was very painful and everything began with   you going knight g2 knight f2 everything i thought  you were supporting it i thought you liked it i   thought you wanted her to play it no no it was  just like today was not her date and dice just   it's you can't predict anything tanya it's okay  you're just an unlucky person and that's awesome   because i got a covet test and i just got the  result that it was negative like was it was it no   sorry thank you so much for watching  this was streamed live on my twitch   channel where i stream full time five  days a week do catch us live next time   or follow the highlights and the votes here  on my youtube channel in either case i really   appreciate your support thank you so much  again and bye for now until the next time
Channel: Anna Rudolf
Views: 63,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anna Rudolf, Anna Chess, chess, subbattle, Twitch channel, chess stream, botez gambit, blunder, twitch, twitch chess, sub battles, sub, chess battle, Anna_Chess, chess videos, chess commentary, chess video, chess.com, chess analysis, live stream fails, Subwars, twitch highlights, best moments, top clips, chess sub battle, twitch troll, Samay Raina, Samay Tania, Tania Sachdev, dice chess, Anna Rudolf Tania Sachdev, chess variant, chess match, Samay raid
Id: ounJCaykP5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 44sec (2684 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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