Fall guys ft. Alexandra Botez, Tania Sachdev, Karan Singh Magic CHILLI CHALLENGE

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hello hello hello welcome welcome welcome guys how are you one second so guys today we are here and this is not tanya sachdev guys this is uh no no this one this the other one he is currency magic for uh alex's stream he is one of india's top magicians also the only magician and uh and today we are here to play fall guys but with a little twist which is basically a chili challenge can you see the chilis you can't because can you oh my chat can't see it because i have a green screen and the chillies are green so they have become black yeah and so you have to play very well then so the rule is basically anybody so either any person who gets eliminated it has to take a big bite of the chili so i have like 20 chilies with me and i am a good player so i probably will not finish all of them i have played i'm like on level 25 what level are you on oh so current by i think you have to eat a lot of chillies beautiful guys tanya will be joining us in another 10 minutes and meanwhile karan bhai please oh beautiful no sound can you say something oh how dumb of me man i expired all the jokes that's all i had sorry about that guys now you're gonna have to recycle them or with something new so guys uh yeah they heard me anyway so guys uh say whatever you said once more can you please do that we're doing the chili challenge we're playing fall guys and every time we die we have to eat a chili um so basically samai eats what he eats on a regular day basis and i am just going to be in pain while karan does magic tricks because he didn't even bother to get the chilis i don't know be in chat you don't have chilies right i don't have chillies it's my voice that'll cause the spice so guys karan has said that he does not actually so uh what he's going to do is to make up for the fact that he couldn't get chillies he's going to show us some magic tricks and that's completely with consent okay i'm not forcing you to do that right it's full consent you know because all that every time i call him on the stream and i ask him to do some magic tricks and then my chat is like no you're making him perform for free you get all of that it's fun it's a lot of fun so let's see yeah answer whatever you have in store for us so i think this is the first time somewhere firstly you've called me sir so i'm very humbled and honored so let's start uh both of you i mean alexander are you more than somebody play a lot of chess and you are absolutely fantastic and it's something i won't go into details about how good about that mine is getting a lot better yeah somebody's getting a lot better i'm 1400 guys okay you're 1400. you're you're double over i am i'm seven but the idea of this is because both of you sort of try to preempt what somebody else is going to do uh before they actually do it while playing the game you try to make certain moves to try and figure out if i do this the other person might do this and so on and so forth i can do something sort of similar when there is no chess board in play if there's a chess board in play i lose i lose my powers look at the showmanship yes here's what i have a deck of cards here and we're going to try something with this uh both of you together are going to try to build a playing card all right so the first thing uh i'll start with you alexander let's say there are black cards and red cards i take out one one color which color do i take out black or red uh take out black take out the black so the reds still remain uh the reds have hearts and diamonds somewhere let's say i i split them into so i hold hearts in one hand diamonds in one hand you had to reach over and take one suit away which suit would you take away hearts or diamonds i would take away diamonds you take with the diamonds again the hearts still remain alexander if i ask you let's say there are numbers and pictures what do you what do you find more interesting numbers numbers all right so again everything that we've selected so far has been taken away so the numbers also get taken away so we're left with the jack queen king of hearts someone let's say the jack queen king of hearts lie face up in front of you and you turn two of them face down which ones would you turn face down jack and queen so the jack and queen again get taken away everything that you have selected has gotten taken away except for the king of hearts would both of you agree that you had completely free choices of everything that you need yes yes okay yeah all right there's no way i could have known that we're gonna end up with the king of hearts there's nowhere to know what choices you're gonna make that you're gonna take away black you're gonna take away diamonds you're gonna take away the numbers you're gonna take over the jack and the queen one of the first tricks that i learned was where somebody picks the card and i try to find what card they've picked after that what you sort of do right now you haven't picked a card you've just thought of one both of you together before the king of hearts i'm going to try to make every single card in this deck disappear it's closed box every single one that i'm going to disappear except the king of hearts that's my plan i think in fact you know what i did it before i joined the stream because i knew that both of you are going to come up with this i knew how you're going to think and i knew both of you are going to come up with the king of hearts because there's only one card inside there there's only one card inside the deck i only kept one to begin with and you thought of the king of hearts and this is my get out of jail card for not having chili's because that happens to be oh that's insane oh man thanks bye that was that was good and the presentation was spot on oh thank you that was too much for player was great i mean oh guess who's here finally what a timing guys can you appreciate the timing well done does she know she's online i hope so hey we are live tanya of your life so don't say anything to never embarrass you later well done i was just about to welcome did you do your magic trick already yeah i did i i timed it perfectly so that you came on time did it blow your mind alex it was a good trick and i was trying not to be a party pooper and try to analyze what went on because i know that's less fun but i already started doing it well done but tanya do you have chili's [Music] form beautiful you don't read my whatsapp do you most times not but what's up so we are doing a chili challenge you probably have chili's at your house right you're indian like hari mirchi ha harem green chilies so the challenge here is that every time we get killed or killed is very harsh word for forgets every time we get murdered we will that's better we will take a bite of a chili damn dude it's going to kill me i'm gonna get murdered let's do it let's do it okay i'll have to go get it then yeah all the best i'll be back get some juice also like me it's just to neutralize the chilis and samaya are you putting everyone's camera on stream as you play yeah okay makes sense i'm sorry chad i'm gonna link some eyes youtube also if you haven't seen him yet yes please follow me i'm desperate for attention this is samaya's channel please check him out he does so many exciting streams all right uh alex uh can you send me the your uh the link of your twitch channel on uh zoom so that i can share it as well yes somebody share my channel yeah he's giving away 350 games of all guys when he reaches 350 k subscribers and right now he's only 10 000 subs away wow he's going to give away 350 games that's how much that's like 20 dollars a game which is i don't know how much money i've never seen that money but that's only if i if i reach that before the end of this month it's not like whenever i reach 350k i'm going to give away 350 games i i'm spamming your i'm spamming your channel go claim your free fall guy and get fall guys games chat excellent lot of money did you get uh the chilis oh you only got like two no there are like four five and also how many times do you think i'm gonna lose oh okay that's confidence all right so are we ready did you put alex did you put everyone's face cams on uh yeah i'm doing that right now [Music] [Music] okay guys i'm spamming uh sorry but i'm spamming uh the links of alex's channel and current sing boomer channel currency magic channel and uh please follow currency magic especially because he's going to give away 350 games of fall guys because he is a rich person because he does magic and he loots everybody basically that's that's the real magic he does he just oh man all right all right [Laughter] i was damn fine by the way following the olympiad she just woke up look at him i i haven't been following but i heard that india beat china yesterday and that you guys covered it on youtube and that is so extremely hype it was amazing we had like 30 000 people watching chess and that's the amount of people who watched cricket in this country so it was oh wow okay so my uh i'm just adding you on steam and then i'm ready to go yeah okay i i added you and tanya you were you're commenting who is commentating on your channel or hanging out somewhere i was commenting man come on i'm 1400 i can commentate on grandmasters games of course i think we have to be accurate i quickly watch these chili's because i don't want to die of kovit 19. yeah i watched mine before as well i think a lot of news channels are also covering the fact that uh india beat china which is it's a huge current because actually we've had a really bad result against china in the past in olympia and uh yeah also because i think online like chess has become so big right now right yeah so it was it was a really big day and it's not just that we actually qualified to the quarters directly and now we don't have to play the prelims to go into oh wow oh wow that's amazing it was next level stuff that's amazing i i saw bits of it i saw bits of the stream but i don't get it because i'm quite stupid at checking but actually moments that vidit was playing the moves that summer was suggesting yeah because i was looking at the engine that happened yeah at least i'm honest alright guys let's get right into it fall guys chili challenge with alex karan and tanya and also me and let's do it so guys uh tanya before you came alex was saying that since we are indians uh we are uh you know we can eat a lot of chilies not to alex no i'm with you on this like i can't it'll kill me like this will be that stream where i die but we only have to take a bite right yeah like a big bite yeah we don't have to eat an entire chili every time we lose no no that would never be a cycle okay okay i'm really glad we're not that psycho yeah all right all right i'm all set i am too and samaya i think you have everyone so you have to invite us right you invite me because uh many people in india are still not having this game because currency magic has not reached 350k subs so we don't get the lobby easily so okay okay yeah that's the only reason we invited you alex i understand and i'll take it yeah you need my server right i just invited you uh tanya karan have you guys played fall guys much we have not much i think the last time i played was on some airstream so not that much but i quite like it it's really cute but also really annoying last time i played also was on his channel last night so we have to eat it every time we die the first person to die no every time you die okay you want everyone to suffer okay sorry i don't have a i don't have the invite i'll invite you again did you get it yeah is this you the blue one let's go no blue one's me what is i gonna at least wear something no what is this yeah orange color candy it's so cute he looks like a naked cheeto we're flying right yeah we're waiting what a game guys how many wins do you guys have so uh two wow one fourth does that count i i have zero wins so it's it's tough it's tough have you raised the last level though i have i have yes but it doesn't matter because if we lose at the last level we still have the chili's that's 23 000 people are watching man come on like the stream make it around 15 000 likes okay so we've got that rule right like two out of four have to go through yeah yeah so the rule is also that uh we if two out of four people go through then we continue but if only one person goes through then that person exits again for you know the other people oh not bad not bad i'm really not killing it currently okay okay i hate these balls i am uh did you know you can jump and drive i found out that like that it's a really good skill yes you should jump and then dive so that you reach further [Applause] it it's not looking good for me though it's not looking good it's looking very sad for me actually i got through i got through i got through i won't be able to do this i don't think i will be able to operate your fighters [Applause] every time get out of jail free card basically he showed us a big magic trick which he will show he you'll have to show one more towards the end of it because it's not fair cool i agree i just have to set up something so uh you me and alex are you know what yes okay all three of you got me i just feel left out at this point oh no we have to go back now no because we can't go forward no we can't three of us got through right and also basically minimum two people have to go through but on the bright side quran can be our commentator okay cool i will try to do that i don't think you should trust me so much but i'll give mine do team games count yeah i think that stuff are we all in the same team yeah yeah yeah that's how the game works dania no i i honestly haven't played this enough oh okay cool okay we're warming up don't worry somebody's just wandering around without going i'm on team wandering as well like i'm such an odd help to the team it's ridiculous can i just grab the opportunity grab somebody from somewhere just grab somebody but feeling miserable who is carrying our team then how are we not losing oh yeah the three of you are here i think there are like six people or like seven no i'm i'm carrying look at me uh i tried you're hugging me i'm creating i'm creating chaos in the yellow it's not working though no no we haven't got through we have three we have here we go there we go we have three i think we're gonna win i think 19 seconds [Laughter] tournament for all beautiful [Applause] that's the price i have to pay for this company guys fake tires come on let's do this this one's hard uh some ties are true and sometimes i like uh you know i'm training for this one see no no i'm not kidding it's like life you just follow everybody if you follow everybody you're gonna be lost don't say that i just okay i could see alex falling down fine okay this is working out you know this is that level where i see everyone like jump and die yeah i'm out that happens everybody is it chilly time it's chilly time that's horrible i'm going to have very very hot water even if we don't die all right guys it's chilly time uh okay everybody together right yeah yes three two one one whatever very good oh my god okay it's getting worse getting worse at first i thought oh it tastes like a regular chili oh not so fast the kick comes out then okay ah all right the same reason how do i exit i've reached it just press okay that wasn't so bad actually yeah isn't that good either i agree but it could have been worse is just drinking really really hot water it's very very oh it's boiling hot my tongue burns ah okay yeah very right yeah ready like at least okay never mind i'm very confused because i want like more people to qualify out of us so like three like three have to qualify to go through right that's too much then that's like two months that's what we are just coming out uh like spectating the whole time then but didn't we didn't we have three this we had three this time it's true it was fine i'm just like failing at math all right this one's an easy one right yeah you just want to time yourself the gate comes up and then goes home oh shoot i forgot to turn on game audio again next beautiful okay let's go um oh man can you get permanent um taste bud damage from this i know it's not that uh spicy no but i think no no no no no of course it's not with some chilies you can okay so i don't think i'm making it we're gonna make it most people can make this one tanya even if you're a little bit behind don't be worried yeah like 38 out of 60 people usually make it yeah i really appreciate no this is not happening i'm being i'm getting destroyed unless you guys can stop people from qualifying okay come on come on did you go through did you go through i got through wow there you go you know i was so excited i almost had the chili essay i do feel like it woke me up though you know like somebody just came in and slapped me in the face you know i was tired before i thought maybe coffee but no i'll take the chilis instead have you watched harry potter of course i have does uh tanya not look like better tricks less strange hermione has the same hair i think you look more like book hermione than movie online look at this mention that's really mean wait no it's like you look like the crazy book hermione not like amber watson no okay cool i meant the hair that's what i was going for oh man i've never i can never complete this level yeah this is um i'm not sure what this is because i don't think i've ever played it someone just super chatted and said there should be a magic face-off between current thing and bellatrix i think it's so much harder with the mouse what i got eliminated what yes how how the block the block pushed you off what the block pushed you into the slime no it i just got angry out of nowhere i don't this is really disgusting what's going on everyone's just like killing me beautiful alex is down i was gonna win i finally figured it out but i got too eager did you also get eliminated yeah i'm done oh everyone's eliminated you know what that means right chile time hot water time let's take a bigger bite now all right i'll take a bigger gulp well hey let's let's all slow down three two one i have an idea i'm just gonna swallow it without chewing i'm gonna swallow it without chewing oh it's gonna be fine i need enough spit for it to go okay are you gagging no no i swallowed it without chewing i swallowed it without chewing that's not a good idea yeah i feel that now you know it's fine when you chew it but then when you swallow that that juice oh okay all right not bad i feel like when this comes out the other way it's gonna hurt that there's no good there's going to be no stream on alex's channel [Laughter] but wait is that actually a thing i i guess it is i'm quite sure living in india we're pretty sure that it is as it is it's called babassif that's the only word i need to know so have you learned anything from streaming with my yeah now it's time to get real though it's like we thought it's fine now it's getting too hot yeah and you haven't even finished one chili yet oh man okay let's get the one on this one all right you you two quran you're a magician use your magic and get to the finish line this time i'm gonna do it just for me i'm good i'm gonna get up oh my god i just got killed all right we're gonna catch up here yeah not going well not going well it's like tanya's complicating my life that it's not even funny anymore but you're not through you're not through tanya go ahead it's chilly time for you no it's not like i have to wait for you guys to come out right yeah oh yeah yeah so yeah you can wait you can wait it's coming to me i can run but i can't hide tanya are you playing in the olympiad also by the way usually i wouldn't be doing this in that box i'm so sorry is it's going on right now sorry never mind never mind yeah it is it is i mean the next match is on 28th of this month 27th no something yeah and that will be the quarter finals yeah there will be a quarterfinals but oh no okay we need to work as a team here yeah balls in your area oh i don't care it says on the screen i'm just reading five one seven five five seven one five sorry i i'm fight hey i i need help these guys are taking my balls i did not consent it's okay i'm getting the balls inside same even i've got the balls inside when you say it doesn't sound right okay you said literally exact same thing we've got six balls we're a miracle oh we're down to three down to two oh nice we have five would you rather have no balls or three balls interpret that as you will i'd rather have i would have two balls and two only [Laughter] yeah that doesn't work please don't grab the balls just push them yes or dive into them yeah like escalating really quick we're doing well though yeah you've got 10 seconds to go i think you're ready okay let's go let's go attack blue ball bad enough at least give them one they feel bad oh we're qualified yes excellent congratulations guys cheers i'm glad i'm successful we're we're getting better we're getting better but genuinely uh alex how spicy are your chilis um my part of my lip is still burning and i feel like i got punched on the right side of my mouth girls sometimes use lip plumpers on their lips uh maybe tanya's used before also and it basically really spices it up so your lips look bigger and i feel like there's lip gloss that make your lips like lip gloss with like buttocks no no no no no no like lip actual lip gloss oh it makes your lips like big yeah yeah because um cosmetic companies put like peppers or something so it creates an allergic reaction on your lips for like two three hours so they look better but i think it's not only on half half of my face right now so it's gonna look weird in about 30 minutes oh man that trick is on in this round to just be on the right side or on the left never mind i'm going to stop explaining him no but i get what you're saying yeah yeah but so it's going to be uneven because of the pepper i got it i got through i got through wow i got through already already yeah i'm not the first person to go through wow alex you know your number uh i will tell you after i'm about to make it okay how do i see my number i'm about to make it happen tanya i think i have to check before oh i'm fall guy 11 26 tanya okay and you're stuck in 256 yeah yeah i'm fall guy eliminated you've fallen me and karen all right so yeah that's it's on like the true no okay just said drink milk to cut the effect of chili does coconut milk work i don't know if it will i think it should if there's some kind of milk in it i think it should work oh no hey dude i know the trick to solve this you have to trust me just it's ridiculous to not do anything until you reach the last one and then uh remove everything from the last one everyone directly falls into that trust me with this uh-huh just don't do anything stay there let yourself go to the last uh layer are you with me no it's beautiful i need practice surviving me there are a lot of people doing the same thing i think no just guys look at me and learn i i learned this hack somewhere on the internet fine i i i know and you're the first one eliminated by that hack well done good hacks away i'm going to do i'm going to somebody if i turn my camera off for a second and go prepare for the trick which will take like 30 seconds sure please okay perfect oh my god i can't i don't understand how you do the dive in this one i accidentally uh exited so guys you can go to alex's stream and check it out no i just died beautiful come back okay i'm gonna try to eat it on the left side of my mouth this time so it evens out the pain you know i almost forgot about this all right tanya i was really hoping you guys wouldn't remember it's actually not so bad let's go for it yeah it's yours okay cheers hmm now my swallower is going to kill me dying a little bit ah people are suggesting all sorts of things in the chat what are they saying i think my strategy of eating it whole was better hey look at me how cool i look oh wow how do you do that did that equip thing come on fine i will make mine better too yeah arjun says tanya is cheating by taking only little bites of chili look at her face no we decided we're gonna take like tiny bites yeah it's okay even then i think her chili is gonna finish first yeah what yeah i like being a unicorn i like being flash guys bow tie just crying i'm not crying i'm blinking okay you're blinking all right i'll go let's go people are suggesting honey bread and milk why are people not suggesting a good gameplay think that solves everything they've been watching our stream for far too long to suggest that actually it's okay i have eight chillies man i can do this all night long oh really i think i i'm just going to grab some milk after this one yeah i'm going to get some honey oh this one's easy yeah i never lose this level what's the hot tip on this one stay on the side you know my child is so concerned about alex they're like please stop alex from having chili's we are used to it she might not be look at her all right i'm this one was worse i don't know why because i think you've had like two already and this was the third one okay let's go let's do this okay we cannot have one oh this is the one where you have to fall down that's the name of the game no but like you have to you know yeah that's a trick okay come on please get up i'll get up i cannot do this i can't i lick oh my god do you play with the keyboard huh yeah i play with the keyboard so it's much harder no i'm playing with a controller but okay i think i i'm gonna make it i think it's an easy call for me if this chicken is catching me we're done we're ready we're ready oh no i never lose this one i'm gonna i'm the last one to be in i couldn't see over the tears in my eyes okay i was trying to look and my vision is blurry i'm gonna go back i'm gonna grab some milk having these chilies is very counterproductive because it's coming in the way of our gameplay guys uh this is a nice chat chili's have capsaicin which only dissolves in fat please have cream butter anything that contains fat wow really okay let's go [Music] [Music] yeah that's that's a good i don't even know where you are i am coming behind you grab my tail i'll grab somebody else's and you just run yeah like that why why can't you what do you think i can't grab other people and i've done it i've done it he took it back that's what come back [Music] oh come on he was right losing oh we are losing our game is with only two tails look at this look at this guy playing like major moves oh god oh yeah i got a tail light i got i got the tail which got us ahead it's fine i want i want one as well but i can't i'm i'm going to steal my own team still all right don't steal mine i need a tail dude why you'll qualify regardless i got it i got it we're winning okay what this is unfair this is unfair yeah we were winning and now we're losing okay now we have to somehow do something right we're losing we're losing we've no do it lost just go i have a team now now we will survive this just keep running i want you to i gotta take two i gotta take you okay it's gonna be over time again yes how is mega stressful oh how did we qualify because we are born because i we last moment i think we grabbed tails which made us win my chat is spamming have mercy on both no um i have jello and i just needed i just ate some jello and it took out part of the flavor like i'm not gonna lie my stomach burns a little bit but a challenge is a challenge yes okay all right guys everything is fair in love and war and this is gold yes yes you guys are all still in right yeah yes and yeah you are also because you know you got it made in the first round itself right i couldn't see through this okay just follow me all right which one are you i am the i'm flash with the skinner spot this apple and a grape that's it apple and grey are you the world no no i am the yellow oh this is cherry grape banana i'm on banana banana grape cherry grape banana watermelon watermelon cherry grape banana i think we should have these to get rid of the chilli oh yes all of us qualified oh this is so nice isn't it i think somebody make it yeah i think this is the farthest all of us have made together i think chile is like a big incentive to keep winning or it's a real handicap because you're so focused on the burning that you can't even see the game so much for i was blinking i i i have a new chili strat oh i got this well you know my chat is so sweet one guys like please do not touch your eyes after you are touching chili's it might hurt you treat it like so sweet so scratch your eyes oh it's fruit fruit i know what you wanted to say something i didn't want to say what is it i'm a mind reader i knew what you wanted to say i was exactly going to say that i am five seven one five so if you want you can watch me learn five seven one five yeah yeah learn from your two victories third one ah so my made it that was very clean very clean connected that's shocked all right chad i fixed i fixed where their cameras are oh i i went through the line and i still got eliminated because you have to be touching it man i really hope it is the one that i want you to see this hexagon i hope it's hexagon yeah i want to see your strategy where you go go and go in the end i want to see if it actually works it does it works i i saw it working last night till the last moment where he lost if i win this right now the stream ends that's it all right so my you're five one seven five or something yeah five seven one five i'm the yellow one why am i lost come on come on come on come on samai don't let those balls stop you no don't don't don't don't make me laugh don't make me laugh the ball stopped him the ball stopped him right after you said it there are two balls that stopped your mind after this kryptonite is the ball [Music] i don't even know what happened and why i got out of the game i think that happens uh server disconnects cannot happen yeah oh that sucks sorry it really sucks man yeah it's sad it sucks when it happens in chess also you know what else sucks the fact that i just got over the taste and now i have to eat another one cheers all right guys chili time three water time that's my least favorite sentence from now on i'm swallowing this one okay ready all right ready uh alexandra follow tanya on instagram and follow currency magic and currency magic if you subscribe to him once he reaches 350 000 subscribers he is going to give away 350 games because why not that is if i reach it by the end of the month yes guys i'm linking his channel also in my in my uh twitch karan singh check him out he's india's best and only musician uh sorry beautiful beautiful one beautiful calls me a boomer one of them calls me a musician why do you come now [Applause] and for any of my friends watching uh alex is an excellent uh tennis player i think you should check out some of the work upgrade you're saying from chess to tennis you're making it with child is so concerned about by alexander both this please stop it will hurt you in the morning already hurting like at this point i'm gonna take it so it reminds me of this amazon review i saw for sugar-free gummy bears and it was this grown man talking about how the first time he cried in two years was after he was stuck in the bathroom for two hours because of those gummy bears that's gonna be me with the chilis i think this should be an advertisement for uh your jellos you know that look at the stream yeah seesaw i hate this one i hate it it is the most cute level in the entire game thank you dhania i'm with you i'm with you on this i love this how many chilies do you guys actually eat in a day because i feel like when you were birthed in the womb your mother gave you a chili just as tradition and it just feels like it's unfair a little bit you know our umbilical cord is actually a chili yes yes oh wait so fast no but genuinely me because i am from uh kashmir so we have a lot of chilis over there we put chili in everything so yeah i'm used to a lot of chilies which is why i put this challenge mastermind oh really i kept falling off time i hit my head a couple of times that probably explains what i look like but still i'm ah no one's qualified till now we still have a shot we still yeah yeah tanya for this one most people qualify so you just have to be patient even if you're behind yeah i never do is open this one you got it tanya yeah i will be waiting for you yeah i'm almost done what yeah how do you do that man because i don't have a life [Music] okay i am i i mean how selfish how selfish how selfish i made the entire as a child ah i'm patient i just need to be patient and i'm gonna make it i think alex you and i are on the same no no it's me tanya did you make it not yet what's your what's tonya's number oh i'm not sure don't worry focus on it yeah there she is i'm i'm here a bit like this stupid purple thing 1 6 7 2 4 6 7 2 4 6 7 2. get up get up get up get it you can still come on come on tanya you got this we're all watching got it you got it you got it it's my last shot if i get um [Laughter] [Music] yeah yes sure and next time we have a challenge i pick the food we're eating okay what are you gonna pick you have something in mind i need to think of hmm what would be what would be weird maybe meat jelly or some like gross eastern european food that i was forced to eat as a kid have you ever eaten meat jelly meat's jelly no i'm not even heard of it yeah it's not tasty it sounds tasty it's like meat jelly it's not it's not it's like that thing that joey made in friends wow yeah it's it's it's like a gelatin with frozen meats and fats in it it's pretty gross but yeah there's a challenge if you guys are scared i can take it off i mean i'm already going to be in pain later like what's this guys miserably we have like one tail no i have i have one oh no i haven't what's your number why do we only have two come on i i i who do i watch somebody's 5 7 1 5 right yeah i'm just going to do my strategy of waiting until the last 20 seconds and then getting one oh no [Applause] let's go because otherwise people will keep coming for me is this your one i got one i got one is that you which one no the one i'm trying to steal from no there's no one near me are you running off your own team yeah my strategy you don't need to have a tail as long as your team has more tails you qualify okay you got it i got it i got it i lost it okay but you guys are winning around five and like don't jinx it don't jinx i need to keep my tail i need to keep my tail oh god oh god i like you guys sorry sorry sorry sorry didn't mean to swear no no all right guys chilly i like how there's a silence on the stream the moment you say that guys what are you eating tanja why are you eating a spoon oh chocolate sauce legend chili's pretty good three two one wait who made it i'm proving i don't know actually um chili one no i need to escape it's worse for your stomach if you swallow but it's better for my mouth okay you know one is taking the hit all right how much time we got uh alex um let me check with andrea yeah because she might do the lesson um offline because it's a new lesson in preparing for her opponent so at least at least like two more games awesome my student is going to play against andrea's students in pogchamps today and neither of them have played much chess it's gonna be really chaotic that's all my streams what are you doing oh somewhere no no i froze oh he's back he's back my stomach is starting to burn a little a little bit please don't do that my child is going to kill me it feels like it's working but then after one second it's not working no i mean actually my stomach feels fine right now i'm just curious what will happen later but again you know at this point you live you learn if it's a painful experience i'll like write a poem about it and uh you know move on you know you only have the taste buds that can detect chilli on the edges of your tongue so if you the kip of your taste yeah so if you manage to somehow why are you telling me this after five fights this would have been a very valuable information since say the thing is very difficult to eat it right by putting it in the middle of your tongue so if you can do that then go ahead yeah that's the plan for the next one okay let's get this let's all call on this one yeah i have a feeling that we are going to win this round that would be the goal but this round only i mean so we qualify the first round okay it's really going very badly it's all downhill are you crying i'm not sure what's going on anymore in my life okay i i'm last no that's one that was not it oh my gosh this sausage is just too heavy yeah and i feel like he slays you down yeah close you that's not that's not the thing psychologically yeah yes psychologically i hate falling into this thing man okay i'm coming you're through almost no not really but i do have oh tyler fell out what oh that was me that was me that was me okay but this is not going according to plan okay i'm through okay can you stop people from qualifying guys please stop people stop people stop it i got yes did you stop me i saw you know i didn't i didn't but i saw you did i mean i didn't stop anyone that's okay ah let's go all right we got this i have a feeling this one's going to be a team game that is it is i just hope it's nazi i hope it's football i hope it's something like easy and crappy like dash though i know second round is never easy the thing is like i don't know how to push it how do you push them you just bang into it yeah but then i fall but you jump you dive you jump onto them yeah or you go and just uh hug other people like yeah okay let me just like do that let me just like be a toxic person yes [Music] my strategy is to just like stop others from winning not contribute to my own team's win that's good that contributes though you're the defender tanya okay we believe in you and we need it why are you grabbing me i'm on your team i'm here let's do this together oh okay put it back in that's okay come back one more time oh no we have no balls we have two problems everybody has to oh god did you get it let's get right in i'm pushing it out even if you push it into blue if yellow is losing then we can gang up on them let's push it anywhere just get it out of yellow because we're doing so poorly okay boom oh yes help i don't think magic blink twice if this is a hosted situation so i just wanna do okay what do we got next i have a feeling it's walls i hope it's memory that's every tale for them every okay but this is not a team one right no no this is not the team oh no grab a tail okay i know how to win this one okay i got it oh daniel don't come up what no i'm just waiting i'm just waiting for the last couple of seconds and then this hot dog i'm gonna assassinate all the tails oh that's what that's what you want to do you wanna you wanna dance tomorrow okay done run run i think i got one i got one 43 seconds i don't think i can hang on to it for 43 seconds this is not a great strategy you should wait oh my god oh my god oh you got a kill you should wait to shine i'm coming after you no don't please no no no no no no no no i haven't stopped no no it's fine i'm fine i'm fine this will run what no no it took it from me and now i have 17 seconds and now i'm not gonna make it oh that's sanya there ah oh what oh oh oh hot dog assassin baby you made it oh yeah i just i just waited silently until the last 20 seconds and that's where i shine that was a smart play i had a tail for the first two minutes and then i lost it yeah it's not stressful you're just running around for two minutes yeah versus thinking about taking a location and seeing how people come there and then getting it the last 20 seconds tiptoe fake tiles okay get get a win now i think this is the last round right second last no i think the third is round gives me anxiety dude this round gives me stop pushing me oh there she goes sorry i'm sorry [Music] sorry pepper pepper yeah there's so many peppers in here i'll show you the hot dog yeah you're doing really good yeah you got this no no no no no no what just happened alex did you make it yes she did i'm so happy all the best well done oh thank you thank you you might end up winning this for the first time ever and if if you if any of us wins it then we don't have to do the chilly thing yeah and then we don't yes sure so that you can save so you can cheer for me there we go ah okay somebody hexagon do i actually go to the trust me go to the last one and start circling from the center remove every tile and wait i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it yeah all the way you're gonna coach you need to coach me through it i'm going right in just go to the center and don't do anything right yeah just stop just stop over there just stop stop wait wait hold it hold it hold it go move move around this might be the last one this might be the last okay this is and here i was trying you're living too close to the edge this is like just oh good going good going dude if you win this keep doing this just keep what whatever just just keep doing it go go forward go forward go forward go forward remove it from everywhere remove from the left side also yeah yeah yeah careful careful careful there yeah perfect where is everybody why are they not falling they'll fall like wonderful directly into it and then alex will win this perfect perfect perfect no no do not fall into it yourself do not fall down wow dude this is perfect this is exactly what i wanted come back come on come on come on come back okay okay okay okay okay excellent very nice okay i'm panicking a little we're gonna snake snake snake snake don't i didn't dude [Music] please [Music] you are almost there oh no okay it's chilly time you fell the last two people finally it's chilly time but that's a great strat actually i really tried i really dreamed you did you did very well dude you did very well yeah that was amazing unfortunately alex hope you enjoyed this yeah alex will be in chat guys oh man let's go i don't think she should have a chili yeah you you you shouldn't have actually you should have peaches you choke you have a chili all right let's go see kanye what is your chance saying alex there oh god i touched my eye well done go wash it as quickly as you can man put some ice on it if you can hear me okay now we contour alex's chat yo what's up my next chat please follow somewhere on our youtube youtube is free follow currency magic on instagram for follow tanya on instagram yeah come subscribe what are you doing i had chocolate sauce ah guys this is the last round after this champions league final oh wait i have to confirm right yeah we are just waiting for alex to be alive alex to come back i have to press ready too okay i think i i hope i got it out yeah no if you wouldn't have and it would have hurt like right yeah it will start hurting right now okay guys so this is the last round and like we said you have to have an entire chili what when did we say that we said it we said that right yes you have the entire the rules have to be clearer what do you mean like when tiny cynicism if we lose which we will we will have to have the entire chili at once and that's the other we have but we have to play this as a team then can we just make like the odds a bit higher basically the one who goes through max only has to have like half a chilli okay if i get out i'll do i'll do another trick and we can do that okay but but if anyone wins then no one has to have the chili yeah okay let's take one for the team i'm out of juice also he says just before gulping it down i shouldn't have finished it yes that's exactly what i was going to say what an ass oh i'm sorry you know who you remind me a bit of karan because of your hair did you watch game of thrones i did yes please continue talking the the guy who was the the leader who was daenerys's first husband oh khal drogo i remind you of carl drogo i called yeah [Laughter] supposed to be like really cool even in real life oh really that that makes sense yeah he was a really cool character yeah he died but i guess everyone dies so happy to have him everybody dies in real life too right i mean oh yes is life some people die by eating chilis yeah some die because somebody calls them to play fall guys yeah what the hell okay this is really a disaster come on you can do it a lot of people fall at the end a lot of people fall at the end i shouldn't lose hope because if is everybody's through yeah this is it this this is the game this is the game guys this is the game that was awesome but last one dude you were almost there had you just kept some tiles for yourself you would have i know i know i know and now i'm gonna always play that one so thank you but the problem is the problem is many people know the strat so sometimes three people go in the end and then it's just disaster uh true i guess if you play as a team one of you should go down yeah the other people should try to do the jumping yeah it's always a good idea to go down no current well i'm not even laughing at them i'm laughing at something else yeah my chat is very funny [Music] all right this one this one is easy too yeah which is why you have to be really good at it but everyone's good at it oh no i like this one i like this one why am i first why am i first one place i don't want to be first we need you in that final round you can do it you can do it what why would somebody do that ask for something let's go let's go let's go oh no guys i'm not in yeah same here there's like a freaking okay well karan and i are racing to the finish yeah i'm through am i true am i true i'm true yeah on the line oh you're there as well oh you got eliminated on the line on the line oh damn dude this is the first time three of us have come so far i think so no no no no there's one round where i think three of us let's lie no yeah this is the first time it's the first time i've played this game looks good on the edit yes this is the first time we've done this wow guys chad this is it this is where we're going to win all right this one this one we can do yeah this you can oh do you usually try to memorize this one or just i don't usually try to push my teammates off this huh but sorry sorry yeah usually i follow where everyone's going oh we're having a little hugging party here can we put somebody awesome cherry cherry cherry orange orange and banana on the first one banana watermelon cherry orange banana watermelon cherry or cherry orange banana quran no i went to the first one you didn't you did i died watermelon grape cherry banana watermelon orange grape cherry so i just i love that watermelon orange grapeseed orange we went to the right place i mean clearly we didn't that's just wrong okay well [Music] all right samai you can get a dub yeah i have no juice you're playing for us for my stomach oh no this one's awful they should check this one out yeah i like it yeah oh that's okay i guess some people like it which is fair but why do you like it i struggle with this one it's a team game i hate team games yeah do any of those workbench teams know right we all do things which are random people in it yeah no even in life i think all of us working with something very individual as opposed to look at look at this but he can work well in teams oh that was a very nice throw nice job chess players hate team games who would have thought and comedians and musician magicians musicians you know there will be so many memes on this tomorrow hey i think you're not supposed to get hit by the hammer yeah ah why is this guys having you why are you going to the wrong oh no i felt bad for the yellows don't feel too bad yeah because they're catching up now dude let me steal something dude look at that golden eggs golden eggs yellow has nothing that's true i can go and have them 22 seconds oh look at some ice healing and then dropping that egg yikes at least i made it you did i we're proud of you we're cheering for you get in am i in are we through are we true yeah yeah yeah you guys are gonna get through yeah you'll get to you'll get when you get through yes you're today you're right you're in you're in you're in you're welcome well done i've done quite a bit of nothing that you you did a good job yeah you danced i was in the right teams see this is good that all of us didn't qualify because we didn't make for a good team as long as samaya wins we all win we need a we need to have the last game to be a win right yeah oh yes there are 17 people and this is the last round so don't go right to the bottom yeah i agree with karan are one level above the bottom i think but okay let's see what he goes for [Applause] so look many people know about this trick look at this look at this they know about it they're they're all doing it yeah yeah they know about it they're all dropping uh oh are you gonna go for it yeah or you're gonna you're still doing it yeah but then you're gonna have to compete with them and it's fine it's fine you guys know what this means look at alex justice for alex in chat justice for alex stomach guys the last one gonna i'm gonna gulp show me how big your chili is i'm taking the baby one this is the full one this is as this is equal all right wait can you see it my chat can't see it because i have a green screen yeah this is my chili yup oh and tanya tanya yeah i'm here can we see your chili if we're eating a full one yeah i just i just want them to be comparable okay okay i'm feeling good about these yeah all right all right the whole thing yep yeah three what's the prototype on this wait i need some protests i'm out of coffee i'm out of coffee go go for it the full thing in one yeah we already through i have no juice this water was too hot ah ah no it's i had no more coffee so i had to create enough saliva in my mouth to swallow it down [Music] all right guys on that note i am going to the washroom so thank you thank you guys for joining thank you so much you guys this is so fun thank you so much for having me not eating the chilis oh bye everyone bye oh dude i was going to
Channel: Samay Raina
Views: 688,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qrBKiSAbyn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 50sec (5090 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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