DHCP Lab for Multiple VLAN in Packet Tracer | Networkforyou | CCNA 200-301

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hello everyone so now we are going to do one lab in this one we are going to learn about dhcp imagine you are working in an organization you have dhcp server okay we will do the lab in the packet tracer but we will do as a real scenario imagine this is a windows server that is dhcp new organization okay dhcp server you have in your organization that is a window nine that is what we can say windows server 2019 okay in your organization you have windows server 2019 and no need to worry about this one like you are a network engineer but there is another guy who is a system admin that guy is going to configure the dhcp server in window 2019 okay so imagine that guy configured the windows server that is a dhcp server after that you need to configure that in your switch here and here something you need to configure so your different vlan can get the ip address okay different vlan can get the ip address so what i am saying we are for simplicity we are using only three vlan vlan 1 vlan 2 and vlan 3 these are the three vlan we are using in our lab but imagine in your organization maybe you will have 20 to 30 vlan if you are working in the isp maybe you have 4000 vlan but in in the enterprise network maybe you have 30 to 40 vlan that is more than enough okay one two three so on till 40 but anyhow in our lab we are using three wheel and vlan 1 vlan 10 vlan 20 and we are going to configure the svi here switch virtual interface i hope you know this one in ccna we already learned this one switch okay svi switch virtual interface so what we will do this one vlan 1 vlan 10 vlan 20 okay switch virtual interface we are going to assign 192 168 1.1 for vlan 1 and for vlan 10 192 168 10.1 for vlan 20 we are going to use 192 168 20.1 okay this is your ip schema remember this one and the guy is configuring in your server and he used this ip192.168.1.2 because 1.1 we use here so he is using 1.2 so he will ask you what gateway you need so you need to give the svi ip as a gateway so imagine your company guy is configuring the server windows server there will be some different step but here we will do imagine the system admin whoever is working on the servers that guy is configuring the dhcp server okay and he is giving this ips 192 168 1.2 and the default subnet mask and the gateway should be the svi ip okay whatever the gateway you should give the svi this one so we give that a one okay after that here dns we can use google dns anything we can use for lab purpose i will keep google dns so what i done just i assign the ip to the dhcp server only we assign the ip to the dacp server this one 192 168 1.2 and gateway should be the svi ip of the vlan one why will n1 because i am using here we let one ip if you are using vlan 10 you can give that one because this should be same network if you have different network then you will have the issue so i am using 190 to 168 one dot something so gateway should also one dot something okay so i am giving the svi ip as a gateway you need to remember this after that we will go in the services and go in the dhcp and if you see here in the dhcp you will have off before then you need to on that one but in the real scenario dhcp configuration in the windows server 2019 is different not like this what we are doing in the packet research and no need to worry you are not going to configure dhcp server if you are a network engineer the system guy the system or server guy is going to do for you that one if the company is small maybe you will do everything but if the company is good and big then there is a separate guy security guy for the firewall and the network guy for the router switches and the snmp all that one and you will have the system guy for the server side but anyhow no issue so what we will do here i will create one what we can say let me put here this is a vlan one so gateway i will give okay and dns we can give anything i will write google dns and ip should start we will say start from 3 okay this one default setting we have server pull i will just i put i save now we are going to create i will create for vlan 10 so i will write vlan vlan 10 and here should be 190 to 168 10.1 why i am writing 10.1 because you need to give the gateway as a this is a default gateway for the for this ip default gateway should be svi svi is for vlan 10 so i wrote that one this is a dns and here should be 10 dot 3 and this is same i will add this one ok one entry came now i need to do for vlan 20 so i will do vlan 20 and here also 20 and then after that here also 20 after that everything is okay then add this one so we added in the server so dhcp configuration finish your server guide on that one now is your role you need to configure here so this is a new switch multi-layer switch this is a layer 3 switch so what we need to do here okay let me move this little here so we can see the switch screen also and if you see here this is a brand new switch i will first rename here like host name sw1 after that i will see whatever interface is connecting f 0 by 3 f 0 by 2 f 0 by 1 f 0 by 1 f 0 by 2 is a trunk because it is connecting to the switch and also here we are going to get the multiple vlan data so i am going to put this also trunk so what i will write i write interface range f0 by 1-3 switch port switch port trunk encapsulation dot 1q switch port more trunk okay so what i done i make this interface as a trunk f 0 by 1 f 0 by 2 f 0 by 3 first thing finish we make the trunk now we need to create the vlan so what i will do i will create vlan 10 i will give the name as a it any name we can give okay for lab purpose i am giving this name i will create vlan 10 and vlan 20. after that i need to assign the ip also we need to do the svi so i write interface vlan 1 and then ip address then i will write no shut what i done this one i assign for vlan 1. whatever we plan we give that ip to vln1 okay this is known as svi switch virtual interface after that i will do for the vlan 10 also okay so i will write ip address 192.168.10. 10.1 and no shirt no shirt no need to write or already this vlan 10 is up but anyhow vlan 10 is finished now we need to do for vlan 20. so i will write here ip address okay let me do something wrong here okay i did not go inside vlan 20 first we need to go inside we land 20 interface vlan 20 okay now i am inside the vlan 20 i will write ip address i will write here 192.168.20 give space and write no shirt here okay what i done just i assign this one vlan 1 vlan 10 vlan 20. whatever ipv plan i put that ip here only okay after that i need to enable the routing so i will write iep routing this with this command i enable the routing here and also i need to give the ip helper command so i write interface vlan 1 under that vlan we need to give ip helper and we need to give the ip address of our dhcp server so what is the ip address of dhcp server 1.2 192 168 1.2 so i give this one in the vlan 1 then again i will give in the vlan not vlan 2 i will give in the vlan 10 okay we have vlan 10 right so this one then i will give in the vlan 20 so this one okay so what i done here let me repeat again first we put the port as a trunk after that we created the vlan okay whatever we have vlan we are using and we assign the ip that is the ip whatever we plan 1.1 10.1 1.1 10.1 and 20.1 after that we give the ip helper command inside the vlan 1 vlan 2 that is vlan 10 vlan 1 vlan 20 and we enable the ip routing ok and then after that we will go to this access layer switch and here in this axis layer switch what we will do i will rename this switch post name as sw2 interface fast ethernet 0x3 i will make this as a trunk switch port mode trunk okay this interface i make as a trunk after that this interface i will put in the vlan 10 and this one in the vlan 20. so i write interface fast ethernet 0 by 1 switch port axis vlan 10 okay i put this interface in vlan 10 vlan 10 is not there so they created okay let me create vlan 20 also name i can give sales and interface vlan 10 before it is not there already they created one minute let me let me write here vlan 10 i will give name as i t we give same name right here whatever name we give we can follow that one what name we give vlan it is vlan okay vlan 10 is it okay vlan 10 is i t so let me go here vlan 10 is id okay and vlan 20 is sale so everything is good here now what i need to do i need to assign the interface so i will write interface for ethernet 0 by 1 i will write switch port axis vlan 10 then other interface interface pass ethernet 0 by 2 switch port axis vlan 20 okay so what i done here let me put some colors here so you can easily track which vlan for what like this so this is the vlan 10 this is the vlan 10 without color okay this is also vlan 10 without color and after that this will be vlan 20 okay so now what i will do here we will go here and i will put here static and dhcp if you see i get the ip here from the dhcp server i get the ipv192 168. 10.3 i put this is in the vlan 10 so what ip i get 10.3 and the gateway 10.1 this one and if you see this one i assign to the vlan let me do again this is vlan 20 so we get the ip 190 to 1620.3 and 20.1 is a gateway so we get this one how we are getting different vlan if you see here we have different vlan this is a vlan 10 this is a vlan 20 and dhcp server is here he is having 192 168 1.2 okay let me configure this switch also so you can check the other also i will write here config t host name i will write switch 3 after that i will put the interface in the trunk this f 1 by 0 so i write interface fast ethernet f 0 by 1 switch port mode trunk okay after that we will put this interface f 0 by 2 in the vlan 10 f 0 by 2 interface f0 by 2 switch port axis vlan 10 and then because we don't have vlan so it is created let me give the name vlan 10 as i t or what name we give we can give same name vlan 10 is ids so vlan 10 is i t and vlan 20 is sale so now i will put interface fast ethernet 0 by 3 in the switch port axis vlan 20 okay now you will get the ip here also you need to wait some time or do this fast forward and go here go in here now click again and click this one okay so you will get 10.4 this is vlan 10 so we get 10.4 if you see this one we get here let me reset okay let's see here 20.4 so this is in the vlan 20 this is in the vlan 10. so hence our lab successfully completed okay if you see here what we done here just we created the vlan inside the axis layer switch and we put that port that port in that vlan particular vlan this port f0 by 1 here and f 0 by 2 is in the vlan 10 and we check we are getting the ipv to this machine 190 to 168 10.3 and the gateways 10.1 okay so this lab is successfully done here if you are having confusion i will put the configuration in the notepad here what i done okay here what i done if you want i can put that configuration in the notepad let me write down this very fastly in the notepad so what i done this is the i will say many vlan lab or dhcps anything we can give dscp lab for different vlan okay something like this and here i will write here switch one okay switch one configuration enable conficty hostname sw1 ok here we told vlan 10 as a name as a i t and then we land 20 name as a sales name as sales and we will enable ip routing here after that what we done here we write interface vlan 1 ip address no shirt okay and then interface give me let me give some space interface vlan 10 ip ip address and no shirt here then interface vlan 20 an ip address we have and right here no shirt okay what else we done here and also we need to do ip helper command if you see this one let me copy so i can paste that directly this one okay i p helper command where we will put here wherever we assign under this interface okay under this interface under this interface okay what else i hope we created vlan and also we put the interface in the trunk so i will write here interface range f0 by dash okay 1-3 switch port trunk encapsulation dot one queue okay dot one queue or if you want i can copy the same command full form first we created that one if you remember this one let's see it came or not this one okay sorry something wrong let me copy again where it is this one i think now it came anyhow let me try or we can type also no issue but anyhow let me see here yeah it came after that switch port mode trunk okay this one so we make interface as a trunk then ip routing then interval and helper command okay what else we done this much only i think let me check here this is interface then we created vlan interview lan ip helper that's all here let me check i create vlan right here where i create here so this is a switch one configuration switch 2 is very simple let me do here very fast here is the switch to configuration simple configuration enable config host name sw2 then interface fast ethernet 0 by 3 switch port mode trunk then interface f0 by 1 switch port axis vlan 10 and interface fast ethernet 0 by 2 switch port axis will end 20 okay and same configuration for switch 3 let me copy and paste here this one if you see here this should be 3 and here should be 3 and interface f 0 by 1 this should be f 0 by 1 and f 0 by 2 this one this is f 0 by 3 okay that's all and here we create also vlan so let me write here vlan we created right like vlan 10 name id vlan 20 vlan 20 name sales so same thing we done here if we are using vtp automatically it will come anyhow we are not using vtp here okay that's all so i hope it is clear for you and after that we go here and we click this way like this and you will get the ip from the dhcp okay you are getting the ip from the dsp thank you this is a lab for a dsp lab how we can get the ip if we have multiple vlan in our network from the windows server 2019 if that guy is giving the ip how we can get we learn in this lab okay if you are using router then we can use the router on stick and we can do but this is another technique because in the real scenario you will find these types of setup okay thank you
Channel: Network for you
Views: 31,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Networkforyou, English, Mustafa Bin Amar, DHCP Lab for multiple vlan, vlan, multiple vlan, Dhcp, cisco, packet tracer, dhcp, switch l3, ccna, ccnp, ccna 200-301, networking, network, dhcp lab, free dhcp
Id: FvNVaEJc1xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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