Configure Cisco 3504 Wireless LAN Controller with VLANs

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now i will create the network but first place the router that will be the default gateway for the network switch 2960 the wireless lan controller okay 350 pc for wireless lan controller administration pc is an administrator lightweight access point 3d702i lightweight lightweight access point and two clients two laptops the clients connect the devices gigabit interface from router to gigabit interface and switch gigabit interface on router to gigabit gigabit one on wireless lan controller remember this gigabit one from gigabit ethernet 2 to the administrator for the pc and from facader24 switch to lightweight access point and now design the subnets design the blanks i will create bill and tang the name users and the subnet 172 1610 another vlan 20 that will be guest and the subnet will be 172 16 20. 0.24 and belong 99 that will be a management and a tip okay and a tip and the subnet will be 172 16 99 0 24. okay three belongs okay router will manage all the belongs okay and in all the vlogs will be the first ip the first ip the number one wireless lan controller will manage all the vlans and for all the belongs will be the ip address 254 pc 0 will be the administrator for wireless lan controller and lightweight access point will be placed on management belong on vlan 99 okay on management and belong 99 okay and this uh laptop on vlan tank okay this laptop on billing 10 okay billante on users and another laptop on vlan 20. another laptop on billion 20. okay [Music] and now configure the router okay now enter enable configure terminal create the sub interfaces on gigabit zero zero zero on the router the phase you can be zero zero zero but the first sub interface will be 10 and assigned to milan tank and so use encapsulation that one cube 10 okay and set the ipad there's the first ip on this subnet on vlan 10 okay 172 16 10 one subnet mask 24 now vlan 20 assign it to okay sorry sub interface 20 assign it to bill and 20 okay enter and the ip address 20.1 okay and finally sub interface 99 assigned to vlan 99 but it's not deep okay remember is a management hangar tip 99 use 99 tip and the subnet 99.1 the ip address the first 99.1 and the enable the physical interface is the phase zero gigabit shutdown okay very good and this part gigabit zero two should be trunk okay but enter and enable configure terminal before to create the the trunk ports first create the vlans you have three belongs okay bill and tang name users billion twenty name guest billing 99 name management i'm gonna tip okay exit and gigabit zero two trunk the vga v02 switch port mode trunk okay and switchboard trunk and a typical e9 because then a tb long is 99 now because where electron controller will manage all the vlans gigabit zero one should be trunk gigabit zero one switch four mode trunk switchboard translatively and also this lightweight access point plays the [Music] the adapter the power supply very good and this uh this lightweight access point will manage the the vlan 99 the vlan 10 the v120 so this this link should be also trunk twenty four five satellite twenty four switch for more trunk switchport run at milan 99 okay very good and now verify the ip address the default ip address of wireless lan controller is here on management the default ip is and subnet mask 255 240 okay and for the first configuration from the pc configure the pc with an ip address in the subnet of the wireless run controller if wireless run controller is 2168.11 with this subnet with with this subnet mask on pc choose for example and subnet mask 24d okay very good okay and access the wireless lan controller using the web browser http column slash slash go wait a minute please start by creating an admin account create this admin account username admin and password cisco 123 capital c okay great admin the username is admin and sys and password cisco cisco one two three capital c c score one two three capital c start okay system nine uh where's lan controller dash one management ip address i will place this on vlan 99 so management ipad should be in this subnet and subnet 99 and with this ipad is 254 172 16 99 254 subnet mask 24 okay default gateway the interface in the router 172 16.99 one and below id and maybe maybe below 99 because the management and native uh is on black 99 but use one okay use one in this case use one next okay and try to disable the wireless lan network next configure at least one wireless network okay configure at least one i will use i will create a test a test wireless lan okay and use this network test the name test i will remove later i will remove i will remove it later and this password cisco 456 capital c okay test password cisco 456 capital c cisco 456 capital c management vlan next next review the configurations and apply okay saving that configuration okay and close the web browser like now you can manage the [Music] the wireshark controller with the new ip address but the pc should be the administrator and place on a port on the switch 23 for example and this pc will be placed on management villa okay management villa okay on blog 99 and the ip address will be 253 253 so update the ip address on the pc on the subnet of vlan 99 172 16 99.253 subnet mask 24 okay zero forget away 172 16.99 one and very good let's configure this port for belonging i 23. interface faster than that 0 23 switchboard mode axis okay because this port 23 will manage only one one pillar only vlan 99 should be accessed switch more more access and switch for access milan okay very good and wait for this green indicator now is orange but wait for the green indicator okay go to pc and open web browser and try to access the wireless lan controller with the new ip address with use https http secure column column column slash okay use a secure web or http secure okay and now the the integrator is green so the new ip address of the wireshark controller was reduced 16.99 to 54. go login remember the admin account admin cisco 123 capital c add me let's see one two three logging very good go to controller interfaces okay and this is management enter to management okay port number one okay is assigned to port gigabit one on the wireless lan controller and the plan identifier only one do not use uh 99 okay but the interface is on vlan 99 with with here only set one okay ip others 1954 net mask gateway and dhcp server i will configure this later okay and very good back create the interface for vlan 10 this interface will enter and new interface name interface for where's lantern okay build our id similar id is time okay this is the villa apply and assign to port number one okay the board connected to the switch gigabit one plan number ten okay vlan 10 the ip address on this subnet 172 16 10 172 1610 use iprs-254 netmas 24. getaway the ip address on of the interface on the router 1 22 16 10 1 and the dhcp server i will configure this later okay apply okay the point here okay apply very good back the new interface for whether slan 20 new interface wireless lan 20 belong id 20 apply okay port 1 vlan 20 ip address on this subnet let's have that 132 16 20. 172 1620 2284 net mask 24 gateway 172 16 20.1 very good applied okay back and now you have three interfaces okay this three interface interface for wireless lantern interface for wires and 20 in the management very good go to wireless lans okay this is the test created on the wizard and remove this okay create new go create a wireless lan profile name this is only an identifier it's not the villain so use any for example one apply okay enable this enable this place on interface wireless lan 10 go to security set the security wpa wpa2 use version 2 and encryption aes very good use pre-shared key enable okay and set the password for where zlatan cisco 456 capital c cisco 456 capital c [Music] and go to advanced flex connect refers to the capability of an access point to decide whether the traffic from the wireless client is put directly on the network at the access point level local switching or if the traffic is centralized in the wireless lan controller central switching okay so i prefer local switching on the left flex connect local switching enabled flex connect local authentication enabled then apply okay very good go back create new for wider 20 gold profile wires down 20 ssid where is 120 identifier 2 is not the belong is only an identifier applied enabled set the interface interface variation 20. security wpa2 wpa2 policy a yes for the encryption pre shared key and for whether than 20 cisco 789 capital c cisco 789 okay advanced flex connect local switching enable flex connect local authentication enable then apply back now you have two wireless slangs okay 2 10 and 20. where is lan 10 and where then 20 ssid okay but go to controller and create the here internal dhcp server dhcp scope create the dhcp server for access points now you have here one access point a lightweight access point but you need a dhcp server for this this device okay go to wireshark controller and this is the default pool remove okay create a new click on new scope name for example dhcp server for vlan 99 okay apply enter the hcp vlan id9 and on this subnet on management i'm a tip 172 16.99 on the subnet the pull start address 32 16.99 and the thirds can be 100 and 172 16.99 105 the network 172 16 99 0 the mask 24 default routers the first ip on the router 991 dns servers use for example this enabled very good okay be careful with the numbers apply okay this is the dhcp pool created for the management for the for the access points but don't forget go to interface and go to management management interface and the primary dhcp server if the primary dhcp server is placed on router set the ip address of the router but in this case the dhcp server is placed on the wireless lan controller so use the ip of the wireless lan controller that is my own ip okay 172 16.99 254. okay apply okay okay very nice okay and go to lightweight access point and wires run controller set the ip address 132 1699.254 the ip address of the wireless lan controller that is this okay but on settings dhcp because the wireslam controller will provide the ip the default gateway one dns server gigabit dhcp the first ip on the pull 199.100 subnet mask very good now the lightweight access point has the ip address okay connected to what's into 1699 254 providing wireless lans wireless lan 10 and wireslam 20. okay but now [Music] curate the hcp for vlan 10 and dhcp formula 20. okay the i will create on the router okay enter enable configure terminal ip exclude ipdhcp excluded address and exclude some ip address on bill and 10 and this happened at 172 16 10 172 1610 for example exclude from 1 to 172 16 10 to 100 okay exclude from 10 1 to 10 100 and 4 billion 20 exclude on this subnet okay 20.1 20 100 now create the pools ip dhcp pool uh wireless and use any name i'm using this the network this is the subnet once i need to 16 chance hero subnet mask 285 to 852850 default router 172 16 10 1 and 10 1 the default gateway the dns server use this for example and i'll create a vlan for create a dhcp pool for wireless lan 20 use this name ipdhcp 120. the network is 20. default router 20.1 dns server 8 exit now the dhcp pool is created the dhcp pools are created okay and configure the wireless run controller go to controller go to interfaces go to interface wireless lantern and the dhcp server is placed on the router so use the ip of the router 172 16 10 1. apply okay back go to interface while where is that 20. the dhcp server the ip on the router the router is the dhcp server so ip address of the router 20.1 on that sub interface okay apply okay very good and then go to vlan 10 client okay remove the turn off remove the facet interface select the wpc300n wireless interface okay turn on desktop pc wireless connect refresh and connect to wireless lantern connect and remember wpa personal wpa2 and use this cisco for i6 capital c cisco 456 and connect and very good is connected and close this and review the ip configuration you got the configuration using dhcp in this case the dhcp server is the router okay and go to vlan's vlan 20 client remove the fast internet interface to now remove at wpc300n and for now desktop pc wireless connect refresh wireless lan 20 connect wpa2 personal thing cisco 789 capital c c is called seven a9 okay and connect very good let's connect review close this and review the ip configuration you got the dhcp you got the ip address from the dhcp server place it on the router and ping for example to [Music] laptop 0 on vlan 10 132 16 10 101 okay from this laptop 1 billion 20 ping this laptop on vlan 10 172 1610 101 success ping pc0 the management is [Music] the ip address is 253 but is on network 99.253 okay very good okay for example go to pc go to monitor and you can see a access point one access point detected okay one access point and detail this is the ip address of the lightweight access point 99.100 and if you want to add another access point it's very easy go to words like devices seriously semi-zero two fields having zero two i connect and the adapter the power supply connect to the switch for example fastener 22 set this faster than 22 uh trunk enable computer terminal configure terminal interface for satellite 22 switch port mode trunk switchboard trunk milan 99 okay and okay we'll replace it on belong 99 okay and [Music] go to the add to clients okay and the lightweight access point and configure and use dhcp dhcp and you got the ip configuration okay also you can set the primary controller 172 16 99 254 the wireless line controller and you will see connected to one side to 169 254 providing wireless lans 1010 and wireless lan 20 okay place the the interfaces okay pc wireless connect refresh okay and on vlan 20 select uh quarters line 20 and use the second all right okay the difference is the mac address look at the mac address here zero zero seven and the mark others on the another uh ssid is zero e0 and this access point has the mac address zero zero e0 okay zero zero is zero now either zero zero is zero so connect to not this this is zero zero seven connect to the zero zero is here connect and wpa2 personal and for vlan 20 cisco 789 capital c c is called 789 connect very nice and verify your ip from the subnet 20 very good and pc and pc wireless connect refresh connect the wireless and this wireless runtime with with macada zero zero e0 connect and for where is cisco four five six capital c c four five six and capital c connect okay very good verify the ip very nice on subnet 10 thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 3,971
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: wlc 3504, wireless lan controller, wlc, 3504, packet tracer, dhcp, interface, wireless, wlan, cisco, vlan, virtual lan
Id: bN8Rh6-QjEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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