Roasted Turkey Wings, Greens, Stuffing and Potato Salad

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hey y'all alright this is cooking with tilt and guess what child like I tell you a long time I read everything and see everything y'all commenting on the night screaming [ __ ] so I try to make your every wish is my desire okay so today what I'm preparing for you and some regular stuffing with chicken in some turkey ways and some potato salad and some greens with smoked pig tails y'all so we got a love feast player today come on in here we're cooking with y'all [Music] okay I'll depend of stuff I need y'all to pay close attention so my steps I repair ahead of time to cut time on this video okay so I'm using cheek I took some boneless chicken fat bonus into chicken thighs and I bought this is the broth that came out from cheek okay into the water Oh Oh salary I put a little salt little see the shout got a pile on your powder complete seasoning black pepper and you got to have your poster seasoning y'all and I put two babies in there right so I bought a chicken out I had to say mister so so some people like to go buy at all beef broth chicken broth all that know you make your own growth okay and that's what this is my own broth from where I bought this boneless skinless chicken thighs okay that's my 7 a.m. that I bought and what I did what we're gonna do is just gonna pinch that off in our dressing like this right here we're gonna add to boil eggs now with the ball eggs that something my mama taught me why should put it in the dressing I don't know but it'd make a good job okay so just fall until close you know I'd never steer you wrong okay being I all took my food processor not chopped up missing salary that's a full folks pizza uh celery with the leaves I got two onions and the bell pepper and a half right here then I break down the cornbread this is five boxes of gypsy cornbread y'all okay you can follow that baking we're gonna crumble this up okay so let's go ahead and get started never carry your dressing we're gonna chop this down oh I'm making a mess already let me use my hangout it more easy we're gonna put this off in the bowl like so you break that down up and now these old cheap doll opinions being all up on this stuff no give no dollar pair from my Dollar Tree y'all because though they just being our look you don't say I'm get some good pain oh don't want to be cheap just right heel pain we're just gonna break this up like so then we're going to ban all I bring in job it's gonna be some good dress y'all follow Lord Allah stomach you gonna have some good dresses for the holiday okay your family gonna rap or everybody and I'm telling cuz you know tough never stir you run all right you break the cornbread up and we're gonna eat everything you know and like I said on question on my boy ed my mama taught me that okay and also I converted into using the chicken breast I mean a chicken thigh but my mom always made her dressing with turkey nails but as I got older I deviated from the turkey nights and started using chicken thighs cook they started jacking the price up on them turkey night I'm like godly but you know what it still good with the chick that I promise you you just follow me cuz you know like I say simple numbers they're your problem I'm gonna take this here chickie we're gonna shred it up without him we don't try we're gonna shred okay that's how you do shredded are you cutting how you like it or whatever I like just take mine and break it up with my hand like I said we're boarding in her bra he made his own bro yeah and I started saying boneless skinless chicken thigh but I actually had this skinless and counting the bone in I'm deep on the cuz you know you make the best broth with the bone in so get the chicken thighs with the bone in boiler cuz that's gonna get your uh your broth all the good seasoning from them bones and then you take it out you debone it yes how my son's gonna be good job I'm telling y'all do you I'm bright like that but I know my food video job my family can tell you as you can see if I don't get that last Sunday for the guy yeah I have my left I made sure everybody had something huh uh-huh but just follow along with me and I guarantee you you won't have a good meal this dress is gonna be um shut your mouth Oh gags I'm telling you just keep on breaking you chicken up in that just like the hill cuz you wanna taste love meat any you know yes it's hands in your food gift all good putting that love offering pot make sure they clean Don okay all right I'm just finishing up breaking it up this chicken eater like I say that was seven chicken thighs okay five boxes of jiffy cornbread bait box okay battery folk with the leaves out with the leaves to Lions Lions and I did a backlight one backup and a half okay I'll see you y'all know it so I gave the burden of the seafood now I'm giving you the same well I'm okay iPhone you know for minorities let me get my cup over here so we're gonna grant through the POTUS he'll drop off and help we're gonna pull it out at once put it easy the ad gonna take away it's gonna be you see I still had set her on enough and it's okay everything's gonna be lovely y'all and it's seasoned I read too so I ain't gotta add much seasoning to this I won't end up using all that Brock yeah yamo habits for the holidays and I guarantee you you'll be replying to me saying miss telemental oh my god Matilda promised met y'all cuz guess what tell them they'll 30 roll y'all yes y'all see I'll be wearing my little boy that when my father come a dress long and I don't like my hair down wild cookie I need the car tight oh what a girl named best boy I wrong this room this room give me one new but it's good I left it make sure you take your baby back I had three smile was in here that's the first thing to come up so I'm gonna show up we're gonna take it out to I'm just gonna throw this out there huh there you go a hairy smile ow okay now if you wanna add just some get you some regular bras and boy - you can do that too but I like to just make man cause y'all know I like to seize my food to my taste I like to eat and have my family like me y'all and this pretty much a good consistency hill but I'm an edge there but I some water if I wanted to be dry out I don't want no dry dressing you wanted to be silky and saver on that tall pallet y'all okay this is looking good baby baby I ain't got to eat much boil just a little bit but I'm telling you y'all follow tilt directions on here baby and it's just a regular water give it a little more moisture there we go and we're gonna bake this in the oven for by the Iowa on 350 degrees better owl check it tap the middle to make sure is dried out it being dried I'll put it back enough another 15 30 minutes I like the slope a bank the wildlife stuff be over 150 degrees oh okay sometime I amp it up to that 400 degrees y'all like June now baby but we gonna do three bitty three video three fish brush my hands up but Jean no cleaning this place to garden this yes yes yes let me move this time away okay now we're gonna add some black pepper and again y'all hear me come and make sure they looking at your season your food to your own taste is like it you can add you can take away you can do whatever you want just tell just Gaeta justice in the basis of how you do things okay but I promise you you'll follow what I'm doing you gonna be licking your toes and tweak let me look at your fingers and twinkling your toes and rubbing them betters when you Dundee I guarantee it yes Andy mm-hmm so this is a little black pepper I'm shaking about two times there y'all seeing the complete these big balls I don't think I'm over seasoning okay on your powder garlic powder guys see this out here but I'm you little white sound okay and your party season got it have you parched you some people like you sage some people like you stage airports your season but I grew up using this portrait seasoning how my mama did it so that's what I do but that make you dressing right there that part you see okay and this is all you do all you do then throw it up and pan bake it about an hour I would have on 350 out now I know I can season with my eyes now but every great chefs au poste attach your food as you go but I really don't so I meant by a Zhao the taste as you go so y'all can adjust your seasoning how you see fit me I like I say either contender eyeballing my sisters are my smells and stuff be up so I could pretty much know how am I gonna be okay but y'all taste as you go but you see this this is good right here good system that's all this is good dressing okay I'm gonna throw this off in the pan and go bake it off y'all break it on down in pain yeah and like I said I see I have coupie because I gotta be your family so hey it is what it is and I like put a little pepper Rico on top of my dressing get some color that that old-school flavor okay yeah let me get and push it up a Perico top go ahead it's for the holidays that's a child boom making out for Nestle and then you give me a trick with this whole food opinion I wanna drop my stuff trying to give to the okay y'all so come back in 350 degrees for hours I wouldn't have I'm probably not baking for an hour and a half young but yeah go ahead and I'll be back gets a pair of nuts and their names this y'all hey y'all now we fit into our wrote the Turk lines that I'm doing hug what I have here I have some flats some tilts and the drumsticks that I've cleaned and washed off already I took some bottom and base the bottom of my paint now I'm gonna take the bug and I'm Rob only turn whines and then we're gonna seize them then we're gonna roast mop in the oven about an hour at 350 for about an hour and a half to two hours okay so let's get started ciao roast turkey wings I like take me some butter I like take either ease feelings with rub them oh now yeah I'm like a butter bath okay or you could take look all the part the bottom my pan I just like put the butter on mine get that skin little crispy and stuff y'all ain't gonna stick like that cuz you know they still a little damn for their time good rub them down all right rub your legs down little lotion and stuff just rub your wine down my side see that really y'all know I like my but I'm still a Paula Deen wanna cut somebody out but that's how black folks eat you understand and say I'd normally like all the flex but at my brush throw they time at you can get the drums out of lefty you getting that they got a mild mixed in the girls and stuff so I just got what I could get a child and left that met that beat but now you know some people preference beat the drums and a flat so now we got boban some people just like the wine tell but sometime I just get the tips and cooking yeah this is all we're going to he'll tell you took never throw you out wrong yeah I'll just follow this Hill a little messy but it's okay and I forgot my possible a price the place is good fresh pricing pricing inflates oneís but sometime I can't think straight when I go in the snow y'all be 2 min I want people not gonna look nervous I have to get up fighting out damn man you watching me and his food right just a food but I like to see people wanna see me talk just I was going out to make sure y'all get it all of it I think I got him on there I'm why what continue the [ __ ] I can't use it no mo then wrist elaborate Nami pie pan the juices and stuff going and I got to go wash my hand so I put my seasoning on here okay y'all that's that okay now we're gonna put our seasoning on him we got paprika black pepper to complete our you patty you know toners baby toners y'all know who's coming in to pitch y'all so impossibly plates I'm fresh parsley but I forgot mine so when you got it today then you season to your taste in your own liking show okay I'll be shaking this off on him like so all right pal got some you got great day baby look after you complete this is real good pull and even if you gotta find this already and you complete anyway you know hey mo you black papper che che che go and you paprika paprika you give it a love 911 and it gave a good color y'all just um that's some good stuff right now then guess what hands gonna get back better kufan rub this on down up on them okay then y'all take don't mix them up like this hill so I'm gonna get massage being and on every piece okay yeah you look better I saw you have my size getting usually cold it still brought that body now on it too yes welcome lightning and then a shout we tilts now wash my hands again I must drink a little bulkier than on you out okay then I'm a little more this complete on top of them yeah and you know what I've got put off look at this tacwise you know I'm got put a little poultry seasoning on - okay and you get my pouch but you love pasta season on meow like life is hell a little bit on now come on y'all this gonna be about money I don't feel a job with this Porsche see me go little on top of Rico and we're going to the hub and Yahoo bake it at 350 degrees for out of two and a half hours now that's it that's it putting oven 350 degrees for hour and a half to two hours you won't hurt you some perfectly browned good behind turquoise y'all I'll be right back at you we're gonna do them brains name now we're doing our brains what I have here is about six pieces of smoked pig tails that I already had been boiling for by the aisle with just a little bit of water we got toward a half bunches of greens he'll and on top I got one onion already diced up okay we're gonna add purple onion powder and lighter seasoning to the greens that's all we need for this hill okay so we're gonna like I said I bought the smoked meat for our I don't have now we're gonna add the greens to it as you can see it's just a little water come over here cameraman show them how my world enough ain't that much wild right now could the greens gonna make it home okay so we're gonna add the greens and onions to it like this and I'll seasoning then we're gonna let these just do their thing about a 1/2 I'm gonna have two outs tasting to see if they turn the nose look at them and did you know that will determine but these already been washed and everything y'all okay see last time I did greens I put that smoke I mean the hambone in and I hands out throw and then my toes you can uh you in type of smoked meat you won't so big time I'm showing y'all smoked pig tails y'all okay now we're gonna add this hill seasoning we got the Lyra's the onion powder black pepper that's all you need and once again I forgot my Pappy ah boy I fed myself of me I'll try getting one me get it anyway cuz she time - spicy so we're just gonna meet the Holi pretty powerful Andy we got no pepper flakes but it's gonna be all good okay because you ain't got necessary habit I just like a kick in my brain okay let's put these miles off the hill I'm gonna take this off and we're gonna do about a half cup do the lives in here okay don't talk about to taste salt like I say you feel your season two young taste okay so that better half a little cup of live is down put your five tapes boom and a half black pepper there you go and same with this all you power number I so that's the tapes Puma none y'all that's it that's how you do let me get my phone then we just let these do they find their do they find you come back and check on now be right with child last thing we got to put together is there good old-fashioned potato cell y'all good old-fashioned potato salad I'll be right back with you what I'm sewing now since check three you don't check the dresses those jet wings the turkey wings and then also I got caught up man I caught up nine small potatoes dice them up and I got five eggs and he'll what salt to water that's the phone book about 10-12 minutes to make the Taylor sent out they bought ten twelve minutes we won't see how tenday hills and they ready we're gonna pour the water off let them clues and then I'll be right with you the mix data but first let's check the greens they just doing it bang let me continue to do very fine oh yeah it's still not ready everybody should be read about focal like I said my brother everything head to toe my dressing had to cook for an hour hour and a half the turkey wings was cooking them for hour and a half two hours the greens are we voting for by our Allentown okay so these still gonna let them do Big Bang we'll come back and check these greens we're gonna go down here and check these off check the dressing her shout oh look at that dressing yards just gonna look a real good job see it still kind of stops I mean is where I wanted it she's gonna let them continue to bake that's looking good you got our wings you know they grossed enough they looking good so we're just gonna let them continue to roast y'all and the game is balling me potatoes for a good 12 by 12 minutes no and then take them out let them cool I'm gonna mix the salad okay this is cooking with tip y'all I'll be right with you okay y'all I'm checking my greens again right and then you almost know they still love a little and look a little tough to me so I'm gonna continue boiling but what I'm gonna do now I'll let got like three times spoons all of bacon grease in my cup right up in the air D green so that's three tablespoons this you can add or you can leave that down on your laptop we like our fries a little greasy some time so that then a day or that same day you can fry that old mouse bread up which I've been doing that for y'all but fry some old bastard bread are they probably called a hot water cornbread without down no I'm bad Duval it's best to read me and then you know you take that and fry that up and you get them breathe greens you mash them with your [ __ ] on there like that yeah done when I'm telling my so I made my fake trees down in my head of green okay that's three types of bacon grease y'all cooking out my potatoes up in the check though cuz they should be ready now let this finish marinate Rajavi y'all turn these off cuz I know they ready you can take it you'll find great right slow down like that right now they ready and that was like I say Ted 12 minutes y'all I'm gonna scoop my five days at first and put you down some cold water so you can get me here peeled that's five I put five like I found it nice small potatoes I'm just making a small bowl on the Titanic but y'all want to see using a potato kind of I hate us now from the game and sweet dogs cut them up the smile bow y'all okay my hands are cold water we've been a trainee like I call water running in there y'all that'll cut the of pulling down fountain change their dishwater - I just spray some cold water on mine and watch some that starts on food but I cool them down this way back and then to me when you let them just sit and cool they be continuing to cook and y'all walk that cuz you don't wanna mess tape tape salad you wanna call water on the cooling down I saw you go dad potato see that they already closed y'all they look a little warm this to him but I cooled them down but we can go mix this up Oh cat man yeah we got down Rica black pepper stop we got mayonnaise mustard and sweet radish ah you put the sweet radish and your potato set remember I told you wanna cut of your Sifu said you put your dill relish in it not sweet but Twitter sweet you take sides okay so we so mix all this up this is just a quick little sample country potato salad okay y'all you know you can do this famous tater salad too soon like you can shred me share and potentially grab me Oh what else people put it down sometime they put both of them together you know they a red bell pepper yeah back up whatever but I'm just going to the face a little all spoon potato sadness' just bring back Pepe white onion Sam man ain't must salt pepper paprika and sweet radish it out just mix these things on someone get it chilled in the fridge okay gonna combine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in that position for this culture South it does not take much to get these guys your path [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm doing like our Travis thing you tend to sell you for no minute it's fine but I'm showing you what you can do so Jim oh and I got get my eggs go ahead go go get miss I know what realign I like I just cut them up enough how big how small you want I like to see my own is my Pig set so I do my kind of being you know but again that will fight I mean nine small potatoes five ball it's three four thousand town [ __ ] South Africa most of the mayonnaise okay put something easy I'll remember I told you we bought those titles for 12 minutes and it was rich I'm trying my true and just in your tapes that I got animal mayonnaise know what none that cuz is that consistency I like you're more like I say you don't want to add so much 2spooky y'all mono true scoop later Sally okay [Music] babe and that's on the money that's on the money and I take this up young man take that down I'll bag I want a little more pepper Rica that's it now put a little bit on top that's on the money guy nobody got no cheese hey y'all know I'm doing this kitchen yeah baby yeah yes cameraman what you say about that old things down tell me my do-over oh you know what this is cooking with tilt yeah what yeah I never started route so we're all gonna bawl the Botes up so chill [Music] that's all you do a special way to selling out we just gotta get a cone y'all let me know it's they like I said I'm never wrong and I guarantee you will be making your famous wiggling your toes they're rubbing your better half the words y'all go through so much but two things yes and B but in this cookie win tell I'm putting free red letter chill receivers we'll be back with the finished product everything we cook today y'all remember it was there good old favorite dressing that I you chicks I'm in some roasted turkey white collared greens with smoke Oh pigtails and we got some dressings penetration yes yes this is clicking would tell I've been by question okay y'all I'm going in here now I gotta pull this dress knife install firm y'all see that it's firm so that lets you know this is ready got a nice golden crust on it we're gonna take this out we break that by the high one 45 minutes y'all I said I wouldn't have but I let this big pan go flow album 45 y'all so we go ahead and take that out the of we're gonna check them turquoise this here's your dresser looking at y'all that's so Purdy that's so perfect then we're gonna [ __ ] eater Queens and what I did is job I had checked it off I told I will check it and then I switched my dressing up and my turkey wings to the bottom yes Saudis gonna be the baby his pants and get this juice you see that butter brown sugar y'all graze that okay raise you me yes baby yes it looks so good but does he kill me what is up see how they pulling away from the balls they buy ready go kitty I'm probably back about 30 minutes take mine and every two hours on these I really really enjoy these cuz I know I am something a lot tougher downstairs wrong baby just the devil story wrong I won't see y'all get in pieces they do for another five minutes only so this is cooking with tilt I'll be by which one they're thanking we have a final prize project is done and then I face their good old play yo yesterday okay y'all we bite you everything is done again I couldn't eat greens by two hours for a little over two hours we did the dressing I said for our four to five minutes the turquoise cooked for two and a half - oh I think I couldn't for two for three hours see turquoise so we got our dressing of turkey wings on collard greens and you got to taste settle over here y'all let's fish this food up and let's get it let's get it crackin girl it's been a long road this right help make on side see what there's gonna be like okay y'all gonna be miss addressing oh look it out that's what you wanna see baby yes look at that dressing out look out get some greens like that y'all yes some creams one of the turkeys over here oh yeah and then we're gonna get a stupid this Hill potato selling out and we spent me and my family eat and get right finish watching the game y'all but this has been cooking with tilt please enjoy my recipes continue to watch and subscribe to me y'all and like I say I never stood round baby up in the wife julie fei-fan just weakened eight toes and running a baddest babies off this right hill again we got the turkey look the roasted turkey drumstick down we got the cornbread stuffing dressing with the uh broke off the uh chicken thighs off in some kyliebruce will smoke pink tail and some good old take a salad y'all this is been cooking with till i see y'all again [Music]
Channel: Cooking Wit Tip
Views: 220,997
Rating: 4.8976908 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, food, southern, northern, indian, Mexican, food network, network, east coast, west coast, pork, beef, chicken, sausage, bread, pies, cakes, salads, lettuce, spices, cheese, melt, turkey, youtube, seasoning, seasonings, Sunday, meals, easy, friday, saturday, wednesday, night, day, evening, greens, salt, big, east, north, south, cooks, bbq, bar-b-que, roasted, garlic, onion, bell peppers, pie, cake, fee, with, wit, youtube cooking, chef, chefs, food wishes, wish, munchies, munch, faye, fay, fe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 23sec (2843 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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