Deviled Eggs 2 Ways | My Way, His Way, or the Highway

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check it out folks you know what time it is listen you already seen how we did it before you didn't read this playlist name and I'm gonna tell you how it worked check it out we're gonna do my way his way or the highway now today we're going to do Creole deviled eggs and he's going to do it his style that's what I'm doing I'm gonna let him tell you what you're doing you guys can look at his ingredients hey look I'm not gonna over talking bro hey you do you hey hey hey welcome to the grilling TV network me and my boy AB we're about to throw it out and I got some fried deviled eggs I'm doing them southern style a b hey where you starting brother hey like I said I'm doing Creole deviled eggs you know what I mean I'm gonna start with this bacon but just the fact that you trying to level up and do them Friday look I'm gonna go ahead and start off like this let me go ahead I'm gonna start off with a cold pan Hey listen I don't know if you're gonna do no uh no bacon but I'm gonna go ahead and just lay this in here just like this you know I mean I don't want to see all them crinkles and all of that in my bacon so I'm gonna go ahead and watch you do your thing actually you got all them ingredients like that you know what I mean uh we'll see uh you know what I'm saying the only thing I know is I ain't never seen no deviled eggs with no bacon and I know don't let me tell y'all let me tell y'all something about it he always tried to turn it up a notch would I get in the kitchen with it you know this ain't this ain't normal you know I have my own old southern way but my boy over here next thing I know he come he got bacon over there going he got something else over there going look at here I'm gonna go and and kind of get a head start with some of these chives I'll see what you're doing right here hey let me just say this man yeah you're showing them tries for me too because you couldn't you guys I see you got your own child no no no no no I went with the parsley bro but you know no but I see some chives right there you gotta use yours yeah you got that knife skill hey I know who you've been hanging around Chef Aaron McCargo and uh I ain't got his knife skills but I know one thing my child's gonna look just as good as he is that's right but check this out Pat now I didn't ask you already was you doing anything with some bacon you told me no so I'm gonna go ahead and make this bacon the way I like it and right now it's calling my name and it's saying hey take me out you know I mean I got this paper line oh let me just show everybody this because we do the dishes here check this out that's right you know what I mean uh hey I made enough bacon because look this you know I like to snack on something while I'm cooking you know what I'm saying so that's why I made so much hey but look again I'm not trying to over talking I'm gonna get in my game put my game face on and we finna create man okay make sure check it out I got the bacon I'm gonna go ahead and set that over there before you set it over there I mean bruh this is all this if you say that hey you left a little fatty in on there for me check it out I'm gonna treat you like a toothpick all right you better get serious man cause I'm serious I'm serious about what we do it so listen why are you doing this baby I'm gonna go ahead we got 12 eggs says he my brother from another mother we're gonna share I like to take my eggs and just time to roll them like that machine I don't know how you do and then just peel you know what I'm saying how you do yours Amanda got a whole lot of work let me get on here okay will you chill you show me what's how you do yours and I'm saying I take an egg like this oh I'm sorry look I use a little water get a little help go like this take my hand on there when it gets nice and smooth yeah look you're still fooling with that yeah I can kill you if I wanted to Bingo I'm gonna do you a favor I'm gonna give this one to you you're gonna put it on the board now put it right there okay I'm cutting my eggs lengthwise straight down the center okay slide open like that take me I don't even need a spoon you did a hell of a job with these eggs and then we're just gonna go I guess I can go in this bowl here and I'm just gonna let it fall in there like that [Music] now look I just want to show you guys one thing yeah bro look at this one right here I really don't want to take her to the dance right you know make sure I'm not seeing if she deformed enough like that but she was Heavy with the yolk but it's real thin right right don't know if I want to put all of that in here just throw one away all right so look I got a remedy for that I just want you to watch look you take it you just have just a little bit of salt just like that right now let me bring it right here yeah right I'm watching what else you're gonna do fresh crack black this is the part you got to pay attention to is that the part remember I knew better than something hey you you got it right hey you got it I got some Dijon mustard I love my brother going right in with my yolks yeah I think this will be a great time to say look as we looking at all the ingredients you got right there don't forget you guys the full ingredient list will be down in the description box below absolutely gotta have mail mail that's going in It's Gonna Move real quick y'all I'm turning mine up with a little hot sauce little chives in there wake them up a little bit just really wakes them up you know I mean I'm just gonna go ahead just put a pinch of this in here like this yeah just a little bit right I'm borrowing some of your spices I gotta use this thing perfectly bro because you didn't act like you wanted to share yeah it's all good now that's one thing that I don't have up here that nobody sees I got to get my Dijon mustard you know I mean hey this right here kind of like what does it you know that and the Creole kick man that gives me the flavor profile that I'm looking for right so I sit there I'm gonna go ahead and start me you know mixing this together you go ahead and do yours so you use a you you whisking so what I do is I take the back of my spoon and mash because I want to mash I might wish later but I want to get all of these yolks I don't want no lumps I don't like nothing with lumps in it [Music] I'm loving what I'm seeing now I'm going to go ahead and hit it I know this what it needs I'm just gonna give it a little splash of salt I don't know about you real but I'm mixed up pretty good actually I'm gonna get rid of my whisk yeah get rid of mine too bro I got a good mix on it all right let me borrow a little that wall she told me I need to wash as I go trying to get in no trouble all right so I got mine really nice but one thing about deviled eggs whether you're deep frying them Creole whatever I know my brother gonna do it you got to give it a little taste and you're really tasting for the right amount of seasoning salt whatever else you might need before we stuff these bad boys you might be in a little trouble bro this is fire the tractors are folks you can come on in here and take a look at this hey who was that hey somebody come here look at this you can't get off here anyway oh yeah that right there is nice you can see all of the you know the seasoning on there you can see that they got Creole kick on it right now before I give this over here to you I'm gonna go ahead and take this look you guys know I keep that infused olive oil right you guys are trying to figure out like that right now like is that that basil is that you know we're just at Target uh you know I like to keep popping we just need a little bit man stop it it's a little bit right and then what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go to my go-to man you know I mean this is my go-to folks you just put this on here like that why because uh shrimp is so fleshy and absorbent you can put this in a lemon and it tastes like a lemon but when you put this this Creole kick on it uh-oh folks look get it coated like this and we're just gonna let it sit up now I know you got to do something because you're from The Dredge I see you with these three boom boom boom go ahead and do your thing man I'm gonna sit back and be a fan shrimp I don't know what he got going on over there but let me tell you right now I'm gonna do a dreading because I got my All Star to eat I wanted about 375 degrees I got some flour here all right then I'm gonna take two eggs just like that now you want to get a fancy car you want to one-handed I got you no breading what that's gonna give us that extra crust now since they beaten messed up my egg I'm blaming it on you I'm blaming I'm just gonna whisk this right together this is just a wash okay do your thing I told you I'm here as a fan I only think I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab a little more of his salt I always like to season my flour I'm your brother for another month our salt there you go but it's got smoking and Grilling on here I don't know if y'all check I mean it's in my container that's all it is but this is our salt so I'm gonna wake up I know y'all wondering where I'm going with this but you just stick with me we're gonna start stuffing these bad boys so I'm just gonna grab me a little bit now the difference brother is that when I stuff mine in here [Music] I take my spatula and just kind of smooth it across I don't have the I don't have to worry about the prettiness of of um it being super pretty for show because of the paint colors yeah because I'm a breaded and all of that all right all right we got this last one here let's see man let me see and well you know what just because you're doing all that I had to put this towel on your my shoulder man [Music] [Applause] I just want to let you know notice the one thing I did is like my uh fillings completely covers so I'm gonna go right in here okay take my flower uh I was wondering how you were gonna do that I got it now okay I'm gonna I'm gonna sit her down in there okay and then I'm just gonna do three and I'm gonna keep this process going but I take it I dredge it through the eggs flip it over and then I go right into my paintball and I just like that oh I got you we're going to keep this process for all six or seven that I have and then we're going right into the oil okay so look while you're getting ready to do that I see you doing them dishes you know what I mean I'm gonna go ahead and start you know start my shrimp look I'm using that butter you know I mean put a little fused olive oil in here for a little kick of flavor but we got that bacon grease in here working now this ain't gonna take me long so look I'm gonna let them go ahead and get you and we about to see what you're doing yeah and then we're gonna go from there because it's gonna be ready in just a minute and here you go again here you go y'all all right so while my brother is back there with his shrimp I don't know what he got going on I never see no shrimp take place ain't no deviled eggs I have finished my breading got my panko you see a little of the chives in there my oil it should be right around 350 degrees and what I really like to do because I don't want to I just take them and lay it in there and drop it I know I'm making a lot of noise in this background keep doing this he trying to make noise and we're just gonna fry these and what we want is just for them to become Brown and golden because remember they're already cooked this is just me turning it up a little bit all right y'all after about three minutes let's take a peek and I'm just going to take my spider and go in here who who and you just lift them right up a little bit uh and I'm just going to grab my plate sit it right there now these old hands they've been doing this for a long time so I'm just gonna lay them like so why AB is back there [Music] playing with those shrimp hey if I was you I'd watch what I'm saying right now if you talk about playing with some shrimp let me walk this down here by you you know let me just bring this right here if that ain't that million dollar shrimp I don't know what it is oh my goodness perfectly curled and not too tight and yes you can have one oh thank you very much thank you very much I'll need you blowing on me all right all right I didn't pull them out as you can see they're super golden I'm gonna dress these babies um I'll give you a little tip typically I refrigerate them after I put the stuffing in just to kind of chill them a little bit before I go through my dredging process but since I was working over here next to the big dog I figured I might as well just go on and dip them right away what you got going on over there bro hey so you know what I'm saying I'm just working listening to you watching you do your thing watching them Beauties come out of there I just gotta ask one question I got one question okay where does he get those fancy toys from what is this hey man what is that I see you got a holder yeah so you're gonna you're gonna pipe yours there you go why didn't you you didn't want to tell me about that before I mean I I you know what after what you were doing you know I'm saying I saw how you did it you put it in there you put the spoon on the top you you did your thing you know what I'm trying to let you do all of that okay I'm not gonna stop no master at his job you know what I mean if you do you you know what I mean and imma do me I got you you know I mean I gotta how to do a little gadgets though bro yeah I see you know I mean hey this just make my job a little easier mine gonna be real simple bro you said piping and all that ain't got no piping bags homie I'm Gonna Keep It I'ma just keep it fabulous like I normally do look Ziploc and I'm about to take my teeth remove this little piece of plastic right here right now what you guys to come on here and take a look at this right here this is when we use our brains and we keep it real simple right we just go ahead and squeeze this Creole stuffing in here like that look at that look oh yeah come on now look I'm not gonna bore you guys look this is all we want to do we just want to make sure we get it in here like that and we just leave it like that and then we go on and look I'm gonna go ahead and let them go back to you take a look at you I know you ready to do your Garners you do your thing by the time you get through I should be done over here so I just take a little parsley and let it just fall this should be the part that I like man you take some of these you know these Creole shrimp and you go ahead and just set them out there like that right there then you got to make sure that the people that's coming over to you to your pad you know I mean they're not like super greedy you might have to like stay around here because there's always that one dude who come over and didn't want to take six or seven of these now I see listen to this right now listen to this you hear that quietness crickets it's cricket [Music] foreign [Music] me and my brother from another mother being in the kitchen is we know it's gonna be good y'all [Music] brother man I got to say this the Highlight is just throwing down with you in the kitchen you know we both know that they're good I I you know I you know before I even want to know that they're good I'm just gonna go ahead and do this oh yeah I'm gonna get right up in here mm-hmm okay I've been dying for this one right here let me tell you something cheers folks that bacon crunch in there on top of that shrimp Angus mountains I'm sure this mic is picking up this crunch bro somebody is in mid Texas what's going on Chef Aaron McCargo Jr is always showing up when it's tasting time always oh wow oh wow oh wow hey so look check it out man this is your time you tell me you know I made this when he made that one I know they both fired but I want to hear your opinion you really want my opinion I really want you oh yeah oh yeah this ain't personal crunch my mama's tasting that eggs out something had a little kick to it you put hot sauce or something here oh yeah I fired it up a little bit Yeah I fired it up a little bit Crunch and all that you Mr friends I'm presentation with bacon that smokiness I'm gonna tell you it's either his way or your way this is what I thought we should just do we should just take this right here double stack these and make this a combo oh that's right I'm gonna put this in my mouth right right and I'ma holler at you later because there is no winner here because I would go to a party and have both of these with the ice cream hey that's how I would hit it yeah my paper plate one two and that Kool-Aid they said nothing by the word hey so with that being said you guys know how it worked look is it my way his way or the highway guess what folks we out peace
Channel: Grillin' TV network
Views: 245,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grillin' TV network, deviled eggs, easy deviled eggs, how to make deviled eggs, deviled eggs recipe, best deviled eggs, deviled eggs recipe easiest, easy deviled eggs recipe, how do you make deviled eggs, hard boiled eggs, deviled egg, deep fried deviled eggs, how to make deviled eggs filling, how to make classic deviled eggs, creole deviled eggs, appetizer, eggs, bacon deviled eggs, recipe, appetizers, my way his way or the highway, gtv, smokin and grillin with ab, pat neely, egg
Id: LnaJStSjtoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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