Detroit's #1 Most Notorious H**Man :The Untold Story of Nate Boone Craft

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[Music] all right here we go yo yo yo what up doe man I have here on Mogul State of Mind the man the myth the legend the one in the probably your most prolific shadowy figures in Detroit history um people know you from running if you ever heard of this story you've known for running with the crew best friends doing your own thing work with Mogul State of Mind Nate boom craft how you doing my guy I'm doing good I'm glad to be here so the first time I ever run into you was on Al Prophet page man and just going down through the whole Detroit history of gangsters and everything again your story came up and seeing you talk man my mind is blown back so I'm excited to capture your journey um the upbringing um neighborhood crabs are you where you come up from where are you originally from east side of Detroit we came up from Mississippi bro I born on the east side of Detroit and uh I mean you know back then it was kind of rough and tough but I never was one to be a follower or hang out and play games I was all the way out there hustling so I started hustling from the age of nine nine years I was out there selling heroin and [ __ ] was God named Charlie and uh by the time I turned 10 we had fallen out me and my friend General I guess I could see his name because he's dead passed away last year October but uh we had to talk to him and we told him hey man do this man you got to give us some more money you don't mind giving y'all nothing y'all y'all should be happy that I'm in your work I said we the one bringing in your money I mean you got to understand these people wouldn't paying you nothing when you hired me what do you do tell me to go get the money from them did I not come back with the money yes so you got to understand we need more money I usually give it to us or we're gonna go our way and start our own [ __ ] each of them you ain't gonna do nothing I'll beat y'all laugh it's one what the [ __ ] you being one I said that's one you don't threaten me and keep on thinking that I will sit here and take it he said I beat both of y'all friend James said that's two you talking about what gonna happen when you get to whatever number you find out ah we blast his ass and we got to say three we ain't gonna say it you'll never hear it shoot that mother got back and buried him in his backyard went back in took all his [ __ ] damn by the time they found that stinky body the whole neighborhood was stinking they were some foul wow oh [ __ ] so you know I started at 10 stopped pushing that until I ran out of it that he had and then I talked to Frank and see if Frank would sell to me I know I'm a kid but you got to if you look at my record man people out here knows me and they know I'm gonna get my money and I'll give you yours remember I got yours up front you like man get your little he start looking around like he being set up yeah no man ain't no setup man well I'm gonna do only this bag on this table there's a phone number there call me if you think that you can make something happen I got up and walked away and my friend was sitting behind him which he didn't know just in case he got stupid we both walked out the door within like three hours I got a call on that phone rotary phone back there yeah and he said uh listen come back up there to that restaurant I need to talk to you I said okay I go up there but he wasn't in there he sitting in the car he said come on get in uh this don't sound right I said yeah but my friend is with me come on damn y'all too short [ __ ] yeah so we got in the car drove around over on uh Emerson down bad for you and he said uh you see that can over there yeah I think somebody left something in there so I tell him to go get it and go over there in the bed he said uh you can't get back in the car with it ain't no fact he said give me a call when you uh ready to talk again we never said the word drugs here today so we left went back to uh Tyler house since he was you know deceased so we used his house up for almost like three months before that body really started stinking and we'll go there and cut it up bag it up put it out there at that time we decided to change the name to do to die um that people know you do this you can die but you better step on it a little bit because we ain't step on them at all that much oh no we stepped on it but we didn't step on it that much we might put a one or two cut on it gotcha but you better put the rest people was loving it they was looking around hey man what'd that do to the doctor nobody knew it was us until way later still until I started selling to my sister friends yeah and they went and told my sister hey your brother trying to beat me up he said oh Pop Willy ooh boom boom my little brother my baby brother Louisiana did you thread Jerome who me no wow why would you think that he said he came in talking about you threatened to beat his butt I said for what and when she didn't say well boy I know he didn't tell her that he was shooting up Hera yeah and he owed me money because I gave it to him on the credit so I waited and then he popped back up at my sister's house because I stayed with my sister every night I did pop back up check this out man You A Goddamn rat you can't talk to me like that I said it's one uh we're gonna throw that to two I heard about you in that accountant and why I'm saying that John came out the bathroom was still behind him he he didn't know it until he heard that click in the back just don't turn around gotta be three three then I gotta clean my sister flow he was going to say something and then I said yeah okay and he shed it up my sister what's wrong nothing boom what's going on between you and Jerome I say nothing going on he just mad at me because his girlfriend liked me you ain't number 10 maybe 11. she's 16 17 I said yeah I like them all like that yeah buddy and of course I did have his girl all right so she she liked me because I Hate That Old Black Spade hair because my mother hinges so okay I got to her with the hair yeah that picked me up from that until I got [ __ ] what age I was when he locked me up in the youth home so take it back just a little bit how is it a 10 year old like what was your family Dynamic that you end up being in the streets like what was your your mom your dad things of that nature you're growing up in the house well mama had a big well there's a big family of us yeah so Mom was always working dad was working and when he wasn't working he was in the Army but I didn't like the way I see my sisters and brothers and them working coming home tied and beat I don't want to look like y'all so that's what made me go out there and first I did legal stuff I went out there and packed grocery bags helped people carry them home assigned shoes I fix shoes the man at the Shoe Store gave me that chance he showed me how to fix the shoe keep them shine and so forth then I started going up to it's a Bilo back then the store called Bilo and NFC amp so I used to go up there and hustle from there tell people I can put your bags in your car I could carry them home because I know who you are and I know where you live they said yeah boom we know you you just a helpful little guys I try to be they would give me money or cookies and stuff well money ain't cooking Aggie used to always give me a big bag of cookies you like see me baking her butt off giving cookies to the kids in the neighborhood but uh yeah I started off from that point because I didn't like this come home beat and [ __ ] like my sisters and brother were that working for Chrysler and [ __ ] and my sister worked there for the welfare department back okay yeah so daddy so uh I can make money if I go sell some of that stuff that the kids out here selling then I found out what it was heron set back and I watched them and deserved them see where they was going I said okay they they got to be getting it from him I didn't know he was a drug dealer when he left I go up there and knock on the door you come to the door and I tell them hey man can I work for you he said who are you and why wait a minute ain't your little boom little two doors down I said yeah man you too little for this I said signs don't make a man so of course you said man I don't know man because I know your sister I said what that got to do with it is you gonna go tell her he said you kind of got a smart mama said no I'm just telling you on how it lay out yeah give me the opportunity to show you give me some passion let me go sell them and then if I do a good job and people that owe you money tell me about it I go get the money for you but how you gonna give money from these big grown people I got my ways who who did how did you get that aggression like because I guess because when I was in school they used to pick on me and uh I didn't like the fight but after my sister told me boy you better not be running home no more we better not be running from nobody either you fight them or you fight me I'm gonna fight them because I know my sister would beat the hell out of me yeah she had reached up under the bed one day and pulled the bed up and beat the [ __ ] out here because I had because I I had snuck out the house I used to tie the seat together keep them hear none of the bed then as soon as everybody ain't settle in the house I throw them out the window and clam down one day she found out that don't like your belly whatever she said Leroy oh that's my little brother one year younger me tossed to see diesel Louise told me I bet not so you listen to me me or her I'm listening Louise because Luisa beat me like she beat you I swear so I go to the front door knock on the door and I told her that I was in the backyard obviously dude why you didn't come down I did not want to disturb nobody you you sleep got a little slick little mouth and talk about you but I know you wasn't in the backyard because I looked out there on the back porch I'm like I probably was across the street that Journey because my boy Jordan look right across the street man grew up together we were the same age his mother and you like my sister used to always hang out together and [ __ ] so that's how I got caught up in that situation always sneaking out at night time is when is when the money was to be made yeah down there on Continental and few Jefferson and Continental up and down Jefferson I had to make money so in this time what year is this for you when you at 10 years old 1967. so this is before the riots and all of that right man we used to hit the stores my mama told y'all stay in this house don't you go out there to people out there crazy okay so she gonna look I go down the basement sneak out the side no I'm going up there to the store I'm walking hey man damn window too small they looked over there and seen me come here boom what we're gonna push it through the window and you open the door you don't okay they pushed me through the window because I took my time by opening the door I had to go over the cash register yes I got that money stuffed it down in my pad then I went and opened the door and they all run to the register tomorrow man number here's a coin look at me I stand there any time up somebody get some bags or something let's bag up all this I said turn go get the car made him start loading the card up we running down the street with the oh with the food car loaded we take it to the side door my uh uh my my brother Willie and my sister them there so we will push the Dome and we just dumped the card up in there what the hell you doing just hide it just High I'm going to get some more we running out the store and then I find out that they breaking into the gun shop oh [ __ ] all right we can take guns they said probably ain't no more in there then Johnny went in there and we found them they had about three boxes still underneath the counter that was up we got them throw them in the cart then we load then we loaded up uh Point arrows knives especially knives because I love to play with knives because I play with knives it's all the little fella that I learned how to prawn how to use them and so forth that's why I got the nickname boom um like Daniel Boone got you yeah so I got that name and uh I loaded it up with them after we loaded up took them back to the thing we dumped that in but that time they was driving through the street with the bull horn everybody inside martial law and this and that then here come the army well we've been a fight [ __ ] got the Army coming down the street forcing people off the street in this and that the police they basically was scared because the Black Panther was keeping them away from us yeah that Panther was on top of the road telling me you about to get your ass off the street so when the Army came the police just left the Army took over now at that time you got to understand a lot of mommy guys was using drugs and I didn't realize that until you know like they were sitting out there and I seen them tooting shoot needle out hey man what you doing oh hold on oh no little fella you don't want to look at this I said is is that some of this pulled out of the bag what's that I should do hey Rob it's good too it's due to die he said what that mean if you do this like it is you may die so you might want to step on it a couple times scratches out make it and get more man that dude shot that up just like it was he was like oh when you came out that night I was like okay that's 12 dollars wow man that [ __ ] was here man you go 25 give me another pack I said get as many as you want he said little fella you out here selling I said hell yeah got to make some money so he started telling his other friends and niece coming around and they stop us and we get unpacked they were drinking liquor so we went down to the basement and grabbed liquor and brown about hey we got that too we got everything you need man we got red here come down to 814 Continental we got it all right so they came down there sat on the porch with my sisters and them and they was kicking in and talking and we was coming from the side of the house selling them [ __ ] that time she was a police that was up on Continental Jefferson behind the church me and Jordan we had hit our uh stuff with this so we go up there to get it but we see the police car pulled up in the alley oh and of course uh that time the body was really stinking head to whole neighborhoods smelling like skunk so we go up there and we sneak up on the car trying to figure out what the hell are you in that door he ain't there raping a sister oh the other white man was standing there watching out for him all right assistant I didn't do anything look at that time so I said man don't do it did not even looking we could shoot both of them in the head man you shoot one I shoot the other he said man that gonna bring too much trouble to us I said you right so we just head back into the fence in the bush and just sit there and watch all suddenly they get out the car and they choke the sister to death um then they threw over in the garbage can so of course me I go down there and uh tell them tell my sisters and my mother I tell you anybody that would listen but I seen nobody wanted to go up to believe me yeah they didn't even want to go down there and look I'm like I'm not lying the police just killed that woman up there she was behind the church and they raped her don't be saying that because then you have the police going to do something to us don't worry about them doing nothing to me they ain't the only one got guns my mama said what boy come here pooping My Big Mouth you too John come in we both walked up there she grabbed both of us come in me down where you get this come from from the gun store she searched during trouble I'm laughing like a big dog but he had two girls on I didn't even know he carried I thought he just had to one both one in the front and one behind the back of his pants I like man I could have been caring too my mom looked away with me what what the hell y'all nothing mom we were just playing Cowboys and engine using real guns ain't that what they use Ma boy y'all better not shoot nobody with these things we we didn't mom took the gun Louise Louise got them from her and I think pop stolen from them and sold the damn thing but about several months later I had to I had to get a car couldn't you be walking everywhere so I asked my brother Papa he buy a car I give him the money you buy and put it in your name you tell my boy ain't bad you know come get in trouble he asked 100 every month boy you better not get me in no trouble getting this car okay I won't go get me a suicide door Continental he said no how about that green frequent Broham with the gangster tires on it he's dude you got enough money for it how much you need you told me I said Jeremy go get the money John came back he was like when are y'all coming on this message don't ask me that he go to money if you go 200 for you 100 for me 100 just go get us the car he went and bought the car my brother was using drugs too though but he went and got the car branded back boy y'all better not be getting in no trouble because don't tell the police I don't know how y'all got the car yeah I stole my car while I was sleeping so I said that's cool so we riding around in the car and girls looking like when those two kids or maybe cheese baby but worth We Grown look at our suits because you know like back then I was even when I love to wear suits I wore Susie whenever I went and uh Wanda Wanda she was a girl that stayed full house is down and I used to just sit on the push something I just sit there because I ain't got nothing else to do sit there and watch watch wow they run around playing hide and go seek tag and all this I never had a childhood to play all that I was too much in making money so it can wind up to me they love to brush my hair play with my hair I would like my mama said that she don't want you hussies playing with my hair we ain't no hussy you ain't hey Mom this hussied and they run back to their house and be sitting on there for like they ain't did I said who I said Wanda down there was rubbing all in my head one ain't you 18 or something leave my little son alone she said I ain't messing with him oh she gonna lie on me so when my mama went back upstairs I go down the wine I said hey check this out why don't you give me some you know what you know you're like boy you don't even know what the hell that is well I've been screwing since I was 9 10 years old what the hell would y'all be playing hide and go seek I'll be playing hango get it yeah I'll talk you into it and you always give me some cousin was giving me something I want something from you oh [ __ ] oh I said Loretta yeah she's good at it she held on to my hip and just oh my God but after she gave it to me she didn't want to do it but maybe three more times she did it then after that she said she can't do it no more because she going with my brother like what yeah me at me and Willie going together I said you didn't tell them that me and you were doing that did you see hell no you better not either I was always on your porch yeah when I come on your porch I didn't come over there just sit there and watch people run around playing you it tag jumping jacks with all that crap y'all be playing I'll be you know I'm trying to hit that day he should know that guy hit many of y'all out here and he knew it because I hit y'all in my mama basement we'll eat everybody be down there playing I ain't gonna get it they cut the light on say okay everybody hide and whoever you find you got five minutes in the dark lights go off and I'll be watching the one I want as soon as I like click to Miles Let It Go I got you man you ain't getting [ __ ] man man you know what that what'd you say hey man what you doing shh get away from us you like is you gonna give me some money you're gonna give you a whole quarter okay all right then I learned how they only give them nickels because you know way back then nickels and quarter well when you get double the cookies and candy and all that yeah you take 50 Cent to the snow you get a big old bag of cooking you get two full penny [ __ ] [ __ ] but uh my brother found out later on and I guess that's what made him hate me like I really give a damn but he used to beat me up I just didn't do nothing he was my brother so how you tell my sister wouldn't keep beating me up and fight him back I don't know how to fight like that so what you mean if I fight a person one of us got to go damn we said so what do people out there be saying that you be stabbing them and so I like when it was hard to go but they didn't go did they but if I ever catch him again they mines or I better be there so she taught me set me down and said but when you can't be out there stabbing people but I got a knife so what so I said ain't that nice wooden nipple cut something stab something your boyfriend no he didn't tell you that I cut his arm up tried to cut his arm off because he kept I almost told on myself because he kept trying to reach in my bag nothing that he's on drugs I said Louise you should have been figured that out don't you see him around nah nah he's a junkie I'm gonna help him get off of it yeah good luck with that where are you getting it from wait a minute they said they've been getting stuff from you not that time about six months later police came to the house to arrest me because me and James stuck up bilos we was kind of short on money so we look we're gonna go up there to amp or battle and Rob lips we going Buy Low now we go up there and we try to rob the place security guard he gonna come over there and grab us because we little fellas but he thinking the gun we got our toys man he picked them man you better put me now get your little prone oh didn't kill him with his skin the hell out of this [ __ ] here we took off running um I wasn't in my right frame of mind police came to the house and got us they knew where we lived everybody told them that's a little boom down there he came and got me took me to the youth home and uh the judge made me a ward of the Court couldn't because he said my mama got too many kids and my mama wanted me back but of course you know you got too many kids we gonna take care of this one ain't nobody taking care of me so they put me in the U-Haul stayed in there for a little bit then from there they sent me to Wayne County Child Development Center maybe no well I went there they put me in a foster home and trust me I know nothing about a foster home I didn't know anything about people calling us Coons or [ __ ] and this and that nobody never said that to me but they put me in the fosterone white folks got me we slept up in the attic okay so every day they wake us up we go out there brush down the horses slop down the pitch collect the end the farmers taught us how to go out there and hunt he'll give us a 22 right well I damn bring some food back we go out there and shoot everything that moved so we bring all these dead animals what the hell y'all do you say bring something back to eat everything it moved that stink drag it off the back to the sand throw it in the mud damn thing stink germ already got sprayed and I was rubbed him down with tomatoes and [ __ ] I said they trying to turn you red The Minister's hurting this together yeah I told you don't get close to it yet damn thing wasn't totally dead when you walked up the dead tail went up that's what they do when they die they squirt out yeah got them good but we stayed there for a little bit longer and then uh their daughters White kept on one to talk to us and talk my daddy they want us to do it tomorrow oh your daddy kill us he won't know when he go to church we'll come upstairs we got the keys to unlock the door and come up there wait they lock y'all in we know yes they locked us in 6 00 p.m no a lot [ __ ] don't come out at the six o'clock why they want us up early in the morning about three or two so we go start the whole day over collecting the egg going hunting slap down the pigs brush the horses collect all the cows and milk them and that meal was good I gotta admit it milking them and you had a machine yeah we was that machine and I started taste I said man this meal kind of good fresh out fresh out the cow then I'll learn later today he runs through the uh big kettles and [ __ ] didn't it comes out a little bit weaker but all that fixed up over there she'd make cheese out of that [ __ ] what's she gonna do with that you can eat cottage cheese later that's what you make that stuff out of she said yeah didn't you like I said yeah you put some fruit on it but uh girls come upstairs dad is gone this day we was doing that to him for about six months well this day the daddy came home early we didn't hear them and we're getting busy and uh the white girl went to ah didn't even had the door over huh and uh it came upstairs I mean I'm really working now his daughter only thing that came out here ma you never get off my daughter I've got mine to jump out the window John got here then jumped out the window we ran over to the barn and nothing but our draws we jumped on the horses took them went up to uh we drove them all rolled them all the way up to uh Six Mile and Grand River back then you know it wasn't no Road I mean screamed there was road coming off a Shelton Road and all that and I mean they were just dirt road all right if you didn't know how to get around and you had to use the horse most of the time just to get from there to Detroit up on Grand River and Six Mile but we got up there with the horses Police Stopped us they stopped us and now they was like uh who was the job got I got that man but I said uh his horses what y'all doing with them well he was trying to kill us what what y'all do what do you mean what we do she didn't be checking him what why are you trying to shoot us he came up there told them but he didn't tell them the truth he just said them [ __ ] tried to assault my daughter we wasn't assault nothing your daughter was begging for us to do them I just want my horse you could do what you want to do with them no back to my palm I so of course they said well who the hell are y'all we told my name that little uh paper deck oh yeah I was at the court yeah so they sent us back to the U-Haul you've home we stayed there for a little bit then they sent us to Wayne County Child Development Center WCC DC we stayed there a long time one day John just said man I gotta go where you going I'm going home man we never mentioned home in so long oh so yeah man I'm going back to Detroit okay we take off running through the wood about half an hour later I get hungry I said man I'm hungry man deep back there cooking uh spaghetti I'm not going back to well I'm going back to eat I'll catch up with you he said you gonna really go back to yeah I'm hungry I go back eat that's when they they didn't even know that we had ran off yeah they only knows because as you eat you had to stand over there for count they were like where is Alonzo they looked at me were you a friend I don't know I'm not his daddy they checked the ground checked all of the uh all the college couldn't find them so some of the other kids I seen her going in the wood so when the guard left I went on and hit the kid in the head with a baseball bat it's my dad made it here with a baseball bag I took off but first I broke the man car window tape take something like that I broke his window before I left boom we'll be driving that damn car by the time I got up to Grand River and Six Mile I mean that's a long walk from Shelton Road 16 by the Shelton Road I get up to Grand River and I'm like wow man I should have put some clothes on I ain't got no shoes though it's winter oh no shoes on my favorite song [Laughter] I squeezed it but uh I get home already done uh running the streets his mama didn't care one way or the other mine's cared but I was a wild child so my mama told me boy you better sit right here little people coming for you could have called us coming for me yeah I'm sitting there sure enough police pulled up and called me my sister was pregnant at this time and she crying and boohooing whatever they ain't called me and they take me back to the U-Haul I wanted to get a sent back to Wayne County's Child Development Center when I get back there I got into a fight in two days they locked me up in the choir so when I get out the choir room the kid I hit with the bat because he talking mess so I'm like sit down at the table and I'm gonna eat my oatmeal you stick his finger in my oatmeal is it warm I don't want to go back to the quiet room so I just pushed it over there to us peel back my banana get ready to eat and he spit oh man cheers down running down my face I wanna kill this boy so I get up and I go over there stand by the wall he telling everybody see that he's a coward he turns around still talking mess about me I Look to him about the closet I see the bats in there I look back at his head back at the closet looked at his head we stand there got it back and I thought you doing up down everybody at the table pushed back what the hell by the time he turned around and looked I caught him dead in the picture like that fail they rushed me I woke up in the quiet room because he beat the hell out of me uh the site came and talked to me then went and talked to the uh the man that ran the place they wound up sending me the Hawthorne Center that's a Nut House he said this boy got to be crazy he just tried to take the kid head off we gonna charge them because you can't charge me the boy can't say nothing because the boy didn't know who in the hell he was yeah so they put me in another hospital I stayed in there they did the evaluation of me six months later they called back over there tell the people ain't nothing wrong with this boy he just don't give a damn y'all could come get them and we ain't getting them here that's our problem now a couple weeks later they came to me and said they don't want you back over there I don't know what the hell you did to little people I ain't do nothing I said well you can't stay here cause you ain't crazy so they gave me a bus ticket some money and a couple sandwiches and they drove me up to Grand River in Six Miles said this bus here and take you downtown he go to paper last address that we had for your mother I catch the Grand River are we downtown then I catch the Jefferson down near the continental and I get off at continent I walk down kind of no no I know where I'm at now I went down to Continental and I don't see the house the hospital you right here it ain't there lady called discreet she said ain't you boom yeah I know your sister where they at she said they moved over up on over on oh sure did but she ain't quite sure she think it's between uh kerchable and Mac so I goes over that way looking for my family I'm walking up and down the street wow nighttime come I'm tired so I go downtown and sleeping at the bus stop one of the girls that was hooking down there see me down there sleeping all the time she had it she invited me back to her place I did that place I go to sleep also not here some guy beating the hell out of her so I rolled over there and pushed him away from him he back had me cool my knife out I better cut your that she jumps in front no no don't don't don't know he just he just hit me and he'd be beating you up well I could he pulled out his knives we gonna be some cutting [ __ ] tell her you get every boy the hell you doing with that kid in here so he leaves girl come on and say thanks for what you're trying to do but you can't do that that's my pimp yeah yeah I give him my money I said wait when you go out there and you sell your body you come back you give him the money make that make sense to me she said that's just how it is you know Pips and hope so I don't know nobody don't want to be involved with it so I leave I go back to the bus stop I'm sitting out there in the grand circus bus stop just sitting there sleeping on and off she came and she said that he was looking for me by that time I me and my friend met up again so he looking for me okay so I go down there to her place and I'm hiding the bushes wait for him to show up he shows up my boy you know he got guns he gives me one he got one that's stay right here so what you gonna do we both I want him so I walked up there to him and he put his hand in his pocket I said I heard you look upon me yeah so what's up you said what's up with you I said what I'm I'm talking to a dead man what you say boom come on man come through that we picked and throw them in the garbage can and uh I think the next day somebody noticed the body ended up oh we're gonna somebody throwing many garbage can the girl was like what happened someone I should want any pants must have killed them of course I wasn't nowhere around I'm back at the bus stop so she came up there and got me she said somebody killed him somebody killed him can't hold my mail said well you ain't your man no more nine you keep keep all your money she stopped she stopping I don't know what she's talking about but this is what I'm gonna do for you you don't need no pimp to protect you I keep a lookout for you me and darn so we every night we out there watching then when she made her money she come over there and give it to me she you just hold it why are you giving it to me just your money just hold on to it I helped on two of my pocket was getting so fat [ __ ] so when we get back to her please I'm taking out the money to get to her she Stacks it all up and counted and she said how much you want I didn't make that money she said yeah but you was watching me protecting me and so forth I said yeah I won't let nobody do nothing to you cut it 75 for me and 25 for father this more money than then you're like that punk was giving me huh damn you're giving me that muscle so we took it Dan she went and told the other girls other girls start talking about it skinny skinny the pimp his girl really wanted to leave him because he was just a jackass so they leave him and come to me and said uh can we work with you we choosing you I started learning the Muppet dialects through the pimping game and so forth I ain't no pimp so yeah we know that we just want you protect us from the other pimps so that ain't no problem they better not put their hands on you my mama have always taught us you don't hit no woman and boy if you see somebody hitting a woman step in and beat the hell out of them I said okay Mom because I did that once we going down Mac and uh got slapped this woman I got a parked the car in the middle of the street yeah I walked over there grabbed him from the back of shirt and twist them around and I hit him in the mouth bam how you like it man what you think you know what it like I'm doing a couple more times girlfriend come over here you who's beating you I know but you're gonna make it worse because he really gonna beat me now no he won't I looked over at the car and I see my mother brother looking so I turned sideways put the gun in his mouth click you wanna live or die have you ever hit her again and I'll find out about it okay acts discreet about me put the gun back in my pocket I leave we're paying like a couple hours got his name but he came down because he knew my sister he said they have to ask you questions about you may ask what you mean they asking about who you is and why you doing this and that for deep [ __ ] all right what you tell them man you don't want to mess with boom boom carries knives gun whatever you mess with them you better be ready to kill him or die so we're getting around and people start leaving me alone I ain't [ __ ] with that boy that's crazy so of course I've never heard anything back back about that guy doing anything but word gets around my mama talking about why is that discreet it's talking about boom is out there doing things to people what Boom come on you not me oh jump too fast I forgot to tell you how I found my mom in there yeah but back at the hookers Dave was giving me money buying me clothes so one day I'm sitting on the porch and I met this girl and she's cute she wasn't no hard nothing and she had a nice little house and I rap to her she let me stay with her for a little bit we became boyfriend and girlfriend and I wind up getting up pregnant so I got a pregnant the girls knew where to find me if they needed me so the girls come down the street Impala where you know at the back window raised down yeah so they come down there with an impeller with a big bow on it what the hell you drive around and pull on it so they pulled up in front smiling and laugh Boom come here I said what you see I'm with my girlfriend we sorry we just want to give him his gift the car they said yeah oh man you crazy hell no I'm laughing can't believe y'all bought me a car without money because y'all do get mines right they said yeah you become start being mean oh I'm sorry I'll take the car I've never seen him again after that that they gave me the car because the girl I was going with she I didn't know that she knew my sister they live right next door to us my my brother brothers everybody lived there and I never knew it and I've been staying with her for almost like three months so you know she tell me that she going to the party next door you want to come I said I really don't like being out y'all come on baby don't you love me like don't wear that out but yeah I go with you so I go all over there girl Open Your Door damn she looked for me I don't say nothing and I said now I got my hair done my nails done I'm sovereign so I go in there and sit down and uh later I found out that her name was Aetna I got a sister named that here come my sister Louise down the stairs now I knew her when I was like oh wait a minute we so I try to duck down the weeds boom what the hell did you run away against it no I've been out for a year or so nobody told us y'all didn't leave no new number or nothing they gave me the old address I knew that y'all living on Saturday because I've been living next door to you nah that's Michelle placed next Doctor yeah but she prayed us yeah [Laughter] so uh she told me where my mama was working at the White Castle up there Top Hat they call it back then I think stop it I grew up there on the Boulevard in Jefferson my mom in there working I said okay See You Through the Windows oh I'm working too hard so I goes in there and I sit up at the counter and she walked past me twice third time she said what you want to eat boom look you know why like I don't know my own kids I got facial hair and so forth now so I Still Know Who You is boy what you want to eat I'm not really hungry but I take a shake she made me a chocolate shake my favorite she had me do do you know where we live I said yeah right down on Sheridan so I go back to the house you get off work she talked to him and I explained to the people kicked me out but I'm gonna go join the Army [ __ ] what I'm gonna go join the Army me and uh my friends I mean y'all been enjoying that [ __ ] about six of us so after my mother gave us okay we uh okay oh I never did tell them that I was in I just said we think about joining an army so when we did we went to boot camp and all that [ __ ] ATI but I never told nobody so when I came home I came home and just playing blue jean blue jean jacket and a hat I didn't wear my uniform home I had two weeks off so we go back to the city and uh we bushing that uh some crane encourageable yeah a little bar right there we go in there we dancing at that time the freaky Deek was out okay pop [ __ ] did you just hit me no James don't already walk behind him he didn't know what was coming down to after the guy hit me but he walked behind him and I looked at him I said man you got a lot of balls man you don't be doing that to my woman your woman was doing it to me I'm still leading against the bar she'd have walked up to me and bagged it up what you wanna do what I cut you well see you bring in a knife I'm packing some oh so you gonna shoot someone not unless you try to hurt me or harm me then I protected myself you were like I guess he thought he was fast yeah shoot I got a drop holster may put the knife back up a couple days later they popped that boy shot in the alley oh man yeah and come and arrest me so what the hell where you guys right here life's in the carrier I got a general license I'm still in the service [Music] they call they called the service and of course the master sergeant came over there to 1300 Bowman talked to him and so forth they said nah he had a gun he said yeah he likes them to carry it prosecutor said well we're gonna make a zapper out of this little [ __ ] now I can hear them out there talking I'm in the cell but I can steal him my little [ __ ] so okay so they see come to me tomorrow we will then offer you a deal three to Fifteen for manslaughter and two for the gun if you take a cop so I got a license to carry just said what are you going for that dude I don't know what to tell you service talked to him said hey keeping a re-up you're hoping to take him he will keep him a little longer because we believe that we could get him to take a cop I never did I'm wound up going back into this area for another tour they got pissed off and they know when I got out the service they finally got me for uh well they charged me what I'm robbery possession of a fire I'm doing doing the commission of all Robert wasn't me even as today they still got that crap in my record but I wasn't about to tell that that's my brother y'all picked out the picture of um so Pop came down there with my mom and said you ain't gonna chilling with me is you I said man you left that [ __ ] in my car man so they assuming that I mean I didn't even know what they had until my lawyer said yeah they found the people idea in your trip in your trunk don't anybody here in my car was pop it was in his name so I kept my mouse yet went on and served the time yeah how long you use that for I I said two for the gun you gotta do that flat yeah and one in the almost two years before the crime then they put me out on parole oh my God parole a quick question so when he was in the Army was you Special Forces because I seen something was saying that yeah Vietnam everybody was saying home but you were sitting back in those missions kind of talk about that a little bit okay okay uh okay yeah I already have an event I got you okay all right but I got pictures and so forth I wish I would have brought my Army projector to showed you yeah and paperwork oh what you doing um I always keep copies every thinking I don't trust y'all [ __ ] soon the lady y'all gonna kill me why would you think as you we would do that I said because you trained us a certain thing we were supposed to get a job but we didn't get the job why they was already food now because we black I I wanted to tell them that's why we all turned Hitman because y'all didn't want to give us the job so we gonna make some money yeah if you don't want to pay us what you want me to stop doing out here and pay me and I do it in there so we're gonna do it out here in there and we did we make good money so how did you were you already get into the hits prior to best friends like yeah so kind of tell me so yeah be pulled down they came down there to the tough man contest and that's how I met them this is when he was fighting yes when I was boxing at Cobra Hall and uh Butterbean was one of the ones I fought the fat boy didn't go down but he was out I told her he's out he just ain't fail keep fighting if I keep fighting he gonna die just keep fighting I'm getting mad so I stepped back pulled up my glove I'm gonna kill him you said keep fighting why did you do that I didn't put the boy out of this misery you want TKO TKO Maya the boy's house standing up that fat boy just didn't fall all the other people I fought they fell one of them quit the guard that worked at the brother he quit oh [ __ ] because they had told me ahead of time and they told them too we got a man that used to be in the prison where you worked at at Jackson and they told him the same they told me and him both the same things so I wind up fighting him and then I think it was the second round he got out the Ring went back to the back you know what the hell said well he quit you won I said okay so I won and uh that's when they asked me do you want to go to Texas and fight in the big money down there I don't know I don't know give me time to think that's when my nephew was about Reggie boo Iraq he brought demo there the best friend and uh they wanted to meet me so what's up they said man you was whooping that butt that's what I supposed to do that to whoop me he said [Music] would you work for us I said the money right I work for anybody got money that's what I love is money [ __ ] man you can become a friend I said friend enemy whatever I go for the money this was is it rocking red I like the ridge red was cool man I've got a long ways to go to my uh house and cook up uh shrimp lobster tail I mean we cooked up everything and me and him was used to eat but then when you get a little drinking them in a little uh popping old uh acid pills you want to go ride I said where are we going just right what we doing over here man we now now you know they don't like you over here they don't know who I was but couldn't figure out that they thought I was his brother boo so we both big and boy look I'm like why don't people keep saying take a boo and Reggie I thought he was saying boom but he was saying boo the hell so we're going down seven miles near Livernois and uh we run into some people that was in this Jeep Reggie roll down he don't even tell me he's been a blast this goddamn car huh he rode down the window I looked over there what the hell I take off go around the corner and come back park the car and I get out go over there and look so what people talking about ain't that boy turn around and look to see my dad said you're talking about you hell no I always say man I had to take off running two shots fired at me I got back in my [ __ ] dude I get back in the Jeep took off went back to the east side they didn't chase us which I thought they was going to do but nobody chased after regular life man why'd you even go back make sure they did that they didn't see nobody [Music] I like you crazy to me man I like you so we go up there to Jefferson at the no we went on Gratiot and McClellan to the uh Coney Island joint we was getting food in there and Police pull but I didn't know anything yet police pulls up there they know Reggie so they out there looking through the window at them all right why the police said they know who I am what you mean they know who we are we best friend and you gonna be known as that look man I don't want to be no I don't want to be seen see that's how y'all get too much notification on and you're gonna always get busted or caught up or some [ __ ] you got to do [ __ ] low-key then when you do it okay people just could say hey we think they did it but there's nobody to witness it that's why I told him everything we do man we got to do by ourselves we don't need no Witnesses you want to take your friends and [ __ ] and uh hopefully it's gonna be your witness and your downfall later you alone what'd you mean if they get caught doing something They're Gonna Give You Up oh man die for me yeah okay you keep thinking that see I've been to prison yeah you ain't so I started scaring I said well you know if you get caught going to prison they gonna take that booty you know what man I said they was mens too they can't do that but later on they had the shirt tied around their waist walk in the yard I'm telling all them guys that also listen in there man I ain't going for that I said best thing to do if you know you're gonna get caught shoot it out you I trust me you'd rather die than get poked in the butt by a bunch of mom [ __ ] dudes a horrible rest of your [ __ ] man I ain't going for that asset right so you get pulled over what you gonna do man I'm shooting it out we're gonna hold Courtney in the screen I said there you go [ __ ] don't let the [ __ ] take you and send you back to this slave count that's all that is is a slave count you go back there either they gonna make you do it they didn't get a lot of God's [ __ ] I seen the guard back his butt up to the um it may sell the inmate with tearing his butt up on the back catwalk we got our mirror looking look then I had to go [Music] Jerome is you hitting that guard he died he died hell yeah damn man I didn't know you was hanging like that I said man [ __ ] like you know I ain't never getting out John was saying hey send them over here next oh [ __ ] and the guard was slapping I don't know what to draw I don't like and this guard hey somebody gonna bust him doing that don't nobody walk back here on his back cat walk there they walk on the front whoa yeah back in you go back there and you'll be looking in the cell checking to make sure ain't nobody making Spud juice or doing anything or legal even though we did everything illegal in there hell I was selling drugs I was selling knives I was selling ooh I had about four you know I hit three gambling tables hmm and uh in fact that's when I ran into my cousin he was in there I'm like yeah you know because I said right yes oh man baby a little Jazz so I I hooked him up with anything you need man you need anything I got a store here in a store that I got [ __ ] everywhere also hit a 357 in there in prison yeah God brought it up the female uh uh Nadine Nadine found it in and she said you can go with this I don't know you I should figure you know I love you but this [ __ ] really jumped off where I can't get out of it I won't use this well I you know wrap it up bear it in the back yeah uh behind the barracks I ain't never had to use it but that one time that's when all food was talking about going to the gym to jump on my cousin they didn't know that we was real blood cousin yeah and because my cousin Robin he was taking that [ __ ] so what that's my cousin man I can't let you do anything my man you know me and I know you we ain't gonna go through this season we pulled a gun on okay then let's kill each other you got your horse up your sleeve you touched my cousin I'm gonna blow the top of your head off you supposed to be going home in a couple weeks you won't be going we heard the door shut up put my [ __ ] back up and I thought he's gonna tell the guard but he kept his mouth he just see what you wanna do tell you before the guards take me I'm gonna shoot you I ain't got nothing to lose if they catch this on me I'm through what you gonna be through too you won't be here to watch me surge this time he left it alone because of 5000 by what was going on and when uh told me about yeah no [ __ ] just mad because I was taking this [ __ ] that's it only just wrong survived if they weak enough you could take it take it hell I was taking a lot of people with [ __ ] that's why I said when I first went in there they were trying to kill me in the shower they came in there three of them they got knives and [ __ ] they closed I'm not got no weapon but the shower thing like this I seen when they were like yeah people kill your ass big boy broke that pipe let's go I ran towards them hit that first one up in his arms pulled it out kicked him to the side the other ones were trying to run up on me I went the road back to hit him the third one ran down the uh [ __ ] gallery that's when I ran after him because the second one I caught him across the jaw but the third one ran down the gallery and that's when they uh they fired the shot boom down was I got down I'm butt [ __ ] I figured they can't do nothing I butt naked they got clothes on so I'm laying down and playing uh y'all come down there handcuffed her oh what's going on they tried to rape me they got weapons they locked me up and uh yesterday I know they came back and let me out many of the inmates said yeah they was trying to kill him they didn't say anything about raping me but I told him they was I mean why wasn't even in the shower and I'm naked and they dressed got nice so that's my skill to get out of that and I did I got the hell out of there and they didn't charge me but they sent me to whiskey hmm yeah they sent me the mosquito that's when I met Pookie Duke and all them wait no we got okay we got kicked out of Jackson They sent us to Mesquite in the middle of the night nobody wanted us so they loaded the bus up with all the people they hate or that they couldn't control because that was right after the riot too in Jackson okay they load us up and sent us up there and when we got there they put us all in a birch unit we got in virtue in it uh we sort of like took over that place quickly I became the head of JCC and uh selling popcorn and anything else I could get my hands on go to the kitchen hey man boy me about a hundred them hot dogs don't put nothing on the bread just wrap them up I got mustard and ketchup package and radish I was out there in the yard selling hot dog sandwiches cook-ups they were laughing man yeah you ain't got to go nowhere homeboy mad at you because you putting this dough out of business that's their problem they're priced too high I still you only paying 10 cents more I can't beat that deal but see by me selling myself quickly I'm getting more so I'm making money I got people going to the store getting me more I don't run out because I could sell mines quick and get back and other stores I'm like hey man you'll make us [ __ ] you up let's go I wonder why y'all like to talk about it just do it to my man what the hell I said remember when that guard got stabbed in Jackson and they threw the man in the laundry cart and shut them up north that was me no man that was Iceman duh so that was your nickname in prison yeah ice man that's crazy Tom you was cold in the mud man I said hey that guard come up to the unit and he poked me in my chest I'm a lock up I got a 24-hour detail you don't lock me in myself I'm a carpenter I go around featuring this crap plus I got to sell my [ __ ] when you like everybody in I got I got them soon I got that I got that Heron I got that boy girl I got I got weed I got liquor whatever you need I demand what you need what you need I got if I ain't got it I damn sure try to get it you need a visit a girl to come up here so you could get off I got them too you need your people to be round up I can get them brought up I was doing everything he was like what can you give my girl Brown up here oh yeah how much it gonna cost and uh 75 tokens see you later okay because 75 tokens ain't [ __ ] in there yeah I was buying uh cash money when people got cash in you bring me a hundred I give you 200 in tokens because I got to get cash I can't keep walking around the yard with all this token strapped to me yeah hidden everywhere people holding so I I bought cash rolled up real fine and sewed it in my coat they come to myself 10 apart trying to find my money we know he got it they didn't know that that's why everybody that was down with me they wore their coach inside out so people knew when you're down with the crap and some had to hat on saying down with the crowd the guard come back why do you walk around with your name on there I don't know uh when they get them I don't know so of course uh when I got out I had to ask the guard I said I'm free right yeah he said damn somebody got a red limousine I said yeah that's mines huh my boy got out of it brought me up a bag of clothes you knew my size went in the bathroom took prison clothes off with my clothes on stepped back out I said I'm free right he said yeah I rip the institutional code why are you tearing the code up around too low that's money I said yeah yeah I used to tear myself up looking for it I sewed it in my clothes [Laughter] is 72 000. damn that's how much money I made being in this goddamn I gave it to the girl and she took it on that down to the car and it was like man you made me I mean I used to have my cousin come up and get money I had too much money I just have her come up and just give him here got too much of it okay so King so no more in there I knew they gonna let me take two coats out yeah every time I get way down Coke I got another load if you want it they come up did you yeah you go well so with the best friends you you and them leaking window but then you end up becoming um security for Maserati red no okay I hooked up with you I hooked up with the best friend but Maserati Rick I started working for him first oh okay when they found out that I was working when they said hey man why you didn't cut I said because it's about money man I told y'all that so take me to the story of how you meet met Maserati Rick at the at the Beeper Shop okay well there's beepers and phones and all that you know you're gonna do the Beeper style it's out on uh 13 Mile Southfield I think about 13 miles Southfield they had a beeper shot where we were buying our beaver and we get the burner people so we ain't never got to pay the bill burners phone we ain't never got to pay that either [ __ ] my little Rick showed us how to do that when I met him that day but before I met him I didn't know who Nelly was but his boy walked into the back of my boy and my boy hey man watch where you going man she better shut your mouth my boy said what so I'm sitting there looking see my boy hand dropped to his side so I know what time it's been to be so I get up and I step so over there in between them I said they just man we ain't got time for this man y'all better get out of there I said and if we don't but I'm letting my gun slide down into my hand for my speech Maserati Rick seeing that I don't give a [ __ ] they see it up you [ __ ] ain't been to live so he can't wait till hey [ __ ] ain't necessary man [ __ ] who are you I said who are you he said I'm I'm known everywhere man I'm Maserati Rick baby you know is she gonna holla at you nothing you could talk to me don't you holla you're like no I mean I just want to talk to you outside looked at my boy said don't worry man we got deep fools in here it's okay so I step outside right we go to this being a little gold beanie here I've been big as I am you think I'm gonna fit in that little bitty ass car you got you like oh man so yeah let me show you try to get it didn't bet I don't fit in little cars man I mean at that time I'm all cut up and everything you know [ __ ] I don't fit in these little cars why you think I drive that goddamn uh that's 10 over there if it's me he's like a duck my head and get in he was like man uh seeing what you had nothing so this man who are you I said uh I ain't about you telling my real now I said boom look you one of the best friends no ain't you and Reggie Brothers they call you boo I said no that's his brother boo I'm boom yo different here's three words last five you like amen would you go to got the name of the club off of Jefferson after hour but not after hour Jordan look club that was underneath a little he said man would you go with me to the club man I pay you to go with me you be my bodyguard that's how much so I got 250. you were good jokes ain't you you is it how much you want to give me a thousand a thousand just to be I said yeah because you you on my times I got to be on your time and you never know if I gotta hurt somebody if I do I ain't got time to collect later I need this money up front I give you 509 500 at the end of the night okay you gave me 500 so I met him up down there parked my car up on the hill best friend Paul dead up on the hill too and it's his name it has he he parked his on the side of the discreet facing towards Jefferson now at that time Maserati had just got his new beings up so I'm in there talking to booing them they were like man you need to come with us I said man I told you man whoever got the money baby told you that at Cobra Hall that day Money Talks I ain't doing [ __ ] because we friends no I don't do that I work for money so we talking then Ed came in when it came in boo was standing next to me and raped in another side he said oh man it's gonna be some [ __ ] boom Maserati Richard got himself in some [ __ ] because that's because that's big Edge there I like yeah really man those who don't like each other now at this time he was telling me it was over some broads yeah they got to do with me said man might be a shootout yeah okay I don't miss so boo went around that way Reds went around that way and I went straight up the Miller Rick Hader was standing about front entrance so Ed seen him and he stepped up to him and they said something I don't know what they said but when Rick noticed me boo a red around him Ed haven't noticed nothing yet so rich started getting tough and I know he was getting tough because you know we was there and we was all big big guys yeah so uh he said something tough and then the man came over there on the play he said oh no come on fella um I don't want no shooting in here I looked at him turned my head back kept watching it it looking over with Maserati so they see me he looked her that way seeing boo is that the other one see red oh man so he started bagging up towards the door so I'm going towards that way this way ain't gonna get to that door and it just start blasting back up in there at us so we get to the door he didn't took off running across the street he jumps in his uh 5.0 Maserati Rick jumps into his bin I jumped into it with him that was his newer being bigger I jumped into it with him we flying down Jefferson all sudden I see Blue Ridge in their trucks where in their Volvo they flying down and we just flying Phil preaching used to be right there on Jefferson and Saint Gene man quit this black but when he got to Algonquin that's when he turned off and I could see him and I told her he turned that out concrete time turn he's going to turn that kindness I said no he had him so he went down condom we shot down the other side came back up we don't see that five point nowhere so we driving out these streets looking for Reggie and boo riding down another three looking we meet up on Jefferson anybody seen it no man he even get crossed man of course if she later on we found out that he pulled behind the house and pulled that way on the side so we couldn't see the car our life oh man that's kind of slick man I wouldn't have never thought that [ __ ] but now we start doing that [ __ ] too but I said oh man that was slick of them word got back out that uh he wanted to do Maserati Rick badly now so uh Rick said hey man we got to kill him so ain't no problem you got the money to pay me he said I'm gonna help you I don't need no help what you think you gonna hold them down and not do something to them or I'll hold them down you do something man I won't hit him from a distance baby now if you want a body part you didn't tell me what part you want no man I want to do it with you man I said man you ain't you ain't cut like this yeah yeah man I was in the Army I said yeah right Army I wouldn't hear that [ __ ] man oh man come on I thought I throw you some extra okay so I said okay and we leave we parked the van on the side we wait till we got dog we crawling in bushes crawling up on the side of his house off over Sunset we we laying in the grass all of a sudden some gas poured up man I hope they don't see us landing don't move Rick oh we laying flat they won't see it so they walk past go to the porch knock on the door and come through the door he looks out see that [ __ ] paranoid that man was doing his own [ __ ] back then yeah and uh he came out they sell all sat on his porch when I say three you run that way I'm gonna cut them off this one two three I jumped up the fool ran across my path oh I come you run that way don't run across where I'm shooting at first that was shot toward the doorway and he jumped off the thing and ran through the lane ran out his hat so I can pick this hat up and I was waiting around people like man somebody shut up yeah yeah how you like his hat why are you telling me anytime he won he can come to collect yeah starting the war there's about no war tell me when this hat we got it this thing I know who came to me she man did this man we need you man we hear weird [ __ ] about somebody out there big guy that's dressed up in the hoodie and all that oh you do oh can you prove it you got a witness he's on no man but we know I said you could say what you know but I ain't gonna never fast that's like me giving you power over me that I told you that I did this or did that no that's why we're telling y'all y'all be doing [ __ ] with your friends you gotta witness against you now I don't need your ass witness against me so I ain't gonna tell you one way or another that was me or not but how you like his hat yeah hmm let me wear for a while so all the friends wearing this hat it was pissed off so one day we ran down the street but we parked on the other corner of where he was at because he didn't go back to Sunset or whatever he didn't go back they went to this other house of course people tell us where the people went so we sitting down in the corner we just watching and now if he come out and get in this car we're gonna waste his ass we'll get to that corner I said no if he come out I could hit him from right here you see that scope on there I don't miss so all Sunday the door blue open he ran running out blasting at this white van you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] Rick that's when the man jumped out of it and he seen the man was white you shoot up a white man band he runs back to the house I said oh man the police gonna be over and beating his ass evidently the other people in the neighborhood was telling me man leave the situation alone we can get you some money to have your [ __ ] fixed or buy you a new man must have left me alone because I never heard about the police going there to him or anything so he tried to get back at us so he come flying down the street over on wish I promise foot I just happened to pull up and I sit on the porch with him and all of a sudden we seen that 5.0 hey yeah I got the pump wouldn't shoot it out with people down we all said I don't want to watch them we all got ready but of course we see the police Down Under the end so we watching them we watching probably he pulls up all suddenly his window drop we got a lot of balls but he hangs out on the other side and shoot up the house across the street la la took off hit that corner he was gone in that that bad point ogre pick up yeah he hit that corner hit that fire hydrant police hit his ass and beat they beat the [ __ ] out that boy he I mean his own Mama wouldn't have recognized him damn I mean his face walked because we went to his court hearing the next day when we got in there seen his face all swollen like damn she's out that man but uh he made Bob because nobody was shot nobody lived there yeah the house was baking and then he was out there he said well what the [ __ ] police said that they was watching us we win this [ __ ] they said why y'all down here anyway we want to see was y'all gonna beat him up some more um [Music] soon again Bob's girlfriend paid it she went out to go get the car she pulled up in front of the place we standing out there like this he come through the door he seriously so he stopped backpaling back in told the uh depth tall light skin brother come to the door you told other dad to tell her tell them to leave we ain't got to leave we're on the sidewalk we're not on your property we just sitting out here we say well y'all know who's in there and he ain't gonna come out oh so y'all gonna let him stay in there y'all a bunch of [ __ ] put him out all suddenly we didn't notice that his car badged up all the way down there where the judges and them come in go in leave all suddenly the door flew on look it don't dived in the car she did a u-turn jumped on the 75 and they was gone all right we had to go back over to the party like we ain't gonna catch them so let's just say that we'll we'll catch him another day so after he got away from us then Rick was like man I said you messed up mines the first time he would have been caught then lucky enough you ain't dead I just happened to see you out the corner of Miles running towards me so I stopped the hell is you doing pop pop pop and get that Mom oh he was able to jump that fence and get away and all his boys were like man we ain't seen nothing man where do y'all get the hell up get the hell out of here because we say anything we gonna know we got the police in our pocket yeah drama and we ain't seen [ __ ] we ain't seen [ __ ] they drive off work get back around here that is a barber shop and wait a minute no I'm sorry that's a whole different person that's biggie I mean uh it's a big James he talked a bunch of [ __ ] too they go out to hear their ass we got a lot of people now with that being said so what happened the day that Maserati Rick Indo game killed because well he should have never left the apartment because I was there with him but I was sleeping when he left I didn't even know he either left until boo called me back on the phone hey man what's this that uh Rick got shots with what you mean Rick got shot yeah you got shot up at the car washer hey Rick they said you got shot at the car while I didn't hear nothing back look [Music] you're not there I go to the side of the window look out the window out of the locker Chicago so I'm trying to dial his number and this nobody answered I get in the car still talking to boo he told me where they was at and that day there too we get there we go to the fish side we're doing the corner we grab some food and [ __ ] then we stood around trying to seek Him and kiss anybody saying anything we did so we found out what hospital he went to so we went to the hospital and uh when we get there we told him you can't be here man it's west side you gotta get back to the east so have them transfer you there man so they got them transfer out of there for subsequent reason people think he got killed at that hospital no didn't get killed on the West Side Hospital yeah that video receiving because I was up in there when boo came up you say hey man what you doing I said Rick giving me uh some money to uh to make sure nobody getting here at them I guess you're still worried about here trying to get to him he said man when Rick said don't do nothing to them the word got on the street quick that we a bunch of [ __ ] I say what you mean because they was able to get to Rick and when we supposed to be guarding him uh he said man dude man you need to leave I said Rick Perry he said man we'll pay you I told my mother he gave me double days here man oh I left let's see I know Rick got killed anybody talking about audience and I said I don't know who did it I ain't gonna try to guess yeah but I believe it was Boo well why would Rick let him get it because I gave Rick the gun he kept it on his pillow that's why when he got killed he still had the gun somebody come in you blast their ass don't give a [ __ ] who it is because I told him who gonna cross you out matter of fact he already did that he crossed them out which Colombian Mike once he found out his plug yeah he said he don't need that no more the Colombian wanted us to buy directly from them and come hang out with them over there because I like man nah Christ's got to be right he said if that if y'all could get the money from people the young boy Incorporated you keep that so me and uh Mark we jumped in the van we shot to the West Side sure enough there he is sitting at the bus stop I don't know why fools be sitting at the bus I guess because they figure they are on this property or whatever they can sit out there nobody could bother them so I pull up nobody expecting us to be in that vein that being side door on the pieces that Bell get in or die man what the Gideon got in we took him back to the Columbia now we thought the Columbia won them dead but instead come and just slaps him and talk and there ain't gonna [ __ ] who like man this man is seeing our face no no I'm just gonna pay y'all but I'm just letting you know I could reach out and touch you anytime I want black Puerto Rican Chinese anybody I could send for you so next time you better have my money you should not catch your money he hit the guy bringing his car up there and he gave him the money and of course boo took the money uh just hours so he throws it in the van me and Mark said hey that's ours we the one went and do get him so we kept the money and uh everything was straight but I've been told Maserati Rick that you gonna get crossed up because you introduce your plug to them once they got your plug they don't need you no more but couldn't they cop from the plug and sell and Maserati Ricky caught from the same plug and sell like why would that be something they want to get them out the way they greedy and not to mention because he didn't want us to go after the people that made best friend look weak gotcha so basically the Columbia said we don't care as long as his bill get paid and that's what I think was the downfall when the Colombian said I saw they gonna kill that boy and the Columbia ain't gonna try to help him by going out to whoever did it yeah because they got their money yeah because Reggie had to go over to my girlfriend's house and get to save she was you can't do that shut the [ __ ] up he went in there put the dolly on the seat we drug it out put it in the van we didn't take none of this jewelry or anything else all right as I know she still had all that and she had the beds so she's lucky you got that because hell he got a wife yeah he got kids by you and his wife but we didn't care we just wanted that safe did y'all go to the funeral Yeah well yeah that's why you'll see me at the funeral which they keep playing that's me in a great suit with the hoodie on the back hanging out a suit got you a lot of people talking about where you at be right there how many that is you I said yeah but see I knew that uh everybody was there taking pictures so that's why I put on the hoodie plus I had to hit show to hit the guy and let him know you died this week damn he literally but I was already walking towards my car caught him on this round porch it was easy take a lot of guys they didn't know what to do they just saw people with bullshitting until you like they realized we serious if we say you you getting it you getting it your best shot is to go on and get the hell on yeah Reggie he was just whoa Reggie would go on to shooting Benz and just pop them pills drink some and then he go out there and just ride around looking for people to kill um come on man let's ride to the west side I'm not going with you oh come on baby was you scared I said you could call me a coward anything you want I'm not going with you man I don't think you know how many people you shoot now you just shooting up can you notice the car or you might know him or they look like somebody man you be [ __ ] up Mark was like that too a little bit but he wasn't his voice saying his cousin Reggie was just out there now Maserati Rick he said it was that he got buried in like a Mercedes-Benz stomach cancer something like that Wheels everybody yeah now you take take me to the night best friends cause y'all y'all kind of start splitting up uh you know your nephew or somebody I killed Bob my little brother your little brother oh who was robbing my car that day and uh when he gave it back to me I should have looked in ashtray but I didn't so I'm pulling up on Eight Mile and buffalo we got pulled over by the police but when I got poured over police didn't get down about the law or your constitutional right he pulled me out and went to surgery for that car clean they over the ashtray and I'm watching them and also need to pull the bag out so what the hell is this I was like what the hell is did you put that in there I don't even try that [ __ ] we got it out your vehicle I know nothing about it they test it they had to scrape the bag just to get the residue that's why they didn't give me that much time on it because it was so low and uh I took a cop to her because they offered me even less time so I took a cop to her and then when I got in to join everybody like man what you doing back so soon I said I don't want to come back dum dum left a bag in my car and they scraped and come up with this so now I got a year and a half to serve like man they gonna mess around get you killed or locked up forever I said yeah the next thing I heard was my brother was shot and killed my little brother yeah okay okay so Bruiser 2020 boys I think I might know him too but anyway I go to the funeral and Bruiser tell me what happened he said who paid to have that done to Andre because Andrea got some [ __ ] from him and Andre wasn't giving him money he told Boo to see me because I was part of I was like she I told Boo before I got locked up don't get my little brother don't get nobody to know me anything because they gonna try to use me as they ain't got to pay you so he said that he wasn't going to do it evidently he did and my brother wasn't gonna pay him he should have got reached out to me and let me know and I would have just went on and paid him and told him don't get him nothing else man but he didn't I guess he wanted to show that he'll put anybody down but he hired somebody outside the thing to do it and they got caught accordingly so when he did that and Bruiser told me what happened why you think that he ain't coming nowhere near you know what else huh you didn't come over here he know I'm home for my brother funeral and I didn't have no guards with me the prison let me come on on my own my sister picked me up brought me to the funeral and when time to go back my sister took me back I knew I was getting out in a couple more months so I'm talking to my boys in the joint they were like man it's cold we wish we could go out there with you and put you to the ass so yeah we could have did it the way that we do [ __ ] in here he said man did it man why don't you set that [ __ ] up what set them up let him get caught up on some [ __ ] then when he come through here everybody got to come through Jackson yeah no he said man we can butcher that [ __ ] all right wait a minute y'all do that for me he said man you know we love you boom no gayness but we love you dude every time you came through here you put us down on more money more ways that you do things I said well yeah because y'all been cool with me all this time since we've known each other you know [ __ ] when I leave I leave all my stuff to y'all y'all just keep running it in case I ever come back again but most time if I don't I will still have people bringing this [ __ ] up throwing it out at Peak farm and people get it in here do the milk containers or through whatever way that y'all decided to set it up so uh they said man don't forget man as soon as you get out set his ass up I see yeah okay but y'all make sure y'all butcher him good he said man the boy got a contract on him we gonna collect that too I'm like okay I forgot he said yeah man we're gonna collect that so uh you uh send them through here but when I got out Mark got killed so I went to the funeral went to the house for the half hour thing boo showed up figure I could do boo right here you know but that [ __ ] didn't didn't leave his three friends side kill all four of them it's all sitting there just laughing and grinning yeah yeah hey boo what's up baby little red skate I think a little Ridge or look y'all Chuck came to me Charlie will that's for a name real name he came to me and said hey man uh boo want to know do you want to do a hit I said the prices right he said yeah but he wanted all of us to do it together he don't want the guys to escape because this is for his brother Reggie we gonna get him back out if we killed a witness they ain't got nobody to to be a witness because we kill him that's why we told the lawyers don't ask them any questions if you die between now and time for ready to come to court they can't use what the prosecutor had all requested the man they had to toss all that [ __ ] out yeah all right ain't no problem so evidently they gave Reds my phone number Rich called me at the house and I was like hey what's up baby boy you you still not on Blue Hole card is you you said no they sent me to uh Huron Valley I said man don't don't ever lock up you're gonna be known as a [ __ ] because you went to Blue Hole car man don't even trying to kill me I said good to fight back homes you don't run be a coward that's why when I seen you over there that day you went to wave in the house nah man don't do that uh I'm red bring your ass out man they gonna bring your ass out I got your back and so do all my men you see everybody would decos turned inside out these are my people see the Hat down with the crap these are my people they're gonna make sure nobody kill you I never found out what happened after that because I got transferred to to the Reformatory okay because white boy Rick went through that so I figured okay I could catch him at the Reformatory kill him but by the time I got in there Rick must have knew I was there because they locked the place down helicopter came in blew his ass out oh [ __ ] I was like hey what the hell the helicopter doing it he's talking about they're taking off the white boy but he stayed he ain't better beers came in and got him so he must have called them and saying that he gonna give up the police and all which he'd eat [Music] uh I seen that on the news now and they they tried to hold the whistle so the newspaper get a good picture of him I said they still mess with this boy they said they knew that boy was doing something he was doing something when I was out there because he came to us and tried to buy a half a bird amen why were we at the door man you trying to buy half a bursal the white boy said yeah he wait for the curry Brothers [ __ ] you coming to hospital so I sat there and thought I said peace Curry brother if they find out he came to us they should know each other yeah don't know if they ever found out or not didn't care but at that point in time we was we were chasing everybody yeah everybody because there was a hit put out on white boy right yeah was that coming from Eternal from the police or that came from well Gil was the one that was bringing me to 125 000. um that's why he said they gonna bring them out through this way yeah that's why they let me get on top of the building and I said okay I can take a monsoon as soon as he popped his head out they never came out through that way they went under the Target and when and when he said the cop up there to tell me what the hell going on he said Mandy took him under the tunnel tunnel why y'all didn't make him take a mile across come out on a tunnel something going on somebody doing some talking somewhere oh man I I hope my red weapon put it back in my case and left the building I go downstairs throw it in the car I go back outside the courthouse I'm looking okay this postpone this [ __ ] until the next day but they gonna take your money okay so we're gonna do this then hey bring everybody down here we gonna protest that's why they thought we worked it for Rick the judge were like nah he couldn't be in charge of all those black guy and then when they brought Ricky we all stood up down you know what the hell do you know those guys I don't know about him oh it's like okay yeah we don't know him you wanna you put us out we go out now we got beers right we got all every type of expensive cars out there we got bolo's jewelry on we got the main coaches [ __ ] the Sterling we I mean we dressed up and we already had the signs we had some girls making some signs and we took it in said free Rick you know free Rick you're gonna tell our Detroit and the police came out hey the judge is not buying that [ __ ] they don't give a [ __ ] they ain't gonna let him go if they let them go he won't live long so the judge put it out that he ain't scared of nobody and he gonna do his job life without parole I'm like oh God damn we're going to go in there and get him I said ain't no problem so of course Gil said well what's up cause young don't well y'all never said anything to me a period anyway but somebody got back said uh somebody don't want him uh it's a good now y'all she made it take and take something out in there we could get y'all into the prison system and then once y'all do the job we get you back out on the pill and dismiss the case damn so we goes in Ridge Resort Ridge was already at the euron valley so when when Rick got there he seen Ridge and he went and told to God lock me up he gonna kill me so they locked him up transfer him to to Michigan Reformatory I was there well I didn't get there until two days after you got to deal with three but he had paid everybody in that block too I've got one block it was J block we was in iblock but anyway I goes over there anybody know me so I go over there and I'm Batman on the door I just do a lot they got a barricade on this I think hey man someone put this damn door okay man repairing nothing to keep y'all out damn he might be spreading some good money around man we got money in our account we can't open this door we know you the ice man but we can't open this door I'm like lockdown like what the hell so we go lock down on lockdown we here we hear a helicopter they drop in the yard and we see somebody coming out with a blanket phone on them everybody went to Holland that's that white boy they brought them out of here I called back and told them what happened they got me back to court dismissed the case I get out I said okay gotta do this a different way because now the fans got him yeah and uh I'm somebody hit a girl that worked in the D.A office and she told us where he was at she was also telling us where they parked their cars um because the other guy wanted me to hit a DEA agent he was a cecilian he wanted me to hit the D.A agent that that's one of the cases too I had to testify I guess but uh I set it up we know he was out in Phoenix Arizona mesa's unit and I said well we would have to blow up the place so we're gonna need two rocket launches God damn and we figured that we could get all the witness so we might be able to collect even more money by us tearing up that building but this [ __ ] I got caught up in this [ __ ] so when they got me I told them about it they said well we're gonna give you immunity if you tell us everything I said okay so I told him maybe the crime I ever did I went back oh I'm telling you I have everything I got immunity across the borders yet that's when the judge were like he said can't y'all find somebody else to make a deal with they said this the only one that we ever got out of that group that's willing to testify I said yeah I testified speaking my head you're saying boo in there yeah they gonna send the other three too because I told them there might be three more coming through here too I will try to budget but before that time came they flipped um but see I was only giving up those six people I wasn't giving them nobody I could have gave up half a minute I could give other states other countries but I didn't I said I just want these people that was responsible killing my little brother I want them even even though I know I'm going to prison I'm gonna try to get them myself you wouldn't never worry about the term snitch or rat being put on your name no they say what they want to say but uh they won't say it to my face only one person tried to say it to my priest when I came home he was at a gas station oh yeah man I recognize yeah man that's that snitch who are you talking to yeah you're a snitch I started walking towards him nicely into my hand get a little bit close I'm gonna cut this food head off my knife sharped in the mud I get part way then uh gotta whoop them stepped up and grabbed the guy and started talking to him in his ear look down man what you're gonna I'm gonna kill you I said I shouldn't have said that because the boy they jumped in the car and took off or like man I shouldn't have said that [ __ ] just kept walking yeah but then I didn't want to kill his finger friend he had nothing to do with he he the one thought he ate balls enough to do it so I I that now I mean my sons and then we all jumped back into the uh van I love Vans jump back into the van went back to the house they were like well you gonna really kill them yeah there would have been no witness that is real time like yeah man because I hit my [ __ ] man I'm gonna kill anybody you did that for me yeah uh you know we I said okay appreciate that at least I know who who got my back yeah so uh we went back to the house next morning I go down there to the smoke shop once again they don't know who I was but I'm in the Smoke Shop buying cigarette and the guy just came up to the cabinet just nudged me away now I know I got the gray hair and the beard and [ __ ] [Music] hey little brother what you doing man get out my way with your old butt I like boy don't make me make you part of this wall I like to see that your wish is my command so I reached out and grabbed him in his shirt pulled them towards me threw my hand down the man that on the shop ran around come on boo please man don't do it as much please don't and the man started telling he said man why you messing with this man you know who you messing with I don't give a damn he said you better look down at that man hand man what you feel he said look up there on the wall yeah I know Nate bro I know you look back at me oh oh man I'm sorry UNC I said I ain't your Hunker he said no man we call it you know who the folks that man you my aunt man I'm sorry bro I pay for your stuff then you got to pay for nothing my stuff already paid for I I do want to end with this um just take into that night um that last night that last hit that you were supposed to go on with the guys and you end up yourself getting shot up was that joke I forgot the man name again like I said it's been so long I got to I had to look at my paper but I think that was Joe long we were trying to hit and we already got the word that he has sold the gun and Chuck it at the girl to get the gun and give it to him Chuck got the gun he said yeah man I got discovery so he ain't got no gun all right wait a minute his girlfriend so he said yeah but what they did know that he got another one so when he came out of that house from upstairs comes running out he jumped into that camp and uh I lit the cigarette let him know that's him they come riding down the street the cab driver trying to take off my truck don't move he's seen that car pulled up on the side of him and anybody jumping out got in the back of the cabin already died down other guys ran up on the spot other side of the car in this side and start blasting into the cab cab drivers tried to take off he wind up getting shot only thing he had to do was stay still he wouldn't he wouldn't got soccer they putting all the bullets in the back until they moved back there but they got him but they also got the cab driver I was like messed up to kill somebody that didn't have nothing to do with the situation he tried to take off what I see yeah because that because I said all that later yeah but during that time I turned around to go get the car I felt something pushed me in the battle my hand back then came back it's full of blood I turned to look Chuck and jumped on the car might go over there with a gun anybody got the guns pointing at me I like hit by the [ __ ] a double cross so I throw my hand back to get my gun boom I don't go down took the fight off into me to all this up I got a big hole with a big hole there when the Ninja can we see your scars but you can see the stomach they did all this [ __ ] and it also did my arm the AK went through here ripped out that big bone I lost piece of bone that's my arm don't straighten up and that bone was missing the dog ran off with with the ambulance and the police said but uh which costs tried to shoot me in the face went to 357. but I seen it coming so I jerked up caught it here so when I got my gun out they started to run and so forth and I knew why they were running because they know I don't miss what they didn't know that second blast tore up this part of my arm couldn't pull the trigger so if they would have stuck around they would have seed that I couldn't do it it could have wrapped and just waste my big butt but they didn't he took off anybody jump in their car taking off by the time I wake up in the hospital was it a city for well Detroit police had me handcuffed it was like what happened what were you doing why was you at that uh baseball without the owners you're talking about of course I tried to play don't know what you're talking about oh so you don't know man I'm a trump okay that ain't gonna work because they probably got my blood and they gonna test and see how I don't drink I told him I don't know man I don't know what's going on so they left when they left I said okay I gotta get you dead cuffs off me I can't move this song got poles coming all out of me with the cast over me my leg is all up in the can stomach wrapped up I can't even move so I told the nurse hey can you uh give me my phone he said she said seventh in the draw they didn't leave no cop there with me he just left the handcuffed at the car so I got the phone call my sister and told her can you come to the hospital I'm in the hospital he said I got shot up just hurry up and get here where she got that I told her take all the clothes everything you see you know you got money in it oh full with blood so take all that [ __ ] to everything in there and burn it I can watch this money I said take whatever and get the hell out of here cause they gonna come back and they're gonna be looking for that stuff that you've been removed take that out of here so she lost the money got ready to close when by the town of police realized old clothes ain't there no more hold on I don't know what you're talking about and I've been a time uh no turn coat or the Detroit police it happened was on my payroll so I don't trust Dempsey they're set me up to be killed yeah so I wind up calling the DEA and told them the deal they was like what you mean you in the hospital I said I'm in the hospital I got shot up see we told you ain't supposed to have a gun I said it didn't work out that way so they came took over the whole situation for the police they mad I just can't take a case of us blah blah blah blah we got up a murder and this and that they already had that one from there it's a U.S attorneys saying no they taking the case they got me for there they got me for that day we made us so you know what I did get me away from the Detroit police I told him if you leave it with them I'll probably wind up dead hanging in myself yeah but they wanted booing them so bad they were like is you gonna give them to I said yes I don't give y'all them but you have to understand I don't know nothing else but just them those six okay we still make the deal but we want Terence Boogaloo Brown there's no problem can you give us anybody I said I don't give you just these six people basically those are the six top head that's left of course when they caught Chuck everybody they start flipping yeah but of course some of them they did not go in the courtroom but they told but they were telling people in New Jersey Philadelphia New York Detroit they was giving up people that's why Chuck can't come back here um his ass me I came back only because they forced me too though anyway but like I told people I'm not worried about nobody killing me people I gave up deserved it thank you they was behind my little brother's death now if you got a problem with that okay cool now remember one thing now I'm gonna kill your family member don't you say nothing even though you know it was me don't say nothing foreign go to prison yeah get them up bring them in there with you and the war's still on baby just because when that don't mean that everybody no I ain't your friend when you get in here you better get yourself a sword because I'm Coming For You on day one man civil several of them made it in there but of course I wound up getting transferred out of there the fish came in it took me out and put me in the federal witness protection program why I could do my time here in the state but no we already know how you living in there I said what you talking about we got pictures of you how you get pictures of me in here oh we we got them we got pictures of you living big time you wearing three-piece suits in prison oh [ __ ] I said because they they let me get it in there's no other way to get this in here because it was you see the pants first been a while seeing the best wait a while to send a jacket I got it in ain't that Mr crap and I got pictures of that be going on a business how the hell you get a three-piece suit in here I got the paperwork to show that y'all I didn't let me get it in I'll get I will have my mink coat in there I had my jewelry and everything that's when they said that they got to take me out to State because you living too good yeah you got money you got the guards in your pockets down there have any guards in here it's tooting Coke those not that is not toon coat they so much in debt that they can't get out of debt so I paid it down here man for five thousand where you get that money I ain't seen none I walk away that money missing so I know they took it so they used it they didn't go up there and tell the war to nobody and plus he was crooked too yeah but they didn't go tell nobody they kept that money pay their bills they know more gar start coming to me talking about they want to know if they could get a couple thousand from you okay but I need this done for me I need you to go to Detroit to pick up this car and take it up to this eye on you somebody gonna meet you at this restaurant you give them the keys and they'll give you keys to a different car you take that car back to Detroit and then you get in your vehicle or high or or how the hell you got there at least that's all you're doing is driving one car up here and leaving it taking that car and taking it back simple money that's about an hour two hour you know work you're getting two thousand dollars they'll pay you bills may you have enough to go get some coochie afterwards but that was happening then here come the cook lady they work in the kitchen to cook stew she was like I hear that you were hiring people to me that you like you need drivers it was at Waterloo no no it was at the parole camp so she was like oh she used to buy a pig out of her name but anyway she was like how much can I get for driving a car from one spot to another is the car dirty today in the afternoon I just want that car brought up here and did you take the other car back because you know you know they gonna freaking out yeah we selling freaked out cars over here turn the door oh here not in that car but uh she used to cook me special food that that the prison yeah was he cooking and she's bringing to my table and everybody be like we got ribs to me we have you mean I got ribs I think y'all eating uh meatloaf surprise me though what did I tell you and my three boys we were eating good we got anything we need and the guard so basically like I said they'll come and get some toot toot and uh the lieutenant she was [ __ ] up on him you guys so far in my debt after I had to have her give me blow jobs to try to make up some of that money so we would go into the into the nurse station because the nurses and all that's gone but she got keys everything yeah we go in there she do her thing but after a while I got tired of it because that [ __ ] was tearing her butt up I told her no I wasn't nothing and plus I'm getting ready to go home anyway that's when all my boys come back down to parole Camp getting ready to go too so I got them all closed away I got pictures of that too uh they're all wearing my clothes and [ __ ] you took pictures then when we got out I stayed away for a little bit because I wound up taking some of the guys that was in prison that got out I wanted hiring them in two on the street I can't remember that tall white boy name Justin or Johnson remove that tall white boy yeah hiring near me I got like one more minute left on his memory card about [ __ ] we went past your time yeah and that don't even Nick part of my life yeah I got so many parts and just so many sections but but I want to know how in the white boy and he turned out to be good because I had him as my driver paid him good that boy do anything about to pull them beat the hell out of here a tall white boy you got a lot of balls I like that in you people knew he worked upon me so nobody messed with him but I tell you what man boom hell of a story I think you need a book if you ain't already got one man don't have one need a movie yeah Iceman I figure people could make this bigger than the American Gangster oh yeah for sure but so it's more than just this country yeah well I tell you what man I'm gonna do my part to anything you need man I definitely want to try to help you continue to get your story out you got a YouTube out there right now yeah what's the name of the channel is this your name Thug Life yeah go check that out great stories on there man boom I appreciate you well you can help me put some more out on that [ __ ] or we can work together I got you we haven't made gapping oh cool okay man I had he he got sick and got ill I feel sorry so I haven't bugged him about doing anything yeah but yeah we need to get out of that Courthouse take pictures dead preaching the police station old neighborhoods where this [ __ ] jumped off talk about what's went on at this time and winter time okay for sure man until we meet again most definitely peace nice to meet you my brother
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Id: zrPf0blzsfA
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Length: 137min 29sec (8249 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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