Detroit Diesel: Everything You Need to Know

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A few weeks ago we produced a video talking about  Duramax engines from the LB7 all the way up to the   L5P and in that video, we covered some of the  engines before the Duramax, which are the 6.2L   and 6.5L Detroit Diesel engines. And, that got  me thinking, how far back does Detroit Diesel go?   Where did they come from? Where did they go? What  did they do in between? And what are they doing   now? Well, the storyline of the diesel engine  itself starts in europe in the 1800s, thanks   to a man named Rudolph Diesel. Detroit Diesel  didn't start until about 1930s here in the US.   So, sit back, get comfy, get your popcorn,  because today i'm going to tell you   everything you need to know about  Detroit Diesel and their full history. To understand where Detroit Diesel came from, we  need to rewind the clock a little bit to 1929,   before the company was ever formed. Right at this  time, the US was recovering from the stock market   crash of 1929 and General Motors was focused  on acquisitions, since companies are cheaper to   purchase after an economic crash. Luckily for  GM, they were in a good financial position to   scoop up companies for pennies on the dollars and  that's exactly what they did. General Motors was   really looking to buy a diesel engine manufacturer  and they were heavily interested in a handful of   companies including Cummins, but ultimately  settled on purchasing Winton. At that time,   Winton was well known as the premier builder for  diesel engines and work boats and yachts. But,   before that acquisition happened, Charles  Kettering, one of the smart inventors of   the automobile industry, was approached by  Alfred Sloan, who at the time was the president   of General Motors. Alfred wanted to build  diesel engines and figured Charles Kettering   was the right guy for the job. Long story short,  Charles Kettering, like many automotive executives   had a yacht, and his yacht had a Cooper-Bessemer  four-stroke engine. He did not like the   performance of the engine and after trying to  rebuild it and improve upon the injection system,   he gave up and decided to motor swap his yacht to  a Winton engine. But, he specifically wanted his   Winton engines to be equipped with unit injectors,  but Winton was not fond of this idea. Ultimately,   Winton did put unit injectors on their engine  for Kettering, but they were basically garbage   and failed immediately. So, with that in mind,  Kettering insisted that General Motors develop   their own unit injector on Big Bertha, which was a  big single cylinder two-stroke engine. Eventually,   Kettering and General Motors figured out the unit  injector and got them to work well and then put   them onto the Winton engine in Kettering's yacht  and they immediately went on an 18-hour cruise,   where those newly designed unit injectors gave  them zero problems and worked almost perfectly.   Jumping back to 1930, Charles Kettering began  his own research into a two-stroke diesel by   having Winton build two single cylinder test  engines for him. One of those engines was   shipped to electromotive company, who GM bought  around the same time that they bought Winton.   And the other engine was sent to Kettering's lab  in Detroit. Ultimately, it was all a success and   Winton started producing a ton of big engines  for use in things like submarines for the Navy,   trains, and much more. But in 1937, GM changed  things up and Winton effectively became the   Cleveland Engine Division, which would continue to  produce marine and stationary power applications.   That takes us to 1938, one year after forming  the Cleveland Engine Division, they formed the   Detroit Diesel engine division. The idea was  basically take all the R&D that they had done   with the large two-stroke engines and shrink  it down to a smaller platform, one that wasn't   meant for marine, locomotive, or stationary use.  That takes us to Detroit Diesel's first engine,   which was the Series 71 engine platform, which  had a target application of construction,   military, and standby generator use. The  Series 71 engine platform was available   in three sizes at its initial release. You could  either get a three cylinder, a four cylinder,   or a six cylinder engine. It's also worth noting  that the Series 71 wasn't just a shrunken down   version of the two-stroke engine from the  Cleveland engine division, because shrinking   down a massive engine down to something much  smaller creates a ton of issues, especially   with lubrication. Luckily, Charles Kettering  is very persistent and he was able to figure   out these issues and the first Series 71 engine  was produced in 1937. Moving back up to 1938,   Detroit Diesel ramped up production and around  700 engines were sent to GM's Truck and Coach   division. Then in 1939, the engine was sent to  various suppliers for use in their applications,   one of which was the alice chambers tractor. Fast  forwarding a little bit, the Series 71 was used   all across world war ii and by 1944 around  62,000 of these engines were produced. As you   can imagine, producing that many engines in such  a short amount of time isn't particularly easy   and at its peak Detroit Diesel could barely  keep up with demand, even after massively   scaling their staff. Long story short, the nazis  were defeated and japan had the power of the sun   dropped on them twice. With so many Series 71  engines being used in military applications,   there are literally hundreds or potentially  thousands of them scattered all over the world   in that old military equipment, since obviously  not everything is brought back after the war.   As an interesting side note, i'd like to highlight  that all Series 71 engines are supercharged as a   two-stroke diesel cannot naturally draw air in, so  some sort of forced induction is necessary for the   engine to function. For those of you who are into  the hot rod world, this is where the famous 8-71   blower comes from. After the war in the 1950s,  Detroit Diesel introduced their new Series 110.   What made this new engine Series so much different  than the Series 71 is the fact that it was only   available in an inline six platform. Gone was  the idea of a platform that scaled up in size by   adding cylinders and at nearly the same time they  also introduced the Series 53 engine. The 110 was   marketed as a more powerful alternative to the 71  and it was used in construction equipment, rail   cars, and more. After the war, railways really  started to fall off in popularity and importance,   as on-road trucks began to boom in popularity  as the superior solution for transporting large   amounts of goods. This coincides with the federal  aid highway act of 1956, which had a huge impact   on in-city travel as well as interstate travel. As  such, transporting goods on the road became much   easier and that's what partially created that  big boom of heavy-duty trucks. Unfortunately,   Detroit Diesel was a little late to the party.  They really didn't shift their focus towards   producing commercial truck engines until 1955 and  by that point Cummins had a massive lead on them,   with the majority of commercial trucks using  Cummins engines. Funny to think that GM had the   opportunity to buy Cummins back in the 1930s,  but ended up passing up on them. Still though,   Detroit Diesel got to work offering their engines  to heavy duty manufacturers and they were very   quickly adopted. Even with the new Series 53,  Detroit Diesel needed something more powerful   to keep up with the Cummins engines. So, in 1957,  they introduced a new variant of the Series 71,   but this time it featured a V configuration. It  was originally launched as the 6v71 which was a   v6, but that was quickly followed up with the  8v71, 12v71, 16v71, and much later the 24v71.   As compared to the original 71 Series, the v  configuration engines offered quite a bit more   power, since displacement was massively increased  with all the additional cylinders. You have to   remember that all 71 Series engines have the  same amount of displacement per cylinder, so   71 Series engines with more cylinders will always  have more displacement. Jumping forward to 1962,   Cleveland Diesel was moved to GM's electromotive  division, which meant that Detroit Diesel was the   only remaining partner of the GM Diesel Division.  But, in 1965, GM Diesel Division was reorganized   into the Detroit Diesel Engine Division, and  by 1967 they were able to celebrate building   their 1 millionth engine. From there, they merged  with another division under GM, but this time it   was the Allison Division, and that division  was responsible for producing transmissions   and gas turbines. They merged together and  created the Detroit Allison Division in 1970,   and between 1970 and 1980 Detroit Allison grew  quite a bit and it started to take away some   of the market share from Cummins. And they grew  even more once they dropped their Series 60 line   of engines and in no time at all the Series 60  became the best-selling diesel engine for Class   8 trucks in North America. Fast forward to 1988,  shortly after the introduction of the Series 60,   and Penske and GN began working together, and  ultimately created a new organization known   as the Detroit Diesel Corporation, with Roger  Penske holding a majority ownership stake in it,   and under his command, they grew at an even faster  rate. In 1993, they produced a whopping 20 million   dollar net income and in the same year they were  listed on the New York stock exchange as the DDC.   It was at this point that they controlled about  33 percent of the on highway truck engine market,   with the majority of it still being held  by Cummins. It might not seem like it,   but considering their on highway  market share was once 3 percent,   growing to 33 is pretty insane. Through the  1990s, Detroit Diesel company continued to grow,   now as a public company, and it wasn't until 2000  that there was really any change, which is when   Daimler Chrysler acquired Detroit Diesel company  and placed it under their Daimler Truck of North   America umbrella. Now, depending how strongly  you feel about a parent company's nationality,   this move would have either made you really mad or  you would have been totally fine with it. Because   Detroit Diesel, the company that had massively  helped in world war ii, the company that helped   with the explosion of the commercial truck market,  the company that employed tens of thousands of   US employees and was partially responsible for  America becoming such a superpower, was now owned   by a German automaker. It's almost like a slap in  the face to those who believe in US made products.   But, at the end of the day, at the time, Detroit  Diesel had outgrown their small roots. When 2005   rolled around, the Detroit Diesel corporation  made a big investment in their own company,   spending over 300 million dollars to refurbish  their production plant and tooling. With the   refurbishment, crazy growth, and insane progress  happening all at one time, they also released an   entirely new engine line, which was the DD engine.  This includes engines like the DD13, DD15, DD15TC,   and DD16, which are all still being produced today  and used on commercial trucks all over the world.   Moving up to the current date, Detroit Diesel  Corporation has continued to grow and develop   launching several new concepts along the  way to help with emissions compliance   and ease of maintenance. Arguably, their  biggest development has been their blue   tech emission systems. They've also expanded  their ideas past just commercial engines and   as such renamed the company to "Detroit" to  show that they're more than just a diesel engine   company. And as no surprise, they're pushing to  get into the electric commercial truck market.   Whether or not you believe electric is the future  is a topic for a different time. It's pretty crazy   to think that a small company from the 1930s  that blew up in the commercial truck market with   their two-stroke diesel engines, is now moving  towards diversification and electrification.   Today, they're offering parts a full lineup of  engines for commercial applications and they're   also producing transmissions, safety systems,  and much more. If you guys enjoyed this video,   be sure to please give it a big thumbs up. If  you think there's anything I forgot to add,   anything you'd like to add, or anything  I said wrong, please let me know down in   the comments below. While you're down there, get  subscribed so you don't miss out on future videos.   Check out some of the other stuff on the  channel and i'll see you guys in the next one.
Channel: Dust Runners Automotive Journal
Views: 163,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Detroit Diesel
Id: UFiwj68mO9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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