Cold Starting a 8V71 Two Stroke Detroit Diesel Engine at 15° F

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it's a pretty frosty morning it's about 15 degrees Fahrenheit right now which is cold for around here I'm needing to move a bunch of junk around out here so I'm gonna be cold starting a bunch of stuff so in an unexpected turn of events I bought this 1974 model tour bus I have no idea what I'm gonna do with it it's pretty much a rail and landfill but for the price I paid for it I figured I could have some kind of fun with it it's got a good run in 8v 7u1 Detroit in it it is a genuine piece but let's see if it'll start well the old bus is gonna need a few minutes on the battery charger so let's try this one this is a fourteen point six liter six mzz 15 caterpillar all right let's try this old forklift this is a non turbocharged four-cylinder Cummins I think this is what they call a 4b Cummings it'll be a pretty tough one to get started [Laughter] all right here's a little non turbocharged 4-cylinder cat or Parkins whatever you want to call it okay let's try this one this is a turbocharged 4-cylinder cat this thing's been on the battery charger for a couple hours now still 15 degrees out here we've got a north wind blowing so it's not warming up any let's try again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not happening gonna have to have ether there's the old lady 71 look at this missing garbage they've got in here okay I gave it a shot of the good stuff see what it does [Music] [Music] even closer here we go around 58 [Music] [Music] alright look I don't know if the ether starts a Titanic now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you'll probably be seeing more of this bus in the future and there's a couple more pieces of junk I'm looking at dragging in here also so there's more fun to come I hope you enjoy this one and thanks for watching
Channel: KT3406E
Views: 1,725,275
Rating: 4.8435564 out of 5
Keywords: KT3406E, Diesel, Engine, Diesel Engine, Cold Start, Cold Diesel, Detroit Diesel, 8V71 Detroit, Straight Piped 8V71, Straight Piped Diesel, Caterpillar Diesel, Cat C15, Cummins, Cummins Diesel, Caterpillar C-15, 2 Stroke Detroit, 6V92, 8V92, 12V71, 2 Stroke Diesel
Id: 1LmOjGdR93s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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