Why the Two-Stroke Diesel Was AHEAD of its Time

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Today's world of heavy duty diesel trucks is  almost entirely dominated by large inline six,   four-stroke engines. But, that wasn't always  the case. As a matter of fact, there was a time,   not too long ago, where it was two-stroke diesels  that actually dominated the marketplace. So, today   we're going to rewind the clock and take a look at  Detroit Diesel's two-stroke engines and see just   what makes them so good. Let's get into. And to  understand where the two-stroke diesel came from,   we first need to rewind the clock and take a  better look at where Detroit Diesel came from.   Back in the late 1920s and early 1930s, General  Motors was in a good spot to buy new companies,   as the stock market crash of 1929 massively  devalued many companies in the automotive space.   Now GM was looking into a handful of different  companies, but ultimately they wanted to buy   diesel engine manufacturers at that time, that's  specifically what they were going after. They   even had the opportunity to purchase Cummins  at this time, but ultimately passed on them   to purchase a company known as Winton, as well  as Electro-Motive Company. It's crazy to think   how much different things would have been if  GM had bought Cummins all the way back in 1929,   but as they say, hindsight is 20/20. Between GM,  Winton, and Electro-Motive, and a smart inventor   named Charles Kettering, they took existing Winton  two-stroke diesel engines used for yachts and   improved upon them massively, mostly working  on perfecting the unit injector. And by 1938,   Winton became the Cleveland engine division with  the goal of just continuing to produce marine and   stationary power applications. And one year after  forming that new engine division, they decided to   take all the R&D that they had already done  on these ginormous two-stroke diesel engines,   and shrink it down to a smaller platform. One that  wasn't meant for marine, locomotive, or stationary   use. And to do this, they needed to put it under  a new company, so they formed a new division   known as Detroit Diesel. And that takes us to  Detroit Diesel's first ever engine, the Series   71. And although the Series 71 was based on the  research and development of the Winton two-stroke   diesel engines, the Series 71 wasn't just a  shrunken down version of those engines. Rather,   it was an entirely new engine platform, something  that we had never seen before. And with this all   new Series 71 engine platform, it initially came  in three different sizes. You could either get   a three cylinder, a four-cylinder, or a six  cylinder, known as the 3-71, 4-71, and 6-71.   And by 1938, Detroit Diesel had massively ramped  up production of this new engine series and sent   about 700 units, 700 engines, over to GM's Truck  and Coach Division. And then one year later,   in 1939, they went ahead and sent Series 71  engines to vary suppliers to test out and try   for themselves. Fast forwarding a little bit, the  Series 71 was used all across World War II and by   1944, a whopping 62,000 of these engines were  produced. After the war, though, things really   started to shift in America. Where transporting  goods across the country was once almost entirely   done by rails and rail cars, things started  to shift over to over-the-road trucks as they   preferred way of transporting goods around the  country. And this happens to coincide with the   Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956, which massively  improved intercity travel as well as interstate   travel. By then, Detroit had also introduced  two other engine Series. The Series 110 and   the Series 53. Both of which were also two-stroke  diesel engines. Alright, that's enough about where   the two-stroke diesel engine came from. It's time  we take a look at how this thing actually works,   because it's pretty interesting. Now, rather  obviously, a two-stroke diesel functions quite   a bit differently than a four-stroke diesel, as  the name implies. With a four-stroke diesel engine   or just a four-stroke engine in general, there's  going to be an intake stroke, compression stroke,   ignition stroke, and an exhaust stroke. But,  with a two-stroke diesel, intake, compression,   ignition, and exhaust all happen in two strokes  and one rotation of the crankshaft, rather than   four strokes and two rotations of the crankshaft.  In this diagram here, you can see how this works,   with the intake port of the cylinder located  at the bottom of the cylinder on the wall,   rather than an intake valve at the top of the  engine. But, this presents a big problem already.   With the intake stage happening at the bottom  of the stroke, there is no vacuum to pull air   into the cylinder like a four-stroke engine does,  which means two-stroke diesels require some sort   of forced induction just to operate normally.  And while there is no intake valve on the head,   there is still an exhaust valve on the head, as  well as the fuel injector. And the way this works,   by effectively just cutting the strokes in half,  they do the the intake and the exhaust stage at   the same time. As the piston reaches bottom dead  center of the combustion cycle, the exhaust valve   opens around the same time that the intake port is  revealed, with air being pushed into the cylinder   by forced induction also helping to push out the  exhaust. All right, so it's at this point in the   video, you know where Detroit Diesel came from,  you know where the two-stroke diesel came from,   and you know how it works. The question is why  even bother with this? What is the point of a   two-stroke diesel as compared to a four-stroke  diesel? For one, the two-stroke diesel design   is not only simpler with fewer moving parts,  but it is also quite a bit lighter, smaller,   and easier to manufacture. Granted, the weight of  the engine isn't particularly important for over   the road truck applications, but it is still a  benefit worth noting. As a side note, lightweight   is a very very loose term here, because the  (intially) smallest 71 Series engine, the 3-71,   that little three-cylinder engine came in at over  1500 pounds. I think it's safe to say this is not   something you're going to be swapping into your  Miata. And with less moving parts to fail, there   also comes the benefit of reduced maintenance,  at least in theory, which is a massive plus,   because when your truck breaks, the money  stops coming in. And because the weight is low,   the physical size is small, and there are twice as  many combustion events happening per engine cycle,   the power to weight or power to physical size  ratio of a two-stroke diesel, is far past anything   a four-stroke diesel could offer at the time. And  although you could argue this is less of a benefit   than it used to be, having the ability to run on  different types of fuels, including heavy fuels   and low quality fuels is a pretty big advantage,  particularly in certain applications where fuel   availability or quality is a concern. And with  these advantages, it's pretty clear to see how   the 71 Series, how the Detroit Diesel two-stroke  engine, in general, became so popular. It was just   simply good. And it became even more popular after  Detroit Diesel introduced a new variant of the 71   Series, which is the V variant. With this new  V layout, Detroit Diesel was not only able to   offer engines with more power than ever before,  but also a variety of different displacements,   giving you more choices than ever. The options  for the v71 include the 6v71, 8v71, 12v71,   16v71, and much later on, the 24v71. So, if the  two-stroke diesel is so good. It's lightweight,   it's compact, makes decent power, has loads of  different displacement options, where is it now?   Why aren't we seeing it on the road anymore? The  answer to that, can be summed up in a single word:   emissions. Two-stroke diesel engines, including  those from Detroit Diesel, were faced with some   serious challenges in meeting stricter emissions  regulations. Keep in mind, the EPA wasn't even   formed until 1970. So the idea of reducing or  even limiting emissions of any given engine,   wasn't really a thought or concern. And with a  two-stroke diesel engine, the scavenging process   can result in much higher emissions of pollutants,  such as particulate matter. There's also the issue   with fuel efficiency at low loads with two-stroke  engines being worse than comparable four-stroke   engines, which simply means two-stroke engines  consume more fuel and output more emissions at   idle or low load conditions. Two-stroke diesel  engines also typically have quite a bit more   oil consumption than four-stroke diesel engines,  which again, is not great for emissions. And as   emission standards became more stringent after  the creation of the EPA under President Nixon,   meeting these requirements became increasingly  difficult for Detroit's two-stroke engines, until   they eventually just couldn't meet the on-road  emissions restrictions and had to be phased out   entirely. So, that brings up a good question here.  If the two-stroke diesel engine has a lot of pros:   it's small, compact, makes a good amount of power,  and the only con is really the emissions output,   couldn't this be modified with modern technology  in order to bring it up to today's emission   standards? And the answer is not really, no.  Detroit did make advancements in the emissions   output of their two-stroke engines by adding  electronic controls, but eventually it just   wasn't possible to keep up with the demands of the  EPA. The underlying issue is that with two-stroke   diesel engines, the combustion configuration  allows unburned fuel to pass out of the exhaust   port before the port is closed, resulting in  excessive emissions output. And as long as that   underlying design exists in the two-stroke engine,  it's just simply not going to meet the EPA's   demands, it's just not possible. And it's much  of the same reason that two-stroke gas engines   are kind of being phased out, again, thanks to  the EPA with their emissions restrictions. So   two-stroke dirt bikes, two-stroke power tools like  a leaf blower, stuff like that, it is slowly being   phased out, again, because two strokes are just  really bad on emissions output. That being said,   a two-stroke diesel engine is still feasible to  use in off-road applications where you can sort of   get around emissions testing in some situations,  particularly for something like a tractor powered   by a Detroit diesel engine. But, for on-road  applications, there's really no getting around   the EPA's requirements, unless you want to do  it illegally. And I don't say this very lightly,   but I think it's safe to say that the Detroit  Diesel two-stroke, the 71 Series, as well as   their other series of engines, are some of the  most important engines in America's history.   With their massive popularity and the shift  from rail cars over to over-the-road trucking   for transporting goods across the country,  these engines quite literally help to build   America into what it is today. And partially what  makes the two-stroke diesel engine so interesting,   is the fact that no other companies from that  time frame, Cummins, Caterpillar, they weren't   even competing with the two-stroke diesel engine  because they were just making four-stroke engines.   They had no interest in doing this two-stroke  over the road trucking engine. At one point,   Detroit Diesel quite literally controlled around  30 percent of the market share for over the   road truck engines and built an absolutely  massive amount of these two-stroke engines,   with loads of them still in use today, although  the remaining applications are generally not over   the road trucks. Interestingly enough, though,  somebody who did copy Detroit Diesel and made a   two-stroke diesel engine is the Soviets. Now, you  have to remember Detroit Diesel worked with the   military to supply their two-stroke diesel engines  for a variety of different military applications,   the Soviets caught on to this, copied it, and  did the exact same thing, copying the 4-71 and   the 6-71. Now, as a side note, an industry which  is still using two-stroke diesel engines, although   not engines built by Detroit Diesel, is the Marine  industry. And a really interesting feature for   these massive marine engines is that there is no  gearbox, which means if they want to turn the prop   in reverse, they just shut the engine off and  turn it back on but with the engine spinning in   the opposite direction. That is definitely not  something you can do with a four-stroke engine,   at least not easily, and it's a very cool  feature for a two-stroke diesel engine. So,   although Detroit Diesel's two-stroke engines  lasted for a significant amount of time and   quite literally helped to build America into  what it is today, powering countless applications   from military to over-the-road trucks, the  introduction of emissions restrictions from   the EPA was the beginning of the end for these  engines. Two-stroke diesels just simply couldn't   meet the EPA's demands, and that's not necessarily  a bad thing, because Detroit Diesel was able to   move on to very very good four-stroke engines  and had a lot of success with those, in fact,   you could argue that they had more success with  their four-stroke engines than their two-stroke   engines, but regardless, it's safe to say we're  probably not going to see two-stroke diesels   ever come back to over the road trucks. Let me  know your thoughts down in the comments below,   if I missed anything, anything you want to add,  drop it down there. While you're down there,   smash Thumbs Up Button if you enjoyed  the video because it really helps me out,   get subscribed so you don't miss out on future  videos, we even have a history lesson on Detroit   Diesel if you want to check that out, learn more  about them, and I'll see you guys in the next one.
Channel: Dust Runners Automotive Journal
Views: 572,761
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Keywords: detroit diesel, two stroke diesel, diesel engine
Id: dkc9luykFHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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