Detective Botzees and the Case of the Missing Painting (Toy Adventure)

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ah i've been looking forward to eat this cookie all day help what's wrong i'm missing you're right in front of me i found you i wasn't finished yet i'm missing my painting what was the painting of it was a painting of a yellow mouse i painted it yesterday and now i can't find it anywhere okay slow down name everyone who saw your painting well let's see there was the dog my friend tridino and my brother pipsqueak i did see a dog bearing a bone in the ground i wonder if it buried your painting as well let's check okay let me finish my cookie first no time for that something bad could happen to my painting okay nope not here nope wait i see a paintbrush [Music] we found this brush but i don't see the painting anywhere that looks like it could belong to my friend try dino let's go talk to triana we need to solve this so i can finish my eating my cookies try dino try dino stop stop one of these days i'm gonna catch my tail i'm not sure you have a tail anyway we're looking for a painting oh you mean the painting of the mouse yeah that's it have you seen it seen what the painting no i haven't seen any painting and i don't know what you're talking about you just said that you knew about the mouse painting no i didn't you can trust botsy he is helping me solve this mystery so you solve mysteries huh prove i can trust you by solving a mystery i have i'm missing my tail you mean this thing over here wow that was quick okay i'll tell you what i know what color was it again yellow i haven't seen it but i did see your brother doing some painting he was painting in red not yellow let's go talk to him [Music] these are nice paintings we are looking for a yellow mouse painting i just have these red paintings and this orange one have you seen a yellow mouse painting anywhere no i see that you are only using red paint yes red is my favorite color but that orange mouse painting seems to be a combination of red and yellow that is the yellow mouse painting you painted over it what you painted over my mouth painting oh yeah i needed more paper and then i saw that piece that already had a painting on it i love that painting oh i'm sorry hey look on the bright side we figured out what happened to your painting i'm so angry sorry can you forgive me look he really is sorry okay i guess i can forgive you next time though ask me before you paint over my painting okay my work here is done and that orange painting does look pretty cool now back to eating my cookie robots we love you you are the bestest thing wheels and lights and beeps and bites all the joy that you bring if we had a flying pig we would name it after you we don't know if that's actually true but that doesn't change our love for you
Channel: Robot Family
Views: 36,737
Rating: 4.8249998 out of 5
Keywords: cozmo, anki, vector, stem robot, robot toy, toy adventure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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