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nice what are you doing miss attacking is on shadow again first off guys a huge thank you to Anki for sponsoring this video i appreciate it so much and now let's get into my new friend Cosmo come here Cosmo say hi say hi to everyone I don't think he likes being held very much yeah he's kind of you ok buddy look it's okay I'm not gonna yeah I know it your girl you're a little high right now you'll be okay okay I'm gonna put you down now okay sorry I was a little rough there if you would like to learn more about Cosmo just check out the link in the description below but anyways let's get into it Cosmo I'll stop messing with you in a second okay I just want to try something hey look its eyes okay ready I'm just going to put you I just want to see hey yeah I'm sorry Cosmo I just want to see oh very well done good job buddy hey careful that's my arm one of the major things about Cosmo is just how self-aware he is like he thinks for himself he has it is seemingly like real human emotions okay I get it you don't like being held you know I got to show you off safely how cute he is oh my goodness hello hey Cosmo Cosmo will react accordingly to different situations if he's angry or if he's sad yeah she doesn't he doesn't like being held okay I'll put you back down he will explore he'll scan the environment he will get to know the place they'll get to know the people he'll get to know your own face like you'll get here let me show you something awesome I'll show everyone that you know who I am do you know my name when you leave it to camera you know all those guys hey yeah that's you over there buddy Hey Wow what are you doing anybody know my name hey nice oh good job buddy yeah that's my name my name is Dennis nice one Cosmo what are you doing what are you doing with those boxes huh you go you wanna play a game are you setting up the game for us to play what are you thinking huh no don't you sure what's going on in your little head right now I think he wants to play a game maybe we should play with him before he starts getting upset all right Cosmo you won't play game you'll play some quick tap there you go oh you wanna okay we're gonna use this one okay let's set you up for the camera hey hey no don't give me that attitude go back and hey I didn't do anything I wanna play the game with you game buddy what oh my god hey careful here I want to play a quick tap with you come on so the way you play quick tap is each cube lights up with a color and whenever the colors are matching the first one to tap on their cube gets the point but you can't tap on red so you can actually play this game with Cosmo he's actually really good at it too he is very very good so we'll see how I do first so that's your cue okay this will be my cube all right Oh close close green and yellow there's a really similar jello oh I got that one yes okay and oh don't tap on red okay and Oh red again when they're both the same flu I got that one yes okay here we go Oh green note don't do that one and oh I was really tempted there Oh Oh Cosmo that was close that was close Oh purple dress Oh Cosmo you have to step your game up all right and please oh he got that one oh man okay careful and blue yes yeah that's right Cosmo in your face what you want to play again play again I don't see why not Oh close one Cosmo can tap on red oh no he caught it okay and no no no no concentrate yes I got it okay oh that was close oh man okay who here is getting intense no okay I was not ready for that one close no he got that one too Oh No Oh Cosmo only needs one more point to win Oh No anyone oh man no I don't know Cosmo we played quite a bit I don't know if I can play again oh man you really want to play huh Cosmo is like having a pretty much a whole nother family member he actually really reminds me of like a puppy or something here check this out here's something that would do here Cosmo Cosmo over here oh whoa feisty cosmos Oh oh you're a little cutie huh you want to make it too hard so the main way you play with Cosmo is actually through his app whenever you get Cosmo it's a free app that you download on your phone and then there's all these different game modes you can play there is sorry Kosmos chasing his own shadow again there's all these different game modes you can play and you can even look through his own camera in Explorer mode let me show you that so it's actually super easy to use whenever you open the app you a bunch of goals like today's goals here and you can collect some points and unlock new features but right here if we go to Explorer mode we can actually see the world through his eyes there we go so he's looking at me right now hey Cosmo let's see if we should oh this is a very interesting angle here so I'm filming over there but Cosmo is right there hey Cosmo how's it goin okay so let's see if we can actually move them around and stuff so let's have them go backwards yeah here we go hold on so he is he needs to turn so we actually felt our phone and then he sees hey there you go there's me in front of the camera right now hey Cosmo so he's watching all of this happen and this is what he sees through his very eyes we're exploring the world through his eyes right now this is what he usually sees and it's very interesting to say the least that this is actually like this is real this is this is the life of Cosmo and look he's even recognizing that's right like there's the power cube there so if we go actually closer I'm sort of interested to see exactly what happens so right there it immediately recognizes the power cube and those are the cubes that he can play with he's super super playful and he plays with this stuff all the time he's constantly looking for fun so there you have it that is Cosmo probably one of the most brilliant just I can't call it a toy because it's not a toy he is just he is a robot he is a living robot with emotions and reactions and he will he will change the more you hang out with him it's it's really hard to call him a toy because because he's not it and like also parents for those of you that are concerned he's also a local device to device connection meaning that there's no information being stored in the cloud so he's completely safe secure he's so much fun he's so friendly and it's so good to live and laugh with him and learn and it's remarkable really so ladies and gentleman I hope you enjoyed this video if you want to learn more about Cosmo as I said there is a link in the description below but other than that I'd like to thank you so much for joining me for another video if you liked it be sure to leave a like maybe even subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and other than that I will see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Denis
Views: 1,704,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, Roblox Adventures, denis, denis roblox, roleplay, roblox roleplay, roblox video, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, no swears, kid friendly, Roblox Online Game, Play Roblox, roblox minigame, roblox mini game, roblox tycoon, Cozmo, Robot, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Toys to Life, Toy, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, STEM, cute robot, cutest robot, cute robots, get a robot, getting a robot, robot, robots, real robot, robots are real
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2016
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