Blippi Makes Fruit Popsicles | Learn Healthy Eating For Children | Educational Videos For Kids

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[Music] blippi and I was just dancing oh but it's really hot outside I wish I could take a break well no time for breaks when you're dancing oh it's a popsicle cart and I love popsicles I think you and I should get a popsicle let's go hey how are you what's your name I'm Julia would you like a handmade popsicle yeah I love popsicles what flavor do you have this is cha cha cha it's mango pineapple and chia seed that sounds so yummy mango pineapple and chia seeds that is so yummy okay glad you like it do you want to come see how they're made yeah that would be so much fun place it's so cool thanks no first thing you need to gear up Oh check it out this is an apron here we go Wow okay well what do we have here so these are all the ingredients we use to make our popsicles oh it looks like a bunch of fruit vegetables yes you got it we actually use a lot of superfoods in our popsicles so you'll see kale and avocado and spinach and chickpea what's this this it's a coconut whoa that's cool a coconut cool what flavor are we making I thought we could make Popeye Popeye yeah all right that's why I thought Popeye um know what you finished okay spinach I was making it back to earlier so I thought we could just activate okay so here's some spinach and what do you have strawberries strawberries this is sweetened it we use dates whoo dates ha ha all right come on back okay so here's the batch I was working on earlier oh look at it all right that looks yummy go ahead okay bye-bye spinach and then pair some strawberries whoa and date YUM now what might be different about your kitchen is we have some big equipment we use here really oh I'm excited whoa that thing is massive what does that thing do this is our immersion blender Wow so you put it in oh you hit the button [Music] oh so that just blends it up into a liquid it sure does whoa that looks so yummy well now what do we do now we're gonna put it in our mole okay since basically three ingredients all blended up to make one yummy tasting liquid so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna pour it in oh and then you kind of just have to shake it around may I of course hey here's some more whoa we got some tricky ones in there hey that's okay there's some more okay and then next what we need to do is we'll just put in our sticks whoo yeah like a popsicle stick have you ever eaten the popsicle and you hold on to the piece of wood yeah that's how we just put in there what makes them so handy okay and now we put it into our extra-special popsicle machine whoa what does the nice thing do it makes it super cold at Greece the popsicle is whoa are you so excited I sure do love popsicles hey check it out whoa this is that just really cold in there yes it's actually made out of a special popsicle freezing liquid Wow [Music] maybe for later now what do we do well usually when I awake for popsicles degrees okay let's go [Music] [Music] does that mean it's done [Music] but shake off that can try alright step on it [Music] we have to put it in the liquid okay what does that do I kind of write out bossman nose looks so yummy I am so excited okay how about this one that is so never mind me I gotta go back out and sound more popsicles okay well do you think you could watch the kitchen for me feel free to make your own flavor make our own flavor that sounds like fun Fiat Lippe thanks for showing us around did you hear that you and I get a maker very young blippi flavor let's do this [Music] alright you and I get him in a very own flavor and I am so excited all right let's see what we have to work with all right you know what kind of fruit this is right yeah this is an apple okay looks like we have some great jung-woo what are these check these out yeah these are lemons lemons are the color yellow Wow and then we have some greens over here whoa spinach whoa it's like hair oh this is kale and kale is really yummy and it doesn't like containers that's silly okay let's put these back in here so then we can continue to see what type of Crips and vegetables we have like this oh this is so heavy yeah this is a watermelon and watermelons are so and yummy do you know what color is on the inside of the watermelon yeah red and the outside is green okay just a couple more bananas and pineapple No okay so you can see we have this big bucket right here and we need to put a lot of the ingredients right in here can't forget about the strawberries we'll start with those here we go okay that kale whoa put some in there good Oh apples hey we could put the whole Apple in there but I think we should probably slice it have you ever had a slice of an apple they're so yummy okay here is a red apple slicer and then put it right in the center just like that and then you push down oh look at that that is awesome slice the apples then pull them out put them right a big bucket Wow and you keep the core well you keep the core which is the center out of it because there's a lot of seeds in there speaking of seeds watermelons have seeds okay cut open the watermelon whoa I'm gonna be very careful because I'm a grown-up with this knife ready okay go chop it in half just like that whip it around [Music] whoa look at that that looks so yummy our popsicles are gonna be so yummy okay um I have an idea huh here we go all right we have some bananas open those up URI Oh Baba banana and we'll do another banana No look at it is that looking tasty or does that look tasty [Music] whoa and remember we learned what fruit this is yeah the coconut alright these are a little tricky to open but it's worth the trouble so let's take the coconut opener [Music] look at that Wow look at all that liquid I just want to drink it all up oh okay we'll put that in the bucket / YUM hey use this little coconut device and pull out some of the coconut meat yeah right in there ooh yummy there we go alright perfect let's bring it right over here YUM alright Oh spinach right here oh and then we have a bunch of grapes we'll do one two three four five six seven eight nine [Applause] eleven grapes alright and then remember these we use these earlier these are dates okay can't forget about the lemons we have so many types of fruits and vegetables in here here we go okay let's take these get a little squeeze ah have you ever tasted a lemon before okay let's try some oh that's our kids wash our hands and then last but not least we have a pineapple we cut the pineapple just like that and see that yellow that looks so yummy so now we take this pineapple tool put a bride on top and then give it a little twist look at that then you pull it out whoa check that out then take it off just like this and that's gonna get it some nice sweetness to these yummy popsicles all right I think that's plenty oh that's so heavy come on back here remember that next step that we do yeah she taught us that you put the bucket wool right here take the big blender and we blend it up here we go [Music] oh all right now it's all mixed up wait a second though we need the magic tool this is a giant whisk whoa check this out [Applause] [Music] more ideas adding some color okay let's put this right over here and then we can bring this up and grab this picture you remember from earlier we need to scoop some out oh I'm so excited pour some in let's grab another scoop Hey here we go all right I think that's plenty let's give it a shake hey yeah these are gonna be so yummy take these six wow that's a lot of popsicle sticks put them right in there perfect okay now we need to bring it to the cooling station whoa we did it all right now remember what we had to do earlier it's gonna take a long time so we give it dance while we wait [Music] d-ohh must be ready let's check him out so excited Reina I can't wait to see the ingredients you use my two favorite colors and orange shall we try out yeah do you like these are delicious Clippy you know what you need to take those outside and go sell some pops okay awesome all right let's go try to sell some popsicles popsicles popsicles who wants a popsicle oh I love popsicles and that was so much fun learning about how to make popsicles with you at mom-and-pop shop in Costa Mesa California well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready BL I peepee I blippi good job well see you later [Music] it'll make you wanna shout
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 46,354,913
Rating: 3.6253774 out of 5
Keywords: blippi, blippi ice cream, blippi healthy, healthy eating, popsicle, making popsicles, natural food, healthy desert for kids, blippi learns, educational videos for kids, blippy, blipi, blippe, blippi ice cream truck, learning fruits, healthy eating for kids, healthy eating videos for kids, healthy eating for children, blippi videos, blippi fire truck, blippi dinosaur, blippi toothbrush, blippi halloween, learning for kids, blippi colors, learning colors, learning with blippi
Id: CxKN-Aab3U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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