Blippi Explores a Motorcycle | Blippi Full Episodes | Educational Videos For Toddlers | Blippi Toys

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[Music] oh look at what it is this is a motorcycle and today you and i are gonna learn about motorcycles [Music] hello oh this motorcycle is so magnificent do you want to know why i like motorcycles because they have two wheels and tires whoa one [Music] two let's look at the front one wow look at it spin whoa let's go to the back wheel and tire whoa look at this back wheel and tire wow look at it spin wait a second do you see what i see yeah it's a person let's go meet him come on hello hey there what's your name hunter yoder what's yours my name is blippi nice to meet you is this your motorcycle yep it sure is whoa what do you do with it i get to practice on these cool tracks and uh get to race all around the country whoa you get to race motorcycles yep so that means you're really fast yeah whoa will you teach me how to ride motorcycles sure whoopi awesome all right meet you out on the tracks yep did you hear that hunter yoder is gonna teach me how to ride motorcycles i am so excited let's go all right i am so excited to ride but first before we ride we need to inspect the motorcycle come on [Music] as you know this is the front wheel and tire whoa and it's connected to the front suspension which then gives when you go over big bumps and rocks and look down here this is the front brake and that is the disc that the brake crunches to stop wow and the front fender so then you don't get mud and stuff in your face when you're riding wow wow and look at this this is the gas tank this is where you put in all of the gas hello all right let's close that back up all right nice and snug oh and look down here whoa this is the engine of the motorcycle wow it looks so powerful hey we should turn on the motorcycle all right okay check this out this is the start button it's kind of like the key in a car but you have no key you just push the button listen whoa yeah oh do you hear that a lot of the sound of the motorcycle comes from the muffler and the muffler is where all of the exhaust comes from whoa all right come here this is the throttle when you turn this this is what provides all the power to the engine because fuel goes into the engine listen oh so loud let's turn it off for now all right and look this that throttle and this over here these are the hand grips this is where you steer the motorcycle from and then you have your front brake right here yeah that's what i showed you earlier the front brake this is how you control it you just pull it in and then the clutch yep ooh yeah let's see what else there is back here oh hey foot pegs this is where you rest your feet and right next to this right foot peg there is the rear brake see you push it with your foot just like in a car wow moving back here this is the rear suspension right in there it's kind of hard to see looks like a spring oh and check this out this is the rear wheel and tire oh and do you see these knobs oh look these little knobs right here these this this is called the tread of the tire it goes in the dirt and grabs everything in its path so then it doesn't slip and slide whoa all right now let's go ride now that we inspected the motorcycle it's time to ride let's go [Applause] oh yeah what a beautiful day it is to ride got the sun shining the wind in my face yeah i'm ready huh wait a second am i forgetting something [Music] oh how could i have forgotten the safety equipment all right let's put the kickstand down whoa yeah wow i almost forgot the safety equipment check me out whoa yeah i have my helmet on which keeps my head safe oh and look my goggles which keep my eyes safe while riding ring ring my sweet top yeah it's a nice boring shirt and some nice gloves to keep my hands safe my pants yep gotta wear pants while riding and my boots yeah all right now we're ready to ride i love riding motorcycles they're so much fun all right here i come did you see that i love riding motorcycles whoa hey will you check this out with me yeah let's check out the colors okay so first as you can see i am wearing the color orange and i have a little bit of blue see but let's check out the motorcycle come here whoa this motorcycle has the color red on it whoa it's so pretty and it has the color white on it and black and do you see another color it's really shiny yeah it's silver whoa silver kinda looks like gray whoa all right let's continue to ride the motorcycle [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is my honda crf150r it has a cool engine package and tuned up suspension that's set up just for me so i can race around the whole country and go super fast on the tracks and uh this is all done by factory connection amsoil honda [Music] and today i am riding a crf 230f it's pretty rad i love it all right hunter are you ready to race yes flippy all right here we go start your engines [Music] uh [Music] my favorite part about riding dirt bikes is jumping big jumps like that [Music] riding dirt bikes is a fun sport because you can do it with your parents your siblings your cousins anybody and you can choose to ride in the desert where it's open and free or you can come to a track like this and race against other people and see who will come out on top [Music] [Music] so [Music] and my favorite part about riding motorcycles is not falling [Applause] [Music] i sure do love riding motorcycles whoa see this motorcycle it's really big cool and this motorcycle is really small the great thing about motorcycles is even someone like you can write let's go [Music] [Music] this is what i call a wheelie [Music] i really enjoyed learning about motorcycles with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name let's spell my name together ready b-l-i p-p-i blippity good job see you again bye-bye [Music] hey it's me blippi and look at what's behind me whoa a really cool sign what does it say sci-cart international speedway oh yeah today i'm at sci cart international speedway in tuck willa washington hey and check out that and that what are those yeah those are go carts today you and i are gonna learn and drive some go-karts [Music] whoa did you see those those were flags yep and when you're racing go-karts it's very important to listen to the flagger yeah because the go-kart engines are so loud they probably can't yell at you and through the helmet you can't hear them so you can communicate with colored flags let's learn about them whoa what color is this flag yeah that flag is the color green and this means it's the start of the race as soon as that green flag drops it's go time oh look at this flag yeah this flag is the color yellow yeah and the yellow flag when you see the flagger that means to slow down yeah do not pass that might mean that there's a little problem on the track so be very careful it means caution whoa look at this flag wow yeah the color reds just like a stop sign or a stoplight it means stop immediately there might be a big problem on the track maybe a couple carts spun out and they're blocking the track yeah who knows this flag just means to stop when you see it oh another flag whoa what color flag is this yeah one of my two favorite colors this is the blue flag and when you see the flagger moving it up that means move over let others pass yeah maybe i'll be going really slow and that means if i see the blue one i'm gonna move over to let others pass yeah it's really important to be safe on the track oh look at this one black flag you are out of the race oh no that doesn't sound like fun yeah you might get this if you did something you shouldn't have like maybe bumped people yeah you're not supposed to bump during go-karts these aren't bumper cars they're go cards oh yeah the white flag that means one lap remaining oh you know what this means give it some gas and go for the win and the last flag yep the black and white checkered flag that means the race is over and that you probably won check it out yeah it's a go-cart yeah we're learning about go-karts hey let's learn the parts of a go-kart whoa this thing is so awesome hey do you know what this is called yeah this is where you sit [Music] yeah and this is called a seat whoa look at what i'm holding yeah this is the steering wheel pretty cool huh this is how you turn left and you turn right yeah just like steering a car or a truck yeah go-karts also have a steering wheel look at what my feet are pushing on yeah this see the red that is the brake pedal yeah if you push down on that this is going to stop the go kart you see this one over here what color is this one yeah that's the color green and you know what green means green means go whoa whoa check this out yeah one great thing about go-karts is they're nice and safe because they have a seatbelt you have to remember to always wear your seatbelt yeah and then obviously we'll be wearing a helmet too whoa look at right here right in the center this is where you fill up the go-kart with fuel this go-kart takes gas let's open it up whoa it's nice and full in there i think it's ready to ride so hey have you ever seen the engine of a go-kart come check it out all right wow look at this so let's pull off the cover whoa look at the engine of the go-kart whoa this is what creates the power the gas goes in here mixes with air and then there's a spark from a spark plug and then power is created wow what a cool machine i think it is time to ride the go-kart [Music] whoa check out all of these go-karts i am so excited to beat the lap record whoa check them out whoa do you see all of these go-karts yeah all of these go-karts have a red number plate oh that's so cool whoa and look at all of these go-karts all of these go-karts have a black number plate whoa there's so many numbers come on look at this number what number is this there's a one and a six yeah 16. yeah whoa two of the same number and both of the numbers are two two two what number is that yeah 22. good job hey i have a simple math equation for you let's see what is one plus two one plus two one two one two three yeah the number three yeah these go-karts look so much fun hey let's pick one at the front and then let's go for a ride hmm let's see how about this one all right let's hop in whoa whoa whoa not quite yet you need to be very safe while you ride a go-kart let's go pick out a helmet look at all of these helmets we can choose from whoa i am so excited check out this helmet yeah this helmet looks so cool it's the color green black white whoa and shiny silver whoa looks like we have one of my two favorite colors yeah a blue helmet wow this looks like a cool helmet whoa look at this helmet yeah what color helmet is this yeah the color i like this helmet helmets are really important to keep your head nice and safe while we're out go-karting can't forget about the color red whoa look at this [Music] and the last color helmet that we have is the color yellow yeah that's a nice color kind of reminds me of the color of the sun huh yeah man there are so many colors of helmets here what color helmet would you pick oh i love that color but i need a helmet right now let's see i have an idea why don't i use some of my own safety equipment pants now i'm ready to race let's go all right i think i am ready sit in the go cart safety first we have to wear our helmet and we need to make sure we're buckled up all right blippi you look completely ready to go the track record 23.3 you think you can beat that i've never been more ready in my life [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah we did it that was awesome but wait a second what's my time 23.29 [Applause] new track record oh look at it [Applause] yeah yeah wow yes that was awesome did you see how fast we went oh i love go-karts wow this has been so much fun at scicart international speedway in tuckwilla washington well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-o-i-p-p-o flippy good job all right i see you again bye-bye so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout with me [Music] it's me blippi do you see what's behind me yeah these are yellow bicycles and today i'm in tanino washington and we are gonna use these yellow bicycles to explore the town let's go whoa [Music] all right before i ride this bicycle i should probably wear my helmet safety first here we go all right let's explore this sweet town [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hey how about we learn the parts of the bicycle all right as you know i'm wearing a helmet that's the first part of the bicycle well it's not part of the bicycle but you're gonna ride a bicycle you need a helmet and these are the handlebars right here handlebars see this is what you hang on to while you're riding and you steer just like a steering wheel in a car and then the yellow part is the frame that is what holds all the parts of the bicycle together this is the seat this is where you sit down on the bicycle and this seat is really soft and padded makes it really comfortable and then we have two wheels and tires and then down here these are the pedals when you turn these then the back wheel turns around watch [Music] see it spin whoa and the brakes on this actually are the pedals too ready watch see when you go forward this way with the pedals yeah counterclockwise if you're looking that way but then clockwise if you're looking this way so if you go forward pedaling forward the bike will go forward but if you pedal backward this way then the bike will stop some bikes have brakes at the handlebars right up here but not this one and look right here you can mount stuff this is a little platform for groceries or pizza or vegetables or i don't know all right well i should probably get my helmet back on so then we can continue to explore oh what a cool little town this is all right here we go [Music] whoa do you see how i'm riding this bike on grass it's actually made for sidewalks and roads and things are really smooth yeah this is a street bike but they do make other kind of bikes like mountain bikes whoa whoa that's a lot better for going over rough terrain like this [Music] this is the quarry pool hey let me show you what it's like in here wow this used to be a giant hill that came out to here but then people way in the past dug it out and it's about a hundred feet that's about 33 meters deep yeah so you cannot touch the bottom whoa [Music] you can actually swim in this place wow and a waterfall over there [Music] this definitely looks like a fun place to swim [Music] i think my bike is broken oh hey perfect this town has a bike stand with a bunch of tools on it all right first thing we need to do is put the bike right up here oh perfect whoa look at it it looks like it's doing a wheelie ring all right enough of a plane we need to get to work so we can fix it check this out looks like we have some allen wrenches and then we have [Music] a flat head screwdriver we have a phillips or standard screwdriver we even have a wrench and there's so many tools but i think the problem is the tire is flat so let's take this off and this is how you fill up the tire put it right here and then you can see this is how you pump it up perfect i think now it's ready to go hey i think this is the perfect time for the tool song when you're working with tools working with tools you hear all kinds of things when you're working with tools working with tools you hear all kinds of things the wrench tightens pipes going clank clang a hammer hits a nail going bang bang bang a drill is making holes go and zoom when you're working with tools you hear all kinds of things when you're working with tools working with tools you hear all kinds of things when you're working with tools working with tools you hear all kinds of things you hear thuds and squeaks cracks and rings when you're working with tools you hear all kinds of things you hear bangs and booms clangs and zings when you're working with tools you hear all kinds of things cutting wires with some pliers going snip snip cutting paper with some scissors go in clip clip when you're working with tools you've got to be real safe by wearing gloves on your hands and goggles on your face and boys and girls when you're working with tools always follow mom and dad's safety rules [Music] when you're working with tubes working with tools you hear all kinds of things when you're working with tools working with tools you hear all kinds of things you hear thoughts and squeaks cracks and rings when you're working with tools you hear all kinds of things you hear bangs and booms clangs and zings when you're working with tools you hear all kinds of things [Music] [Applause] check it out we are at the stone carving shop where you can buy carvings hey who are you what's your name wyatt what are you doing right here carving stone whoa okay so you take the chisel and then you use the mallet and then you hit it yep like a hammer and a nail here we go whoa check that out all right now your turn oh you want to color it in yes all right wow that is so awesome [Music] can i go explore your shop of course all right let's go how are you two oh doing great wonderful weather today yep what's your names my name is ian williams i'm uh the father to wyatt right here i'm keith that's really cool nice to meet you too keith you want to show me around well uh we have various items on the wall here for our [Music] customers it looks like wyatt and his crew carved all of these out of stone with that that mallet and that pointy metal thing i don't even know what it's called whoa check it out what does this look like this looks like an apple but it's actually carved out a stone that's really cool well let's continue to explore the town [Music] whoa hey we're at the fire station right now do you know what kind of vehicles are at the fire station yeah they have ambulances they have fire engines hey check them out whoa these are so cool wow there's a real fire engine right here [Music] whoa hey come on hey what are you doing we're going on a fire call we're going on a fire call that means someone needs help can i go on the fire call why sure blippi okay all right so that means we get to go help someone and we get to go on the fire call hey first things first safety first i first need to buckle up all right now that i'm all buckled up i'm gonna get ready so we can go on the fire call i'm gonna put it into gear and then i'm gonna take it out of the parking brake so now we can go forward all right let's go save those people [Music] all right i think they need a lot of help so let's go [Music] check it out you've probably seen a police car before but right now i'm driving a police truck all right let me park this thing right on the grass right here [Music] all right now we can explore the rest of the town remember the yellow bike all right it's a great way to travel to town and it helps the environment okay here we go [Music] wait a second why am i not moving oh right over here all right here we go [Music] ah [Music] that was the mayor that's awesome here we go [Music] wow that was so much fun going on this bike adventure with you in tonight oh washington they definitely have a really cool town here and it's so great that they have these yellow bikes for people to use for free that is awesome well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me d-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job all right see you again [Music] [Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout grippy [Music]
Channel: Blippi Toys
Views: 10,433,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, Blippi Videos, vehicles for kids, vehicles for toddlers, vehicles for kids song, vehicles for children, vehicles for kindergarten, vehicles for babies, blippi vehicles, blippi vehicle songs, blippi vehicle video, blippi vehicles toys, blippi construction vehicles, motorcycle for kids video, blippi motorcycle, blippi motorbike
Id: kKa3AGBALm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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