Blippi Explores A Motorcyle + More Blippi Videos | Educational Vehicle Videos For Kids

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[Music] oh look at what it is this is a motorcycle and today you and i are gonna learn about motorcycles hello oh this motorcycle is so magnificent do you want to know why i like motorcycles because they have two wheels and tires whoa one [Music] two let's look at the front one wow look at it spin whoa let's go to the back wheel and tire whoa look at this back wheel and tire wow look at it spin wait a second do you see what i see yeah it's a person let's go meet him come on hello hey there what's your name hunter yoder what's yours my name is blippi nice to meet you is this your motorcycle yep it sure is whoa what do you do with it i get to practice on these cool tracks and uh get to race all around the country whoa you get to race motorcycles yep so that means you're really fast yeah whoa will you teach me how to ride motorcycles sure whoopi awesome all right meet you out on the tracks yep did you hear that hunter yoder is gonna teach me how to ride motorcycles i am so excited let's go all right i am so excited to ride but first before we ride we need to inspect the motorcycle come on [Music] as you know this is the front wheel and tire whoa and it's connected to the front suspension which then gives when you go over big bumps and rocks and look down here this is the front brake and that is the disc that the brake crunches to stop wow and the front fender so then you don't get mud and stuff in your face when you're riding wow wow and look at this this is the gas tank this is where you put in all of the gas hello all right let's close that back up all right nice and snug oh and look down here whoa this is the engine of the motorcycle wow it looks so powerful hey we should turn on the motorcycle all right okay check this out this is the start button it's kind of like the key in a car but you have no key you just push the button listen whoa yeah oh do you hear that a lot of the sound of the motorcycle comes from the muffler and the muffler is where all of the exhaust comes from whoa all right come here this is the throttle when you turn this this is what provides all the power to the engine because fuel goes into the engine listen oh so loud let's turn it off for now all right and look this that throttle and this over here these are the hand grips this is where you steer the motorcycle from and then you have your front brake right here yeah that's what i showed you earlier the front brake this is how you control it you just pull it in and then the clutch yep ooh yeah let's see what else there is back here oh hey foot pegs this is where you rest your feet and right next to this right foot peg there is the rear brake see you push it with your foot just like in a car wow moving back here this is the rear suspension right in there it's kind of hard to see looks like a spring oh and check this out this is the rear wheel and tire oh and do you see these knobs oh look these little knobs right here these this this is called the tread of the tire it goes in the dirt and grabs everything in its path so then it doesn't slip and slide whoa all right now let's go ride now that we inspected the motorcycle it's time to ride let's go [Applause] oh yeah what a beautiful day it is to ride got the sun shining the wind in my face yeah i'm ready huh wait a second am i forgetting something [Music] oh how could i have forgotten the safety equipment all right let's put the kickstand down whoa yeah wow i almost forgot the safety equipment check me out whoa yeah i have my helmet on which keeps my head safe oh and look my goggles which keep my eyes safe while riding ring ring my sweet top yeah it's a nice boring shirt and some nice gloves to keep my hands safe my pants yep gotta wear pants while riding and my boots yeah all right now we're ready to ride i love riding motorcycles they're so much fun all right here i come did you see that i love riding motorcycles whoa hey will you check this out with me yeah let's check out the colors okay so first as you can see i am wearing the color orange and i have a little bit of blue see but let's check out the motorcycle come here whoa this motorcycle has the color red on it whoa it's so pretty and it has the color white on it and black and do you see another color it's really shiny yeah it's silver whoa silver kinda looks like gray whoa all right let's continue to ride the motorcycle [Applause] [Music] this is my honda crf150r it has a cool engine package and tuned up suspension that's set up just for me so i can race around the whole country and go super fast on the tracks and uh this is all done by factory connection amsoil honda and today i am riding a crf 230f it's pretty rad i love it all right hunter are you ready to race yes flippy all right here we go start your engines [Music] uh [Music] my favorite part about riding dirt bikes is jumping big jumps like that [Music] riding dirt bikes is a fun sport because you can do it with your parents your siblings your cousins anybody and you can choose to ride in the desert where it's open and free or you can come to a track like this and race against other people and see who will come out on top [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] and my favorite part about riding motorcycles is not falling [Music] i sure do love riding motorcycles whoa see this motorcycle it's really big cool and this motorcycle is really small the great thing about motorcycles is even someone like you can write let's go [Music] this is what i call a wheelie [Music] i really enjoyed learning about motorcycles with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name let's spell my name together ready b-l-i p-p-i blippity good job see you again bye-bye [Music] and look at what it is whoa it's an airplane today i'm at aaron ayer at the boeing field in seattle washington and you and i are gonna learn about yep airplanes whoa whoa hey let's learn the exterior parts of the airplane do you see this this is the nose of the airplane do you know why it's called the nose yeah because it looks like a nose oh hey come over here [Music] oh up here those are the wind screens they kind of look like windshields yeah just like in cars whoa so you don't get a bunch of bugs in your mouth check out down here whoa kind of looks like a wheel and a tire wait a second that's because it is a wheel and a tire this is the nose gear this helps the airplane while it's on the ground whoa this is the cabin entry door check it out now we can go inside hello hello okay whoa whoa look down here it's another landing gear this is the main landing gear yeah it's another wheel and a tire there's another one on the other side oh in the window look that's where the passengers look out from hello hey let's count them one two three four five whoa good job whoa what is this it's a wing whoa whoa oh it's so long wow and it's so shiny look hello hey oh come back over here wow that is the jet engine do you see it spin in a circle whoa around and around it goes that's what provides the airplane with all of its power whoa come on [Music] whoa and the main body of the aircraft is called a fuselage let's go to the back oh wait see that that is the empanadas yeah the back of the aircraft oh and in here there's a cargo compartment you have to open up just like this okay here we go whoa you can store a lot of bags in there oh and look up here wow that is the horizontal stabilizer fin that is the vertical stabilizer fin it helps the aircraft be nice and stable in the air another compartment wow let's open it up and see what's inside whoa check it out a bunch of engine [Music] [Applause] stuff whoa so interesting hey i have another compartment to show you huh what does this say fuel fuel fuel fuel oh yeah this is the fuel compartment whoops oh check it out yeah that's where the fuel goes fuel is kind of like food or water to you and i oh it's what powers and provides fuel to the jet engine whoa [Music] whoa this plane is pretty awesome there are so many types of planes out there like this one this plane is a business plane and it's a passenger plane there's also pleasure planes they look pretty similar there are agriculture planes there's also cargo planes [Music] they can hold a lot of cargo hey yeah seaplane seaplanes can land on land and military planes there are so many types of planes out there i love planes [Music] [Music] what a cool airplane now let's take a flight inside the airplane come on [Music] this is gonna be so much fun watch your step come on whoa check it out over here wow this is the cockpit and those are the pilots hello hi oh let's take a seat [Music] whoa just like in a car there's seat belts first things first safety first you have to buckle up okay this is gonna be so much fun [Music] whoa this hey since we're not up in the air yet let's go check out what the pilots are up to [Music] whoa can you see it's kind of like they're driving a car but it's actually an airplane look [Music] whoa now we're high in the sky in the air we're not touching the ground at all here look [Music] whoa did you see that that's downtown seattle and i saw the seattle space needle whoa [Music] wow that was so much fun flying in this airplane hey maybe next time you travel you might be able to fly in an airplane and don't worry it's not scary it's actually really safe [Music] hey i was just doing the airplane dance will you do the airplane dance with me this is gonna be so much fun here i'll teach you first you put up your arms like you're an airplane whoa whoa and you dance when you hear the music but when the music stops don't move a muscle ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i sure do love acting like an airplane so peaceful flying in the air whoa it's like i'm a bird wait no i'm an airplane hey how about we sing the airplane song airplanes airplanes flying all around the sky [Music] airplanes flying way up high some airplanes are as big as a building some are as small as a car that's amazing some airplanes transport people some fly near to the stars some airplanes fly with propellers some airplanes fly with jet engines i love to look up and see their wings waving down at me hey airplane airplanes airplanes flying all around the sky airplanes airplanes flying way up high some airplanes can land on water but most land on landing strips no versatile some airplanes fly just for fun some fly for business trips business or pleasure you can make an airplane out of paper throw it in the air and watch it go i love to look up and see its wings waving down at me airplanes airplanes flying all around the sky airplanes airplanes flying way up high [Music] airplanes airplanes flying all around the sky airplanes [Music] let's go inside the airplane come on [Music] wow this airplane is so nice hey look it's a seat ready just for me [Music] safety first you have to buckle up [Music] and check this out wow it's like a desk where i can do all of my editing on another that i need some water you have to always remember to hydrate [Music] after a long day of playing you need to drink a lot of water okay let's put the desk back perfect ooh check out back here check it out it's a sink [Music] you can wash your hands right there it's really important to keep your hands nice and clean and what's this huh looks like a seat but there's no seat belt huh we know what that is yeah that's if you need to use the restroom when you're in the air whoa wow i have an idea let's go check out the cockpit come on [Music] whoa this is a really tight squeeze i don't think the empire had wookies in mind when they designed this cockpit okay anywho first things first safety first let's buckle up okay lat belt secured and then we need a headset hello can you hear me hey yeah [Applause] [Music] tower tower this is pilot blippi we're ready for takeoff [Music] yeah good job okay and you grab the yolk whoa look [Music] both yokes move at the same time yolks are kind of like steering wheels in a car whoa and look at all of this there's so many cool gadgets and avionics and buttons i'm not gonna touch them for now in the throttle push that forward and then that's when you go really fast once you're in the air this is the landing gear pull that up and then the wheels and tires go inside the aircraft whoa airplanes are so cool [Music] hello oh that was so much fun learning about airplanes with you [Music] [Applause] well i should probably get going now this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me [Music] v-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job thank you so much to aaron air bye-bye so much to learn about it'll make you want to look at what's behind me this machine is called a forklift and today in this video you and i are going to learn about forklifts [Music] now let's learn the parts of a forklift come on whoa look at that up there that is the cab that's where the operator of the forklift sits whoa look at these this is a wheel and tire and this is a wheel and tire this one is really big and this one is really small whoa [Music] wow look at this tall thing this is called the mast what and this right here this is called the carriage oh and these these are the forks and these three things are what lift the pallet oh hey look at what it is this is the dance floor i mean the palette [Music] [Applause] come on let's go check the oil [Music] whoa this is the engine of the forklift wow there's so many cool things in here that provide the power for the forklift i think we should check the oil together first you take out the dipstick and then you put it back in and then you check the oil whoa and it looks perfect now that is what i call ground line serviceability all right now it's time to operate the forklift but first safety first we need to put on our safety equipment i got my hard hat [Music] and then i got my bright orange whoa it's windy it's like a cape okay let's put it on zip it up right now all of our safety equipment's on now we can operate the forklift come on all right come here [Music] okay we're inside the forklift now and first we need to put on our seat belt oh oh oh there we go nice and tight and this is the steering wheel of the forklift whoa this turns the whole thing this is the shifter knob which makes it go forward and backward and these knobs right here operate the mast carriage and forks it makes it go up and down tilt forward and backward and then this makes it go left and right wow all right here we go i'm gonna turn it on and drive away [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey flippy can you help me out and move one of these pallets over to the warehouse yeah sure thing thank you all right whoa all right so did you hear that so we have to pick one of these four pallets and move it to the warehouse okay one two three four all right let's see what they have on them come here oh this first pallet has four white buckets on it the second pallet has one big blue barrel this third pallet has four black tires and this fourth pallet has a big bucket used on an excavator hey who are you talking to get back to work oh okay did you hear that we need to hurry and get back to work or else we're gonna get in trouble okay um how about let's do let's do the tires yeah that seems like a good one [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] thank you very much blippi good job thank you good job to you [Music] [Music] that was so much fun learning about forklifts with you well this is the end of this video but if you would like to see more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name let's spell my name together ready one two three v-l-i-p-p-i blippi good job see you again bye-bye my name's blippi and look at what's behind me wow it's an airplane and today i'm at kenmore air and you and i are gonna learn about airplanes wait a second come here this is no normal airplane yeah this is a seaplane and seaplanes can land and take off from the water [Music] whoa [Music] check it out the seaplane just landed in the water and now it's getting towed up this ramp to this forklift up here so then it can be hauled off and worked on [Music] whoa what a beautiful seaplane let's learn the exterior parts of the seaplane come on [Music] whoa hey up here that is the cockpit in the main body that is the fuselage and back here that is the empanada check it out come up here come to the front [Music] now that is a big engine it looks like it has nine cylinders whoa and do you see this that is the propeller it spins around in a circle really fast whoa and down here this is the exhaust whoa check this out yeah seaplanes are really unique because they have these these are floats one on each side and that is what allows the airplane to land on water perfect and floats actually have cargo compartments check it out whoa you can put all sorts of things in there like the fish you caught some baggage like luggage or even if it's really cold like up in alaska you can even put coolant anti-freeze in there so then the water doesn't freeze around it [Music] we have some steps oh hey and do you see these things look these yeah cables these cables are attached they run all over the place and then they go in the cockpit and when the pilot pushes the foot pedals it moves this this rudder one on this side and one on the other side over there it moves it left and right so then you can spear the airplane while it's in the water whoa hey look look over here [Music] it looks like there's a paddle connected let's take it out whoa [Music] whoa see this paddle what it's used for [Music] is when you turn off the airplane you can paddle get nice and close to the shore or wherever you're going wow are so cool oh hey look at what's above me yeah just like a normal plane it has a giant wing oh one on each side oh and back here it has a horizontal stabilizer pin and a vertical stabilizer fin [Music] wow we cannot forget about the color look at how beautiful this aircraft is do you know what colors these are yeah it looks like red white and blue whoa look at the seaplane they have some big floats and powerful propellers [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look a giant hanger let's go check it out this hanger is the maintenance hanger this is where they maintain all of the seaplanes so big in here and the floor it's so smooth and shiny hey i know what that's good for dancing [Music] wow whoa check it out a seaplane and the seaplane's engine is exposed look [Music] wow yeah that looks like a really powerful engine oh hey and look floats oh i bet this seaplane can fly really fast really far and land on nice smooth water check it out there's so many cool things in this hanger like this no parts of an airplane wow there's so many of them oh i wonder what all these parts are oh hey we know what these are yeah these are the rudders whoa another seaplane but this seaplane oh look at it do you see something wrong hmm yeah yeah wait a second there's no engine i bet this seat plane does not go far does not go fast and does not go on water oh hey look yep every maintenance shop has to have a bicycle whoa whoa that is a nice bicycle i don't know whose it is but it's sure cool whoa speaking of cool look at this seaplane this seaplane has a motor and floats and a cockpit door wow it looks like it's ready to fly whoa whoa whoa whoa look right here a big red tool chest wow look there's so many tools oh geez there's so many i don't even know all of them over here two giant floats these are called rivets there's so many of them i bet there's hundreds wait no i bet there's thousands oh that's silly whoa look a bunch of bolts wow there's so many kinds of bolts wow and they're nice and organized that's really convenient how organized they are okay let's see what else is around here [Music] more parts of a bunch of seaplanes whoa i don't know if these are the flaps or the ailerons or the horizontal stabilizer fins i have no idea but they're so cool check this out another seaplane but hey they're all at different stages in this one it has a motor whoa that is so big and so powerful look inside oh but there's no propeller but look at the exterior there's no wings and there's no paint it's all sanded i bet they're redoing it to their liking i hope they pick two colors my two favorite colors the paint it can you guess my two favorite colors yep blue and orange good job let's keep it exploring hello that's a maintenance person more floats whoa and another engine so interesting wow look over here it's so cool looking well this maintenance shop was sure fun to check out [Music] what simon is doing is fueling the aircraft this aircraft uses jet a fuel just like in the car you gotta put fuel in the engine now let's take a flight from the seaplane let's start on the water and then go up in the air let's enter from the back of the airplane okay be careful [Music] it's so roomy in here there's so many seats i'm gonna go in the cockpit [Music] oh here we go oh hey what's your name joe and this is our pilot nice to meet you this is gonna be fun [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look it's the seattle space needle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we were up in the air and now we're back down on the water that was so much fun hey i have an idea why don't we learn some more about seaplanes whoa [Music] [Applause] hey what are you doing way out here come on let's learn the interior parts of the seaplane whoa okay first you have to open the door so then you can go inside here we go come on whoa it's so roomy in here whoa there's so much room it's like you can dance [Music] check out back here wow this is a cargo area look oh hello hello you can put a lot of luggage back here [Music] and there's also a fire extinguisher and there's some uh motion sickness stuff we won't need that today oh a med kit so many cool things whoa let's look up front wow oh there's so many seats oh it's like i could sit in this one or i could sit in this one or this one hello back there oh all right consider this one or i can sit up in this one come on [Music] wow this seat is for the pilot look at the yoke whoa whoa this is how you steer and fly the seaplane there's so many gauges and instruments wow there's so many of them oh but here's one right here that i know what to do with hello hello do you copy this is pilot blippi we want to take off from the water and go up in the air do you copy all right thank you very much okay we have permission to go flying it can float on water and fly in the sky it's a sea plane a sea plane out on the ocean in the clouds so high it's a sea plane a sea plane it's a little airplane with propellers and wings and a float on the bottom so on water it doesn't sink whoa seaplane flying all around seaplane landing on water and the ground it flies to the places other planes can't reach like tiny little islands way far out to sea whoa sea plane flying all around sea plane landing on water and the ground take a seaplane when you're on vacation and fly to amazing destinations in a seaplane a sea plane it can float on water and fly in the sky it's a sea plane a sea plane out on the ocean in the clouds so high it's a sea plane a sea [Music] it's a sea plane a c plane it's a c plane a c plane whoa look a duck ducks are like the seaplanes of the bird kingdom they can fly in the air and land on the water [Music] hello we're back at the mechanic shop there's so many cool things oh look over here [Music] whoa what's your name hi i'm maddie this is maddie and what do you do here i'm the seaplane mechanic oh a seaplane mechanic and what she was just doing was changing the spark plugs and what did you find but the engine was bad oh no [Music] hello [Music] seaplanes are so cool because they can land and take off from the water and go way up in the air special thanks to kenmore air for making this video possible well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job [Music] see you soon bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 7,446,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi motorcycle, Blippi dirt bike, dirt bikes for kids, dirt bikes for children, hunter yoder, Blippi videos, blippi excavator, diggers for kids, outdoor activities for kids, eduational video for kids, Blippi songs, educational videos for kids, blippi videos, learning for kids
Id: hwpFjjzSvuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 2sec (3902 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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