Blippi Truck Wash | Truck Videos for Children by Blippi

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[Music] to learn about it'll make this wanna shout whoa look is a big red truck but you uh huh it's really dirty you see how dirty this truck is oh oh look perfect a tank what if we filled up the tank with water and then a little bit of hello and then washed off the truck let's fill it up with water it's so heavy whoa whoa okay here we go perfect awesome we're filling up the tank with water oh look this is a lot of water look what what look it's gonna be like a truck pass oh it's one wash yeah it is got me in the eye okay whoa aah that was really heavy Wow do you see me hey leave the water is really clear perfect and now we can put the truck in there and give it a truck wash but first wait we need soap like a bubble bath kind of you know okay down here now it's really heavy too ha ha just kidding see not that heavy tons is acting like it was really heavy okay let's put some soap in here boom okay boom there's soap in there now okay now we have a really clean soapy water it's time for the truck to get washed so you and I let's both say blippi truck wash three times in a row and then we'll put the truck in there oh okay ready flippy truck wash with the truck wash [Music] [Music] whoa this is cool truck it was so dirty before look and all the dirt is in the water now it's a big red truck you can see the color now yeah that's the color red okay now I think we should wash a real big red truck Hey look at what it is whoa it's a giant red truck and it's really dirty today we are going to wash and get it squeaky clean oh look at all this dirt you know it's really dirty but before we wash the truck I think we should get it a little bit more dirty look mmm flour look at how dirty we're making the truck okay and a little bit more on the bed back here look at this giant scoop okay one last one ready I'm gonna throw it from really far away go back a little okay bombs away okay I think that's enough flour okay let's beat I think we should get it a little bit more dirty and I have the perfect thing oh yeah hot sauce I love hot sauce let's put a little hot sauce on the toilet but first since I like it yeah fun Oh one this elf whoa Oh ketchup and mustard okay whoa that was really hot you can't ketchup and mustard come on here we go [Music] let's get them on the tires [Music] okay let's do oh I have an idea let's take the yellow mustard and let's do a smiley face ready it's a smiley face hey let's take the red ketchup stay right there and we'll make a red brown face okay ready that's so much fun [Music] okay we need to get the coins so we can wash the truck now five dollars okay put this in slot Oh jackpot whoa okay [Music] Oh [Music] okay let's see here this is the dial high pressure print high pressure a wax high-pressure rinse okay hey we need more coins put it in there alright got enough right here okay are you ready oh okay let's go to the other side [Music] Oh like a water gun really powerful ready [Music] Oh gettin really clean almost all ah out don't get wet [Music] Oh Oh [Music] oh okay I'm going to go put this back you stay right here and then we'll wash it with our hands hey stay right here [Music] with that water gun we got it pretty clean but we need to give it a little bit more clean with our hands okay look okay we got a bucket and we have myself okay oops we're cooking yeah green soap okay and then go ah here's some water yeah look okay and our scrubbing items like this a towel perfect look ketchup and mustard oh okay put that in there whew this scrubby is for the tired and the wheels this one whoa whoa this one for the top where it's hard to reach we'll do this one later okay but first that's my water it's so heavy okay whoa okay here we go take the rag and start to wash it like this a little bit more soap on it look at this look how soapy the water is Wow okay like this yeah yeah got clean all of the yellow and the red off because there's a lot of ketchup and mustard ooh there's some more right here watch this ready Hey No Hey Oh come back to the back whoa whoa this needs some cleaning take the scrubby just scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub good girl I like cleaning trucks and cars Jeff Jeff Jeff gum scrub scrub scrub dog [Laughter] that is pretty clean now we can see this is red one more time but first phone remember the really high one go get Hey oh yeah look at that fun put it in the soapy water and whoa take it to the clock go taller there [Music] okay I think we knocked everything loose so last thing we got to do is spray it down one last time oh okay we need to spray the truck down one last time whoa okay here we go [Music] Oh okay now that the truck is really clean I wanted to say hey make sure you don't get any grown-ups vehicle dirty on purpose like we did we only did that for this video because we needed the truck a little bit more dirty well it was so much fun watching this big red truck with you okay bye bye [Music] it'll make you wanna shower with me parents siblings grandparents babysitters I'd love for you to head on over to my social media pages like Facebook Instagram and Twitter because I have fun news updates behind the scenes and even free merchandise giveaways just search for my name blippi
Channel: Blippi Toys
Views: 350,505,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi truck wash, Blippi videos, Blippitoys, truck videos for children
Id: Jwu0yNc0tXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2017
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