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[Music] you're not gonna believe it but the flying miners back on the scene it's been a long time finally got a little bit of a break right now the flying miner up here in the utah area next to nevada and we're gonna do a little gold mining uh yesterday the uh mining hawaiian lauren got a nice nice pan from a half a bucket of material here so uh we're gonna go back and uh and uh hit some of the spots we've hit before and done pretty good at so stay tuned here we go last time i was here i experimented with the new jackery this is a shameless plug i don't get anything from them but uh this folding panel right here is 100 watts it's got some cables on the back here usbc usb so you can plug the ipad and your phone or whatever you got satcom directly into it it's got its own little charge controller inside there pretty compact unit what i did last time is i ran this cord over to the unit itself and then it in turn goes out to these battery connectors which drives my pumps on the keen mini max in the past i was dragging out a 65 pound deep cycle battery that was not only heavy and cumbersome but after about three days of this it it was just going down on me and i was hard to uh to keep up with it with the the water flow i had to keep changing the angle on everything but uh this thing right now it's it charges right up to 100 sitting out here in the direct sunlight goes right to the jackery box that's a little 240 that's just a small one i use that back in the campsite at night to run my tv everything and then uh as you can see i just got hooked up there so you could plug it into the car jack the cigarette lighter to charge it whatever but that panel very efficient so we got the usual amount of too much dawn liquid and too much jet dry in it but you know what these rocks that come out the end are always real clean we're just getting started this year i've got an assistant uh you know help's been kind of hard to find after all the world's self-imposed problems so but i did find some friends out flying and she's just waiting for the sun to come up a little bit more to to really help out and uh provide some good moral support as we're out here working and slaving on the job site some new buckets and the usual rack the 11.70 a month satcom by garmin in reach 250 bucks for the unit i think they're about three and a quarter now that's hooked up there so i can get uh i'm in constant contact with the iridium satellite just in the satellites out there and um if the wife needs to get a hold of me or anybody they can ping that and i can actually speak text through my phone on bluetooth to it even though i'm not getting any service here so real handy the big thing about this we've talked about it before that sos button you push that and help is on the way they'll start talking back to you if you're unconscious and can't talk back to them they just disperse help right away worth every bit of 150 bucks a year at the most very nicely garmin inreach satcom the same old license tag i think i'm going to keep it for a while it's been pretty good luck we're back on the scene again there's the mine in hawaiian over there he did good yesterday he got a very very nice pan so uh we're gonna head over and get it all fired up here now the work starts uh last time we were here you probably remember we had almost a near cave in situation this ceiling was way up there so we've got the roof knocked down on it we're going back down to that bedrock right there lauren's been working that my plan today is to come into where this big quartz boulders are that's the pastry right here and you may or may not be able to see it here i don't know how good you can see it but this is this is quartz this material hasn't been run before it's compacted it's hard to break through but it's an orange color and as we come up here it all of a sudden changes color here and this is more of uh overburden right here and this usually has no gold in it or very little where the gold's at is in this hard pack here you can see the organics growing out of here this stuff is usually not very productive but where we're working at today is right in this stuff right on that contact layer between them and down to the bedrock so that's the plan we'll get gold because gloria got good gold out of that so stay tuned we'll have something to show for you in just a little bit welcome back to the flying miner thanks guys for sticking around the last six months been busy at work they're just uh getting ready to retire looking good i like the drop on those riffles and down here the water's still clear enough i like to look of those riffles how it's bouncing up there hopefully trapping the gold behind it goes down here and i take this p gravel and swipe it off the back this little thing right here is about full so i'm going to stick it out here and empty it it's oddly satisfying if one of the other youtube channels describes some of these things oddly satisfying getting this out knowing that there could be some gold in there all right then it's the sound of it let's take a moment of silence and listen well just a quick update here we've been running some buckets i've been working in an area i'm not happy with i've got a few specs but uh nothing at all to uh to write home about at all i've got some cons right there to take back the camp i haven't panned that out but i'll pan that out of the panning table at camp and uh but the the hawaiian miner has been getting uh quite a bit of gold so i went over and sniped his spot when he was having lunch and i got two buckets i gotta run this one yet but i did run this one and i just cleaned out the indicator mat kind of in a hurry because i'm getting exhausted but i have not done the bottom mats yet but i just want to show you what we got here it's actually looking pretty good so let me swish it back and you can be your own judge here right there if you can see it or not but there's some some good gold right here and this is uh this is rather flat here look at that not pretty that's just one of these three gallon buckets it's really about a gallon and a half so we are on a crazy pay streak right now um i should say the uh mining hawaiian is but uh i'm gonna go back and sneak some more his stuff good thing we're all friends here because uh shots could be fired anyway the flying miner we're getting gold now we're on it there is the mining hawaiian he is uh he gets the award for the day i think he's found a lot of gold pete fritz finally got out of bed in his pajamas it's about 2 30 in the afternoon hey we just uh i was running out of energy so i um i uh didn't classify some rocks so i didn't want to dump them in the sluice box because i was afraid that they might uh bounce along there which they do but these are pretty good size so i did classify them into another bucket down to a half inch and then i washed them and then i panned it and just to show you um i kind of did a hurry pan but there there's a pretty good sized picker right there you hold that up for me lauren a second so uh no fines or anything but there you go that piece right there that's a pretty good choice could be but yeah so that's a nice sized piece just stuck at those rocks the mud yeah we'll go back camp now and and uh go through these cars that's a safety pan underneath of here um i kind of speed pan and then i come back and i re-pan right back into this blue one here but i'm just i'm just amazed at this thing wait till you see this um i don't see much fines in there but what do you see the size of this picker yeah i was thinking i got nothing in this thing and all of a sudden underneath these little pea gravels check this thing out and it looks pretty flat here let's see there it is check that out it's hard to pan and hold this at the same time that's a good sized piece of gold right there folks i mean that is probably one of the biggest pieces i've ever gotten here wow that's i'm not going to guess that the way there's a few pieces in there as well but look at this thing my gosh what a bonus trick right so uh we just came in and through the help of a lot of people we pulled back a lot of this overburden got those organics down and i worked right onto this bedrock here right down there chipped away at the bedrock scraped creviced and uh then we broomed it vacuumed it i like this pocket right here i don't know if you can see it very well but the flow comes from this way at us and it dropped down in that pocket and we got some nice little nuggets out of there we'll go take a look here getting hot super super windy and i got a toothache if that has anything to do with it at least i have enough gold to fill it kept me up all night last night so haven't cleaned out the bottom mat quick day today just a few buckets but i don't know if you can see it or not but i get it wet there's your gold piece right there and it's a chunky little piece real pretty and then down here in the indicator mat we got a piece here we've got a piece here a piece here there and there was a couple more but it's drying out there it is there's one see if we get that wet you can see that one right there there's a nice one so the indicator mats full probably got about 10 over 15 of them in there and i'm going to pull these mats and then take back the campsite and pan out the concentrates but all in all just a quick easy trip today and we worked right on the bedrock my favorite place to be and we got gold nice little picker go with that big flat piece i got the other day good morning there they're flying minor good morning loyal subscriber neil and dave the utah boys are on the scene these guys like to get up have a little breakfast about 12 30 1 o'clock come down to the dig site they come all the way from utah these guys are some gold getting fools right here yeah anyway they're are loyal subscribers to the flying miner they get a royalty check from me every 10 years so far they haven't got any get that dog out of here hi everybody the flying miner here finally back at the house after the outing up in northern nevada on a utah border and um unfortunately i had a little issue with my teeth it's a bridge it's been going bad for a while so all told it looks like i ran maybe four to six buckets these are three gallon buckets um the first day and that's when i got that bigger piece right there just out of nowhere i don't remember seeing it somehow the sluice caught it down and lower i'm adding and then i went out a couple days later just ran maybe two buckets but i was just in a lot of pain and uh just was not up to speed so i just ran these quick buckets and we got some pretty good little flakes there right there we'll add it up here in just a second also uh did find some neat rocks up toward the hard rock mine part of this whole thing with i don't know if it's silver down in there or some kind of little lead looking bb type things in this stuff a lot of very interesting courts with different types of uh decomposing elements inside of it so that was kind of neat we'll keep that and take a look at it a little bit later but for now let's take a look and weigh up what we got on the first day with that little picker take a look at it again it's a nice piece of gold it's kind of flat i didn't think it would weigh much at all but it looks like it comes in at 0.3 grams 0.4 grams something like that not bad nice little piece and then we got these uh there we go and this is the rest of what i got there nice little round piece right there is kind of chunky looks like about a half a gram not bad for a quick run through the uh it's almost a gram a little less than a gram but the amount of dirt i moved was minimal we are on a really nice piece of bedrock there's some overburden there but um once you got within an inch maybe two inches maximum of that bedrock in fact we were breaking it apart quite a bit and even vacuumed it up a lot although i've gone through my vacuum tailings i did not find a single fleck in there so basically just brushing and grabbing it with a clorox bottle whatever you can do get down in those crevices was the uh was the hot ticket so uh some chunky stuff as you can see not bad for just a quick couple maybe six buckets total if you top them off so there's plenty of gold there good spot so that's it for now just wrap up this video here we'll get it posted out real quick we will be back on another outing here real soon up on the rivers up uh at the uh the yuba river there in northern california will be doing a little bit of sluicing up there on the river do always do pretty good up there looking forward to getting up in the cooler temperatures out of this vegas heat here and uh hopefully we'll get these these teeth fixed up this week and uh maybe i'll make some gold together and put some gold fillings in there or something but we'll get that taken care of we'll be back up to speed we'll have another video real soon from the sierra nevada mountains until then we'll see you soon thanks for tuning in [Music] you
Channel: The Flying Miner
Views: 27,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VuLgHYc1pAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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