Detailed 2JZ Engine Teardown - See Why This Engine is So Loved
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Channel: PapadakisRacing
Views: 3,018,495
Rating: 4.9409227 out of 5
Keywords: 2jz, 2jzgte, 2jz-gte, 2jz-gt, 2jzgt, 2jzfse, 2jz-fse, 1jz-ge, 1jzge, 2jzge, 2jz-ge, 1jz-gte, 1zjgte, supra, engine, lexus, sc300, is300, gs300, aristo, toyota, motor, vvti, variable, vvt-i, chaser, soarer, crown, cresta, altezza, as300, teardown, steph, papadakis, stephan, papadakis racing, racing, drift, drifting, disassembly, removal, pulley, puller, crank, tools, race shop, shop, race, builder, detailed, complete, why, how, to, toolbox, how it works, strong, horsepower, torque, 4k, jz80, 2019, 2020, a90, b58, new
Id: pJCB49QXoS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Great video. Clear, direct, and easy to understand.
FYI, this guy built Aasbo's crazy FD RWD Corolla - so he knows what he is doing to say the least.
Papadakis Racing puts out some really good videos. His knowledge and attention to detail are next level.
I know very little about engines so i'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but why don't other manufacturers use the methods that make this engine super strong, like the multi-layer steel head gaskets and closed block (or do they?) Are they too heavy and expensive?
To answer his question on removing the oil pan. These thin pry bars work pretty good.
Titan Tools 17009 4Piece Stainless Steel Pry bar Set
Cant wait for part 2
So great to see Steph still doing his thing and this video was great!