Deleting the Weakest COUNTRY Until 1 is Left...

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I'm deleting the weakest country until there's only one left of course this won't happen immediately these places do have time but if I did have to start right now it would be Luxenberg with only two pixels in their territory I'll be honest Luxenberg will probably be dead by the time I delete my first nation but then again I don't know a lot of these places are actually probably going to start off by just deleting thems or just deleting others in general obviously the Caribbean has a lot of small Nations what I think is interesting is sea territory doesn't count you actually have to get land pixels some of the beginning Nations when we delete them won't be that big of a deal because you know they don't have a lot of territory but towards the mid and end game it's going to get crazy because larger places are going to lose more and more land and that means the surrounding neighbors can pick up more stuff jeez and already lvia has conquered Estonia also Russia trying to reunite the Soviet Union Lebanon was conquered by Syria and Montenegro was conquered by Bosnia right here so there goes the Balkans maybe I'm going to be wrong because Luxembourg just helped to take down Belgium that is exactly what they needed they're probably no longer at the bottom of the list okay there goes Kazakhstan usbekistan got a lot out of that South Korea was just conquered by the north but Japan tried to save the southern part of South Korea at least Busan another interesting part about the world war simulator is it's going to like really mess with alliances like maybe you have a homie right now but not when I delete him Sweden was just conquered by Finland also Armenia and aeran that rivalry is still going even in the virtual game oh man there goes Luxenberg Luxenberg did take out so we have a United lowlands well almost United because the UK got a little bit of Belgium I think that's Belgium it's hard to tell with just Square territories here goes the Philippines after Indonesia and Malaysia wow they fighting a huge Coalition there can be only one Z Nation and right now it's Zimbabwe bar was also conquered by the Congo but the uh Democratic Republic of Congo got some out of that really need to make sure that I don't go past the date of when I'm supposed to delete okay there we go it's 230 and the first place we're deleting is Cyprus with only two I'm sorry Cyprus they really didn't even have a chance here they they can only really fight turkey I think actions die man that's so aggressive sorry about that all right well pretty much Assyria got a little bit they got actually two more pixels it wasn't even turkey that benefited Guatemala was just conquered by El Salvador here in Central America also Morocco trying to restart a Reconquista a re Reconquista first against Portugal Brazil is going after Venezuela Portugal did get conquered Spain got the northern part of Portugal though say about maybe 25% of the world is in some sort of an alliance this war for Venezuela is really backfiring on Brazil now El Salvador was just conquered by Honduras who's going to come out on top in Central America feel like usually it's like Colombia or something that just eats them all up we really do need to pay attention to some of the more smaller places because there is actually a race going on to not be at the bottom so specifically for the Balkans and definitely the islands Bhutan needs to do something here cuz this is only like seven pixels remember you don't even need to win the war you just need to get a lot actually I don't even know if you need to end the war Venezuela has pixels so that would stop them you just need to start a war before I like delete you one year before and just get some territory have a bad feeling for Puerto Rico cuz they don't have much here not too much craziness out of Europe so far some people have died but it's not too bad I love how when Sweden's gone the nordics are now just peaceful oh yeah everything's good now all three of them took a bite and now they're all happy Costa Rica was conquered by Nicaragua and there's an alliance between these two we also have a little battle between the South African nations here we go January of 2040 every 10 years we're deleting a new nation who's it going to be this time oh of course it's Jamaica we saw them last time they they had 10 years to do something Unfortunately they did nothing again this feels so aggressive die like I I feel bad like why can't I just say destroy and it's mainly Cuba pretty much just Cuba that got that which saves Cuba that get gets him a little bit more time something's going to need to be done about the Caribbean there's just so many tiny Nations here again as we progress more and more decades into the Future these deletions that I'm going to do is going to be bigger and bigger Ukraine was in fact conquered by Russia so Russia really is looking more and more like the Soviet Union kind of a World War II taking place in uh wow Poland the Netherlands and France all going after Germany meanwhile the Swiss are gone Honduras which is conquered by Mexico so Mexico is going to come down here and clean up Central America and there goes German Germany Poland got a lot out of that they finally got their Revenge Saudi Arabia was just conquered by Kuwait look at these interesting borders out of this peninsula we don't see this too often so that actually is going to save a lot of places or maybe well not so much Qatar Qatar is very small but Kuwait just got a way larger which is going to save him for a little bit that's actually huge for an area of the world with a lot of small nations of course North Macedonia was conquered by Greece Greece has been waiting to do that for a while now I think Bosnia was conquered by Serbia o just lost a Central American Nation now Serbia going after hungry looks like about more than 50% of the world is in some sort of Alliance for now until I delete more people here we go the year is 2050 oh here goes east timore only four pixels Qatar might be next I don't really know like what justifies them at the very bottom cuz it's clearly not alphabetical I thought it was alphabetical I think it's money yeah it's money in combination with territory well that sucks there they go here goes Russia now they're fighting man I think the former Soviet States sees what Russia's doing ooh Finland now got up in it they're trying to stop cuz they know that Russia's eventually going to invade them I don't know if this is going to go well bellarus might die Uganda was just conquered by Rwanda and Puerto Ric was conquered by the Dominican Republic that's going to save the Dominican Republic for a little bit they got like two or three extra pixels from that that's big for the Caribbean oh Cuba got a part of the Yucatan Peninsula so again that's going to buy them some time usbekistan who's become like a deao Kazakhstan also Yemen fighting off oh wow Yemen's fighting so many people it's like a battle to become the next Saudi Arabia Cuba was just conquered by the the United States I liked Cuba's efforts though trying to get themselves to expand more and more that's going to save the Bahamas Ireland was just conquered by France I didn't even see that the UK got destroyed wow look at this super epic Napoleonic France that's basically what just came back okay 2060 it is Qatar they didn't have much of a choice I don't think they really even had enough time to I mean there was a war they could have tried something I would just go down like even if I knew I was going to lose the war I'd least give it a shot go up against the most powerful Nation on Earth you might get lucky Bulgaria was now just conquered by Serbia while Serbia is getting really large here in the Balkans here goes Canada after the US and they were successful Canada's always does good in this game look at the Bahamas go now they've got at least like 20 pixels now I think definitely the top nations in the world is Canada Russia and China meanwhile North Korea going after Japan Slovenia was just conquered by Romania they literally wrapped around Serbia to get that Russia then actually conquered ooh finally a big war between Russia and China they actually went and wrapped around they actually have help of from Vietnam too down here I don't know if it's necessarily help o oh boy Russia's running out of money this would be big if one of these Empires collaps o we got to delete Morocco I didn't even realize that they they must have lost a war meanwhile Canada's number one then it's Russia CH and of course Australia then there's big old Brazil wow Brazil's got some friends too Russia's still going as they just conquered bellarus they lost a lot of territory to China out here in the East though Bahamas has taken over I mean they they look like they've taken over all of the Caribbean but they also have the Colombians coming down here okay it's year 2080 now time for brunai they didn't really have a chance because they Allied so they're losing the alliance now itself is losing a member it's really unfortunate for some of these nations that um are in an alliance so they can't attack any of their friends they're kind of screwed but but sometimes I've seen those Nations end up winning this because they just hide behind their alliances and then you know when one of their members gets too weak then they backstab them whole lot of people supporting there's a lot of money being thrown around there goes Finland again Russia expanding into Europe slowly Mongolia is trying their best to fight off China look at Romania now who's conquered most of the Balkans Serbia's gone look at all those cities they have now under their empire bam and there goes uh CIA on goia was in fact conquered by China China and Japan working together Japan didn't really have a choice it's now time for Gambia at pixels and they were in an alliance so they didn't have a choice they got to get out of these alliances okay you really got to start making some moves now things are moving really fast people people got to do something Syria just moved in and took out Egypt but again all the surrounding Nations benefit from stuff like that that's what makes this scenario interesting India and Pakistan of course getting into it Nepal's in trouble here actually these nations are in a lot of trouble cuz they're smash between India and I'm surprised they made it this long India and China Bhutan and Nepal Malaysia going after the Philippines I didn't even realize the Philippines took out Indonesia but they actually might get eaten now definitely looking like the case man they had 5,000 gold they just complet their military just fell apart here we go 2100 it's time for a new century all the way at the bottom it is Bhutan of course it is it's interesting because in the beginning you know every month kind of counts like even if you just have one month to grab one pixel that that is going to be a Difference Maker at least in the very beginning because there were so many nations tied for the bottom that's going to become less and less of a bigger deal as we continue to move on Peru was just conquered by Venezuela Venezuela leading the charge against Brazil they are so close there it is Bam they were really close I thought they were going to have to stop Venezuela now just quickly became the I would say a great power for sure because it's the corner Nations that tend to do good they do need to unite though they probably need to get rid of some of these alliances oh there already is a coalition against Venezuela you only have Bahamas as your friend and I'm probably going to delete them at some point unless someone else deletes them mova was just conquered by Romania Romania is still going strong but they got to watch uh Russia another deletion it is Taiwan what were they really going to do oh especially Allied to China that's a weird Alliance we're down to 57 Nations left a lot of these countries are doing my job for me by eliminating some of the smallest places look at Iran go is trying trying to kind of form a Persian Empire again France still has their Napoleonic France and Spain has United the Iberian Peninsula kicked out Morocco they're actually friends with Algeria but Algeria is now going down yep they just got deleted so now Morocco is facing some big African Powers trying to think who's going to be Bottom now oh it's Sri Lanka I forgot about Sri Lanka Boris and other Islands the islands are going next aeran you have you have 10 years to get it going and this is not too bad of a Nation I mean they're oh they're okay they have Nations that they're not Allied to but 28 pixels is not like super tiny at least what we saw earlier Estonia just got conquered by Norway now Norway is trying to face off against Russia Norway actually has a Nordic Union finally it's Norway on top of the Union usually it's like Sweden or Denmark oh man they are so close to Moscow that's crazy Bahamas just got conquered by Biz also there's some people trying to kick out Canada now Norway going after Napoleonic France I'm calling them Napoleonic France even though I don't I don't even really know what they are okay there they go Napoleon's dead Napoleon 2.0 Romania going after the Turks still got a big old usbekistan it is aeran they didn't move at all with in terms of their pixels we got a lot of big Empires going now we have China and Russia going at it pretty much everyone's in an alliance right now except for Iran because I think I deleted their only friend yeah so that that's the only one that's that's where things get more interesting I'm not deleting massive Nations but I am like kind of ruining coalitions and things like that we have Sierra Leon 37 pixels ooh the big thing is they lost all their sea territory which actually gives Venezuela more space to work with also two new nations to declare war on Sagal and marania so these deletions again are making a bigger and bigger bigger deal they didn't at first I completely missed the fall of Venezuela they were taken out by Panama wow that is crazy so I don't know who's going to come out on top in South America it's still really divided obviously Canada's Far and Away still really powerful here they just have to get rid of Mexico we now have to delete Oman wait really oh Oman is Tiny I thought I was deleting whoever this is Syria neul is next on The Chopping Block I don't really see what they can really do besides U himself Greenland could help oh Greenland's Allied to Canada I was going to say Greenland can help try to stop um Canada but uh yeah they're being invaded by Iceland New Zealand and Australia ocean of course is always Allied that's bad news for New Zealand though they sometimes win this game okay Gabon is the next Gabon who's not super huge but they had a friend Paul still going now Nepal wait how did Nepal Nepal did get some land back or what I don't really know how they did that there goes Syria and that's with the help of turkey and Iran oh all three are working together that's a big Alliance Romania is still alive they're trying to fight off multiple enemies in Europe oh Nepal's going to get saved because they just got United they United with India that's the smartest thing ever they still survived I'm not the one that's deleting them that's cool if Mexico Falls here Canada's easily going to be the powerfullest Nation Nicaragua is next okay so that's going to make Panama a little bit a little bit strong actually it's all Panama that's getting all this again the borders just get reset with China and Russia o Myanmar pushed way into India for a second oh Australia just United with New Zealand okay we're down to 25 nations of course everyone's almost everyone is in alliances ooh and there goes India it was Myanmar that did that now these deletions are going to get bigger and bigger look at Japan is was pretty nice that's a lot of pixels that get deleted and let's see who picks most of that up because there's going to be a race for these islands and it is looks like it's a kind of even divide maybe mainly Russia I think now we have Bolivia pushing out Panama from Central America where they're pushing them first out of South America which Panama was kind of giving Canada a little bit of trouble Kya needs to watch out here they're not looking super big with only 20 Nations left again it's going to depend on how much Panama loses too Panama looks bigger than they actually are this is not that many land pixels oh and it is Kenya with 200 pixels and it's all Zimbabwe Zimbabwe is getting all of this that's going to make Zimbabwe even more powerful of course this game does give kind of a disadvantage for these centered Nations but I have seen Center Nations win and because we're doing this deleting thing maybe that'll make a difference Canada is now moving after Spain there goes Italy now trying to help in the efforts to kind of tame Russia there's no one that wants this more wow what's happening with Myanmar oh they PE they they uh they Allied they pieced out and Allied because I think China was a little scared now if Russia oh Russia did lose their Capital but they're still alive China could maybe get to that but they're more weaker than never before here we go we have to delete a turkey now wow so a lot of people are going to benefit from that who gets that Italy it's Iran and Russia got all of uh the benefits Australia trying to keep Malaysia at Bay man this is a scary Alliance then again there are more and more scarier alliances uh there is like a European power thing going on with Spain Norway and Italy but if I have to delete Spain who is next in 2 years that's going to hurt this Alliance a lot or maybe it won't we'll see it's actually Thailand Spain just barely squeezed out not getting deleted now this is going to be interesting this was a team before so Malaysia and mainly Myanmar this is only making Myanmar even more powerful I think China just United with usbekistan yeah they did that keeps China in the game for a little bit longer the fact that Russia survives and they put their capital in the center of their territory that's huge for them it's going to keep them safer for a little bit longer there is 16 Nations left Spain is in a war but they've got two years to get a little bit bigger with um the war against Libya I don't know if they're going to be able to do it and no they did not so here goes the deletion of Spain and we have to really pay attention to who gets most of this I think it's going to be mostly Norway and Libya yeah cuz Canada actually Canada's moving so slowly and these sea towels don't really help much actually at all they don't help at all they allow you to jump across the ocean though here goes libia they're definitely taking Rome they've taken Rome and there there goes Italy so Libya and Russia are Allied and now everyone's trying to fight Norway we have China getting really sandwiched oh man here goes Russia is Russia going to finally get to Beijing oh man this is really bad for the world although Canada was really close to Mexico City anyways this is bad for the world because this is going to allow Canada to jump away this does give Panama some power though but now Canada really doesn't f much of a threat from anybody else maybe Bolivia maybe I think Iran or Panama is going to get deleted next unless they get United or deleted uh by another Nation 2040 and it is Panama Malaysia's third away three away here we go so this is pretty much going to bring a big war against Bolivia and Canada Canada is obviously still a lot larger than Bolivia but you know I mean maybe if Bolivia gets an ally here in Europe Norway is really the only thing that's keeping uh Europe alive nor he's fighting Russia and Libya at the same time they also need to worry about Greenland GRE might get deleted here but they do have the world's biggest island which saves them it's now time to delete Iran so it's going to be Zimbabwe China and Russia that mostly get that Libya did not get much I have some fears for Libya they're really sandwiched here they're really they're they're not getting enough territory and there goes Malaysia they put up a great effort for having like so much like Islands they did a good job but who gets this Australia and it's a lot of uh Myanmar a lot from Myanmar they look like they're I don't know who's grabbing territory faster I don't know what dictates that Olivia was getting pushed by Canada but they took they got some of it back Greenland was not able to do it this is going to make Norway and Canada even stronger Canada's getting most of this while Canada's really running away with this not believe Russia and China are still around that's crazy uh I think I spoke a little bit too soon because I now have to delete China so finally I guess Russia won out on beating China so Russia is the only one that's pretty much going to be able to compete with Canada well maybe not if Bolivia Falls here which they look like they yeah did they run out of money or something what happened the leading Bolivia would be really bad for the world cuz that's just going to give all the I mean Canada's going to take this anyways and there we go we have to delete so this is going to really throw the alliances upside down because if you saw here it was Libya and Russia that were Allied that really hurts that Alliance I mean maybe not that much cuz Bolivia lost a lot of power someone just got Myanmar and a Zimbabwe United so that saves wow that was a great choice cuz now Zimbabwe jumped to third place that's an amazing decision there there's only six nations left unfortunately for Zimbabwe they are smashed uh they do have o if I delete Australia for them it's Norway that has to get deleted next which maybe I'm not sure if that's going to help Zimbabwe possibly this will help Zimbabwe when I have to delete Australia but can they survive long enough fighting Libya and Russia at the same time all right here goes Australia goodbye and Zimbabwe is going to pick up all of this but can they stop the front line and also continue to get all of Australia and is that even going to help them they're running out of money unfortunately for Zimbabwe they also well they Allied to the strongest nation which is Canada there was four places left and they pieced out so they're there that's perfect Zimbabwe is now pretty pretty solidly in third place they just need to survive long enough four more years and then I have to delete Libya that's going to help them a lot lot in this war is still around they they're gaining more money because of the peace deal and here we go we have to delete Libya next so that's going to hurt CH Russia almost at China so now this is just a huge race there is three nations Zimbabwe Russia and Canada and it's pretty much two on one although Russia is in oh they're they're in third oh boy they're now in third because I deleted uh that's huge Russia has four years pretty much to get a little bit bigger they've got to go to war you're actually they're actually super close to passing up Zimbabwe they just have to win pixels just get more pixels dog you got one one year left look how close they are just you just need like 50 more no like 100 more unfortunately it is just little too late and here we go we're down to the final two now technically Zimbabwe just passed up Canada can Zimbabwe keep this look at Canada just dropped oh they got so lucky here we go all right you have Canada has 5 years to catch Zimbabwe there's going to be a war at least are they still Allied they're still Allied oh boy this is not good you got to break that Alliance dog you got to break that break that right now dude 3 years left I think Canada's probably stronger than Zimbabwe but there Canada's being too nice they're apologizing Zimbabwe's got a little bit more money too maybe that's another reason why they don't want to do it it's too late it's 2350 and I've got to delete the weakest that's Canada I did not expect Zimbabwe to win this because of the way we did this video Zimbabwe proba probably would have never won otherwise but I love that that makes that even more exciting finally we have the ultimate Z Nation winner here that's crazy and big thanks to the patrons Drew I'm your dad back with the milk look outside John Denver lenberg lover I can't sleep without Drew's voice archology [Music] goodar this and why am I doing this
Channel: DruuuWu
Views: 346,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew durnil, druuuwu, Deleting, Delete, countries, country, deleting countries, world map, world, map, maps, meme, memes, 1 left, ai only, survivor, nations, ww2, ww3, war simulator, simulator, sim, sim game, simulation, canada, russia, china, zimbabwe, usa, mexico, europe, germany, norway, iceland, greenland, new zealaand, australia
Id: YyL4q6EY83o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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