I Simulated a US State BATTLE ROYALE

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so I simulated a U.S state Battle Royale where I put all 50 states plus DC and Puerto Rico against each other in an all-out brawl into only one remained the state pick by the wheel will randomly attack one of its neighbors and either win and Annex them or lose Annex States will also have the chance to Rebel at random points in the video and let's just say the results were interesting our first date attacking is Texas all right the Cowboys are making a move right off the bat and they'll be attacking New Mexico alright seems like Texas is trying to get back its old western claims but let's find out if that'll work out for them oh narrowly they've narrowly won a little too close for comfort there Texas but they do take New Mexico and there we go New Mexico is gone the stay we have next is gonna be Maine yes they have a lot of choices of neighbors to attack man I wonder which state they're gonna attack No Way New Hampshire who could have seen this coming alright but are they gonna pull out the win though no know they are not now New Hampshire has just Consolidated a massive portion of the Northeast but who knows maybe men will Rebel later in the video now it's time for Wyoming to attack and they'll be going after Nebraska yeah this isn't a beef I was expecting to see and it seems like Nebraska will actually come on top the Cornhuskers will now be giving us these beautiful borders okay now we have Iowa going after Minnesota okay apparently the Midwest is very active unfortunately though this attack has backfired on Iowa I like how Texas has been the only state that's won one of these so far seems like Minnesota's Viking Blood really came in handy for this next it's Wisconsin versus Michigan man we seriously are not leaving the Midwest I guess Wisconsin's trying to finally get that Panhandle and they'll do it the rest of Michigan is really just a bonus for them now we have the formation of three new Midwestern Powers surely this will turn out fine okay we have New Hampshire again this time though they'll be going against Massachusetts a fight for new England is really starting to heat up but unfortunately New Hampshire is knocked out I'm pretty sure Massachusetts used to own Maine anyways so I guess they're just reclaiming their former land okay Texas is attacking again why am I not surprised and they'll be fighting against Louisiana Texas is trying to conquer the Gulf Coast I see and once again they will succeed Texas is really not letting anyone else get a chance sorry Louisiana but it was over before it even started so far the map is looking pretty interesting I am curious when California will make a move though also we have yet to see any action from Florida you know they're hiding something up their sleeves but anyways now it's Pennsylvania going against West Virginia it's good to know that no matter who wins here the borders will only get worse but it seems as if Pennsylvania will be the one to do that ah it's even worse than I imagined X2 attack is Kansas and they'll be going after Oklahoma man what a shocker another war in the gray Plains but Kansas will not be one joining this now Oklahoma gets to gain a border with Nebraska I'm kind of surprised that literally nothing has happened on the west coast it's suspiciously peaceful over here I don't trust the Mormons they're definitely up to something looks like Mississippi will be going on the offensive since they border Texas there could be a conflict about the breakout between the two and to be honest any one of the state sport in Texas if they defeat them will gain a ton of land looks like Mississippi will be going against Arkansas though but they narrowly lose I mean considering Mississippi's ranking in most statistics I don't think this is that surprising I think it's time for our first Rebellion though it looks like the first place to be annexed New Mexico will be making a comeback they've overthrown Texan Rule and returned to the battle it's not looking too good for Texas as their empire is already collapsing with New Mexico back the next day to attack is Illinois the conflicts of the Midwest just don't stop do that and they'll be going against Minnesota the battle for the Great Lakes is really heating up and looks like Minnesota will be taking this one they've now taken Chicago and completely isolated a part of Wisconsin though this means they have less borders now so I don't really think they're complaining okay now we have New Jersey fighting Pennsylvania now either Pennsylvania gains a coastline or New Jersey inherits the worst borders on the map and I guess it's gonna be the latter ah New Jersey you've never looked better now any state in the Northeast will have to go through New Jersey first if they want to expand to the rest of the country I also think they can actually rival in New York now so now South Dakota ooh is going after North Dakota looks like the south is trying to unite the north under one Banner will they be able to do it though they will at long last we finally know which Dakota is best Dakota the Midwest is really starting to clean up a lot but still literally nothing out of the West Coast also Alaska and Hawaii have not done anything either apparently this side of the map is just very peaceful the same can also kind of be said of the southeast we haven't really seen much there either at this point I'm just expecting Florida the soon sweep the entire South for our next state we have Florida finally making a move I told you they were cooking up something and they'll be going against Georgia Florida man versus the peach state let's see who'll win what do you know Florida man comes on top Florida's great expansion over the entire United States has begun Texas now has competition in the Gulf Coast it'll be interesting to see if these two ever do get out directly no way no shot bro there is no way there is no way what did I tell you what did I tell you the Florida man has awoken and he's out for vengeance let's find out who will be Florida man's next victim oh my God North Carolina I see we're trying to make the worst borders possible again what a surprise Florida man wins again wow shocking okay poor South Carolina they just got completely surrounded I believe Florida is now tied with Minnesota and Massachusetts for the most States conquered so far oh and new Jersey as well and who will be attacking next Arizona okay we finally have a stage from the West Coast doing something and they'll be trying to take down Nevada so it's gambling versus the surface of the Sun let's see he'll win and Arizona pulls out on top well now we have the reverse problem that we had at the start of the video because now everyone is winning it's time to bring another state back though and it'll be West Virginia this is a major hit to the new jerseyan Empire but a massive W-4 clean borders now New York is attacking Connecticut and will they take it no now all of New York is territory of Connecticut so how the mighty have fallen funny how the Empire State didn't actually survive long enough to make an Empire the next day attacking is Texas again most of those States haven't even attacked one state yet and I think Texas is on like its third state now and they're gonna be going after New Mexico for the second time I guess they're looking to reconquer their rebellious territory um but unfortunately it will not work out for them this is a crazy Redemption Arc for New Mexico first they were conquered by Texas then they rebelled from Texas and now they're conquering Texas our former Overlord has fallen and now they've become one of the largest states on the map dream big New Mexico dream big we're finally getting some Puerto Rico action now but since they don't actually directly border any state still be able to conquer any state on the East Coast this one's definitely going to be interesting looks like Puerto Rico is going after a New Jersey first they lost West Virginia and now they're getting attacked by Puerto Rico New Jersey really can't catch a break I stand corrected well I guess the entire island of Puerto Rico is now Sovereign New Jersey and territory but this is actually pretty bad news for them because it now means that they can be attacked by any state that has a border on the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf Coast looks like Kentucky will be going after Virginia I'm pretty sure back in the 1700s Kentucky was actually a part of Virginia so this will be interesting to see oh and the colonel pulls it off Kentucky now has a glorious Coastline from which to expand their Empire's influence soon all of America will know the taste of the famous 11 herbs and spices we have Missouri attacking now against Minnesota let's see how this will turn out this is huge for Minnesota I believe this makes them the first say two of conquered three other states they along with Florida and New Mexico are really killing it and yet California has yet to do anything I mean to be fair they are like the world's sixth biggest economy so they're pretty much chilling with what they have now Ireland's finally making its first move and they have it out for West Virginia but West Virginia takes the W both of our revived states have taken massive W so far speaking of Revival I think it's time for another rebellion and it looks like Pennsylvania is back New Jersey just cannot keep itself together first West Virginia leaves them and now Pennsylvania Rebels as well if it wasn't for Puerto Rico they'd literally be back to where they started x-blaze attacking is Oklahoma and they'll be facing off against Arkansas it looks like Arkansas will be winning this one this is a massive expansion for Arkansas with them both gaining Oklahoma and the former territory of Kansas they've now made a major incursion into the Great Plains looks like we finally have a state on the Pacific coast that is making a move and they're trying to take down California things are really starting to heat up over here can they do it yes they can Oregon's now dominant on the west coast though now Alaska is finally doing something and they're heading straight towards Washington I mean I guess I kind kind of makes sense since they're the closest state to them and they do it the polar bears have now landed in the lower 48s speaking of the lower 48 the map's looking a bit uh funky right now I like how India and Ohio have just been like chilling the entire time also all four of these states have really just not done anything it seems like most of the action has been in the middle of the country now we have Vermont's attacking and it looks like they'll be going after Connecticut this could be the start of Ben and Jerry's conquest of the Northeast and Vermont wins it and now they're finally getting that kill slime now it's South Carolina's turn to attack well I mean they don't really have that many options but actually though they can attack New Jersey because of Puerto Rico looks like they'll be facing off against Florida if this is going to go the way I think it's gonna I'm sorry South Carolina of course of course Florida man wins again looks like Florida claims yet another victim and they've got a good chunk of the Eastern Seaboard now the Big Sky country Montana going against South Dakota I think they may be trying to take revenge for the north we'll see that we'll see never mind they've become yet another state Fallen to the hands of South Dakota unfortunate and Hawaii is finally showing up and they can take out either Alaska or Oregon here either way they'll make a massive game assuming they win they're trying to take down Alaska it's fellow non-lower 48 states and they will win out Hawaii has gone from a tiny Island to now the largest state on this map now it's Utah versus New Mexico yes they do share a border it's right here this is gonna be goofy it doesn't matter who's going to win this one it's just going to look goofy either way let's see Utah or New Mexico Utah and this is great the Mormon stake all of New Mexico while barely just barely ordering them that's definitely the most interesting expansion yet the Northeast has been a little quiet for a while I haven't seen much action from here and I don't think we've ever seen any wars from DC or Rhode Island all right Kentucky prepares for another assault against the Vikings in Minnesota oh and the mighty Minnesotan Empire has fallen and with this Kentucky has literally completely sectioned off this portion of the map with an encirclement of this size no wonder they call him the colonel we're a little over halfway now so I think it's time to revive another state and it's gonna be Mississippi this time the Segway of one of the uh greatest standards of living is back and here comes Washington DC fighting West Virginia and they got them the feds have made their first move and have taken out all of West Virginia hey let's hope you get revived a second time imagine if they just like reconquer the entire United States surely that won't happen Okay that was close I thought it was going to be DC for a second there no it's Wisconsin maybe Indiana and Ohio will finally get to do something it seems that they will the Hoosiers versus the cheeseheads I wonder who will win an interesting turn of events the Hoosiers win Wisconsin's great Invasion plan has backfired on them and they're now a part of the greater Hoosier Empire now you know I've been doing geography stuff for like years now but I still have no idea what Hoosier actually means and now Ohio is going to get a turn and they're going against Indiana could they be getting revenge for Wisconsin and they do it the Ohioans are getting revenge in Wisconsin's memory apparently they also have no idea what a Hoosier is and Rhode Island is finally doing something attacking Vermont I see the small estate is going for a big expansion unfortunately for Rhode Island it was not meant to be they didn't even get a chance sorry about Island Mississippi is now making its first move since being revived and he'll be going against New Jersey yeah I think they're really regretting taking Puerto Rico now no way no shot no way I think New Jersey heard me never mind I guess uh having Puerto Rico has greatly benefited them because they just took Mississippi New Jersey is like the Cockroach of this game they always find a way to somehow survive sorry Mississippi but you're out once again all right we have Oregon and they're battling against Arizona oh that was close narrowly lost Arizona finally gets a coastline and now nearly controls the entire West Coast soon 120 degree heat waves will be normal across the entire country oh we may have the final showdown of the Pacific here if Hawaii chooses to fight Arizona it will decide who will own the entire Pacific Coast oh but no they're actually gonna go fight Idaho Coastline who cares about that all I know is potatoes will they get them though they well they will they're gonna get the potatoes Hawaii was on a mission and they accomplished it they now have a complete Monopoly on the state's supply of potatoes we're now getting down to the last few States so I think it's time for another Revival no shot no shot don't tell me okay that was that was a man that was a nanometer away from landing on Mississippi Oregon is back but now they're only a shell of their former self and Ohio strikes again if they match or take out Kentucky they control almost all of the Midwest and they'll be fighting against the pennsylvanians oh oh this is close oh Ohio narrowly loses Pennsylvania went from being part of New Jersey to now owning almost the entire Great Lakes Region I feel like there's a bit of tension between Kentucky Fried Chicken and Philly cheesesteaks over here alright the Mormons are at it again and they'll be showing up at a door stop near Nebraska I was about to make a joke about Nebraska but then I realized that Colorado has not done anything I think they are the only state other than Tennessee them in Tennessee the two states that have not done anything this entire game they're like the switzerlands of the USA well there we have it the Mormons have one like I'm pretty sure Utah at this point is trying to make the worst borders for a state possible Nebraska you deserve better look who's back look who is back New Jersey I wonder what they're gonna do this time let's see who's facing off against New Jersey Arkansas okay now I know you may be thinking but isn't Arkansas all the way over here well you gotta remember New Jersey owns Mississippi Police Arkansas please Arkansas win Arkansas win Arkansas yes they're gone say goodbye to New Jersey okay well I don't think this is much better because yes Arkansas gets Mississippi okay that makes sense they're right there they also get Puerto Rico as well okay well that's fine they have a coastline now but now they also get New Jersey so now canonically Vermont and Arkansas now have a border I don't know how I feel about that like I knew this map was gonna get bad but I was not expecting this ooh DC at it again who are the feds going after this time the colonel oh no maybe those 11 herbs and spices aren't what we think they are the fed's got him hey Colonel I'm sorry buddy but there's nothing I can do for you here now Minnesota Iowa Illinois Missouri Kentucky Virginia West Virginia and Maryland have all returned to Federal hands they're gonna take over the whole nation again at this rate Tennessee is finally making a move Arkansas if Tennessee wins this they're going to take all of this Puerto Rico and New Jersey and I also just realized now I forgot to take this part of Virginia away oh okay a narrow loss the borders are saved for now Colorado is also still neutral and the Northeast has kind of been chilling for a while as well next is Delaware against Arkansas again Arkansas does indeed own New Jersey no way no shots well there we have it Delaware went from literally doing nothing the entire game to now owning New Jersey all of Arkansas as well well as Puerto Rico a massive win for uh Joe Biden okay I guess the map is uh kind of cleaning up a little not really could it be Colorado they've broken their neutrality you know something's up the slumbering Beast has awoken and they have three places where they can go Utah which owns this and all of this Delaware that owns this this and don't forget about Puerto Rico and just a tiny little border here allows them to also take Arizona or at least fight them they'll be going for Delaware if they win this I'm gonna lose it okay they lost it imagine being neutral the entire game just to lose to Delaware that's tough we also haven't had another Revival in a while let's see who will return oh God Ohio is back their return has now split Pennsylvania into two DC is at it again oh Ohio comes back and the FEDS are not liking that treating them like they're a nuclear level threat or something oh my God just give me close oh my that was so close the feds are gone boys because now Ohio has taken their place Ohio returns conquers the feds and refuses to elaborate looks like Hawaii is gonna attack Oregon you know I'm slightly caught off guard because that is a very normal state to conquer in Hawaii's position because uh look at the rest of the country real quick here not many normal expansions if you can see and they they they do it they beat Oregon okay yeah that is um that is something that has happened yep okay moving on all right Utah is going to be going against Delaware you know what no matter what happens here the borders will actually look marginally better we won't have this little one-inch connection between this side of Utah and this side of Utah I think this is a good thing this is a good thing all right let's see what happens all right it's it's all going to Delaware finally some decent looking borders for once of course uh Delaware is still all the way over here but we don't need to pay attention to that look at this this is nice I like this now it's Arizona Delaware again Delaware has really been getting a lot of action recently okay there we go looks like Delaware has crossed the entire country I believe Delaware is now the first state to have a coast on both the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean simultaneously you know imma be real I didn't think Delaware would be the one to do it but hey they did it I gotta give thanks to Delaware they've really they clean this place up a bit there's nothing besides ignore Tennessee besides Tennessee there's just nothing shutting out nothing too bored or Gore here I like this let's let's keep it like this please all right Hawaii it's either South Dakota or Delaware here looks like it's gonna be South Dakota all right we haven't heard from South Dakota in a minute they've just been idly watching this could be their moment will it be yes it will they've broken out of their landlocked state and finally have gained the coastline and a massive one at that so now it seems that most of the fighting will now be focused on the East Coast Florida's back at it again you know ever since their big expansion earlier in the video Florida has remained relatively quiet I don't know if I like that but who knows they're probably just gonna you know try to take Alabama or something right oh I should not have expected any less from Florida man single-handedly trying to take down the largest state on this map could it be Florida man taken down by Delaware yet another state falls to the hands of Delaware I did not think I'd be saying that Delaware was just going against everyone I guess and since still aware technically has a border with every single state yes even Massachusetts remember you got Puerto Rico we got a Puerto Rico down here that means every State's going to be involved in this role and Delaware's next prey is Alabama this could either be just another victim of Delaware or the biggest comeback in this entire video no way Delaware the almighty Delaware the Supreme and Revere Delaware has now been eliminated by Alabama you know maybe the real strategy was doing nothing the entire game because apparently it's worked out swimmingly for Rural time this has turned the power Dynamic of this video come completely on its head but before we get on to our final few States I think we need to revive one more Alaska the polar bears have returned we all thought they were gone but no no no they were just hiding in their igloos Alabama again and they'll be taken on Massachusetts of course this is but a simple feat for Alabama unfortunately clam chowder couldn't save them Alabama again yeah they are not snapping okay Alabama woke up and chose violence directed specifically at Vermont hey who knows maybe Vermont can pull it off and that they can turning the Royale completely on its head once again Vermont now conquers the entirety of Alabama there's got to be something that Ben and Jerry's I don't know about all right the first battle of our final five is Pennsylvania versus Vermont there's only five states left and Pennsylvania is going for the win but unfortunately their hubris would be their downfall you know it was a really good run for Pennsylvania they were first part of New Jersey then they came back then they conquered the entire Great Lakes but unfortunately they have succumbed to the might of Vermont our fourth to last attacker is South Dakota who will be facing Ohio the last two Midwestern states will now be going head-to-head but unfortunately for South Dakota Ohio Has Come On Top there can only be one Midwestern State and I guess that's Ohio we now are left with three states Alaska Vermont and Ohio our second to last battle will be between Ohio and Alaska it's the largest state versus the um most uh unique State let's see what happens and Ohio wins it this means that we're now left with only Ohio and Vermont let's find out who will be attacking looks like Vermont is going to go on the offensive this is it the final battle for control over the entire United States it's the home of Ben and Jerry's and Bernie Sanders versus Ohio let's just get on to it there it goes the final spin [Music] no way no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I cannot make this up this legitimately just happened Ohio just took over the entire United States I wish I was rigging this I wish I was rigging this but I'm not this legitimately happened so Pennsylvania conquered Ohio then they got revived and they took out the feds now they own the entire United States as much as it pains me to say this it really is all Ohio yeah that's that's it that's the end Ohio one
Channel: Geo Facts
Views: 60,418
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Keywords: geography, geo, geography facts, geofacts, geo facts, usa, america, us, us states, state, states, american states, united states, battle royale, usa battle royale, us state battle royale, us state battle royale geo facts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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