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hey what's up guys welcome back to a brand new video in today's video I reversed the connection on Amazon refund scammer and I decided to mess around on his PC a little bit and then destroy his PC with the jigsaw virus if you find yourself watching more of these videos and you're still not subscribed or this is your first time watching one of these videos and you want to see more of this make sure you subscribe a lot of you guys are still not subscribed and if you want to support the channel a little extra you can check out my patreon in the description and without further Ado let's get into it I'm saying sir that do you see the any desk yes yes no not on the icon it's all it's open okay do you see the option coming up I trust this call give a click on it what's this call and accept quickly I already clicked on it before but Peter wasn't connecting or I don't know what was going on but I'll do it again hold on okay I trust this call except okay it says waiting establishing connection HP building sessions session started HP is connected oh I can see the mouse moving uh what is going on here is that you doing that so you're connected right now that's fine yes okay hold on yeah okay now leave your mouse and hold on okay okay okay they see Google out there foreign ER is running okay let me just check if the webcam has any lights it's the HP through vision HD or it's just left it has a laptop that's why okay it's on a laptop that's cool and the coming 30 minutes I was watching this guy he was attempting to scam people with every single person he tried to scam knew it was a scam and they instantly hung up on him the longest call that I've seen from him was about 20 minutes and that person realized mid-call that it was a scam so fortunately I didn't have to save anyone from being scammed do you see a long search panel long address bar all right you need to type in there www dot all right just look at your uh just new tab open up your new tab s yes all right as you could see they use two remote desktop softwares the two main ones which is awe sun and take care of me and when my friend sent us to recover their passwords we actually found the login for the account on take care of me and we actually hacked into it and change the password so they cannot use that account anymore every a month you have every month you will charge every month 300 dollars okay yes your call is connected Amazon support directed that Madam that is okay don't do anything Madam just close everything I'm gonna help you out my work is help with our customer madam okay Madam listen to me and listen to me listen to me uh the reason is that uh your Amazon account is not secure at the moment that is the reason you are facing this problem that's why I have giving you a call okay now if you want to cancel just tell me so just go ahead and sit in front of your laptop are you in front of your laptop I do under I do believe now just look what you can see on your laptop screen just tell me confirm me so disgusting to hear this guy told me he's like a super slimy voice but yeah this call ended up being a failure and so did every single call he made that night for about like I don't know how long I watched him but every single call failed for him which is good but yeah then I decided it was time for me to finally open the webcam and see who was behind the scam and as you can see they were smart enough to put something over the webcam in case someone like me would hack into their PC and check out what they look like yeah then I called my friend Sinister we tried to hack into their network drives you could share the the remote access to on their whole network so we could have access to all the PCS in the call center but unfortunately they didn't have any network drive set up so then we decided it was time for us to destroy the PC we had enough we had seen enough and content-wise there was nothing else to get from this PC so it was time for jigsaw to take over the PC and completely destroy it and then they'll cue the the background okay it's running we just closed it he's closing [ __ ] he's refreshing I just ran the background yeah yeah okay is it a PNG so maybe I know now but should I just run members or else OS gets destroyed yeah I run bounds run bands as well okay well let's let's he's refreshing like there's someone you somebody's watching the PC that's obvious they know some things are let's just wait for jigsaw to pop up should take about a minute or so he's race panicking like he doesn't know what's going on he he just saw an error message congratulations yourself yeah wait there are no you cannot speak to him right no I can't speak to him I don't have that or I don't have orcas should I can put a system locker and then just say like uh get the tape off your camera and we will unlock your PC or something should I say that yeah yeah do it do it that's why what is this shut down Windows 7 why is he shutting down Windows shut down Windows oh I just shut up his PC 30 minutes later I got a new incoming connection from the same PC and I decided to look what was going on on the screen and this is what I Came Upon away yourself hello hello yeah oh dude he's not speaking why is he not speaking brought my like will he dropped me my uh a sink stub because like I think jigsaw encrypted it oh that's weird yeah it's not run it's not running man oh oh no I got it I got it I can see what's going on he's yeah he's reading it I can hear him should I just run the system lock with them to wave to the camera wait change his background with the the Kolkata police change it picture can you do that yeah yeah yeah I'll do it okay working on it okay let's hear what he says wait did you just shut down the PC I don't have a connection anymore so yeah after this uh for the next day this camera didn't come back I will keep checking if I get an incoming connection because jigsaw does not destroy the operating system it will delete all of its files but it won't destroy the operating system so if he ever comes back I will put it in the next video and I will show you guys that I try to get him to unlock the web with the system locker and maybe try to pretend like I'm the FBI or the co-caught the Cyber police force which if you guys enjoyed the video make sure you subscribe like the video check out my patreon if you really enjoy these videos and want to really really help me out and then yeah I'm gonna spit down my mic because that's my outro
Channel: Scambaiter
Views: 621,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scammer, files, deleted, file, delete, scammers, indian, tech, support, refund, scammerrevolts, payback, acces, rat, pc, destroying, destroy, all, facebook, ip, ratted, dox, exposed, expose, memz, memz virus, ratting a scammer, scammer memz, syskeying a scammer, syskey, destroying scammer computer, memz scammer, ratting scammer, memz trojan, rat scammer, memz virus scammer, scammer syskey, scammer rat, scammer ratted, ratting scammer pc, scambaiter, ransomware, tech support scam
Id: -H2RrpckLPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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