Crafting the Worst Dance Moves Possible | MoistCr1tikal

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JoJo siwa is a bad girl now that's a really weird way of saying that but yeah JoJo siwa was rebranded into like edgy and you just reminded me I saw a clip of someone or I saw a clip of her that someone made which is a montage of her signature dance move for karma's a [ __ ] and it made me so jealous that I didn't think of this dance move first it is one of the most revolting dance moves I've ever seen I need to show you guys this as you all know I've been on a quest to find the ultimate worst dance moves the human body is capable of producing but unfortunately I think JoJo SE will beat me I don't know if I'll be able to make something as bad as this and it I'm actually pretty upset like unironically it makes me pretty upset because I can't just take this from her I don't want to get dmca so I can't turn on the music but it like looks like an emote that you'd spam in Runescape or something you know [ __ ] like fador it's so awful and I didn't think of it no is that happening right now good to see you Kobe is that happening right now and yeah that'd be my answer as well Zen no it's all just RNG on the giveaways salace sub hey man she's a professional dancer well I know and that's how she was able to come up with this no doubt she took everything she learned about dancing and threw it out the window like this is actual caveman glitching like I've got some good ones don't get me wrong but I don't think any of my bad dance moves compete with this like I use this at a club someone's probably calling the paramedics think I'm seizing Meanwhile my other dance moves people just think that I'm a not a very good dancer this is the level I wanted to get to please do the dance I'm not going to do the [ __ ] dance I didn't make it so I'm not going to do it and she'd probably copyright strike me anyway you must Master this technique no it's not mine why would I do that all of my bad dance moves are home bruise also I'd probably [ __ ] hurt myself on this to be fair like the way she throws her head like that there's no way that's good for her neck bro thinks he created shuffling that's not a bad dance move what what are you guys saying shuffling is a good dance move that I've been mastering my bad dance move like the where's my hug at these every time I do that my knee pops these are Charles White Originals when it comes to bad dance moves I don't try and emulate I innovate so I'm not going to try and learn this it's worthless that's the dance to induce brain damage yeah plus I'd hurt myself that's true I would actually hurt myself on this one I think she just dances very aggressively well yeah she dances like she's fighting I don't know like I need to try and channel some energy like that and find something equally as bad but I don't think I'll be able to hey [ __ ] yeah congratulations Adam that's [ __ ] huge what do you mean by the longevity on it seems like you're doing great that's a good one Blicks but that's a good dance move that's not a bad one I will say not even the background dancers can copy it right well yeah because they probably don't want to if you want an amazing dance there's elan's dance from Seinfeld oh was a Lane's dance I don't remember that one I don't want to get the MCA no this one's too self-aware bad I need dance moves that are just shitty enough that it's convincing to people that think I'm trying to dance this one's too clear that doesn't really tap dance on the line like the closest I get with bad dance moves to being like self-aware bad is I do this one sometimes at the club which is kind of like the old man boogie so I'll do this one sometimes but I wouldn't do something that obvious yeah it's kind of like a pseudo Jitterbug that I'll break out learn the SpongeBob I already do the Spongebob I had a whole goddamn whoops NOP don't play [ __ ] music I had a whole Tik Tok account where I was doing the SpongeBob oh I even have the wait I forgot I have me doing the SpongeBob as an animated emote that's right yeah I totally forgot I have no idea raw probably oh that would be huge pan that's actually a fire idea can you do the club penguin dance if not you should practice it and show us one day I don't do the club penguin dance but I do the habo hotel sometimes I don't really remember the club penguin one that well but I I like the habo hotel one if the bpm's high enough at the club OMG that's considered Dancing Yeah in the worst way ex a prime a I will say when I do like actually dance though and like I'll bust out the shuffling sometime there's one guy at one of the clubs I go to and he's there pretty often and I remember one time I was shuffling and he's like no no no that's not how you do it this is how you do it just went [ __ ] ballistic and I was really jealous because it was so hideous that I was blown away and I I really I wanted him to teach me I just didn't have the balls I was like hey thanks for showing me man yeah I got him with that pools closed Boogie he a T time re Tad PS how old was he he was like probably mid-40s I think is he he's no spring chicken oh I love bad rap battles absolutely I always have a passion for those can you take that off the screen no why I'll take it off the screen we move on to the next topic for now enjoy this it's kind of like I just keep thinking of things to compare it to it's kind of like in the old PlayStation one Final Fantasy games after you complete a battle and it starts playing the music and all the characters have their own like celebration but the frame rate super low and the PES are all [ __ ] up so it looks really jittery she really did hit gold with this [ __ ] trash move it's really upsetting 10 scabby if you want to see a stupid dance look up the camp rock dance camp rock I don't know this one's too like robotic I guess this isn't one I can see myself doing yeah I don't know about that one I'd probably just go for like a ham boning approach over that ham boning is usually pretty good for revolting moves your knees would sound like bubble ramp doing that what the Camp Rock why would my knees sound like what why would my knees sound bad doing this it's like barely even using these I that's what they're doing right something like that I don't know oh I see they doing like a Gallop the whole way do you remember that one movie that had the guy being thrown out of the window and 50 different shots of looking for it for a long time allow me to put your mind at ease so you can finally sleep peacefully it was Steven Seagal and it was um was it most dangerous weapon or was it uh God what was the other one his other like straight to VHS law Buster [ __ ] law man on kill switch all right [ __ ] assume the position you're under arrest get up against the wall and give me such a good line [ __ ] [Applause] you oh hell no storm I think I dropped something you see anything on the street down there no one does it like Stevens a go Steven like the JoJo siwa of action movies this guy's the [ __ ] goat yeah there you go you're welcome I remembered it for you thank you man I've been looking for this scene for about a few months hey you could have just asked me I have like super good memory about like the dumbest [ __ ] ever like the most Niche things of all time the greatest bad dance I've ever seen was the happiness audition dance audition day happiness sir got two Talent this one which one this one I don't want to get the MCA let me just see the move okay this is pretty good wait this is pretty good I might actually use this one okay wait this is too much for me now wait it's it's too much this isn't bad at all it's like a full-blown exorcism wait a [ __ ] minute though this is inspiring ideas it's like a modern art performance it has a lot of meaning the Jubilation of a good attitude just needing to let it all out release the spirit this is a long routine I can't see myself ever being able to pull this off in a club setting maybe certain components though the song she used was the Scatman song she's hitting this to the Scatman she's a prodigy all right this one I actually think I can draw some inspiration for from for my next dance moves there was a lot of data to collect in there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Moist Charlie Clips
Views: 19,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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