Design Origins - Arlecchino: The Poor, Mad, Cursed Knave | Genshin Impact

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You know… When I first saw Arlecchino in Winter  Night’s Lazzo… My first thought was… Oh… She’s   pretty cool… Hmmm, cool… Yeaahhhh… Nothing ever  back then could have prepared me… FOR THIS: So, as you can probably see… Arlecchino  ended up being… A teeny tiny bit more   than just… ‘Cool’... Her overall design and  aesthetics turned out way better than I could   have imagined when I first saw her back in the  day, which is a pleasant surprise, to say the   least… Hoyoverse really did a good job with her  design… So much so, that because of her I am now   reevaluating everything I know about Capitano,  Columbina, and Pierro… Especially Il Capitano. But this video isn’t about Columbina, Capitano,  or Pierro… It’s about The Knave… Arlecchino.  So, let us start with who Arlecchino  is… And trust me, as you're gonna see   throughout this video… There is A LOT  more to her than what meets THE EYE. Arlecchino, whose real name is Peruere, was a  cursed orphan girl who was found and raised by   the Fatui’s Intelligence Collecting Department,  specifically in a special orphanage they operated   known as the House of the Hearth in Fontaine…  Over time, a conflict of interest led Peruere   to kill the previous Knave, Crucabena, a  feat that certainly no one should overlook…   Especially for a kid her age… … Eventually,  she was pardoned by the Tsaritsa and granted   the title of a Harbinger herself, which led her  to take over the responsibilities of Mother. After that… Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow… Hold on,  stop right there… Let’s rewind a bit… You know   how I said earlier that Peruere was raised in  Fontaine?... Yeah, I picked my words carefully,   because unlike what the game might lead you  to believe… Little Peruere over here is NOT   a Fontanian… And although simply not being Native  to Fontaine is generally enough to point out since   the Fontanians are Oceanids transformed by Egeria,  making them inherently different from the rest of   Teyvat… The distinction here in particular  IS… More prominent than you might think… You see, Peruere is not a Mondstadtian,  not a Sumerian… SHE… Is Khaenri’ahn…   Perhaps not by land… Probably not  by land… But undeniably by Birth. After fighting The Knave in the Story  Quest, When the Hearth-Flame Goes Out,   you will be able to go to the Archive and  access the backstory behind her power… There,   it is explicitly written that Peruere is a  direct descendant of the Crimson Moon Dynasty,   the Royal Bloodline that ruled Khaenri’ah before  the rise of the Eclipse Dynasty who overtook them. In that same quest, Arlecchino goes out of  her way to confirm that she does not belong   to Fontaine and only says otherwise for the  sake of diplomatic maneuvering… This is all   further backed up by the fact that, unlike  native Fontainians, Peruere cannot jump out of   the water which is an immediate indicator that she  belongs to the Crimson Moon Dynasty of Khaenri’ah. Alright, now that we have gone over who she is…  It’s time for the main purpose of this series,   which is analyzing the design of a character by  examining all of the sources of inspiration that   we can find behind said character… And when  it comes to Peruere… Oh Boi… She has A LOT…   And I mean A LOT even by the standards  of Hoyoverse… So… Let’s get into it. As a Harbinger of the Fatui, Peruere takes  on the name and role of one of the stock   characters of the Commedia Dell'arte, a type of  Italian theater which uses masks to designate a   character’s role in the story… And Peruere’s role  in this story happens to be that of Arlecchino. The Arlecchino of the Commedia Dell’arte, also  known as Harlequin, is a character famous for his   acrobatic abilities and physical agility, often  portrayed as a cunning servant or trickster,   who maneuvers himself into and out  of trouble with equal parts wit and   athleticism. This character, with his  vividly colourful patchwork costume,   traditionally symbolizes the light-hearted and  subversive elements of the play, reflecting   the duality of human nature –  both the clever and the foolish. In their adaptation, Hoyoverse incorporated  this element of duality almost perfectly into   Peruere… After all, she is referred to as a  woman who bears the Fire of Two Worlds… Much   like the Orphaned Outlanders who were taken  in by her ancestors as described in the Book   Perinheri… Furthermore, Peruere is incredibly  fast as her fighting style boasts swift and   fluid movements with deceptive strength  behind her attacks… And in her Boss Fight,   Arlecchino spends much time dashing and  jumping around silk threads reflecting   the agility and acrobatic prowess that her  Commedia counterpart is so well known for. Her general outfit is a combination of  various artworks of Arlecchino made by   the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso… Now  Picasso was self-admittedly fascinated   by the character of Arlecchino which drove  him to make many variations of it throughout   his life… And for OBVIOUS reasons,  we do not have time to go through all   of them… This video is primarily about  Dark Souls and Sekiro, NOT Pic-Ass-O. From Picasso’s work, the following three  stand out the most to me… This one,   Harlequin with the Black Mask, is  almost certainly the piece that   inspired Peruere’s Fatui Mask in Genshin,  which you can see in this scene right here,   where she does look a lot like a character  called Raven from Honkai Impact 3rd. This one has the flared accents you see  at the end of her sleeves and pants,   and finally, you have this one… Which invokes the  duality of Arlecchino that I mentioned earlier,   this duality that as you will soon see,  is fundamental to Peruere’s character. The first and most eye-catching  part of Perrie’s design is her eyes,   which are certainly directly based on  Pretzel Bread… Yes, I don’t care if this   is what the developers intended or not, now  suffer with me every time you look at her. But, to be more specific, what makes her eyes  stand out are their X-mark-shaped pupils… And   this cross mark shape is not just on her eyes…  It’s all over her… It’s on her chest ornament,   her clothes, her back, her Scythe, her boss fight  animations, the icons of her Elemental Skill and   Elemental Burst, and on the animations of  her Elemental Skill AND Elemental Burst… EVEN WHEN SHE THROWS HER SCYTHE  TO THE GROUND, IT LEAVES AN X-MARK I mean for God’s sake, she’s got  so many X-marks all over her that I   wouldn’t be surprised if you told me her lead  character designer was freaking Elon Musk. On a more serious note, aside from any  Story-Specific relevance to the cross   mark that we might still not know about…  All I can tell you regarding it is that it   is supposed to symbolize Death… After all,  the children in Perinheri had to undergo   some sort of death… And Perrie is a character  surrounded by death ever since her childhood. Alternatively, for some more “creative”  interpretations… The cross mark could   symbolize the Unknown… For example, When  solving for a mathematical equation comprising   a solitary indeterminate, it is customary to  designate this variable with the symbol X. A cross could also symbolize… Well, the  crossing of two different paths… The   merging of two fires… Once again,  just as described in Perinheri. And if we chose to take a literal approach…  Pun intended… Crossing something out marks   it as wrong… As incorrect… Something that  is the opposite of what should be… This   one will explain itself once we get to  her transformation… And to get to that,   we’re gonna have to talk about her colour pallet. Peruere’s attire is dominated by  three colours… Those being White,   Red, and Black… Her tailored coat, which  takes up most of the space on her body,   is predominantly white and splits into what  resembles two wings, or a bird’s tail feathers. The reason this is so interesting is because  white is generally considered the colour of   purity and Peruere's design incorporates  numerous angelic motifs. The hair tie   at the back of her head consists of a White  Angelic Wing paired with a Black Feather… She   also has several crimson eyes on her outfit,  reminiscent of the Biblical Angels who are   described with many eyes scattered across  their bodies, especially on their wings. Actually, on that topic, Peruere has Nine  Eyes… She has two functional eyes on her   face along with six of these Crimson  Eye Embellishments on her front… Then,   you have the Vision on her back… Which  is considered a symbolic type of eye. And this is where the real genius of her design  comes into play… When unleashing her power,   Peruere replaces her two Angel Wings with Six  Spider Appendages which she can further morph   into these six giant crimson angelic wings,  each with an eye of its own… This definitively   makes Perrie a Seraphim, as those are also  described in the Old Testament to have Six Red   Wings… And what I find so cool about  these wings is that the Six Eyes on   them are actually the same Six Crimson Eye  Embellishments she has in her normal form. I wasn’t sure of whether that was really  the case at first, so I took some time to   compare the two models and then noticed this  Red Spine running down her back… It also swaps   positions when she transforms and ends up  on the front across her chest and abdomen. So it’s almost as if Peruere,  when unleashing her power,   is inverting herself… A masterful depiction  of the duality that the Commedia dell'arte’s   Arlecchino embodies… Which in Genshin  became the Cinder of Two Worlds’ Flames. Another interesting detail is the fact that  she ends up with 10 eyes instead of 9… Her   vision becomes a delusion, which is called  an Evil Eye in Chinese, and she gains an   additional Crimson Eye Embellishment on her  head… This is significant as the number 10   symbolizes total completeness in the Bible  and absolute perfection in Chinese Culture. However, the fact that this is her perfected form…  Also carries with it a hint of irony… Because to   achieve it, Peruere somewhat abandons a part  of herself by embracing the gaze of the Crimson   Moon… And in the process, she burns away her  angelic wings and replaces them with spider legs. This transcendence, so to speak, is also  symbolized through the change in her colour   pallet where most of the white in her is replaced  with darker shades of red and black… Here, her   appearance becomes more in line with this version  of Harlequin by the French painter Paul Cézanne. Earlier I talked about how White symbolizes  purity and is a colour commonly associated with   angels… And when Peruere transforms she does  not only lose all that which is white in her   clothes… In that form, even the angel-wing hair  tie she wears on the back of her head is gone. And this is the Irony I’ve been talking about…  Her transcendence is also a fall from grace…   Like an Angel that burns away all  that which makes it pure… Leaving   nothing but Ash and Cinders…  A choice only made by a Fool. Knowing this, I am sure that you can see  why the Developers at Hoyoverse chose to   flip her front and back during her  transformation… It is a brilliant   trick to convey the idea of both her  Fall and Transcendence at the same   time… That she becomes the opposite  of an angel… A Fallen Angel… A Demon. On that note, the name of the Commedia Dell’arte’s  Arlecchino… Well, both of his names actually,   Arlecchino AND Harlequin, are derived from two  different demons… When it comes to Arlecchino,   the name originates from that of a Devil  featured in Dante Alighieri's "Inferno”   known as Alichino… This Devil  is tasked with punishing corrupt   politicians and is part of a group known as  the Malebranche, which means the Evil Claws,   who are renowned for their cruelty  and enjoyment in tormenting sinners. How this ties into Peruere is self-evident… She  is called The Knave, her constellation IS a claw,   and her hands… Eh, I don’t think I need  to explain this one… Furthermore, part of   Peruere’s job is to carry out assassinations  against extremely high-profile figures,   and most of the time such people end up  being wealthy businessmen, political leaders,   and fake philanthropists… Just like Magante  Tartuffe whom she kills in her Character Teaser. On the other hand, Arlecchino’s other name,  Harlequin, is an evolution of Hellequin,   which is the name of another Devil that  appears in Old French Passion Plays about   the Crucifixion of Christ… And Hellequin  is in turn an evolution of an English   mythological figure known as “King Herla of  the Wild Hunt”… My very next video is going   to be about King Herla of the Wild Hunt…  However, to avoid overinflating this video,   all you need to know for now is that Herla was a  great Welsh King who was Cursed to eternally lead   a spectral procession hunting and gathering the  souls of the dead or those who are about to die. Now, there is A LOT MORE to Herla’s  story with Peruere… Just wait for   the upcoming video and you will see…  But, even from the little I told you,   we can still make a clear design connection…  Just like Herla, Peruere is also technically   a “King”... After all, that was her purpose  when she was under the care of the previous   Knave, Crucabena… To kill all the other  children and emerge as the One True King. Additionally, just like Herla, Peruere was also  Cursed and both their Curses are heavily involved   with Death… … From Arlecchino’s first  story quest and Fourth Character Story,   we learn that her curse causes those who die  by her flames to leave behind afterimages…   A sort of Soul Fragment or Shadows… Kinda  like the Shades of Tokoyo from Enkanomiya. You can see these afterimages gathering  around Peruere right before her boss fight,   taking the appearance of either these faceless  fairies or these single-eyed ones right here…   You can take a closer look at them since they  linger around the boss arena after the fight. The correlation between Herla and Peruere  collecting souls is further emphasized by   the giant scythe she wields which is  a strong symbol of harvest and death. As a matter of fact, Arlecchino’s scythe  is a perfect segue for the next part of   this video... Now that we’re done with her  character… It’s time for her animations and I   am really excited since now I get to talk about  my favourite video game franchise, Dark Souls… The Knave’s Boss Fight is primarily inspired  by three characters… The first two are Sister   Friede and Slave Knight Gael whom we will  talk about shortly… And the third is this   woman right here… Lady Butterfly from  Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice… Which is an   absolutely amazing game made by the same  people behind Dark Souls and Elden Ring. Now in the game itself, Sekiro,  who is also known as The Wolf,   is entrusted to Lady Butterfly by his “Father”  The Owl so that she may train him in the arts of   the Shinobi and teach him how to kill… Also,  I want to quickly point out that Owl was not   Sekiro’s biological father… When The Wolf calls  him “Father” it’s just a title, exactly like how   Arlecchino is called “Father” without actually  being one… So in that sense, Lady Butterfly was,   and I say this with heavy quotation marks,  kinda like The Wolf’s “Mother” figure. When it comes to the fight itself, the most  obvious and GLARING similarity between the   two is how both women jump around on  these Silk Threads and attack you from   above… Which by the way, when I  saw the Trailer for Patch 4.6,   the first thing that IMMEDIATELY came to my mind  was Lady Butterfly due to how iconic that move is. Additionally, we know that Arlecchino’s Curse  keeps memory fragments of the people she kills,   which we can see throughout her boss fight…  They even persist after her second phase   where new variations of them appear… The  key consideration here is that these are   afterimages which means that they are not  the actual souls of the people she kills. And those of you who fought Lady Butterfly  know very well that in HER second phase,   she summons a bunch of illusionary  phantoms to attack Sekiro. But aside from their fighting styles,  the similarities between Peruere and   Lady Butterfly go a bit deeper than you think…  Hold up, some of you are gonna REALLY like this… Both Lady Butterfly and Peruere jump on  threads of silk in mimicry of the animals   they represent… It is well known that all  butterflies have to produce silk during   their larva stage in order to metamorphose from  a caterpillar to an adult butterfly… However,   Peruere represents a Spider… She’s got 8  appendages, just like a Spider… Six being   on her back and then the two Scythes she holds  with her hands… Her Animated Short has her bury   her pet spider… And if you choose to ignore her  vision due to its placement on her back and only   look at her from the front, then she ends up  with 8 Eyes, just like your average spider. So in that regard, unlike Lady Butterfly,  Peruere’s Bloodfire Silk is mimicking a   Spider and not a Butterfly, right?...  Weeeeellll, yeeees… But there’s a Catch. If we take a closer look at Peruere’s unleashed  model… We can see that her spider leg thingies   make up a certain outline, so to speak…  To help us visualize this, let’s grab   an image of … Uh, I don’t know… Butterfly  for example, and, Yeeeeaaaahhhh… Exactly. Thinking about Arlecchino from this  perspective reminded me of a former member   of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo named Caterpillar…  Back when Patch 4.1 came out, a lot of people   noticed the parallels between Caterpillar and  Arlecchino… Leading them to conclude that since   Caterpillar took on the appearance of a Hilichurl,  then so too must Arlecchino be one as well. I talked about this in a really old video  that I made where I explained that the   similarities between the two characters  are more superficial rather than literal…   And why Arlecchino cannot possibly be  a Hilichurl because she has a Vision,   which is essentially an instantaneous  disqualifier… Fast forward to now and   we know that this is indeed the case…  NEVERTHELESS… Superficial similarities are   still similarities intended by the developers…  So there’s still some merit to this idea. When The Traveler and Caterpillar confront  the founder of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo,   Jakob Baker, the latter expresses  his disappointment towards the   fact that Caterpillar has not yet  metamorphosed beyond his cocoon. Recall that Jakob once attempted to  turn Rene into an artificial Descender,   despite Rene not possessing the inherent qualities  of one. In a similar vein, although Caterpillar   and Arlecchino are not the same creatures…  What Peruere IS, represents the fulfillment   of Jakob's aspirations for Caterpillar—to  evolve into a 'True Butterfly,' an Angel. And earlier I talked about how Peruere can morph  her appendages into giant wings with eyes akin to   those on the wings of Biblical Angels… And since  the outline of these appendages resembles the   shape of a butterfly’s wings, I cannot ignore  the fact that many butterfly species, like the   Peacock Butterfly you are looking at right now,  have evolved eyespots on their wings… And once   again, this is where the genius of Peruere’s  character comes into play… It’s the ability   of the developers to seamlessly integrate various  traits and aspects into a single coherent design. Which finally brings us to Slave Knight Gael…  For those of you who don’t know him… Well,   first of all, you REALLY REALLY should, because  Gael is the final boss of The Ringed City and   by that, I don’t mean the final boss of  Dark Souls 3, but rather the final fight   in the entire series… The story of Dark Souls  ends with Gael his master, the Painter Girl. When it comes to Slave Knight Gael himself,  he is directly based on an old children’s   fairy tale called Little Red Riding Hood… I am  sure many of you have heard about it before,   like my mom used to tell me  this story when I was kid,   it is stupidly popular… BUT… The twist in  Dark Souls is that he is the Big Bad Wolf. By the end of the story, Gael devours  the Pygmy Lord in order to harness   the Dark Soul of Humanity so that the  Painter Girl can then use his blood to   draw a new world… However, the Blood of  the Pygmies drives him to insanity and   he ends up confronting the Ashen One in  a final struggle for the future of life. Now I know Gael’s story pretty  well, and as far as I can tell,   there aren’t any solid lore elements that  carry over from him to Peruere… In that regard,   he will likely have more in common with either  Il Capitano or Dainsleif… Perhaps even both. The real similarities come into play with their  animations… You see, while Arlecchino uses Crimson   Bloodfire, Gael uses Red Soulfire obtained  from devouring the blood of the Pygmy Lords…   Gael’s red coat also splits into what resembles  two wings and if you take a look at the fight,   the coat will sway and swing along  with Gael’s claymore as a follow-up   on his attacks to support the blows and  make them deadlier and harder to dodge. As you can probably guess at this point,  a very prominent feature of The Knave’s   fight is her red wing which not only  burns like Gael’s red coat but also   mimics the follow-up attack motion  that it does… In a similar fashion,   both The Knave and Slave Knight Gael share  a lot in common in terms of their motifs and   animations with wide sweeping attacks, homing  fire missiles, and huge jumping gap closers. And finally, we get to the third major  inspiration behind The Knave’s animations,   Sister Friede from Ashes of Ariandel… Elfriede  herself is the eldest of three sisters,   the other two being Yuria and Liliane, who joined  a covenant with the Primordial Serpent Kaathe,   becoming his maidens… Kaathe taught the sisters  the art of the Dark Hand allowing them to absorb   the souls of those whom they killed, which is  close enough to Peruere’s Curse… Kaathe then   tasked the three sisters with the objective of  usurping the First Flame to end the Age of Fire   established by the Gods and find a Dark Lord  strong enough to usher in the Dark Age of Man. Long story short, Elfriede, Yuria, and  Liliane fail miserably after which the   eldest completely gives up, changes her  name to Friede, and sequesters herself   to the Painted World of Ariandel where  she convinces the Keeper of the Realm,   Father Ariandel, to give up with  her and let everything rot away. Just to be clear, I am not oblivious to the  similarities between what I just said and   the story of the Moon Sisters in Genshin…  However, this is not a theory video so I   am not interested in discussing any of that  here… We can save it for a different time. Knowing that he was not strong enough at that  time to take out Friede… Slave Knight Gael   convinces the Ashen One to go into the Painted  World under the guise of meeting his master,   the Painter Girl… In reality, Gael’s actual plan  was to stir up a conflict between the Ashen One   and Sister Friede so that the Ashen One would  get rid of Friede and Ariandel on his behalf,   leaving the Painter Girl alone  with the Ashen One and himself. As you can imagine, this is exactly  what ends up happening which is how   we end up with what players consider  to be one of the hardest boss fights   in Dark Souls 3 alongside Darkeater  Midir and Slave Knight Gael himself. Now when it comes to the animation similarities,   well, Peruere has a Scythe, Friede has a Scythe…  Peruere creates blood spikes, Friede creates ice   spikes… Peruere pulls you with her Scythe, Friede  pulls you with her Scythe… Peruere has Bloodfire,   Father Ariandel has Bloodfire… Oh look!,  Peruere has two Scythes now? Oh look,   Sister Friede has two Scythes now… Peruere  jumps into the air and delivers a spinning   Bloodfire strike with her Scythe, Friede…  Well, I think you get the point by now. The Knave’s boss fight is basically a  combination of the boss fights of Lady   Butterfly, Slave Knight Gael, and Sister Friede…  Obviously while lacking the difficulty from all   of them because Genshin Impact is a mobile game,  which is something that I somehow always forget. For a few honourable mentions that likely inspire  Peruere’s character design but are not as involved   as the aforementioned three we have at the top  of the list, Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower. Look, I am sure many of you are gonna be  surprised to see me putting Lady Maria   as just an honourable mention because one would  imagine that a Hunter who went after the Blood   of the Great Ones in a Nightmare controlled  by a Crimson Moon would have more in common   with Arlecchino… AND… Yes, she does… But most  of it is in Lore… And I did say earlier that   this is not a Theory Video so I want to  minimize speculation as much as possible. Nonetheless… I also said that the very next video   will involve Herla of the Wild Hunt…  And Maria, being a Hunter herself,   might have a lot to do with it… Soooooo,  keep an eye out for that if you care. In terms of their animations, both Maria  and Peruere use Bloodfire and both are   dual wields… Aaand that’s really about it…  The similarities in their attack are not   as pronounced as either Butterfly, Gael, or  Friede for me to put her above any of them. When it comes to the dashing  attack with her Spider legs,   it reminds me of Sara Kerrigan from StarCraft…  For those of you who played Heroes of the Storm,   you probably know that Kerrigan has  a similar attack with her wings. This laser attack she does is likely  taken from Armoured Core 5 which is   another of FromSoftware’s games… And since  I brought up Armoured Core, I might as well   mention that Perrie’s English voice actor  is the same as Ayre from Armoured Core 6. But a voice actor is not the only thing  they share… Perrie’s Purgatorial Dance   is identical to Ayre’s Coral Blades and possibly   even a simultaneous reference  to Malenia’s Phantom Spirits. And the plunging strike at the start of her second   phase is probably a homage to the start  of Malenia’s second phase in Elden Ring. Her Bloodtide Banquet from Phase  1 is literally Kafka’s ultimate   from Hoyoverse’s other game, Honkai: Star Rail… And before we enter into extreme copium  territory, I will end this section by   saying that her animations also have a hefty  amount of overlap with Dante from the Devil   May Cry series which isn’t surprising when  we take into account that her Fatui name,   Arlecchino, originates from Alichino, a  Devil that appears in Dante’s Inferno. Alright… Now that we’re done with the animations,   time for some mythology and  anime influences behind Peruere. As you all know, Perrie’s constellation is  Ignis Purgatorius, which means Cleansing   Fire and symbolizes the process of purification  and rebirth… But regardless of what you cleanse   with fire, it always leaves behind Ash, which  manifests itself as the creeping black curse   on Arlecchino’s hands… Perrie even references this  when she ignites her hands during her story quest. In her fifth Character Story, Pierro tells Peruere  to read the Book Perinheri to learn about her   origins, and in that book, it is written that in  the distant past when the Crimson Moon still ruled   Khaneri’ah, an orphanage would take in Outlander  children from beyond the Sea of Stars and make   crawl through a Dark Chimney filled with Ash until  they meet the gaze of a titanic horrified eye,   the Crimson Moon, after which they die  and get reborn in the Fire of the Hearth. The Fatui named their orphanage the House of the  Hearth, likely after the Khaenri’ahn counterpart   and Perrie chose to keep that name after she  took over from Crucabena… Perrie herself says   that she decided to keep the name because the  fire of the hearth sounds warm and welcoming,   which would help the children feel safe and  united as a family in their home’s hearth. This immediately correlates her with Hestia, who  is the Greek Goddess of the Hearth… Hestia is   the youngest of the Olympians and is renowned for  being a Virgin Goddess who presides over home and   family… You will notice that such characteristics  align perfectly with Peruere… After all,   she took on the title “Father”, where a  father is traditionally the head of the   household and Perrie is the head of the House  of the Hearth… Where she takes in children and   gives them a home and a family despite her not  being the biological mother to any of them. Finally, I would like to add that Hestia’s  Hearth is a symbol of purification and   divine sacrifice… And her Fire represented  Kingship… And at the start of this video,   we talked about how Crucabena’s goal  was to turn Perrie into her King. OK, we are now almost done… There is still one  final “Eye Catching”... Ha ha, ha ha, you’re about   to get this joke… Design aspect of Perrie that I  noticed… And trust me, I left the best for last… Towards the end of her fight with the Traveler,  Peruere does this move that you see right here   where she flashes her eyes and pulls the  Traveler into her Domain… Which… Should   be some sort of a Realm of Consciousness… Not too  dissimilar from the ones that Baal, Beelzebul, and   Morax can make… Now, these attacks are identical  to the Domain Expansions that you see in Jujutsu   Kaisen… BUT, in this particular instance, as I  saw Peruere opening her Domain, Jujutsu Kaisen   was not the first thing that came immediately  to my mind… I first remembered… Madara Uchiha. You see, in Naruto, there is this clan called  the Uchiha who carry one of, if not the most,   iconic eyes… Not just in anime, but ALL OF  FICTION, PERIOD… Their eyes are so popular   that I am sure all of you have seen or heard  about some in some way shape or form before…  The Sharingan. Under certain conditions, a Sharingan Eye  can evolve into a Mangekyō Sharingan Eye,   which unlocks an ability known as  Tsukuyomi that allows the user to   create an Illusionary Dreamscape where  space and time are under their control. What really adds a layer of depth to all  of this is that the name of this ability,   Tsukuyomi, is also the name of the God of the  Moon in Japanese Mythology… And in Genshin,   we know that the Crimson Moon Dynasty  worshiped the Crimson Moon and forced   certain children to meet its gaze so that  they could bear the fire of two worlds. The main antagonist of Naruto, Madara Uchiha,  sought to create a world free of suffering and   war… To accomplish this, Madara subdued  a World Beast and transformed it into a   Divine Tree… Madara then turned the Moon into  his Crimson Third Eye and what’s crazy is that   in Genshin, Visions are considered a  Third Eye… But it doesn’t END HERE. Madara then, using the Moon as his Eye, cast  an Infinite Tsukuyomi on the ENTIRE WORLD,   binding the people to the Divine Tree  and forcing them into his Dream… An   Eternal Paradise, with neither want nor need…  Where Madara became the Master of the Dream,   and ALL THE DREAMS OF THE PEOPLE belonged to HIM. Listen, there is way more to this than  the summary I just gave you right now…   And the more I looked into it, the more  I found until I went insane because Oh   My God does this Rabbit Hole run DEEP… But this  is not the time, so I am cutting it right here. Before we close off, there are two minor details  that I would like to elaborate on… Arlecchino’s   normal attack, Invitation to a Beheading, along  with her infusion state, Masque of the Red Death…   Both reference stories written by  the authors Vladimir Nabokov and   Edgar Allan Poe respectively… However, these  stories don’t have anything to do with her   character design and are instead in theory  territory… So we won’t discuss them here. Secondly, and this one is very important,   I am not implying whatsoever that Peruere is  the Genshin equivalent of Madara Uchiha in   this video… What I am saying is that  it seems like Perrie’s Bloodline,   the Crimson Moon, may be based to some degree  on the Uchiha Clan from Naruto… That’s about it. Welp… This sure was one hell of a video  to make… I originally started with four   bullet points to discuss regarding Arlecchino’s  character and those were: Commedia Dell’arte,   Lady Butterfly, Sister Friede, and Madara… Yes,  I went in with Madara in mind since the start. But the more I dug in, the more treasure  I found and I have come to realize just   how much thought Hoyoverse have put  into making this character… Honestly,   makes you appreciate their efforts a bit more. Anyyyyway, this is… FINALLY… The second  video in the Design Origins Series after   the first one came out… How long ago?...  6 months?... Yeah, it’s been a while. The first Design Origins video was about  Paimon, and the reason for such a long   delay since then is mainly due to the  fact that I ended up being dissatisfied   with how that video turned out… Not because  the information presented in it is incorrect…   But rather because I have come to change  my vision on the totality of what Paimon   is… And that video no longer covers everything  regarding her design and sources of inspiration. So I ended up getting stuck in this limbo  state where I kept delaying all the other   Design Origins videos I promised while  debating whether I should make a Part II   to that of Paimon to expand on the missing  pieces… However, after discovering the OVA   Angel’s Egg and learning how all of that  ties into the grand mythos of Genshin… I   realized that we are still missing A LOT  of information about Paimon’s character. So… I am just gonna bench Paimon for now until she  comes out as a playable character where I can make   a proper assessment of her design… And we will  continue with the other characters as intended. Last but not least, Huge thanks to everyone who   supports this channel on Patreon… And  thank YOU for watching this video all   the way until the end… Not that many  people do that, so seriously, thanks. But, for now, I’ve been My Name For Now, take  care, and I will see you… In the next time!
Channel: My Name For Now
Views: 12,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OSmas32kHnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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