Designing a Brand with a random colour palette!

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the question is have you ever tried to design a brand identity from a random color palette generator online i haven't and that's why we're here so if you are new here my name is abby and i'm a brand designer from the uk creating tasteful brand identities that are never forgotten also giving you guys an insight into the design world so in today's video i am challenging myself to create a whole brand from a random color palette online so if you are ready let's get straight into the design to kick this challenge off we obviously need a color palette otherwise it would be a very short video so i'm gonna use an online generator i like to use coolers for sort of color palette inspo so i am going to be using them i'm heading over to the site and i am basically just going to press the space bar and it generates some color palettes that go together so let's do exactly that damn she is organic i really like this color palette things that are coming to mind right now are like food sort of organic foods farmers gardening i'm gonna have a 10 minute brainstorming session to see what sort of businesses can come to mind and hopefully come up with a name as well okay i think i found the perfect business for this brand please let me know in the comments what sort of business you would brand these colors in because i would love to know but i have chosen a bread bakery now i was gonna go for like more like the farming sort of route but i don't know what it was i think it was like the khaki web and the windsor tan color it just reminded me of like toast for some reason and i thought bread bakery shop getting those sorts of vibes and who doesn't love fresh warm bread smothered in just butter like i'm addicted to that stuff so i haven't designed a bread bakery before so i feel like this is going to be another challenge in itself but i am excited to take on this challenge to try and create a beautiful brand identity from this beautiful color palette so with that being said the name i have come up with is called high riser i want it to be subtle in the bread approach so in the baking process obviously the dough rises and i feel like you could be on like a really high when you eat the bread because it tastes so damn good so we've got high riser and we're gonna get into the process if you've watched a lot of my videos you probably know my design process quite well so the first thing we are going to do is create a pinterest board full of visual looks full of direction and hopefully find something visual and a style that i want to go for so within the pinterest board i have created lots of different images we've got some beautiful bread on here which is also making me very hungry and i haven't eaten breakfast so i may need to go and do a little break and eat some bread um but i found some gorgeous images of old invoices and the typography and that sort of homemade handwritten personal feel is something that i think i want to take this brand down it is beautiful i love the handwritten feel so that is potentially going to be something that i do for this bread bakery i feel like when you're making bread it's such a personal it's such a handmade thing that the handwritten feel is going to work really really nicely okay so from this pinterest board i have now put together my very own mood board with a more stylized and more direct vision i find pinterest can be so sort of overwhelming when you've got all of the images there so to just whittle it down to around nine images can give you more of a clear direction so we are at the typography stage now so we've created the mood board we kind of know what style we're gonna go for for the handwritten front as i mentioned when doing the pinterest board so i have found some typefaces through my font library and on envato elements which is my go-to place for mockups and fonts you guys know how much i adore them um they are actually the sponsor of this video as well so if you want to check them out click the link in my description okay i did actually start with eight type faces but i've whittled it down to my top three so these are the ones that have made it first second or third place i wanted to go for more personalized more handwritten feel from this bakery brand just because when you're baking bread it is sort of a handmade fill so these typefaces show exactly that the thing that i'm looking out for now is the one that i want to get rid of so the top one i really liked because it reminded me of like when you glaze bread just has like really nice drips and it's still handwritten but it's a little too much so i'm gonna get rid of it it's not i'm not vibing with it so now these two i can start comparing them off each other the bottom one i did really like because it's very handwritten it just feels a little too premium and too thin so it's gone it is gone we now have our first place which is ancient signature regular it's personalized it's handwritten it's still got sort of thick places and it's gonna work really nicely for this bakery brand i'm going to take you through my thought process for designing this primary logo so i wanted to make sure that there was a good hierarchy here so i wanted the word high to be the highest point so i positioned riser underneath high and it sat really really nicely between the g and the h and it just looked really pleasing to the eye so that was the best decision and the best layout for the logo then i sort of had a look at the word hi and the curl is really nice on the high but it did remind me of a c and i thought if i thought that this said try then others are going to think the same too so i didn't want there to be any confusion and i wanted to make it a little more simpler because at the moment i want sort of the eye and the focus to be on the word riser because that is what brad does so i wanted to take that away from the h so i've literally just got the pencil tool and i'm getting rid of the nice little curve on the h making it really simple so that it's easy to read so once that was done i then wanted to sort of mix the h and the r together this came from the typography at the start when i mentioned about there being like a really nice glaze and bread and how it sort of just ran nicely into one another so i wanted to combine the h and the r together to create that really nice flurry that hand written feel and more personal feel so i'm using a pencil tool which is my go-to tool by the way to just make the extension on the h and using the eraser tool to get rid of parts of the r and combine the two letters so once that was done i then just went in with the smooth pencil tool um and i just tidied a few bits up added in some extra stuff and we now have our beautiful primary logo so this looks i'm i'm actually really pleased with that everything works really nicely high going into the riser just creates really nice sort of positioning with your eye um and yeah i really really like it so we've got the primary logo the next thing is to create an alternative logo which i like to call the secondary logo and i'm probably going to put this in a landscape position just so there's versatility when the client uses the logo well i am really enjoying using this scripted and handwritten font i feel like i haven't used that type of style of typography in a while the scripted fun i think has been overused a little um and that's when it really loses its power so if you are wanting to use a more scripted handwritten font make sure you're using it for a purpose that it is handwritten more personal in that kind of sense because otherwise it does lose its sense of purpose of it being that handwritten font i'm taking you through my thought process for the logo layouts so i've got the secondary logo which is the landscape layout and i did struggle with this one because i had combined the h and the r together so when they sat now next to each other it just did not feel right so i swapped out my tweets r and we've got the original r back in which i still really really adore it does just remind me of like a baguette or some sort of bread which just fits perfectly for this bakery so we swap that out and then we've gone to the original h as well so these are just satin next to one another and it just works better for the eye for some reason it just did not position right so i've just tweaked that moved it about and we have the landscape position so now i'm gonna go into a logo mark so i knew i wanted to use the h and the r just because when you think of like a signature you do have two initials um and it would work really nicely with that handwritten fill so we wanted to keep that h and the r in so i'm just playing around with the original um tweet h r that i've used once again it just did not sort of feel right so i've gone back to the landscape logo i've taken the h and the r from this um and i wanted to just sort of combine them exactly how i'd done in the primary logo um so i'm just playing around with it exactly what i do just play around with the positioning to get it to exactly how i want it so i thought it would work really nicely with the h sitting sort of on top of the r and then you've got the direction of the r taking you round i then had a really nice idea to go and add a full stop to the logos so when you're finishing a sentence and you're using your handwriting you do put a full stop and like even with my signature i put a full stop at the end so i wanted to just get more of that handwritten and personal feel in there so i've gone back i've added in a little full stop and it works nicely with the h and the r logo mark because the full stop is positioned between the stem of the r and the curve and it just looks beautiful the handwritten feel that i've gone for works perfectly for a bakery and i'm really liking the direction of this brand so the next thing which is my favorite thing is we're gonna add in the beautiful color palette that was chosen and given to us at the start hopefully these logo variations and this brand will work nicely for a bakery in my head it works well but we're gonna see when we add the coloring the color palette let's just take a second if you can find another business that fits in this color palette holler at me in the comments because i feel like bread bakery was meant and destined for this color palette um i've decided not to use the green color i don't know what it was it just it wasn't vibing with it for this brand so we've gone for the four colors but the primary colors as the whites and the black um the secondary colors as the tans and the orange we could potentially add in the accent color of the green but i just feel like homing in on those four colors um and making it really distinct for this brand works really nicely only thing that i want to do now is add in some photography of the nice bread which is going to make me really hungry and make sure that it matches with these colors and the style that i'm going for so i'm going to head over to pixels and splash find some photography and watch it come to life i think the photographer understood the assignment i found some beautiful photography from pexels that just matches the color palette and the style and the brands that i'm going for like the orangey colors you get from the bread the blacks from the shadows you've got the nice wood color everything like i'm just i'm ecstatic right now i cannot contain my my excitement like my words aren't even coming out right but i love it i'm i'm obsessed i'm so excited to find some mock-ups for this brand we're going to create some nice tissue paper and we could like even make some really nice like handwritten notes from the baker just to add in that like sentimental value and the handwritten style we're going for obsessed like i i'm let me know if you're vibing with this the photography has just taken it next level okay i'm not even lying when i say that that sort of style of photography made me really hungry so i have currently made myself peanut butter on toast we're getting into the feel of the logo and the brand we're doing our own experimenting and yeah i needed a little break as well so i'm gonna eat some toast let me know your favorite topping on toast i am addicted to peanut butter so good cravings for toast and bread have now been and gone i have made a mess there are crumbs everywhere but i'm satisfied so now we are heading over to envato i'm gonna find some mock-ups for some maybe bread bags um and see what else they've got and really see this brand come to life through the mock-ups and hopefully i can design something i might do like the personalized notes on like a thank you card or something like that but make it really cute and really personalized to this brand we are designing some tissue paper that is going around some beautiful tasting bread and for this i did have in mind to come up with a pattern so i haven't done like a brand pattern for the um branding but for the tissue paper and the packaging this could be the pattern that's used so what i'm thinking is to maybe do like a continuous line drawing and just go with the flow because when you are baking it can get messy so we'll get that nice messy feel of the continuous line also fits in well with like the handwritten feel of when you're writing and just going with the flow so i'm gonna get the brush tool and create a really nice pattern so that took me a few attempts to do but we got a pattern in the end i've put it in to photoshop um just to see how it looks and it did look a bit plain so what i'm doing now is adding in the logo march with the hr and just putting it into where the space allows it within the continuous line so i'm going to see how this looks and hopefully by just adding that like signature mark with the lines will make it look a bit more um appealing to the eye so let's put it back into photoshop see how this looks that is it how cool does that look so now it is customized to the brand and it still has that really nice handwritten personalized feel i would probably keep that wrapping paper i'm not gonna lie that is the brand and the mock-ups done i've done a few more mock-ups which i'm going to leave to the brand reveal at the end if you guys have watched some of my previous videos you will know that i do a little brand reveal a little funky video at the end to really bring the brand to life to show the brand in action and to give you guys a little teaser of what potentially this brand could be so without further ado i'm going to introduce you to highriser uh [Music] okay i'm not gonna lie i had so much fun at designing a brand from one specific color palette that was generated online if you did enjoy this video make sure to hit that subscribe button if you want to see some more content just like this you
Channel: Abi Connick
Views: 14,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: color palette, color theory, how to choose colors for art, graphic design tutorial, coulour theory, color wheel, abi design, abidesign, brand design, brand design colours, colour palette generator, coolors app, color palette generator illustrator, how to design a logo, designing a logo, adobe illustrator, logo design colours, brand colours, design with me, watch me design, graphic designer uk, abi design logo, abi design typography, logo variations, colours design
Id: i0Hc8f0ogyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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