DeSantis hits back at 'deceptively edited' '60 Minutes' 'hit piece'

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It’s a shame there aren’t more politicians like him with an R next to their name. The country would be in much better shape if this was the case. Hopefully more people see his success and follow suit. I know here in Texas Governor Abbott has mirrored Desantis on a lot of things and Texans are all for it.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/beentouchinbutts 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
who are the best governors in the country we don't really need to guess just ask yourself where are people moving are they moving to michigan are they moving to new york are they moving to california all great states but run by total incompetence political hacks corrupt people no they're moving to florida actually people want to live a free american life for moving to florida ron desantis is the governor of florida and if you're the democratic party or it's minions in the media there's a huge problem because the guy's succeeding clearly that's why people are moving to a state so you better crush him before he gets elected to something else last night cbs did its best 60 minutes report that ron desantis is bad because he authorized the supermarket chain publix to distribute the corona vaccine in florida and he did that for one reason publix donated money to ron desantis is that real well no first the head of florida's emergency management department who's a democrat tweeted that his division not the governor's office had recommended publix okay so it's clearly not true then it emerges 60 minutes deceptively edited their reporters exchange with ron desantis here's what they aired on the show publix as you know donated a hundred thousand dollars to your campaign and then you rewarded them with the exclusive rights to distribute the vaccination in palm beach well that's what you're saying is wrong how is that not paid that's a fake narrative i met with the county mayor i met with the administrator i met with all the folks at palm beach county and i said here's some of the options we can do more drive-through sites we can give more to hospitals we can do the publix and they said we think that would be the easiest thing for our residents but melissa mckinlay the county commissioner in the glades told us the governor never met with her about the public's deal the criticism is that it's pay to play governor it's wrong it's a fake narrative i just disabused you of the narrative and you don't care about the facts so that's the woman cbs sent down to stop ron desantis before he gets bigger and that's what they aired on the show here's the full tape as we got into january we wanted to expand the distribution points so yes you had the counties you had some drive-through sites you had hospitals that were doing a lot but we wanted to get it into communities more so we reached out to other retail pharmacies publix walmart obviously cvs and walgreens had to finish that mission and we said we're going to we're going to use you as soon as you're done with that for the publix they were the first one to raise their hands say they were ready to go and you know what we did it on a trial basis i had three counties i actually showed up that weekend and talked to seniors across four different publics how was the experience is this good should you think this is the way to go and it was a hundred percent positive it's funny you didn't see any of that in 60 minutes apparently they ran out of minutes we don't spend a lot of time defending politicians on the show normally we attack them and enjoy it but this was such an obvious hit such a transparent political move that we just couldn't resist we wanted to talk to the governor himself ron desantis governor of florida joins us tonight governor thanks so much for coming on it's kind of hard to imagine i was just thinking the other day all these people moving to florida they're probably going to try and take out desantis pretty soon it didn't take them long did it well not only that tucker but lost in this is we vaccinated now three and a half million senior citizens we were the first state to say we're doing seniors first we're not going to follow the cdc's recommendation and what we have done has worked and they didn't want to discuss that and obviously they selectively edited the background they tried to act like there was a conspiracy with publix ignoring the fact that other pharmacies were involved before publix doing all our long-term care facilities and ignoring the fact that i met with the county mayor who's now as a democrat who said what what 60 minutes has done his bunk but palm beach calculated 90 percent of their seniors live within a mile and a half of a publix so when we put it in there their numbers started going through the roof so it succeeded there but what they didn't tell you also tucker is when there was a need in a more rural part of the county like near lake okeechobee we set up a separate site in a small town called pahokee they didn't tell you that they didn't tell you that we were doing african-american church vaccination drives before publix ever gave a single shot they didn't tell you that they didn't tell you that hospitals were doing shots starting in the third week of december because it didn't fit the narrative they don't believe in facts it was a political narrative it was done with malicious intent and a reckless disregard for the truth they would not talk to the people who were most relevant to this because they know those key democrats jared moskowitz mayor dave kerner would blow up their narrative so they just put their head in the sand and pretended like those facts didn't exist i didn't watch the show because it's sad to see something as great as 60 minutes so thoroughly degraded as it has been but really quick did they mention the bottom line number which is the corona death rate how does florida's death rate compare to say i don't know new york or california well new york is one of the top in the country florida there's 26 states that are higher than florida per capita mortality and there's 40 states that are higher than us for 65 and up mortality which is that was our focus and now since we vaccinated so many seniors we are seeing the hospitalizations among seniors plummet so what we did has worked and obviously they were in florida for three months 60 minutes trying to drudge up any dirt that they could use to smear me and the best they could come up with is a baseless conspiracy theory that was easily debunked not just by me which they had to edit out but by two very prominent democrats in the state of florida i doubt it will be the last if people keep coming to your state i have the feeling that we'll see more 60 minutes on you and not in a good way ron desantis governor florida thank you thanks
Channel: Fox News
Views: 691,515
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Keywords: desantis, desantis coronavirus, desantis covid, florida, florida covid cases, florida governor, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news desantis, fox news gov ron desantis, fox news media, fox news network, fox news ron desantis, gov desantis, gov ron desantis, governor desantis, governor ron desantis, ron desantis, ron desantis covid-19, 60 minutes, ron desantis 60 minutes, tucker ron desantis, tucker carlson tonight, ron desantis 60 min, ron desantis reporter, tucker
Id: IYx56qCM1ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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