Marco Rubio on Ilhan Omar tweet: She's out of her mind

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did you provide information to mr zarif on israeli operations against iranian-backed terrorists during or following your tenure as secretary of state on no occasion never never so mr zarif is a liar mr zarif may be confused or incorrect okay first off you shouldn't be wearing a mask everybody's been vaccinated no one's near you you see just a big misunderstanding former secretary of state john kerry said once again lying about his dealings with iran's foreign minister perhaps the former secretary of state testifying today that he did not leak israeli secret operations to syria to iran's top diploma diplomat meanwhile kerry was evasive about his meetings with zarif but if we learned anything from this hearing is that he has trouble remembering stuff for example did you meet with iranian foreign minister zarif in munich during the munich security conference in february 2019. i i don't know if i met with him between i don't have a recollection of 2019. do you maybe you don't remember i know i met with him i know i met with him in 2018 and i met with him i met with him i think twice in 2018 and twice in 2017. i recall meeting him i just can't remember exactly which year yeah i know how that gets remember he does remember having a beer with rush conspiracy theory adam schiff remember adam schiff do you recall having an extended conversation with the house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff at the munich security conference uh i think we had a i think we had a beer well he was spotted in the hole without beer uh you know a guy that would rather have a beer right now but he has pledged to talk to me first is florida senator marco rubio senator is it possible to remember what happened in 2018 and not in 2019 well i think it's impossible to say you don't remember if you met with a foreign minister of another country and i think the answer to that is that well you could say look i'm not sure if it was in munich i'm not sure if it was in 2018 but i know i met with them on several occasions those meetings happened and i can't tell you they weren't talking about the yankees or the state of play in the national football league i mean there's only one thing that two have in common and the one thing they have in common is the iran deal and if i were to bet what he was saying in those meetings it was listen this is don't hold on this guy's not gonna be president two and a half or three years a new administration will come in and set these things right i think that's what what those meetings are about i can't prove it i don't think anyone can but you know that what else would they be talking about it's the only thing they have in common for the first time in four years we have wild bombings and missile strikes on both sides and with between israel and the palestinians is this a coincidence well look i think there's a lot of factors that played into it but ultimately what you have here is a situation where hamas wants to prove they're stronger than the palestinian authority and they've launched i think over a thousand rockets it's the most it's the biggest barrage we've ever seen from them and they're indiscriminate firing right i mean they're just firing into tel aviv firing at the airport firing into jerusalem and people talk about the israeli response you know the israeli response and in most cases is they actually do that roof knocking right where they drop non-explosives to warn people they even call people they actually canceled schools in gaza so that kids wouldn't be in these buildings but the fundamental problem that's happening over there is that islamic jihad and hamas they have no problem putting the operation sites the missile sites right next to a nursery or a hospital or a residential building i mean and so at the end of the day i don't care what happened on the ground in jerusalem the response cannot be a thousand rockets fired into civilian areas senator why don't you take a look at a tweet by neil and omar and it just shows you president biden might have one opinion but a lot of people in his in his caucus have a different opinion she tweeted out this israeli airstrikes killing civilians in gaza is an act of terrorism palestinians deserve protection unlike israel missile defense programs such as iron dome don't exist to protect them it's unconscionable to not condemn these acts on the week of uh ayad uh i guess that's the way you say it is she right she's she's out of her mind when for when she put that there number one is the iron dome wouldn't need to exist if it wasn't for hamas and hezbollah the reason it exists is because these these elements terrorists have rockets and they use it to try to kill israelis that's the reason why it exists number two is the only response that you've seen from israel is in response to these attacks and they live in a very tough neighborhood and they made abundantly clear if you hit us we're going to hit you back five times harder and enemas knows that this is a plan okay they do this knowing there's going to be a response knowing that innocents are going to be killed and civilians that are going to be killed they know it's going to happen and they deliberately want it to happen so they can get tweets like that and people around the world to take up their cause these are an organization that pays bonuses which by the way was just restored you know giving back money to the palestinian authority and and through them as well uh hamas if you are a martyr as they call it if you kill yourself by trying to go after the israelis they pay your family a stipend for the rest of their lives they pay them a martyr's benefit if you go to jail for trying to kill or killing an israeli when you get out they promise you a job they promise you a pension and they take care of your family while you're in there they create financial incentive for these attacks both the palestinian authority and hamas those are the terrorists with no strings attached we restored their money that's what we're referring to that stopped over the last four years because of their terrorist acts and irresponsibility generally in both the west bank as well as gaza let's go back to john kerry for a second you know he is the climate czar and he wants uh the number one polluter uh china to start stepping to the table they're not big shocker but he also admitted this about who makes solar panels and the ones that we might be buying listen how can you assure us or ensure that that that this uh quest that we're on that that slave labor coming out of china where genocide is taking place as we speak are never a part of the climate solution in the united states uh it is a problem the zhanjiang province not only produces some of the solar panels that we believe are being in some cases produced in forced labor by uyghurs he calls it a problem it's a problem no it's not a problem it's a catastrophe it's a humanitarian catastrophe it's an outrage it's genocide they are being produced and not just that but all kinds of apparel we have american corporations that are profiting from this as well from the cheap and free labor provided through slave labor of uyghur muslims in the xinjiang region of china it's absolutely a fact that it's happening and it isn't outrage if we know that how should americans feel about buying for example two companies h m and nike who have spoken up about this and got slapped down by the chinese government what should we know about companies like that getting their products made from people who are basically in the middle of genocide well we shouldn't have products like that coming into the united states and into our market it's as simple as that i actually have a bill that helps achieve that we shouldn't have it it's a simple straightforward i don't care who the company is move your factory somewhere else but no american corporation or any corporation for that matter should be profiting off of the slave labor of anyone including the slave labor of uyghur muslims i think we learn we got to bring our manufacturing back we'll pay a little bit more in order to do it and i just hope the pressure that we put on these companies to be green could be the same pressure we put on these companies to come back home this way we know who's making the stuff uh senator marco rubio thanks so much hey thank you hi everyone i'm brian kilmeade i want you to do me a favor i want you to click to subscribe to the fox news youtube page this is the only way that i know for sure that you're not going to miss any great commentary any great news bites any great interviews coming your way on fox you can get it all here on youtube so subscribe right now
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,101,782
Rating: 4.8906446 out of 5
Keywords: John Kerry, John Kerry hearing, John Kerry iran, John Kerry marco rubio, Sen. Marco Rubio, climate czar, fox news John Kerry, fox news Sen. Marco Rubio, fox news ilham omar, ilham omar tweet, ilhan omar, iran, iran deal, marco rubio, rubio, brian kilmeade, brian kilmeade primetime, brian kilmeade reacts, fnc, fox news, fox news brian kilmeade, fox news channel, fox news kilmeade, fox news media, fox news network, fox news prime time, fox news primetime, kilmeade, primetime
Id: U7QYST5Gcj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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