Denzel Washington: The Only Hollywood Star Telling the Truth About Race | Larry Elder

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It starts in the home. Where’s his father. Denzels a straight shooter and hes telling us what we already know. He gets it.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/GusNippleton 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

Terry Crews is a pretty open minded guy too

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kourosh_ha_99 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this is about denzel washington not about his acting which is great no this is about his perspective he's probably the only person in hollywood speaking the truth about so-called race relations now don't get me wrong he's nobody's republican he probably wouldn't have voted for donald trump if you paid him but for black people in particular do you think that we can truly make change as things are right now as well starts in the home you know if the father's not in the home the boy will find the father in the streets yeah i saw it in my generation and every generation before me and one sense it starts in the home you know if the streets raise you then the judge becomes your mother and you know and prison becomes your home this interviewer was determined determined to get denzel washington to go bmw for those of you new to the el dorado nation bmw stands for [ __ ] moan and wine and denzel washington wasn't having it i want to just ask you though about the issue of race relations because the film touches upon that right now under president obama over the last eight years in your mind has race have race relations improved under his leadership you know race relationships have to do with race relationships you're white or whatever you are i'm black or whatever i we're standing here talking now that's how we get things done you can't legislate love the president united states can't legislate us into liking each other we have to step forward and ask questions about each other and engage there's no law that says oh because i'm president you all got to get along now so it's up to us he tried again denzel talk to me about systemic institutional structural foundational endemic racism and denzel washington wasn't going with it there's been so many protests in america especially during the election black lives matter movement for example and those issues has that movement in particular the black lives matter movement helped race relations or not in america well listen we live in america and in america we have the freedom to express ourselves we shouldn't take that for granted so whatever the movements are whether you agree with them or don't they have the right to express themselves so that's one of the great things about being in this country that you do have the right to protest you see here's the deal denzel washington is not a victor he knows damn well why so many blacks are involved in the criminal justice system it was something i read where you talked about your people from mount vernon saying that you know like they've done like 40 years in a penitentiary together [Music] and you know incarceration rates in america has been a problem especially as opposed to minorities and roman delves into this the issues around the legal system do you think we've made any headway and i think it's more important to make headway in our own house by the time the system comes into play the damage is done they're not locking up seven-year-olds yeah you know i i was in chicago a couple of three four weeks ago and we saw these little kids on bikes with masks on the side of the head like five or six of them and the driver said yeah the little yummies i said who said little yummies look up google a little yummy little yummy was 11 year old murderer wow and you look at his picture you'll see the head shot of him he's like this and he got murdered at 11 by a 14 year old wow who's doing life now and a 16 year old that makes no sense you blame the system where was his father it starts in the house it starts in the home and yeah well my father got locked up where was his father yeah and mr washington talked about the friends he grew up with and what happened to them like i did talk about my three closest friends and they did you know 15 to 25 one did 28 this and that i was the only one of the three that had a father in my life even though my parents weren't together but i still had a father who was a gentle man and a good example and they didn't we can blame the system if we want but they didn't lock any of us up at seven yeah we were all doing enough to get locked up at 13 my parents sent me in another direction they didn't have anybody to help them and they kept doing what they was doing the formula for success hard work focus commitment persistence perseverance sacrifice and believing in yourself but remember dreams without goals are just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment [Music] so have dreams but have goals life goals yearly goals monthly goals daily goals i try to give myself a goal every day sometimes just to not curse somebody out simple goals but have goals and understand that to achieve these goals you must apply discipline [Music] and consistency in order to achieve your goals you must apply discipline which you've already done and consistency every day not just on tuesday and miss a few days you have to work at it every day you have to plan every day you've heard the saying we don't plan to fail we fail to plan hard work works working really hard is what successful people do and in this text tweet twerk world that you've grown up in remember just because you're doing a lot more doesn't mean you're getting a lot more done [Music] remember that just because you're doing a lot more [Music] doesn't mean you're getting a lot more done don't confuse movement with progress my mother told me yeah yeah cause you can run in place all the time and never get anywhere so continue to strive continue to have goals continue to progress quite a contrast from this being a black man in america isn't easy the hunt is on and you're the prey all i'm saying is all i'm saying is survive to this we all have different talents some of you will be doctors some lawyers some scientists some educators some nurses some teachers yeah okay some preachers the most selfish thing you can do in this world is help someone else why is it selfish because the gratification the goodness that comes to you the good feeling the good feeling that i get from helping others nothing's better than that not not jewelry not big house i have not the cars but the it's the joy that's where the joy is in helping others that's where the success is and at the top of denzel washington's list of things to do to become successful put god first in helping others finally i pray that you put your slippers way under the bed tonight so that when you wake up in the morning you have to get on your knees to reach them [Applause] and while you when while you're down there say thank you for grace thank you for mercy thank you for understanding thank you for wisdom thank you for parents thank you for love thank you for kindness thank you for humility thank you for peace thank you for prosperity say thank you in advance for what's already yours it's how i live my life that's why i why i am one of the reasons why i am today say thank you in advance for what is already yours true desire in the heart for anything good is god's proof to you sent beforehand to indicate that it's yours already i'll say it again true desire in the heart that it's that you have whatever it is you want to do that thing that you want to do to help others and to to grow and to make money that desire that it's that's god's proof to you sent beforehand already to indicate that it's yours and anything you want good you can have so claim it work hard to get it when you get it reach back pull someone else up each one teach one don't just aspire to make a living aspire to make a difference now because this dastardly black conservative said good things about denzel washington i hope he doesn't get canceled i don't think he will i'm larry elder and we've got a country to save i'll see you next time you
Channel: Larry Elder with Epoch Times
Views: 3,169,860
Rating: 4.9235315 out of 5
Keywords: news, politics, epoch times, the epoch times, larry elder, larry elder show, current events, funny, political news, intellectual dark web, free speech, critical thinking, idw, us news, media bias, mainstream media, fake news, trump, president trump, uncle tom, denzel washington, racism in america, systemic racism, institutional racism, denzel, hollywood, race relations, america, god
Id: D0fz9b86Th8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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