Denzel Washington: "It's Not Color, It's Culture." | Urban View

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so why did he need a black director could a white director not have it's not color his culture explain the difference because I think we're even Spielberg did Schindler's List mm-hmm Martin Scorsese did Goodfellow right Steven Spielberg could direct good fellows Martin Scorsese probably could have done a good job with Schindler's List but their cultural differences you know I know you know we all know what it is what a hot comb hits your hair on a Sunday morning what it smells like that's a cultural difference not just a color difference so it's the culture you know about how car listen I see on the bus you know what you don't see how anybody laughs that's a cultural difference that's not a race difference that's just that motion that's all like I say right I know the hot comb is okay all right the space that we're in coach a versus race and how important it is you know um where we are right now as a culture as an American family um you're producing a film that's culturally germane to a particular time and a particular people you know the the even the Martin Luther King JFK Jesus truly you know triumphant that that was on the wall we didn't have that on our wall but our next-door neighbor did um in and it's that's what you're talking about I put that in there you did that yeah okay then what not how you know it was that velvet does got a baby you know they put them all or whatever they call that velvet yeah did you have it on your wall viola Jane nothing on my wall when I was growing up but Steve Amell Steven it was Jesus on your wall with JFK Oh some of the family members but well you know uh but not JFK and didn't have that up there no but I mean but I went in the houses where that was this I mean I mean I mean I really went into a lot of how I grew up in Kansas City and ya know absolutely saw that absolutely Jesus it was in my house it was in your house Mike you won't seem old enough to have Jesus I don't know well listen I'm 59 years old are you yeah this is my 50th year in entertainment this year so yeah now you quiet yeah but truth is uh we had white Jesus in my house why Jesus why Jesus I mean my brother brought home a black Jesus my mother made him carry that back outside because she thought it was being disrespectful you understand but uh that that's fear of being who you are I think August Wilson gives us power to be who we are I think that's the beauty of August times you
Channel: SiriusXM
Views: 3,578,398
Rating: 4.8954921 out of 5
Keywords: Sirius, radio, Sirius xm, xm radio, interviews, live, exclusive, interview, entertainment, music, Denzel Washington, Fences, Viola Davis, HTGAWM, How to Get Away With Murder, denzel washington, denzel washington interview, black culture, denzel washington pc culture, denzel washington culture, pc culture, denzel washington on race, denzel washington politics, denzel interview, denzel washington on racism, denzel washington speech, fences interview, denzel washington racism
Id: 9Ayf8Iny9Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2016
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