Denver Broncos at Los Angeles Raiders NFL Week 9 1984

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our twentieth year together this is the national football league on NBC [Music] today from the Los Angeles Coliseum it's the Denver Broncos versus the Los Angeles Raiders today's game is brought to you by Michelob where you're going it's Niccolo the largest crowd to see an NFL game this year 90,000 to pack the Coliseum in Los Angeles a beautiful 70 degree day cloudless skies a battle for first place the Denver Broncos the Los Angeles Raiders both 7 and 1 in the AFC West hello everyone Dick Enberg with Merlin Olsen this should be a great ballgame all the conditions are there and one of the changes from game one at Denver when for Vail 1613 both starting quarterbacks will not start today Jim Plunkett is injured so mark Wilson has taken over at the controls for the Raiders he threw five touchdown passes at San Diego last week and Gary Kubiak second-year man from Texas A&M four Elway who has a bruised chest a dick isn't as important as the passing game is in talking to both coaches the very first priority for them offensively was to establish a running game they want control of the line of scrimmage it was Denver's control on the line of scrimmage both offensively and defensively that keyed that big victory for them in Denver so both at the Moldy trying to run or stop the run what if that equals out with them if it becomes an offensive battle then I think the impetus shifts to the Raiders they just have more strength offensively especially with Elway out of the lineup and we do not expect to see him today we have the Raiders are considerable favorites are playing before a home crowd but there will be some emotion that all these are emotional teams they don't like each other I think the game in Denver was one of the most physical that I have seen in a long time marked by hits like this one Mecklenburg leveling' Marcus Allen there were also a number of altercations on the field a lot of fights and this is going to be that kind of emotional game so the return match pitches the Raiders the Superbowl champion against the stingiest team in the national football league the denver broncos dan Reeves dick I think if if you were to take a poll around the league right now and talk about Coach of the Year honors if there was such a thing at mid point this man would certainly be my forerunner in that department 40-year old Dan Reeves and across the field his counterpart the 47 year old headmaster of the Raiders Tom Flores former university of Pacific great he said in the first game against the Broncos he feels at an average game you get 13 possessions the fact that the Broncos could control the ball with the run they got the ball only 11 times he said we must get the ball are 13 and score at least a third of the time we own the football well just to put those numbers in perspective the Broncos were able to run up 231 yards on the ground rushing against the Raider defense and there the standings in the highly competitive AFC West 7 and 1 the Seattle playing at San Diego tomorrow night just a game back in for rich Carla's kicks it off [Applause] it looks like there may have been a penalty call because the defenders are lining up way down the veal as Doki Williams shows you his starting speed he's going to be playing offensive receiver plates place a clip branch today vendors here good job at the end of the ball again play there but no they're going to give them the full length of that play no penalties and the greater start an excellent field position right the starting lineup for the Los Angeles Raiders has Mark Wilson fresh from a big game at San Diego with his five touchdown passes Marcus Allen ten touchdowns five number fifty Jim Ryan after Rulon Jones 75 to be the tackle the offense for the black jersey Raiders Mark Wilson with Marcus Allen and Kenny King dope Williams for the injured foot Branch welcome Barnwell two touchdown catches last week on the tight end Todd Christensen the blockers in front o Wilson are nails [Applause] great protection as well covered [Applause] the official says what what on that play he absolutely stopped Parton upfield running behind him until he had a chance to go after the football a brilliant play he actually became a defensive back on the plate let's follow it from beginning to end Wilson going deep to the end zone two interceptions all not a good throw short and Mike Carden playing center field on that one now as he heads up field we'll show you the end of that play a little later that was the fourth interception for Hardin but the Raiders get it back in essence they gained about three yards on the play starting from the 34 then the fumble recovery at the 31 King gets very little let's go back to that interception by Hardin and how he fumbled right at the end of the play he's being stalked from behind by Bartlett watch Barnwell sneak up behind him and knocked the football out of his hands right there stripped the football loose and the ever-present Marcus Allen one of those around the football for the Raiders first Kari these two the 27 yard line Marcus Allen who played his college football for the University of Southern California in this field and it's interesting that there are 44 ex USC trojans in the National Football League more than any other University or College has produced four professional conference offensively the white jersey broncos and they have been outstanding Chavis Carter in the top pass rushers Rulon Jones the linebackers Ryan Dennison gets high numbers Busey leading tackler Tom Jackson the emotional force right and harden at the corners Smith and foliage for a year Wilson plenty of time he's down short of the first down at the 27 yard line mark.wilson not able to find an open receiver on that play didn't want a repeat of that interception early he decided to run with the football you see him searching downfield absolutely no one there he heads up field bumps into Charlie Hannah there one of his home blockers almost dropped the football finally he gets knocked down just beyond the line of scrimmage gonna be for it down and up go for the field goal [Applause] part of the Colosseum inside of his helmet there trying to take advantage on that play of the aggressiveness of the Denver defense they knew Denver would be pressing hard from the right side this is an option really he has the option of throwing the ball out to bar but he already had the first down another quick look at it just an absolute run called in the huddle before the play and you see [Music] first attempt carry the football this year gets nearly 10 yards in a first down [Applause] great protection Wilson underneath the coverage joki Williams things with that brilliant 61 yard kickoff return already the Raiders have had things their way they started with the brilliant return by Doki Williams and then they get the return of fumbles and double fumble in essence took the ball back again and then able to go from what looked like a long field goal to a first and 10 now their second and short the first and goal for the Raiders Denver defense and we want to identify Rulon Jones on that tackle also Barney Chavis look inside as a hand up there to Kenny king and you get a feeling for the kind of aggressiveness of [Applause] good yardage on [Applause] Christenson on the right side seemed to misfire right from the start King little stutter step in the backfield and Steve only 43 along with Buick 58 to make the hit let's credit Tom Jackson he was the man that came in so hood lead from the right hand side has broke up the timing on that play Jackson has just been had an outstanding year he's been around a long time but has impressed everyone with his not only his aggressiveness but he is really the emotional leader of this defensive team and this is where Denver's defense has been toughest when they are right down inside looking into the end zone they have really played exceptional football and mark.wilson rather than execute the play on second and goal from the five-yard line wants to talk it over with Tom Flores interestingly Wilson didn't call a place in high school or college he now has that honor as a pro this crowd still filing into the Colosseum 90,000 tickets have been sold its second and goal at the five yard line we'll send it after using it that top 10 birdies nothing there's eat apples maybe a half yard to the 4 yard line might have been Frank Hawkins who got to call Barney Chavez and many other white shirts shin on the plate now this Denver defense not only the toughest to score against in the league but they've allowed only four four touchdown passes from all year Wilson at five in one game last week hard to believe eight games or touchdown passes this is a pass situation on third [Applause] by Dennis Smith Smith it the five flag down and Smith still on his feet [Applause] Parker so that Denver defense number one in the league also in the turnover table they're a plus 18 in the ham two interceptions in this first quarter the Denver defense ranks 18th in the NFL and yardage given up but the reason they heard such a tough defense is because of plays like that you can get the yardage but you can't get into the end zone that easily against them it looks like there was a penalty on the plate it's going to take it back toward the end zone but it's still going to be Denver ball and they got the turtle and that Wilson through from off his back foot above the waist first down it's a pressure defense that's the name of the game for both these teams and you saw the pressure on Wilson he drew a pass under the gun and Dennis Dennis Smith just read he went up and made a fine grab on that play got up high and look at him carrying that football he better tuck that sucker away or or the Raiders gonna take it back like they did last time Smith who was a teammate of Marcus Allen with the USC Trojans the ball they barked back to the six yard line Denver will have it when we return not starting today and the one player picked in last year's drafts with his but toured in the second year Gary Kubiak was an eighth round pick last season is the quarterback Sammy winder the solo running back the hvac saw your emotion [Applause] number 75 made the hit introducing the Denver offense for you Kubiak from Texas A&M with winder the solo running back right as the eights back to back in motion Butch Johnson the X cowboy Steve Watson a brilliant wide receiver in Clarence K perhaps the best of an excellent draft by the Broncos stuttered Bishop Brian he's their best offensive lineman powered and the rookie hood at right tackle he has to block [Applause] zone and going at the 40-yard line Lester Hayes in the coverage defensively the Raiders they statistically have better numbers than the Broncos but we're really counts point scorer that's old him for how he long serving all-pro caliber player with Kinlaw and Alzado on the front three Barnes millon Nelson and all-pro Ron Martin Lester Hayes and Mike teens the best pair of quarterbacks in the league and Davis and McElroy complete an outstanding secondary I think we're going to see a lot of brat been helped that first running play Broncos trying to use in this direction as they did effectively in Denver unable to get any kind of inch as the Raiders appear to geared up that one the shotgun cobia [Applause] and too much time by Denver and that's really going to offend the Broncos team now you're opening premise Merlin was who will run the ball most effectively the Raiders did not run well in their first possession and now the Broncos already forced into the pass set up and that's what the Raiders look very inconclusive here except this is the perfect setup for a pressure defense and Reeves of course realizing that he's got a young quarterback in there who does not have the rightful arm of an L tries to give him things he I expect them to do something here that doesn't have high risk [Applause] lining up [Applause] leading man for the readers this year that was his eighth in it's worth to for the Raiders with your back to the wall and long yardage the snap coming back here to Kubiak he sees Barton coming in has no receiver he should unload that football Kubiak the football instead gives up the two points and now the Broncos are going to have to kick the ball back into the hands of the Raiders will add the free kick from the 20 yard line by Denver the Raiders score first 8:05 left him Merlin that gives room for other people they can't double-team everyone you saw what happened as Kubiak goes down and now they're going to put it in into play with a free kick a punt by Norman the rookie Norman's Mon toured and ring [Applause] smothered by several white jerseys a 12-yard return leading to nothing Marc Wilson who was intercepted twice by the Raiders in their first possession ducks his head into that huddle Wilson it had a very good ratio of interceptions and touchdowns coming into this game certainly bouncing that football into the wrong hands here in the early going today one of the things that Dan Reeves said that it's already rather interesting the pointed out he said we want to win the game of field position we may have surveyed not been able to do that interception return by Smith that is Marcus Allen who has ten touchdowns this year and 36 in his 32 NFL games greeted by a former teammate Steve Busic number 58 at Denver music the leading tackler for this Denver crushed deep good line in the pregame he said this is is this the real arts Christ he said no this is kind of the crushed white Jackson thinks they're better they're getting there I'll tell you [Applause] mid field with a chance but Foley was around him and he may have been waiting for that hip that might be where you missed the veterans left branch I'm sure that Doki Williams in his first start is very excited very emotional this is an easy pass to catch it's easy in every way except that toki williams is doing too much thinking down there and he put it back on the ground seven two-nothing seven minutes 15 seconds [Music] [Applause] protected well again that's gonna be short crossing pattern and Ken Woodard of Tuskegee Institute who made the tackle number 52 and a tough hitter he is that's the kind of getting that we expected today the kind of hitting that typify the earlier game between these two teams combined well he really felt that one and of course the hit able to shut the play down short of the first down the Denver defense tries to keep everything in front of them deck and that's one reason they give up a lot of yardage but their philosophy is we're gonna come up and make the play force the mistake moved after you catch the ball Zach Thomas back in his own 13 ray guy too much [Applause] the Broncos this is great field position one considering where they were the last time they owned the pumpkiny 39-yard kick we have a timeout these two teams actually he said he was innocent someone took off his helmet he didn't really think of himself and he has been replaced by Winfred from Georgia a brown pick and he has to block Howard all [Applause] [Music] and it was how a long dangling in to make the tackle [Applause] we just talked about a helmet being torn off let's take a quick look at Winfred hood as he dives in to try and get a piece of fat millon on that play did a good job of staying with villain a drag the ball [Applause] that's the kind of play that started a lot of fisticuffs in Denver Leon meanwhile long doors not locked by hood made the tackle for yard loss [Applause] the Sawyer 24 yard line in Lyle Alzado trailing the play the veteran makes the hit on Sawyer let's bring you up to date on the final scores early games today the New England Patriots they were down I think some like 22 3 and rallied to beat the Jets 30 to 20 new coats Dallas has defeated Indianapolis the Bears they'll play the Raiders next Sunday in Chicago they take Minnesota 16 to 7 it was Pittsburgh 35 Atlanta 10 the Steelers leading the Central Division are now five and four we'll get the rest in a moment it's third down and seven [Applause] as it complete did not have control ray Alexander rookie from Florida and the Broncos will have to punt other scores then the Cardinals defeated Philadelphia 34-14 Cincinnati at Houston and the Bengals prevailed 31:13 Detroit hammered by Green Bay or the Packers were ready to cut loose New Orleans spoils the debut of Marty Schottenheimer as the Cleveland Browns coach 16 14 the Saints win in Cleveland so you're up to date on all the finals dear to nothing Chris Norman averaging thirty nine point seven a kick Jetta 83 yards earlier this year he's got the leg threw it at the 2120 and after the bobble still on his feet down at the 25-yard line so the Raiders with a two nothing lead get a five yard return 56 yards punt by Norman well Walter Payton against Marcus Allen next Sunday right here on NBC back in the league at six six good numbers eight touchdowns he had only two interceptions prior [Music] protection to see him just floating that wonder Williams that was a terrific throw he hadn't hit it hard enough to be able to get to Williams before the deep man got there and yet had to loft it enough so the linebacker didn't intercept no one has ever questioned Wilson's ability to throw the football he has wonderful touch on the foot with that height you mentioned good vision downfield he did a good job on that particular play again you see the Denver defense white that much room though that's a big gainer good field position possession for the sister's cat's in the big time Bulldog by Tom Jackson who was actually giving away about 15 pounds on that hip talk to Charlie West about Christensen and he said something very interesting he said you'll never see a tight end work longer or harder to get open Shunta Todd Christensen will he said but one of the advantages that he has is because the Raiders run so many deep patterns they give Marcus Allen a lot of room to work in the mid areas seven yards on that catch to bring down fireplug build hawkins at five nine and 210 pounds down on the pits we talked about control of the line of scrimmage the graders doing a good job on this play of giving some room to Hawkins you saw Rulon Jones number 75 diving in actually tried to dream Hawkins Hawkins able to leap over Roland's body and get some extra yardage good play Raiders in Bronco territory at the 45 [Applause] and he had a Stefan Jackson and they caught the Broncos in a blitz head coming caught that one on the run it could have been trouble for Denver down the way at Anaheim the 49ers now have scored against the Rams three nothing in the first period Buffalo trails at Miami seven nothing in the first quarter that's the unbeaten against the non winning goals seven nothing Giants early against the Redskins so far the Broncos unable to get a great deal of physical pressure [Applause] [Music] Marcus Allen [Music] 36 yard line Brian number of 50 and him in his sights all the way and then Marcus with that little move inside and the duck outside and escaped great athletic ability this is the kind of thing that a great athlete can do notice how the Raiders have spread the action sideline the sideline right here Marcus is the outlet man takes what could have been a known Anan gainer and turns it into a very healthy game they're gonna be shortened about three third down and about a yard to go deck nine yards on the pass plate Allen to the 36 yard line [Applause] pass on third [Applause] his fourth touchdown [Music] score of the year [Applause] the fact that his defense is so hard to score against with the passing game he told me earlier he said I'd love to watch Marcus Allen play except when he plays the Broncos you saw the reason why on that particular play Marcus isolated one-on-one on Dennis Smith safety and he still ran him cleanly to go in for the TD Chris bars point after but Marcus Allen on a deep swing the M diable Allen open again 36 yard touchdown we'll sit down [Music] quick look at it you see Wilson getting time here I think everyone in the park expected a run on this play including the Denver defense look at the height reject early on that ball Marcus adjusting weight to that ball how he had to run under a beautiful job mark.wilson and this is the kind of pass he showed the charger defense last week just not overthrowing lobbing it high letting Allen run underneath the six points to match the number of and he's gotten a lot of those in a short amount of time isn't it interesting that that Wilson out his fourth year with the Raiders has actually started less games than Elway of Denver it certainly has started that many ball games but he has been productive Chargers found that out the shootout last week down at San the Broncos are finding it out here today and this is not the kind of game they wanted to play dick they wanted a low-scoring game they one of the defensive game they don't want to try and match offense the Raiders here today Raiders go 75 yards and six plays Dan Reeves talking with his quarterback Kubiak Reeves a quarterback in college at South Carolina but that are known for his success in the NFL with the Cowboys as a halfback and a good option at back he had 30 completion center boys [Music] [Applause] after having some problems with that low get gets it out to about the 18 yard line brought down by derekjjensen derekjjensen the captain of the special teams for the Raiders making the tackles so the backhoes trailing nine nothing and with a -1 yard or showing for offense in their first two series start inside the 20 it really hurts to have to have both linear and of course Elway more than anything L wait because that forces Dan Reeves to change his office perhaps audible izing [Applause] 22:21 and hit hard by rod Martin who was trailing the play Marquis 220 pounds and he is really an inspiration for all you athletes who perhaps aren't as big as you want to be when he left us see he weighed less than 200 pounds was picked in the 12th round in fact the Raiders called John Robinson then the coach at us he said do you have anyone so it hasn't been picked yet were in the 12th round we have one pick left left and Robertson said yeah no one's taken Martin I think he can play in the NFL he didn't make it they cut him San Francisco picked him up they cut him he said but I never thought I couldn't play I just hung around and waited now he's an all-pro he makes some helmets ring out there Steve Watson has a first down for the Broncos at the 36 yard line Mike Haynes makes the tackle 15 yards for Watson a free agent himself out of temple I asked Dan Reeves what kind of changes he would have to make with Elway out of the lineup he said we're going to have to throw more quick passes that's the kind of pass he was talking about right there just a drop back very quick drop back and a timing pattern to Watson it was a very athletic very gratefull receiver I think one of the most artistic receivers in the NFL [Applause] they're first first down to the game comes Linda to play 15 seconds left crowd not much there Reggie Kinlaw the nose guard stacking up the play for second saying the clock running extra words as the 1st half 1st quarter is over Los Angeles Raiders on a safety and a Marcus ala touchdown lead the Denver Broncos nine Gregg welcome back to the Coliseum in Los Angeles a crowd some 90,000 here at the Coliseum you played here not often before audience this large what's the feeling down on the floor you can feel my dick but you there were a long ways away from the field it's not like being in a stadium where the crowd is right [Music] doing [Applause] second down and nine mrs. Kubiak [Applause] what a catch [Applause] Watson another brilliant play they've come to expect that from this sensational six year receiver from temple we said athletic and acrobatic and here is Watson to prove it breed said that Kubiak has a nice touch on the long ball that one was thrown nicely but could have been intercepted and Watson not done his layout act I think we could give him a what a half gainer on that one dick he went way out to strip that one out of the hands of the watson 41 yards on that reception [Applause] when he's that playing football is art he likes to get involved in cultural things in law that indeed was a nice little painting on the canvas here at the Coliseum fetches the crowd one way to quiet them down is with that kind of play and the Broncos their deepest penetration when we come back there at the Raider 22 kaleidoscope of color the Coliseum in Los Angeles still freshly painted those gay colors from Olympic Games performances here and a colorful crowd and a shirtsleeves 70 degrees Southern California afternoon the Broncos trailing nine nothing early in the at the Raider 22 [Applause] about five and safety from TaylorMade the hit we talked about Ken Lanier being on the sideline he's in the game right now he has an injured left ankle and the most difficult thing for him to do is to drop back and pass protection on that play he's trying to cut off Howie Long on the back side of the play you see how quickly Howie lawn gets into pursuit it's one of the reasons he's rated so so highly as a defensive end plays not only the running game extremely well but a very stout pass rusher and Ken Lanier has his hands full but he second and six [Applause] Kubiak [Applause] Clarence pay the tide n and Watson in the area it may have been intended for K the rookie from Georgia from Los Angeles let's go to New York Marino the marvelous or the magnificent what numbers he has put together twenty six touchdown passes and four interceptions almost a reverse to the Bronco defense numbers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to protect that foot [Applause] a good job heading for the football but unfortunately the Raiders end up with a football after the sack and it was rod Martin who forced the fumble so quickly and cleanly you see the back leaving there I think Sammy wine for the Blitz before he left Kubiak just couldn't see him and you [Applause] what's linear action he gets to the football [Applause] / and steals it back Trick or Treat and it's law first down at the 30 Broncos it's 9 nothing 13 minutes left Marcus Allen may have stepped that back to the 40-yard line in front of town Flores he did take it back there what tremendous body control stretching to the outside there's the tap you saw the dirt fly on the sideline the officials blowing their whistles and waving their hands at Marcus just a few weeks ago we saw a plane like that where Marcus hit the ground jumped up and the Seahawks al Seahawks thought the play was dead Marcus continued on down field for another 40 yards four yards on that carry what did he guess right Hardin said you just try to go outside and hearten cut off the pan that made a solid hit playing that right corner he's from the University of Michigan likes to travel he likes to model he says he also likes horticulture there's got to be a line in there some plate lights making that kind of play too and you know he's the guy that was picked on into secondary last year he's really come around he's playing a lot better footballer people still go over there and say let's test it but with three interceptions its third down and nine a loss of three in that last play [Music] great protection all but over shooting up was Wilson he had a short six inde that was Steve Wilson playing on that sidelines that was welding two big touchdowns last week for Balcom Barnwell and this is the vertical game that the Raiders talked so much about deep receivers on the right sideline look at the way Barnwell has already blown by harden harden unable to keep speed with him but the ball just overthrown the Raiders benefit from a holding call 45 not only was Wilson beaten on that last pass play but he had held in the judgment of the officials so that gives an automatic first down on the five-yard penalty to the Raiders Wilson a man who knows a little bit about receiving last year was used very often as a wide receiver as well as a defensive back his daddy played on this turf for the Los Angeles Rams TD to me [Applause] and who's got it Wilson may have scraped it back yes he did Tom Jackson in from behind and Wilson didn't hear him coming that's the kind of play we talked about the similarities the pressure defense of these two teams you saw the blindside hit the bubble a few moments ago from rod Clark now you're going to see the blindside ball knocked away Jackson coming all the way from behind watch him down he sneaks in from the backside and knocks the football right out of Mark Wilson's hands but look how alert Wilson is he's the man that dives for that football agenda it's recorded as a sack for the Broncos started today even with the Raiders 30-ish draw played Allen weaving his way [Applause] 47 [Applause] or you think about makes you salivate Walter Payton again Marcus Allen we'll see him next Sunday in Chicago Soldier Field and a couple of BYU quarterbacks and of course along with Wilson but look at look at the moves here look at the lateral moves the flow of Marcus Allen he is poetry the way he can pick and move and accelerate scares the heck out of your defensive player [Applause] 4:47 the score tonight 11:25 left in the first half hundred yards last week for Marcus Allen against the Chargers that's the first time he's done that regular season since last year against Miami he said he really feels good physically of the he said I don't wanna make any prediction [Applause] he dumps about to Alan and that much they're tackled with the 43 by Dennis Smith Allen is the only American conference back with over a thousand yards from the line of scrimmage passing pass receiving and running and he is the leading running back as far as receptions are concerned 39 catches as you saw Keith bishop on the sidelines from Baylor Oh [Applause] to lose another member that offensive line second and six with Allen and motion and Wilson slips under the pressure of Tom Jack's accident you Tommy look at him he talks to these raiders they don't like they don't like Tommy I really don't in fact if we toss up a bit rod Martin said the only I don't like about the game today is that Jackson is playing on defense he does an outstanding job he got in so quickly on Mark Wilson that Wilson had no choice he simply went to the ground two times that they have sacked mark today an interesting thing about the Broncos they have so many players with sacks in their lineup a lot of times you look at the look at the defense laughs exa Franco's have a whole list of people Jones with five leads the way third and 12 they took Christiansen and that's high [Applause] 20 yards to Christiansen guys hook it up here look at the roll right there Louis right trying to jam Todd Christensen earlier looked like somebody blew a pattern there very often Christensen takes some liberties with his I think he may have done on that play see that one completed Hawkins runs right into Rubin Carter Carter now in his tenth year from Miami Florida the nose guard gain of about three late rod Martin recorded a safety tackling quarterback Gary Kubiak in the Denver endzone to make it to nothing and then a 36-yard touchdown throw Mark Wilson to Marcus Allen made at nine nothing late in the first water the broncos then on a drive were inside the Raider 25 when Kubiak blitz by Martin fumbled and Howie Long recovered and the Raiders in have driven wide open and income when Barnwell seemed to be defensive backs one of the things they talked about is the ability to close on a receiver that's the terminology from out of nowhere on the ball but look how Barnwell stays on that football until the last second I think Foley had to strip it out of his hands at the last second to keep him from catching the football and that brings up third and seven at the 26 11th play of the drive after the fumble was recovered by highway law Christenson the man to watch he's lined up on the left side [Applause] did he have no [Applause] toughness of that second maybe it was little bit of speed he is certainly not [Music] [Applause] [Music] couldn't stop the reception but could keep Malcolm barklow from keeping it in his hands he had two touchdown catches last week and he almost had two back-to-back neither time was he able to maintain possession you could see he was wobbling bar to try a field goal attempt remember they try to fake field goal the first time this will be a 44 yard try [Applause] the peristyle and [Applause] [Music] the Raiders now lead by 12 12 nothing Raiders Elway's injury just exactly what is it you'd like sack 10 this morning dungeon II he said it's right here under the shoulder blade he said it's the muscle here and he said it hurts him when he reaches back full range and comes forward and we watched him in practice has no velocity no strength that's really what keeps him for being on the field I'm sure he's dying gary kubiak the backup quarterback will be in charge as the Broncos about to receive bars kickoff 8:28 left in the second quarter [Music] but he gets out of a pack and across the 10 to the 11 yard line Ramon Jones best pass rusher for this Denver Bronco defense heading into the locker room that's not a good sign although he's he's going in under his own power he looks like he has something bandaged on his hand in tell us he is going in for x-rays on that hand and we will have to check that with you a little bit later now ball control was a key both coaches talked about it you see the Raiders with an obvious advantage in this first half and lead on the board 12 nothing [Applause] that's what the Broncos did so successfully in the first game in Mile High Stadium they started that till then why he looked for the opening that would cut back and it appears today at least thus far the Raiders have shut off all those little pathways and doing a much better job of pursuing and flowing talking to the Raider players as they were getting ready for this they said quite frankly that in every department it and they beat us with good solid blocking offensive [Music] [Applause] complete Arline fact maybe no game at all lucky Don low that one as he was being hit from every direction Kubiak faking first to winder turns back around to look for right it looks right into those black jerseys defenders who are almost eating him up see how quickly Mike Davis number 36 responded to that play closing quickly [Applause] there's Watson with a cat and a first down at the 27 yard line Lester Hayes in the coverage 11 yards for Watson on his third reception Lester Hayes this week declared war on Steve Watson he said I'm going I've been looking at the films of the Denver offense since we left up there but I'm consumed I asked Watson about that he said every time I go out there against the Raiders it's a war he kind of played it down but I don't think anyone has been more effective against [Applause] [Music] lined up to the right side [Applause] back to this side to winder Fatima's is a 31 Mike Davis with the hint six yards in the play Jack did a good job of coming back from receivers on the right side of the field who were not open and put some velocity on that football does not obviously have the the arm that John Elway is blessed with but they say he's a very bright quarterback his master of the offense and breathes this you noticed this getting rolling out little bill let's see what they do on this second and five situation [Applause] whiner breaks out of millons tack-on has a first down before Matt Molloy at the 45 [Applause] it's 12-nothing Raiders here in Los Angeles let's check elsewhere dolphins are flipping another opponent nine in a row should they be Buffalo and they're heading toward what should be a terrific game later on the Raiders play down in Miami [Music] josè trail 12 [Music] [Applause] hi this villain came on his first carry of the game how often do you see that that missed the tackle winder got out for a big gain I'm sure melon was kicking himself in the tail he came right back made a big play on that situation a five-yard loss second and 15 log yardage this is what Dan Reeves did not want to see Kubiak have to face this is when the defense can really turn up the heat on a quarterback many greats out of Penn State to play [Music] [Applause] [Music] buying some time [Applause] tips [Applause] over 60 Paul Howard trademark Cooper the other one all locked down by peel back blocks there is a flag over down on the field on the far side let's see if there isn't it I believe there might be a roughing call let's see defense seventy-one personal foul roughing the passer yes first hours the turnover [Applause] bill tekele you saw him word video pulled or not the official said he and out of the way of the quarterback an interception by games it's a first down for the Broncos at the Raider 45 a continuing pattern we might add Raiders at times their own worst enemy Raiders now lead the league in penalties ten last week they had 30 in the two [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the 42 of los angeles by pic l perhaps we can see what the officials saw to cause them to throw the yellow flag the ball is gone one to two steps in you I think what they may have called was the helmet that's using the helmet to the head it's also relatively late and it looked like 'fuck l if he had wanted to could have avoided that collision [Applause] incomplete and Martin pressuring Kodiak he had to throw over Martin and then prepare himself for being dumped score by the Broncos here Merlin before the half that really changed their whole feeling going into the locker room Dan briefs not sure is not terribly pleased with the way his team has played in the first half but he wants that score to be a low score he knows can't play a high scoring game against with the with the people if he has on the field today offensively so he's got a chance here if they can get down to get seven points to the only two points me looking at it that way he would not be disappointed toby act has to call timeout both teams now have wasted a timeout the first half and there are four minutes 13 seconds left before the intermission big crowd in Los Angeles threw the football tuning forks here at the Coliseum in Los Angeles we zero in on the line of scrimmage the 42 of the Raiders Denver a critical third and seven Kubiak calling a time to double check with that coach Dandrea they don't want to make a mistake here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and now throw back to winder [Applause] 93 Craig Townsend with McKinney finishing him off a lot of things happening on that play including a holding ball is it a play designed really to take advantage of a defensive ax quick number 70 holding refused 4th down Dave stuttered number 70 and ticketed for holding see the brush here now what you're trying to do is to pull that whole defense over at the look of a rollout Howie long right they're getting a little holding job but it was at the bottom of your screen that stuttered was holding little throwback screen whereas didn't make that much yardage to begin with because it was 12 there but they would have marked it off taking the behind the penalty at Norman Wolfe back at the tent very good kick through it fair catch [Applause] [Music] interfered with was his chance to see I don't see a flat look to me like one of the Broncos may have interfered with to catch that football you can't advance they'll bring that football back to the spot where it was picked up by the Broncos but that would give them excellent field position maybe we can look at that play and see now they're going to give it to the Broncos let's take a peek and see if true it did have interference from one of the Bronco players coming downfield [Applause] the officials are going to sort it out first we'll let them do their thing you hear villains saying that you've got to give him room right there the punt was mopped they can be recovered by Denver but not advanced it's their ball at the spot of recovery at the 16 yard line Fred Silva's announcement here it is that's Clarence K number 88 and I do believe that he interfered with the ability to catch look at it here he is right on top of him and actually goes around him but I think Pruett thought he was going to be nailed on the play and that's not excuse me that's puddling Rickey Hundley to break the Broncos need a trail 12-nothing first down at the 16 goby the end zone Steve Watson and again Kubiak note was not Watson 83 John Sawyer and under pressure again was go back he has taken quite a beating every time he's thrown the ball he's hit the turf one of the reasons they have had to throw the football is because they're not controlling it on the ground let's go back to that play now the rule is very specific you have to give a man a chance to catch that football it doesn't matter whether he's made a fair catch signal or not and Hundley right on top of him did not make contact but didn't give but for Denver family pays his first dividend [Applause] [Applause] again for Sawyer Raiders will mix their coverages against Kubiak they know he has not had that many starting assignments has not had that many opportunities to get out there and read the complicated defenses of the enemy they'll keep switching things around on it the people that he taught him if they can as well [Applause] forty-niners leading the rams at Anaheim Stadium two sellouts today in Southern California some 30 miles apart raising against one [Applause] third and ten [Applause] Davis pushes Kubiak [Applause] [Music] everything but the kitchen sink at Kubiak they're hoping that he won't read the Blitz quickly enough to react in that situation with one single backpack there he met winder quickly out Davis had a free tract goes in over the top you see Sawyer looking back over his shoulder at Davis but it's too late the quarterbacks on the ground rich Karla's who has not missed this year inside the 40 [Applause] this will be a four [Applause] he's right down the so the Broncos are on the board five foot results in three points for Denver 309 left in the first half it's 12 to free in Denver Karlis T's of F after his 41 yard field goal we had a report from Cleveland New Orleans game and Sam Rutigliano can offer perhaps some solace to the new coach Marty Schottenheimer with no time remaining Gordon Anderson picked a 53-yard field goal to give the Saints that 1614 live we'll have all the details final scores updates for you at halftime NFL 84 [Music] Karlis tick is short Doki Williams at the 10 [Applause] 20 31 yard line a 21 yard return for Williams here it's 12 to 3 let's go to New York harness ball game one of the things that Denver has not been able to do is to get good position on their kickoffs Carlos kicked everything out of the end zone in the first one his kicks have not been very good today and the returns in the next one Marcus Allen little draw and then cuts back in bubbles they stripped it away [Applause] Tom Jackson and that should be fine for trotting there they talk about if ever the put some example of somebody taunting there was that and there's no flies fumbles have been important for the Broncos they've picked up 12 of them 13 with this one Ryan the man who goes in and look at him go right after that football just broke it loose from their grasp of Marcus Allen a fight for the football but the Broncos end up with it Jackson getting a little battle there from Bruce Davis I don't think you want any part of him Tommy's the man that just popped right now on that top those who have been best in the league and Jen over table there were plus 18 at the start get another break to fumble recoveries the winder the Broncos threatening to get very much back in the contest a touchdown here an extra point would make it a 1210 game Brad Van Pelt acquired from the Vikings via the Giants in on that tackle he's wearing number 91 for the Raiders two and a half minutes left before the intermission Broncos have not had the kind of running attack today that they showed in the earlier game winder had 91 yards himself before he loved with an ankle injury but that's the kind of running ability after the carriage that [Music] [Applause] just go push him out of bounds at the 12 yard line its first down Denver 8 yards on the play and almost a touchdown those are the kind of matchups that you work for you try and get the the speedy backs isolated on linebackers and get the football down the sideline and out they are seven and one because of a defense that has been most alert and very tough especially inside the twenty they have four turnovers in this first half they trail 12 to three there are only 12 yards from a touchdown that would pull them within to the safety that started the scoring today first and with two minutes left on the hand [Music] you'll be AK for the interest was not play [Applause] excellent running by the ladder to set up the blocks power took care of Martin and brat Van Pelt finally made the stop but not until winder heads seven yards and he's almost to the five dick a good running back sets up the block off the pulling guard that's Paul Howard number 60 out in front of winder and you see Martin trying to stretch that out he sets it up finally allows Howard to go in underneath and it just jumps over Howard's legs and heads up field heads up making a good D the ball nosed up five yard line they can get a first down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] - stone bill quell 71 and Matt Millen 55 and rod Martin there to finish him off Mikell plays a power game the nose plowing in Advent winder in the back field I think they actually washed a bit on that play CoA on the sidelines I'm sure is eating him up young man likes to play the game watson way out in the backfield [Applause] [Music] back to one [Applause] his outside shoulder had to do a 180 degree turn that is tough unable to control the football I think both Kubiak and winder disappointed they couldn't get that football at least take a shot then at the first out maybe even the touchdown Reeves has got to be patient he's gotta realize that and I'm sure he does Kubiak has just has not had that much of an opportunity to play and he's gonna make that kind of mistakes an apparent 23 yard field goal try by Carlos [Applause] and he routes it through I asked him about kicking on a day like this but everything was warm an icy City it's tough in the stove this is no contest Recovery's leading to a pair of field goals to cut the Raiders lead from 12 nothing in half and now Carles to kick it off only 24 seconds left in the first half another short kick this is CLE Montgomery he almost had an open block out in front Squire ik as well he's to the 41 yard line let's go back we have that RC a camera that really slows down the end and here's a chance to see an unusual kicker Carles and that soccer style here it is in slow motion two things to look for look how the foot goes under the ball now it's the instep the side of the foot look how he's turned that foot down not the toes and not the top of the foot the side of the foot ridding and he controls it so well a bare footed kicker has one great advantage they can get the ball very high very quickly and over the top of those rushing linemen no pleats to worry about he doesn't catch a cleat what again you could even see the grass stain on the bottom of this foot they painted this they painted the field there's not as much grass down there Sarah looks the bootie well you had to give it away the Raiders do with 18 seconds they're gonna take almost rolled into the arms of music [Music] mark stood back there what had to be five seconds finally unloaded the football music just about had an interception and we would have had another turnover this ballgame I'm sure Wilson is shaking his own head his first start a couple of weeks ago he threw a couple of bad passes he said yeah those were a couple of doozies was another doozy yoky williams to the left Alexes if they're in the formation now where they're just gonna run out the clock town for us they say let's not take any chances and boys will be boys [Applause] party Chavous I believe the man it was locked up with him with those pleasantries so ends this first half of the Colosseum Angeles the school Angeles Raiders 12 the Denver Broncos six NFL 84 coming up after these messages an open passing game with names like Lance Alworth Don Maynard and Fred Biletnikoff here's a look back that's was in my opinion the greatest receivers that I've ever seen have been associated with who watched or anything else he was great athlete it had the skills the great speed and he just couldn't had the ability to make the big play of the week it will be assistant charger coach Al Davis who will convince Arkansas wide receiver Lance Alworth to sign with the AFL's Chargers he could dominate the game he could block he could catch he could run with the ball but he was a great leaper very powerful in the lower part of his body great jumping ability tenacity Alworth will catch at least one fast in 96 consecutive games a record and will gain better than 1000 yards a season for seven straight years the thousand yards probably has meant more to me because and then I was consistent and that even though I was hurt I still played then I was contributing to the team it was a personal thing but yeah at the same time there's something to the team for his achievements Alworth will become a hall-of-famer but his contributions to the AFL will go beyond his Hall of Fame credentials he was the first AFL player who had never played in another league who was used by the media the fan and the college coach as the standard of excellence at his position you would go on a college campus and you would say how about this receiver you have was speed who do you compare him to he said well he's not at all worth though they weren't comparing him out to an NFL player the guy that they all looked to as the top receiver in pro football among the deep threats was a kid in the AFL the New York Jets will showcase their deep threat receiver Don Maynard the former NFL er was set a standard for most yards gain receiving in the AFL and with quarterback Joe Namath spiralling the ball Maynard's way he will grab the most touchdown passes in AFL history Don was very conscientious at great hands fine speed a lot of people said that he didn't like to go over the middle that way too untrue what the Raiders started there bump and go he drove crazy because he'd leave joke and lay it out there and he drove somewhere what they thought was great defensive backs crazy well the Oakland Raiders deep threat Fred Biletnikoff will give new meaning to the phrase sure-handed receiver teammate warren wells will redefine the word it elusive [Music] and in our next edition of the AFL remember we'll have the receiver who is the all-time scoring key join us for more of the AFL remember on NFL 84 Merlin Olsen very obvious dick as you glanced down the stats that neither team has really done a lot of running and that's one of the keys that we laid out early in the ballgame that both teams would try and control the line of scrimmage offensively the defense is really controlling the game at this point and if you look down almost at the end of the stats you see the turnover number and it's there that the Raiders and the Broncos really kind of separated and it's the Bronco defense it's start in this first half the absence of John Elway you felt that all things considered if Elway were in there and I think those last two possessions fumble recoveries deep in the radar in with Elwes threat to throw it might not be just 12 to 6 Raiders dick I really believe that Dan Reeves is kicking himself and very sorry that his team couldn't capitalize on one of those opportunities they should have had a touchdown at least on one of those occasions I believe Elway would have converted on at least one of those shots and that would have made a big difference in this game you see any changes in strategy in the second half well obviously the Broncos want to keep it close I'm sure if I were in the Raider locker room I'd be saying come on guys let's break it loose we've got a chance if we get points on the board and if I were a Bronco defender I'd say let's see if we can't score some touchdowns here they've scored twice in each of the last two games at four TDS the last maybe they can do it all on their own all right let's look at how the scoring developed in the first half here on the Coliseum Kubiak back to pass early in the game and rod Martin recorded a safety for the Raiders to make it 2 to nothing Marton the old fro instrumental again and then it was Marcus Allen deep pattern and Mark Wilson floating the ball deep to Allen a great receiver and that made it 9 to nothing Raiders and the Raiders added a field goal by Chris Barr and led 12 do nothing were very much in command in the middle of the second quarter but back came the Broncos Broncos came back with a pair of field goals to put their points on the board you see Carlos kicking barefooted in both occasions both teams now on the field ready to go Chris bar has a Teta [Music] and eat to return the Bronco Zach Thomas has been the man who has taken all the opportunities thus far he's the man on the near side and it's aimed at Thomas again oops they fight over it and Jean Lange comes up with it toppled at the 25-yard line just as he was bringing into the clear Otis McKinney with a saving tackle up hi I'm Lang rookie McKenna getting a big shot on him news out of the locker room - Rulon Jones has a broken bone in his hand he will play in the second half but some bad news for the Broncos Keith Bishop starting guard has a strained arch he will not play now that's bad news Kenny Lanier already injured and that means you five starting interior lineman sir Broncos Kubiak starts from his 25 trailing 12 to 6 the toss and it's winder down at the 29 yard line Brad Van Pelt now in his 12th year from Michigan State and Matt Millen number 55 made the tackle van pelt acquired from the Vikings for future draft considerations a great college baseball pitcher at Michigan State in fact each of his four years in college he was drafted by a major league team I asking are you sorry at all that you didn't wander toward Major League Baseball he said maybe the first year or two but football has really been my home I love the game and I'm so pleased that I stayed with this one he says this is his greatest challenge his raider team of doing gets around Alzado and he has to come over from his safety spot to make the tackle at the 40-yard line so they start to Broncos by moving the ball on the ground something that they did not do effectively in the first half I'm sure both teams will start the second half with much the same kind of box they started the game with they'd still like to get control the line of scrimmage and as you mentioned dick neither able to do that effectively in particular in the early going for the Broncos but they have made a good start here of running the ball Blanco's with a seven and one start their best in history [Applause] to the left inside Alzado this time and the tackle made at the 44 it'll be second in 6 fan mcelroy to stop number 26 for the Raiders his dad I'm sure watching Reverend Ted McIlroy down and commit the Texas population 350 years he's been a reverend there he started preaching at the age of 15 didn't papa McIlroy this preaches some pretty good defense and fifty seven tackles third leading tackler on this Raiders team coming very impressive because it [Applause] it's winder up the middle to the 50-yard line and what appears to be a first down before Bob Nelson can make the stuff [Music] you really have to admire what damn race is done with Denver here's a team with more rookies than any club in the entire NFL they have 15 rookies on the roster is reefs lowly not really slowly is making a complete turnaround in his personnel and with all that youth nevertheless Reid says his team with only one loss in the first date [Applause] some blocks now well four yards of waggish [Applause] this show I believe is going to throw a flag on Clarence K young rookie tight end who is an outstanding blocker maybe a little too aggressive it is blocking on that play you see hood there is K right there on the left side of your picture and whiter getting all kinds of room it there was the flag coming in at the end of the play often number 88 holding first down Clarence can what a pic he was a seventh round choice by the Broncos from the University of Georgia where he blocked for Herschel Walker like Steve Watson telling him come on you don't have to do that there's the block of bread Van Pelt right there hands into Van Pelt nothing illegal until right at the end you sign brat floss right at the end that's what the official complete acting for I don't know why he did it first and 17 they trail 12 to 6 this is Wilhite [Applause] Davis came up to help out Van Pelt who was so outstanding against the run he's 65 to 35 many ways he has the configuration of the now-retired Ted Hendricks strengths mostly put a tight end on that side to their right that means that that linebacker must face double-teaming must be able to play the run effectively strike second and 15 [Applause] in trouble whistle there's another sack put forth for the Raiders today we mentioned the entry the fact that he would not be able to go full-time today replaced in the lineup by one print hood and how he just using his upper-body strength to throw him aside went for trying to get in on his heels but Kubiak going down look at the power move here again how long just literally throws number 74 away he's got the speed and the strength long at 65 and 270 you know what I like to a big tough lineman but the first thing you'll always do is credit his grandma Elizabeth Mullins ray [Applause] Kodiak has a man open [Applause] slightly behind where and the Broncos after a very powerful start running the ball get in trouble after the penalty and again a rookie mistake by Kay you've got to give a young man credit he's out there doing everything he can and perhaps just a little too zealous in his blocking on that play or the raiders were very high and praise of Kay's performance in the first game at Denver they said they just blew us all over the field some of our little hostile to it of that ball [Music] [Applause] there month by Pruitt thirty and ducks out-of-bounds Saints get to 32 Lester hey Spence really talking to himself he's coming off the field he's doing a whole solo performance he's got first act he's doing the intermission and now into an aria he thought he had that one for sure I think you can't figure out where that ball went and we welcome you back to the Coliseum in Los Angeles to convert with Merlin Olsen the top two teams in the AFC West both was seven and one records in this duel the Raiders lead 12 to 6 their first possession of the second half they start from the 32 of the reverse the fake reverse and Allen keeps the ball and gets about three yards see where they spot it no not even that good only a yard as my car tonight that fooled on the play at all the right corner for the Broncos I could say to given the ball off of the reverse a tomates to be hearty gentlemen a very quick defense in fact of you talking to mark.wilson I asked you the Denver defense he said quickness and aggressiveness the two things you notice here the fake right here to dopey Williams defense just kept coming I don't think they really saw that fake very well [Applause] [Music] you say he was in the grass [Applause] most important whistle number 61 carry the ball into the ends it looked like as Mark Wilson started forward with his hand the ball simply came loose now if he stops and then loses the ball it would be a fumble if the ball comes loose in the forward motion and Reeves obviously feeling it was a fumble and Reeves 40 years of age here's a chance for you to see it the arm definitely starting forward I'd have to agree dick it looked like he was trying to stop the arm but it was hit the ball came loose I I think he was going forward on a past Reeves is burning the Raiders maintain possession incomplete as the call third down [Music] Willson over the middle complete the barn [Applause] the Broncos barely had the football but the whistle in favor of the Raiders and now they have a first down at the 45 still angry of course I don't that would have been a extremely big play for these Broncos chance for them to jump out in front of this ballgame you decide for yourselves I think he was starting to pump fake and he tried to pull it back and it just slipped out of his hands but first if we have the luxury of looking at it in slow motion and after the so the arms and a flag is down Kenny king the intended receiver Jackson coming in I believe held by Charlie Hannah number 73 who'd folded out of the D for the offensive line to pick him up on the Blitz brother Chun Hana the New England paper number 73 he doesn't believe it's down look at number 57 Jackson Hana as the option blocker out quickly to pick him up and you see the hands going wide and you see shirt being pulled they're the official looking from the side and there's no question the who he was looking at didn't look to me to be as much of a whole thing as we see on almost any number of place 20 [Applause] Jackson made the defensive play 19 yards for Wilson the Barnwell who is really developing as an outstanding receiver more pressure on him today because of the absence of cliff branch but you see a very interesting thing developing here and you said it Wilson has had a great deal of time when you're when you have 31 34 sacks on the year after the four in the first half here he wouldn't think he would have that much time to throw but Wilson rolling he has good mobility growing to the outside and the first pages Kenny king plows for a couple he only needed one Rulon Jones back in the lineup number 75 in on that tackle we mentioned that Rulon is playing with a broken hand when to react as you'll see him at the lower edge well you see them right in the middle of your picture look how quickly got off the block on that play 79 Bruce Davis the blocker rulon stood up the blocker and slid inside the piece of that tackle but this enough for the first down first attempt [Applause] 6 the score nine minutes left third quarter Wilson to Kristensen down at the 35 a gain of nine Rick Dennison from Colorado State 55 his number made the tackle here's a free agent picked in 1982 an academic all-american at Colorado State and has developed very quickly into an outstanding linebacker left branch camp on today guys a groin pull will not play Tom Flores doesn't want to take any chances on the veteran receiver with 497 career catches diving forward for short yardage a couple to the 33 yard line and Dennison and on the hit again neither defense as effective in slowing down these offenses here in the first series or two of the second half Marcus getting the first down as he dova crellick I think he took a pretty good lick in there this is a very physical game and that something else we should point out the Raiders a bigger a physical side that could pay dividends later in this game for them Wilson away Greg Pruitt in for Marcus Allen was the closest black jersey Tom Jackson excellent coverage and there's Jackson's value we've seen him in the backfield pressuring the quarterback we've seen him in the midst of fumble recoveries and he also has the quickness to stay with a back coming out of the backfield Paul I think thrown away because of the safety blitz though dick Jackson did have his man cover the Blitz coming I believe it was Dennis Smith flying in from the outside and Mark Wilson just unloaded the ball bounce nice play of the drive second downtown [Applause] Christenson he breaks the time and he's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] at quarterback throwing all your people into the rush is simply not getting to him in time Wilson able to read it I think the Todd Christensen read the Blitz as well made a quick move to the outside got the football got the firt did first down he's down just inside the fort and the Raiders are threatening here that [Applause] Frank Hawkins not get outside Rulon Jones and Dennis Obama shut him off Rulon Jones 75 well there was a 75 Jones who played for many years here in the Rams a Hall of Famer and he was right next to you he certainly was patrol the turf pretty well here in the Coliseum secretary convinced Deacon Jones Rulon Jones of course from a school has turned out good who else came out [Applause] Wilson grills it complete to the 2-yard Wilson have been voting and feathering the ball very well that's about as sharp of gums as he's shown us in the last two games he has a very strong arm he'll demonstrate that here put this one on a string [Applause] Williams absorbing quiet contact the team goes to the two yard line first can go though he's a tough little race surely as toughness on those [Applause] those are tough one of the best Golan defenses in the league Marcus Allen about a half yard at best my Carden 31 the final support the Busic Chaves talk about Jackson you see him there in the foreground 57 Jackson and his intense dislike for the Raiders goes way back remember the years when John Matt the Raiders he used to keep a picture of Madden in his shoe just to remind him how much he disliked the black stuff [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Raiders cap it off as Harkness dives in stretching out over the line six points let's see if Barca took up to seven he was cradling the football barré does hit the extra point but Alan had the loaf of bread comes away as he made his dive into the end zone let's take a look at it he wasn't going to get one of those Broncos a chance to pounded loose they've had the football in their hands a lot and turned it over [Music] good left of your screen for us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two-six the Raiders lay that down at the 26 the 27-yard open field tackle by Jim [Applause] we have a timeout here at the Coliseum is nine continue to have fun a Sir John Elway a reminder again of how young this Denver team is roster that are you [Applause] 29 yard line and Mike Davis makes the tackle and of a couple let's bring you up to date on all the finals New England rallied to beat the Jets 30 20 twenty two to three Dallas defeated Indianapolis 16 to 7 the Bears win they now have a three game lead Atlanta loses at Pittsburgh 35 to 10 Philadelphia loses st. Louis 34 40 [Applause] pounds at the 34-yard line makes the staff on butch Jensen five yards in the play the rest of the finals kansas city 24 Tampa Bay 20 31 to 13 Cincinnati still only two games behind Pittsburgh in the Central Division Houston so enlists Detroit bomb by Green Bay 41 to 9 Packers break that losing streak New Orleans in a final second 53-yard field goal 1614 nineteen mething forty niners lead at Anaheim against the Rams third quarter also third quarter Miami now 24 nothing over Buffalo at the Orange Bowl at the half the Giants leading Washington 23 here it's nineteen to six and a third Wilhite is close to a first down [Applause] came in they made the forward handoff to Wilhite getting up close so major it is hell I believe they'll measure it anyway yes they will here's a chance to see it at home little forward handoff go razzle dazzle when expecting [Applause] you know that's a play [Applause] [Music] a shovel hand on your right it is it is a shovel pass if he throws Martin apparently with a slight Buy and we'll see [Applause] on the right-hand side like they got jet bar [Applause] at the 36 yard line [Music] [Applause] he's to the 45-yard line pickup of a bored man with a tackle Dan Reeves very quick to try and take advantage of the fact that Martin not on his normal position at bright linebacker Jeff Barnes over there who usually plays on the left-hand side and they're out there putting pressure on Barnes winder doing a good job of cutting back and that's something he did most effectively less than 3 minutes remaining in the third quarter the Raiders leading 19 to 6 [Applause] winder again [Applause] right and sticks he needed to for a first down Lyle Alzado Jeff Barnes Bob Nelson all in on the tackle he's going to be very close to the first down again they're going to be sure it forty-niners now open a 26 to nothing lead against the Rams well that was a big game because the 49ers starting today seven and one with a two-game lead over the Rams Rams could cut it to just one game instead that looks like the 49ers will have a three-game edge of that game like this game a game within the division al Davis talked about the there you see the first down being marked off [Applause] at this game so important to both teams because not only does it affect their one loss record but it is within their division and that is the crucial major when it comes to to deciding who will go to the playoffs and if there is a time Reeves who got the Broncos into the playoffs as a wild-card a nine and seven record last year los and Oceana first down at the 47 [Applause] and a flag down as they scrambled for the mistake on the exchange that's interesting the defenders can get back if they jump they can get back if they haven't touched someone you see the movement here that ball actually fumbled I think the early offense number 74 first down went 40-foot he's in there in place of Kenny Lanier trying to get up a little quick in to how he's how he longs face but off times a center who sees movement down the line will go ahead and snap the ball and the quarterback is used to that that's not a problem looked like he snapped it before Kubiak was ready on that play trying to catch the defender off side instead trapped his own offensive one see Willie Brown on the sidelines of Tom Flores Brown hitting the bit by Earl Leggett Brown received his Hall of Fame ring as part of the pregame ceremonies and interesting he started to disappear with a Bronco defensive backs in this leagues history [Applause] Otis McKinney made the initial contact mckinney v defensive back and down goes winder shy of the 45 the quell was also in on the play you can't take anything away from the effort being exerted by that young man today 75 yards now that surprises me he's made a lot of that yardage here in the second half looks like mikkel shaken up is the hits for the sidelines of the help of Holly long and Otis McKinney doesn't want to go out but he's woozy though let's get him out of here Mason look don't stay in here and mess up on a play very often defenders shake it up don't want to leave the fool on the way George Anderson the trainer goes out got some smelling salts of course once you've stopped play for a player he must leave the field for at least a single play so while he takes the mandatory eight count 11 timeout the score here at the Coliseum in Los Angeles the Raiders 19 the Broncos 649 who didn't use their tickets actually 90 2469 tickets were sold 90 1020 in attendance the largest crowd in the NFL this year and the largest amount of revenue for a game other than a Super Bowl or second [Applause] butch Johnson and out of bounds with a first down of the Raider 42 yard line 14 yards on the throw we watched the Broncos get burned on the Blitz my age watched the readers get burned on the Blitz inside Matt Millen had a shot right there couldn't get there in time to interrupt to play Kubiak did a good job and he's put some flour on that pass butch Johnson I think that's his first of the day is that dick second they had a sharp one earlier yeah that was a big first down clock ticking away one [Applause] lots of time [Applause] as k was drilled by Bob Nelson a veteran linebacker from Nebraska actually sandwich also part of that sandwich as they whacked him good as he caught the ball timing just a little off on that play you really can feel how much this Bronco offense mrs. John Elway they've adjusted to his style have adjusted to that gun of an arm and talking to the greater defenders they said you know we've never seen a quarterback since 77 throw stop patter where the receiver has comes down the stops and last one the head dude that was Bert Jones Elway can throw that better it's can cause you trouble in the process second and ten [Applause] his balance was covered by several Raiders and able to use that free hand for balance and dark Ford for good yardage Otis McKinney finally stopped him after a six yard gain that's 81 yards now for winder just an excellent Sammy winder footing a little treacherous down there that's sandy that's painted dirt down in there wider keeping his balance maintaining that forward movement got his shoulders were to the line of scrimmage that good yardage but they've still got a tough down here with about third when he runs laterally were you the one who said that's a Sidewinder Sammy Sidewinder Kubiak pressure now and it's Watson Johnson puts Johnson on the far sideline in the first down at the 22 well covered but a good throw by Kubiak you saw johnson pointing his quarterback hey that's the way i like him razzle dazzle they faked that little reverse going back the other way out of the shotgun actually able to get a little extra time for Kubiak he rifled the ball into johnson saying very impressive drive by the Broncos as the third quarter comes to a close we'll be back after these messages from your local station expect the standard timely shadow starting to grow as the Broncos work toward the closed end the western end of the Coliseum in Los Angeles it's been a most impressive Drive engineered by Kubiak and a first down at the Raider 20 to Los Angeles leads in the game score 19 to 6 [Applause] [Music] winder [Applause] pretty run still on his feet and diving they say stepped out of bounds back of the 9 yard line it will be a first down and winder did most of that on his own things get tough you need to have people step forward with great performance Sammy winder has done that here on this drive breaking loose right there good block on the inside like 63 oh there he was just barely stepping out of bounds on long showing you a speedy actually chased down the desire to chase down a winder first and goal at the get away from 26 van mcelroy one of the better open field tackle errs in the league was just an excellent tackle by McIlroy winder showing very quick change of direction on a couple of plays there [Music] pepper line that we mentioned to you that they're operating without two starters in their mother is out fishing this out sixty-three part looper up there and Woodford the hood doing a pretty darn good job for men who have not had that much playing time 79 yards rush Branko 61 for the rain [Applause] in there six straight wins the Broncos have not allowed an opposing team to rush for as much as a hundred yards in it so far they've checked the Raiders well under that century mark and meanwhile they are running the ball more effectively especially in the second thing certainly are now shall we this game but Kubiak joins I'll apply us on this Drive what's this do nine yards now four winder a big plane and raves Denver team its third and goal at the Raider for they need the 7 here and need the 7 points here [Music] [Applause] play-action fake now [Applause] [Applause] sensing that his quarterback ones in trouble finding some openings in the secondary and the ball delivered and that's that's the touchdown that Dan Reeves has been looking for that puts him up tight now 12 to 19 a chance to go 1913 and one play away from going ahead in this ball game kodiak's threat to run drew in the defense and then he spotted K wide open for the easy score Clarins K that's his third touchdown of the year it'll be intercepted by Jeff Barnes I'd like to see you football if you should intercept the gopher the other way you ought to get the point yourself if you can manufacture the play when I get the point to the defense what a crucial point with that extra point they would have had a chance to go ahead with a touchdown now they could tie only with a touchdown dick [Applause] 14-play is consuming over six and a half minutes Clara's case first catch of the game a four yard touchdown from and it's after the missed extra point 19 the 12 will get to that extra point right after this kickoff goes out of bounds to the 5-yard penalty the Broncos were working in that injury earlier to one of the offensive lineman also took away their snapper Keith Bishop usually snaps in there on the extra points at field goals of course he's on the sidelines of it I believe it's Billy Bryant that's been forced into service there but anytime you interrupt that timing you have a problem fortunately only a seven-point deficit and Dan Reeves and Bronco offense and the Broncos defense know that if they get one more touchdown they can get back into this ball game and tie it up Carlos is not kicked well has not kicked it off well today he's kicked well and field goal an extra point situations when he's had a chance to the kick but he has not kicked the ball off well on on the kickoffs that ball force going out of bounds and you're gonna wonder how much the altitude in Denver helps ease oh he was kicking him right out of the end zone out of the end so you couldn't believe what he was doing and of course today the grader is able to get some great field position on the returns 19 to 12 the score this one is hit well and Williams has to go to the 1 so that was a good kick reversing and now and try Mecklenburgh 77 in Wilson 45 with a tackle so with 12 59 remaining in this game the score Raiders 19 Broncos 12 the 14 yard line with a seven-point lead [Music] two minutes left [Applause] he pulls his way for about four to the 18 yard line let's go back to the kickoff coverage and Rickey Hundley number 98 the newest member of the Broncos he has a big horse and look how quickly he accelerates here has great speed good nose for the football gets off the block unloads on derekjjensen 31 not there to make a part of that play but certainly he is going to be a factor they're very excited about getting him into the lineup and what that illustrates is how a 240 pounder can move very nearly a loose football is diving in on Frank Hawkins was the pressure Lewis Wright and Steve music sure that one of the things that Tom Flores has said is hang on to that football they're gonna be popping at it this telecast presented by authority of the National Football League intended for the private you Saburo Hughes any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Los Angeles Raiders in the National Football League is prohibited third down two Raiders ball at their 22 both Wilson and goofy Akhtar 13 for 22 of the passing deadia the percentage outside first down at the 28 just quick football in LA where the play was designed to go no hope he quickly adjusted and fix up the yard at six it looks like Jackson coming hard from the outside as we get in close to the action watch Marcus adjust the play was designed to go inside it was shut off there he just used his speed to get outside and pick up that first down [Music] and Williams are to the right Hawkins again from bowling straight ahead to the 32 for about for Walt Boyer in on the tackle you see the Giants 30 Washington six in the third quarter on what an upset that that's going to make a lot of people of New York happy and a lot of people watching very unhappy dick one of the things we'll see here if the Raiders can do it they would love to take that football all the way the length of the field running the football and eating a clock injury on the play to the rookie or the second-year man Boyer so we'll use this timeout okay under his own power see a lot of bodies in the game for the Broncos they feel they've got to rotate their people and keep them fresh against this bigger Raider team [Applause] short seven [Applause] throw the hands of Kristensen how is this Denver team different from the one that beat the Raiders a month ago I think if you talk to them they would tell you that that was really the turning point of the season they didn't know how they stood that was a test for them that really wasn't just one a couple of games that people said they shouldn't have won but I think they kind of proved something in themselves in that game they came into this game a much more confident football team even with their injuries and they have played well behind reach today I think he's got to be very proud of them no matter he seems to be he claims yesterday he's not meddling but he does seem to be much more secure and feeling the about his role on the sideline there and he's down short of the first down at the 37 so the Broncos are going to get the football so the radar is somewhat conservative sting on the ground and the Broncos are about to receive ray guy's punt this will be the first punt of the game by guy like that a second he did that wonder very early in the game top floor is much rather of obviously seen a first down there what his team keep the football I wonder here if maybe Denver might not gambling go after this money Zach Thomas at the 17th now it appears that it's a return [Applause] might have been touched by Thomas recovered by Otis McKinney it Paul at the if it was touched that's what the two officials are talking the official signal inverse ball maybe it didn't touch him the Raider sought it did it looked from this angle but we're over in El Monte so it's we're a long ways away from the field if the ball touches the receiver it's live cannot be advanced but can't be recovered earlier this game maybe this was one that [Applause] now which is now the leading scorer in the game [Applause] [Music] and about the same spot we'll check that freeway to see if we can find first we'll boss [Applause] see he doesn't have the privilege of seeing this replay watch the ball and here we can't tell that for sure but look how Zack goes after the ball vinegar first I think that's the tip I think he either thought he did touch it or knew he touched that ball because he was going not touch the ball he would have just made it out it's a 55-yard Tralee 19 as well 100-yard mark as he gets out to the 12 yard line and into the embrace of Howard lawn let's go back and take one more peek now we've examined a couple of breaks that have fallen to the readers side of the field today this would appear to be one that's gone the Broncos direction the ball bounces up let's see if it does change direction looks like it we can't see from this angle but it would definitely appear to me by the action of the receiver break there Zach Thomas and he felt that he had to Southern Mississippi Ami's and the play by Lester Hayes will make that Mike Davis Mike Davis 36 strong safety there is the official but he has to call that and he is shielded by Thomas's body on that play he's the man who has to call it I can see why it would be difficult and we have a radar down on the field George Anderson their trainer on the way [Music] [Applause] wait to be sure here that body can only belong to one guy he wears one of those old v-neck t-shirts and looks like it's about 20 years old [Applause] he is not especially important against the run and that's Denver's long suit especially with Elway on the sidelines remember too that Martin is already on this game so that's a pair of those Raider linebackers out of the ballgame and then [Applause] even the Raiders can't dip down too far before they were [Applause] it's caught but short of a first down by Watson he is amazing what concentration like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat that ball bounced out of the hands of one of the other receivers [Applause] bubi act avoiding the Russian a possible sack alley law for the backside its Alzado that finally buried him but watch the ball here up out of the hands of k now look one two three bounces and finally on the fourth bounce controlled by Watson Watsons gallon reception however short of a first down the Broncos will be punting when we return he okay perhaps just the wind knocked out of him but just in case well it's not Elway warming up just pacing the sidelines it's rookie free agent Scott cabbage from North Carolina tuning up their job to get the football back and he gets it away oh that's a terrific effort and the ball down at the 49 and the absence of Keith Bishop great deep snapper they were lucky that they didn't have another safety on their hands 36 yards by Norman but he did a terrific job Justin handling the football and getting the kick away under pressure mark.wilson and the radar offense comes on the field let's go back to the play we have another angle for you to peruse the second official left side of your screen he too had a view of the play and did not call a touch [Applause] certainly the man on the sidelines had a pretty good look at it [Applause] into the grasp of Dennis Smith now a low-risk pass that's really almost the equivalent of a long handoff to Marcus Allen has the advantage if what's Allen catches the ball of putting him in the secondary and let him work on them let's play a little football trivia here from the Coliseum but player holds the Raider record for most yards passing in a game Plunkett's Stabler lamonica Flores Blanton your guess let's go down the line Plunkett No stabler [Applause] yes and drives to the 35-yard line and a first down well let you think about that trivia question for a few moments well those are all knows I'm gonna give that they're all no sir I would ice we missed this one yesterday we sure did I guess those effect I use quite a few of those names a lot of those long questions anyway somebody gonna Clark 44 yards in the 49ers lead the Rams 33 to nothing [Music] fine reception by Greg Bruin as he was losing his footing the veteran through it gains for he uses a lot of sand on this field I mentioned it the turf torn up quite a bit s-see played cow on this turf yesterday they really threw it did a good job his feet popped right out from underneath him kept his concentration on the football at less than that of your food cool receiver that's where the concentration has to be on that football and completely [Applause] Marcus Allen back in his throat goes out [Applause] music music just a seventh-round pick an 81 replacing Randy Gradishar and he has been an outstanding player especially against the run both inside linebackers music and Dennis that have played extremely well affected whole linebacking core the three youngsters Ryan this verse has been there in place of Swenson who has been injured about for the entire year and Reeves I'm sure along with Joe Collier who's the defensive coordinator for this Denver defense very proud [Music] [Applause] and he doesn't get the first down in fact he doesn't get a yard rule on Jones and Tom shots of Jackson we're waiting and in comes Chris bar the Raiders will try a long field goal this will be a pretty good test of bars leg 47 yards his longest this year 50 but this would be the second longest for him if he's successful he sets of misses from shorter distances but did pop one for one outside of the 40-yard line and as you said a 50-yarder he can't hit a dead part david Hamo ran for a first down on a fake field goal mrs. wide to the right and it was short as well [Applause] do not hit the ball well there 47-yard missed by far that keeps the Broncos within a touchdown and his 419 lat I mean you see he knew the second he hit that football a kicker usually knows well that could have put it away now they're still just seven points ahead of the Broncos the defense has done its job you got the football back and now let's see who's in there at quarterback Nick go back so the ends [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cuts upfield to the 35-yard line so there's just minutes remaining [Applause] the ball spring tree yelling and screaming going on Jeff Mars has been in there in place of abroad Martin that that right line backing position came out of that stack with the football I think long did a pickpocket job I think maybe they stole that when they hijacked that football here's winder heading upfield cutting back against the grain at square eight fifty eight there the ball loose yes the ball loose early and a whole stack of bodies we didn't see the fumble from here the Jeff Barnes did and came up with a football so the Raiders get it back winder and starting to lose it there you could say into this work and it's at the 34-yard line the Raiders with 406 so winder oh maybe the fatigue factor you talked about that okay the Broncos who are number one in the league enforcing and accepting the turnovers and therefore 2/3 of plus one today and a plus nineteen on the year they'll be going to the football great disappointment though it feel like you've got yourself at least a chance to get back into this ball game and then a guy who's played so well on the day and worked so hard for you credit that's a force there that's not a mistake that's a force there good job by Jack's query strong linebacker just reaching in and ripping [Applause] Thomas as if Alan an extra seven there was someone about to make the tackle from The Blind Side and had the presents to pause cut back inside really a sense of what's happening and I think there are athletes who can feel what is going on around them athletes who don't have that sense going off and injured on that kind of way Marcus is one of those people is very hard to get a full shot on him he always seems to get the glancing blow two touchdowns today to give them [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and company 2:35 we'll see if the Broncos start to use some time outs they will yes now there it is it should have called it earlier I think they could have forced one more play and then called the timeout just before the two-minute clock see Reeves he's unhappy he wanted he wanted it called instantly running he was a timeout I think it's been called I think they're gonna have to check what the officials it was called at 2:31 we'll see whether or not they give him those 9 seconds back gives us a chance cook updates New York is scored again they lead 37 to 6 over Washington and Miami rolling 38 a reminder next Sunday we have perhaps our most attractive this is when we had to put the neon lights out of the marquee look at the double head of the first game the Raiders against the Bears in Chicago Payton and Alan and all the star value of that game at the two first-place teams or maybe not the Raiders not there yet Houston will be in Pittsburgh Cleveland in Buffalo and San Diego of the Colts those of the early games Berlin and Nile will be a Soldier Field in the second game Miami will be nine and Oh visiting the Jets six and three in New York Kansas City at Seattle a very important game in the AFC West New England they rally today under their new coach the Hall of Famer Raymond Barry in our six and three they'll be at Denver in a critical game in Cincinnati will play San Francisco those are all games on NBC next week so pull up the chair and have a full afternoon with 2:29 they moved in to hit at some seconds to the clock not as many as Reeves would have liked that's Joe Collier in the orange hat they're standing next to Reeves the defensive coordinator man who calls the signals for the Orange Crush defense and what a year he's done one of the one of five original AFL coaches still active in the league has always been what they AFC teaches the only one that has got that record but 16 years as a Bronco defensive coach and a coordinator that has the respect of defensive people and often see people all throughout the loom [Applause] Steve Foley finally brings Kenny King down but there would have been a younger back might have been tempted to roam a little too far wide and be tackled out of bounds King state inbounds and forces Denver to use its second timeout Kenny king came into this game with the best rushing average among all Raider backs 4.4 yards per carry and showed you some of his drink as well as his speed plus a holding penalty has been called against the Raiders and that may move them out of field goal range that's that's the kind of thing just give you nightmares on the sidelines if you're a coach you'll have what appears to be a second down stun use almost a clinching first down and now you've moved ten yards back and you've got to do it all over again plus you say the Denver Broncos a timeout mark is coming into your screen at the top one-on-one on Lois writes quarterback coming up to force Louie trying to push him away say it Marcus the way you see Louis shirt getting a little bit like holding maybe a block on the back maybe almost an illegal block on Louie's back [Applause] that's just what Denver was looking for Rulon Jones recovers the football a vicious hit on Allen who was sprinting into that secondary sixteen left with a chance to Broncos at the bottom of that stack or Ken water at 52 and Rubin Carter 68 let's see who it was it shook it loose there's Woodard right there Dennis Smith there it is Dennis Smith 49 stepping in and ripping that ball loose going after the football right right play at Marcos [Music] to 16 then for showing first place in the West chewing up big yardage the 34 yard line before Mike Davis can trip him up 204 and the two-minute timeout we'll get the Broncos a chance to huddle the Raiders the same [Music] fantastic finish that's what we have at the two-minute timeout we may have one right here in the Coliseum let's flashback at another that's not just by accident that the Broncos now with the plus two today and our plus 24 the year you saw Dennis Smith had the president acting made he had his hand in there ripping the ball [Applause] while the store two minutes two timeouts left first down at the 35 [Applause] and they certainly were [Applause] [Music] I think there was Dave stuttered number 70 a big tackle but I think what they decided was that Kubiak may have been drilled as he threw the ball Loras asking the question along with Bob seaman to see the defense's for the Raiders I am directly behind for us let's see Kubiak trying to avoid the rush in there long as I never was in the grass complete and sawyers out of bounds at the 49 of Denver with 147 left the Broncos they many people felt this young team they come back down here this big crowd might be intimidated the Raider is the Super Bowl champion without their top quarterback John have measured up very well to the the club [Music] they still got some turf to cover here like the setback [Applause] yes he does at the 46-yard line that stops the clock squiring made the tackle see Dan Reeves with a list of plays and his hand he has those place broken down by distance no preference on a particular time to trial those plays but what you see that list he probably has what he calls a two-minute list where he wants to move the ball quickly outside you see him looking at [Applause] with us [Applause] completely which Johnson at the 39 yard line eight yards and a first down 127 not going to use a timeout here and the clock is showing up waving signal in from the side yeah trying to get everybody to the line but they've used a lot of time mr. number one quarter to get this the seconds [Applause] exactly of course the incomplete gas stops the clock is going to be second in ten but an awful lot of time run off the clock and again that's the matter of experience you can't really learn to use that clock effectively unless you have a chance to play in these pressurized situations and we said it early Kubiak in spite of his inexperience second this jimster from texas am [Applause] Janson [Applause] clock running will they use yes the time out there with fifty seconds left which Johnson diving back for that ball putting some heat on the ball did not have it on target but very often a good receiver can make a quarterback look good on one like that one timeout left for Reeves in the Broncos looking over the day's activity every first-place team has one or as winning Miami winning will be nine and om3 game lead in the East in the Central Division Pittsburgh one they still lead Cincinnati by two in the West no matter who wins here first-place team will have one and go eight and one in the east of the NFC Dallas and st. Louis both winning and Washington losing so apparently the Cowboys and Cardinals will be tied at six and three in the Central Division the Bears are now six and three at three game lead and waiting to host the Raiders next Sunday and in the West the 49ers romping against the Rams will be and a 3-game Lee but of all those teams perhaps this one the Denver Broncos the biggest surprise of all and especially coming in here the home of the Raiders a magnificent game and the Raiders continue on their streak [Music] well enough to win although they certainly haven't won this one yet they've really only had one quarter of what what their coaches would describe as intense team football that was the third quarter of last week's San Diego game when they just exploded offensive ly and exploded defensively but I think Tom forays has got frustrated with when the fact that they can get it all together on the same day [Applause] Sawyer very well Sawyer the eights back and McKinney is that fifth defensive back off and taking that second tight in Libya lucky that that one didn't get carried away he's getting good pressure you saw how a long reaching for him I think he felt that pressure tried to get it aloft a little early through behind Sawyer sir did a good job of getting his hands in between the ball and Otis McKinney sands [Applause] but it was a hat down apparently to accept out of mouth so it's third and ten Steve Watson who has cut some passes that were almost believable today he could have got a lot of heat for number 23 who seems to be everywhere in this defense Otis hit him just as soon as he touched the ball broke up the catch 40 seconds remaining [Applause] there's the final timeout us by Denver 30 seconds left and Kubiak scrambling actually a design play a quarterback draw I think by the way it was run it was indeed called from the sideline and Kubiak did a good job of just dipping up in there and getting everything he code out of the way Reeves doing a good job of digging into his list and finding a couple of winners he needs one now that'll give him seven points there he is he sets up see he gets a block there that knocked Townsend out of the way he had to get away from Townsend and diving for the first down Paul Howard number 62 man and through the at the widest burger here's the scoring of the game Andy Rosenberg our director and Kenneth Roy Edmondson what a guy on his birthday his birthday he refuses to celebrate and stay home with a comfort with his family in New York he's here on the job drilling away all these cameramen and tape machines and happy birthday to can't have Benson any idea how old he is [Music] old enough like welcome those of you to the Raiders Broncos football game here in Los Angeles still in progress the score the Raiders 19 Denver driving for a possible tying touchdown stay tuned for the following programs on NBC tonight first Sobers bones followed by punky brewster and night rider then it's the city killer a world from right now we have to the underdogs rapping scrambling recovered a fumble deep [Applause] [Music] first down have to pass the ball Watson touchdown [Applause] [Music] the greater defense an outstanding job at dick one sobering five Pete bishop [Applause] they missed an extra point because of a bad snap this one is good in the game is tied bishop in spite of his injury was in the ball game put himself in the ball game because in him because of the problems they had with the stamp he said hey I'm going in so Ted Kubiak an eighth round pick a year ago certainly caught in the shadow of the number one pick in the entire draft Elway subbing for the injured John Elway today and he leads his team dramatically almost the full length of the field and was seconds remaining get Steve Watson with this touchdown and the Broncos will the extra point have tied it at 19 Gary Kubiak what a job he's done don't think they're happy look at the enthusiasm there now after a full four quarters of banging and snagging and hitting and punting there they've got to go at it again although a little bit of time left on that clock 24 seconds showing or we have overtime and got to go back to what the Broncos have done so well all year they're the number one team in the NFL enforcing mistakes and not making mistakes of your own there now a plus 20 overall that's an amazing statistic the Redskins enjoyed that kind of number last year now a fumble recovery by Marcus Allen deep in Denver's n when it appeared the Raiders were in position at least to secure a win with a field goal on a 10-point lead they recover in a long march downfield 84 yards in 11 plays and look where momentum is gone in this game in Los Angeles the Raiders are an experienced team a veteran team let's see what they do with the pressure on [Applause] he has drilled at the 22-yard line twenty-one seconds what do you do to you try to gamble on a couple of long bombs you just say hey let's play it in overtime I think you wait for the overtime you may take one shot here take a percentage pass you the one thing you don't want to do is hand that football off to somebody in a white uniform you don't want to turn it over Jim Plunkett there portability [Applause] with a torn stomach muscles cut out of line up for about two weeks now expected soon to be activated although [Applause] lined up at a time killing the line that will be the final the Denver Broncos coming in here as a underdog many felt that the Raiders are really wedding that this was the game they would be up for with the Broncos have shown that defensively they deserve all those flattering numbers they really shut down the Raider offense and they've forced the turnovers that have allowed them to rally to tie they were down 12 nothing and it was 12 6 at the half and 19 6 but 13 unanswered points by Denver have tied it in the fourth quarter how very big this extra point because of the missing center of the bad snap petit bishop first we've been what's up back on the field to make sure that that last one was snapped properly well the toss of the coin can be very important team that will get the football first you know what the Raiders would like to do it well a Reeves would like to do too you want first John in it [Music] Tom Jackson and Dave Dolby will be involved in the toss with prints over the referee heads tails and the Raiders have won the toss apparently [Music] Jackson will decide now which side of the field they want to work from it's almost it like the Sun in the defenders eyes what brief there is is going left to right however in a field goal that might help a long try we'll be back in Los Angeles after these messages from your local station there's the answer to our trivia question and that record will not be challenged today in 1964 a 419 yard day against Denver that's the most yardage ever compiled by a Raider quarterback that certainly is a surprising answer it certainly is thick the Raiders have given us a lot of drama this past two weeks the last week's game against the Chargers down to the final seconds and a penalty really kept the touchdown from being scored there or they that game would have gone into overtime this is the play that put this game in overtime has made several brilliant catches today leaning that six foot four inch frame into the corner of the endzone to snare six and Dan Reeves young Broncos are in overtime both clubs in extra quarter for the first time this year Wilson waiting for his opportunity to perform and Reeves wanted to talk to his kickoff team he wanted to get them over for just a second in a way maybe this is what Reeves would have wanted he puts his desk unit on the field he puts his defense out there and if they can get a turnover as they have in so many crucial situations today he may end up with better field position for his office and he would get off the court I'll come down to the field goal kickers remember Barr missed a 47-yard or that good the victory is well late in the game bit surprised as to why they elected to take the end of the field they did Denver because what when there is is blowing the flags toward the peristyle and so the Raiders not only are going to get the football first but they're going to get the prevailing breeze [Applause] I don't know if you have time to think about all those things maybe there is some specific region that grieves as for wanting that the low flags of course not fluttering much but the flag down at the other end of the Colosseum starts down Karlis kicks it off [Applause] better kicks today [Applause] putting beginning 161 yards 25 then returned by the former UCLA track star but doki is tired he hasn't started many games in his career wasn't a starter UCLA his first start as a Raider and I know emotionally that really drains you one of the Broncos now his emphasis on music is it no it's Aaron Smith number 56 all right I could see the five and the lower part of the second number you should talk of many folks have joined us through the course of this telecast at the start of the game we talked about injuries Jim Plunkett injured Mark Wilson now the starting quarterback John Elway injured in Kubiak has replaced him today but cliff branch the veteran wide receiver for the Raiders has brain fold he has not played today so that's why dopey Williams is seeing so much duty there is plunk at the former Stanford Heisman winner I asked Plunkett if he talks a lot to Mark Wilson on the sidelines when Wilson comes off he said only if he wants to ask a question or if I sense that he wants something from me a lot of respect between those two quarterbacks as you see Aaron Smith going off almost under his own power little help from Steve and innopolis the trainer of the here's where they dig in points safety field sudden death comes out throwing good protection and wide openness way the 47-yard [Applause] the Raiders a big play defense a big play office they come up with the big play on the first play of the extra period here Rubin Carter right in Wilson's face but doesn't stop him from getting the ball in and my card number 31 Williams using his to be deployed and dumps it off Marcus Allen his cam face mist to face man those of you who've been with us throughout this broadcast will remember a shot that we showed you in our opening Mecklenburgh hitting Marcus Allen gotta wonder if baby that same feeling wasn't going through his mind as he saw water with his sights locked in on him all was not nearly as important second and ten period [Applause] it would appear that top [Applause] the sidelines and he's opted you can bet on one thing yes the an easy turnover off time to throw here blitz is on right now combined well right winds down [Music] [Applause] Hawkins [Applause] one glories have got to be saying us let's do anything but Lexington bumble the ball that ball again stripped loose the Bronco defense has done it time after after time today I can't understand why they didn't go over the field goal you can almost see that because this is what the Broncos have done they forced another turnover that is their strength Mike part and I believe the man who used his arms to pull that loose I believe he stripped it loose and there pops agonic quickly there three yards of the heads on they've got a chance now they went 80 for the last [Applause] turn over table around will is met sharply by bill Pakal we check that yes 71 there's Bikel sure there people are saying why is it that this Denver Broncos team can chase the football away like that well one thing they do they've really work on stripping the football they work probably more aggressively on that than any other team in football besides his [Applause] glorious chance a first down [Applause] making it tough on the Broncos it'll be third down in about three [Applause] under more than 100 yards the game that's 23 winder coming into me [Applause] get those receivers in here come on let's not take too much time here walk ticking down twelve minutes left in the overtime 30-second clock [Music] and here it looked like will I was going to have a chance to make that going wild wide opted to cut it back against the grain and did not make a dick [Music] do you go for it here or do you take the football away [Music] yeah you gotta wonder if Keith Bishop is going to be able [Music] to take any chances a patient a conservative game has been styled to play the Raiders well here at home and it's worked for him that's exactly the game plan he talked about yesterday when we chatted in spite of that injury whipping up to the line they want that ball go on here [Music] all right back to a 34 [Music] playing a football at every opportunity good 15-yard return by the veteran too good a kick I'll check his jumper to throw it get around look at this ship limping down the field 54 coming down twenty-eight fake down a is on that's why good job Aaron that but finally they got it down and the breeder offense back on the field we had the Bronco defend after the all the line the defense is on the field for Denver and [Music] strength on the field apparently athletes in this [Music] in overtime battles music the closest Bronco defender falling away from the receiver as he delivered that path not get enough on it he obviously doesn't want to overthrow that fast if you admit but you want to bet the short here's the shot let's watch his feet now looks like he's kind of dropping back if he threw that path didn't follow through all the way with it and ends up putting it down in front of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first down across fifty-two finally you have to wonder how far Flores is going to want to go tries a field goal they dodged a bullet but he's gonna in Denver territory at the 40-yard line 10:35 plenty of time remaining in this overtime period [Applause] [Applause] to the man that was not in the coverage Foley coming over as Louie right batted it loose and Foley was in the area Barnwell the intended target that was the combination that set it up deep and Branko territory last time bars expecting a quicker fall yes Raiders took command early led 12 to nothing and a couple of fumbles 12 6:13 answer points by the Broncos in the fourth force this overtime at 1919 time [Applause] fumble twice today and he's wrapped up after short yardage Andre towns and the rookie from Mississippi and lifting more and more Teague talked about great ounce and a couple of young there Scott darnedest Oh defensive line but he is as Andre Townsend today [Applause] Wilson so Marcus Allen laterals Henry Lutheran's the right tackle number 70 picks it up and oh my is that playing into the Broncos hands you see Marcus shaking his head he is so happy to see Lawrence come up with that football and they lost this football he would have been reamed I'm sure by the coaches Wilson and it's questionable whether he was in the grasp of the Denver defense Marcus throwing that ball to Henry Lawrence allarakha Hawkins I believe that Lawrence reached up thinking was to him batted it got ahold of it luckily held on to it for those big panted hands of the lineman Lawrence indeed showed considerable dexterity I don't think he wanted throws the Lawrence gray guy to kick [Applause] Thomas number 82 and a good return to the 21 yard line by Thomas a little better field position for the Broncos derekjjensen made the tackle 33 yard punt 11 yard return 8:32 left in this overtime period in Los Angeles and the LA Raiders are tied say punky brewster Silver Spoons I'm afraid to you have to wait another week for Silver Spoons we ask your indulgence especially you young people but sit back and enjoy what's a nice piece of drama football here at the Coliseum in Los Angeles punky brewster to follow the Nightrider we have a world premiere movie tonight here on NBC so stay with us eight thirty two left in the overtime Broncos take over at their 21 [Applause] it was a tired looking winder that accepted that pitch back from his quarterback on the game winder is carried 27 times 107 yards for the Southern Mississippi star [Applause] short yardage second down about nine and a half Karlis hoping a chance [Applause] and steps out of bounds at the 27 yard line short of a first down by four let's quickly run down all the scores for you case you hadn't heard New England beat the Jets 30 to 20 Dallas 22 Indianapolis 3 the Bears won 16 to 7 at home against Minnesota Pittsburgh 35 10 to the Atlanta it was st. Louis 34 Philadelphia 14 Kansas City heads Tampa Bay 24 20 Cincinnati rolled over years then 31 41 Detroit 9 New Orleans 16 Cleveland 14 San Francisco shut out the Rams [Applause] steps out of bounds and I believe he has the first down at the 32 yard the other Finals Miami made it nine and oh the only unbeaten team in the NFL 38 to 7 they defeated Buffalo and the Giants upset the Redskins 37:13 Kubiak limping as he heads back for the Hamelin again Kubiak running ability has made a big play Kubiak of course running to set up that touchdown the tied the ballgame here he is heading out of bounds just beyond the yard marker looked like he planned right [Applause] the time touchdown they call BER winder and Lyle Alzado finally gets him from the side along with the Jeff Barnes if we started the day talking about controlling the line of scrimmage neither team has had a clear-cut dominance in this game it's been winders running and the blocking of a patched-up Denver offensive line that has kept them offensively in this game in the second half that in combination with the great play of the turnovers by their defense well you said the team that would run the football best today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I believe a first down distance and the 43-yard line five more yards for Sammy winder the Raiders I don't know who's riding their cop either their story lines but last week they came within well the fumble by the rookie Ben gross of the two that would have tied it and set into overtime against San Diego but they won on an interception overtime against Denver and next week the Chicago Bears waiting for their chance at the world champions it will be at Soldier Field we hope you'll join us 1st half it'll be our doubleheader on NBC the big game the second half will yes [Applause] [Music] methodically [Applause] injury situation in this game too critical losses for the Raiders in the development of this contest rod Martin the all-pro linebacker who had a safety to start the scoring and middle linebacker Matt Miller a lot of injuries and a lot of fatigue setting in on the field you can imagine now these players giving it all they have for four quarters and Sedley go on extra 15 minutes and it's a lot longer the emotional drain I'm stepping into a situation is something something that really saps your dick and see why do you see him dropping down it I don't know whether it's his ankle it's bother [Applause] couple of years ago from San Jose State has replaced winder the midst of a narrative which Johnson was a he wasn't even looking at the ball no bucket might have been was at Lester Hayes on Butch Johnson going up into traffic there let's see [Applause] let's see where they marked the interference call 12 yard penalty on Nelson Nelson calling the defense's as you identify him because if Hillman's absence from that lineup on the left-hand side of your screen and you see him taking the shot right there taking [Applause] interference from the 48-yard line will 35:33 am left of that denver sideline [Applause] Reeves SS Young brocco team really believing [Applause] and they're very close to field goal range themselves moment for them as they get down into their own turf now and they could begin to an opportunity to put this game away you saw Carlos begin ready himself on the sidelines [Applause] closing in and they're molding it on the ground we'll hike closed off by McIlroy and Barnes interesting that the Broncos him we're on so many times today but they have done a good job of keeping their hands on the football although winder did cough one up early that was costly to them but you saw Bob seaman man calling the signal signaling them in and Greaves again looking to that magic card in his hands needs a little inspiration here second and eight done this this drive basically on the on the back of good running from winder and will [Applause] or 52 left in the overtime to the 27-yard line that would make it a 44 yard field goal so they are now within a legitimate range of a possible winning kick and have a third down to work with third and five let's credit patchworked offensive line one of his feet to respire moment bare footed kicker rich careless [Applause] Plus and here comes Carla's to try to win had a first down [Applause] to get a few more extra yard chance [Applause] Ritt scarless free-agent thick as the winning tickets are the University of Cincinnati this to beat the world to yard kick [Applause] the Raiders Wallis give him an opportunity to contemplate the pressure of the moment to think about it [Applause] I am out 335 left in the overtime we'll be back with a winning try a premiere movie city killer the bottle and now it's rich Carla Stern no missed to the left this crowd of over 91,000 with hope a 42-yard miss by Carlos oh it looked good Midway he hooked the ball it could miss by much let's look at Carlos and watch his reaction the ball hooking hooking he's trying to get on the body English on it [Applause] the Raiders were the ball at the as Shelby Jordan rubs it Raiders have three and a half minutes use their time out of the [Applause] [Music] well Simo throw defensive play by lui ride as he reaches around barn weld and knock it away right the veteran from San Jose State so good that very rarely does he get a lot of action they usually throw to the other side or at least that's been the case through his 10 years with the Broncos obviously today the fact that branch as we've said several times out of the lineup they put a lot of pressure on Malcolm Barnwell he usually lines up on the right hand side and that means he goes head to head with number 20 LOI right they both won some of those battles today but knowing one that [Applause] dangerously flipping into an open space Mecklenburg he was a man that put that vicious hit on Marcus Allen that was symptomatic of play in the first game up in Denver and he came in on the Blind Side Mecklenburg working as both linebacker and lineman and given situations powering in and really leveling Wilson Wilson doing a good job of starting that arm forward to simulate the pass and he's not been going the hit alone with a catapulted the ball 20 yards look at this deck six horse two interceptions on the day a total of six [Applause] by Ken Woodard and now we'll check the penalty Raiders are will the penalty give Los Angeles another chance Wilson taking some real heat here as he was snapped down by Woodard on the far side on the near side the flag was dropped by one of the linesman as the play was executed not at the end of the play I think perhaps the flag dropped against offside 49 the defense illegal use of the hands replay serve the Raiders and that's they came out of that as well as they might have hoped because they do get another chance on third down and 10 you see Tom Flores talking to Mark Wilson greater quarterbacks as we've said several times among the few and the NFL still allowed to call our own plays but in this critical situation [Music] three minutes ten seconds left in this overtime period a battle for first place all that one might have expected between the Broncos and the Raiders at seven and one in the AFC West [Applause] Wilson is down at the 17 yard line persevering for 61 Andre Townsend that's the third sack by the Broncos and the rookie Townsend apparently got to Wilson first man will come all the way around from the left-hand side of your screen watch him coming in for the back side here just perseverance says he finally gets to Wilson's legs and Mark I think sensing that he might get hurt if he didn't come down to the ground [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh scrimmage for Denver [Applause] short yet Thomas [Applause] open field tackle by Jeff Barnes what a specialty teams player 44 yard kick 3 yard return now we're getting the point Merlin where this might well be the last possession by an offense 231 left at Denver Broncos one timeout left the last time ended in a tie after five quarters last year almost a year ago to the day 2020 the Cardinals and Giants to a standoff in some ways that would almost these two teams of [Applause] [Music] has the ability to find a crack in the defense fix his way for about five tough question and you were thinking the most valuable player for this day who in the world would you choose you'd have to I guess I could take a unit offensively for Denver you'd have to say Sammy wine or maybe Kubiak what a brilliant they gotta get real thought to Gary Kubiak coming in with a pressure nice about to be I think it's partly the kind of resistant briefs has not asked him to do things this day that he could not do Kubiak has responded by making few mistakes and doing that along with the brilliant play of the Bronco defense they have stayed in this game they've been able to bring it to this point with a chance to win us will be back two minutes left [Music] rich carless and chance and just wide from 42 yards in this overtime period and looking for another opportunity the Broncos had the ball at their 45 second and six two minutes left lights on now at the Coliseum [Applause] little misdirection and a pickup of five for winder Sammy winder is right off the shade he's carried the ball so many 31 times now for 128 yards Los Angeles notorious folks leaving for their automobiles early to get on the freeway and beat the traffic but we would say that there's 70,000 still with us [Applause] a third and two with 124 left think of one tackle that he saw the Raiders may get a final offer Jack Swarek the answered rod Bart made the tackle Jeff Barnes upfield missed the initial tempo but still slowed the play down enough that winder not able to turn the corner another opportunity here is the clock ticking down precious seconds a minute 18 left and you got to wonder if maybe the option would be here to try and go for the block on the kick [Applause] fresh you'll be I'm Chris Norman with Greg throw it at the other end ten men up front for the Raiders [Applause] fake it the Bronco in and spiral in the fair catch by Pruitt free ball no no official word yet Broncos think they have it and we've got a flag going down that's the Denver Broncos who have recovered maybe that's as it should be the Broncos who have forced so many turnovers on this day what is happen now Jackson was a man came up for the football Roger Jackson one of the many rookies one of 15 on his Denver team and now the flag Fred Silva has sorted it out here's the word [Applause] the fair catch signal was given muffed the ball the ball went up he has by him by rule he has right to catch the ball he was in affair with 50 there's a call that's really leaking through the book that's into the doctoral program you don't get that with just a bachelor's degree you've got really go through the library [Music] when the ball went through Pruitt's hands when it appeared to us that he was interfered when I questioned whether he was interfered with on that one it looked like Jackson gave him room dick no I think he's saying that once he bobble ho yes and then their judgment he didn't have the chance to go for the ball when the ball bounces in the air before it hits the ground he does have a second shot on it you're right that again Dan Reeves total disbelief had appeared that the Broncos had taken the ball away let's go back and pick it up now that's the one they used to talk about in the seminars when they came to camp they said you can't knock they did knock him down they went for the ball [Applause] [Music] this game it's 19 all and almost at this point a poetic justice is on the board 19 aside want to thank Joe Costanzo working on its third page of statistical notes great job is always Joe Jim Tallman Steve Marvin Jim tell Danny there's the play again final shot and there's their saying that no matter what happens when that ball bounces in the air you have to give Pruitt a chance to come back and catch it but the instinct is to go for the football I mean what they're saying what they're saying is right no dick the rule states that have a bouncers office patch or it bounces up the defense has to do that you've gotta let him at least [Applause] is it a no he trapped the ball at the 32 yard line that stops the clock with 49 seconds now for the Raiders they must beware with 49 seconds left and second and 20 if they throw the ball in are not successful if there are incomplete pass to stopping the clock the broncos could still get another chance now how conservative do you want to get if you're Tom Flores there are the ratos Raiders and Broncos tie it games this one may end up that way I don't know dick I I think I would call a timeout certainly I find the Bronco coach right after this play unless it's already stopped they have one timeout remaining [Applause] [Music] and of course the Raiders with Willson down the middle intercepted another turnover this is Jackson the man who had the muff recovery earlier and he's to the 23 and the Bronco said there he said I knew it all along I had him before I just wanted to show you that it was ours all along so the Broncos you talk about being put through an emotional wringer on both sides they're just good they're gonna have to bring a a bunch of carts out here and and carry these players off the field at the end of this one can you imagine what they're like up in mile-high City they're going to be a lot of drain fans the way they must have been cheering for this Denver team of shown considerable mettle they have made use of most every opportunity they're a bad throw as Williams wasn't looking or at least Williams made the bad move by not looking for the ball and Roger Jackson returns into the 22 the Broncos aren't going to kick it right away though try to squirm [Applause] about the 23 yard line take another shot at it you run the clock down to two seconds and then kick it [Music] so many turns and twists in this game rich Carlos he's going to have a chance to decide they're gonna let the clock run down they'll probably stop it with a couple of seconds left and then it'll be a matter whether Carlos can hit one from 35 yards it'll be a 35 yard attempt Reeves this thing to it now we don't want to take a chance on it now you got to wonder if maybe the Raiders will wait until a timeout has been called back in and then call their timeout to keep Carlos waiting as they did before and it seemed to work as Carlos missed from farther out but this will be an easier chance 35 yards on the Raiders sidelines deboard Myers the there that's the man of the hour I never wanted to be a kicker dick they they're much maligned as a wrist bar himself the Raider kicker said you know my wife thought that was my first name because every time she read my name in the papers had much-maligned Chris Behar and if they all the pressure on them Alex Kerr said well they just come out and after you struggled for 59 and a half minutes and someone who can't even speak English kicks a touchdown but the truth is that every time they're out there all the weights on their shoulders there's no place to hide indicated earlier we said it several times Keith Bishop showing us some real grit were injured early in this game and realizing that snapper on these checks was having trouble he has come back in to kick her to snap on the kicks that that has been first well the later b7 both the Raiders and Broncos or rich Carlos will send the Broncos home in first place the Broncos women 2219 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm Broncos right home with a win in flat-4 coming up with all the scores after these messages from your local station the final in Los Angeles 91,000 plus the world champion Raiders have been defeated by the Denver Broncos and Dan Reeves has the game ball 22:19 via the Barefoot rich Carlos I gotta say I'd love to be on that plane going they are going to celebrate [Applause] now this Colosseum crowd stunned the Broncos scored 13 points to rally from 19 to 6 tying it in the fourth quarter missed an extra point of their owner might have won in regulation and then the story of their season turning the ball over getting the turnovers and once again they were able to find the loose football and an interception led to rich Carlos's winning kick [Music] [Applause] we'll be back after these words from your local stations
Channel: johnnyfoto
Views: 10,974
Rating: 4.7808218 out of 5
Id: Gd3r8vUhys4
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Length: 184min 34sec (11074 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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