1986 Week 2 Los Angeles Raiders at Washington Redskins

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out of the field mark.wilson he has Frank Hawkins and Marcus Allen Allen going for his 11th consecutive 100-yard rushing day that's already a record at 10 Jessie Hester will not start today rod Bartow will be in his spot Doki Williams the other wide receiver and Todd Christensen the tight end the offensive line Bruce Davis Curt Marsh Donn most far Mickey Marvin and Henry Lawrence from the 33 [Applause] [Music] Marcus Allen gets the Fallen first down and has five defensively the white jersey dread skins a lion this way Charles man he had 14 and a half sacks last year big day but Snead and Hamill in the middle Dexter Manley led the skins with 15 sacks last season Hoffman okhla wits and millat are the linebackers the back four of Darryl Greene the fastest man in the NFL Vernon Dean Kurtis Jordan and safety [Applause] Wilson going long has Barksdale out there fingertips at that who did not play high school or college football but a brilliant American in track a 10-2 sprinter he caught one 457 yards against Denver last week you've got to be concerned about the lack of speed in a majority of that secondary for the Washington Redskins Barksdale with blazing speed able to get clear and that ball just barely threw his hands it was also something that would bother me if I were on that sideline that's the fact that there was so much time [Applause] Wilson dumps it off to Doki Williams down at the 46 with a first down Darryl Greene made the tackle a nine yard pickup good protection again for Wilson dick I think there's something we can look for very quickly out although Mark Wilson has gone twice now to his outside receivers I think their skins are going to have the most difficulty with two receivers that will work inside Marcus Allen and Todd Christensen because they're going to have to double the outside receivers and that will give the radar to work inside the canary [Music] Frank Hawkins in motion here comes Marcus Allen almost breaks free for a touchdown touchdown saving tackle by Ken coffee at the 34 yard line 20 yards for Allen Marcus Allen last week over a hundred yards in both rushing and in receiving that's only the 17th time that anyone has hit the double century look at that ability to feel the opening and then to accelerate and take advantage of it the Raiders impressively marched quickly into Washington territory firsthand that the skins 34 Allen the solo running hi Wilson [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and dokey Williams welcome there's Dean from San Diego State he was the only rookie starter in the Superbowl of few years ago at 5:00 interception last year and seven the year before Jim Plunkett who had his biggest day here in Washington three years ago and that remarkable 37 35 Washington win 372 yards Theismann Joe Theismann quarterback of the skins with over 400 yards his all-time high [Applause] but smothers [Music] was in there as well now we mentioned the Redskins emphasis on shutting down the running game big number 65 Dave butts at 305 pounds Hamill who's not as big as butts but equally strong able to shut that play down Mickey Marvin being helped off the field fairly nothing serious [Applause] birthmark the other guard here comes bill Lewis from Nebraska the seventh round draft pick of the Raiders to fill Marvin's void [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well covered by [Applause] as they grow inside the 35 on three downs two incomplete passes and a four yard loss and not a field goal range apparently but they've left the offensive unit on the field whoops a penalty against the Redskins illegal use of the hands it carries the automatic first down and so the Raiders instead of having to cut the ball away have four more downs as it is marked off inside the 33 see the concern of Joe Gibbs who said we just can't overcome that many problems that many mistakes we have to do things right if we're going to win the Raiders know about giving a first down by a penalty they gave up seven in their game against them they beat themselves last week [Applause] Christensen oh that's for the 21 but a flag is down back where Wilson through the wall and we may [Applause] number 70 the bottom of a stack trying to give us border back a little guy there were 65 horse down marvin was back in the game after missing one play 112 yards most penalty yards tacked on any team in the first week of play as they lost a Denver 38 36 Nathalie takes it back to the 43 yard line first down and 20 [Applause] [Music] the tight-end Christiansen anchors the right side of the line somersault out of bounds at the 37 yard line and again spilling his way of living if you will to find some good yardage Dean and Jordan on the tackles incredible Marcus Allen now in his fifth year were the Raiders in 60 games and 57 games that he is played on offense he has scored 60 touchdowns talk about a moneymaker one of the things that always impresses you about Allen is his body control the fact that he really rarely gives anyone a shot at him in a situation where he can get hurt be very durable second and 15 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] intended for either Christian Center Barksdale they both were in the same spot Vernon being just itching to wrap that interception up at the 10-yard line one of the things that the Raiders are concerned about is Barksdale's inexperience and I think you saw it there our first ten-minute ickler report the other action in the NFL no scores to report in those three games Cincinnati with a quick touchdown against Buffalo at home and New Orleans trying to win its first against Green Bay [Applause] scammers stop first down yardage flag is down and we could have another costly penalty against the Redskins out of bounds bend right the referee [Applause] twice the Redskins have stopped the Raiders on this drive only to have a penalty on what otherwise would be a fourth down extend the Raider March Charles Mann the defensive end 71 perhaps we'll get a chance to see it 22 Curtis Jordan takes him out of bounds and there was the shot he and even though he didn't deliver a hard blow the rules are pretty explicit about any kind of contact [Music] they don't expect in a Raider game to see them benefiting from [Applause] - on this drive motion away [Applause] it's the middle line back [Applause] [Music] Ron Jaworski and the Eagles pass offense last week as they defeated the Eagles 4114 all at the 17-yard line chance to look inside at some of the action right there number 46 Todd Christensen bumping into Frank Hawkins is partly because they're being bumped by the defenders Wilson with time Christensen can't [Music] [Applause] the spot where Wilson threw and Bruce Davis was trying to block [Applause] referee gripe sorting it up is it a foul against the Redskins or was it holding a fairly holding against the Raiders I pushed the Raiders as far away from that goal line and the uprights as they can Dexter Manley came back with a Bic game last week after missing almost all of the pre-season preparation certainly not able to effective performance that much last week very pleasing I think for the coaches to see how quickly fit in John Madden said on second week in a row Marcus Allen five down to the 22 yard line we're rich malotte Curtis Jordan and Ken Coffey collaborate a team defense I say team defense every man with specific write responsibilities with concern for his role within the defense this is not the most talented defensive team by far in the NFL but they play a very very solid and disciplined defensive plan tracking Marcus Allen in this first quarter he has 38 yards already as he goes for his 11th consecutive 100-yard he broke the tie with Walter Payton at 9:00 last night Wilson on passing down four Gopi Williams to the ten yard line three yards shy of a first down 12 yards on that play brings up fourth down at the Tim here comes the field goal unit and Chris Barr who at two for two last week at Denver 43 and 42 yards will attempt a shorter model here in Washington to try to get the Raiders on the board first deck you notice how they're the Redskins are they Raiders will huddle they're their field goal huddle off to the side they let bar stand there all by himself to get his concentration and then they kind of come in and say okay we're ready are you ready Wilson to hold a 28 yard attempt and bar is three for three on the young season and with 934 remaining in the first quarter aided by a couple of penalties the Raiders get a field goal back to Washington DC on a magnificent early fall afternoon the temperature in the 70s sunny skies the Los Angeles Raiders take the opening kickoff hold the ball about five and a half minutes and settle for a 28 yard field goal now the Redskins turn beep Keith Griffin and Derek Holloway Holloway on the near side [Music] and he is stopped just shy of the 20 yard line rookie from Arkansas Jeff Barnes made the tackle redskins offense led by youngjae Schrader who replaced Theismann when he was injured last year George Rogers the former Heisman winner then the double tight ends Don Warren and Clint Didier art monk who has had a couple of sensational years back to back over a hundred to set a record and then came back with 91 last year and they are the hogs to Kobe bream Bostic Tillman and may Jerry Clark a compliment to monk as a wide receiver last year he had 72 catches they were the best one to catching teen in the NFL monkey and Clark Reiter has a man it's month as opposed to ten years Stacy - ran with a tackle monk from Syracuse about a hundred and six balls two years ago an NFL record defensively how a long we'll keep our eyes on him we're gonna watch him this whole series built the Kellerman O's their leading sac master the last two years Sean Jones and the other outside replacing Alzado Robinson Mill and Mackenzie and Martin the linebackers Lester Hayes and Mike Haynes at the corners and Stacy Teran van McElroy at safety Joe Gibbs complementing the final play of McElroy across the 30 yard line on second and short has a first down and for the first play and we expected to see this early on a little push and shove right at the bottom of that little altercation as you look at Richie Pettibone the assistant head coach for the defensive team talking to Curtis Jordan but out on the field Howie Long working nose to nose jaw to jaw give me with Don Warren the extra tight end who come in in motion and threw his weight on how his legs I wouldn't like that [Applause] a defensive left end position this time Rogers benign straighter play-action [Applause] sit down [Applause] in Washington territory Iran had the ball deflected right to Warren for the catch well that's a trade off one for one Vernon Dean had a ball in his hands for the Washington Redskins defense but Schrader trying to feed that ball that Don Warren is tight end and it's a little behind in his seat Iran I'm sure it's Iran knew we had that football it bounces out of his hands and wearing tiptoes the sidelines of our first down to ran a former Notre Dame er and he was as close to an intersection is the for Lou Holtz yesterday against Michigan [Music] little reverse start monk and monk good yardage before Lester Hayes gets him out of three of the Raiders ten minute ticker Giants score first in New York or in New Jersey Philadelphia field goal lead at Chicago Dallas Detroit no score 7 nothing Cincinnati at home against Buffalo Houston takes the early lead a touchdown against Cleveland New Orleans jumps out 10 nothing in Atlanta lead st. Louis 7 nothing here 3 nothing the Raiders lead the Redskins with 7 minutes 47 seconds left in the first quarter second a short 2 Rogers they string it out millon got their first and they dropped Rogers for a yard loss Matt Millen a big linebacker from Penn State number 55 made the play interesting and talking to Joe Gibbs yesterday he said we want Rogers running up in the side he said if I'm running him outside and I'm not showcasing his talents and you see why they're he's at his best when he can attack the defense not trying to outrun them on third and three in comes number 24 Kelvin Bryant replacing Rogers Bryant big star in the USFL rushed for over a thousand yards all three years with the Philadelphia and Baltimore Stars and there he is a fine past [Music] he was wide open inside the Raider 40 during basketball played dick as you watched the two wide receivers month now almost screens right there and he allows Brian to slip out behind but that ball thrown with a little zip to it they say Schrader can really gun it when he wants it out there in a hurry went right through Bryant's hands Steve Cox who averaged nearly 43 yards of Punt last week against Philadelphia now this is 85 average there that [Music] Napoleon McCallum [Applause] [Music] Annapolis and almost block was that punt McCallum a fair catch at the 12 yard line Jeff Barnes very nearly blocked that punt of Cox and we have a timeout with six minutes 51 seconds remaining in the opening period what do you get a man who has everything for his birthday what can you possibly get on happy birthday pardon up he's not a Nokia without a 52 defense yet but you're supposed to a very familiar defensive number birthday party that as Marcus Allen is greeted rudely it's a couple of yards and is close to 40 for this first quarter any nothing Raiders on a 28 yard field goal by Chris bar six and a half minutes left in the period [Applause] birthdays do seem to come faster and faster if you notice very little time in between these days there was it seemed like we celebrated last about this Williamson Barksdale to the right ten anchors the left side underneath the Frank Hawkins and the big pullback appears to have a first down just shy of the 25 rich mulatto Monty Coleman made the tackle nine yards on the most important man on the field I think for either team certainly the quarterback dick and in the case of the Raiders Mark Wilson coming off an extremely solid game in Denver last week one of the problems he's had in the past is putting big games back to back but I got to tell you that everyone in the Raider organization is talking about a new confidence for Mark Wilson and so far in this game he certainly appears [Applause] very successfully and seven from the 27 Williams at the 45 yard line Williams drawing double coverage from Green and Dean make that Curtis Jordan and green that's the kind of play we talked about early when you're down field with those long passes the percentages are not in your favor but the Raiders not concerned about that they figure when they hit one the big one like that it pays big enough then dividends to be worthwhile Redskins tough on defense as you saw last year Joe Gibbs that's part of that whole conservative skiing you can't let the other team Store you gotta take the ball away don't make mistakes ourselves Marcus Allen again swinging outside would open [Applause] and you better be good in the open field with Marcus Allen the other number 32 running at you that's part of that scheme of team defense every man with a responsibility and you know they you you really try and teach people not to try and do more than they can do to play within themselves Bernadine up without the greatest speed in the world a deadly tackler really our past situation Sadako Alan [Music] Oh is he thirty-one short of a first down [Applause] secondary was Ken coffee to assist they're all green number two [Applause] and there go he is super dangerous as a punt returner green last year average 13.4 but two returns for touchdowns 90 and 73 yards were called back or he would have had a punt return average of 21 incredible then this year well last week and free returns 17 yards gray guy to deliver the ball let's see if guy tries to kick away from it [Applause] very high green wilfer catch it at the 26-yard line and with it a timeout three minutes 46 seconds left in the opening period beautiful Washington DC day 393 championship team and partner with a ram yeah for a while wasn't quite that big when he was the defensive back bring nothing writers leave 3:46 left in the first quarter Redskins start from their own 26 crater complete humble but he was down anyway at the 46 yard line first down as monk as his second catch let's check the ticker reading Giants over San Diego 3 nothing Eagles lead at Chicago no score in the second period Dallas of Detroit 7 3 Cincinnati leading Buffalo at home 7 nothing Houston the Oilers continuing on a very positive track 14 nothing Atlanta 2 touchdowns up early and look at New Orleans against Green Bay in the first Fury [Applause] [Music] [Applause] George Washington Rogers jr. to the 49 let's go back to that previous play because it would be interesting for you to watch Lester Hayes trying to keep art monk from breaking off the line and month got to jump on Hayes in that situation and it was a perfect pass from Schrader that's the physical bump and run man-to-man style of the Raider defense you saw the fumble which was not a fumble because monk was down but if Schrader can throw that kind of pass on target he can give the Raider secondary some problems and seven [Applause] and smothered back at the 47-yard line has a little problem with the snap Schrader this telecast presented by authority of the National Football League intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Washington Redskins and the National Football League is prohibited you see Don bro standing next to Joe Gibbs in the yellow shirt and the signals he was giving of course signaling the plays on to Jay Schrader on the field Gibbs calls the place although he has input from Jerry roam upstairs in the booth replaces Rogers he's [Music] Raider steps up and hits Brian [Applause] 32 yards on the play what a wonderful weapon Kelvin Brian is for these Redskins you want to stretch a defense and when you have a man who can play in the backfield and run the football who has the speed to get outside where he is again stacked up and they're trying to cover him with a linebacker Jeff Barnes is a fine covering linebacker but no match for the speed of Kelvin Bryant officially 24 yards on the play first down [Music] throws it away you see Kelvin Bryant and that number 24 and we watched him yesterday of practice for the first time you think of Lenny Moore who wore that number had the same angular bill the great hall of famer with the Colts of course here in Washington they likened Bryant already to Charlie Taylor the Hall of Famer who went from running back to wide receiver and Bryant is in essence his vote does something else than Lenny more did makes the big place touch the ball ten times last week an averaged eleven point two yards every time he got his hands on the pumpkin now that's the kind of thing they'll make a coach smile at 112 yards and the only [Applause] Monken motion for Bryant and broke by 26 fan man that very talented Raider defense that gifts pointed out first yesterday he said he thinks in the AFC he is the best free safety you see him covering ground here as he comes in to try and help on that play Reggie McKenzie covering man-to-man a boy you don't want to leave as we said you don't want to leave the speed a brand on a linebacker but McIlroy back there to help he reads the quarterbacks eyes and tries to get a jump on the play which he did he was angry because it didn't have the interception dick McElroy a Pro Bowler 83 and 84 out of Baylor University [Applause] Raiders will be teeing off on straighter and he had to throw that one away as and Stacey Turan were applying the pressure field goal situation incomes mark Mosley in that kind of situation Schrader instructed not to take the sack not to take a risk with the sack they know that they are in range to try the shot at the field goal a deliberate roll out but watch watch Greg Townsend number 93 working over the top of Kelvin Bryant it's a little throw down there a double-team by Mark Bay number 73 that it was Howie Long who put the heat on traitor traitor threw it away so they could give monster 45-yard and the straight-ahead kicker nails that one flavor [Applause] 22 seconds left the red scam is free McCallum he says call me Knapp his grandfather and his father had Napoleon as a first name is all-purpose yardage total for the Naval Academy 7,000 172 yards NCAA record [Applause] got a powerful leg fix it this the phone [Applause] well directed kick Adams electing to receive it and that lettuce pounds and the ball carried him out of bounds inside the Tim well you love that of your Wayne severe the special teams coach because that will go down as a Bala a yard return catches the ball can't control his momentum and right there you see him stepping on the sideline that's got to be one of the shortest kickoff returns of the year [Applause] - let it go out of bounds [Applause] [Music] Eagles and Dallas stored on a Tony Dorsett run seven Munchak [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so is Marcus Allen with just a few ticks left on the clock here in the first quarter Dexter Manley in on the bottom of that pile and it's against the Raiders [Applause] they're saying they don't want it now I think motion they Butz he's brought an interesting guy left guard decline the penalty second down but along with playing some heavy-duty football the other number 65 and the whites has quite artistic with the wooden decoys duck decoys one of the things he enjoys doing told me spent his offseason not only working with some decoys and carving them fact we have one maybe we can show it later on but also doing a lot of reconstruction on his house wiring putting up putting up a couple of new bedrooms in the house and making some wine as well he is multi-talented that's the end of the quarter three Olsen welcome back to RFK Stadium in Washington DC where the Raiders and the Redskins are tied at three Los Angeles ball just across their 10-yard line we open the second quarter second down [Music] Willson going to Todd Christensen incomplete 45 yard line Coffee the government Todd Christensen one of the most productive of tight ends and certainly the kind of guy that has a wonderful knack of of getting open we wonder what a quarterback is looking at us he looks downfield Wilson had Todd Christensen all the way on that play waited until the last possible second getting that ball out looping it across trying to get it over the head of Kent copy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Christenson in the last three years it's third down that's when the Interceptor [Applause] to Washington [Applause] broke that pattern and it looked like mark.wilson expected him to break to the outside you see right there why Curtis Jordan loves to see pressure on the quarterback when he had got that heat on the quarterback you can force the bad throw he had five interceptions last year that is the 15th of George's career out of Texas Tech announced Red Raider has the ball at the Raider [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it's covered no it isn't covered the Raiders have it at the 22-yard down at the 25 another fumble Jerry Robinson had it initially number 57 he fumbled it back and now let's see who is in position they say it's a Raider football the boy when you've got a chance to go ahead and you got a turnover and you turn right around that was an option play by Schrader he didn't see how he long from the backside we long a right play he knew he was going to have time to come in from the back side watch it here now watch Schrader stop right here look at how he comes in and goes right for the wall mama why do this look at the right for the football knocks it loose a chance right there for a month to get ahold of it but Jerry Robinson alertly on the ball now here's the second fumble that ball is loose a second they're finally covered by patel on the side john jones actually got him here comes Frank Hawkins with a Washington defense King on Marcus Allen Hawkins a fullback from nevada-reno accepted yardage couple of very fine young defensive linemen I got to tell you if a Kel coming along so quickly at the nose tackle position unusual because of his build but I got a few Lea's he's so tall for the tall you know usually the you take a fire hydrant put him in on those centers or a leg at the defensive line coach I'm sure extremely proud of the way his defense reacted that's a confident defense that walks right out there with a knot on that I've done this hand look at that roof stepped on we understand on the first play of the game might remember that Mark Wilson had some problems with that hand earlier one of the Raiders being helped off the field Curt Marsh the starting guard from Washington who has had his share of injury problems and he lives just as Mickey Marvin left for a play in the first quarter but his back Charlie Hannah they've got to decide what they want to do with Charlie he held out with recently sign now [Applause] over the middle almost intercepted by Ken coffee he was Christensen for the ball replacing the injured Marsh's number 77 hope not Lyle Alzado 77 is now worn by Chris reham [Music] [Applause] as Williams well covered on the far side by Daryl green and a penalty apparently against the Raiders [Applause] against number 77 reading the lips of dr chris ram first game in the National Football League for Rhema played his college ball at Ohio State he's getting a little coaching on the sidelines for March Shelley you see it on the right that's that's pressure you're not expecting really to fly and all of a sudden you got to go in there and there lets kids know it's a fast they're coming all off guys first fun 41 yards no return [Applause] [Music] I am [Music] dream at the 34-yard line did not sir catch the ball Stephon Adams was there to cover 35-yard punt again no return yardage for the Redskins at a time [Applause] Dick Enberg with Merlin Olsen welcome back to Washington DC RFK Stadium the Redskins with a ball George Rogers up the middle to his own 38 yard line short yardage and on our NBC scoreboard every 10 minutes you'll be brought up to date on all the action throughout the National Football League stump mitchell has scored for the st. Louis Cardinals as they draw to 14-7 against Atlanta and Boomer Esiason dedi Brown at Cincinnati touchdown make it 14-3 against Buffalo [Applause] second down along six Rogers blasting up the middle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sixteen tough yards for George Rogers who replaced number 44 John Riggins watch the trap blocking here by RC thielemann as he'll come from this position and stump a block over into here a block on the backside by the center Bostick on Pakal and the double team down that opened the hole for Rogers who exploded [Applause] [Music] righteous again trying the middle has about five more before three black jerseys can converge on his 229 pound friend rushing yards last five years of course for the five years for Rogers at New Orleans with the Saints third only to Payton and Dorsett former Heisman winner the Gamecocks of South Carolina I think one of the things that he was happiest about last week aside from an excellent game was the fact that he didn't fumble a football high premium here as you [Applause] the Redskins are finding Running Room up the middle huge offensive line of Bostick grim and tilman the guards jacobian may the tackles just forging ahead for Rogers down in the trenches you see these big horses unless just turn em loose up front it's the same play again just that little trap with Dielman coming over and behind the double-team and he didn't get a great block on that play but Rogers didn't need it he could just squared his shoulders up and blew up they loved the left side of that line to pick the big hogs on the left or ponder four straight fairies by Rogers on this drive 515 six and five yards now they fake to Rogers Holly long gets a piece of Schrader and then the tackle is made by Sean Jones but it was long who spun the quarterback around and set him up for the sack undressed the quarterback no question about it this man could do it as well as anyone in football you see him at the bottom of your picture 75 a move inside gets away from mark May and Schrader who thought after those successful runs he was going to have time to throw the football is down by number 99 Sean Jones a Raiders second only to the Giants in second the quarterback last year at 3 last week at Denver so [Applause] and he carries for the first time 20 for the same number that Joe Washington used when he was that second back they long yardage back in the Gibbs offense and he gains about 600 let's go back down in the pits and watch them again as they anticipate the all-out rush try and take advantage of it with a little quick draw play a little quick drag play up inside Brian you know what I like about him when to pop out of that position in it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] later [Music] coverage and monk for haze the defender he has to watch Lester Hayes again trying to work on art monk monk just goes in and hooks up Lester who's man-on-man put a little pull on bug to pull him away from that football Steve Cox to punt Napoleon McCallum at the Tim Cox will try to drop this one down around the 10 and hope to get a fair catch Wayne severe very impressed with the qualities of Napoleon McCallum every dying swan is going to go to the 8-yard [Music] by the Redskins [Applause] twenty-eight yard punt that's all Cox wanted to get the ball inside the 10 the soft touch this is the artistic work of day but sue carves these wooden decoys and gave it to you partner yeah me yeah well he said it gives one to all the broadcasters who played the defensive line for more than 50 years [Applause] no decoy on that play as the Raiders from deep in their own end day that's about the 12 yard line Marcus Allen here it's three all in Washington [Applause] and it's at ten minute I'm Giants extend their lead Philadelphia still on a three nothing Dallas seven nothing all second quarter score Cincinnati by 11 Houston 7 nothing food looked at New Orleans Allen flying out to the 18 yard line I believe has the first down poets submarining the tackle all a question of where they marked the football now they're gonna put them back maybe shy of the first down he had rolled out to the 20 but they put it down between the 17 and 18 I think they're still going to have to measure a deck that gives us a chance to talk about the value of Marcus Allen like Rogers of the Redskins a Heisman award winner and as a senior set an NCAA record of 2,300 yards for the Trojans of Southern California and what a valuable first-round pick he was for the Raiders he's just shy of the first down and on this first half of play Marcus Allen has 54 yards rushing we pause briefly for station identification from Washington this is the NBC television network [Applause] and he chews up another chunk out to the 26 yard line and apparently on his way to another 100 yard game furthering his own record looks for his 11th in a row and they're not counting the 100 yard game he had against the Patriots in the playoff in that string those are regular season games he's up to 63 already as you watch in there dick I've always felt that one of the ways to measure the ability of a back was to look at how many yards they make after they take that first hit by the defense Allen Ashley drug one about seven yards on that play and now he shows his past receiving Talent and again after he was hip able to twist for another yard and a half in the grasp of ulka wits and Mill Kaufmann [Applause] last year Allen who was the top rusher in the National Football League with 1759 yards rushing but also caught 67 passes and over an 8 yard average as you see another band who's working on milestones today Neal oka wit started this game three tackles away from making a thousand [Music] Frank Hawkins to the 37 that will be close to a first down ulka wits number 52 made the tackle he's from Maryland nicknamed the mole why he has burrowed underneath a lot of piles and he's the kind of man you love to play with I'll tell you he never plays at anything less than full speed it's three all here in Washington let's go to New York i deck in cincinnati buffalo cuts in to the Bengals lead with this six yard touchdown run by Rob Riddick they then proceeded to miss the point after so Cincinnati has the lead at 14 nine in the second back to RFK all right Bob Costas and of course we invited all you folks around the nation to stay tuned for NFL 86 at halftime a special feature on Big Daddy Lipscomb as well as the big plays of the early game for the first town the Raiders [Applause] the necessary yardage in here is Wilson to throw oh what a move first down marvelous Marcus Allen 12 yards shake rattle and roll watch him as he goes to the outside here he has a gain of about two yards now but watch what he does with this short reception there's a missed tackle in the Bell Kaufmann misses another one there and then spotting a little opening just propels himself picked up the last six yards after he was cornered by the defense our most valuable player award sponsored by Budweiser and of course Marcus Allen always figures to be in the balloting for that award no Kaufman Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Bobby better be outstanding in general manager the Redskins with a terrific guy for collegiate talent also went to Cal Poly often one of the top free agent picks he's a free agent oka wits is a free agent [Music] defense why I'd make the squad this year on first down and somehow it makes a couple of yards out of it at the 5010 coffee fortunately for the Redskins had penetrated and was in Allen's path it was the only white jersey that would have stopped him from reversing that allah the superbowl three years ago redskins we'll never forget that long run 176 yards 70 or 74 yards that marcus allen made in that game i'm interesting to note that although his yardage set a Super Bowl record the big plays were unbroken place and that's where the great athlete really shines whether he'd be a quarterback or running black it's the ability to do something when a play breaks down that sets them apart he gets a breather in Napoleon metalli underneath the Hawkins and the pull back is just shy of the first down at the 43 barrel green down low of the tackle assisted by Neil Oakley wits green as you saw an NBC sports world after our game from London the Bears and the Cowboys winning the NFL's fastest man contest he beat Phillip Epps to the Packers in the quarterfinals and Ron Brown world class fritter in the semis and Willie Gault and Olympian in the final so he is the fastest man in the NFL and don't you think he's proud of that he says I'm ready to go back and defend next year [Applause] [Music] McCallum get much but he didn't need an awful lot it's going to be close from this angle it appears he got the first stone they may need to measure Napoleon McCallum a very straight up runner rather unique in that way talking to Wayne Suvir who coaches the special teams here in Washington said that McCallum has a punt returner reminds him a great deal of Mike Nelms who did such a great job for the Redskins for many years Marcus putting on his war gear to come back onto the field I believe it's going to be enough for the first down deck those defensive linemen they have eyes like Eagles I'd say I hated it there when they thought it's Batum I always wanted to be short especially by just that much oh yes Marcus Allen back in there and he's been a key on this Drive three all 45-yard field goal by most in this the second quarter the Raiders took the early lead on a 28 yard field goal by Chris Barr [Applause] McCallum's first NFL [Applause] Charles Mann number 71 applying some heat seventy-four rookie Marcus cook koc eights pronounces his last name cook from Boise State he was the Redskins number two draft pick double-a all-american three times all Big Sky out there at Boise State beautiful country up Idaho Wilson so so in the past department [Applause] Dave butts five yard deficit [Applause] they've just steamrollered inside watch him from the left side of your picture they're studying in there play every time they're going to let those defensive linemen penetrate butts swinging cross on the stunt there's no way to block him on that play that's the perfect call defensively he was drafted by the around back in 73 this is his 14th year and he forces the Raiders into a third and 14 [Applause] [Music] into their first set money Coleman number 51 [Music] well if you're going to blitz you better get there there skins know that as they approach on this play Hockman coming inside Coleman is coming on the outside and you just don't have enough people to pick up all those white shirts Wilson finally went down to lost watch 12 yards on the play deck he looked right look left that both receive bankers back at the school another great kick dream has to fair catch it at the 10-yard line so Ray guy three pumps and a half all three forced green to fair catch the ball that one goes for 48 yards and a timeout to 20 left in the half in the NFL ray guy and he is out of his slump that he was in a slump last week he's out of it to hell believe me from the 11 yard line George Rogers [Applause] burro's for about three yards as we approach the two-minute warning and we approach this report from NFL 86 well Dick Enberg is Merlin Olsen will tell you on his birthday this would be a dream gift for any lineman the Phil Simms pass off the head of Thomas Benson into the arms of rookie defensive lineman Leslie O'Neal the Chargers number one pick from Oklahoma State so it remains 10 nothing Giants after the turnover but nevertheless part of the story there the Chargers with 50 last week and shutout thus far by the Giants on this Sunday timeout two minutes left in the half Tennessee the McKinsey's their parents are here rally for the Redskins identical twin Reggie three minutes older he says he is the older brother not the bigger brother we're all he's got it by about and seven said Nashville Knoxville Tennessee Kelvin Bryant working hard to get a couple pin back by Reggie Mackenzie interesting to note I mention that Raleigh is 30 pounds heavier and that's that's of course because he plays on the offensive line needs that extra weight and is bulking up for a different position and the linebacker Reggie if you see there who's got to concentrate it more on his ability to run and speed covering the backs down field rather than the physical strength needed in the trenches a couple of remarkable young men Mackenzie of the Raiders was a 10th round pick and his brother Riley was an 11th round choice late picks by both left knee both blegh roster six and it's a long fall for straighter as he chips going back from Center and how a long right there to make sure he doesn't get up at the 10-yard line and the Redskins with 111 left will have to punt and the Raiders immediately call time for that long how quick he is he gets Raider then gets the referees attention come out a chance to look quickly at that last play two things to notice here how a long look how low he is in his stance and watch him as he just buries himself goes right underneath that thing they call oka what's the mole but how he looked like a mole on that play ended up being right there on top of Schrader and then calling timeout we see him being congratulated by Alegent defensive line coach on the sideline to receive the ball five yards deep in his own end zone and kicked from the goal line it's a beautiful pedals to the 39 looking for a block and there Todd Falls rookie defensive back made the play balls from Temple University number 23 52 yard punt no return and a penalty against the Raiders apparently great kick by Cox and even better coverage very often when you kick the ball that far you out kick your coverage but McCallum figuring he could get to the outside nail down and there is a penalty against illegal block number 82 receiving clean ten-yard first down so the Raiders who appeared to be an excellent position with that punt from the goal line by the Redskins where they might have mid field position and a minute left to try to take the lead here at the end of the first half instead find themselves pushed back to their own 32 and a half yard line all the highlights coming up on NFL 86 at the intermission so stay with us Barksdale sprinter speed to the left dokie partly slow to the right underneath they go to Frank Hawkins and he stopped immediately by Darryl Greene they'll huddle there quickly to the line Raiders have two timeouts left you see the clock that's the official clock ticking away 40 seconds Wilson again out of the backfield Hawkins trying to get out of bounds and does with some help at the 38 but it's only a three yard pickup no Kaufmann made the play 36 seconds left in the half I think everyone expected especially in light of the game a tremendous game remember three years ago when they battled 37 35 here and one of the great comebacks in history you know I was just thinking though dick as the clock ticks down to you talked about the scars that Joe Gibbs has he was mentioning the 12 second play in the Super Bowl when they threw the ball intercepted by Squire carried him for the touchdown [Applause] as Hamilton who had two sacks last week against the Eagles comes up with a second sacked out of this first half Tooting inside with Darryl grant enameled their Hamilton give some great quickness inside they really were able to take advantage of it there as he finds himself on top of mark.wilson watch Hamilton now doing a good job on Marche just breaks clean right there at the left side of your screen and there's nowhere for Mark Wilson to go sacked back at the 30-yard line and the Redskins call time with 31 seconds left in the half and they're hoping that their dangerous return man Darryl Greene will get a chance to bring one back against the sage veteran kicker guy of the Raiders who will try to keep the ball away or hang it so high the green doesn't have a chance no chance yet for Plunkett in this new season veteran from Stanford now 38 years old Chargers score before the half to cut the giant lead or still three nothing in Chicago 49 Cincinnati Houston on that fumble recovery big against Green Bay and three all 31 seconds left first half on the line of scrimmage Gaia's short thick rain chance to return it 44 he's got remember speed flags are down [Music] [Applause] the Redskins when Green made that little move to try to set up a blocker we actually put a block in a position where he had to hit in the back with Philadelphia still leading do you think buddy Ryan will call a press conference if the Eagles beat the Chicago Bears [Music] just as it was for the Raiders with a penalty on the kick return that took them back toward their own goal line so it is now for Washington and with 18 seconds left one would figure from their own 26-yard line that the skins won't take any chances I think the memory we just mentioned the 12 seconds to go before the half and the Superbowl down in Tampa when Gibbs selected to have Theismann try the little screen pass which ended up going into the end zone in the hands of Jack Swarek that's kind of thing that would encourage you to play the conservative game at this point although he does have Kelvin see how far they throw right into the stomach of lions two yard pickup and that will be the end of the fryin is hurt it's like Brian took a real shot in there he is still on the ground five seconds on the clock and that could be a much bigger player than just a little ordinary two yard gain at the end of a half Shawn Jones and he had someone else in there in that tackle they were twisted Brian go back and take it up and take another peek at it maybe we can see what happened at the end of that run Jones has a hold of him from the backside 57 Robinson and his leg is twisted underneath Jones as he goes over the top he's finally able to pull it loose but they are concerned about his left leg you saw him moving that left leg and now they're there looking at the at the amount of flex in the other leg which will give them an idea for what kind of damage has possibly been done to the knee but oh if they were to lose him that would be such a critical loss he gives them so much dimension in plays and how excited he was to have him there you fear they're the size and the happy response of these fans I got to tell you that's would be a height stopper if you down on that Redskins sideline Kelvin Bryant with the Tar Heels he was the star on that football team while Michael Jordan was making all those spectacular flying dunks for Dean Smith last play of the half unless we have a penalty against the Raiders [Music] sits out the final seconds Oh in contrast to the 72 points these two teams scored three years ago and that 37:35 win a couple of field goals and that's it three all somewhat surprising or are you surprised well I know that the emphasis of these two teams is on good defense they both play outstanding defense but I don't think either offenses had a very good first half I'm sure they the one thing that's going to be talked about in the locker room is the missed opportunity when Vernon Dean got the interception had them in position to score down there they turned around they ran an option play and fumble the ball back when Howie long got Schrader from behind I think that perhaps with the biggest play of the first half and of course then the turnovers were even at 100 we pointed that out Washington almost unbeatable when they have the advantage in that turnover table when tall at the half three all the score here at RFK in Washington DC now let's check ins a possession team they like to throw the short possession passes and run the football and yet their Raiders have controlled the first half statistically in terms of time of possession 9 of 19 passing for the Raiders 4 of 9 neither team able to hit the 50% marker you see the rushing stats which do also favor the Raiders Marcus Allen with the bulk of those yards 61 yards of those in fact Merlin well George Rogers has 38 of the 57 yards rushing for the Redskins Washington will get the ball first the only scoring in the first half field goals the raiders scoring on their first possession and helped by the way to penalties that extended that drive against Washington had allowed the Raiders to get a 28 yard field goal by that man Chris bar and then Mike mostly drilled run from 45 yards late in the first quarter to tie the game we're underway in the second half Keith Griffin number 35 at the two [Applause] that famed Griffin family from Columbus Ohio returns it out to the 23 yard line Jeff Barnes 56 special teams star and captain of the Raiders made the tackle Schrader takes his team onto the field Jayce Raider who signed out of UCLA a contract a bonus contract in baseball with the Toronto Blue Jays who have gone for that mold a talented player they were signed Danny Ainge out of BYU Ames eventually I'm making a baseball trying with the Celtics Rick leach former Miss in baseball Schrader did not have to [Music] let's get started George Rogers hammering it up the middle yards rod Martin and company for the Raiders let's set them defensively how a long built the Cal Shaun Jones the front three the linebackers Robinson millon McKenzie and Martin Hayes and Haynes at the corners and turan and McIlroy at safety Rogers comes out on second and eight and Keith Griffin is in the backfield for the first time dick just glancing down on the sideline I can't see Kelvin Bryant we just get that report and will not return today that's why Griffin's in there Art Monk short yardage Mike Haynes number 22 on the coverage short of the first down four yards for monk that's only the third reception by a wide receiver for the Redskins monk as all three and Doki Williams has only two and those are the only two of the Raiders wide outs it caught situations substitution by both defenses in this situation the Raiders expecting TAS have their Swifter people on the field third and four didier the only Oh as he goes over the top of Keith Griffin Barnes in one of those positions where I think probably he felt he had a chance at an interception but the timing wasn't there Raiders saying that was an uncatchable pass but a really a foolish mistake by Barnes even if that passive been caught it could not have been for the first half the interference the automatic first down penalty you'll see it's on the left side of your screen there's Griffin he's well inside of the first down yardage and you cannot go through the intended receiver to get at that football really a classic example of the enforcement of that rule as he is ticketed for defensive interference on the play 1 yard penalty but more importantly a first down Washington after 20 [Applause] Krisha Shawn Jones and the second line of defense from Jerry Robinson the linebacker third sack for the Raiders battle of Giants over there Shawn Jones at six foot seven 260 pounds wants to be about 270 is having a hard time holding his weight working one-on-one on Joe Jacobi Jake is about six foot six 305 pounds I says that accurate he said when I can find a scale a little handle it Joe Jacoby a free agent pick out of Louisville and an all-pro tackle with the Redskins how he long over to Kobe this time as they put Shawn Jones inside on the nose [Applause] [Music] greater inside his ten over the middle intercepted by Turan Stacy I ran to the 27 yard the Raiders have their first interception it went off the hands of Gary Clark and there were nothing but black jerseys when that ball started to fall two interceptions in the last two weeks for Schrader both out of bouncing out of the hands of intended receivers he had that kind of luck last week as you look from behind Schrader under pressure but has time here to spot the receiver gets outside he is a mobile quarterback fires it back inside the net Paul should have been caught Gary Clark should have come down with that football instead the Raiders get the big break and now can they can they do what the Redskins failed [Music] [Applause] [Music] now Marcus Allen gets the call as first play for the Raiders on offense in the second half and Marcus Allen now with four more to go 65 yards as you look at Jay Schrader one of the things they like about this young man despite his inexperience he didn't play much in college at UCLA he started only one game he and dokey Williams have that common factor Terry Donahue had that kind of talent neither man saw much playing time but both the potential stars in this National Football League straighter good mobility doesn't throw the interception makes good decisions and you can't blame him for that intercept the other thing they'd like about it he's not a very emotionally very stable at Lee you could see right there he's thinking about the good things he wants to do the next time he has the football games I'm Mark Wilson at the line of scrimmage had to use a timeout and with that 1237 left third quarter trying to take the lead it's tied at three early in this third quarter in Washington and Mark Wilson on second down to throw dumps it off to Hawkins and that they pull back is inside the 20 yard line down at the 19 / first town as we look at the Raider sidelines see the place going in from the sideline sandbag Ocean on the right of Tom Flores on the left Larry Keenan quarterback coach and he will signal in the place rusty Pilcher with his back to us there will stand in front of the quarterback coach to kind of shield him from the other sideline just in case someone is trying to read the plays from the far side of the field there's Mark you saw him getting the play from the sideline quickly calling it he's worried about the 30-second clock third and a law [Applause] give it to the big bat Marcus Allen he's at the 15 and he's down close to the 10 yard line before he's bounced out of bounds following the block of Frank Hawkins Fernand Dean there to make the defensive play Allen with 8 more yards and a first down Los Angeles at the 12 yard line there's Ritchie Pettibone on the far side now of course he's signaling in the defensive calls for that for the defensive team see him he's listening to Larry telling defensive coordinator upstairs there was the call very simple calls defensively that DNS out yet I IQ of the defensive players versus the know nothing personal first down at the 12 up the middle and trying to make us cut away from Vernon Dean his feet went out from beneath them and it's fortunate that this is natural turf that's the kind of play where the artificial carpet often you see that knee go but the grass gave and not the body and Allen is down at about the seventh brings us to a ten minute ticker update halftime scores Philadelphia that's the big surprise as far leading the Bears three nothing in Chicago Dallas big cincinnati has opened its lead cleveland has hit a field goal Atlanta by four New Orleans by 21 [Applause] second and six Marcus Allen inside didn't get much down at the 6 yard line grass Darryl green number 28 he's only five eight and one seventy one of the many players out of the houston high school system to make it big in the NFL or do they have great football team in Texas but Houston when you make out your nose for each game you see every team as somebody seemingly that played in Houston [Applause] [Music] those receivers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they sent that safety man on a blitz and he was there too quickly for Wilson and Wilson had no chance to search out to target the defense has always felt that when you get down close to the goal line that's a time when they can afford to blitz not a lot of room for receivers to get open they sent the safety blitz along with [Applause] [Music] and Chris bar hits it easily he's four for four on the season and with 1049 remaining in the third quarter the Raiders turned the interception by ran into a field goal [Applause] well weeks the baseball year and that's our lineup on Saturday as Chris bar spins it to Keith Griffin Luca won down at the 24-yard line good coverage by the raiders just wanted the pier that he had some Running Room and he quarter number 81 and here comes right around the Washington offense you tear out some of the pages of that Washington offense when you take Calvin brand out of there I'm sure that Joe gives very conscious of that you have to lean back very heavily then on the running number 38 George Rogers and trying more effectively to your wide receivers here died play of the first half entering both an ankle and and we don't know how serious that injury is but he won't play the rest of today as the report Gary the pass he didn't catch and he's out of bounds at the 37 with the first down my canes on the coverage let's go back to that play in the first half here's what happened to Bryant it was just an ordinary play except one man had him down low and then the other pushed him back against his left leg watch his left leg how it gets caught underneath him Sean Jones down on that leg and Bryan driven over the top on that play by 57th Jerry Robinson not George Rogers running back is across the 40 to the 41 yard line rod Martin fine 10 year veteran with the Raiders made the tackle big play rod Martin some shuffling going on among the linebackers of the Raiders Brad Van Pelt who started so long cut loose now playing in the Cleveland lineup and they kept Jerry Robinson and Lyndon King who was cut loose early by the San Diego Chargers they're very excited about him I think he's going to be a valuable addition here [Applause] Rogers Hill by Shawn Jones am howey long [Applause] Jones 265 pounds from Northeastern Boston was a two-time letter winner in lacrosse can you imagine him with his feet in size and that's four listen if he's got a stick in his hand I don't want to get close to it he's dumping up with it just the normal equipment ball back at the 39 yard line and brings up a past situation third and eight let's see where they put Howie long on this play they've been moving him outside and I think he's going to be outside again on the open side out on Joe Jacoby and I think now he's moving inside let's say right inside on Boston [Applause] and they take too much time thirty seconds I believe and I think one of the reasons they took too much time was that how a long was moving up and down the wine and they wanted to figure out where he was in fact Joe Gibbs said that's two people you want to know what they're doing over there how he long as one on the offense five yard and the other one is van McElroy he always want a sense where he is because he's going to hurt you from his position as a safety 46 year old Joe Jackson Gibbs and he has considerable respect for number 75 now it's not always what how he does it's the number of people that he occupies in that offensive line that allows other people to get open we have to remember it it's a it is a team defensive philosophy there traitor it's a first time [Applause] straighter rolling against his body as a right-hander and he gunned a 25 yard bullet let's look at how Schrader was able to get that test watch how he long as he'll come inside and be double-teamed here working inside right there on Russ Grimm Bostick gets a hold of him plastic grabs him from the back side but Schrader with his mobility gets away and at the last possible second got that pass off for the first down terrific throw the play is worth 24 [Applause] out of bounds at the 31 yard line another first down 11 yards for Didier his first catch today Heelys neo Lomax's top target back at Portland State in their college days we have not seen a lot of Didier today but he's a man you have to respect defensively as Ron as fast as a 4 for 9 in a 40 and for a big tight end that is motoring a new size body control there as he picked up the extra yardage in spite of his proximity to the sideline trailing 6 to 3 the Redskins on the marsh at the 31 first down [Applause] [Music] Rogers for 3 to 4 yards diktat they crossed into the 30-yard line of the defense on that play and that's a special territory for the Redskins they call that the Redstone once they go across the 30 they're special rules for the quarterback for example he is told not to take the sack they know that they're in field goal range so he's told if he has to to get rid of the football now if they go another 10 yards Joe Gibbs says we get inside the 20 we can be a little more aggressive because we can still take the shot a sack and have a shot at the field boy [Applause] as 45 yards in the game and gets another chance and is inside the 25 where it'll be third down and three I had to look at the other scores still ten seven that charger touched down on a past and Faust Anderson three nothing Philadelphian the thirst 17 nothing the Cowboys at Detroit 21 12 Bengals 7 3 Houston another low-scoring game in Houston 1713 Atlanta no chains there in New Orleans still well in command against Green Bay Jim Mora going for his first NFL win Kelvin Brian the USFL in a tough three [Applause] [Music] sure there'll be a conversation with the with a coach and a quarterback on the sideline there's a 14-yard sack against the takes them out of field goal range dick third-quarter at the Meadowlands Giants leading the Chargers ten seven but the Chargers moving the ball Dan Fouts goes up top and Mark Collins steps in front of Tremaine Johnson for the interception Collins was burned Monday in Dallas but does the job here back in Washington 6:20 [Music] [Applause] five line covered at the seven there may be a penalty against the Raiders here the Raiders actually pounced on that football let's see what happened it was the ball downed was their penalty but the officials sort this one out could have been holding ineligible man downfield for the Redskins on the coverage game team had an ineligible man down field number 58 there's a five-yard penalty kick it over from where the flag was thrown it was right at the spot where you try to check those outside men going down under the punt and often that is for defensive holding but it was not in this case Shawn Burke's 58th rookie free agent from LSU ticketed for the early release Redskins with so many young players concerned about their special teams they lost five of their best seven special teams players and experienced so important on special teams but they feel if they can get through these early games without making big mistakes that they are going to be an exciting special teams unit that I looking at these junctions they have I'd agree with [Applause] [Applause] into the end zone the later is on that five what do you have will be this time well we have a little question for you okay well it will talk to you about it after the play involves rush Gribble I was gonna say that's the answer restaurant Willson underneath to marcus allen diving to the 26 a gain of six all right let's say about restroom question is what unique responsibility does Grimm have well and here is the answer and it's a lineman's dream he's the Redskins unlisted quarterback now we said unlisted because nobody hopes everybody hopes they won't call his number he's got the third string quarterback of the emergency quarterback he's the unlisted don't call me [Applause] look out sprinting into the secondary and a first down at the 33 yard line can coffee with a tackle and Marcus Allen with that Rumble now has unofficially 83 yards 49 for Rodgers him the 2x Heisman winners battle head-to-head here in Washington today 17 yards from extending his record to 11 straight games hundred yards or more for Allen it's interesting only four backs over a hundred yards in 47 games against this defense so they're tough to run on and first down Wilson going deep but no one home with his speed almost got back for the intercept at the 25 dokey Williams intended receiver nokey over to talk to the official to say hey he can't but it was green who had the better shot at the end of that one every time you throw that kind of a pass oh you stretched you stretch the defense you make them respect your ability to throw the long pass which means that you start downfield and it's going to give you a room underneath free field goals and that has been it in case you're just joining us at our LK Stadium hundred and fifty first consecutive sellout of watched the Redskins kick one and the Raiders two field goals a 6-3 game can't pick about his talent he's out of bounds at the 40-yard line good hit by no Kaufman but it's six more yards or Marcus Allen 90 on the game [Applause] well he must just drive defenses fits when they look at films we were talking about Joe Gibbs talking about the Raiders defense and we said well what about the Raiders offense he said the one guy of my eyes are on and our defensive eyes are on is Marcus Allen third down and four Shelby Jordan number 74 as they placed Henry Lauren [Music] god Christenson a tough catch in a first town they needed for and got five from Christianson Monte Coleman with good coverage but an excellent throw is that Christensen's first of the day yes I think it is Todd they've thrown several times to him here boy talk about having to fight to get out Monty Coleman all over Todd Christensen but he makes the tough catch in in traffic and that's been a trademark of Todd Christensen Christensen who in four years plus the two games of this year is fought 300 plus passes [Music] and art monk with his 400th pants today and that comes in six years plus two games first down to the Redskins 49 the patience of a man knowing he's in the midst of all those defenders just give it that little pause what present that's the last thing most people would want to do with all those men trying to hit you look at this little pause to set up the extra couple now again I mentioned the ability to control your body to fight there it is there's the little stop rich Malik 57 had ahold of him but Alan seems to always be going forward when he ends up on the ground five seconds left in the third quarter the Raiders lead six three second down Frank Hawkins he has a first down at the 40 of the skins [Applause] what happens when you ask Marcus Allen the block sometimes the man behind him also gets to make a good play they're looking to expecting Allen inside look how hard they came from the outside Dexter Manley all over Marcus opens it to the outside for Frank Hawkins not only a blocker in that situation but also the decoy Dexter Manley comes out in the rookie number 74 Marcus cook is in a defensive end for the Redskins Marcus [Applause] thirty five he was still taking a bath that he was five yards on the line of scrimmage for your kids Marcus they have put him very close to 100 yards exactly ten more yards and 100 for Allen as he sets another new record breaking his own as he goes 11 straight weeks with a hundred yards oh I got to tell you again that that's making the big play out of the broken play he started to throw the ball there was nobody open downfield he just reversed it takes it around the other end and gets down to where he's just inside of a first down second and less than a foot [Applause] Napoleon McCallum replaces Allen is Hawkins up the middle he's at the 19 yard line the 18 and a first down let's check other scores for you bill 1070 is 7-3 the Bears finally take the lead at home 17 nothing Cowboys at Detroit [Applause] 21:12 Cincinnati and nine seven Cleveland has the lead in Houston for the first time 1713 still close in Atlanta Green Bay pulls within 14 at New Orleans here at six to three [Music] first down to play the Redskins and Raiders have contact Bruce Davis out of his stance early going to be five-yard penalty I believe against the Raiders offense 79 false start [Applause] and again I think I mentioned the crowd the home crowd it got so loud here that I think maybe that impacted Davis who's off a full count before anyone else and obviously offsides on the play the Raiders now first and 15 at their 23 at the 23 of Washington now the Raiders said the three toughest places to play are Denver where they played [Applause] dan coffey I talked to Kent coffee yesterday and of course when we were here to do a preseason game last mafia just been hurt they literally had to reconstruct his knee and put it back together he said thank God that they were able to do that and I'm just fortunate to be playing football again I'll tell you though the Redskins love it he's a team player he's an all-out player and you saw there how valuable he is to their defensive scheme former bobcat at Southwest Texas State [Applause] we'll send going for it all to Kristensen [Applause] as a voracious reader well he must have been reading the playbook he goes behind the line of scrimmage two yards makes this classic tackle in the open field of Frank Hawkins and then he knows how to go the other way the thing that's so pretty about this watched the way he watches the ball all the way and still tracks the receiver and at the last second goes up and picks the ball off it's at its highest point that's one to put in the in the real Jase Raider last play third quarter he goes to break up the play as order comes for here in Washington and the score with one quarter to go can coffee captain a traitor six Redskins three Calvin Brian injured on the final play of the first half and Bryant out of uniform but a reminder that he was a star on the other leg he wears his 84 star Philadelphia stars USFL championship t-shirt but now all and a disappointed one fumble stamp and traitor picks it up throws [Applause] is down back at the 37 the biggest play of the day for the Washington Redskins and it was a broken play that really upset the balance of the Raider defense on the call back holding Lester Hayes whose job it is to cover monk was trying to follow him across behind the line and kind of got lost as he noticed that fumble back in there monk took advantage of it offensive holding number 84 10-yard penalty from the penalty spot Gary Clark the wide receiver trying to help out and got caught using his hands illegally here's that play now there's Clark this is the part of the holding now Clark is looking back over his shoulder and he'll notice the play it takes a while to develop let's see what he does with his hands here well we missed that part of it Lester Hayes trying to catch up Lester is not going to make the tackle but he did engage it which it was enough to make a play had he not been held apparently so instead of a big game 43 yards that could goes from the spot of the foul so it's second and short seven yards are [Applause] Rogers for the 30-yard line close to a first down we have 14 minutes 15 seconds left in the fourth period and we're back to that 10-second ticker still closed in New York Bears extend their lead to 7 Dallas holding on to the 17 nothing advantage in the Silverdome a two-point game Bengals at home Cleveland by two at Houston 1713 Atlanta there in the fourth quarter in New Orleans Saints by two touchdowns here Ken Coffey's interception in the Washington endzone denying Mark Wilson and the Raiders a chance to extend their 6 to 3 leave Washington with a first down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] underneath tomorrow flag down as monk has 12-yard shift accounts but I believe someone was holding how a long yes shaking his head I didn't do it I didn't do it it's so hard for those offensive linemen ten yards first down oh wait a minute you're about to have sympathy for the offensive line are allowed to use their hands so liberally no no I'm not I I do feel sorry for them in one way that one of the few times we mentioned their names in a broadcast is when they're caught holding and they do so many things that are necessary on that field if you don't have a good offensive line and the hogs one of the finest offensive lines in all of football for many years now and yet much of what you hear about them is when they make the mistake you're right about that but unfortunately that's just like in basketball when you show replay it's usually to see if an official made a mistake first in 20 lookout screen Griffin good block 20 there Griffen all the way to the 30 18 of the 20 before Van McElroy could make the stop [Applause] the screenplay effectively you've got to really make believers out of that defensive line they got to believe they beat you right here May tries to cut and long gets in there but here's no way he can make the play from that far back Archie Griffin filling in for Kevin Brian makes a good play there Keith Griffin the Archie would be proud over the way right you'd be proud of his brother art she's not here but I believe Ray is here that's right and so are the Griffin family Archie wanted to help our NBC numbers in Columbus Asia Ball is closer to the 37 so called at 17 yards second and a short three [Applause] [Music] Rogers fine didn't quite get to the 40 so that'll bring up third down in less than the yard right in behind the unlisted quarterback Russ Grimm they love to run in behind that left side of their line but the Raiders equal to the task they stack things up pretty well his third and little less than a yard and if he ever had a little play-action fake on third and short this it might be the time to do it Rickford on ik from Maryland a rookie seventh round graphic number 26 five eight and 217 is in the game along with Wally McKenzie Reggie friend brother as a food tie down field he's the up back this is Griffin that didn't the Raiders were all over that like a bear on honey again that option look which really has put them in trouble today they fumbled earlier on a play similar this with the option flip you see how many Raiders getting out there to join the join in on the tackle on there the whole troop train full of Redskins back there moving laterally to the wire hey you got a move you gotta move aggressively forward if you own the first down three on the tackle and two were taking notes solved by a couple of penalties and that lasts a couple of plays and it'll be Cox he has the ball was pin has room to return from the 18 he gets it to the 30 a 12 yard run back now we'll check the penalty number 26 come in a ball game played on a line he's illegal five-yard penalty he did come into the ball game Platonic metonic has got to check in if he gets into the slot occupied usually by an offensive lineman they decline the penalty 45 yard kick 12 yard return you know we talked about Russ Grimm with the possibility that he could be a third quarterback if he were to come in as a third quarterback he would have to report to the officials before every fight because he would be an ineligible number playing quarterback there is the unlisted quote of a heck of the Redskins and the injury here in Washington it's the Raiders on the move and Todd Christensen with a dozen from Mark Wilson rich millat number 57 with the tackle and a first down out at the 42 of Jim Kelly oh he has paid immediate dividends for the Buffalo Bills I think the exciting thing about a quarterback like Kelly makes other players on the team even better than they would be if he were not there like that's the mark of a great quarterback like adding a great hitter to a lineup everyone around him benefits 6 to 3 nothing but field goals thus far 10 and a half minutes left in the fourth period Marcus Allen showing some leg screen during the pile on the 45 today's game is brought to you by Ford and your local Ford dealer have you driven a Ford lately by the travelers one of America's strongest most experienced financial experts and by Budweiser beechwood aged for that clean crisp taste this Bud's for you ideal day sellout crowd as it has been for 20 straight years here in Washington and a tough defensive struggle six three Raiders less than ten minutes left second down and seven Wilson almost intercepted by coffee again intended for Christensen not a good pass by Wilson he's under pressure here Alka wets coming in picked up by Hawkins and that passed clearly behind Todd Christensen not only behind it but there's no way he could even get his hands on it I'll have our Budweiser MVP player and a few moments for you and there's the leading candidate setting another record he was tied with Walter Payton nine in a row last week from the old Kame 202 at denver and he has a hundred and tourists we speak today here in Washington [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the pressure will come from the right hand side look at Compline right there goes by mark looked like he got his facemask I think the official blue one there as Kaufmann reached out and grabbed marks face mask but was able to do it without being apprehended by the official hey guy to punch Darryl Greene back at the 21 another great pick by guy green at his 20 Oh balding to the 30 and out of bounds at the 32 and a little extra push and shove 43 yard kick and 12 on the return timeout 923 left Washington with a ball trailing by 3 I had a crowd much like a collegiate audience chanting in unison go go for the Redskins first down at their 32 the setback later going along [Applause] 60r [Music] the first please but this time they strike pay dirt they put it down on the 8 yard line the nine yard line and here's a shot of Didier getting deep right there over the outstretched hands of Stacey Turan we talked about his speed earlier so I'm finally being tackled there by number 22 Mike Hayes Ames saved a touchdown first and goal at the 9 they picked up the flag no penalty I don't know what that one was Gettier to the right Rogers up the middle or a good hard running from George Rogers Philadelphia has tied the Bears [Applause] miss Willis and Lyndon King in on defense for the Los Angeles Raiders as they're going to buckle up their hats expecting again to see Rogers I think right up the gut officially the longest play of the game that pass from Schrader to Didier was 59 yards second and goal from the three worn the Rogers the tailback [Applause] [Music] [Music] for the first time in the game the Redskins lead nine to six and now a very important point after by Mosley [Applause] was seven minutes and 27 seconds left Washington by 450 two minutes for a touchdown to be scored in this game George Rogers pleases owner Jack Kent Cooke and it didn't take the Redskins long minute 56 seconds to go 68 yards well it's the Raiders who talk about the vertical game and they've tried often today but the big payoff goes the young Jase Raider great bath later to bid here to set up the 3 yard touchdown run by Rodgers pucks gets it low and hard Napoleon McCallum inside his 5 got some Running Room 30:41 man to beat Cox and he gets him out of bounds at the Washington 38 yard line the ensign delivers a big return for the Raiders let's go back to the touchdown and the blocking that led the way even though you know where it's going to go watch right here Rowley Mackenzie 1 on walk on Lyndon King here a 250 pound linebacker just stands him up and drives him outside look at van nappa to get a hold of drivers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two yard kickoff return and now at the 36 yard line it's 10:00 to 6:00 Washington leading for seven minutes left in the game but Sandoval wits collaborated on the last hit I tell you when you're down on that field of the crowd is alive and going crazy as they are right now it's just like feeding those guys at Brent illan you feel the excitement on the field [Applause] the pressure [Music] get Wilson just as he delivers a ball [Music] you've got to have time to throw the football mark.wilson trying to wait long enough to get a receiver open again Washington successful on the Blitz furious for the hits from behind by Kaufman right there 55 and I think if Mark had had time to throw that football he would have had an open receiver very possibly a completion maybe a touchdown hein Wilson the place they'd get Bruce Davis tagged earlier for being offsides started to move a fraction early and I gotta believe they're having trouble here in the countdown there till no signal all start number 79 offense five-yard third down check the other scores around the National Football League the early games [Applause] 6:34 left here in Washington fourth-quarter Redskins 10 Raiders 6 ball at the 41 after the five-yard penalty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the opposite direction and the Redskins driven by this exuberant crowd often in the middle going up inside and Frank Hawkins tries to get over to get a piece of him but mark.wilson trying to get out of the way stepped right into the area that Coughlin was occupying and Coffman took him to the ground so if 612 left the flag down is gone Green's head and into the detective live so Napoleon McCallum with a brilliant 60 yard kickoff return for naught and now another scramble down at the 20-yard line quickly separated where the combatants a reminder as they resolve that last flag it's a motion against the Raiders I doubt if they're going to make him kick it again no legal motion 52 applying a penalty they don't want to give guy a chance to put it out of bounds they'll take him on the 20 and right now you better believe they're thinking about grinding it out eating that clock days of swine and roses here in Washington 603 left and here's our lineup next week on NBC we'll be in at first to encounter Miami and the New York Jets Denver Philadelphia Seattle New England that should be an outstanding game Pittsburgh at Minnesota an early game and one late encounter Houston at Kansas City now the Redskins proud of their running game and that's what Joe Gibbs cloud will try to do there before point lead six minutes left they'd like to show up a lot of time stay on the ground often in that defense deservedly celebrating quite a stand I think I said I didn't think at at m33 I thought we'd see more scoring in this second half defenses again dominating [Music] [Applause] at least stopping the register [Applause] Shawn Jones their first 75 how a long always a factor now he down inside he's inside on the center just blew right around I think they expected Howie to come in front of them he just slipped around as quick enough to go behind the block and make the play quick and strong way uses those forearms to drive off the blocker Rogers now with 65 yards on the afternoon Alan over a hundred [Applause] reading room [Applause] he had his eyes on the goal line twelve more yards in a first down and the clock is down to five ten not only an important first down in terms of time but that puts them on a field where they can afford to take a few more chances offensively good running right there Gary Robinson 57 this is the tackle at safety van McElroy always around had to come and pull it down from behind I look like rest grim were pulled out and threw the block on the corner a little misdirection Rogers the workforce across the 35 yard line rod Martin there along with Bill Pakal 434 left one thing you don't want to do if you're the Washington Redskins right now is turn that ball over I don't think there's a coach in football that talks to his players more about not fumbling the football not making the dumb play I'm sure that's something that is doesn't have to be said at this point by Joe Gibbs or his staff seconds along 7 Rogers again and they were waiting for him another yard gain to the 37 Bikel good top hit with McKinsey assisting third down still time 3 3 minutes and 49 seconds plenty of time on the on the game clock still traitors had the lead in Denver they had the lead in the fourth quarter today slender as it may have been at 6-3 and now trail 10 6-3 30 exactly left Keith Griffin in on third and seven - Clark breaks one tackle from Hayes but a good hit by Jerry Robinson former all-america at UCLA an Eagle Pro Bowler now the starter at that outside line back in position for the Raiders and the Redskins will have to punt clock shows three minutes well and it's down to this Schrader in the offense off the field they didn't run as much time off the clock as they would have liked to 52:49 ticking down like you'll see Doc's take as long as possible here before he kicks his foot 19 seconds left on that 30-second clock so for the Redskins and the Raiders apparently going to call time we had to use the time I remember earlier in this half to beat the 30-second time frame [Applause] it's a beauty all the way back to his eight flag is too angelo snipes made the tackle 53-yard punt by Steve Cox who showed the strength of his leg last week when he kicked the 55 yard field goal the shortest in his career he has 155 has 160 second longest ever he's done a great job both punters have done a super job today illegal block under receiving team number 44 half the distance dick reminiscent of what happened in that 83 game the game here during the regular season the longest pass play in Raider history from that game Plunkett - branch 99 yards one of the crucial plays right here and JFK I'm sure someone perhaps al Davis flashing back on that memory and saying wouldn't this be a great time to hook up on something like that Plunkett on the sidelines today and it's up to Mark Wilson he doesn't have a branch but he's got equal speed and Barksdale who comes out to the left [Applause] trailing 10-6 his own endzone the Christiansen for a six yard game tackle by him a lot and unless they varied that'll send the clock to the two-minute time up and that's going to be the case I'm out at rfk two minutes left the Raiders with a ball the Redskins with the lead the charges on the mines the future of the Raiders and the Redskins will play San Diego in the next two weeks al Davis was the head coach of the Raiders the last time they lost their first two games had to go all the way back to 1964 one of the things that's made this Raider team tough over the years though is their ability to come back it's not over as they say til it's over until the fat lady sings that's what they're thinking on the Raiders sideline right now thinking heat what second down and Wilson over the middle Christensen wide-open 30 and 34 yard line of first noun clock running with 150 left Jordan made the tackle 22 yard play go go without two-minute offenses in Raiders quickly to the line they have two timeouts left with protection underneath the Hawkins flag down Hawkins to the 41 but it looks as if it's going to be holding against Los Angeles Henry Lawrence number 70 locked up on number [Applause] mistake [Applause] number 70 1:32 left denies the game underneath and ten yards the other way to the 29 boy you just can't make mistakes of the critical dries right down to the gun here clock ticking a minute 32 that's an extra ten yards you've got to go back and get [Applause] Solutions the deep defense looking for something big instead they throw underneath the Kristensen for the 39 yard line throw to the first down Darryl Greene with a tackle it will be second and about five [Applause] [Music] seconds of this hand it's Hawkins first down to the Washington 47 yard line I'm out Los Angeles with 107 left in the game field-goal won't do it the Redskins were the only touchdown of the game have taken the lead by four and seconds left one timeout down by four first down at the Washington 47 the Raiders Wilson down the middle it's going to be almost dinners Curtis Jordan of that ball flopping through the secondary Christiansen was the closest Raider when didn't come close to a radio receiver Barksdale down inside and again I think that's where inexperience will hurt you he's not quite a known factor more the Raiders still very green did not play as you mentioned dick and college had balls thrown over the top he was the man that [Applause] [Music] Wilson now 4:35 no touchdowns two intercepts Kristensen at the 28-yard [Music] fifty-four seconds left Christensen spend the busy man on this drive six catches now for him 81 yards rock Christensen who had such a hard time breaking into the league wanted to be a fullback want to be a running back what a tight end he has become those great instincts for finding the open area in a defense he can run the football once he gets his hand on many of the fans here at RFK standing pension building final seconds [Music] six Washington going deep I am Doki Williams Nana's step their own green green closing that distance quickly to try and get deep on green the man that's in single coverage that falls just over the outstretched arms and Duque Williams I think he could have got that in further in the air if he cried all day long he's a long jumper almost 26 feet and a triple jumper over 55 [Applause] [Music] cheer the washington defense pick up the Blitz [Applause] on the far side but again there by Darrell Green who's getting a workout here a couple of interesting Falls Merlyn and got it down to the 33 and they went away from the short pass and a couple of bombs have just missed let's see where he comes down he would have been out I believe well out of bounds on that particular play he gonna be too caught the ball seconds remain in town [Music] won't help and won't help the Raiders but it really turned Timms the Raiders call timeout at the Redskins record their fifth sack of the day number 71 Charles Mann breaking in from the outside you'll see him the Blitz again right there Curtis Jordan up the middle Hawkins picks him up but Wilson knows he's going to be under the heat and there comes a man from the far side that no way he's going to get away with that one no Kaufmann injured on the play thirty-eight seconds left fourth down at the 39 they have to get inside the 18 for a first down and then be sure they get out of bounds if they're to keep the drive alive last week against Denver the same spot fourth down and Wilson had to eat the ball and Rulon Jones sacked him in Denver to assure the Broncos the win [Applause] and the six low scoring but delightfully entertaining for this enthusiastic sellout crowd in Washington and traders longest pass in the NFL 59 yards to Didier his longest reception the difference in the game last call for the Raiders [Applause] and Washington celebrates [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Applause] we climb the emotional ladder only to find yourself dropping off the other side at times it's been that kind of day for mark.wilson no timeouts left for the Raiders so this is just a matter of executing a snap and let the final 24 seconds tick away with his first interception of a new season Joe Gibbs is - a know the waiters for the first time in 22 years ro and - and the most valuable players are the Washington Redskins and in honor of the entire team I you talked about a team concept and not a individual one that it's a conservative blue collar this was a team victory for Washington they're the Budweiser most valuable players and Budweiser will make a contribution to the United Way on behalf of all MVP selected in today's game certainly among them perhaps the happiest with defensive players we did such a great job of closing down and shutting down the Raiders in particular in the second half well you anticipated this game and you said it should be a great one and you liked it all the more I know because it ultimately was a game won by the defense Redskins ten Raider six for Merlin Olsen Dick Enberg divided turnover ratio it winds up Redskins 3-2 and they're now 39 and one when they take it away more than they give it away I think we talked about the difficulty that Mark Wilson has had putting good games back to back he didn't follow last week's great game with a great one today but jung-jae Schrader did have a big day today and Jay is down on the field Jay you got to be happy by this one yeah we're real happy it took a 60-minute effort both offense and defense and the defense held them down there I mean I'm giving up two field goals to the Raider that's quite an accomplished for a defense Jay let's go back to the big play of the game the 59 yard pass to clen didier that's the longest completion in your young career and dead ears best reception tell us about the call what it is we made a little adjustment and they were a press edema out there and we kept running running shorter routes on him all day and we just thought we could get him on a deep route once and we just came up with a big play when we needed it you didn't go along very often no we really didn't cuz there guys are real good outside and we thought we could get him on some shorter stuff coming out of the brakes real quick and towards the end of the game we thought clean could get deep on them and that's what we did it's got to be great for you to know that your defense can go out there and shut them down I'm sure you would have liked to have eaten more off the clock in that last Drive oh there's no doubt about it but our defense did well all day long they we put them in some tough situations all day they came back and tell them and as I said earlier anything you only old Raiders to to field goes you did a great job on defense well thanks for chatting with us Jay Schrader now is the starting quarterback of the Washington Redskins 7 & 1 and the man who made Dwight Gooden famous
Channel: HTTR 1983
Views: 6,918
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Id: oi1tTW3ogmU
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Length: 133min 9sec (7989 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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