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going to hit you I would have I have four friendly dudes I can go gank you if I if I want to get your friendly dudes to gank me bro you guys asked and I delivered the long awaited Barbarian solo guide is finally here it will help you not be like this guy guy all right which one of you cocka balls wants to make 20 bucks [Music] huh why should you trust me to give you the Barbarian guide I'm currently ranked seven I would probably be ranked two but there's a couple of uh Chinese gold Farmers that have surpassed me on the Barbarian leaderboard as you can see and unlike some people I'm not afraid to post my stats so on my main character I've made solo demigod and I've made solo Pathfinder in the trios game mode and on my second character I made Pathfinder in solos in 15 games starting from level one step one in becoming demigod on Barbarian is to create an extremely good name taser [Applause] face the second most important thing about being a barbarian comes down to your customization of races races give you bonuses the lizard men suck do not pick them the Orcs suck do not pick them the elf is the best for barbar Arian because agility is key and unfortunately they don't have the Chinese gold farmer skin yet it's coming next uh patch so you can't pick that one yet the second step to becoming the GG Barbarian that you deserve to be is choosing the correct perks and skills welcome to the Crusty Crab my name is Squidward I take your order uh oh I'll have a uh no oh maybe no I'll have no oh maybe are you planning on ordering today sir I'll have a rage how original and achilles strik daring today aren't we retro race pricks look at those perk picks the great combination oh my God he even has Iron Will on a serious note these perks are non-negotiable you need to have rage and achilles strike as your scales and you need to have these four perks as your perks that you're picking for solo iron will let you kill any Caster class and helps you avoid Ranger knockback robust is one of the best skills in the game 15% extra health is non-negotiable you already squished you given the stat split between Vigor and strength so it's much harder to get more HP so you robust as number one pick berserk it's extremely good for when you're getting your ass whipped it's not as good as a flat perk but this thing saves your ass many times doing upwards of like 25% extra damage damage when you're about to die can be the difference between two extra hits and one extra hit and one extra hit can save your life so forus also a and crush is so good it's so busted I don't know why anyone would want to get rid of crush it lets you kill crates it lets you kill chests really quickly even if you're using a yander which has a low impact power it lets you do disgusting moves with his yander like this and on top of all that it sets the pace for your game all right step four is weapons what weapons are meta number one meta weapon is definitely the zhander followed by the waral and after that is the faing axe this wander is the best weapon in the game I can't say that I was the first one to use it but I feel like I made it really popular at least in the Discord after I was shown the way by none other than dizzy V are compassion but on a serious note this zhander beats the war Mall because it has better range the damage is the same now the only thing the warmall has is armor penetration but armor pen is basically useless because it's a percent of a percent when you're fighting and very few classes have armor that even matters and most of the time you you can space them with this W hinder the use case for the fing axe is for one thing and one thing only it is for killing long sword using characters and it's the only reason why you should use a fing Axe and for bossing of course but we're talking solos here so as far as secondaries go there's only one secondary to choose from and you have to use the Viking sword the stats between the Viking sword and the only other secondary that you can realistically use which is The Horseman axe or the hatchet are just comparable they do about the same damage you don't get any perks with the Viking sword but it has twice the reach it's way better for fighting Shield users and it's just a better weapon in general the minus 20 move speed is essential for chasing people and everyone always complains that the Viking sword doesn't do any damage but you're not supposed to fight people manto man with a Viking sword the Viking sword is literally for chasing only the only time that You' ever want to use it when you're not chasing is in like a Navy SEAL situation where it's like you're throwing Fran axes to get to the Viking sword the Viking sword is getting you to this yander and this yander is getting you in the portal that's the only reason why you'd ever want a man fight with a Viking sword is just to give you enough time to pull out your main weapon anyone who says Horseman axe is good even if they stacking all these stupid axe perks is an actual monkey I want you to really concentrate on me the true step four is armor with armor you're only looking to do one thing and that's to hit certain thresholds the thresholds that you need to be looking for and that you want to hit are roughly 295 move speed to 300 move speed unarmed of course 10% action speed from decks or from raw doesn't really matter and 150 to 160 base HP to get that we have three armor sets that you can play around with and I'm only going to be talking about the sets pieces that reduce move speed everything else is just personal preference to hit the thresholds that you need to hit so the first set is padat Tunic looser cloth pants and the gerundo Barbuda again this is based on rolls but the average a you're getting is 84 with roughly minus 25 move speed three strength L three a your decks and then three Vigor or decks depending on what helmet You' picked if obviously without saying if you picked the dro you get an extra 15 magic resistance so keep that in mind when you're choosing your set that you're trying to use the second set is the adventure tunic set which is Adventurer tunic heavy leggings and then trabo baruda depending on what you want that way you get three viig three viig or three decks depending on your helmet and seven raw HP at minus 25 move speed and 86 AR and the worst set of the three but arguably the cheapest set because nobody is really running Regal or leather cap because no one's playing Slayer fighter is Regal gamson loose trousers leather cap you get six bger three Agy minus 25 move speed and only 75 AR the ultra bis set which is locked behind crafting so I don't expect a lot of people to be able to get it is obviously wolf Hunter leggings Tri Pelt uh dublet and then gerand deu which gives you roughly 104 AR at still minus 25 move speed 30 to 50 depending on your rooll raw HP and then the three Vigor and as I said before the other gear which is kind of you see a little bit of it in the tier list the other gear is literally only for filling out your threshold requirements you can use any gloves you wish you can use any boots you want you can use any jewelry you can use any Cape it doesn't matter as long as you hit your thresholds the last tier is gear that's not usable and I'll go over why I believe all these pieces are unusable heavy leather heavy boots are too slow and the armor trade-off is not there and strength is a bad stat doesn't really do anything like it used to the will pants are garbage because you don't need Will and the stats suck the padded leggings which give you vigor seems like a good choice but it's actually not and the reason why it's not is because you cannot get deck or Agy on any other uh glove or boot that is usable the lace turn shoe for agie is bad because it starts off with two low move speed and it doesn't have any armor the Dex gloves which are leather gloves only give you one decks and not three like you can get on Vigor or strength so doubling up on those stats when on the pants is not worth it plus it's the highest negative Mo speed at six versus 5 and three and just no point in using them the northern funic I don't even need to talk about it it's minus 25 move speed far too slow even in [ __ ] trios I think it's garbage it's far too slow unless you have like some like legendary roll which has like a billion stats on it it's just trash or if you crafted the trip one which gives you the percent HP but hard to craft and I don't even know if then you'd want to run it but it's really bad all you're getting is Magic resistance and you don't need it because iron B got buffed and I mean magic resistance is good but it's not necessary on that roll or on that piece of equipment and then Vigor boots again same thing as the Viger pants you're kind of doubling up on stats that you can't get anywhere else and you're sacrificing either move speed or dexterity or both and it's really not worth it you can get the Vigor from any other piece of gear it's not that big of a deal so yeah those those pieces of gear just basically unusable and then obviously you can craft gold and stuff if you're that far but most people aren't that far ahead PVP I'm not going to be able to show you everything because it's going to be really really long video as it is but I'm going to give you a quick tier list and then I'm going to show you some like tips on certain things that I see people complain about over and over and over again in the Discord and on Reddit so we're going to do it tiers by um hardest to easiest classes to fight so obviously PDR fighter with a long sword is the hardest class to fight as a barbarian because he perfectly counters you with physical damage reduction and long sword counters virtually all useful Barb weapons aside from like the fing ax and the better the person is since it's a high skill cap weapon the long sword the harder it is for you even if you have a weapon that is good against long sword um second hardest class to fight is uh blow of corruption and reflect warlock because you just kill yourself if you don't have Iron Will by accident you kill yourself if you have iron roll you still take a bunch of damage and they're just annoying to fight in general um after that the next most annoying class is standard fighter and Wizard and warlock they're relatively easy to fight when they're not doing anything crazy if they're like Slayer fighter or they don't have gear ever and this includes people that are even PDR Fighters that have um just uh FAL and a shield they're relatively easy to fight they're very predictable they not do anything fancy wizard same thing very predictable very easy class to get up on and kill magic Missile is the only reason why it's even in the B tier is because magic Missile does a lot of damage but like most people have to have super GG gear most people don't have access to that even in solos even if they are it's like they can still just be out play they get two taed by like three frannies it's not that big of a deal warlock again same thing the only reason why they're both casters are up there is because if the Caster has built for Mass move speed even with the move speed Buffs they can just be annoying they won't probably kill you but they can just really be annoying and slow down the pace of the game and while you do want to PVP the game is about getting as much loot as you can in the shortest period of time and then getting into the next dungeon so that's kind of how those work and then basically the last three um and four I would say are cleric Ranger Rogue and Barbarian all of them fight the exact same way and all of them are really bad the ranger is only ever going to kill you if you don't know how to Juke I know a lot of people have trouble juking I might make a guide on how I kind of do it if I could get enough Clips I stream sometimes so you should be able to see me do it and I unfortunately for me like I have a little bit of a jaded opinion on this because I was a really high ranked war zone player so I know how to Juke very well however these classes are very mindless classes the only thing that the ranger will do to kill you is if he uses a 14 gold trap which is the best item in the game and you step on it the cleric is the same thing the cleric will only kill you if he uses his magic damage um weapon buff I forget what it's called and you literally let him hit you as soon as he uses it you just simply walk away and you let it run out and you go fight him again even if you don't want to walk away if you're using this yander like you should be you can just space him and kite him and there's nothing he can do about it the Rogue is the same thing Rogues are extremely bad at the game you can kill a rogue by doing the same thing every single time if I have a video I will put it on screen right now but the whole game plan when you're fighting a rogue is to let him hit you one time he's going to get greedy you pretend like you don't know what you're doing you fall back a little bit he's going to come for another hit and then you just jump full send swing with Achilles strike on and then he gets caught and he's dead it works literally 99.999% of the time um and barbarians are the same way bar are much like Rogues they're either really slow to fight you so it's a Franny battle and as soon as whoever pulls out their weapon first like you see in this clip here whoever pulls out their Franny I mean whoever pulls out their main weapon first and gets the first hit wins every single time every single time so yeah you want to be careful to not take too many fry hits but generally speaking you want to just bait the other guy to' be throwing frannies with you and then you want to get in first with your weapon and hit them first to the weapon if you hit them first you win hands down every time and a lot of the barbs don't use the zhander so you can usually just space them even if you don't landn that and the final class is barred I put it in the bottom because nobody plays it and even if they do it doesn't do anything it's literally the most worthless class sometimes they're deceptively tanky if they have all their songs up and they built for it drums hurt a little bit but nobody buys drums anymore and you can't even get them and they're not worth taking so the class is effectively dumpstered stop five is map rotations I had a really long in the tooth [ __ ] explanation for all the spawns I'm not going to do that it way too long I'm going to give you the short and skinny these are the only rooms that matter in the game right here these four rooms on the regular High Roller map the loot in this room that you want is this chest uh crates here and the three chests on the bottom only get the main three and that's it in here the skeleton champion and and the loot along the side here is the only loot that matters and some loot that spawns by the uh Shrine there's a giant centipede on the bottom if you want to risk for that it's not really worth it and there's a Lon head on the bottom if you want to risk for that not really worth it in my opinion this room is the Bingo Money Room you want the crates on the bottom the one crate that spawns here there's three crates on each side that spawn on the top there's a million mobs in here to farm and there's a [ __ ] ton of crates that spawn here this is the main room you're getting to every single time this is the room you need to be in every single game there's a line head that spawns here a large crate that spawns here a large crate that spawns here and a large crit that spawns here you can also risk killing the goblin Mage but I mean that thing is so unpredictable that it might not be worth it um but I do it on occasion the third or the final room that you should be in is the [ __ ] static room and the static room has crates on the spawn one crate here here two crates here and one crate here and this is the second best room because there's also a guaranteed unlock line set here and this is the second best room you didn't want to be farming only these four rooms all the other rooms are bad in the uh treasure horde room which is down here like there's chest but not worth going to takes too long black Goblin Archer yada yada of garbage in here there's a line set here and there's a centipede here but again uh not worth farming in this room though there is chest uh I mean a CR sorry here so if you spawn at like one of the top spawns like this you could just go like this and hit the crates and then leave up to the top room this tile is dead this tile has two crate uh chests in it one here and one on the stairs and it has a centipede in here but again effectively a dead room don't no reason to go in here if you somehow are in the middle and there's a million players there which there will be there's a couple uh crates on the bottom side here those are worth getting but effectively another dead room so this is it that's that's the only solution you have is you got to play top top three rooms if you're playing on the uh Goblin caves normal map which are zombie map same thing still applies these are the only two viable rooms you get to these rooms and you get the loot this room is okay as well because there's a couple crates in the corner here because it's the same as the other tile obviously the crates are on the side here and here and the top the lion's head you get the idea and here same thing applies skeley champ spawns here and uh there's good loot along the side like this line head on the bottom centipede in the bottom and yeah every other room in this [ __ ] game absolutely sucks in here you can get a couple of the crates but again this corner of the map effectively dead garbage effectively dead garbage because this is one of the High Roller tiles that sucks another uh this is the basic uh Low Roller tile but nothing is in here but those bats and it it sucks there's a centipede on the bottom but not worth getting centipedes are kind of they're really good but the problem is is Rings don't actually offer you any real uh AP value so it's really not worth thinking only do centipedes for the points for killing them and if you're really a broke boy you need to get the jewelry's actual stats but not really worth it and then on the Low Roller map which forces you to PVP because there's no Loot on the map there's only technically two good rooms and it's these two rooms here these are the only viable Rooms To Go to because there is a line head that spawns up top and four mobs two crates that spawn right here and a bunch of a chest along the side and then underneath there's a lion's head and a Mage and Bas Slinger and a regular Goblin but there's also a line set underneath to a farm if you go down there's a centipede down here not worth going that way always to try to get to these two rooms this room is only good because there's a billion mobs in here that you can kill and there's lots of chests along the outside barbs don't get any points for crushing them but they gives you enough chances to get purple gear because on the Low Roller map rarely are you ever going to find enough trinkets that you'll be able to fill your inventory with them and it be viable so if you find purple gear on the Low Roller Maps always pick it up and then drop it later in the game there is two crates in the middle on the top middle tile those are or three crates rather those are worth getting every other tile in this map is effectively dead so that's basically the maps every single rotation you're trying to just get to the top tiles it doesn't matter which way you go you're just trying to get to the top tiles get to the good to every single time stopping anywhere to fight anybody is wasting your time stopping to get loot is wasting your time stopping to kill centipedes is wasting your time unless you can get it pretty quick like all of it waste of time get to the top two rooms kill as many mobs as you can on the Low Roller map specifically because the Low Roller map really sucks for points on the High Roller map you can worry about less about mobs and more about trinkets the zombie map is 50/50 so just keep that in mind last quick little note about getting AP and looting points so just so you're aware trinkets have the most value however purple gear is equal to Blue trinket value so when you're on the Low Roller map if you get purple gear it's worth the same as blue trinkets so if you find purple gear you should take it immediately you can also check the wikii for information regarding like mobs and their point values but just important to note that you want to pick picking up purple gear on the zombie map and on the low worlder map and then drop it as you go through the dungeon if you find better loot trinkets wise but it's not bad to pick up purple gear because it's worth one color Less on the value of a trinket so just keep that in mind aren't from like my top Exemplar games because I just streamed them and I didn't get to download the stream and uh stuff like that and even my demigod play I only played no I don't even play a game after I hit demigod I literally just hit demigod um I wanted to keep that and I'm going to get demigod on my second account first before I continue playing on the both my goal is to have five in demigod I probably will be able to do it by the time the game ears out it's not that bad and yeah so so if there's any other questions or things you don't understand you can leave a comment or you can go to the Discord in the Barb chat I'm there virtually all the time you can just ask me but do not ask me questions in the Barb chat if you don't post clips of what's going on like don't say like oh I can't do XYZ if you don't post Clips because it's impossible to give you like a proper diagnosis if you don't post Clips so yeah that's basically it I know it seems like it would be better I will also make another guide hopefully with like slightly better um visuals for the rotations like I'll just post a couple clips of my whole average games on like certain rotations because I know people don't like just the flat visual of the map and me drawing on the map to like explain hey I'm uh doing this when I get into the zone you know what I'm saying like on the when I get into a certain spawn I'm just going here I'm going there right and yeah I'll leave you with one kind of last last clip and I'll explain how I deal with specifically the death spawn on the goblin cave High Roller uh spot I'll explain how I deal with the black Goblin that spawns here because if you spawn at any one of these spawns here all these doors along the edge have a chance to be open and if these two doors spawn open up here the black Goblin will ager to you when you try to leave so I'll explain how how to deal with it relatively safely and relatively easily in a video that I will kind of post right now so anyway thanks for watching boys peace anyway yeah so what you're trying to do here is you're trying to pull the goblin to the door by backing up to the door that you're about to leave and then it'll stand in the doorway and you just play with him in the doorway I kind of get interrupted here so I drop the with an invis pot but you get the idea you just run towards the door and get him stuck in the doorway for
Channel: RetroRey
Views: 39,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark and Darker, Solo, Goblin caves, Demigod, Rank up, AP, PVP, GUIDE, TOP RANK
Id: HP54aXcocWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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