Deliverance Fasting Service || Wednesday September 1, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to the name of the lord joel 1 the word of the lord that came to join the son of patient hear this eol and give here all the inhabitants of the land had this been in your days or even in the days of your fathers telling your children of it and let your children tell their children and let their children also sorry their children another generation that which the palmer worm had left had the locust eaten and that which the locusts had left had the conquer worm eaten and that which the conquer worm had left had the caterpillar heating awake eat junk hard and weep and hard oily drinkers of wine because of new wine for it is cut off from your mouth for a nation is come up onto my land strong and without number whose teeth are the teeth of a lion and he had the cheat teeth of a great lion hallelujah hallelujah good morning good morning to our virtual worshipers good morning to all those who tuning or tuning to us this morning we are coming to you from tree waterling new testament church of god our wednesday fasting and deliverance service hallelujah and so we trust this morning that you will lay aside every weight and everything that would so easily be set your minds and your thought and that will worship the lord together in the beauty of holiness hallelujah and so this morning i want to greet our host pastor bishop royal robinson and family as they continue to pray for the church of god and the believers hallelujah and at this time as we proceed in worship the praise team will be coming and worship together in hollywood hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the king of kings and the lord of lords hallelujah the conquering land of the tribe of judah the god that never changed hallelujah the one the satay and look slow the one that ruled their fears of men hallelujah we aim to entries gate with thanksgiving and into his quoted praise we are thankful unto him this morning and we bless his name for the lord is a good god he's a merciful god this morning he's a loving god this morning hallelujah we're inviting you all those that are you're in your spirits this morning on youtube on more fm this morning we're gonna actually just join us together as we wash the lord hallelujah as we worship the king of kings and the lord of lords as we worship the conquering lioness of the tribe of judah the god that never changed hallelujah the one was yesterday today and forever hallelujah we bless your name almighty god we glory for your name this morning hallelujah we exalted this morning almighty god we praise you i have abolished this morning we salute the king of kings and the lord of lords we salute the conquering lioness of the tribe of judah we salute the swede holy spirit this morning hallelujah hallelujah bless the lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we give you the highest praise and as we send up our praise almighty god we also the spirit of the living god let us ride on on the wings of our praise hallelujah saturate us in your anointing this morning saturate your people hallelujah in this places this morning in the name of jesus hallelujah we worship the king jesus we worship the king jesus glory to the most high god hallelujah here praise [Music] [Music] i hallelujah you hallelujah [Applause] is [Music] glory [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] this morning [Music] jesus [Music] oh is my righteousness hallelujah [Music] is [Music] this morning you are the king of kings and you are the lord of lords you are the great i am this morning almighty god who is like unto you this morning lord god your glory stress from sky to sky hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we praise you because of who you are this morning you're the source of life you're the source of strength glory to the name of the lord hallelujah we worship with this man in jesus name we give you all the praise we give you all the honor we give you all the glory this morning jesus i saw the lord i am lifted up seated on the throat [Applause] [Applause] on the oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is jesus [Applause] is i saw the lord i saw the lord i i saw yes [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah i saw the lord is hollowing high and lifted up hallelujah strength filled the temple hallelujah we know this morning that the presence of the lord is in this place glory to god hallelujah hallelujah invite our virtual worshipers this morning invite the presence of the lord in your space and then you will see the mighty work that he will do in your life hallelujah the devotional exercise at this time we're gonna sing from elohim hymn 162 living by faith and our praise team will be leading that song at this time hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah we bless the name almighty god hallelujah i care not today what the moral may bring if sorrow was sunshine [Music] and all of my worries are there [Music] in jesus above [Music] trusting god knitting in is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] may be [Music] the master [Music] jesus [Music] is [Applause] is [Music] [Music] in by faith in jesus above in jesus above [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh yes living by faith in jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now oh hallelujah we can join this morning with a songwriter we are living by faith hallelujah and truly in this time we must live by faith in spite of all that is happening hallelujah it is faith he's gonna take us through we're gonna turn our bibles to hebrews chapter 11 reading from verse one true to eleven and i'll read as you'll just follow and it begins us no faith is the substance of things so far the evidence of things not seen for by faith sorry for by it the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear by faith abe offer unto god a more excellent sacrifice than cain by which he obtained weakness that he was righteous god testified of his gifts and by it he been dead yet speaketh by faith enoch was translated that he should not see that and was not found because god has translated him for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased god but faith sorry but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that commit to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him by faith noah been warned of god of things not seen as yet move with fair prepare an ark to the saving of his house by the which he commanded the world and became here of the righteousness which is by faith by faith abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should have to receive foreign inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing whether he went by faith his adjourned in the land of promise as in a strange country dwelling in tabernacles with isaac and jacob the hair with him of the same promise for he looked for a city which had foundations whose builder and maker is god eleventh through faith also sarah herself receives strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age because she judged him faithfully who had promised hallelujah we have just read a portion of the word of god and know shall we can we honor the word by saying glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy ghost as it was in the beginning it's no one ever shall be word without end amen and amen hallelujah hallelujah come worship the lord with me hallelujah glory to the name of the lord we're going to do a prayer at this time prayer of confession pray of repentance in our nation and also our international worshipers hallelujah what a time for us to pray we continue to pray without ceasing hallelujah hallelujah so joining at this time with me as we present hallelujah the people of god the nations hallelujah the communities hallelujah before god this morning on the nation and on a wide basic this morning father we come before you this morning oh hallelujah no other help we know lord i stand in the gap this morning and so i asked for your forgiveness hallelujah i know lord god almighty that without you i am nothing at all i'll just be a sounding brass and a tinkling symbol but i am glad this morning jesus for the blood of jesus hallelujah the blood that never lost its power the blood that gave us strength from day to day i stand in the gap this morning as i repent on the behalf of the churches hallelujah i repent on the be off of our leaders glory to god i come to you lord because i know that your mercies they are new every morning hallelujah and great is your faithfulness hallelujah the angel call you holy [Music] holy lord god almighty hallelujah early in the morning hallelujah we come to you jesus because we recognize that you are the trinity hey holy ghost and we are our human flesh we are nothing at all so we depend on you as a church so that you the power of your holy god you will lead us lord because flesh cannot please god the scriptures just remind us that when we come to you we must believe that you are a rewarder to them that seek you diligently and that's why we come on the behalf of the churches and on the behalf of the leaders hallelujah forgive us this morning we repent of our foolish ways and our selfish ways hallelujah we repent before you god because we cannot point any finger oh god all of us come short of your glory and all of us lord god know that at the foot of the cross everything must be leveled and that's why we have to come lord the songwriter says that the cross at the cross where i first saw the lighter and the burdens of her heart rolled away it was there by faith we receive our sight and we're happy this morning for the access that we can come before your holy throne and call on your lord hallelujah we call on you jesus from the east to the west the north and the south we call it before the hell in churches lord oh god the hell in leaders those lord god who are in doubt and fair and wondering what next but we read in your word lord that in the last days perilous times shall come and perilous time is here with us lord so we need not to worry we need not to fare but we must push ahead hallelujah push ahead and roll the sea away hallelujah father i stand in the gap this morning for the nation i stand in the gap for jamaica i stand for the prime minister and the leader of opposition i stand lord god for the minister of health and also the security minister oh glory to god the minister of finance hallelujah all of them lord god almighty and are part of the senate also in the parliament we stand together hallelujah as a church because we know this morning that even though we stand in a sanctuary maybe less than the number but you don't work with numbers oh god because you are our god hallelujah you come at your time and you are an untime god they are leaders they are human they depend on you jesus it doesn't matter how and what they have to say they have to be an advisor and that adviser lord god almighty have to get something else from some source to put together for the leaders lord god to come and present before the nation but we know this morning we are standing lord god almighty with them presenting them to you lord for you to lead them father there are so many things to say but we don't have time and tongue to tell what is happening in our nation you know hallelujah we read about it we listen oh god we see them lord jesus but we present jamaica to you this morning we present point to negril point we present cornwall mega sex and story to you this morning because we have no other source lord god but you we present the leaders oh god those lord jesus christ of nazareth who depend on you lord for the answer we stand with them this morning we present oh god almighty our ports to you hallelujah oh god where so many things comes in huh hey jesus especially lord god this morning hallelujah the nation that the remutants need the vaccine it oh god almighty and so many things lord jesus that come internationally we present it to you this morning in the name of jesus please help us lord sometimes hallelujah as a nation the very thing that we ask for oh god we don't receive because lord many times it's an illegal stuff that comes in on our shores but we ask some mercy this morning because when we pray lord we are believing you lord god for help jesus help lord god help our nation help our nations on the caribbean and worldwide this morning all of us need help there's no nation there's no country can pine finger because we recognize lord what the virus the pandemic is doing to humanity jesus so we need you lord we need you jesus because the answer is not in the prime minister the answer is not in the health minister the answer is in you lord hallelujah jesus the songwriter says turn your eyes upon jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of this world will go strangely with him in the light of his glory and his grace so we present this morning the worshipers the audience that take time out to present their different requests and their needs and their testimonies oh god we pray for a visitation in the space lord we pray holy ghost that you will visit your people even some this morning or on the bed of affliction and some lord can't even buy the medication but your blood is enough this morning holy ghost visit your people lord yes lord and give them the grace that they need to be a hopeful commander it is not easy bereavement on every side bereavement lord god almighty many oh god don't even expect the things that are happening lord but we ask for mercy mercy we ask for mercy in the hospitals this morning we have some mercy in the hospital this morning we had some mercy for those who have to do lord god almighty different things lord and they are unfair because of the line and because of the places that they have to be lord we ask for your mercy upon your people have your way this morning jesus will continue to trust and obey because there is no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey bless your people this morning we continue to give you the praise the glory and the honor we give your thanks as we wait and our blessing our miracles hallelujah our deliverance in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we worship hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus we worship you can we just praise and worship god this morning hallelujah can we just sing praises to the most high god hallelujah jesus we worship you worship god we thank you god we praise you god we worship you because you are indeed god you are the god who is seated on the throne of heaven and this is where you rule from god we praise you and we worship you god that you were from the beginning you are no one you will forever be god almighty even though perils are down here on earth god almighty we thank you and we praise you and we worship you that you are god that you are the alpha and that you are the omega god and so we worship you we give you all the glory we just want to sing praises and worship your name god almighty hallelujah hallelujah people of god wherever you are hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can't we just focus on god can we just focus on who he is can we just worship him for the fact that he is god and that he never changes the word of god says he's never cast a shifting shadow hallelujah god is was and will forever be so we sing he's alpha and omega are worthy to be praised this song says you are alpha and [Applause] so we worship you oh lord you are worthy to be praised [Music] so [Music] you are [Music] we give you all the glory belongs to you jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] [Music] we worship you jesus [Music] [Music] you are you are [Music] you is [Music] oh [Music] you are the omega you are the beginning and you are the ending you are the firm and you are the last until we bow down in reverence to worship we worship your lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah we worship this morning in spirit and in truth hallelujah come by with us lord hallelujah we feel your presence in this place glory to god hallelujah i just want to give you the official welcome hallelujah at this time moderating this morning yes truly just said bennett i want to give welcome to our virtual worshipers and those who are listening and more fm hallelujah i want to greet the church family i want to greet our virtual worshipers hallelujah near and far i just want to thank you on youtube you always send your requests and your testimonies hallelujah and the victories that you have received glory to god we thank you for being a part of us this morning hallelujah i want to greet all the worshipers glory to god hallelujah i want to greet our host pastor bishop robinson and lady root and her children her two girls ariel and olivia greetings wherever you are i know that you're listing us or you're watching us and you're praying for us hallelujah and so we trust this morning hallelujah that as we place everything at the foot of the cross the answer is in our prayer hallelujah because he tells us in jeremiah 33 that we must call and he will answer and he will show us great and mighty things that we don't even know of so let us trust the word of god and trust god and he's gonna do it for you and i hallelujah bless the name of the lord at this time we'll be having the intercessory prayer and so i invite the worshipers to pray with us we're going to pray for the minister of health and all the health workers front line workers we're going to pray against the mental illness and the depression and the oppression and the fair that is all over this morning hallelujah we're going to pray for the coveted 19 vaccine to be safe for all we're also going to pray for the church communities against the coveted pandemic how you're going to deal with it hallelujah we're going to pray for the education minister the educators and children preparing for back to school and whether it's it's physical or it will be online let us prepare brethren hallelujah hallelujah we never lost a battle when we pray and believe and trust our god to come true for us hallelujah so father one more time lord we come to you you are not tired when we come you always want us to come you said he must come unto you holy that our heavy burden hallelujah and you will give us rest hallelujah we thank you lord for the privilege and the opportunity that we can come this morning hallelujah we come because we have the access we don't have to offer up turkey dogs and pigeons we don't have to go and get the high priest to say anything to lord we can come ball into the throne of grace we come to you lord on the behalf of our health care and our health minister minister dr christopher toughton mighty god his hand two hands are full the assistants who work within the organization who work with him hallelujah the medical team on a whole work with him they do not know what to say to the public it's more than they can bear this morning the frontline worker our fearful and scary but because they dedicate themselves to their job hallelujah and they love what they do then they will put what they see oh god behind them and go through faith believing that this person can live today we thank you for the perseverance of the front line workers god hallelujah we thank you lord god for the faith thought that they have over the pandemic situation lord that they face is every day father we ask jesus for this intervention that we've been asking lord that you come lord jesus as you forgive us help us lord send your holy spirit send your battalion of angels the medical lord god almighty the health sector hallelujah they need that intervention today they need your lord jesus to help them they are frustrated they are confused they are worried oh hallelujah the mental is arising upon them jesus oh glory to god the depression the oppression the fear the doubt oh god so many things are happening jesus but we call you this morning we are just human we are frail we are nothing hallelujah and so we come this morning jesus and the bear of lord of our country health sector please holy ghost walk through the hospitals the clinics are filled out oh god and there are so many areas god that has been chosen for persons to go this morning they field hospital the school auditorium the church is all god for people to be there to be examined and so many lord jesus christ of nazareth are in despair because they do not know what to do because of their own health issue and yet the pandemic is on them hallelujah so they need you this morning jesus they really need you jesus and that's why lord god we know we need not to look to the left nor to the right but to look onto the hills from whence comet their help this morning touch somebody mentally lord the mental issue that is happening touch somebody father one more thing we present to you on this platform it has been talked about in private it has been talked about in so many different areas but the vaccine is here holy ghost the vaccine is here for every nation and every country and we trust in you yes it is man-made but we trust in you lord hallelujah that as your people will decide those who chose to take the vaccine that your blood will run through their vein the vaccine lord god will help according to man according to the scientists but your blood never lost its power and that's what we are living for or we're living by on a daily basis the blood of jesus and so we ask for a transformation through the vaccine for those who are unfair and those who are in doubt that even as you send it for us to help in the limited way that it can your blood will do the rest hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we thank you because your god over all the world and the nations and you lord is able to deliver we present to you this morning the church community hallelujah many this morning lord jesus uh because of their faith because of what they believe but you holy spirit you can speak in uncertain ways you speak and there was light you speak hallelujah and the water oh god when moses stretched the rod the red sea divided and your people walked through hallelujah glory to god you spoke to moses to take off his shoes from off his feet for where he's standing his holy ground you speak lord you speak to your people jesus and they too will know your voice because it is your voice that makes a difference in all our situation we need your voice lord to speak to the church community as we go through this pandemic help your people to know that your word reminds us that is in the last days perilous times will come and we are having perilous time now and so we need not to worry and fair but we trust you anyway because you are there for us father we present our education minister minister favel williams to you and her team we place the jta before you replace the teachers hallelujah and even those who advise the teachers hold glory to god hallelujah we place the advisory to you this morning as the plan desiring for education is the key and education is power for a nation like jamaica hallelujah hallelujah there's so many success through education we have received through our country and it's not gonna go under because of covey 19. jesus almighty god father minister may not know every home with every children but you know the teachers may not know the home with the children who desire to learn and to go further in their education but you know hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah there are so many that has been cracked through the the walls already but we pray that he will lift up the spirit of the children this morning hallelujah as the teachers and the ministers make arrangements for us back to school oh god almighty and the platform are face to face jesus we ask for the parents to work with the teachers and the principal hallelujah because of the benefit that they will receive with the children true education nothing is too hard for you jesus nothing at all is too hard for you father it doesn't matter how we as human look on it you know what is best for our nation's children and you're gonna work it out we believe this morning hallelujah hallelujah for wisdom to prevail through the ministers and the teachers and the jt and the principle that whatsoever plans may god with wisdom jesus we will come true as a nation with our children hallelujah hallelujah so that other nation will have the example of the jamaica hold it to treat the education in this time we acts of you we come lord in our penitent way of prayer that our children what's up because of how we have come true for them in this pandemic we thank you for listening we thank you for hearing us we thank you for coming through for us this morning as we continue to trust you and wait on you in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we believe in this morning jesus hallelujah hallelujah and the praise team will be singing at this time 360. he whispers sweet peace to me hallelujah go ahead pristine hallelujah we bless the name almighty god we bless the name jesus hallelujah we bless the name jesus glory to the most high god hallelujah sometimes when misgivings darkens the day and faith light i cannot see i ask my dear lord to brighten the way he whispers with peace of me oh yes he whispers to me with peace to me when i am castle in spirit and soul he whispers with peace to me [Music] [Music] the right [Music] [Music] [Music] i trust is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] when he whispers with peace [Music] he whispers with peace to [Music] when i am cast [Music] hallelujah for the voice of the lord makes the difference hallelujah and the fourth stance says is speak in a still small voice we are told a voice that dispels all fair and when i'm in doubt or troubled in my soul that still small voice i can hear hallelujah a whisper sweet peace in our situation and in our condition hallelujah so listen this morning to the voice of the lord god almighty and so he will help you to make the decision he will help to raise you up he will help and come true for you at this time where you need him most of all god bless you this morning at this time we'll be having our short speaker none other than sister rosetta simmet we welcome her to the podium at this time hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah bless your name jesus hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah good morning to our virtual audience hallelujah and to those who are in the house this morning i greet you in the name of jesus our soon-coming king i also want to greet our host pastor bishop royal robinson and his family we know that you are watching and we do hope and trust hallelujah that the blessings of god will continue to be with you and your family and we want you to know that we are still praying for you hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah the psalmist said thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against thee god is our refuge and he is our strength and he's a very present help in trouble hallelujah and this morning i want to share just a short passage of scripture that the lord has laid on my heart hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah i want you to quickly turn your bibles hallelujah to saint matthew chapter 29 hallelujah and i will be reading from hallelujah verse 29 to 34. hallelujah hallelujah and as they departed from jericho a great multitude followed him and behold two blind men sat by the wayside when they heard that jesus passed by they cried out saying have mercy on us thou son of david and the multitude rebukes them because they should hold their peace but they cried out the more saying have mercy on us o lord thou son of david and jesus stood still and called them and said what will he that i should do unto you they said unto him lord that we may that our eyes rather may be open 34 and last so jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes and immediately their eyes receive sight and they followed him shall we bow our heads in prayer father in the name of jesus i come to you one more time standing in your presence oh god not worthy but because of your blood this morning we have access to your throne room and so we thank you this morning that you have called us for a purpose lord i ask that you wash me afresh this morning and let your words go forth mighty god hallelujah let it touch the lives of your people that they can be touched and be saved they can be healed and delivered and set free bless your word unto our hearts and glorify your name hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus according to the chapter or the verses that was just that i have just read hallelujah it tells us of two blind men who sat by the wayside hallelujah and as they sat there hallelujah they had no one to help them hallelujah the bible tells us that these two men hallelujah jesus had healed them on his way hallelujah from jericho hallelujah hallelujah and the way from jericho hallelujah jesus said i am going to walk this way because whenever you are praying to god there comes a time hallelujah when he gives the answer praise god hallelujah and so as they sat there i believe they encouraged themselves they sang song hymns together i believe their song i must have the savior with me for i dare not walk alone i must feel his presence near me and his arm around me thrown i believe they sung i have a friend a precious friend oh how he loves me he says his love will never end or how he loves me i believe they sang hallelujah cast all your cares on him for he cared for us hallelujah hallelujah and so as they were sitting there hallelujah singing those hymns hallelujah maybe they were encouraging themselves because they heard that jesus had passed that way some time ago and he had healed a blind man so they made sure that they set up their faith in god and they said i am we are going to trust god for our deliverance today hallelujah and so as they stayed there hallelujah maybe even at that time they weren't even thinking of a hymn but they were talking of a conversation but the bible said hallelujah as jesus departed from jericho a great multitude followed him and as they followed him they heard hallelujah the sound and the noise that were coming and they asked what is this and they told them that jesus of nazareth is passing by can i remind us today that whatsoever your situation is all about hallelujah there is coming a change and the change can be today jesus is passing this way today hallelujah and so the bible tells us that they cried out and they said have mercy on us hallelujah thou son of david and the crowd said to them shut up stop the noise we are tired of you you are so confusing shut up we can't we can't stand the noise jesus is passing and we can't afford him to hear this noise come on on hallelujah but the men knew who jesus was yes and they said we don't care if you shut us up because this is our mouth we are going to shout and cry out because let me remind us that that multitude have a lot of persons a great vast amount of people and so jesus was in that crowd amen and they could have called out to a brother or a sister that they knew would pass that way some time ago but they knew that jesus was in that crowd amen and so they said jesus the son of david hallelujah have mercy on us hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god blessed be hallelujah and as they cried out as they cried out hallelujah hallelujah jesus heard their cry amen hallelujah i don't know who i'm talking to this morning but maybe you are crying out in that virtual space and you're crying to god you're saying to him have mercy on me or have mercy on me and my family keep on crying because jesus may just pass your way when you don't expect him to pass hallelujah hallelujah lord to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and so as they cried out as they cried out hallelujah the bible said that jesus stood still he stood still and he he said what is it that you want me to do they said to him that we may receive our sight that our eyes may be open hallelujah and the bible said immediately jesus touched their eyes and immediately they received their sight what a great god we serve what almighty god what a mighty god we serve he rained on the land he rained on the sea he reigns in the atmosphere he reigns in the universe he reigns all over the earth what a mighty god we serve hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus we give you praise we give you honor hallelujah we give you glory glory to god hallelujah and as those men eyes were opened the bible said that they began to give god praise hallelujah and they did not stay there the bible said they followed jesus they followed him you are sitting in your space this morning wondering what next maybe you have prayed for somebody and you have seen somebody gotten their deliverance and this is the time now when you are saying i can't go any further i am going to give up because nothing is happening to me hallelujah hallelujah i encourage you this morning stay in your space continue to cry out to god because he will deliver like these two blind men they were expecting that one day jesus would pass their way and jesus had passed their way on his way from jericho hallelujah and they had received their deliverance we serve a great big wonderful god he's always victorious always watching over us he's a great big wonderful god hallelujah hallelujah what do you think about jesus he's all right what you think about the holy ghost he's all right what do you think about the church of god it's all right what do you think about the people of god they are all right hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus we give you praise we give you honor we give you glory hallelujah can i encourage us this morning that jesus is standing right beside us in this time of pandemic when it seems like all hope is gone nothing else can we do some has given up on their feet and they are saying what next some have stopped praying some have stopped trusting but can i remind us this morning that jesus christ he's still the son of god he knows your need hallelujah he knows where you are living he knows the city you're in he knows the state you are in he knows the parish you are in he knows the country you are in he knows the house you live in he knows every member of your family he knows who you are praying for he knows who you have in mind maybe it's your husband to get saved maybe it's your children to get saved i can tell you this morning that jesus is passing your way today and when he passed hallelujah there is going to be a change when that change comes hallelujah brings transformation hallelujah it's a process of a feeling that something happened amen hallelujah when you trust in god when you put your faith in him like these two men hallelujah they trusted god they were visually impaired but they said we are going to trust god amen hallelujah we are going to believe in him because if he opened blind by timor's eyes he can open my eyes too and he can open your ears your eyes too let me remind us this morning hallelujah that jesus is listening to your prayer he's listening to your call and he is coming through for you glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus first peter chapter 5 and verse 7 casting all your cares on him for he cared for you psalm 37 and verse 5 commit thy way unto the lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass matthew 21 and verse 22 and all things whatsoever he shall ask in prayer believing ye shall receive saint john 16 verse 25 4 he the two have he asked nothing in my name acts and ye shall receive that your joy may be full saint matthew 19 verse 26 but jesus beheld them and said unto them hallelujah with men this is impossible but with god all things are possible hallelujah habakkuk 2 and verse 4 but the just shall live by faith hallelujah trust in god and he shall bring it to pass hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus i do hope and trust that as you listen to god's word today as we are reminded to trust in him hallelujah as he prepared to bring about a change in our lives it doesn't matter what the situations are hallelujah hallelujah he is coming through for us hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus i'm gonna ask our virtual audience i know you're watching keenly hallelujah and those of you who are in the house i want you to wave your hand in the atmosphere and tell him thanks for what he has done hallelujah just thank him for what he has done hallelujah just give him some praise just give him some praise hallelujah it's already done hallelujah it's already done hallelujah just thank him just thank him just thank him just thank him hallelujah just give him some praise hallelujah it's already done in the name of jesus it's already done nothing is impossible with god hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus hallelujah glory to god glory to god hallelujah at this time i will be doing an intercessory prayer hallelujah and i will be praying and i'm going to ask our virtual audience and those of you who are in the house to help me lift up hallelujah hallelujah bishop royal robinson and family hallelujah all the ministers of the gospel ministering during this pandemic oh god hallelujah christian to remain focused and committed to god oh god oh god hallelujah and we will be also praying for the bereaved brethren hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i want to praise team to sing got you any river that cement uncrossable got you any mountains you can't tunnel through god specializes and things start impossible he'll do for you what no other can do hallelujah got you in a river is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus hallelujah great is the lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our god in the mountain of his holiness beautiful for situation the joy of the whole earth is mount zion on the side of the north the city of the great king god is known in her palaces for a refuge we worship you this morning god we praise and we magnify your name the king of kings and lord of lords you're the great i am this morning the conquering savior the lion of the tribe of judah the great i am this morning we bow our hearts before you and we worship you almighty god we give you all the glory we give you all the praise we give you all the honor this morning great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies we see all we have needed your hands had provided we thank you this morning knowing that we can come into your house and we can call upon your name we can worship you hallelujah you said where two or three are gathered touching anything concerning you you are there to bless and to do good and so heavenly father we give you thanks we thank you for this opportunity that you have given to us and as we stand in the gap oh god as we intercede as we look to you for help as we put our situations before you we stand in the gap this morning for our bishop and his family oh god we present him to you you have sent him at a time as this oh god almighty you knew him from before he was born he did not know that he would be in this position but as you said to jacob ah before you you were born i know you hallelujah you said to jeremiah i know you before you were born you know this man of god whom you have anointed and appointed at this time you know that he would be with us oh god we place him into your hands again this morning we pray for our fresh torture we pray for a fresh anointing we pray god almighty that your holy anointing will flow through him at this time from the crown of his head unto the soul of his feet i pray that his wife and family oh god will be touched by your mighty hand i pray that the holy ghost and fire will rest upon them wherever they are this morning father sent some battalion horse of angels around them in the name of jesus oh god let there be a shift let there be a change let the atmosphere mighty god be filled with the glory of god as the waters cover the sea so as you surround your your servant this afternoon this morning rather lord we ask that the power of the holy ghost will flow through the atmosphere i know god that there are those who are still believing that even at this time he is lifting up somebody he have prayed through so many times persons have their testimonies through his ministry oh god let it continue in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus let there be a fresh anointing let there be a fresh torture lord god almighty oh god in the name of jesus we also pray for all the ministers oh god of the gospel wherever they are in jamaica in the caribbean islands and all over the world will you touch them this morning send the holy ghost anointing send a life call from the altar this morning and touch them one more time oh god even in this pandemic they are still sick in your face because the audience that they serve are looking to them for a word from you and god they are seeking your face and when they come to you god you gave them a word to come to us many times oh god we have received your word through these ministers oh god this morning i ask that you touch them i ask that you fill them up even in this time strengthen them lord oh god jehovah give them good health in the name of jesus that as they serve their congregation oh god your name will be glorified your name almighty god will be exalted there are many this morning who can attest to the fact that you are a great god you are excellent you are mighty oh god in all the earth and so we ask that you continue to keep your hand upon their lives i pray father for the christians of our land oh god almighty as i said earlier on many have lost focus but this morning god i pray that you will bring them back to that place to that altar where they first met you god take us back to bethel for so many times we have failed you but this morning i asked god almighty that you will help us to remain committed to you even in this time your word reminded us oh god that perilous time shall come we are in the last days and we should look up for man's redemption joy nigh o god almighty man cannot change this time you are the god of heaven and earth and it's only you god can handle so keep us and guide us help us to remain committed to you almighty god david said thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against thee i pray god that is you will help us to dig deeper in your word and to seek your faith we pray for the power of the holy ghost upon each and every one this morning that as we go from day to day we will seek your face and glorify our father which is in heaven we pray for every bereaved family this morning mighty god will lift them up before you in the name of jesus i pray that you strengthen them i pray that you will undergird them i pray that you will cover them i pray that you will provide for them i pray god almighty that you will stand by them i pray this morning that angels will support them in this time mighty god we leave everything into your hands because you're the god that he let us cover us under your blood we give you thanks we give you praise we give you honor and we give you glory hallelujah in jesus name hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah we worship you jesus hallelujah hallelujah we bless your name almighty god hallelujah we worship you jesus hallelujah glory to god come on people of god hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah you are hearing us and we ask for your deliverance hallelujah we pray hallelujah god bless you sister rosetta as you deliver as the holy ghost lead you and i trust this morning that our people who are listing us are watching us come on get out of your pride and bowl to god you have your situation man come on the low self-esteem get out of the pride and ask the lord to intervene because you need him to come true today before you god bless you sister rosita we call you to pray your strength as your deliverer as the lord lead hallelujah just an announcement for those who are listening and those who are watching us and this announcement will be is from fresh oil ministry church of god and it's their 10th anniversary celebration and this is coming from one on sorry eight three zero one silver star road orlando florida and this wednesday this wednesday at 7 p.m through to the third 7 p.m nightly through to sunday sorry to sunday okay sorry about it let me read again fresh oil ministry church of god their 10th anniversary celebration this wednesday april sorry september 1 through to 3. at 7 00 pm nightly and on sunday september 5th from 10 am our guest speaker will be bishop royal robinson from the montego bay new testament church of god and this venue will be at 8301 silver star road orlando florida god bless you i trust that you hear clearly okay and at this time as we continue with our praise and worship the praise team will be coming to us at this time god bless your prayer esteem hallelujah hallelujah come on shall we bless your name lord shall we exalt the name of the lord the king of kings and the lord of lords the conquering land of the tribe of judah he's god and his god alone hallelujah we bless the name of the lord hallelujah come and shout hallelujah give the lord the highest praise hallelujah we shout your praise almighty god we lift up our praise in your sanctuary we sing praise unto god hallelujah we worship you jesus there's no god like jehovah hallelujah the suffering god the everlasting father the prince of peace hallelujah when troubling our lives we sing praises hallelujah hallelujah when sickness come against us we sing praises the bible says we should praise him in the bad times and in the good times hallelujah we worship your neighbor we exhaust your neighbor we bless your name who is like unto the king of kings who is like unto the lord of lords who is like god in the concurrent liana of the tribe of judah the almighty god everlasting father hallelujah we [Music] we are you this afternoon almighty god [Music] we praise you this morning jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus come and do your praise hallelujah oh come on huh members on youtube your praise a virtual worshipper do you ever worship this morning now hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] to most hallelujah god he woke me up this morning in my right mind hallelujah i could walk i could talk hallelujah to the most high god i can see i can hear glory the most i got it i'm still in the land of believing to give him praise to give him honor to give him glory hallelujah is a sovereign god he's a mighty god hallelujah glory glory glory to the most high god well hallelujah the name jesus hallelujah we salute heaven oh we salute heaven we salute the king of kings and the lord of lords we salute the conquering land of the tribe of judah almighty god hallelujah lord the most high god hallelujah jesus hallelujah every day you're here somebody is dead but we come to praise him hallelujah we come to lift him up almighty god because we serve a living god hallelujah we don't know the future what the future holds up but we know who are the future without the future hallelujah hallelujah jesus the everlasting father the one who walks upon the water hallelujah they want to speak this word into being hallelujah he owes the future and as long as in the vessel we can smell at the stars many storms that are wrong about us we can smile at the stars hallelujah jesus lord to the most high god hallelujah we worship with jesus glory to god hallelujah jesus hallelujah what a mighty god we serve always victorious always watching over us glory to god almighty hallelujah sing praises unto god sing praises sing praises and to god sing praises [Applause] sing praises and to god sing praises is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] over on the with understanding foreign what do you do when you're hallelujah is seek praises unto god [Music] hallelujah jesus oh what are you doing [Music] foreign is is yes has done for me [Music] [Music] and we praise our god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god bless you pray esteem hallelujah glory be to the name of the lord i want to pause here to say to our virtual worshipers and also those who are listening to us and more of them each week it's a privilege of ours to take your testimonies and your prayer requests and all that we you have experienced to share with us hallelujah and so we want to tell you as for this week we we know that you would love for your names to be read but we want to say to you that we'll be praying for you and for next week we'll read out your names okay so it's a situation beyond our control at this time so we thank you for your understanding so we'll be praying for you in a short while for those who have your victory testimonies and also the requests that you send today hallelujah we believe god god bless you pristine after which we'll be having the prayer glory to god i'm just going to ask you to come lord hallelujah hallelujah we bless the name jesus hallelujah lord do it again make a way out of knowing lord i know you can't manifest your presence [Music] please do it again oh [Music] do lord your again [Music] [Applause] no way your presence [Music] shall we bless the lord hallelujah let me hear you praise him again praise the lord i know that my audience virtually is shouting praises to god at this time hallelujah hallelujah at this time i will be doing the prayer for our virtual requests and also our virtual worshipers hallelujah the bible uh the word of god reminds us that without faith it is impossible to please god hallelujah and so at this time as you hallelujah send in your requests as you write your requests if you did not write a request i am going to ask you to do something today begin to write that request hallelujah and do something else take a container drop it in that container as if it is in that basket that is at the altar and believe god today for what you are asking him for hallelujah whether you're driving or you're walking or you're around your desk i want you to write stop by write that request believe god today and he will come through for you hallelujah hallelujah shall we bow our heads in prayer what a friend we have in jesus all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege to carry everything to god in prayer our heavenly father and our god we come again before you this morning we come because you'll be the scum we come because we have no one else to call on but you we come because we know you're not tired of hearing us jesus while you were on earth you took time out to pray and the disciples knew where you were at so when they missed you they find you at that spot praying to your father in heaven and that goes to shows us that you're a god who answers prayer and even while jesus was on that cross he prayed hallelujah because the burden of the world was on his shoulder he prayed and he said father ah let this could pass from me nevertheless not my will but as the will oh god you took upon yourself our sins and you bear them on that cross so that this morning we can come to you with any situation lord i present our virtual worshipers and their request to you this morning you know every heart you know those who are trusting you even now you know those who have gotten their victory testimonies and you know those who are even saying oh lord this is my time some might be asking you lord how long but by faith they have written that request again i pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that you will touch that individual let him or her know god that you have heard their cry and you have come down to the liver heaven has touched earth today and we know god almighty that your presence is here with us we did not come to church today just to have a show but we come this morning trusting you for miracles trusting you for signs and wonders trusting you for healing trusting you for deliverance trusting you for that family member trusting your god almighty for somebody to get saved trusting you for somebody to be here trusting you for somebody to be delivered trusting you for somebody to set free oh glory to god almighty god we ask this morning that you will come down one more time even closer to that individual who is sitting in that car pulling their heads over that desk yes trusting you for a miracle on that hospital baby mighty god will you send somebody in jail in that hospital room oh god jehovah will with healing in their wings to touch such a one who are trusting you this morning yes jesus almighty god you have done it before do it again do it again for somebody do it again for somebody do it again for somebody who have given upon themselves and are saying this is it oh god i pray in the name of jesus that you will touch that you will heal that you will deliver that you are set free that testimonies will come forth almighty god and that your name will be glorified father there might be fears in a situation like martha and mary they are saying this situation is things but you are a god who are not afraid to touch her to deliver to heal to resurrect and to set free father in the name of jesus touch somebody this morning and let your name be glorified let your name be exalted we give you thanks we give you praise we give you honor we give you glory for that hallelujah and may your peace mighty god rest remain and abide with us in jesus name amen and amen hallelujah to god hallelujah glory to the most i got hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lord hallelujah come on people of god pray and trust your god he's gonna come true for you hallelujah let your faith extend in him and believe and he's gonna do it for you we'll do it again he will do it again for you hallelujah thank you sister rosetta hallelujah i just want to say thanks to our praise team and our multimedia and our musicians who come with us today as the virtual worshipers and those who are listening and more fm we want to thank you for sharing your space with us today hallelujah and i'm just going to ask at this time just before we have the word from reverend orville anderson the praise team will be coming to do their special selection and just want to tell you that reverend anderson is no stranger to us it's been us been with us for many months he was here sometime in january when we have that january purr he came by when we have the tarin service also and he was here later down here in the here and i just want to thank god for the man of god who delivered the word hallelujah hallelujah he delivers what god laid on his heart and i trust that as you listen to him and watch him today people of god something good will be happening in your space because god is gonna come true he's gonna come up your street today he's gonna walk into your office today going to be at the hospital with you today he's going to walk into your bedroom today hallelujah believe your god hallelujah when everything else fail jesus never fails so as soon as the praise team is true i'm just going to ask you to just spur up the man of god as we believe god today god bless you god bless you pray esteem at this time hallelujah lord it's the most thy god hallelujah we bless the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah saints hallelujah this afternoon we've just come to encourage someone who is watching right now or maybe someone who's in the house to continue to trust in jesus or if you haven't been trusting in jesus recently just to just trust in him times are hard a lot of things are uncertain but god is consistent and he never changes hallelujah hallelujah jesus [Music] so this song says it is so sweet to trust in jesus just to take him at his word just to rest upon his promise just to know the said the lord jesus [Music] [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] so sweet to trust in jesus just to take him at his word just to rest upon his promise just to [Music] the lord jesus [Music] [Music] jesus jesus bless us jesus [Music] or this next song says oh what peace [Music] because we do not care [Music] everything to god oh because we do not care every [Music] afraid we have in jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] is let's play [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what peace [Music] [Music] because we do not care [Music] [Music] all our sins and grace is who will [Music] jesus [Music] take it to the lord [Music] come on come on worship us oh jesus we find [Music] hallelujah oh jesus [Music] praise the name of the lord pass me [Music] if [Applause] my [Music] somebody says is [Music] foreign is we worship you [Music] calling do not pass us by lord we have some situation god that we want you to work out today we have some difficulties oh god that we want you to start out today yes lord yes lord we have some unsolved problems yes and we want you to serve today lord yes lord we have some giants fighting that we need to slay today we have some demons hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] whatever state you are in right now hallelujah jesus christ is present right where you are if you only lift up your hands if you only open your mouth hallelujah if you only invoke his presence somebody call his name jesus somebody call his name somebody call his name jesus pages jesus hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus holy spirit and the living god we worship you god will you visit some cars right now will you visit some workplace right now will you visit some houses right now god where the worshipers at lord god almighty will you touch them will you will you hug them will you allow them to feel this kind of glory hallelujah to god hallelujah i feel the holy ghost somebody that the blessings will come down oh god come on people of god glory to you hallelujah hallelujah as mouse's lift of the serpent in the wilderness so shall be the son of man believe that the common church come on my spiritual worship us today is your day today is your day you're lucky for your [Music] [Music] hallelujah don't let me stop you ah if you feel to say thank you jesus don't let me stop you hallelujah hallelujah you know what god has done for you you know where he has brought you from you know what he has taken out of jesus hallelujah you have a right to praise him mighty god [Music] thank you lord thank you so much praise steam i want to greet the holy spirit [Music] who is the head of my life want to greet your humble bishop in person of royal robinson and the first lady robinson family i want to greet a moderator praise team musicians officers the technical team i also want to greet my audience my virtual audience worshipers those who take the time out to log in to stop by to really support the fasting here in montego bay i believe with all my heart that the lord will do something drastic in your life today and so i give god the praise and the glory in the name of jesus my wife would love to be here today but we all know the reason why they are not here and so they bring greetings to the montego bay family in the name of jesus lord and savior and our soon coming king i am so happy to be here today to break the bread of life to the people of god hallelujah i believe in a time like this we need to hear what the lord is saying because so many persons are out there in need of their word what they need a word from the lord some of us were struggling a week in the faith and they need strength and so i believe this is the reason for the fasting here in montego bay to lift the heavy burdens to strengthen those who are weak and for those who are in captivity to be set freed amen hallelujah hallelujah we are going to have church today amen hallelujah are you with me praise steve are you with me musicians amen hallelujah god is indeed a good god and so we don't want to take his goodness for granted but we are just to praise him and to lift him up and to exalt his name for he is god hallelujah it doesn't matter how bad the pandemic gets it does not it does not take away the fact that god is still not faithful it does not take away the fact that god is not faithful it does not relinquish the position of god god is still sitting on his throne come on church my virtual worship as god is still sitting on his throne and god is still in the miracle working business and it doesn't matter how the devil tried to fight and to try to separate the church god is still in control so we are not perturbed today of what is happening because we serve a god who reigns supreme he is the i am that i am the first and the last come on church of god he is the all-knowing and the all-powerful god do i have a witness today in the house hallelujah praise god and so i want you to turn your bibles with me to the book of daniel chapter six and we'll read a few verses there i'll give my viewers a little time to search for the bible you might be at work and you might have to turn your phone to the bible on that you have on it so i'm gonna give you a few seconds to do so praise god hallelujah if we were in the church if our church was fully would say it's customary for us to stand but i'm gonna allow us to sit for the reading of the word of god hallelujah read thus it please dare us to set over the kingdom 120 princes which should be over the whole kingdom that's daniel chapter 6 and whose and over those three presidents of whom daniel was the first and the prince said that the prince's might gave account unto them and the king should have no damage then this daniel was preferred above the president and the prince because of an excellent spirit which was in him and the king thought to set him over the entire are the whole realm the presidents and the princes sought to find the occasions against daniel concerning the kingdom but they could not find none okay not occasion nor fault for as much as he was faithful neither was there any error or fault found in him then said these men we shall not find we shall not find any occasion against this daniel except we find it against him concerning the law of his god then these presidents and prince assembled themselves together to to to the king and set thus unto king darus live forever all presidents all the presidents of the kingdom the governors and the prince the councilors and the captains have consulted together to establish a royal city and to make a firm decree that user ever shall ask a petition of any god or man for 30 days save of thee o king he shall be cast into the den of lions hallelujah no king ex no o king establish the decree and signed the writing that it might it be not changed according to the law of the middle and the persian and alter not wherefore king dara signed the writing and the decree now when daniel knew that the writing was saying he went into his house and his window been opened in his chamber towards jerusalem he knelt upon his knees there three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his god as he did a four or four time then these men assembled and found danielle praying and making supplication before his god then they came near and spake before the king concerning the decree has thou not signed the decree that every man that should ask a petition of any god or man within 30 days save of thee o king shall be cast into the lion's den the king answered and said the the thing is true according to the law of the medic and the persian which alter it not we'll stop at verse 13 and then answer it there and said before the king that daniel which is of the children of the captivity of judah regarded not thee o king nor the decree that thou has signed but make it his petition three times a day he rents a portion of god's holy word we honor it by saying thanks be to god father you promised to add your richest blessings to your word so god we are here in montego bay desire oh god your present and your move we ask you lord that you will show up that you will show off and that you will demonstrate your power in this fasting today lord we know that there are some people who are on the virtual platform this afternoon lord they have different complaints different situations different battle fighting and so god they join i believe to hear a word from you i pray god that you will anoint me to speak directly oh god to them in the name of jesus christ lord we pray that you will anoint me afresh today cause your glory to come upon me oh god yesterday's anointing can't do for today so i pray right now holy spirit that you will hide me behind the cross lord god let nothing that will be said here today god will be a flesh but that your spirit will take precedence o god lord we pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that you will control and bind every destruction right now lord god almighty will you sprew and sprinkle your blood god wherever the worshipers are today lord i pray in the name of jesus christ that yours your power will captivate god almighty the minds and the hearts of those who are out there listening lord and for those who are not yet christian child of god i pray that this world will challenge their soul that after we are through here to their god they will surrender your life totally to you i pray almighty god that you will release worship in this atmosphere lord let preaching be easy lord move by your power move by your spirit in jesus mighty name and we all say amen and amen somebody go ahead and wave those hands for the lord come on clap those hands music and just give me a little thing on the and on the keyboard and the jump praise the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you are worth the lord your worthy jesus there is none like you god you are omnipresent omniscient god we worship you breach over troubled water ah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus thank you lord i want to speak to us today from this theme the power of cons of a consistent faith the power of a consistent faith the power of consistent faith hallelujah hallelujah in this time and age my brothers and sisters we must have a consistent faith in order to override and to and to hold our focus in this time that we are going through hallelujah we must have a firm belief that jesus christ is still in control is still rule and still reign in their fears of men come on church of god and so we have to believe we have to believe our faith have to be intact in this season because oh god almighty we have been so we have been so pressed on every side but there is a god that sits high and look low and he continues to remind us through his words that he will never leave us nor forsake us are you with me church of god amen hallelujah they are known let me just lay my foundation quickly they are known as the 40 meters of sibets in the in the famed twelfth legions of rome's imperial army there were 40 soldiers who professed their faith in jesus christ my brothers and sisters one day their captain informed them that in that the empire linisius had sent out a decree commanding all the soldiers to offer a sacrifice to pagan gods hallelujah these christians these christian warriors said you can have our armor you can have our bodies but our hearts allegiance belongs to jesus christ brothers and sisters because of their stands they were marched into a frozen lake in the wind in the mid-winter ab320 and stripped of their clothes at any time they could renounce the cr they could renounce christ and disappeared from death hallelujah instead they huddled together and sung the song of victory fought martyrs for christ that frees the night and we saw 39 men fall into their icy grave when there was when there was but one man left he stumbled to the shore and renounced christ i guess he was afraid of his life because he was not solely committed to jesus christ hallelujah he wanted to live then to die hallelujah as the officer in charge of the garden of god in these men listened to their singing he listened to their singing he had secretly come to believe in jesus christ he immediately replaced the man who had renounced christ and he walked out into the ice and there and throw his clothes off and confess in his faith that jesus christ is lord somebody praise god right there hallelujah as sunrise the morning the musicians keyboardists roman soldiers found 40 men who gave their all for the cause of christ these 40 brave men demonstrate a faith that was consistent so does the man featured in this text today brothers and sisters daniel who danielle was a man who possessed a consistent faith danielle is a man who lived this kind of a consistent life all the days he lived as a young man he was separated you found that in daniel chapter one as a middle-aged man he was sold out daniel chapter five even as an older man he surrendered a life to jesus christ totally are you find that in daniel chapter 6 as we watch daniel face i know and whether the great trial of faith there are just a few lessons my brothers and sisters my virtual i got space worshippers i want to point out today concerning the power of a consistent faith in this time hallelujah we can learn from daniel he teaches us that it is a consistent faith or its consistency that pays off at all times brothers and sisters it is it isn't all about how short oh how you start the race or how you are all your henries yes those are important but once we are faithfully committed to almighty god then therefore we will have the victory at the end of the day hallelujah we can have the victory at the end of the day you don't need to try to please anybody apart from almighty god once we settle for god then everything else will be all right brothers and sisters i want to point out three things today are three lessons that we can learn from this from this organ patriarch danielle the first thing i want to point out was that is that your faith will be tested amen hallelujah and we can we we don't have to read any book to find out if our faith will be tested we don't have to listen any news to find out if our faith will be tested because we experience day-to-day trials that test our faith so therefore we know that as soon as we join the army of god we know that we are up against why we know that we are up against a man called the devil and so we don't have to have anybody reading to us every day but the experience that we go through tells us that our faith is and will be tested somebody clap your hands for jesus hallelujah let me tell you my time here hallelujah hallelujah in first in second in second timothy 3 and verse 12 says yay and all who lived on all who lived hallelujah all who lived a a godly life in christ jesus shall suffer persecution my god almighty uh we know some of us don't want to hear that but we shall suffer persecution if you choose to live your life for jesus christ holding back nothing persecution will come your way without the shadow of a doubt persecution will come your way but this is not a bad thing church notice what is accomplished here when faith is it's been it's been put to the test oh god almighty when our faith is being tested the saints is cultivated daniel was already a great man god wanted to develop him even further your trials are never meant to destroy your virtual worshipers only to make you better and stronger as long as a lot of times you will hear a person say god won't give you more than what you can be sometimes we don't even understand hallelujah fully what we are saying but some people say it because if they know the quote some people say because they hear it from other persons but sometimes when you are going through your trials it is not meant to kill you hallelujah but god send you through some situation to develop you hallelujah to god hallelujah to god or if he doesn't develop you there are some treasures in you that can get some giftings that god wants to pull out and that's why you place you in some difficult situation where your faith is being tested and tried well let me tell you something believers worship us in the virtual space when you go through fire when you go through beta mara when you go through a hell and high us just remember that god is not every time when we get bad news or when we when we go through situations when we go when we experience trials is of the devil sometimes god wants to bring out the best inside of us sometimes we are not ready but we are god wants to take us so god will put us through some situation that will mature our spirits so when we get to that place where he really wants us we don't act like we have no sense we don't act immature but we stand there hallelujah feel my help already hallelujah my worshippers will you say yes lord teach me how to be patient teach me how to be holy when we go through trials when our faith is being tested we need to ask god what is it that you want to teach me what is it that i did not learn last year we have to go through it this year what is it that somebody you need to praise god not every time somebody tell life away it means that it's a devil work sometimes it's god working itself out working its purpose i hear roman says all things work together oh god almighty whoever worshipper do i have a praise in the house oh yeah glory to god hallelujah i'm just getting into this thing through many dangers toils and snare we have already come hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah faith are being tested they say that oh god almighty because daniel trials god received glory and honor look at that church as the trials of life come against us we we and we stand faithfully in spite of the trial god is honored amen by the faith of his people first corinthians 10 and verse 31 says whether therefore he eat or drink or whatsoever he do we should do it all for the glory of god it means therefore that the hebrew boys let me just give you a little bit of rundown here oh god get the glory when we go through trial and we don't backslide god get the glory when trial comes away and we remain faithful drama god that honor and glory when people tell lie on us and we don't beat against them hallelujah when the three evil boys were thrown into the fire they said to king nebuchadnezzar oh king live forever even if god don't deliver us don't get it twisted we will not power david stood against goliath and demonstrate glory hallelujah stephen was stoned to death because of the gospel our very own power was martyred somebody praise god we've got to stand firm when we go to trial god get the glory when we stand in trial when we don't back down when we don't sell out god when we don't give up on god all glory glory and honor belongs to him whatsoever we do whatsoever we drink and whatsoever we must do it all for the glory of god somebody praise him somebody prays him in the house not just that not to the church not just the church but when our faith is being tested and when we remain faithful in trials people unsafe will be convicted verse 4 and 5 tells us these men were disturbed by daniel's faith they knew that he possessed something they did not have hallelujah to god as a day as the world watches you my sister watches you my brother as a believer walk through as we read about danielle and as you walk through the lion's sometimes we walk through some dens it might not be literal lion dance what we do is we walk through some things similar because it was a life and death situation that daniel experienced but daniel stood still in spite of how much he was being pressured oh god almighty they can see faith at work in daniel and because of that because of his standard for holiness and for god it actually touches their heart hallelujah matthew 16 matthew 5 and verse 16 says let your light so shine before be so shiny for men that they may see your good works and glorify your god who is in heaven these believers are living epistles don't think for a mini church that the world does not see your peace or your action and i've helped you with and that and and and help you you are receiving from and the help that you are receiving from the lord there are some people in your life right now they are wondering oh you are still standing after all that they have put you through do i have a witness in the house hallelujah after all that they have put you through they are still wondering oh you are still standing they are still wondering oh you make it through last year oh you make it through the lies oh you make it through the backstabbing how you make it through the setups and the betrayals oh you're making through the hurt some hurts some people did some things to you that should never hurt you that should have caused you to lose your mind that was meant to destroy you what god says you shall not die but you shall live somebody said live and declare the words of god somebody else will preach hallelujah for eyes are machines the ears have not held neither anchored the hearts of man the things the mighty crowd having scored the pressures of the price that you put up on him but let me tell you something i am not living this life by myself there is somebody the word of god says creator is in me that is evil that is in the world there is greater than the internal that that is of that external [Music] somebody prays somebody prays somebody prays shout hallelujah shout hallelujah i mean fasting to the church fight to worship worshipers yes some of you want prayer to our space you have been tried you have been tested you have been no god blessed you have been struck down you have been oppressed but guess what you are still standing and still here you may look at them in the face and say hello devil i'm still standing it doesn't matter the pressure that comes my way and cries the sun in luck i stand all over the clouds or sinking sun [Music] oh glory to god glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh blessed be the name of the lord jesus some people jesus thought that when they walked out on you you would fall flat on your face come on now jesus some setups that you went through some betrayals people whom you have trust yes with deep secrets amen decided that they will not hold it any longer the contract the agreement that both of you join together say until death hallelujah they can't they preach they can't truck and so they start to leak out on you what am i preaching in here hallelujah and you you you went through that and god help you to overcome that and you are still standing my faith has been tested hallelujah to god you didn't know you would have come out of it you thought you'd have given over you thought you'd have given into the pressures and the temptations that came your way what in the midst of it there was a man that killed you that hold you close to his bosom hallelujah and he said hold on my sister you ain't going through this all by yourself i'm with you oh god somebody needs to hear this god is not going to leave you in the fire god is not going to leave you at the mercy of your enemies he's going to fight he's going to fight he's going to fight her he's going to fight he's going to roll down hold on joy is coming joy is coming weeping may endure for a night for joy i hear joy i hear joy try your beauties dry up your tears you are coming out with it you are coming out of it shout in this your faith will be tested one two a consistent faith will be tested too a consistent faith will testify hallelujah sometimes the testimony of faith on the trial is louder than testimony of words it testifies of its foes danielle did not alter his ways even to appease the king he remember he remained consistent in spite of danger he the pressures the pressure to conform and to even the command of the king god give us us people sayings once you stand for god believe us once you stand and remain faithful and consistent in spite of what the world is saying in spite of what people are saying in spite of what or the opposition is saying once you remain are consistent in your faith hallelujah 1st corinthians 15 58 says therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast unmovable always abounded in the works of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain somebody need to know that yes you will remain you you are faithful and there might come a time in your life that you are saying to yourself that remaining faithful doesn't make any sense walking holy and upholding the statues and the command of almighty god doesn't make any sense but hear what god says that your labor shall not be in faith it means that god shall reward you of your faithfulness somebody need to know this that when you stand for him he will stand for you he will stand with you psalm 55 and verse 22 says cast thy burdens upon the lord and he shall sustain he shall never suffer the right has to be moved somebody needs to get this that when you stand up for almighty god it doesn't matter the presence that comes your way the way that god says he said god says he shall sustain you if you hold fast to the unchanging hand of almighty god you shall not suffer god shall sustain you somebody leave your hands and say lord i might be getting weak but i promise to remain faithful god says i shall sustain you the righteous shall not be moved we shall be like a tree hallelujah glory to god hallelujah i'm like a tree they are dead by the rivers of living waters my leaves shall not wither and whatsoever i do it most it must prosper hallelujah don't allow anyone or anything especially in this time to shift your faith maybe see that for a minute to shift your faith thank you so much to shift your faith glory to god at this time jesus the truth is praise thee my musicians and my virtual audience that many christians today since the starting of this pandemic i've lost so much and in the process of them losing a lot they also lost their identity and their faith have been dwindled and so they they don't know if they're standing or if they're sitting hallelujah but those who believe in this god those who believe in this god that he is not a dead god he still sit on his throne hallelujah hallelujah and he nothing takes him by surprise he know he's up to par with everything he's current with everything and so he understand everything what we are going through what our country is experiencing i believe i believe with all my heart that if god wanted to stop the virus from coming to jamaica he could have stopped it hallelujah to god some people might differ with me but if god wanted to stop it he couldn't stop it what god is gonna allow me to come to jamaica there must be some reasons why he allow me to come and the fact that we are still here corona free while we are observing the protocols while we are rearing the mask god is still protecting us as a body as a church and so we've got to give him praise or we have to give him praise it doesn't make sense we walk around moving from church to church want to get a quick fix all we need to do is draw close to almighty god when troubling your life we need to praise him praise the weapon that must destruction and so the believers need not to lose their focus in this time but we need to lose look to jesus christ who is the author and the finisher of our faith my worshippers somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah jesus praise god [Music] we don't need to shift we don't need we can't afford to allow the pressures of this time to shift our focus if our faith we need that consistent faith we need we don't need faith that today you are here today you believe and tomorrow you don't believe we don't need that faith that you believe for this week and the other week you don't believe we don't god don't need those faiths god need faith that will will remain that will stick out the beating that will stick out persecution that will remain consistent in whatever's problem whatever difficulty you find yourself in god don't need people who is just here today and tomorrow they are gone he can't find them god needs people who you can trust who will say like job when the end when he said have you considered my servant job god knew the ability and the power and the faithfulness of job and the consistency that job had in him that is the reason a faith like those we need a loss in these times we don't need any horrible faith we need faith that will last through our problems glory to god so we don't so faith we don't the faith it will testify to our friends daniel's faith had made an impact on the king even he believed that the lord could get daniel through the trial when faith is exercised fully and consistently it has the power to move through through who know us to consider the lord for themselves when when consistent faith is practiced it encourages others my brothers and sisters to be more consistent in their own faith hallelujah to god so therefore when when we eat it actually we could say it is contagious consistent faith is contagious because if somebody is walking with you and they want to do well for the lord and if you are strong in the faith your faith will actually pull that individual who is less stronger than you to come up to the level that you are at that is the kind of friends that we need in these times we don't need people if we are saying god they are saying that we need people that when we call on them to pray they are present with us not in this body but in the spirit somebody praise god right there we need consistent us that knows how to pray hallelujah glory to god thank you lord thank you lord i will fail of faith acts 28 verse 15 says and from thence we when the brethren heard of the of us they meet us afar off and apply forum under the three turbines are gonna might when paul saw them he thanked god and take courage my god almighty paul exercises faith and encourage all the almighty foreign he does not only testify of his office of his friends but he testifies of it of his focus consistent faith testify of his focus daniel stayed the course for god knowing that he had no one to please but to god when persons walk faithfully with the lord in spite of their problems and temptation that surround them believe us it makes a bold statement about the focus of his life really of what his life really is the believer possesses a consistent faith oh god almighty a consistent faith does not try to live or when a believer possesses a consistent faith they don't try to live to please everybody hallelujah you just try to please god so here is daniel and the primary reason for the person who fools focus in god almighty they try to please almighty god and not man too many of us as believers we try to seek the glory of man rather than almighty god too many of us as believers we try to seek earthly glory than to see the presence of almighty god when we are focused fully upon god we get we are in the right position to receive the victory hallelujah somebody praise god with me you don't need anybody right now in your life to tell you otherwise too much of us we compromise to most of us lose our standard of us walked out and cut too much of us fellow god in the midst of trials and temptations and lost our god-given hope but we want to look on the life of our son daniel who stand in the midst of adversity who stand in the midst of chaos who stand in the midst of a life-and-death situation who stand when everybody else fails when everybody else turn their backs up on a mighty god that you'll stand somebody the word of god says having done all to stand we've got to stand put on the old armor of crowd that we may able to stand against the wiles of the devil so many devils so many deeds so many legions have been lurking around us for the word of god says for the devil he's like a roaring lion seeking we made it forever somebody needs to understand that the adversary is after your sword the devil is on your track once you are walking for god almighty want to stake a stand for righteousness the devil is going to fight you the devil is going to tear you but the devil is going to tear you up but guess what guess what believe us god says don't be this me don't be afraid don't lose hope don't lose hope for i am the almighty god who was who is that and is to come the first and the last here is not after me there is none before me there is none that can compete unto me somebody shout hallelujah glory to god hallelujah blessed be your name jesus oh glory to god stand firm believe us jesus it is not time for us to be questioning which side are to differ or to decide which side you're on if you're on the lord's side stay on the lord's side amen every prophet every priest every godly king they encountered if you read through the bible they encountered trials and tribulations persecution from all walks of life hallelujah at one point in time paul had to defend his title as a puzzle because he was being criticized by the very own people hallelujah to god glory to god stephen was stoned to death because of the gospel because of his stand for god hallelujah to god somebody praise him hallelujah somebody praise him glory to god somebody praise him are the three evil boys like what i've said earlier and were throwing the fire because of the stand for god somebody need to stand up for god somebody need to stand up for god hallelujah to god your faith is what is going to allow you to stand hallelujah jesus glory to god your faith [Music] your faith is going to allow you to stand in this time the bible says no faith is the substance of things all for the evidence of things not seen hallelujah so therefore what what does that mean sorry it means that your faith tells you that you already delivered even though it doesn't happen yet in the natural amen faith tells you that it already happened even when it does manifest itself in the natural hallelujah the word of god faith coming by hearing and hearing of the word of god so therefore none of us in this room on this platform has ever seen god before in person but guess what our faith tells us that he is there our faith tells us that he is our delivery our faith tells us that he is this is the only begotten son who died upon the cross come in the church come and come with me oh god almighty our faith tells us that one day sooner or later he's coming back to the church he's coming back we read it in john 14. he said if i go to prepare a place for you and if i go i must come again that where i am where you may be also in my father's house we have many mansions if it was soul i wouldn't have told you your belief system tells you that god shall supply your needs according to his riches in glory your faith tells you that no weapon falls against you against your family against your job against your house against your husband against your wife against your children against your might it shall not prosper faith tells you that yeah do you walk through the valleys and the shadows of death i will fear no evil for the world with me thy road and my stuff they comfort me my virtual worship i said shout yes shout yes let me hear it let me hear the symbols let me hear the drama let me hear the keyboard somebody showing yes i'm coming out i'm coming out i'm coming out i'm coming out i'm coming out if you're burying me i'm calling out if you're holding back i'm coming out if you're trying to block me i'm going past you somebody shout hallelujah fireworks still is the obvious way to belong last night with a conquering dress i'm gonna push i'm gonna push i'm gonna push my belief faith tells me i've got work to do faith tells me i'm up against warriors shout hallelujah there is power there is power there is power there is power shouted daniel knew the god that himself daniel knew the relationship that he had with god that's why he stood up when he heard the decree that was signed against him the bible said when daniel earned it then you went down into battle you went down into prayer problems of heaven and sweetly they ring there and message unto jesus the king of glory when you are buried [Music] somebody worship him somebody worshipping somebody worshipping hallelujah somebody worship somebody worship god somebody worship god somebody worship the lord somebody worship god try to worship us worship the lord worship god worship god worship god shout hallelujah hallelujah [Music] me [Music] wow hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Applause] shut up hallelujah [Applause] [Music] do it again for me jesus yes do it again for me [Music] hallelujah jesus and my third and final point glory to god is that not only your faith will be tested jesus not only a faith will be testified but all through the trials all through the prove in yourself to others all your consistency may i say it was believers platform virtual platform and those who are here with me jesus your consistent faith will triumph amen jesus your faith will i love you to triumph yes blessed be the name of the lord glory to god it will give you the victory it will force the hand of god hallelujah to destroy your enemies oh god god is going to bless you in front of some people who can't stand to see you god is gonna give you promotion hallelujah right in front of some people who has been tearing you down in your very face shout hallelujah [Music] even some of your very own family members who is trying to block you trying to stop you trying to hold you back just because favor is on your life but i hear somebody says favor is not fear favor is not fear shout hallelujah almighty i feel a breakthrough coming right here somebody cheering just jump from their footsteps somebody cheating just dropped from their mind somebody somebody just gonna deliver it somebody's going to testify somebody's going to testify shout out [Music] hallelujah not fear because of your faithfulness in faith it is going to allow you to triumph over every single situation that has been but that you have been battling with for the last six months i want to say this to my virtual worshipers uh that situation that that battle that you have been wrestling with yes you have been consistent in your faith how the word of god comes to you today to tell you that you're because of your faithfulness faithful faithfulness you are going to triumph it means that you are going to get the victory hallelujah favor is on your life the bible said the king found favor with daniel we can replace him above every other president and princes hollywood why because god plays an excellent spirit upon daniel so it doesn't matter what they tried it could not stop daniel the bible said that when daniel was elevated they called their guns together they called the captains and the councilors and the presidents they call everybody together and when they search hallelujah they could not find anything against him who is grouping up against you who is backing up against you who is calling click or shutter somebody is calling your name somebody somebody's grouping up against you favor is on my life first oh i know that they tried to kill me so many times hallelujah the bible said he who dwells in the secret place what the most high gods shall buy under the shadows what the almighty god wow a thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand what thy right hand they shall not come hallelujah shout yes lord do it again for me jesus do it again for me lord glory to god hallelujah [Music] hallelujah bear with me bit longer i'm almost there lower to god i'm almost there i'm almost there hallelujah daniel's faith jesus gave him the victory oh god and i want to say to you today my birth you will worship us that if you remain consistent god will not just give you victory at the end of your journey but you shall have victory in the middle you shall have victory when you start you shall have victory when you least expect it hallelujah oh god almighty hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah my god my god doesn't only pay when it comes on to payday and give you pocket money while you're working out rather like what am i preaching to here and give your counselling while you're on the job and give your encouragement while you're on the job and give you all god almighty and give you water while you're on the job if you remain faithful and consistent you shall triumph [Music] hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus the bible said in second corinthians 2 and verse 14 no thanks be unto god who always causes to triumph in christ and who make it manifest through us the savior of his knowledge in every place hallelujah consistent faith not just only allow you to triumph over just triumph you will be triumphant over adversaries over adversity come on daniel's faith in god i love him allow him to enjoy victory hallelujah over over the dead of the lions in darkness over king darus over his destructors even over daniel himself oh god almighty his faith allow him to triumph over every obstacles that ego faces his faith carries him through the trials then he'll learn to how to trust god even when he's when when he faced death situation god oh god almighty if god don't take you out of the trial he will bring you through it somebody needs to get it if god don't deliver you from the trial he's gonna take you through it he says to apostle paul my grace is sufficient to keep the hallelujah you shall not touch your foot against a stone you shall stand up when you're supposed to fall you shall rise when you're supposed to lean on somebody understand this oh god i'm right here stay on track stay focused the fact that is not yours [Music] for god shall supply [Music] all your needs hallelujah according to his riches in glory hallelujah faith your faith can still part you're ready your faith can still cause empty barriers to be fair uh your faith can allow you to walk on any stone [Music] and multiply everything in your life hallelujah your faith still guarantees your victory through jesus christ however mark 9 23 says all things are possible to him that belief if you believe today people of god if you believe an almighty god you can be healed amen hallelujah if you believe in god he can save your husband if you believe in god today he can cure you from that disease if you believe in god today he can cure you from that sickness that you have been wrestling with if you believe in god he can help you to accomplish that home that house that you want to buy if you believe in god he can release the land title that land agency have been holding on for a very long time if you believe god you can turn your life around cinema sinner woman sing a boy seen a girl if you hear my voice i pray today that you will not hide your glory to heart jesus jesus don't ignore god today i'm closing right here don't ignore god don't ignore god some of you believe us you might be saying in the virtual platform sorry pastor i've been praying pastor i remain i have been faithful pastor i remain consistent in my faith and walk with the lord i stand up for god i defend the cause of the gospel i defend my faith i walk circumspect i walk in holiness i try my best to do what god says i should do but yet still everything around you everything around me is going opposite of what i believe and you're saying god you're saying rev how is it that i supposed to remain faithful why are you coming to tell me this time that i should remain consistent hallelujah to god may i say to us people of god that you might be at the first point that i gave you might be at the level where your faith is being tested ah god almighty you might be going to trial right now you might be paying your tides every single sunday and you are still broke you are still purporized you are still eating up you still have to be begging your neighbor begging your sister your siblings how can it be possible hallelujah that i remain faithful in whatever i do god says but yet still it's going contrary to what i believe may i say to you sister may i say to you brother you might be at the first stage where your faith is really going through fire it's really going through a hard time but guess what you don't need to give up yet you have a testimony that is coming you have a testimony that is the weight in you you can't give up yet you haven't overcome the testimony the trial that the bible said in revelation that we overcome we testify we overcome to the lord come on the people of god help me here we are that testimony that is coming when you get to stop that the point you will be able to testify that god has brought me from chapter 1 through chapter 2 to 3 and i know i have a testimony i have not yet been triumphant here is another level that i have to go to but while i have the testimony i am going to help others find their way i'm going to help us find your way let your light so shine before men that they may see your good words you might say pasta pasta pasta pasta you almost convinced me yes i have a testimony my sister my brother there is a bigger victory there is a bigger victory there is a bigger victory paul says i fought a good fight i've kept the faith i'll finish my course and now hence laid up for me of righteousness hallelujah and paul says it's not just for me but everybody else will remain faithful righteous we are in a triumph you are born to triumph you are born to triumph you are born to triumph you are more to [Music] hallelujah praise me to god who always allow us to triumph somebody in virtual space lift your hand with me you are not going to just experience trials and crosses you are not just going to have a testimony but you are going to triumph [Music] give me some give me some give me [Music] somebody worships so much worse so much worse somebody worshiped them somebody was again somebody what [Music] [Music] i was reading my wife and i was reading a book called i think the weapons of praise hallelujah was stuck upon ii chronicles and it says in the latter part when johan got the news that the ammonites those these enemies was about to overtake his camp ah lord god was about to defeat judah and jerusalem when he got the news the bible said fear came over him and he called the entire city into lot known into prayer and fasting while he was praying the bible said that the prophet rose up in the midst of them and he said to josh if i try you don't need to worry you don't need to fight her you don't need to do anything all you need to do is to stand still and watch god watch your faith watch your faith watch your faith work wonders for you so the bible said [Music] the bible said that of jehoshaphat when he stood up and he took confidence in the word of god he rest his arms upon almighty god before he reached the earth he said god are you not god who rules the heavens and run on earth who controls kings and kingdoms are you not god yes may i say to us believers that sometimes when situations come upon us we have to remind god we have to repeat his words back to him we have to say god are you not a deliverer why is it that the enemy has seen that if they are triumphant over me that is when god responded may i say there was church that joseph stood up and he took these instructions he said go down to the brook stand up the earth be the enemy will be there guess what he said when he assembled the people together hallelujah when he assembled them when he assembled them he anointed them and he said judah first do you know what it means he and while the worshippers was marching before the bible said the holy ghost foreign [Music] [Music] i was reading second chronicles all of the way after salam and i'm almost finished after solomon completed the temple oh god when he went down into prayer solomon solomon solomon said i decree with god solomon basically said in my own words solomon says we are ever the children of israel wherever the people the people of god wherever they are and if they find themselves into any trouble hallelujah once they look towards jerusalem god must deliver them who am i what am i preaching today what am i preaching to it here hallelujah hallelujah so it came back to me just now the bible said that when daniel recognizes that he was in trouble daniel went up into his chamber he opened his window and looked towards [Music] he looked towards jerusalem hallelujah god must have remembered the decree oh god almighty the agreement the prayer that sonny where the solomon prayed so even when before he was thrown into the lion's den god already deliver him somebody your faith tells you that i am already delivered [Music] hallelujah glory to god hallelujah blessed be your name jesus hallelujah glory to god it doesn't matter jesus almighty god [Music] oh horse the bottle get yes remain consistent hallelujah glory to god it doesn't matter hallelujah just like the 40 matters jesus when they when they empire sent out our decree a command and said that they should offer up a sacrifice unto a pagan god they stood up without reservation and i believe they must have uttered their voices and they must have said you can have my coat my armor and they went as far as to say you can have my bodies our bodies but my heart is allegiance to jesus christ hallelujah virtual space worshipers man take obey wherever you find yourself in this life whatever is put before you once it is contradictory to your belief once it contradicts what you believe or what god says in his words yes the bible says the man that loveth his life shall surely lose it and the one that loses his life for my sake shall get it again amen the one soldier to make it 40 swim himself back to the shore and that this trial this thing is deeper than my belief and so i rather to live and die but the persuasion of the four at the 39 convict the guard and it took the position of the one that renowned christ and he went on to be with god my unsaved friends today it might look to you that it doesn't make sense you serve god because when you do the maths it look to you that it's not going to work out it's not adding up but i guarantee you this afternoon under the reach or the hearing of my voice if you give him a try and you remain faithful and consistent your life will never be the same so for all of you who are there unsafe friends i invite you to give your heart to the lord god will defend you god will sustain you he will keep you and if you so desire to walk with the lord like that guardian soldier who was convicted by the son that the martyrs were praying for singing i ask you to complete that form on the youtube page your name your phone number and somebody will definitely reach out to you we will not leave you by the wayside we care for you we want you to go where we're going we want you to be a part of the kingdom of god and so i encourage all of you who desire to give your heart to the lord don't hesitate don't listen to the devil telling you it's too early you will have plenty of time left don't listen to him god says we should number our days praise god so i encourage you to go over and complete that form and as i said before somebody definitely guarantee you that somebody will reach out to you and take you through the rudiments praise god hallelujah hallelujah we'll be collecting our days offering brothers and sisters i encourage all of you or on the virtual and also in the audience space to find an offering find a tangible offering and i'm going to ask you to hold it i'm going to give you a few seconds to search wherever you are whatever your location may be today be it overseas or in jamaica the information to lodge your offering is please click spare open sorry please click on super open on your youtube chat bns sum sharp square checking account number is one two zero zero one four i'm going to repeat that so you if just in case you did not get it i'm going to repeat it spur you can go on it right in your chat and click on it and you can lodge your seat faith there bns sum sharp square checking account is one two zero zero one four the account name is the new testament church of god montego bay i hope everyone in the virtual space get that information praise god i'm gonna ask while you're doing so i'm gonna ask the praise team to to sing for us at this time elite [Music] me [Music] for my [Music] me [Music] he is faithful for [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is is me foreign [Music] praise the name of the lord praise the name of hallelujah he lead us to me he leadeth me is faithful follow i shall be for by his hands he leadeth me father will bless the offering lord that your people given today lord some might have given god the widow's might some lord might give out of nothing some lord gave and they maybe they don't even know where the next money will be coming from but god will look to you this afternoon you said in your words lord that you created everything and everything was created for you and by you lord and so today for those who are struggling financially i pray lord that you will bless them break the curse we drive out poverty lord i pray right now that you will rescue those who don't know where the next meal is coming from my virtual worship as lord every single one of them who took the time out to sow in this fasting jesus lord i pray that you will return to them a blessing that will blow their minds hallelujah in the name of jesus sanctify this right now in jesus name amen and amen praise god we're praying one more prayer and then we're out of fear i believe the power of all those persons who took the time out to worship with us online we want to let you know that we don't take your time and your support for granted but we really appreciate you supporting this fasting i know if it was possible you would have been here for those who can i'll be praying also for the sick and those who are suffering and also for those who are in need sisters and brothers i believe that myself alone can't pray this prayer why when i watch the news one of our hospitals here in jamaica i see bodies lying down on the ground people are grabs in for breath i was what i think i believe it was yesterday or to the day before i watched the news where the funeral homes have to be thinking now of new building outside their capacity to welcome bodies church christians child of god that is just one section of what is happening the very people who is supposed to provide security for those who are suffering they are dying so so so it is it is basically telling us that we are not safe the nurses come on the church come on to church come on at church no it's not the time to talk about who don't like who and who can't who don't want to go to the church and who don't like the pastor now it's a time for the people of god to really go down in our face hallelujah jesus we are in the third wave of this pandemic and this seemed to creak in havoc more than anything else the young people might have thought i work comfortably when he was just the first wave and the second wave because they said that it would have attacked the elderly the most but i i come serve you notice that this variant that is going around it doesn't care who you are now it goes to show that money can't spear your life people are suffering the bible says jesus said to them if you lend if you give to the poor you're basically lend to god and so we don't want to be selfish my virtue will worship us prayer warriors i'm gonna ask you to join in with me musicians praise team oh god everybody oh jesus let us oh god travail let us ring the bell of prayer pass me not let us pray oh gentle savior play a little music softly please here jesus do not oh god pass us here in montego bay through waterloo jesus hallelujah jesus god almighty have put the virtual worshipers before you this time lord god almighty i don't know maybe i don't know anybody in the virtual space but god that's not my concern oh god you know them you know everything about them and god almighty you know their condition they know their situation god you know hallelujah what they they're fighting you know what they are struggling with god you know the problems you know the family issues god you know the depression you know god the frustration you know the hiccups you know god almighty the unknown fall you know their weaknesses god almighty and as we come before you this afternoon out of new testament church mounting obey god almighty we ask you today god that you will navigate and you will locate every single person or meet here in jamaica or overseas almighty god i place them before you right now spirit of the living god i pray today lord that you will flush your system i come against sugar diabetes i come against glucomy i come against lupus i come against arthritis i come against cancer coming to church ah yes god almighty i come against black people [Music] spirit of the living god i come against character i come against lord jesus i need me i come against asthma i come against oh god but healing i come against oppression i come against depression i've come against every suicide death of jesus mighty god my god hallelujah spirit of god will you blow the wind of deliverance from marine point to an equal point across the stratus fear across our united states across canada across cuba across trinidad across my mirrors across all the lights all the continental streets of god all the continents one [Music] almighty god oh jesus deliverance but stomach i speak to you oh unhealthy utter appetite i speak to you all that bad attitude [Applause] [Music] deliverance is yours hallelujah oh god deliverance is yours you have been barred from that from that promotion you should have gotten that promotion since january and they keep on bringing you around in circles every time you're supposed to get the promotion it's not that you are not qualified somebody else step in front of you i command that demon to back up get over that yes reverse reverse i pray every territorial demon the name of jesus every curse hallelujah every spirit every territorial spirit that controls the reason and i say spirit of god open every avenue sit down in some areas sit down in some houses deliverance deliverance [Music] lose the minds [Music] those who can't sleep at night you can't sleep at night because i never keep on playing with your mind i lose you i command you to sleep i command every demonic infiltration dreams to stop right now upon the authority and the power of jesus christ we lose in the name of jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah spirit of the living god i place every sick lord of god every suffering person yes lord into your hand right now hallelujah lord god almighty jesus lord sometimes when we watch the news god it's not encouraging god sometimes it brings tears to our eyes lord our hearts within us burn us at times and god will wonder if this is if this is the jamaica that we know living in god we wonder if this is a country that has the most church per square miles lord we wonder at times if we are the same person that repeats the the mata and the pledge and the theme son and the national anthem oh god almighty lord we repent of every sin you are declaring satan chronicles if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves hallelujah [Music] yes jesus save the sick lord you said you declared in james oh god almighty 5 16 you said god for the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous oh god shall oh god shall see in this provide for those who are suffering god many of our fellow brothers and sisters are feeling the hand of suffering of god some of them god almighty don't have food to eat don't even have the basic things to go through life don't have the necessaries oh god oh jesus but lord will you hear all prayers from montego bay today and will you deliver them will you send help from the hill oh god will you send help from the hill oh god in the name of jesus those who are in need jesus christ of nazareth will you deliver them will you deliver them will you deliver them financially god some of them need deliverance emotionally god yes lord some of them are suffering psychologically god jesus some of them are suffering oh god mentally jesus christ jesus physically mighty god they don't know their head from their phone oh god almighty will you deliver us and the people will you [Music] eternal father bless our land guide us with your mighty hands oh god keep us free from evil powers lord god almighty give somebody a testimony today bless this fasting in the name of jesus blessed oh god every single person who continue to make this fasting be a success oh god bless them bless the shepherd of this house yes lord will you anoint him one more time will you cover his family under the blood of jesus christ will you continue to expand his knowledge yes lord will you continue to give him insight will you continue to give him visions oh god as a lead of god almighty of people in this terrible and dark age i pray almighty god that you will continue to be his light continue almighty god to lead him over to treacherous waters as he lead your people suspend him hallelujah hold his health in contact world is in the name of jesus and his support system god will you strengthen them will you strengthen their lord those who are with him i pray god you will strengthen them today in the name of jesus in the name of the father hallelujah [Music] in the name of the son and in the name of the holy ghost somebody clap your hands musicians virtual worshipers come on clap them come on clap them come on clap them [Music] god bless you man take away god bless your birth you and worship us may the favor of god be upon you in jesus name [Music] for the hallelujah of god [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah glory glory glory glory yes [Music] hallelujah [Music] of god [Music] jesus jesus god bless your reference orville anderson lord of consistent faith come on believe it hallelujah where is your faith this evening how are you gonna be overcome god almighty how are you gonna get the victory in the where is your faith in your god hallelujah you're gonna tell yourself this afternoon i am already being delivered through the word of god god bless you sir as you continue to stand tall in this town because god always have a man hallelujah to stand in the gap to god be all the glory hallelujah as i say thanks again to all the team that work with us today hallelujah continue your faith in your god because it's gonna come true because it's an end-time god and he will reward you you're faithful to him fasting team committee per team all of you who desire to stand fast in this liberty where your god has made you free hallelujah regardless of what is happening we have to stand because god is depending on us to go forward in delivering his word for souls are dying men are dying we must rescue the perishing and care for the dying hallelujah true the word of god and prior god bless you god bless you as we continue to pray looking forward hallelujah if the lord tarries with us and we're still here another week of deliverance in fasting and poor and victory and miracles will come your way god bless you sir hallelujah we stand together as we have our benediction at this time and now may the saving grace of our lord and our savior jesus christ the love of god the father the full fellowship and communion of the holy spirit the comforter no rest remain and abide with us all but no one forever more god's people say amen amen amen you have been delivered through the word of god god bless you people of god hallelujah hallelujah [Music]
Channel: The Montego Bay New Testament Church of God
Views: 7,751
Rating: 4.8024693 out of 5
Id: ijx4QG09Ks8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 252min 18sec (15138 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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