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[Applause] [Music] [Music] we made of your hair fresh grace oh no we also fresh grease upon yourself seasons Heavenly Father for in Jesus miron a we have breathe hallelujah Jesus for answer to a prayer hallelujah I also know you have a testimony ability for a category good go share testimony in due course will be called to testify hallelujah once again put your hands together to receive their pristine make the club open pika to the king of kings [Music] thank you Jesus somebody father we thank you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] cheese sauce with a clapper what a mighty : sound making long I'm making mine up give Jesus a copper praise somebody celebrate cheese hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus hallelujah you may be seated in heavenly places it is testimony time and quickly please if you hear name you rush forward to pro cuss what God has done in your life or lives as a case baby put your hands together as a welcome pastor Joseph who Zhu mu pastor Joseph of jammu rush forward since the baby Sola or not be me we miss Allah or not be me Major General and pastor Osteen a dope I put those hands together better for Jesus you are next in line for your own testimony Major General Paso a dope I am asana or like be me I'm master Joseph would you this is pastor Joseph with Jammu he said on the 18th of November 2018 that officials of the development control came to their church and then they wanted to demolish the property in that state of confusion he said he sent a text message to God servant and there was a response divine intervention to the glory of God that act was averted and is not taking it for granted secondly on the 15th of April of this year he said it so far is true it was on a Wednesday and then I rushed him to the hospital because he couldn't use his limbs couldn't use anything he was taken to the hospital in that state also they sent a text message to God's servant and again another response divine intervention they said as a matter of fact on that same Wednesday he began to lift his limbs life began to copy life was restored to the limbs and the doctor said this is a miracle from that day till today God has restored him fully there is no neurological deficit there is no sign that he had suffered stroke and he has called to give God praise for His faithfulness put your hands together for Jesus for those damaged in your life today I declare that damage is repaired in the name of Jesus I declare that damage is repaired in the name of Jesus they are coming it is repair say in my life there shall be no loss give a lot of respect yourself this is our sister women Sola or not with me she said about two weeks ago that a fly flew into her right nostril yes and then she does common eyes it but over time progressively she realized that she began to lose the sense of smell she went to the hospital and then the doctor asked her that how old are you she told the doctor her number of years doctor said well with your age I don't think this sense of smell can be restored she said god forbid I meet Buddha mite on Wednesday last week she was here for service and yes and God servant told us that when we get home we should read some 68 verse 1 and verse 10 and pray arise O God and let your enemies be scattered she said she used that as a tool for warfare of warfare the following day which was on Thursday her children were in the kitchen preparing breakfast incidentally she realized she could smell what was happening from the kitchen from that quarter and from then till today that vatted cancelled she can smell normally her sense of smell restored fully and she's here to give Jesus praise for that restoration please celebrate God once more I know the restoration testimony whatever again is missing in your life is restored in Jesus name Major General Austin a dope I said on the 7th of this month he got home and trying to alight from the vehicle his vehicle he realized there was a snap on one of his feet it was a sensation pain a tingling sensation in his words actually is that progressively he began to feel pain on that leg before he knew what was happening leg was swelling he couldn't even wear the leg in his shoe anymore good walk prayed over it anointed and then he thought I remember I have a father let me put forth this challenge to my father and he sent a text message to God servant and both of us said if you can walk come to the church he was brought to church but before now sorry he said he called the doctor friend and explained the situation to a doctor friend the doctor told him that possibly it's one of those fibers or connective tissues connected to the Achilles tendons that would have suffered some string or something abortion but Kosovan prayed for him on that day he said on the spots he began to Matt I'm not a based on my time on the spot he began to my time like the militiamen would do and from then till eternity he's standing here he'll haughty you can wear his condition that the doctor mentioned we have plenty he said doctor friends said it could be the avulsion of some fibers of the achilles tendon that is this big one here stress fracture of the calcaneal bone o sprained ligaments and orthopedic surgeon materials I'm in the leg to establish the diagnosis painful it couldn't walk he came to the affirm so some of you who has it not reception so I came and then when he send it as I said you can come to church be on your way and in London with a leg like that hands will lead directly on it fire was injected the affliction was electrocuted [Music] and I say match and he put 11 the granny couldn't believe what he's seen god bless you and he just walked out like a gentleman that is the kind of God we serve he's going to give you an instant action miracle today instant action miracle today you believe you're receiving shout aloud as a male [Applause] congratulations please visit a mighty God we serve that is amazing the the prayer was not a gentle prayer I heard that shouting I watch the fight and hear the miracle was instant we want to give God praise like he has said somebody's having an instant action on Sean miracle tonight in the name of Jesus Christ praise the Lord I'd like to welcome you tonight to this wonderful time in God's presence just very quickly our seeds of Destiny tonight is the titled keys to experiencing the possibilities of God we must understand that in God is all possibility on earth in God everything is possible now there are two keys that the singer passes and mereta in today's write up the first one being the fact that you must pursue God the pursuit of God is the key to getting all possibilities in God when you pursue God your focus is on God and not on the world or the things of the world or any other thing there you are guaranteed getting all possibilities with God and number two is faith in God Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 is our reference scripture there and at this point the senior pastor enumerator the fact that there is the possibility mindset which refers to how you think what you believe from the Word of God and the second dimension is the possibility lifestyle so you live believing you leave taking possible token possibility and acting possibilities I want to announce to you today that God is going to cause you to see all possibilities in him in the name of Jesus Christ what are the keys or the assignments today number one is spending time with God secondly you ensure that you believe what God has said in his word and thirdly you act according to what you believe and I believe that the Lord is about to give somebody an outstanding miracle in the name of Jesus Christ lift up your hands are supress after me Lord all I need is you and I receive the grace to love and to trust you always cost me to experience the life of all possibilities in you in Jesus name praise the Lord hallelujah we proceed right away we'll be receiving the Ministry of Dunamis voice and they are ministering one of the very many songs that have been received and written by God 7 the senior pastor this one is a very powerful song where all of them are and I believe you'll be blessed is titled thy word is a lamp let's receive is a lamp let's receive Jeremy's voice as a minister this song thy word is a lamp [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dancehall [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] against the winds earrings and the floats so that after all is said and done we are on our feet and incredible the water is able to give us an inheritance among all those who are certified I am going through the next edition of the hymns and his songs that is to be produced and I just reviewing for the printing of it and I realized so many songs true confession is the away songs I was coming across whose terms are forgotten and very very very impactful songs very very very powerful songs some of them I said we are going to resurrect them back like this one doctor mr. danger was just asking me I can't remember it so then when it sank one what can she remember but she had a song what a faithful God was he will give us our inheritance in Jesus name lift up your hands [Music] you're pleased or on [Music] you are always there [Music] you are always there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no one else was there you are where's the [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you're beautiful [Music] here is a plea [Music] [Music] I secretly slow ahead [Music] here is a [Applause] [Music] Oh the only place [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and if you love I can make a shake and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now washing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] not beyond me or not your name it was hot please spot a name the Lord showed me that what is is the tangible presence of God to overwhelm the end that comes on the climate of worship let people see God like they have never seen him before beyond TR will be on the wards [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Washington that is present such a late somebody here saturated funny saturate our nation saturate our land change the story of somebody today market tommy point for somebody yesterday other [Music] thank you master both upon the southeastern please be seated [Music] Oh [Music] war [Music] we're transitioning I thought at the 4870 [Music] as their 4870 but said the Lord my redeemer the Holy One of Israel I am the law by God which teach at veto profit which leadeth be I do we thou should go the profitability of worship sorry the profitability of the Word of God but - we looked at Pat 1 a.m. be on Sunday I am THE LORD thy God which teach fd2 profit our objective remains the same understanding the profit or the blessing that is loaded in the Word of God the water God always arrives for the profitability or for the profit of man always as a chapter 55 first tenth of us 11 he said for us the rain cometh down under snow from heaven i returneth not vida but what are the earth and make it bring forth am bored but it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it so the Word of God arrives like the visitation of a rain the Word of God is a spiritual reform a spiritual rain fall as rain comment from heaven coincidentally it's rain before you came the Word of God is designed for definite accomplishment is that it shall accomplish the purpose is shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it the Word of God is designed for definite accomplishment the Word of God does not know how to return back to God empty-handed but listen to this the Word of God the revelation of the world is a divine visitation that is guaranteed drastic manifestation say it again every revelation of the world is a divine visitation that is guaranteed drastic manifestation if God shows you something out of his ward you haven't seen before that was a visitation the Lord appeared to somewhere and revealed himself by the word of the Lord first summer chapter 3 verse 21 the revelation of the world is a visitation of God that is guaranteed drastic manifestation last Sunday we looked at 6 things that we expect from the world first of all we said that the Word of God is a building block for faith then we saw that the Word of God is the sustainer of Hope and then we saw but the Word of God is a tonic for joy then we saw that the Word of God is the dead pot of wisdom then we saw that the Word of God is both life and world transformer he said transform of what the world and life and then 6ly we saw by the Word of God is a cleanser and purifier of character and life tonight we're going to look at six more and that will lead us to number seven the Word of God is tonic for health and vitality the Word of God is a tonic for health and vitality is a healing and health bad proverbs chapter 4 verse 20 he said my son attend to my words incline your ear to my sins let them not depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart so there are life to those that find them and health to all their flesh the Word of God is life the Word of God is health to all their flesh some 107 verse 20 he said he sent His Word and healed them he sent His Word and healed them he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions in Luke chapter 5 verse 15 the man who talked about the people the multitudes but so much the more went there if Fame abroad of him and great multitudes came together to hear and to be he of the IM families to hear is to be healed to hear is to be healed they come together to hear and to be healed in Luke chapter 5 chapter 6 verse 17 repeated again the Senate came down with them and stood in the plane and the company of his disciples and a great multitude of people out of all Judea and Jerusalem and from the secret of tyre and Sidon which came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases they came to hear and to be healed to hear is to be healed what does this say to us two things as we rush quickly the Word of God fresh transmits the healing virtue of God into the lives of people it transmits the healing virtue of God in mark chapter 5 we saw Jesus ray said in verse 30 virtue is gone out of him virtue is gone out of him who is Jesus reward in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God the Word of God is a container of virtue in the Book of Luke chapter sorry looked at assists verse 19 the Bible says and the whole multitude sought to touch him so there I went virtue out of him and healed them all the release of the word is the release of virtue the passage of the word is the passage of virtue a word of God Cary's hilum virtue it carries healing power every time you remain in touch with the world of God you are in touch with virtual you I touch with healing virtue secondly the Word of God eliminates or ejects the spirits of infirmity from the bodies of God's people the spirits of infirmity whenever the world contrary spirits can survive because the light shine it in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not John chapter 1 verse 5 in Matthew chapter 8 verse 16 very drastic when the evening was come they brought unto Him many that were possessed with devils and he cast the spirits with his word and healed all that were sick when spirits are cast the Sica healed when spirits are cast out the sick can be healed and spirits can be cast out by the world very important please don't play with the Word of God because it has a connection with your health your healing your vitality next the Word of God is a spiritual top of life it's a ritual of life it is life wire for descent it's a spirit locked up for life the way you open the tap of water and water comes out in that way you open the world life comes out John chapter 6 verse 63 is that it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life the Word of God is top of life John chapter 5 verse 24 Jesus also speaking he said very verily I say unto you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath life hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed on pass from death to life is passed from death to life the Word of God is the top of life in Philippians chapter 2 verse 16 the Bible said we should hold off holding forth the word of life the word of life the Word of God is the word of life the Word of God is the word of life first John chapter 1 verse 1 to 2 he said that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with the eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the Lord of life for the life was manifested and we have seen it and be a witness and shown to you that eternal life which was with the father and was manifested unto us verse 3 that which we have seen and heard speak me unto you so the Word of God is it of life you have no choice but to be lively if you are in touch with the world you have no choice but to be healthy if you are in touch with the world you have no choice but to be strong it's like touch with the wall what does that mean to you two things and they will proceed rapidly because of time first the Word of God guarantees in life he guarantees quality of life quality quality the Word of God ensure that you are not just exists existence you are not just surviving Jesus said in John chapter 10 residency I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly I have be plenty asleep it is meaningful life don't let any devil deceive you being a Christian doesn't mean you live a useless life you don't live a meaningless life life with women you there are people you come across even this life I'm living I don't know the meaning of it somebody say god forbid all right I don't even have any meaning for my life life is just meaningless that is not the will of God and that is not a word of God quality life meaningful life the water God guarantees quality of life secondly the Word of God guarantees durability of life durability durability you are not you are not a victim to be easily and cheaply cut of this life by any wicked man or woman or demon or demon eyes you are not that candidate eater antis quality of life he guarantees durability of life what is the word of so we're reading the Bible is not just for the sake of fulfilling a religious obligation your life is tied to it but the quality and durability of your life your health and your strength are tied to it somebody say Amen we danced in our keep holding on Oh keep holding on my young man said to me he said but I will Christian elite teii him out like you just keep on going study is not just top early to let's rest a bit that is and it is not pretense on bt bewl energy by virtue of true a reward I'm telling you it's real it's real it's real if Jesus turns to come even though we are seen a lot of Antichrist manifestation trying to hurry to come they become manifest onto Jesus if Jesus Therese to come twenty years time is trained to see be like that by God's mercy because if at the age of eighteen the Bible's 120 the Bible says the natural force of Moses was not a better his vision was not deemed then it is possible hallelujah that was number eight the water God is Spiritist is a spiritual top of life number nine just give me a little minute to water God number nine is fuel for spiritual fire is fuel for spiritual fire the man or the woman who has Ward has fire Jeremiah chapter five verse 14 Jeremiah chapter five verse 14 he said we have for thus saith the Lord God of hosts because you speak this word behold I will make my words in thy mouth fire and this people would initiative out him I will make my words in your mouth fire Jeremiah chapter 20 and in verse 9 to remain chapter 20 and in verse 9 then I said I will not make mention of him nor speak any more in his name but his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and I was weary with for Burien I could not his ward was burning fire shut up in my bones Jeremiah 23 and in verse 29 Jeremiah 23 verse 29 is not my ward like us a fire said the Lord like a hammer that breaketh a rock and pieces some 39 verse 3 the sámi said while I was musing while I was meditating the fire bond then speak I with my tongue we can't be watered and be fireless can is not possible is fuel for the fire and what does this fire translate into two things I'll say to you quickly number one or a the water God is critical so the maintenance of spiritual fervency spiritual fervency the maintenance of spiritual temperature that is consistent what the Bible said no slothful in business fervent in spirit serving the Lord is workable by the world spiritual fathers they catch you they or night your fires intact not looking for permanent elope not waiting to be permanently encouraged critical for the maintenance of spiritual fervency secondly the Word of God transmissive passion for God passion for God in the heart of the saint there is a passion for God in love for God that multiplies in your heart as you get in touch with the world it multiplies and all that will produce for you there diverse dividends there are those who have passion for everything but God passion for sports passion for dress passion for fashion passion for entertainment passion for class passion for property everything but the passion for God is almost Veeru talking about passion for God we are your your your heart towards God is not distracted by your heart towards something else that is the Word of God is fuel for the fire number 10 the Word of God is trigger for power power it is a separate verse 4 said where the word of a king is various power looks at the fault 32 said his world was with power his world was with power look for 32 his world Festa solonius at the wondrous fight for our gospel came not unto you in word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance word him in power Hebrew sattell 1 verse 3 he upholds all things by the word of his power he upholds all things by the word of his power listen to this the one of the fest in the water God is both on his body conductor and transmitter of spiritual power is both a conductor and transmitter of spiritual power they will electricity is conducted through electric wires divine energy is consciousness is transmitted through revelation to the world and God said and there was let there be light and there was life I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a chicken is racquel 37 verse 7 that is power flowing through words the minnow bodies every time fresh word comes upon your life fresh power arrives in tests you don't know how to increase the anointing on your life just I just trust God to look at fresh light fresh water it brings fresh soil it brings fresh power water God is Bhavik on that transmitted future power secondly the Word of God works hand-in-hand with the Spirit of God and when the two collide is a power explosion when the two unite is a power solution the Word of God works hand-in-hand with the Spirit of God John chapter 6 verse 63 the world has between you their spirit and their life so the water God works with the Spirit of God Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 2 3 the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the earth was without form and void darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there is like every time fresh light comes there is fresh function there is fresh fresh oil and when there is an ignition power manifests now there are those who think that the only way to get power is by fasting and prayer you can fast a hundred days if there's no fresh inside there is a limit to what you can see that is why one of the assignments of the fast is to make your life - brick fort according to Isaiah chapter 58 and in verse 8 so that you can see what you haven't seen before inside the fast so that they power can fall if the Word of God is trigger for power you can never be powerless if you are not or despair atchoo are we cleaning the realm of the spirit if your world loaded mess is intact number 11 the Word of God is a container for is a container of good for life a container of good there's something they used to call goody-goody for children is a container of the goodies of life the goody-goodies is a container of good second Kings chapter twenty first nineteen clean has a higher responding to the professor like I said thence said has a town to Isaiah loot is the word of the Lord count is the world of the Lord the word of the Lord is designed for boot boot is the world of the Lord Jeremiah the 29 verse 10 and 11 when God said it was meant to deliver his people from captivity say for thus saith the Lord that after 70 as be accomplished and Babylon I will visit you and perform my good word toward you I will perform my good word toss you in causing you to return to this place go boy good lord in Hebrews chapter 6 verse 5 when God was describing those who fell back to the world he's talking about those who have tasted the good word of God they do the word of God the good word of God now finally Micah chapter 20 verse 7 God is asking a question he said Oh Dow data named the house of Jacob is the spirit of the lost written and this is doing do not my words do not my words do good to him that worketh off rightly does my world not do good to anybody who works before me well that is my Ward is designed to do people good not bad don't let them eat their food deceive you that your life is bad because you're a Christian that is a lie a devil that is a liar devil listen to this two things as we came to think of running on first of all the Word of God is the container of the pleasant desirable fulfilling and satisfying things of life okay the Word of God is the container where we say the container of good we are talking about the container of the desirable the pleasant the desirable the fulfilling and satisfying things of this life of life does not my word good that is you are not the unpleasant and the only desirable and the dissatisfying issues that they'd ever want to have and see all the time is no your motion not according to the world and i prophesy to somebody today anything happened in your life that is contrary to what the bible promise you tonight as you are here in this world the satanic agenda is expiring and arrested in the name of jesus it was good secondly the word of god is the antidote for evil and is agenda evil is the tunnel enemy of good and boot is the cure for evil the Word of God is the antidote for evil and its agenda people when they say this is if you is not permitted to thrive around your life to thrive around your destiny this is evil is not permitted because the Word of God does out to those who walk uprightly according to Mike a chapter 2 verse 7 finally the Word of God is balada for Lifton's in life lifting in life Joseph was in prison some 105 verse 17 to verse 20 until the time his ward came the king sent and lost him the water the Lord tried him the king sent and loosed him we're allowed the people let him go free and made him lord over his house from the prison the ward came and the world lifted him the water of God lived at the prison and told him to a prime minister is the ladder for Lifton's in life collision chapter 2 verse 2 Paul the Apostle said I went up by revelation I went up by revelation as a catharsis 2 verse 1 said arise shine your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you when Peter who Jesus was in Matthew chapter 16 from verse 17 and I sell to you thou art Peter and upon this rock flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my father is in heaven and I say unto you that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it and I give unto you the keys of the kingdom Peters life shifted and lifted because he got the award how does the word the Word of God do it two things number one the Word of God breaks limitations and embargoes over lives and destinies it breaks limitations it breaks embargoes I said there was an empire at the lake of janessa rate that there shouldn't be fishes that day but at thy word I will let down the net that embargo was broken as the water him in cages there is an emperor placed on your life on your family on our communities place anywhere that you shouldn't be who God wants you to be it is Britain here tonight in the name of Jesus it breaking here tonight in the name of Jesus and I said untidily the Word of God imparts supernatural lifting power it impacts it supernatural lifting power Rita walked on the water because a word was sent to him master if you are the one walking on this water Matthew chapter 14 from verse 24 the way to verse 28 if you are the one walking on this water ask me to come Jesus a Tom that word suspended pita on the water some people said which I walked on water Nobita walked onward because without the word there was water before and he couldn't walk but when the word came in stepped on the world and the world stepped on the water and the word health with a Michael and I went Peter looked away from the world he began to sink not to show you that it was in the water that was holding him it was the wall lifting power when you are inciting lift you don't pray to go up you know what I just say you just bring it on babe you don't ask to go up pray to go up inside and lift is a waste of Prayer then lift is wired to take you up whatever took you they are implicit that you fabrina not societies and for everyone seated here tonight whatever brought you here is implicit that you for all stand on your feet with a shadow Freddy allow the shadow praise Lord Mashhad our praise say I am going up by the word of God [Music] take your seat let me say a few things around enough two things I'll give us Council today number one open your life to the ministry of the world ministry of the world that is Lord here are my two personal study you know is Bible says and forties was so God sends what and I mean not you know that they can send somebody to tell you can drive the person away there are times when somebody sent they sent somebody to you maybe a small boy with a cheque of 10 million but you despise him and sent him away I am open it up my personal story of the world or by this kind of here in other world through DVDs cities of priests world just ensure that you are open to the minister of the world and that your life is continually irrigated by the world continually secondly constantly on the help of the Holy Spirit both to access the world and to experience its impact continually or constantly rely on the help of the Holy Spirit but to access the world so he can make you see what you haven't seen before and then also to help you to help impact your life with what you saw but to access the world and experience its impact so that were not just celebrating discoveries without deliveries romance at our 8th verse 20 she said the Holy Spirit helped a Hawaiian families not just in prayer but in study first current charge about 2 verse 9 and 10 say eyes have not seen ears have not had the kills that God has prepared for them that love him but God has revealed them to us by his Spirit so reveal those things to me Lord let it work on my life it's a new day for you just trust God that by any means on a daily basis you there is something fresh you are seeing in food now I started I started with a verse of scripture yesterday and I couldn't finish it yesterday I finished it to be now yes so one verse so the point of the matter is is not a matter of struggling to see now there is a general reading of Babel you read but there is a story you study if you have there is no law that says that pasta to a meditating on now you must finish it today the things you have seen today if you can finish with it today priority today continue tomorrow if it lasts for one week just keep going so that you can you yourself can observe your progress nothing you yourself you are observing your life's progress I start discovering things you I'm taking up shots and you on something your life's progress stand up on your feet [Music] [Laughter] service is one hour all right we'll talk more when Lea Salonga service somebody say Amen don't don't be in a hurry don't be there is no reward for how many verses you finish meditating on but there is a reward for how much it changed your life don't misunderstand me there is the general reading that enlarges the daily reading of how many passes that that is for general broad knowledge that gives you a lot of scripture in your memory so that when it's time to lose one particular one pattern you know where that one is that that got what asked you generally but there is the one where you sit down to see things and out of the things you saw what do I do with what I just saw and then you are monitoring yourself doing it praise the Lord it changes you it changes your life lift your hands and let's appreciate God for the world who have received as a heritage forever [Music] Oh God hi prize what I asked you to help me give your world its rightful place so I can be a Leo planned for me tapping I am taking by what I saw heritage however more I shall elevate the award hvala I price lord I ask that you help me to give you a war he's fried food please I everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] be lift your voice of your voice on your hands and I appreciate God or you spits on us appreciate God for his messes I appreciate God for his kindness we love you Lord we honor you we adore you we glorify you honor we are don't thank you master or not your name thank you for the world thank you for what you receive thank you for the impact of that word on your life blessed be your name Lord in Jesus precious name read this one prayer hands lifted say father proof through my life that your word is real against a father I ask today that you will prove through my life that your word is real lift your voice and speak to God father either to prove through my life that your world is real prove through my life that your world is real prove through my life that your war is real prove through my life that your world is real prove through my life that your world is real prove through my life that your world is readable prove through my life that your world is real lemma Rock asakadai colada by Allah hasta preach through my life but your war is real thank you master in Jesus precious the few prayers were pretty quickly tonight while when you go home you work on what you have received with your hands and say father we ask for stability and security in our nation by your war father we ask that you arrest the agenda of the Antichrist in our generation we decree that the Antichrist is not permitted to manifest while the churches in the end Farra we ask some massive revival global revival the salvation of souls around the earth in the name of Jesus father we take authority over every agenda of the kingdom of darkness against the church in Nigeria this final point is very important because there are places that are still battling with worshiping Ivana Sarna places well maquettes population is so thick people are rubbing shoulders on themselves so I'm not caught nothing just moving but the House of Prayer where we can call on God shouldn't be open I am sure that even those people making those laws I'm not aware of what they are doing they receive force that is a bigger force that is afraid of the church afraid of the house of God afraid of what happens when the people lift up your voices who are going to ask that agenda the darkness of Hell it is the church he arrested little boys and say father every Antichrist agenda against the Church of Jesus in Nigeria with demand we decree that it be arrested Satan the blood of Jesus thank you lord because it is done in Jesus precious name everywhere you are tonight your life is not right with God you need your sins forgiven you want today to mark a new day in your life you want Jesus to be lord over your life pick your Bibles and your marks step forward quickly the Bible said if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me the Word of God can never be beneficial it says in 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 2 it says as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby before you can drink the milk you have to be born as a baby the word of God is not available to anyone who is not yet born again if you are not born again the Bible is literature to you you can see nothing inside and on Sunday we say that a Bible is not literature at this adventure you don't step into it as literature you ain't tight as an adventurer and so you are here this morning and you are this evening and you want to make it right with God so that your sins can be forgiven you step over here while at the same time with position for the communion god bless you take your seat very very quickly people the rest of us and those coming come forward [Music] lord I give you my heart I gave you my soul I live for every step every moment we love everybody see [Music] let's go right down on your chest and say this prayer with me okay just for the safety of time the community's been passed just pick it if you pick yours just hold it and then say after me love Jesus I come before you today I surrender my life to you today I have decided to follow your Lord are not turning back from today I go for whatever and back what never thank you Lord in Jesus name Amen I pray for you right now I declare hold on the enemy broken off your lives and the grace to live for God is released upon you every agenda of health is broken go forth and we see that grace to live for God in Jesus precious name Amen tell us please go ahead and and spirit and I speak upon the communal you have it lifted up and aspire to have just with your hands I pray upon this communion in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Jesus is the world the world made flesh suited the world in the process of taking this chameleon I am now i decree i prophesy the word from this moment will be opened for you that particular ward you need to change your story currently that particular world shall be exposed to you I profess I Ward encounters overnight Ward encounters overnight Ward encounters overnight you will have warden counted the to change your life permanently that is the discipline in the world it's easy to start the challenge is the maintenance of it there is the grace to be at it that is the grace not ourselves in this passage before I prophesied that discipline that grace is released upon you now in the name of Jesus for every one seeking body by the power of the blood of Jesus and the body of Jesus the sickness is wiped out of your system when men are cast down you shall say there is a lifting up no one here is permitted to be a victim of the plague of the season you are not permitted to be a victim of the plague or decision in the name of Jesus i prophesy Holness i prophesy healing i prophesy liberty i prophesy deliverance in this season i decree your faith shall walk the covenant shall walk for you the rod of God shall work for you there was a song we sang on Sunday about everything else may feel everything of the Act may feel but you can never never you are the God who can never you don't know what it means everything very very I mean shop destroyed everything free right the governments of the nations fill the economy's failed and the Asti filling the Medicare medical medical field a beautiful sophisticated country's people die like flies but there is something that does not feel go forever all God thy word is so 1 1 9 verse 89 please hold on to that world hold on to the world if the system of the world is filling iron oh holy no to anything that cannot fail you fail with them hold on why was it that well people are looking for what to eat we are giving people food to eat palliative one two three four five apart from medical supplies and everything because our our our supply is not tied to the earthly sauces our God supplies our needs according to his riches in rule we are not looking for who to collect money from we are looking for who to assist that is why in this church many times we forget to take offering am i communicating let's let who come to the world who to the world this works I've proved it many times not just by preaching to people personal life healing world walks deliverance world works literature father let it be in the name of Jesus let the life of the world flow unless somebody's life change the name of the Father the Son the Holy Ghost accuracy and take you to the excitement [Music] everything [Music] once you can you [Music] [Music] thank you master what you have received tonight remains family in Jesus precious name stretch of 24 coming Sunday is going to be an impartation service I announced in the second service during the closing but IIIi am was unable to announce in the first service so in case you are watching via this satellite or the television just know that sunday is an impartation service tutorial materials documents for implantation is an impartation some supernatural shift and is going to be the profitability of the Word of God country and then if you are here you are not in the second service please bear that in mind right now god bless you in the precious name of Jesus Christ lift up the offerings now father multiply the habits of every giver and lady hands lifted never drop to beg for any reason thank you master in Jesus precious name Amen pass on the office [Music] there [Applause] somebody give the Lord a loud shout of victory get your hands i defense first time a blister for the recipient to see tonight in the name of the Father and of the son another Hollywood the Lord bless and keep you cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you grant you divers supernatural encounters in the precious name of Jesus we shall still be broadcasting for the whole church on Saturday after that we'll be going to let you know what is going to happen and on Sunday at our service the work force potential pushing god bless you God keep you conscious face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you in the name of Jesus a new season is upon you a new day is upon you new Grace's upon you in jesus name first-timers still is better in the front if you are here for the first time
Channel: Dunamis TV
Views: 16,012
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Id: 53sqX1qwrrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 48sec (7008 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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