Deliverance Fasting Service || Wednesday February 2, 2022

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god be their glory this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah pleasant morning to god's wonderful people hallelujah who are seated in the sanctuary this morning praise be to god hallelujah we want to greet our youtube viewers this morning and those who are listening us and more fm hallelujah what a beautiful day for the lord to come again as the people of god prepare for the return of their savior and lord and so this morning another fasting service deliverance and breakthrough service we come to you from tree water lane monty go bay new testament church of god where the people come together in prayer and praise and worship hallelujah and heaven comes down hallelujah to me to your every need this morning your mother raider sister joseph bennett hallelujah as we prepare our hearts of worship just before our praise team will come and set the pace for worship let me just remind us of the word of god hallelujah taken from first thessalonians 5 reading from verse 1 through the 6th but of the time and the season brethren we have no knee that are right unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh as a thief in the night for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction come upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape but ibrahim are not in darkness that that they should overtake you as a thief you are the children of light and the children of the day we are not the night of the night nor of darkness therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober hallelujah hallelujah holy hands and worship your god and everything that so easily be set our minds our thoughts on our spirit and let us get under the attitude of worship in the name of jesus praise him at this time hallelujah glory to god lord in the name of the lord hallelujah we bless the name of the lord hallelujah we exalt your name almighty god we enter into a gate with thanksgiving and into your court praise we are thankful to you this morning and we bless your holy much less name wonderful god who is always victorious who is always watching over us glory to the most high god we bless the name we bless the name we blessed amen hallelujah sacrifice our praise unto you this morning lord glory it's the most high god you deserve all the praise you deserve all the honor this morning lord you deserve all the glory come on shout hallelujah in the sanctuary this morning shout out hallelujah and youtuber listeners shout out we honor you jesus we honor your jesus [Music] glory to the most high god hallelujah jesus we're giving god thanks this morning in front of the wednesday morning and hallelujah when we can come in the century when we can come in his presence hallelujah to have proper sacrifice of praise order to talk to him to receive from him hallelujah come on shall we bless the name of the lord but if you want to receive from him this morning you have to send up the praise you have to worship in this morning because when the praises go up the blessings will come down hallelujah shout [Music] eyes out come on let me worship my worshipping this morning do i have some worshippers in the century and more fame than youtuber worship the lord in the beauty of holiness hallelujah the psalmist says i will bless the lord at all times his race shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make a boast of the lord hallelujah the ambassador from the gladder oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together i thought the lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my prayers shout hallelujah shout hallelujah [Music] lord to god make a joyful noise unto the lord holy land serve the lord with gladness come on you can't confuse god you love noise he said make a joyful noise unto the lord to open up your mouth and worship him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we worship you jesus lord the name of the lord we welcome your sweet holy spirit we welcome your sweet holy spirit we welcome your presence you know that we can't do nothing without you we can't even walk without your holding our hands hallelujah jesus so we welcome your presence hallelujah with us abide with us hallelujah jesus and as we praise you right on in the wings of our praise glory to the name of the lord hallelujah welcome holy spirit we are in your presence fill us with your powers [Music] yes we are in your presence [Music] holy spirit [Music] we are in your presence [Music] oh [Music] take complete control [Music] we are in your presence [Music] [Music] live inside of me [Music] [Music] with your power leaving us we declare healing we declare victory we declare deliverance in the name of jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to the most high god hallelujah jesus who is like unto jesus who is like unto your jesus who is like unto you jesus who is like unto your jesus hallelujah hallelujah lord we proclaim you now we're proclaiming our jesus hallelujah jesus lord we proclaim you now and oh us now and release [Applause] under [Applause] oh oh oh is [Music] [Music] is release our power today jesus and let your presence fall on us in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh let the power [Music] from [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] forever [Music] hallelujah [Music] me [Music] hallelujah i need the power to fall on me today what about you come on people of god just leave holy hands and welcome the presence of the lord and that you shall receive holy ghost you shall receive what you asked for today surely we need the power upon our lives hallelujah we are going to go to the lord in prayer of confession and repentance come on people if you are standing here don't have anything to pray about and confess to god especially in our family woman our community the youtube people hallelujah and the more referent people hallelujah so we're gonna come together today and we're gonna pray and let the lord have his way just before you find your kneeling cushion i just want to reflect on the word of god psalm 32 and verse 5. we are talking to the lord this morning i acknowledge my sin unto thee and my iniquity have i not hid i said i will confess my transgressions unto the lord hallelujah and thou forgive us the iniquity of my sin we pray let god deliver praise team as we pray in confession god gave us [Music] oh gave us hallelujah oh holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost hallelujah lord jesus our savior and our lord our redeemer and our friend our soon coming king hallelujah we come before you this morning we thank you for mercy we thank you lord jesus hallelujah that you came we thank you this morning that we have been redeemed we have bought with a price jesus you have changed our whole life and if anybody asks us just who we are we can tell them this morning we have been redeemed by the precious blood of jesus we adore you this morning our heavenly father that you sent jesus hallelujah you sent jesus to died so that we can be free so this morning god as we come with humble hearts hallelujah we ask for your forgiveness we have sinned and we have come short of your glory and we recognize hallelujah that if any quit is in our heart you will not hear us lord and so we ask of you jesus that your blood the rich red blood that was shed in calvary's cross over 2 000 years ago by faith we believe this morning that we will receive a new refreshing a cleansing from our inward thoughts hallelujah so we repent this morning on the behalf of ourselves and our family and our nation especially our communities this morning please holy ghost please lord we are sick and tired of being sick and tired of seen the many things that the enemy has risen up against your people here there and everywhere but we know hallelujah this morning that you are the answer for the world today we have christ in every crisis today and so we ask this morning jesus as we come before you that you will forgive us many times lord we cease to pray but forgive us lord jesus because it's when we pray it's on our knees we will have the answer hallelujah hallelujah so please lord jesus come by us today in this sanctuary as we come together with our virtual churches lord we come to you lord jesus with our repented heart forgive us no we pray take control of today's worship take control of your people's life as we present the congregation to you and everything that shall be said and done here today let it be to the honor and to the glory of your name we wait on you for blessing we wait on you for deliverance we wait on you for breakthrough we tell your thanks we tell your thanks we tell your thanks hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah brethren you come to receive from the lord just send up your praises individual you shall receive you will receive hallelujah whatever you put in the service today you shall receive youtube viewers more of homelessness you shall receive hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah at this time the praising will be coming to us as you turn your program at the back you'll see the song living by faith and if you have your hymnal it's him number 162 praise seem at this time after which brother edison ellis will be coming to do the scripture reading job 2 1-2-10 please hallelujah jesus [Music] i care not today what tomorrow may bring [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] stride in jesus christ [Music] is [Music] [Applause] no matter what evil live in my face jesus [Applause] trust [Music] [Music] oh [Music] will lead us away [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is yes hallelujah living by faith in jesus above [Music] hallelujah all right so the scripture comes to us from job 1 verses 1 to 10. and it reads thus there was a man in the land of oz whose name was job and that man was perfect and upright and one that feared god and assured evil and there was there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters his substance also was 7 000 sheep and 3 000 camels and 500 yolk of oxen and 500 she asses and a very great household so that this man was the greatest of all the men in the east and his sons went and feasted in their houses everyone in his day and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and drink with them and it was so when the days of their feasting were gone and job sent and sanctified them and rose up early in the morning and of and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all for job said it may be that my sons have sinned and cursed god in their hearts thus did job continually no there were no there was a day when the sons of god came on came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them and the lord said unto went satan comest then satan answered the lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it and the lord said unto satan has though considered my servant job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and upright man one that feareth god and assureth evil then satan answered the lord and said doth job fear god for north has though made and hedged about him had though not made has not though meet and hedge about him and about his hosts and about all that he had and on every side has though has blessed them the work of his hands and the substance is increased in the land here ended a portion of god's holy word we on it by saying thanks be to god hallelujah hallelujah god bless you brother helis praise be to the name of the lord hallelujah we continue with our prayer praise the name of the lord prior of gratitude and praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on graduation we are here this morning we have so much so much so much so much to give him thanks for and as you come into the house of the lord this morning please be reverence in your worship if any at all that you want the lord to bless you can i just draw your thoughts what kind of prayer bring we bring to god what most important is that we make prayer a priority because it is how we fellowship with god and develop personal relationship with him so our priorities sometimes is something that is most important than other things and that needs to be done are dealt with first of all very urgent it's our concern and it's our desire that we come before god with gratitude with praise thank him for all that he has brought us through brethren i'm just gonna ask us prepare we're gonna choose some testimonies you're gonna meet somebody at the back and you're gonna give them your testimony it's a testimony for being an overcomer hallelujah nothing less than a testimony from being an overcomer hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we have just come through a month of poor and fasting don't tell me that your god who you serve for years and years and evening 2022 haven't done something supernatural for you to tell others how you made it through god bless you so we're gonna pray hallelujah at this time please stand everywhere thank him for life even if you want to say thank god for life thank him god praise and in gratitude [Music] [Music] i love him so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on people of god with your hands up in the air you're gonna thank him this morning you're gonna praise him in your own way i just need to hear those voices through your mask hallelujah hallelujah we thank you holy ghost we adore you this morning we praise you lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah we thank you because you have been so good to us sir glory to god we thank you this morning for a privilege like this for life lord and you give us life and you promise to give us life more abundantly lord jesus we praise you this morning jesus hallelujah that you're still on your throne and you remember your own we praise you this morning because you are making intercession for us lord jesus we glorify you this morning lord you are the writer of your father and all of us this morning jesus we need you lord we need you jesus lord god we pray hallelujah hallelujah for the greatness that you have done for all of us lord you're a miracle working god hallelujah you are a miracle-working god hallelujah you place the stars in the event oh glory to god you put bone trees at the seashores hallelujah oh glory to god but when you give us salvation it's a miracle of grace and love this morning and so we are grateful jesus that you really came oh hallelujah and you died on the cross and you shed your blood so this morning jesus there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from emmanuel's reign and sinners the plunge beneath the flow lose all our guilt on our lord jesus you need for your hands oh god pure heart and clean hands coming to you lord so we present our bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto you lord god which is our reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind that it may prove what is that good and acceptable perfect will of god this morning hallelujah hey your moses take us shortable we praise you jesus we glorify your name lord we thank you we thank you we thank you you deserve our praise you deserve the glory you will deserve a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving for the things that you have done for us we can't repay you lord but we can give our all we can give our all our all must be on this altar of sacrifices does your holy spirit control we can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest when we heed to him jesus our body and our soul so this morning jesus we pray divine god hallelujah that every spirit that is not of you god replace the fire of god i said the fire of god consume every spirit this morning that is not of god you are not invited in this worship oh glory to god we are here with one desire and one cause and it's to worship the true and living god so we are to this morning that you'll lift up your people's spirit for worship holy ghost lift our spirit for worship this morning hallelujah let us hide ourselves this morning behind the rugged cross hallelujah and see you on whom to you this morning jesus we praise so we glorify we honor you because you are worthy of all of our praise we wait on you lord jesus today is your day it's my day we wait on the lord today for a supernatural move hey glory to god is move among us today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory glory glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god if lord when we're through today you don't receive what you came for it's not my fault and it's not god's fault nor the holy ghost it is you who keep up the praise so you don't receive hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus bless the name of the lord hallelujah and so at this time i just want to extend a very special and warm welcome to all of god's wonderful people put your hands together for yourself hallelujah in the house of the lord i want you to deem it a privilege to be in god's house hallelujah if it was up to the enemy you won't be here this morning you better know that put your hands together hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you know how you fight last night you know how you fight last night to be here this morning in the presence of the lord we have so much to give him thanks for hallelujah hallelujah i just want to greet our youtube viewers this morning all across the world hallelujah i won't have time to say the different places that you are and wherever you are this morning hallelujah we from the tree waterline new testament church of god send greetings hallelujah from god to you as you open up for the lord today those who are listen us and more of them the lord bless you hallelujah as you take time out to give god a chance into your life and to do something new what you haven't received yet from january february comes along and you're gonna still wait because the lord is gonna have his way in your life hallelujah i send greetings to our bishop and family this morning bishop royal robinson hallelujah and first lady rude robinson and the rest of family praise be to god hallelujah greetings to our associate pastor reverend francis we greet them this morning we greet our council members who are presents and who are watching us this morning greetings in the name of jesus we pray you'll continue to pray and we will see the mighty move of god and the manifestation of the power of the holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i agree with reverend malcolm this morning hallelujah hallelujah and those of us are visiting for the very first time i'm going to invite you to stand the second time please stand let us acknowledge your presence in our past and service stand everywhere put your hands together for the people of god who come to visit us to pray with us believe with us and see god work in your favor hallelujah hallelujah i want us also to put our hands together for our senior brethren who can't make it hallelujah as they would wanted i remember those days don't want to call any names before we have the youtube hallelujah establish they were here glory to god wednesday after wednesday praying for the move of god hallelujah for the border to be extended and what can we say today hallelujah put our hands together for our seniors who are watching us and those who can make it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we thank the lord that he preserved them praise god in this covered pandemic and they are still here praying for us and praying for people of god to receive their virtue god bless you my seniors you know yourselves and we love you and we call you to pray for you hallelujah praise the name of the lord at this time the praising will be coming as we continue in worship as you believe for your breakthrough god bless you [Music] hallelujah can we bless the lord hallelujah we need jesus now more than ever hallelujah can we bless the lord hallelujah [Music] he healed the blind man walked on the water and he raised up jaros's daughter he fed the hungry and he cleansed the lepers but we need jesus now more than ever jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] get together for we need jesus [Music] jesus now jesus comes more than ever for we need jesus [Music] and he started talking he put their lives on back together all we need jesus now more than ever children should get together jesus now more than ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] should jesus revelation we read about that great tribulation [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] oh [Music] oh jesus more than ever [Applause] jesus jesus all god's children [Music] jesus christ should get together for we need jesus now we need jesus now people of god we need jesus now who is going to help us who is going to help us god bless you praise him jesus no more than ever come on by faith can you see we are sailing through how do you see yourself how we are sailing through stormy weather hey jesus we are sailing through corona virus 19 weather we are sailing through the criminal activities weather come on people of god we are standing in the gap for jamaica this morning we need jesus we need jesus to solve this situation you know what is happening in your community you are selling true stormy weather in your own soul come on your neighbors you are sailing through some really stormy weather and only jesus can help us hallelujah hallelujah and we're going to continue to pray until the light breaks through glory to god i just want to welcome those who came in a little late but special welcome to mrs julian grandis mullins hallelujah she's from the parish health promotion and education she is a parish health promotion promoter our promotion and educator education officer and so this morning we are going to pray this prayer and after we are through she'll be coming to give greetings to the church we just want to put our hands together for her and welcome her in our presence this morning god bless you madam hallelujah glory to god you're going to find a place for kneeling your altar wherever you choose is there are some chairs hallelujah that is empty that you want to switch over just to have a little privacy in presenting this purse before the lord please bret drain we are here to pray and you're gonna pray for glory to god and against you have your programs we're gonna pray for security minister dr harris chung and all the things that come after him and all the areas that he have to cover i don't have time to tell you you know them we're gonna pray against criminal network for them to be exposed that's what the church of the living god does when we pray we believe and we expect because we have that expectancy that god is going to move we're going to pray hallelujah against these females that have roles in the criminality people of god we don't have time to say it we see them on the television they comes out and they say things they say things they put up pluck yeah they say things i don't have time to tell you you know and we're gonna pray for the protection of our borders and the allied territories that are all over don't tell me brethren that you're not reading your prayer pointless in your news and watching your television it is there our duty is to pray hallelujah virtual worshipers help us to pray in these areas and watch god work hallelujah hallelujah watch god work when we pray holy ghost hallelujah we need to see the change so pray for the minister just a prayer chorus praise team find your kneeling area and we're going to pray together this morning do it again find somewhere better and it's [Music] your serious [Music] [Music] oh lord sweet lord do it again [Music] your presence [Music] done it is oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah father we come one more time as we intercede on the behalf of these prior points hallelujah oh holy ghost we come together hallelujah because when we are in unity in prior mighty work hallelujah will be done can be done we prayed earlier for your forgiveness and so this morning we know hallelujah that we are in your house to pray as we believe as we intercede that you are going to work for your people lord jesus we present to you even now our national security hallelujah hallelujah minister dr harris chung hallelujah oh god we stand with him as a church [Music] he's just human and all those ministries lord jesus that fall beneath our god we know that we have to depend hallelujah solely hallelujah and the police and the soldiers and those different areas lord jesus that have to cover for him hallelujah in their different place lord jesus we place this man before you his advisers before you the department lord jesus that work in every parish hallelujah we placed before you this morning god it's everywhere it's in our community lord the activities of criminals hallelujah domestic violence we can't name them up here this morning but our people individually they know and they are presenting it to you so we ask lord jesus christ this morning for the one who lead in this country that you will give him lord god almighty what he need wisdom lord jesus hallelujah an understanding heart to know what to do and who to send will lord jesus hallelujah we ask lord jesus christ of nazareth that they will call the urgent meeting and they will do lord god accordingly that it will be effective criticizers will be there opposers will be there opposition will be there for the plans that they will have to curtail what is happening but god we ask you this morning to be in the midst with dr chang as his time lord god to declare what to be done with the criminals in this our country god you know the network and it is in the atmosphere it is in the sea it is in the land hallelujah god through all the parishes this morning we present it to you because we recognize this is a spiritual iraqi move jesus that the enemy strategize over jamaica we don't even want to go on the outside of our caribbean it's everywhere jesus it's everywhere god the criminal network but as a church and as a people of god we come to you this morning and bend the knees and brokenness hallelujah many families this morning are mourning because they feel the pain how god or felt the pain of what criminal activities have done into their family mighty god mighty god but we know that when they mourn and when they're questioning your god you are the comforting one you are the breasted one and that you lord jesus have the answer mighty god we call on you jesus because it is by your mercy we are not being consumed because god we have turned jesus the nation have turned away from god and they serve different gods different altars holy ghosts lord jesus the sacrifices of blood is everywhere because of this criminal network but in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we put it down this morning we tear down the stronghold of the enemy this morning god that is over our island jamaica mighty god we see everything most things lord we want to expose them we know you start exposing jesus the news is showing us the purpose we read they are exposed but we need your lord jesus export some more as we pray we believe hallelujah for this country must turn to god the people must be saved god rescue the perishing this morning care for the dying snatch them in pity from sin on the grave lord save them jesus turn them around turn them around there is still mercy millions have come to you but there is still room for one there is room at the cross turn the life around these persons or fall prey oh god jesus in this activity we believe you to the lord father we please this morning the female that play a different role oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god lord jesus lord jesus we don't have to hide oh god under any bushel lord jesus we are just asking for your blood coverage over the church of god and the people of god because when we stand to pray we know lord we believe god that many female lord are a part of the criminal activities they come with the placards they come with their voices to say the things lord jesus yes lord we know many are innocent but god they know many of the things that has been happening it doesn't happen overnight mighty god it doesn't happen overnight it has been planned for months for weeks and many of them jesus oh god they dress them up oh god they put on the garment they comb the hairs the pierced the ears oh god they know them jesus oh holy ghost we asked this morning that as mothers as we stand together we will hold our belly and we will ball for many of these mothers sons that go down by the ground hallelujah many of these mothers god their sons are in so many different activities they are aware god they are the one jesus smiling at times hey jesus what we ask this morning holy ghost to expose expose mighty god so many families so many mothers and fathers and grandmothers so many children are crying oh god because of the activities of the criminal network that women oh god are a part of jesus in our nation jamaica god please jesus do a new thing expose jesus mighty god oh god jesus so many children today they heard as they grow older young your father has been gunned down when you was in the war jesus god the revenge oh god and the things that has taken on these young boys from they were going to school oh god and nothing can break the heart because the desire is to come back to kill holy ghost but we have some mercy we ask some mercy we ask some mercy mighty god as you bring this back to my remembrance years ago when my son goes to school at the primary school this mother came the morning this mother says to her child if anybody trouble you drop them into their eye mighty god the violence god has been built up in a child from six from seven because of what the whom is saying to them o god so they will not forgive even if it is not a serious matter at school it begins lord all because of what was said to them from a small age but god we ask you this morning jesus to do something supernatural for our jamaican people i know what jamaican mothers aunts uncles oh god cousins grandmothers hey god do something jesus and turn the heart around god our bodies are in trouble lord jesus our seashore oh god our here craft our here port mighty god lord jesus from parish to paris through the mountains and through the valleys they are a part of the borders oh god i never perish of a border oh god replace it this morning that the security force lord god will stand at every borders according as they are oh god almighty get that permission to go search at every borders and learn and then see oh god and at the airport father they will find it will expose we ask this morning jesus that those men oh god those organization that is a part of these things expose jesus you're a god and you know respect nobody so lord jesus when the church pray and when the church believe we are gonna see what we have expected to see because you're gonna do a new thing so father from moran point to negril point from every every county of megasex sorry and cornwall ever perishes lord jesus you're gonna do a mighty move at every border across the ocean hey god oh god oh god you're gonna do it your way so we wait on you and we trust you because you are god have your way this morning we give you the praise we give the glory we give you the honor and we thank you we praise you in jesus name put your hands together people of god we believe god for the breakthrough we relieve god to expose because we pray and he's gonna deliver praise him one chorus and then we're gonna have mrs julian granted somalians hallelujah coming to us glory to the name of the lord come on shall we bless the name of the lord shall we exalt the name of the lord come on britain show hallelujah in the sanctuary give the lord the highest praise in the century are you a warrior for god this morning i'm going to ask the standard as reward the enemy this morning in the name of jesus come and shout hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] come on warriors [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] where's our weapon [Music] [Music] [Applause] yay [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] fight again is [Music] hurry up [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] don't give up [Music] is [Music] [Music] your head [Music] [Music] [Music] fighting against the church true god to the putnam of stronghold hallelujah use a weapon use the blood of jesus christ use the word use a worship use your praise use your knees [Music] give up [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord pleasant afternoon to everyone pleasant afternoon morning it's afternoon or morning morning still a pleasant morning to everyone i can't hear you a pleasant morning to everyone this is indeed a beautiful day this is the day that the lord hath made and i will rejoice and be glad in it as you heard my name is julian grandison mullins i'm the parish health promotion and education officer with the ministry of health assigned to saint james and on behalf of the parish manager mr lennox wallace our medical officers of health dr tanique bayley small and dr franci and phillips kelly or members or staff we greet you well now you may think that we are not a part of your worship every day or we are part of your worship every day my office is located on this side of the building so i have the unique privilege of being a church with you every day sometimes i'm on the road but my staff my colleagues they're there we're enjoying the worship we're enjoying it and you wouldn't even imagine how much it means or how much it sort of takes us out of a particular mood or a particular space at the time so whenever you sing whenever you praise whenever you pray whenever you worship just remember that we're right there and we are part of what you're doing now the ministry of health has been battling a pandemic since 2020 it has not been an easy battle but one thing i'd like to point out is that the persons that work in health the doctors and the nurses the public health inspectors the dental assistant the dental nurses the vector persons every single person that work in health we are afflicted by the same infirmities that you are you didn't hear me we are inflicted or affected by the same problems that you have we are touched by the same lack of money we are touched by the same illnesses that you are and i say that because there is the tendency to think that oh health care workers you know we are some superhuman type of thinking that we just go out and we save lives and when we need to be cussed out because out yeah we are never doing the right thing whenever we do the right thing you don't hear of it but whenever something goes wrong then you hear of it our members of staff have been affected by the pandemic severely on a daily basis we are out there and we are exposed we are exposed in so many different ways to persons who are positive and by extension our families are affected our families are also exposed because when we go home we take home things it's not only bread and sugar and milk but we take home other things so while we are there and while we are saving lives while we are educating persons we are teaching persons how to live a healthy lifestyle while we are telling you that you need to wear your mask and wear it properly while we are telling you that you need to stay your physical distance while we're telling you that you need to wash your hands and wash it properly we are also having colleagues and families and friends who are sick and would have died from covet 19. so when you pray pray for us when you think think of us encourage us when you come to the health centers reach out and say well done we know we're not perfect but encourage us encourage us i'm in a unique position because you know my husband is a pastor of the emmanuel chapel and so we are leading a church also so we know [Music] you know the ins and out of it but i also know the ins and outs of the wider population and throughout this pandemic one thing that i find very annoying is when i see my own church family not adhering to the protocols the church was seen as a super spreader of covet 19 and still is and that's for many reasons one of which is the fact that we believe that christ will save us from all of this and so we don't need to wear the mask we don't need to sanitize we don't need to follow the protocols we can go when we go to church we can hog up and kiss up just as usual we don't need to follow the protocols and when the protocol says that only a certain amount of persons should be at church we don't think we need to follow that protocol because we think that we are coming to worship god and we are so therefore there should be no excuse but you know god does not condone when we disobey the rules we should respect those who are set in authority one thing i i really respect and admire and appreciate about kovid it really i light where we are in christ let me say that again it highlights where we are in christ amen that's right because when we can't come to the physical building does that mean that we are far from god it has really caused us each and every one of us to find ourselves in christ when we are home when we don't have sister so and sister so saw leading praise and worship and pastor so and so praising and and praying and preaching and lifting up the word of god we are all alone we are all alone with god and we have no choice but to develop a relationship with him if we had not right so i encourage you the members and the leaders and the well-wishers and the visitors to the waterlane new testament church i encourage you do what you do best do what you know you're to do follow the protocols wear your mask ensure your hands sanitize or wash your hands properly ensure that you keep your physical distance get vaccinated get vaccinated the road is a long one that we're honored we are not sure when it's going to end but we know that we serve a god that is in control of the uncertainty he's in control of everything we do and we say so we want to thank you on behalf of the saint james political service i want to thank you for inviting us out to bring greetings and for praying for us and i encourage you that you keep on praying for us here at the saint james public health service the western regional health authority and the minister of health on the wall thank you so much [Music] cover [Music] extend the border of your mantle over covered [Music] covered over [Music] hallelujah god bless your praise same put our hands together for mrs marlins hallelujah hallelujah stand where you are we're going to pray for her and her team hallelujah just want to thank her for coming to us at this time hallelujah to highlight us on health and i'm so glad that she's pleased with us this morning there is nothing to say negative among us hallelujah we keep up to the protocol of the government mrs mullins and i'm glad that she could share all that has been happening around and that she's a part of our service the team they're a part of us we just want to thank god we continue to pray for the help ministers and the ministries and every parish glory to god it is not easy but we ask god to lead them through and another thing that she highlighted to us that call with highlights where we are with christ truly as a church we identify that hallelujah just gonna access as a church we're gonna just point our hands to mrs mullins this morning as we cover her on her work place and the organization in which she is and and um the parish held promotion which she's the educator officer there and we just want to thank come on bridger hallelujah hallelujah father we thank you we appreciate you hallelujah so many times lord we have proven that you have do it you have done it already and you will do it again time and times again hallelujah hallelujah we thank you this morning for your daughter your servant who served in the health ministry ministry lord jesus we know lord that it is not easy for her evil coming here this morning oh god in her busy schedule she take time out to come and to let we know how much oh god she appreciate the church in praying and try to do the right thing in kovid in this pandemic hallelujah we are always being obedient sundays and wednesdays and night services lord according to the stipulation and we as a church we continue to work with the numbers and our bridging are so obedient because when the number is already filled out then they will stay home and watch us lord we thank you oh god that we have done our part your daughter lord jesus she's there and as a church stretch the hands o lord we present her to you hallelujah and we ask this morning jesus that he thinks that she's lacking mighty god you will restore unto her because she needed to go forward to go higher to go deeper oh glory to god knowledge is power and as long as she is knowledgeable to carry out a task you will send her places we just want to thank you for mrs mullins this morning we thank you for her team oh glory to god and we pray that when they come together to have their different meetings rather face to face oh god our soul they will have the right plans and decisions to be made so that even in montego bay we will continue to do the right thing we bless you and we ask the lord god as your people today we will continue lord jesus to praise you and to glorify you and to honor you bless mr smallins bless our endeavors bless the area lord god where she go different places many many maybe times they are weak and there are days that should go off to go places so we ask for coverage over her life and as you're going to give her her word each time that persons will know that we love them and we care for them and that's why the church is there and the ministry of health is there to allow them to continue to do the right thing god bless us god bless you mrs mullins in jesus name hallelujah please hold on hallelujah put your hands together one more time praise the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah by now brethren you know that during the month of january when we have our dictionaries coming in we make sure pray with them for them and the lord the lord to lead them in their different areas where they are asked to serve in this country hallelujah praise god praise god hallelujah hallelujah we are here for all of you that's why hallelujah god sent you here this morning praise be the name of the lord and so at this time i am just going to ask those persons who have the parish there's not a week this morning he doesn't pray for jamaica those persons will have their parish please to come out here please we're gonna have five here and four in the aisles please please i'm just gonna ask sister heber to come at this time hallelujah [Music] jesus do it again jesus do it again jesus come on and bless the name of the lord jesus christ hallelujah come on and bless the name of the lord wave those hands in the presence of the lord jesus christ come on and wave those hands hallelujah [Music] wave those hands in the presence of the most high god who's seated and is shown hallelujah [Music] his word is to be praised his word is to be lifted up his word is to be glorified there is none like him non-comparing to the most high god that we serve a pleasant good morning to you it's good to be in the house of the lord it's good to be alive and well it's good to clothe in my right mind hallelujah to my recent kingdom hallelujah to the most high god good morning to those who are watching on youtube and to those who are listening and more fm as we join together to pray for our country in the name of jesus i'll be asking those in the house to stand there on their feet as we storm the gates of hell to bring back our holiness in our country and righteousness and godliness in our country hallelujah we will not surrender it to the enemy in the name of jesus christ as we declare in the atmosphere that we are the righteousness of christ jesus in the earth realm because he had given us command over devil and demon over witches and warlocks he had given us the key and as we were against the enemy we come together hallelujah in the name of the lord jesus christ hallelujah [Music] in the name of jesus we're gonna be shouting some shout of the blood of jesus christ in the east and in the west and in the salt reminding the enemy hallelujah that we come with our weapon this morning deep in the blood of jesus christ we are not afraid of the enemy because we are armed and dangerous and we know who we are in the earth remember hallelujah holy cody so we command the atmosphere to give way to the prayer of the righteous hallelujah we come on their trip hola victoria line up with the angel of god gabriel on my collar on the cherubim holy ghost i say i'm [Music] so we shut down every assignment of the enemy in the name of jesus christ higher fire to the enemy fire fire no more you will not manifest yourself or silence you with the blood of jesus that powerful blood never loses power [Music] holy ghost from heaven [Music] open your heavens god over the church and zoom us up with the power of the holy ghost as we enter your chambers after one you will be shouting the blood of jesus seven shout of the blood of jesus christ caught down every devils and demons never wore luck and riches and never be alert [Music] one the blood of jesus to the blood of jesus tree the blood of jesus for the blood of jesus five the blood of jesus speaks the blood of jesus heaven the blood of jesus rains supreme it rains it rains it's rain it drains it dries take up your position in the parishes hallelujah as we stand between hell and heaven holy ghost suffered then and as a reward for our country that god has given us dominion over the earth hallelujah spirit of the living god i welcome you your sweet aroma i welcome your splendor and i welcome your glory i ask your spirit of the living god that you will take over take over it's not by might not by power but it's by your spirit and so i worship you i bring worship you i bring worship to your god i worship at your feet hallelujah use my tears and wash your feet and my hair to dry your feet my master the sovereign god who reign forevermore i bow in your presence great god of israel the god of abraham i suck and jacob come in no other name but the powerful name of jesus christ the name that is above every name the name that tremble i even right now as i call the name of jesus i bring our country jamaica hallelujah that you have given us hallelujah dominion over holy ghost sabou for the kingdom suffer violent all but dismantling god by force by force we asked no question lord can you have given us the key hula bakatoria hallelujah and these are the parishes lord that your daughters and sons hold up before you holy ghost ah i asked that you will visit hannover hey visit the belly of hanover god wally glass lord god almighty i said your name god all by yourself and you said you'll kill one if you want liver holy ghost zoom down there an investment god almighty that the enemy think the wrong things are god but a sin adam di my blood of jesus christ turn away smallanna holy ghost allah ah [Music] in the name of jesus oh god oh god oh god for your name god [Music] take them out of the barrel jesus take them out of the old car holy grace take them out god because you have given us the power whatever we bind on earth jesus is bound in heaven we believe your word whatever we lose lord god almighty is loose in heaven hallelujah we come against lovelessness in our country i i find the spirit of lawlessness in our country in the name of jesus and the spirit of disobedience i bind the spirit of war in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and i render it powerless in the name of jesus those who want you lord you know the heart of them repentance is the first option god but if they don't want you god i said you are god and some of us cannot live in peace you know what you know what perishes lord what we call your donor oh god we call you don't we want you to cut off i said i caught you up in the fourteen parishes [Music] approx night saturn surrender you poor wallace by the blood of jesus christ [Music] you shall not prevail in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus you also think dear gods those who think they are gods in our country our god have assured that you're set up in the name of jesus oh lord almighty [Music] m [Music] the blood of jesus christ the blood of the lord the lord jesus our mercy with the blood of jesus i said i must show them in the name of jesus and those great that you dig holy ghost from heaven gabriela laboratoria those empty graves laboratory [Music] i cut them up with the blood of jesus i cheering up in the name of jesus [Music] now send back everybody have a battery level barrier have a barrel a sandy mark a set of a barrel a wife under the blood of jesus in jail with flirting swords [Music] don't sign it don't sign it don't sign it in the name of jesus they're clear that jeremiah belongs to god in the name of jesus i said jamaica belongs to god jesus christ [Music] of the living god i worship you i worship jesus i worship you we worship your lord for your presence hallelujah jesus i love your presence lord hallelujah i love your presence and i embrace your prayers to god glorify yourself in the earth right for yourself lord glorify us glorify yourself jesus in jesus name mighty god hallelujah [Music] the lion of judah shall break every chain [Music] [Applause] shop break every chain [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] evil we intercede hallelujah i know what god he will deliver hallelujah god bless you my sister eva gayle hallelujah to god be the glory and people of god everywhere we pray hallelujah glory to god thank you virtual worshipers we felt hallelujah when you pray we are feeling every impact hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i just want to acknowledge our day speaker hallelujah reverend ovil anderson hallelujah at this time gonna ask that sister clover brown will be coming to do the next intercessory prayer the churches and its leaders vision changer for this generation submission to god's authority god bless you my sister god bless you people of [Music] break god change [Music] [Music] and he was stopping [Music] good morning to everyone i must acknowledge the presence of our pastor reverend ruel robinson the leader of this fasting and our assistant pastor reverend lee paul francis i acknowledge the youtube worshipers and those worshipping and more fm the task is mine this morning to pray we will be praying for the church and leaders vision change for this generation submission to god's authority ephesians 4 verse 1 i therefore the prisoner of the lord jesus christ beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation we are with your call with all loneliness and meekness with long suffering for bearing one another in love endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace verse 11 and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saint for the work of ministry for the edifying of the body till we outcome in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god and to a perfect man unto the measure of the statue of the fullness of god let us all stand i'll be praying this um we i'll be praying we'll be praying this first one concerning our worship the church and the leaders and then we'll be praying for vision change for this generation the um submission to god's authority will be also included in this prayer let us all stand as we approach the throne of god it disconcerns all of us all hail the power of jesus name let angels prostrate fall bring forth the royal diadem and crown him lord of all this morning again eternal father and our god we come before thy throne of mercy and grace oh god nothing in our hands we bring what simple to the cross simple to the promises seem to your covenant we continue to clean father at the church of the living god the ecclesia lord the called out mighty god here we are one more time gather in this past in service father i pray no god that you will just touch us that you'll just watch us with us cleanse us we will sanctify us god that there'll be nothing that is in us that will come up before you this morning another that will not let our prayer be accepted father we are the body of christ lord the church is not the body almighty god we are the body of christ and so as we call out cry out for leaders god to submit mighty god to your god the charity father we ask our god in the name of jesus and we pray for oneness in the body lord we pray for love we pray for meekness god we pray for unforgiveness god almighty for you said in your words god if we require iniquity in our hearts because you will not hear our prayer and mighty god whatever there's a time we need to hear your prayer we ask you to hear our prayer it is no father so we present the leaders god almighty and various department father in the name of jesus from the council member lord god almighty the men fellowship leaders god the new fellowship father in the name of jesus the ladies ministry oh god almighty the the superintendent of the sunday school holy ghost is children church all those are in leadership at this time father we need your god we can't make this journey on our own your words declare god it's not by might or by power it's by your spirit and lord we're living in this time god when pandemic has come upon the church and sometimes god has leaders they do not know what to do father but we cry out to this morning god for strength we cry out to your god for wisdom require to your god for knowledge and understanding not how to go forward even in this time father for we are still the church god and we require to go forward so we say forward still it's jehovah's will though they build us darshan's pray but with our might conquering treat father supposed to push ahead help the leaders god almighty to submit themselves to your god for you said in your word submit to god resist the devil and he will flee so lord we pray that even though we are leaders ourselves we must learn to submit to those who are set over us mighty god it doesn't matter in what way shape or form even if they are older than us god almighty are younger than us we are to submit father so we pray this morning for a total submission of the body of christ we pray for unity lord we pray for forgiveness god almighty we pray that no corrupt communication will come out of our mouth god we pray against the spirit of back biting oh god of news carrying our busy body the things in the body of christ that does not adopt god that does not make your presence be receptive and responsive in the church father we need your god as a body of christ we need you in every area lord if we say we have no sin we make you a liar god and the truth is not in us but this man we thank you for your holy spirit he is the spirit of truth and so lord we cry out that we will speak truth ourselves we will be truthful to our brother we be truthful to this cause of christ if we are christian father we need to portray truth almighty god in every way of life in our lifestyle god the place where we work that person know that we are christian mighty god yourself we are shamed to earn you an earth on you on earth you will be ashamed to own us in heaven so lord if we are christian this morning let our light so shine mighty god you are the light of the world and if we are children of light god we should reflect your light mighty god in the name of jesus so we pray god as we go from day to day as we go about our business our activity as we travel from one point of place to the other even across the land and part of jamaica even when we go into the airplane further sometimes god we say a person might not know us but god help us to know that you know us you know our activity you know our behavior god we can hide from man but we can't hide from you father so we pray this afternoon that will search us oh god know our heart try us mighty god know our thoughts see if there be any wicked ways in us that all god prevents you god from filling us with your holy spirit teach us to repent father for yourself we confess our sin you are faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and many times god while our prayers are not being answered is because of unconfessed sins and unforgiving sin father what we repent and we ask this morning for mercy we ask for grace god almighty touch each and every member god of this body here but tree water laying god you know them gods but by age you know where they live god don't know where they operate from because the lord visit them in the night season visit them in the day time god almighty trouble their conscience his father stir up the conscience again god it seems that our hearts have been sneered without iron but this morning god in the name of jesus we ask that he will turn us back to you father turn us again and we shall be turned we pray for returning of the church of the living god shake us out of complacency secretary of state righteousness god check us out of god almighty that was to look to you and you alone father jesus our help committed from your god let us not trust in chariots let us not trust in our sins let us remember the name of the lord our god but the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous running and they are saved lord god almighty help us to run to you our refuge our strength our strong world in the day of trouble lord god almighty i pray of strength for your people some are battered some are wounded some are discouraged god almighty but we pray for oil this morning we pray for wine we pray that we'll bind up the hurts god hallelujah some of us are even been hurt by our own brothers and sisters but we pray holy ghost that he will touch us that we will let go of the things that beset us god that we can run the race with patience so we pray god that those have been wounded sometimes they think it's beyond repair god but god you are the god of the repairer you are the repairer of the breach you are the restored pastor dwelling to restore the part of your people lord bring us back to your jesus bring us back to your holy ghost so many persons are here love awaiting the baptism of the holy spirit father we still cry out for them god and we ask for our outpouring of your holy spirit as on the day of pentecost god you have not changed father you are still the same yesterday to the end forever and your promise to pour out support entrepreneurial people whatever the situation god whatever the areas of luck as a bodyguard as we are one body just like the physical being god so is the body of christ from the head oh god to the feet to the neck to the arm we need each other to survive further so this morning god even as you see have given us gift you say this was the perfecting of the body oh god for the edifying mighty god so lord we pray that the gift that you have given to us will not use it to our own device god it's not about us god's about you who have given us the gifts so we pray god that will use them according our god to your will and to your way we pray god that you will help us to lay our all on the altar is your all and the ultimate sacrifice laid your heart does the spirit control he said we can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest as we yield to him our body and soul so lord we pray for our complete healing a complete submission that our soul will lie and the altar mighty god in the name of jesus and now that you will have your way in our father have your way in our lives have you ever been in the church you see our weaknesses you see our faults and our failure we pray for strength god you are our strength you our helping ages pass god you're our hope for years to come you're still the shelter from the stomach blast you're our eternal hopes a lot i pray that we will put on the whole helmet of salvation and hold on to your jesus though the road is rough and going to stop god we activate our helmet mighty god and we hope in you jesus but there is hope in king jesus there is hope in god hallelujah jesus holy spirit after living god saturate your people one more time infuse them lord penetrate their being this morning father we pray for the minds of your people that they will be healed you said be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind that we may be able to prove that which is good holy ghost and that which is perfect we love god so we say lord not our will what you must be done in the life of your people here on earth in the life of the church father in the name of jesus hallelujah we pray for vision change for this generation he said the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom mighty god i pray this afternoon that he will raise up some village and change us god raise up more god the men and women god to become example to the young people lord to stand flat-footed and resolute in their faith and conviction that god alone is god and he alone must be worshiped in the name of jesus so we come against every strange god every strange altar everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of god we bring them down and we take them into captivity to the obedience of christ i will say that god will be done on earth as it is in heaven cover your people lord joseph for the vision change our father for his generation we pray for god from young men and young women like joseph like daniel god like the three you boys father who will say that we will not bow to the image of baalam almighty god the image of nebuchadnezzar some nebuchadnezzar image in the life of our people that has caused them to bow we pray god almighty that he will remove them further we also pray for our women god women like esther like rude say if i perish i perish but i must see the king almighty god in the name of jesus we pray god that they will not settle themselves that they will not sell themselves short help them to do that there are women of word mighty god in the name of jesus so many idols so many attractions so many things leading our young people astray god we pray that he will bring them back we pray that they will set you before their faith god almighty be able to marry the mother of jesus was an example father i miss the hardship i made the outcast amazing ridicules i'm in the back biting god she said lord let your will be done so help us to know god when we take up the cross there will be trial there will be tested there will be mocking and ready cruel but we're determined by the grace of god to say lord not our will but you must be done lord if we perish we perish but we must see the king like ruth said lord entreat me not to leave thee or to return from following after thee for where the goes i will go and we are the largest i will lodge thy people shall be my people and thy god my god the god who saw to me and more also if our body holy ghost hallelujah let us say lord but death oh god depart me from you jesus it was to recommit ourselves god help us to reconnect father help us to re remain steadfast god in this christian race father we pray for our power and shift in the mindset of our young people lord god almighty let them stand up for godly principle serve the gifts and god and the talent with them them father we know you have given them gifts and talents but so many times god the enemy pulled them out and they go into the world and use the gifts and the talent that you have given them to better to use in the world we pray against them father and we pray that we'll bring them back bring back their mind of your people or turn them to you this afternoon father you said lord as charles 2 verse 28 says father and it shall come to pass that in the last days i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh your young your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old man shall dream dreams and your young men shall save each other we pray for vision for our young people we pray for the pouring out of the holy ghost upon our young people upon our daughters god we pray for god division father in the name of jesus and that they will use it exclusively lord for the betterment of your kingdom here on earth and not for profit oh god some god you're blessed man many musicians holy ghost you'll bless them with talent you'll bless them with gifts but they have departed father but we repent and we cry for our turn around god let them be used for your kingdom here on earth the thing that we felt to us do not fail to grant it but we ask it in jesus name we pray your kingdom come father we pray your will be done father and earth as it is in heaven in jesus name we pray holiness glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god real intercession of purse glory to god hallelujah because we know that it is super we will find the answer glory be to the name of the lord at this time i just want to ask that sister nicklin reed shall be coming glory to god with the virtual testimonies and the prayer requests god bless us god bless you god is good god is good god is good to me how can i let him down how can i let him down how can i let him down he's so good to me oh he picks me up and he turned me around and he plant my feet how can i let him down how can i let him down he's so good to me [Music] hallelujah hallelujah church i want to say a pleasant afternoon to those that are in-house in the sanctuary and pleasant afternoon to our youtube viewers i'll be doing the victory report and then i will move on to the prayer requests hallelujah kerry perry requested prayer for her sister who had a surgery late last year and she's reporting victory this morning the surgery was a success and her sister is home recovering hallelujah raquel filburn page says thanks for the prayers for rosemary carty she has been delivered and is victorious over her situation hallelujah sheila williams says thanks for prayers she has done the surgery and is now out of the hospital and recovering nicely hallelujah valerie appleby request said prayer for marine appleby who was done with the covid i guess it was a very serious case and she says thanks for all the prayers prayed her sister is now doing well hallelujah dorothy b requested prayer last week she was to have some blood work done and glory be to god the results were good that came back whose report do we believe whose report do we believe hallelujah shirlene laylee has received a call for a job interview she has been waiting so long for a job and she has received the interview to show you the feat of this woman she this is a victory testimony she hasn't received the job she just got the interview that is fit you know it works you know you understand so she's saying thank you for praying because she has received an interview and so we should keep her in our prayers that she will receive that job and i say glory to god that she has received this job hallelujah joycelyn dennis is doing great after she received purrs she has been healed she has been delivered glory be to god hyacinth mccoy requested prayer for pain in her neck and her head she is reporting victory she's now feeling much better hallelujah marine powell's mom beryl powell is now home out of the hospital and feeling much better she said thanks for prayers prayed hallelujah i want to welcome back our youtube viewer summerhead out of trinidad who was sick but she says thanks be to god she is now well she couldn't eat she couldn't do anything but glory be to god for his healing hands she's now doing well biola burnett requested prayer for her nephew aj who had a terrible accident while playing football he has improved and he is doing much better she gives thanks for the prayers and said we should keep him in our prayers hallelujah archer brown's brother is out of the hospital and doing much better glory be to god let us give god a hand clap for those victory testimonies we thank our youtube viewers for reaching out to us and allowing us to know that the lord is still in the healing and deliverance business glory to god now on to the prayer request for february 2nd 2022 carlene is requesting prayer for deliverance financial breakthrough to purchase a home deliverance for her for her household that is under attack rogan deliverance and spiritual understanding philippa shane and shanice and family lindstedt lennox mackintosh healing terry gay henry divine favor learling and wilfred ellis deliverance and healing rhoda wilson's dad miles family cynthia gordon's daughter salvation edith allen hospitalized in florida karen white and family unity and financial miracle natalie burke spiritual breakthrough over her life and prayer for her family diana willoughby close a walk with god and for her daughter tashith in canada tessa smith healing and deliverance valerie innis breakthrough in business in england herman williams two daughters doing exams healing and healing prayer for her family carla acevedo and family charm hebert deliverance and breakthrough nikita samuels needs a new location to live richard and kashama spiritual breakthrough stone family breakthrough ds daughter blood coverage on the job sheraine mitchell's two sons patsy mary kayleen and michelle healing from eye sickness pauline brown and family river anderson's sister hospitalized healing from cancer donate ellis yanica reading family deliverance and saving grace sofia walker and the walker family in canada tanisha davis healing in new york and marie reiny not doing well today vina clark cash release for house to be finished jason release of immigration documents darron court case judith lindo and family healing and divine favor yeni green and family and prayer also for her friend in new york sister v peku healing from nerves that have been damaged in her feet kenmore mcdonald divine favor karen and micah richard grant and family divine favor for release of immigration documents estella james troy matthew and family members patricia thompson needs a job sterling family oscar and family rosemarie sadler release of documents and visa merlin vows divine favor with the job tracy and lewin urgent healing bennett family sister rose daughter in florida anita mckinnison family crawford family deacon alfred johnson hospitalized raw and ralston reed and if faith's daughter healing and restoration and she needs a house for herself hakeem white elva gregon family yvonne henry and family daniel and ashaya deliverance singleton and forbes family joycelyn dennis sharika needs a home to live tanisha bella and family event christie and shannon deliverance donna hamilton's children deliverance jennifer holland family barbara hospitalized cecile dexter timo george jeff and wyatt face paints healing and deliverance veronica shaw favorable response to job application director robert's healing in body and feet audrey mcpherson doing surgery tomorrow orderly clayton divine intervention sister simpson stabilized of blood pressure samantha gopal and jeremy mccoy deliverance jennifer hall and family healing sasha k's husband has exams today lorna and marcia ives urgent healing from cancer kami's reading family blood coverage and healing for her daughter nurse human family theodore and family stephanie edwards ramona ellis divine intervention on job hyacinth campbell pain in body grace and family healing salvation and protection heathen monroe healing deliverance in marriage and for and prayer for her son jermaine's deliverance raquel by graves family members who are unsaved jaleen mckenzie approval debbie breakthrough chintia on a fulu healing deliverance and favor elaine against demonic attack in canada sister brenda grey deliverance stay on tayon break broken bones in lower back back caused by accident aria wallace healing sonia green jump and family beverly ruddock not doing well today jacqueline austin shelly and rochelle risha and diana sister horton's black and son kedin kellier kassan and lindo's families healing deliverance restoration prosperity and protection derby and simpson family blood coverage blossom balian family dawn briston family breakthrough strength and spiritual growth angela taylor and family release of immigration documents javion romario jordan jahila davardo and kazia healing and blood coverage claudette clark and family especially her son karnette black divine healing for nerves in hand norma del ellison healing javon needs a job and deliverance amoy anderson and kevon swaby spiritual strength samantha and her two daughters approval enrique mars and son who has a court case today trassan thompson deliverance elaine deliverance sydney haughton blood clotting leg mr carmack hospitalized after suffering a stroke in kingston anna k samuels and her newborn baby helen smith's friend who is now paralyzed after getting a stroke jasmine heinz and family salvation and healing damien mckenzie deliverance stephanie edwards daughter and son miss yvonne not feeling well may lewin fresh anointing close a walk with god you letter williams and family deliverance and ethel lothian restoration beverly moore completes healing and body marveling simon mcintouch and family alma elaine jason daniel shaydon in israel sandra gregory divine intervention in new york johnson and anderson family salvation beeson bridget gordon and mcfield families sibley blake edward hermit roberts families salvation claudette wright doing colonoscopy tomorrow kenneth taylor pain in his belly holiday family nico thomas javoy mitchell and opal stewart carmen pugh's grandson who is hospitalized tamisha rogers pain and feet donna divine intervention in new york allen james healing from pain katherine james's son salvation avis morris not doing well healing from cancer romello linda courtney and family salvation carmen whitley and family healing tyrion brown healing and restoration beverly white's son divine intervention for purchase of home mavis hospitalized on ventilator in long island tanisha davis needs a job pauline opal tina skeeter mackie kev needs a job sandra barnes needs a job and marie williams anne-marie williams against stagnation and procrastination prayer also for her families in maryland boston and atlanta janiece whitelock's son angenette bell's daughter deliverance glenn white smith deliverance and healing of the mind perkins family lydia and britannia deliverance lameisha lawrence carla brown and family breakthrough rachelle allison and jaden protection rachelle dickinson deliverance andrew nichols and davian humes deceased family of garcia williams who is now deceased they're requesting prayer for her family marvin her dad and her three daughters alex divine favor in canada cheryl campbell's son karen ashley peace over mind and his situation louis dion sandra lisa and milicell tessia sergio tomorrow rosemary fletcher and family roseanne cason and rhianne jossett reed and family carnet wilson's daughter albert and oj delta hewitt and family herring thompson and alice brown deliverance salvation healing and breakthrough veronica hutchinson restoration after surgery trudy deliverance jennifer and children sister jeannie brown she's requesting our prayers for healing and her upcoming surgery i think it's sometime this week vivian shearer and mother smith divine favor roger salvation magic healing from cancer sonia williams in antigua portia greenland family evan mcfarland's children saving grace christopher deliverance daedrian and janelle they need jobs edino and ronaldo campbell nathaniel baker carrion crawford approval of documents davian needs a job novlet hemming's son he needs strength barbara healing an open door gloria kimon khalil michael and allarey healing in canada odysseus shields crippled without any medical reason in sent elizabeth albert reed mourning the loss of his daughter ingrid nato release of house in redwood leah cat lauren o'reilly and family breakthrough in portland nicole not well jalil craig and family who lost their father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to almighty god i'm asking you to stand with me as i intercede on behalf of these persons requesting prayer from three waterlane new testament church of god we're gonna unite our hearts and our spirit this afternoon and we'll be lifting up this this petition for these people who it seems as if there is no hope but we know that there is hope in king jesus we know that there is hope in god we serve a risen savior we serve the master of the universe we serve the wisdom of the wise god who is ever present hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah nothing would i have done this morning god hide me behind your cross jesus hide me mighty god under your rich red blood this morning i sacrifice and slay yourself this afternoon god as i come in your very presence oh god with this petition you are mighty you are great you are awesome you are wonderful you are all together lovely there is none like you none before and none can compare god you are everlasting im god almighty your god omniscient god omnipresent god we come before you this afternoon jesus we come presenting this petition almighty god we're standing in the gap for those that feel that they can't stand in the gap for themselves father need any backup they need extra strength in prayer they need us to lift them up mighty god to you so this morning daddy i placed the almighty god in the power palm of your hand i placed them god in your capable hands this afternoon mighty god you have read every request you have heard your earnest prayer god i know that you will deliver mighty god the favorite prayer of a righteous man a very much daddy father we ask for forgiveness for those that are unsafe that are seeking salvation we pray this morning god that you will reach out your hand and touch them this morning god let them have an experience through the fire of the holy ghost oh jesus as we come to you this afternoon god we can do nothing in and of ourselves you are our strength you are our strength this afternoon god so we ask almighty god strength friendly no other [Music] you are merciful this afternoon mighty god there are some homes that are held up by the enemy's hand concerning your children this morning god intervene jesus intercept the enemy's plan concerning your children's well-being this afternoon release some house keys god release on host kids god you sent your children mighty god to live on land they didn't own and to eat from fruit trees i didn't plant do it again in this century do it again in this time do it again for us god release your favor and common favor to your children god many are out of jobs mighty god release job father they've been turned down time and time again but god has been victory over them god featured over every application that has been sent out victory in the name of jesus father i present the cancer patient i present those almighty god that are asking for your healing torture and for your virtue god help them to reach out jesus and to touch the very hem of your garment oh god almighty you said in your word you heal us and we are healed healing jesus jehovah we're calling to you god we're asking for mercy we're asking god let some virtue jesus be spread our god on this paper jesus you nervous god you know their location you know who they are individually god i lift up almighty god the young woman that is paralyzed paralyzed with all many calories oh god hallelujah [Music] jesus will walk on the water jesus jesus jesus who caused the blindness jesus you are the same yesterday you are the same today you are the same tomorrow and changing god i call upon you jesus as i practice on your throne for the crippled young lady god father griez daddy healing mercy mighty god jesus jesus almighty god almighty god almighty god almighty [Music] god jesus fire oh god fire is shut up in my mouth [Music] jesus mighty god mighty god mighty god god god you're not a man that you should lie god almighty are a promise keeper you're a promise keeping god i wanted your word you're a promise keeper you said you should not be confounded [Music] are dismayed because we chose you we trusted this morning god no not trusting you shall be desolate mighty god in the soul of my voice wherever that young woman is rise up take up your bed and walk walk wow [Music] keeper chain breaker father we believe god we believe this morning god we know you're coming through let the children of israel they came through the red sea mighty god but we don't remember when the red sea closes every enemy shall swallow up in it god enemy of sickness enemy of poverty enemy of lockheed all the enemies that present themselves to your children that hold them back in the natural realm mighty god this morning father as we petition your truth we ask you god to have mercy one more time mighty god shot the red sea on them drown them daddy enemies we see today we see them no more no more we shot down every operation and every plan of the enemy to destroy your children victory this morning god victory this morning god victory this morning god i will give you thanks we give a tongues we are careful to give a thanks we are careful to remember that you are god you are the blesser god and we adore you this morning hallelujah in jesus mighty name lord to god lord to god hallelujah hallelujah my god my god my god my god my god hallelujah my god my god hallelujah hallelujah we pray we pray we pray we pray until we pray hey jesus hallelujah i told you earlier if it was up to the enemy we don't live with us you know the warrior got you last night to be here and even this morning hallelujah glory to the name of the lord that's just the virtual church requests hallelujah and you are in a physical so can you imagine hallelujah the warrior up against also hallelujah just want to want to say apology or apologizing for bishop royal robinson it was an urgent call and he couldn't be here this morning and so he sent his purse to us as we pray for him he continues to pray for us hallelujah and i just want to pray come on brethren we are not selfish and you know that i have to tell you everything so we have gifts from our virtual persons from canada we have genius stuart england sorry from england from canada we have vinnette joyce and tracy they send their gifts to us hallelujah and i just want to pray you're going to hear the word today i'm not going to belong i just want to pray for our congregation our physical person our congregation who come and give their gifts i want to pray for the youtube worshipers i want to pray for those who send their gifts to the church account in bns i want to pray for this prayer oh worshipers and our diaspora seated where you are you have family members you have friends who send their gifts to you to bring here right now i tell a person yesterday that i couldn't stop by to pick up a u.s gift to bring to church somebody send their gift call to tell me to pass by and pick up their gift so brethren when you hear we pray up here we know we are getting testimony that systemically don't have enough time to talk about them but we're going to pray for these people and after which sister peanuck will be coming hallelujah to give her selection and i just want to say to us we know reverend orville anderson he has been here time and time again sundays and wednesdays man of god who know how to deliver the word to exegete the word to represent christ hallelujah to the people of god and to the youtube worshipers we pray that you will stand together and put your hands together for the man of god when it's time come to deliver the world through the holy ghost pray with me at this time father we present before you your people who take time out to send their gifts to us to pray over oh glory to god we ask this morning jesus and as they give their gifts they will give their all oh god our physical oh god worshipers are here lord out of nothing many times their gifts are on the table they're presenting to you anticipating lord a result those who send in their gifts through the banks those who sin choose for open those diaspora who send their different gifts lord time and time again we present them to you lord jesus they are viewing us near and far and so heavenly father we just want to say thanks for all that he has been doing into their life just have your way today continue to bless their own soul and go to open doors for them we continue to pray for them in jesus name hallelujah i just want to say thanks this afternoon for putting up with sister bennett as we pray and worship the lord together brother elizu he came and he did the the um the reading of the scripture you pray together hallelujah we pray for jamaica sister yvette led that prayer glory to god we want to thank god for mrs mullins who stopped by just to say how much you appreciate the church as we keep up to the stipulation and that god is with us as they watches us and pray for us each week hallelujah praise god for the praise team on the multimedia hallelujah and sister nicklin who pray as she um call the names of the requests hallelujah put your hands together sister peanut after which pastor anderson reverend anderson god bless your brethren god bless you worshipers god bless you hallelujah more effemousness in jesus name shall we praise the lord one more time praise the lord thank you jesus god gave his son for me upon mount calvary he shed his precious blood to save my soul [Music] and i never could repay their sacrifice he made so many to my life i pay the debt i owe i'm a willing lord to go i'm a willing lord to stay i'm ready lord to do thy perfect will [Music] and if i must to do thy will o god i'll walk them lord a climb the highest i heard the master said lift up your eyes today it's time [Music] my strength i'll give to you there are millions who have never heard my name i'm willing the lord to go i'm a willing lord to stay i'm ready lord to do your [Music] o god [Music] i heard the master said [Music] it's time to reap the gold and harvest grain and there's work for you to do [Music] my strength i'll give to you there are millions who have never heard my name say i'm a willing lord to go i'm a willing lord [Music] [Music] i must [Music] i'm ready lord to do a perfect win and if i must [Music] [Music] i try [Music] them lord i'll walk them lord or climb the highest [Music] go ahead and praise the name of jesus come on somebody wave your hand in the atmosphere come on lift up your voices in this house and praise god has god been good to you today montica montigabe my fasting worshipers my viewers youtube more fm has god been good to you if god has been good to you then lift your hands above your head and echo the name of jesus somebody praise the lord in the house somebody worship the name of jesus hallelujah are you excited about god are you excited about jesus somebody praise him somebody worship the lord if i believe today from this earth i will draw all man unto me come on church of god come unbelievers come and worship us let us lift him up together hallelujah praise the name of jesus he is god and he is worthy to be praised i am so delighted to be here with you again man take obey to praise the name of the lord god is a good god god is a good god [Music] come on church do we have a witness in the house god is a good god so many times we have failed him so many times we have walked out on him but sister just is here with us all the way come on church clap your hands and praise god [Music] praise the name of the lord praise the name of jesus god is a good god the fire goes before him let the earth rejoice you were is are exalted over let the earth rejoice yes the lord god oh hello the lord god is yes the presence of the lord oh let them let me just somebody yes let the earth retry [Applause] [Music] it doesn't matter what the enemy is doing god clap your hands and praise god hallelujah it's so good to be back here on the old campground to lift up the name of jesus and to allow montega bay to know that god is still sitting on his throne hallelujah praise the name of jesus i want to greet a host pastor and bishop in person of royal robinson and family i want to greet or moderate great musicians all the persons who take part in today's program and make it a success my brothers and sisters viewers online and more fm we i greet you well in the most powerful name that is above every other name and that name is jesus come on somebody shout the name of jesus hallelujah that name demons tremble at that name sick bodies are healed come unbelievers he's a good god amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of the lord could you turn your bibles with me to genesis 37 we'll read one verse from that and we go over to chapter 39 genesis 37 36 praise the lord verse 36 says and the midianites sold him into egypt unto potiphar an officer of pharaoh and captain of the god could you just quickly skip over to 39. we'll read from one through to six there joseph was brought down to egypt and potiphar an officer of pharaoh captain of the god an egyptian bought him off the hands of the ishmaelites which had brought him down this the lord was with joseph and he was a prosperous man and he was in the house of his master the egyptian and his master saw that the lord was with him and the lord and that the lord made all that he had that he did to prosper in his head joseph found grace in his sight and he served him and he made him overseer over his house and all that he had he put into his hands and it came to pass from the time that he had made him overseer in his house and over all that he had that the lord blessed the egyptian house for joseph's sake and the blessing of the lord was upon all that he had in the house and in the field and he left all that he had in joseph's hand and he knew not art he had saved the bread which he did eat and joseph was a goodly person and well favored here in the portion of god's holy word we honor by saying thanks be to god father you promise to add your richest blessings to your word lord as i stand before your children today god to declare your name i pray lord that you will touch me lord i pray that you will rest your hand upon me today i pray god that you will open the windows of heaven and cause your glory to be descended in this house lord i pray that every single believer that is hearing my voice right now oh god i pray that you will touch them let the power of god fall in this house like never before i pray you will speak to me speak through me and speak for me today holy spirit we bind every forces of darkness we bind oh god every destruct in spirit every spirit that comes to disturb and disrupt the move and the word of god we pray in the name of jesus that fatigue and destruction will be silent in the name of jesus we pray holy spirit that you will take charge oh god i pray god that you will run things in this house move by your spirit oh god from the back god to the front i pray that you will oh god hem to yourself in this house today we pray that people will be delivered souls will be set free o god almighty and the devil oh god we lose all god in this fight in the name of jesus we lift up the name of jesus today and we say god have your own sweet way in jesus name amen somebody praise the lord somebody praise the name of the lord hallelujah my brothers and sisters i'm here to share with us today from this from the book of genesis hallelujah is a very very interesting book when we look around us today in our society and in our churches and in our world we recognize that things are not the same way it used to be the devil seeing as if he's working overtime to keep to or to take everybody with him to hell crime and violence is escalating by the minute and so therefore the church you and i have a responsibility believers to pray against all of these things the lord god has given us the power and the ability to do that which he has commanded us to do praise the name of the lord hallelujah my theme to us today is the devil can kill what god has ordained to live the devil can kill what god has ordained to live believers i want us to understand here that many of us could have passed off and gone long time it's not that we are better off than anybody else it's not that we have more money than anybody else but because the hand of god is on your life the f that is the reason why and grace is extended unto you and i hence the reason why we are ears not that the devil didn't try to kill you my sister he tried more than all hallelujah what is whatever he tried he was not successful in his train and so god deserved the praise and the glory somebody praise him in the house [Music] hallelujah you are alive for your purpose yes the book this book in particular tells us about about one of god's patriot a man by the name of joseph the bible said that he was betrayed by his own brothers and sold as a slave joseph had been sold and sold to some ishmaelite merchant for less than a hundred dollars his brothers sold him for the price of a crippled slave the ishmaelite sisters and brothers took joseph to egypt and put him up for sale in that land yeah the try i want us to understand here sisters and brothers to try a little bit i want to just for you to to put your imagination and put yourself in joseph zoo a little bit for a moment and you are 17 years of years old and you are faith you are the favored son or daughter in the family of 12 your father had chosen you to be the head of the family and i've given you a beautiful robe to symbolize art or to concrete the fact that you are called and favored hallelujah you are on your path to power influence and prominence in your family believers then even in a moment of time everything that you thought that would have come to pass is now stripped away your coat is gone and you are betrayed by the very own people who you believe that i should have your back in every single situation let me just narrow it down a little bit your own family members now sold your old foods for less than a thousand dollars come on the church of god are the people who you thought that loved you the people you thought would care for you the people you thought would have been there for you in through every thick and thin they are the same person to sell you out come on come on come on church hallelujah to god you are betrayed you are not separated he is not separated from his father and are no cell and our soul as a slave carried off into a strange land in many ways sisters and brothers you are not he's not just a simple country boy from an unsophisticated family you will find yourself if i now find himself transported to the capital city of the most advanced nation on earth imagine how joseph must have felt as the camel hallelujah as he wandered through the look and chronic of egypt and grace pass the pyramids and all sorts of beautiful statues and structures that he has never seen before rather than sisters i want us to understand here that he was sold our god he was sold by his brothers but they thought that they were doing him evil they thought that they would do it they were satisfying themselves they thought that they would when they get rid of joseph oh god almighty they were doing something bad to him when the bible tells me that what the enemy meant for evil god shall turn it somebody leave your hands above your head and say turn it lord hallelujah to god somebody shout hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah on the surface it seemed that that circumstances would have not been worse for this young joseph and through those difficult days were made stepping stone along the great glory for the joseph it may have appeared that all joseph a dream no would have been shattered but god who who give dreams in the first place was working behind the scene and would ensure that everything would have come to pass in joseph life hallelujah what what no one could see is all trouble surrounding jewels of life hallelujah was clearly stated in genesis 39 and verse 2 in that verse the bible said that the lord was with joseph i want us to learn the believers that it doesn't matter where you are in this life oh god whatever circumstances you find yourself in some of the situation that we end up in they are not necessarily means that he was definitely orchestrated by the devil sometimes god allow it to happen hallelujah because he wants to form you out he wants to make you mature and build you up that when you get to the place where he really wants you to be here you are you can stand here without fear for favor somebody clap your hands and praise the lord hallelujah glory to god the lord was with joseph come on church of god god is with you in whatever situation you are going through god is with you let me just run on here there are few things sisters and brothers that i want to point out to us in this day in this verses is that the first thing is that god protected him god protected him as i said a moment ago it seemed that all that all had fallen apart for joseph yet you will you will take a minute to examine the facts it becomes clearer that joseph in the high in the hand of the defined god considering all that he faced too many things just happened to fall into place for him sisters and brothers the intervention of reuben you find that in genesis 37 21 to the 22 judah and the idea cello joseph as a slave the appearance of his of the israelite traitors the fact that he was sold to participate do you know who potiphar was what if he is called the captain of the gods his position seemed to have been achieved executioner he was like the header of fearless secret police he was responsible for protecting his boss and for dealing with those who needed to attack fear but by virtue of his position would have been in contact with many at the dignitary political officers of egypt commitment church it is not outside of the realm of possibility that joseph would have been introduced to many of the influential people who would let us serve them believers sometimes god is setting you up god is setting everything up just like it needed to be that joseph arrived exactly where he needed to be at that exact moment he needed to be there god knows exactly what he was doing our god almighty what we need to do church just like joseph that joseph might have been a slave but he was saved in the arms what the divine god may i say to us church that yes the brothers how did we throw him into the pit and they thought that the pit would have killed him sometimes we go through some pit-like situation and we don't understand why we are in it why we are going through it why we experience it but let me tell you something when you don't understand the process trust god when you don't understand what's happening around you trust god look at the name as a neighbor god handle is mingled up in my process hallelujah i am never alone there is somebody with me i hear the song right that decrees i've got somebody with me to see give me someone jesus my heavy lord i feel respectful god a female preaching coming out i feel his presence when his arms roll me every passing day and i know it greatly all the way somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah believe us believe us joseph might have been sold into slavery but he was saved in the arms of a divine god he might have been separated from his earthly father but his heavenly father i was very much present in the very egypt that he was you can see how much car how much control the lord has by looking at the actions of the people that involved in this account jose brothers the ishmaelite traders and potiphar were all serving your own selfish interests his brothers wanted to get rid of joseph and his dreams because he was a dreamer believers can i tell us something that sometimes we have to be careful when we fear our face and we we have to be careful of who we see our dreams with because we have some inch man we have some dream killers sitting right down inside you in your family they just want your idea to run with it but today i ask god to release some destiny help us to carry you on your way show some in your church i gotta [Music] give me some more and these monitors here somebody praise the lord hallelujah praise the name of the lord hallelujah even though even though the ishmaeli traders and joseph brothers and potiphar oh god had their own selfish interests his brothers wanted to get rid of him as i said before because he was a dreamer the israelites were out for a prophet a potiphar was just looking for a good deal on a slave hallelujah they have all they could not see that they were unintentionally accomplishing the purpose of god on your life on his life come on church you don't need to worry when people tell you you don't need to worry when they stab you in the back come on church of god you don't need to worry when they betray you you don't need to worry when they walk out and you some people have to leave your life on me you are pushing me into my destiny you are pushing me into my destiny what the enemy [Music] jesus oh god almighty glory to god [Music] oh do i have to worship my house do i have five people who understand what i'm saying here that some people delight on you hallelujah and you cry your eyeball out you said all wicked there you said of course the human side of you would have retaliated because we are emotional beings but guess what church as of today when they tell lie on you tell them to tell somebody because when they tell life it pushes you on your knees to pray and the closer i get to almighty god the more i see the glory of a soon-coming king come on church come on church come and believe us there is power on your life there is anointing that has been released upon your life [Music] [Music] the accident the accident should have killed you gunman should have get rid of a long time sickness prayer warrior forget your long time but look lift your hand up to get to the heavens and until the devil can't kill the devil can't kill i wish i had some people here radical people the devil can't kill the devil can't kill the devil can kill what god has a day to live [Music] hey holy ghost let me run on here quickly [Music] spirit of the living god glory to god almighty somebody wave your hand in the atmosphere i feel a presence in the air i feel something in here glory to god so let me talk to us a little bit more thank you so much why the events of joseph lives appear before appear to be out of control they were actually being controlled by god you see joseph was being protected by the lord notice how god protected him church i protected him by his presence first verse 13 chapter 39 says the two says at the present god was with joseph when he protected him from beating a bitter spirit there is no hint that joseph was angry about his difficulties he's surrounded even he is surrounded even his hardship and the prayer and not just all white but from the spirit but by god's prophet god the dreams god gave joseph in genesis 39 1 5-11 were not off track come on church and they were being fulfilled they are in god in god's timing and in god's way i am sure church those dreams sustained joseph during the dark days of his enslavement sometimes when we go through some rough practice in life hallelujah we often wonder and ask god about about the dreams and the purposes of our lives what i want to remind us today that before every victory there has to be a fight before every healing there has to be a sickness before every deliverance there has to some of you are going through those things right now what god is going to come through for you we have been promised god's presence all god almighty or hebrews 13 and verse 5 says let your conversation without consciousness but be content with such saying if he has or for he has said i will never leave you not forsake you matthew 28 verse 26 teaching them to observe all things that i god has commanded you and lo i will be with you always even unto the end of this world somebody praise god we have the help or that we have his help to deal with our past our problems and our pain of today but you know we do not have to become bitter angry and unforgiving we can display a sweet spirit somebody praise almighty god you are not going to die your visions your dreams your aspirations everything that you sow desire god shall bring them to power oh god somebody shot hallelujah [Music] glory to god hallelujah we have god's promise we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them were called uh according to his purpose romans 8 verse 28 a lot of a lot of what happened in our life sisters and brothers does not make any good sense or nothing good come out he doesn't mix it doesn't make any sense to us i does not change the fact that god is not in control everything that happens to us god is a will hallelujah to god obedience to god may lead us into some troubles into some crosses this proved true in the light of joseph that this was true isaiah 53 and verse 10 tells us that yet it pleased the lord to prove him he had put into grief and when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall be his seed and he shall prolong his days and the pleasures of the lord shall grasp in his heart somebody praise god somebody praise god you shall not die you shall live to declare the work of almighty god it doesn't matter what you're going through it doesn't matter the pit that you are placing god shall get you out of it it's a temporary place that's not your permanent position it's a stepping stone to where god is getting ready to take you [Music] [Music] the lord in the house [Music] hallelujah is coming true for you today it's coming true for you today it's coming true for you today you are not leaving this house the same way you came i dare you to priest god oh god all power is given unto me in heaven you shall not be in this house the same way that you came you might came through those stores broken process oppressed all kind of weirdos depress what god says to tell you that if you praise me i will lift those burdens i will lift those burdens youtube worshipers those who want more fm wherever you are located right now whatever you're going through friend not myself because i even do us we now be now envious by the workers of iniquity for their child soon because for the hand of the lord is upon your life god jeremiah says call on god and he will answer you and show you great and mighty things somebody praise god praise god you are coming out what that creature doing to god hallelujah to god hallelujah your boy is going to be free the boy is going to be free hallelujah dry your patience mother dry up your tears and just begin to worship god hallelujah weeping may endure for at night for joy somebody point at your neighbor and declare over their lives joy is coming in the morning hallelujah the devil can't kill you the devil can't stop what god is doing shout out [Music] some of you all you can see is the problems [Music] all you can see is the negativity that surround your situation all you can see is the hand of the devil doubling up in your life and you are saying to yourself god how comes i'm praying all comes i'm fasting all comes i'm throwing my tight all comes i'm trying to walk the straight and narrow away but yet still the enemy is tearing my family apart but yet still it seemed that if i'm about to lose my job it seems that if my boy he's about to be locked up in prison he's seen that if my i spend so much honor he's about to be pregnant somebody needs to worship somebody god is coming through for you [Music] you shall not die you shall not die declare to somebody else you shall not die come on the church come on a church come on a church lose something in here lose something in here lose something in the air some of us don't understand that the enemy had a death warrant over our life of our family over our marriage over our sons and daughters of our job we need to decline it in the atmosphere you shall die [Music] i wish i had a church somebody praise the lord [Music] jesus christ musician help me help me help me help me somebody has been believing right now hallelujah [Music] praise god praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord the brother the brothers of joseph thought that they were doing harm in their eyes they thought that they were doing harm to god's servant but literally they know that they were only pushing him into the place where god destined for him to go yeah when some people ridicule you walked oh daniel drag your name on the street allow you to feel less than a person sometimes you are saying god look on me trust the individual yeah look on me look at me look on me help this person but they must do what they did because you there was not a part of god's future plan for your life [Music] hallelujah let me run on here let me run on here hallelujah let me run on here joseph god protected joseph not just that but god prospered joseph when joseph arrived in egypt he no longer had his court of many colors believers he may have lost his code there he stayed but he still have the faith of god on his life some battles you and i engaged in my god almighty and sometimes we lose some things some people drop out of life some people who we thought that was so helpful to us that we thought that was that would that they would channel at the presence of god but they are no longer in your life just like joseph here yes the court signifies a favor but it was not just that the fame of god was unjust in life it was not wrapped up in his court the presence of almighty god wasn't joseph life joseph gave to all that jacob gave joseph the court which symbolized his position in the family he was marked it marked him as an overseer it marked him as a head like the family he marked him as the one who is in charge of all things he marked him as a human authority joseph authority did not come from the room his authority choir came from god promotion does not come from promote son yes there are things that my point towards that but a real authentic promotion comes from almighty god so it doesn't matter what the enemy do it doesn't matter what the enemy tries they can't stop what god is getting ready to do in your life hallelujah i've been set up for something great i've been set up for something huge and been set up for something magnificent and been set up for something extraordinary somebody praise god somebody praise god somebody worship almighty god [Music] the court that joseph got from his father it might it was it was pointing it was actually fulfilling his future purpose what he was destined to be what he was destined to call to do strength of god sometimes we get no one there we get a glimpse of what god has called us to do hallelujah and when that reveals it upset people people don't understand they can't understand the mysteries that surround your life but let me tell you something last church you are going to go through hell and high waters you are going to go through fire prison but guess what the hand of god the heart of god the hand of god [Music] the hand of god the hand of god the hand of god hallelujah the hand of god that's why when the doctor gave you two weeks to live he could not come to pass because the hand of god that's why when god didn't get you you couldn't die the hand of god that's why when they said blue at your house the hand of god when they send also the spirit of your family the hand of god when they send demons to possess you the hand of god someone i wish i had a church i wish i had a church somebody lose me in this house [Music] she can't know my sakayah why the hand of god the hand of god the hand of god mommy the hand of god the hand of god the hand of god is upon your life you should have been dead you could have been dead you should be wiped out you should have been dead wrapped up in great clothes but tell your neighbour no wet one [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah foreign [Music] jesus come with me and come with me jesus god will be going to go with me every shackles foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] almighty god hallelujah god almighty god oh god somebody pray for me hallelujah somebody prayed for me hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah glory to the most high god hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] i declare it loose now you're not registered you're not ready for this ready for me today whatever title that has been hold up [Music] hallelujah my god almighty god almighty god hey [Music] glory to god almighty god [Music] be lord glory glory glory glory [Music] god hallelujah [Music] [Music] that you have gotten from a doctor but god says to tell you who is it [Music] hallelujah jesus will you believe glory to god will you believe the report of the lord [Music] [Music] night to god let me run out of my message jesus sit down sit down sit down please sit down jesus [Music] don't leave today without god touching you there is something that you came here for jesus you are not here by chance it was divinely orchestrated for you to be here you better not leave until god hallelujah glory to god glory to god almighty god [Music] ah [Music] i set you free by the power [Music] stand up on your feet i'm gonna turn your situation [Music] [Music] even though there's a fresh anointing coming for you jesus with a fresh glow jesus coming for your woman of god there's a soul in your belly that terrorize the dark force is wrong here [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus fasting with the church [Music] fire the holy ghost loose in your life in the name of jesus hallelujah receive him now in the name of jesus hallelujah your violation changes your thoughts shall change your hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] i want to walk to that door and walk back to this door for me three times the gun is about to do something in your life there is something in your life that god is going to break loose holy ghost [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hallelujah try and finish this thing glory to god [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa [Music] day [Music] sector street holy ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] more [Music] your pit [Music] is not your final destination it's a stepping stone to real god wants you to be the bible said that god prospered joseph what if the lord says when your ways please god come on come on come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god so even though joseph lost he's caught while he was being terrorized by his siblings and by the trailers the favor of god was not separated from him [Music] but the bible said greater is in you [Music] than he that is coming against you [Music] let me just run on with this thing [Music] hallelujah oh god when joseph arrived in egypt sisters and brothers there were several things that he could have done he was in a pagan place a place that was infested with all kinds of gods [Music] but joseph stood first [Music] held down to the god that he knew the bible said when possible when he ended up in potiphar's house what if i recognize god on his life that is the reason why the enemy is fighting you so hard [Music] sometimes you don't have anything to do with it it's the god that is on your life that he does not like that he wants to get rid of so if it means that if he had to get rid of you to get rid of the god in you then he will do it church ah hallelujah but the god that is in me and you will not allow the enemy to prepare somebody praise him somebody praise him the bible said that while joseph was there and potiphar saw the fame of god on him but he forgave him a promotion yes [Music] whatever gave joseph a promotion maybe he thought that he was losing joseph maybe he thought that he was he had this little sleep boy in his house but little did he know sometimes believers the reason why some people is blessed is because of you the reason why some people is still alive it's because of you the bible said that joseph everything he touches was blessed coming to church and the departing property [Music] lift you up as a favor result my life i don't look like what i've been through i don't look like what i've been through my sister there are some things that i've gone through in this life that should have caused me another three years that you have caused me to eat out of garbage pain that you have caused me to lose my mind that should let me look like broke down and proper right that you made me look like somebody i know that nobody wants to see but because the hand of god was upon my life i don't look like the hell that i've gone through shout out hallelujah hallelujah i did not go through it by myself i need to go through the hell by myself i enjoyed the picture by myself for the angels like the lord and your better learn about me shelter under the shadows of the almighty god i will say and the lord is my refuge and my fortress my god [Music] so the bible said that everything that's particularly [Music] the moment joseph stepped on the scene green pasture appears what the bible says he lead me besides the waters huh green pastures appear life comes into existence where they were buriness the womb giveaway oh lord god where there was pregnancy i went all in there sometimes sometimes your very present presence give up some stuff that some people sit down in long time but because the anointed because the fame of god is resonated on your life the moment you walk into an atmosphere the very atmosphere has got to respond to your presence you don't even [Music] how do you know this the bible said that when jesus went over on the other side there was a process and immediately he began to call jesus son of david without [Music] i'm almost finished i'm almost finished i'm almost finished i'm almost finished it's not that sometimes you wonder how you survive in certain atmosphere and certain workplaces sometimes even yourself surprises yourself because knowing you the way you would have reacted to certain things you don't react to it anymore come on the church what am i talking to here and so because god at hand is not on your life you begin to view things different your perspectives change your mood change your attitude change trousers did not respond [Music] i'm gonna mess up some of something right now when joseph was there things were flowing now his destiny is becoming more clearer and clearer because from the get-go he was born as a leader from from the from the get-go from the genesis he was born to lead and so every position he got into he was in a leading position [Music] when he got the vision he was leading his family even his mother and father in one of the dream that he had bowed down to him come on the church when he got to particular split he was blessed to be in charge so tell some people it's not bad because you don't have anything to do with it it is all about god [Music] because in truth and in fact sister does it if it was law if it was a love to you alone you have run from it you never bought it you have shown it many of us in this room are running from some position and god is going to stop him in the church so he was in the leader leadership position from the genesis he was there and so while he was there sorry while he was there minding his own business and doing carrying out his duty here comes the devil while he was busy occupied with work but if i said to him one placement i'll give you run one person i don't give you charge over that's my wife and it was a devil that got into her joseph went into the house the woman asked him to lay with him loss entered her heart and she began to describe joseph but you know what held joseph joseph said how can i do such thing and sin against the god that has been keeping me over these years oh god oh jesus he held on to his integrity the devil pops up and he said the blood of jesus somebody needs to look at it there's a devil not today [Music] not today never not today resist the enemy and he will flee from you hallelujah joseph no flee from the presence of mrs spotiful god almighty when you believe you are out of one trouble here comes another yes because because because joseph ran yes but something was left behind yes the evidence is caught was in the hand of particle's wife jesus christ look at the name i said your setup [Music] what the enemy meant for evil hallelujah from the beach to prison i never i'm going there i'm going there going there i'm going there i'm going near church [Music] follow me run left his coat behind and then because the devil did not have his way he began to scandalize he began to accuse bring accusation against the man of god in the physical church joseph he's destined for prison you can't tell the judge you weren't there because the evidence is there to tell that you are with her so it's her words against joseph hallelujah but all of this church god was in control it was definitely orchestrated by god hallelujah can i preach in this house can i preach in this house can i preach in this house some of you some of you excuse me you need to close your mouth don't defend yourself let god fight your battles for your my viewers some of you have been blocking god from fighting your battle because you are doing it yourself [Music] let the plan of god take precedence so the woman cried out and said maybe in dominican term she would bother for real and she you know we know how emotional woman can be come on ladies she might start crying lord god joseph no was in trouble again he was in trouble once more come on tell the neighbor this is the last one come on this is the last one come on this is the last bottle this is the last one this is the last one but the church don't get it yet hallelujah potiphar came on the scene i know was infured cause the man that he left in charge mess with his property that he placed no trespassing on potiphar is going to believe the words of his wife and even if she did not say anything the court is there to is the other evidence as a proof that you were in the house the bible said that joseph was now thrown into prison oh lord god almighty innocent man was now in prison how many of you have been accused how many of you in this house have been accused yes you might be at the place when the thing happened but it doesn't mean that you are part of what took place [Music] the devil can't stop what god have in store the devil can't stop what god have in store the bible said your gift shall make room for you and bring you in front of great men come on the church come on a church come to the church come on the church hallelujah [Music] so god protected him god prospered him and then god promoted [Music] why joseph was in prison trial and all magicians astrologers palm readers witchcraft workers everybody who could look and see into the future interpreters but god gave him a dream come on come on come on believe next to the king is mine the seed next to the king is yours they see next to the king is yours you need to declare that believers the bible said why joseph was in prison there were some people that were there from the king's place from the king's inner circle there was a bought land there with a beacon here hallelujah the bible said that god gave fear of god got a dream but hero could not sleep he could not interpret the dreams because god blocked the interpretation of all the astrologers of all the interpreters of all the witchcraft workers all those people who wanted only working force for fear when god is getting ready to take you out and when god is getting ready to promote you he will block some things he will command the sun to stand still he will park the red fear he will fall monetary he will command trout to take the land so that you can be promoted hallelujah glory to god can i preach in this house so the bible said that well he could not understand he was disturbed and the bible said that hallelujah hallelujah the dream was interpreted and the bible said one of the man came out and said easily and told joseph that he's gonna tell the king about him and you know he forgot let me tell you something i told you before that promotion does not come from man god don't want anybody to help the process if god is enough to take you through whatever problem you are going through in the pit in nepali in the prison and i'm getting ready to start with the church i'm getting ready to take my seat next to the king promotion is yours these lures i stopped by to tell montague appear that you shall not go through one more hardship disappointment you are coming out of that situation god shall and invade you lift your heart and shout elevation shout promotion [Music] [Music] yes you have some setbacks yes you had some hole back yes you had some some terrible times what takes [Applause] back oh lord god you suffer what god says it's your time man think about it it's your time your palace is weird you are going i'm not staying the creation is not [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah glory to god [Music] it's your time lift your hands and declare it it's my time too long [Music] been hold up set back push back [Music] sabotage blocked [Music] that healing is yours that that that western union phone call is yours monday why that 500 u.s that you're supposed to get none of your satori that thousand euros that supposed to be sent to you from last year i release it upon you [Music] in closing i don't know [Music] what you have been through and going through at the moment all of what joseph went through before he got to the palace looks like it was a war fear and not god's will are you following the church yes some of us would have would have rebelled walked out on god pack up our belongings how could god allow me to go to prison and god knows that i am innocent you are being set up for a promotion [Music] look at the name as a neighbor i said you i've been set up [Music] for a promotion the boss has been walking around you [Music] promote people who are less qualified than you [Applause] you're sending applications so many times you have sending requests so many times and people who just who came in after you got promotion and it looks as if you are still stuck tell your neighbor today if you have enough faith to receive a church it will be yours bible said if you have a fear as small as a mustache seed whatever you command to move it shall be moved jesus said if you ask of me believing whatever you ask i shall give it [Music] somebody praise god shout hallelujah [Applause] [Music] as i came to live lift your hands with me i'm done my youtube viewers all over the world more fm take away mandeville cross the length and breadth of this country and those who will view later on i declare a promotion across the ear waves i command the atmosphere to carry it ah god somebody praise god no man all the way in the united states i command the ear wheels to carry this chandelier [Music] your boy shall be free your husband shall be loosed from that drinking appetite oh god almighty you shall no longer be abused by that man i command that spirit to go now in the name of jesus the blood of jesus somebody help me here the blood of jesus is against it you sexual perversion i arrest you in the spirit i take authority i tried you out in the name of jesus lift your hands church [Music] i'm giving you 40 seconds i don't know which position you are at but one thing that was sure in the text is that the presence of the lord was with joseph i give you 40 seconds to tell god whatever you need right now whatever prison cell you might be in you might in but not be a physical but emotionally you are there you want to be happy but you can't you want to trust that person but you can't because of past experience financial prison educational prison every time you attempt to do a particular subject or course you fail it you can't go you can't pass it but i declare over your life failure is not an option criminal your marriage is on the verge but i lose the joy of the lord in it right now peace of god shall engulf that marriage you shall not be separated tell god tell god church tell him tell him generational curse has been plaguing your family and it looks as if it's about to creep upon you [Music] foreign [Music] that door that you keep on bump into and you're asking the lord how long will you take to open this door i command it to be open now in the name of jesus it is your time the promotion is now are you ready church do you have enough faith to receive this father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh lord you know where we are located through waterloo father every single individual both online radio and in the physical space father i call you in the name of jesus i ask you god to deliver every single person who is ready to receive from your hands right now will you oh god might manifest yourself in this house in jesus name somebody say amen lift your hand with me just begin to praise him for it yeah yeah yeah come with the musician come with me commently comment me i lose you now i lose you now yes you will [Music] [Music] open your mouth and praise the church let the fire of almighty god loose you shall go back the same way you came i command you to be free yes yes yes yes yes take that worship a little bit [Music] take that worship and leave him it's higher he's coming through right now he's coming through right now somebody praise the lord [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus open the floodgates [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let it rain [Music] [Music] is giving time [Music] break [Music] [Music] [Music] play me softly [Music] we are going to worship in our giving the world has already gone forth [Music] and i believe that god has blessed our hearts today for those who are on youtube or online there was even more fm those who are listening and you want to sow a seed in the kingdom of god you can go on spur open dot com the church account church bns account is one two zero zero one four that's one two zero zero one four [Music] if you are in the virtual space i'm gonna ask you to find an offering take it out and hold it in your hands hallelujah those who are in the physical space i'm going to ask you to stand please [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] could you bow your heads with me [Music] better yet come with that offering i'm just gonna pray for the emblems [Music] is is is is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] prior team to scatter yourself around the emblems [Music] and those who can lay hands on them go ahead and lay hands on them [Music] for the final time i'm going to ask the church to just point their hands [Music] at these [Music] hallelujah praise the name of the lord [Music] when israel out of bondage came a sea before them laid the lord reached down his mighty hand roll the sea away eternal god and father the giver of life and the one who can take it away father we stand in this house your tabernacle the place where you dwell god we have some emblems oh god on this table right here lord you said we should make our request known unto you god olive oils prayer requests handbooks water bottles all that passport pictures oh god almighty ah all sorts of things on this ultra holy spirit i pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that god you will lift up your hands of god your blood still kneel prince hand and plastic upon everything and this table almighty god i pray that you will lose every door you will lose every trap come with the prayer warriors we lay hands on death we lift the passport we lift the papers we lift the pictures millions of persons who are written up on the papers god we summon heaven today and we said deliverance breakthrough perform miracles perform breach we lose them now sickness in the body we lose it hallelujah jump release it hallelujah girl and this appointment will lose it devil the blood of jesus is against every forces everything that you're set up against the people of god we call for miracles somebody say yes lord yes lord somebody say yes lord yes lord somebody say yes lord yes lord somebody said do it again god somebody said do it again god set me free lord let give somebody a victory testimony give somebody a victory testimony lose the land people lose the holy spirit lose the punk lord god somebody else in this house we set them free in the name of jesus hallelujah god glory to god the offering that has been collected oh god from the hands of your children will you sanctify it in the name of jesus will you bless it will you pour out blessings upon blessings lord son of the might given oh god the witness might so have given sacrificially some have given out of nothing god will you return bless them in the name of jesus pour out a blessing god that they will not have room to contain it i release i open ah that might i prophesy promotion healing breakthrough hallelujah somebody said do it again holy ghost clap your hands and shone victory in this house in jesus name [Music] in the name of jesus god bless you hallelujah thank you so much for having me glory to god jesus name we worship jesus hallelujah hallelujah put your hands together for reverend anderson put your hands together for the church of god hallelujah hallelujah glory glory glory glory hallelujah god always son of man for the time and for the season and for the people of god to know hallelujah that he will take you through the wilderness the storm clouds he will take you through because he have purpose for your life as he has done for joseph hallelujah the lord bless you my brethren hallelujah glory to god the praising will be coming with a closing hymn hallelujah lord to god hallelujah hear the blessed savior just call in the oppressed o every lady [Music] bring me everybody oh [Music] [Music] is is [Music] as we point our hands to the man of god as we ask god's coverage over his servant holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah mighty god mighty deliverer we thank you for the word of god we thank you for your servant that you have sent to us lord to deliver the word of god hallelujah hallelujah lord jesus many of us this afternoon i've seen ourselves as joseph lord but help us not to quit because there is purpose for the people of god and you shall live glory hallelujah god the devil tried to kill us lord but god ordained us to live we're going to live to declare the word of god cover your servant jesus one more time holy ghost touch his lips lord for another word jesus to deliver to your people react mighty god for his families for his ministry oh glory to god hallelujah coverage blood coverage lord jesus over the servant of the most high god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth mighty god all praise all glory our lord belong it unto you god almighty we receive as we believe the virtual church they receive as they believe and all the declaration that has placed over their lives this evening we believe lord we shall receive hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah with our hands raised to heaven hallelujah and now may the saving grace of our lord and our savior jesus christ the love of god the father the full fellowship and communion of the holy spirit of god no rest remain and abide with us all your people hallelujah now and forevermore all of god's people say amen and amen god bless you as you keep praying if it's will for us to be back here one more time oh god even before next wednesday may the lord had his richest blessing to our hearts as we continue to pray and pray for our leaders in jesus name hallelujah you can visit to the
Channel: The Montego Bay New Testament Church of God
Views: 11,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5KPIvLqrtSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 292min 26sec (17546 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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