Deliverance Fasting Service || Wednesday February 9, 2022

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah we bless the name of the lord this morning hallelujah we exalt the king of kings and the lord of lords we exhort the concurrent land of the tribe of judah we exalt the one who sits on the throne and the lamb forevermore this morning great is his faithfulness this morning we serve a great big wonderful god who is always victorious a god that is always watching over us this morning we bless the holy name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on virgin shout hallelujah in the sanctuary this morning help me to welcome the sweet holy spirit you know i miss this morning we welcome you holy ghost we welcome your spirit of the living god you know that we can't do nothing without you we can't even walk without you holding around this morning shout hallelujah hallelujah the highest praise we will worship the lord we will worship the lord we are intentional gate with thanksgiving and into god's praise we are thankful to you this morning and we bless your name for your being good to us sir you brought us from our mighty mighty mighty long way all the sanctuary said we have come this far by faith leaning on the lord hallelujah and you'll never fail us glory to the most high god what a god we serve this morning what a mighty god we serve this morning welcome holy spirit welcome holy spirit welcome holy spirit we can't do nothing without you we can't do nothing without you but the very breath that we breathe belongs to you this morning a pleasant morning to you our virgin and friends glory to the name of the lord this is a day that the lord hath made and we will rejoice and be glad in it this morning we say good morning to you all youtubers this morning more fema hallelujah we are here today hallelujah to have a great time in the lord we are here today hallelujah so fast in his presence hallelujah to the most high god to be seated at his feet this morning hallelujah come on shall we bless the name of the lord hallelujah shall we bless the name of the lord hallelujah from his table this morning come on bridge and this table is brother hallelujah to the most i cannot prepare this morning hallelujah come in come in and feast this morning hallelujah oh god come in and dwell in his presence this morning blessed be the name of the lord [Music] we worship you this morning jesus we worship this morning come and shout hallelujah shout hallelujah hallelujah lord to the name of the lord if you have a hindu now you can find all hail the power of jesus name we're gonna bring it out this morning blessed be the name of the lord glory to the most high god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus i will bless the lord at all times this praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make our boss in the lord and humble the near death here there are family glad come on and mark they fight the lord with us this morning blessed be the name of the lord lord to god the power of jesus name let intel frustrate fall letting death straightforward [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is this morning [Music] my [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] this morning [Music] do you have some more praise do you have some more worship to crown the king of kings and the lord of lords the conquering line of the tribe of judah the god that never changed hallelujah this morning hallelujah we will come to crown this morning lord god we're going to throw down our royal dialect before you respond almighty god hallelujah jesus but you have been good to us god has been good to us brethren he brought us my mighty mighty language and the main fact that we are here this morning oh god we should give him praise we shall give him han and glory because many have passed and gone through the night but we are still here another chance to praise him another chance to lift him up this morning come and shout hallelujah hallelujah shout out hallelujah shout the lord our highest praise are praising the sanctuary glorious we honor you this morning jesus we honor you this morning almighty god hallelujah hallelujah you're going to access our rosa testimony to come now with the devotion hallelujah jesus we bless the name of the lord [Music] glory to god we give a praise jesus hallelujah we worship jesus we worship jesus [Music] we worship hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah great is the lord and greatly shall be praised in the city of our god in the mountain of his holiness beautiful for situation is the joy of the whole earth is mount zion on the side of the north the city of the great king i greet you in the name of jesus hallelujah those who are watching us and listening to us hallelujah i greet you hallelujah in the name of jesus god is a good god and we are here this morning again to lift up the name of jesus at this time we will be having our devotional exercise hallelujah and we will be singing the hymn 269 hallelujah since jesus came into my heart and praised him at this lord the most i god we worship with jesus hallelujah we bless the name of the lord [Music] since jesus came into my heart in my soul [Music] like a [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] jesus came into my heart jesus came into my heart [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus came into my heart [Music] is [Music] is [Music] to my heart what a wonderful change shall we bless the lord let me hear you praise him again jesus makes the difference in our lives this morning glory to the most high god hallelujah this time we'll be having our scripture reading and it will come to us from acts chapter 9 verses 1 to 15. i'll read while you follow and solid breathe breathing threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the lord went unto the high priest and desired him letters to damascus to the synagogue that if he found any of this way whether they were men or women he might bring them bound to jerusalem and as he journeyed he came near damascus and suddenly there shunned a light around about him from heaven and he fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him saul saul why persecutors thou me and he said who art thou lord and the lord said i am jesus whom thou persecute us it is hard to kick against the pricks and he trembling and astonished said lord what will thou have me to do and the lord said unto him arise and go into the city and it shall be told thee what thou must do and the men which journeyed with him stood speechless hearing a voice but seeing no man and saul arose from the earth and when his eyes were opened he saw no man but they led him by the hand and brought him into damascus and he was three days without sight and neither eat nor drink and there was a certain disciple at damascus named ananias and to him said the lord in a vision ananias and he said behold i am here lord and the lord said unto him arise and go into the street which is called straight and inquire in the house of judas judea for one called saul of tal of of tarsus for behold he prays and he had seen in a vision a man named ananias coming into him and putting his hand on him that he might receive his sight and ananias answered lord i have heard many by many of this man how much evil he hath done to thy saints at jerusalem and there he had authority from the chief priest to bind all that called on thy name fifteenth and last but the lord said unto him go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me to to bear my name before the gentiles and kings and children of israel this is a portion of god's holy word we honor it by saying amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of jesus at this time we'll be doing a prayer on behalf of the nation we will be praying for this nation the word of god said if my people which are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven i will forgive their sins and i will heal their land this is the word of god he stands on the promises of his word and what he says is yea and amen i'm going to ask you to stand to your feet this morning and i'm going to ask also ask the youtube worshipers and those who are listening to us on more fm whatsoever platform you are engaged in this service this morning i am going to ask you to help us to go to god on the behalf of this nation hallelujah hallelujah he's just the same today he's just the same today [Applause] [Music] [Music] the same today [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] in the name of jesus christ your son we come to you this morning we exalt and magnify your name we praise you almighty god for who you are and whose we are this morning we thank you almighty god that your mercy endured forever we thank you this morning father that you have brought us into your house once more and as we come this morning oh god we ask that you'll wash us afresh in your blood cleanse our hearts from every inward sin and carnal weakness creating us a clean heart oh god andering your right spirit within us this morning that as we enter into your presence mighty god oh god our prayers will touch heaven this morning we pray this morning god that as we bow in your presence you will touch us individually for we need a touch from you almighty god as we stand o god almighty on behalf of this nation oh god we ask this morning that he will intervene on our behalf so many times we have failed you so many times we have sinned against you but god you have mercy on upon us had it not been for your mercy and your grace where would we be this morning it is not the good deeds that we have done but it's because of your mercy that is keeping us up oh god somebody said your mercy kept us sir oh god you pick up back the broken pieces time and time again and you mend them back together even though we have strayed from your presence your mercy is everlasting and your truth endure to all generation i pray this morning god that you will have mercy upon our nation this morning in the nation we have failed you but we repent this morning god oh god almighty we repent of our sins this morning god we repent o god we repent oh god almighty in the name of jesus we repent we repent oh god we please this morning father the prime minister and his team oh god almighty we present the opposition and his team lord we present the health sector we present the schools we present the workplace oh god we present everything into your hands this morning oh god almighty we present the security forces into your hands oh god we present them into your hands this morning god have mercy upon us have mercy upon us god have mercy upon us jesus mercy jesus oh god have mercy upon us this morning hallelujah touch the heart of men this morning touch the heart of men this morning touch the heart of your people this morning touch the heart of everyone's seat this morning touched the heart of every black slider this morning many have heard your voice and a heart in between two opinion but this morning god i pray for a mighty revival of souls in this nation god i pray this morning god that you will torture from king's host to arms also i pray god that there will be a move of your mighty hand in this nation that men and women boys and girls will come to know you for themselves oh god oh god this morning jesus touch the heart for it is from the heart commit everything god hallelujah and when you touch the heart you touch the mind touch the spirit oh god touch the body touch the sword for it belong to you jesus render every power powerless this morning cut and clear the way for your people almighty god jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus you have walked this earth oh god you have been through many communities you have been through many islands god almighty this morning god touch us jesus adorable jesus relieve your anointing release your anointing upon this nation god oh god bring back this near shot to where you wanted jesus oh god almighty oh god almighty jesus nothing is hid from you but this morning there is mercy mercy mercy have been granted to us we place the nation and a hole into your hands we pray god for the ministers of the gospel that are spreading the word of god throughout this nation god we pray that as they stand in your presence that your anointing will be upon their lives that as you your word mighty god go through the airways it will go straight to the heart of your people this morning and men and women will turn and begin to serve you almighty god we realize that your coming is near at hand oh god one day you shall burst the eastern sky to give every man according as his work shall be oh god many are occupied doing their own thing but this morning god i pray that you will help them to stop and take a look at themselves and turn almighty god jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus touch down this morning touch down one more time jesus send your angels this morning he never perished god in every community god in every district god in every year god to deliver and to set free your people have your way holy ghost have your way holy spirit because it is not by might nor by power but by my spirit said the lord we thank you lord for what you have done we thank you for what you are doing and we thank you for what you're about to do in this nation and we give you thanks again in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah glory to the most high god come on shall we bless the name of the lord this morning shall we exalt the name of the lord this morning and shout hallelujah this morning give the lord the highest praise this morning we are thankful to god this morning hallelujah that we the bible says we should not be anxious for nothing but in everything in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let our request be made known unto him and this morning we come into his sanctuary holiday with our prayers of suffocation and thanksgiving this morning and we are letting our request be made known unto him hallelujah we're going to top it up with our praise and our worship this morning come on shall we bless the name of the lord glory to the most like god hallelujah i just want to welcome you all in the century this morning hallelujah to the most high god there's a blessing awaits you as long as you lift up the praise hallelujah we welcome our worshipers and more fm hallelujah and on youtube we welcome you this morning hallelujah just praise the lord with us sir and let the blessings flow hallelujah when i say special welcome to cinderella over there in florida this is a gene church over there in england invalid and stacy over there in canada hallelujah where i want to thank god for them god has placed them in my life at such a time as this and i just want to give god thanks for them this morning come and shout hallelujah shout out hallelujah lord to god sister pat over there in canada and sister charmaine and brother tommy god bless you this morning glory to god come on shall we bless the name of the lord shall we bless the name of the lord this morning glory to the most high god we're gonna have our intercessory power and we're gonna pray against obscurage in crime and violence hallelujah families in mourning glory to the most sight god hallelujah to the most and as we pray we're going to press as we pray we're going to press on the upright way and we're gonna gain new heights every day and we're gonna pray as we onward bound this morning hallelujah despite the situation that fears us we're gonna let the enemy keep us down but we're gonna press on this morning is that an amen is that an amen lord the most high god i'm preaching on the upward [Music] i [Music] me [Music] [Music] i oh [Music] is [Music] me [Music] i want to live i oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] bye [Music] god oh oh [Music] one [Music] into the house of the lord all because of his goodness and mercy and to give him thanks i want to take time out to greet you wonderful viewers those in read along and more effort was always been a part of this fast and i want to agree to all in the blessed name of jesus christ surely praise the lord praise my my task this morning is to pray for the ob sort of crime and violence and also family in mourning i want to take us to a scripture first timothy chapter 2 it said and i exhaust therefore that first of all suffocation prayers intercession and giving of thanks be made for all men for kings and for all that are in our charity that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty surely praise the lord praise god this is a monster that we are facing in our country jamaica upgrade of crime and violence and we all this morning to take interest and be a part come on board this morning and those in ready land come on board with us this morning i'm asking even those in the congregation let it all stand the same i want to ask the praise him to join us with lord i need you i lord i love you lord i need you i need you in the middle of the night you're the one that can fix the things that are not right can you think one or two [Music] in times middle of the night i was lost [Music] you're the one who brings me [Music] lord i need you in the middle of the night i was lost without you [Music] let us all pray holy lord lord almighty giving fine this morning we praise him lord almighty david said oh god in psalm 61 said hear my cry o god and attend unto my prayer lord we come to cry out from sheila telling this morning lord that they said hear my cry oh lord and attendant to my prayer say from the end of the earth will i cry unto thee when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the iraq that is ironic lord we come to you as a right this morning oh god not the work of the developer but lord god use this solid that cannot move this morning lord our country in trouble objective crime and violence lord we have child government have tried but oh god almighty there is no solution but i will stand this morning oh god we know that you have the answer you have the solution this morning oh god almighty so they said hear my cry oh lord and i turn unto my prayer from the end of the earth will i cry unto thee lord when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is iron my god this rack is so solid oh god so we come this morning to praise you this morning oh god almighty lord we have to take control of our country again to observe that crime and violence may not have been desperately wicked oh god almighty we need a touch we need a turn in this country oh god almighty lord there's so much oh god blood i've been shedding blood i've been crying out from the ground daily god so we cry out this morning god almighty lord your voice that makes a difference when you speak lord i might speak to the fourteen parties this morning speak to this young this morning god when you speak you release your troubling mind god is the only one voice god that makes a difference god and your advice god as my said the dear enough is stronghold in my life god we have to tear down every struggle all over this country struggle of crime and violence and murder lord tear them down by your power this morning your voice makes a difference god requested in psalm 77 so the water saw thee they were saudi i was afraid god almighty oh god instead of death or trouble do something god is a new year god almighty let it be a sheep god and mine in this country again this monster do something for us god almighty cry out this morning god almighty this stripe lord was on that boat god it was a great storm god almighty but you was to sleep god and they wake you up god and said master cannot perish god and you rose up are you rebuked the wind god rebuked this wind this morning this week on crime and violence god and there was a great calm you can be calm this morning you can come to a nation god you can come to jamaica this morning god you can be encountered with smiling this morning you can do it god you the same yesterday today and forever you can do it oh my god hallelujah god you have the key because there's no more in the grave god almighty you can do it you should have initial bow and every tongue shall confess that you is lord do it god almighty this morning do it this morning god almighty god you're ready for your brothership antarctis without even win do it this morning god almighty so the heart of the king is in your hand god that you can turn it at the river's water do it this morning god do it in the police forces god i might do it in parliament do it god do it god will give you thanks have you already know and we leave everything in your hand right on king jesus right on right on the manual right on king of king ryden right then god right down god we give a funk this morning we give you praises god there's no god like you this morning and we give you thanks take control this morning god is in your hand we give thanks in jesus name we worship jesus come and shout out hallelujah hallelujah give the lord the highest praise in the century hallelujah give the lord the highest praise in the century hallelujah hallelujah i know that the lord is not tired of hearing us this morning because his word said that we should pray with our season hallelujah come on shall we bless the name of the lord give the lord the highest praise in the century this morning hallelujah we and the congregation is going to pray i'm going to ask you all to stand we're going to pray for the ministers of health and wellness dr christian christopher toughton we're going to pray for the hospital the field hospitals and frontline workers we're going to pray against the kova 19 virus and the fear of the omnicorn spread we're going to pray for equipment and education and training for the health workers glory to the name of the lord and i'm going to ask this side here hallelujah jesus you're going to pray for dr christopher tifton the mig section these two section it's going to pray for hospitals field hospitals and front line workers that side over there you're going to pray for against covet virus and fear of omni omnicorn strain we on the platform we're gonna pray pray for equipment education training for the health workers we're gonna ask you all to stand we are here to pray hallelujah jesus this is what we are here for power and fasting deliverance fasting so we are here to pray blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah jesus lord to god hallelujah hallelujah look hallelujah glory to the most high god blessed be the name of the lord lord do it again make a way out of nowhere lord i know [Music] you have done it before please do it again [Music] [Music] you have done it before [Music] let us all pray [Music] hallelujah jesus father i stretched my hands to thee nor the help we have god almighty know that we know hallelujah jesus we can't turn to the east or the west nor to the south we turn to you king of kings and lord of lords we turn to you concurrently of the tribe of judah we turn to your man of war the song said mighty man of war land of judah come and do what only you can do this morning in the name of jesus christ of nazareth as we lift up these requests to you this morning we lift up almighty god the minister of health and wellness dr christopher tought them through right now lord god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we ask almighty god to stretch down your bloodstream and right now god and that will touch him almighty god from the crown of his head onto the soul of his feet this morning we ask almighty god for divine wisdom oh god almighty with the situation that fears him day by day lord god in the name of jesus christ wisdom knowledge and understanding almighty god we pray god my first rent in the name of jesus hallelujah we pray god almighty for your leading uh lead him almighty god hallelujah speak to him almighty god hallelujah jesus and direct him in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i pray almighty god that you have to make the right decisions oh god in the name of jesus we pray god almighty for every hospital this morning almighty god every frontline workers oh god i pray god almighty that the blood of jesus christ hallelujah we'll cover them this morning hallelujah from every disease and germs and all god viruses this morning in the name of jesus christ place your seed upon them this morning the blood of jesus christ hallelujah almighty god and protect them almighty oh god from the end of the enemy oh god and i never give them so many of them are tired oh god doctors and nurses almighty god hallelujah jesus i pray god i don't touch them this morning i pray for divine coverage this morning father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we trust you almighty god you said you should not be young just for nothing lord but in everything in parents application with thanksgiving lord god let her make requests be made known unto you your word said that you're perfect that which concerning us almighty god and we ask almighty god at your perfect situation that fears your children almighty god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh god we pray against almighty god because we virus at this time almighty god of our god and the omnicorns treating almighty god we'll pray against it this morning i pray god out of the fire of god and then you'll come down from heaven and burn up and destroy every virus in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the bibles are consuming fire lord god can't do every evil works of the enemy every wickedness almighty god in the name of jesus christ destroy the enemy plan this morning lord of us we call the food this morning in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we geared you this morning a lot of us and the wars of heaven ah come down in almighty we are this morning fight against the words of darkness tear down principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in a high places this morning by the force of darkness almighty god every disease every germs every virus in the name of jesus christ of nazareth mighty god wipe it off on the fears of the earth let the blood of jesus christ purify this hurt almighty god purify the atmosphere oh god almighty purified that i'm not even the rhymes almighty god we trust your word this morning we trust your word this morning you say a word will not return to your voice answer this man we stand on them this morning and we stand on your promises this man almighty god make our world so that you'll never leave us i foresee a cause oh glory to the most i god you said many are the affection of the righteous will deliver us all of them all not so almighty god your words at all and so we trust you this morning we pray god almighty for equipment and education training medical for the health workers we pray almighty god will equip them this morning open up doors after doors of the doors almighty god in the name of jesus christ that they would have the tool to work with almighty god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we give you praise lord we give your honor and we give you glory almighty god and we thank you for hearing our prayers this morning we thank you this man that god almighty that you're manifesting yourself that you're manifesting your presence what might you gonna do god made for us what no other power cannot do this morning in the name of jesus christ of nazareth so we trust the lord god and we stand on your words come on shall we bless the name of the lord shall we exalt the name of the lord this morning come and shout hallelujah the century this morning [Music] a joyful noise [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] this morning jesus we bless your name this morning we're exhausted this morning jesus you are the source of life you are the source of strength you are the bridge of a troubled water come and shout hallelujah shout hallelujah [Music] [Music] world you are god's only son this morning and you are more than enough come on shall we bless the name of the lord shall we exalt the name of the lord hallelujah shall we bless the name of the lord the lord is here and doctor bless us all we have to do is ascend up our praise when we stand up our praise the blessings will come down hallelujah you are born oh you are is [Music] [Music] [Music] you are [Music] you are sure my jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] to come at this time you are more know [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] if he's more than enough let us just lift our hands and worship him let us just magnify the king of kings and the lord of lords hallelujah he's more than enough hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] my god is more than enough hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah i greet you this morning in the mighty name of jesus christ hallelujah first i give a recognition to the father the son and the holy ghost hallelujah i give god thanks for offering me this privilege to stand here this morning hallelujah and to just to share briefly with his people i want to recognize hallelujah our leadership uh pastor or robinson uh not in house at this point but i greet him in his absence i agree to uh reverend uh le paul francis hallelujah and his beautiful wife i greet you well and all the council men and women that are present here today i greet you in the name of jesus christ and everyone that is tuning in hallelujah both in-house and listening on more fm and viewing on youtube i greet you in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this morning i want to share briefly with you and i've been looking uh at first samuel first samuel 21 reading from verse 10 to 12. and then we'll jump over to psalms 34 reading from verse 1 to 2 hallelujah hallelujah first samuel 21 10 to 12 and it reads thus then david arose and fled that day from before saul and went to akish the king of god and the servant of akish said to him is this not david the king of the land did they not sing of him to one another in dances saying saul has slain his thousands and david his ten thousands now david took these words to heart and was very afraid of akish the king of goth now we look at psalms 34 and it reads thus i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make its bows in the lord let the humble hear of it and be glad oh magnify the lord with me come let us exalt his name together hallelujah lord we thank you we praise you we worship you we glorify your name we thank you for your word god your word is a lamp onto our feet light onto our path god i present myself to you even though oh god let it be all of you and none of me our god let your word go forth with power and clarity ah hallelujah let your name be lifted up and your purpose be established in jesus name amen and amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah is there a praise in the house this morning is there a worship in the house this morning hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah we heard of the story of david hallelujah ah where is he's been chased by king saul hallelujah and we see here in first samuel 21 david has reached ropes in if you read from the very beginning of the chapter we are told that david had actually exhausted all the places that he could have hid during this time in respect to saul king saul chasing him because salah swore that he's going to kill him hallelujah but no david who have exhausted all the possible areas in the territories ah that the israelites have occupied nowhere else to turn hallelujah we see david had gone to nod what he did was to start after god it says that david went to the priest he went to priests ah a mimelike hallelujah hallelujah and when he went to the priest hallelujah asked him for food hallelujah the priest actually gave him a holy bread hallelujah gave him holy bread david in choir and said is there anything else that i can get hallelujah and the priest gave him the sword ah goliath sword hallelujah hallelujah and when david got those two things the bible says as you have just read in verse 10 uh to verse 12 that he fled to akish the king of god no this is the very same place where goliath came from but david has nowhere else to go and so he would have when they saw david coming they said but this man must be mad this is a very see a man that killed or or or or or giant and when david went to access because there's nowhere else to turn hallelujah we saw wearing he was afraid he was afraid but this morning i come ah hallelujah to let you know that we serve a god that is able that is all powerful and is able to deliver us he is able to deliver us and so i asked a question are you trusting god where are you going to seek answers david turned to the priests and out of that i believe that he was given strategy he was given a way out so god would have made provision for him when he went into ah to the land of god ah god they would not have killed him firsthand but the strategy the wisdom that david has developed because he had sought god he was able to go into the land of the enemy and they have to be at peace with him they could kill him hallelujah so this morning we see wearing david has written two psalms based on this particular journey our venture psalms 56 and psalms 34. hallelujah but this morning i want to look particularly at psalms 34 i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth hallelujah so when we look at psalms 34 hallelujah here is what david is saying to us hallelujah god will deliver us from our fears when he went to god he was fearful this morning are you fearful we have a god that is able to deliver us from our fear what he says in his word for god has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of us own nine hallelujah hallelujah god can save us from all our troubles hallelujah what trouble are you facing this morning what trouble what situation are you facing this morning god is able to save us from all our troubles here's what the scripture said this poor man cried and the lord heard him and what deliver him from all his troubles hallelujah hallelujah bless the lord bless the lord hallelujah it says that that god and deliver us hallelujah hallelujah god shows his goodness hallelujah he's a good god already situational look but god is a good god and he's able to deliver you from your situation hallelujah hallelujah he's a god that is able to supply your needs hallelujah for my god shall supply all all my needs according to his riches in glory hallelujah so whatever your need is god is able to supply those needs hallelujah hallelujah this morning we're in calling upon the name of god guess what god listens to his people when they call upon him yes amen when you talk to him ah this is a broken and a contrite heart the lord will not despise so when we expose ourselves to him knowing that there is no other god light over god there is nowhere else that we can turn to some trusting horses some trust in chariot but we will remember the name of the lord for the name of the lord is a strong and mighty tower the righteous run into it and they are saying this morning we are in fasting hallelujah calling on our god because we're not serving a dead god he's the true and living god and if we examine the life of david we can see where god is good no better person could have penned oh god about that goodness hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we see where god has redeemed us i am redeemed this morning hallelujah if you are redeemed this morning lift your hands lift your hands if you are redeemed hallelujah you have been bought with a price you have been saved from a life of sin hallelujah this morning you could have been otherwise minded but you're here in fasting calling upon the name of god hallelujah and he will deliver he will come true for you hallelujah hallelujah because the cry of the redeemed hallelujah is not just so hallelujah there's something about the redeem when they cry to their god he will come true he will come to hallelujah but we must seek him and that's what we're doing here in fasting hallelujah we are seeking god we are crying to our god we are trusting our god hallelujah hallelujah we will turn we have turned away from evil hallelujah we have turned away from lying hallelujah hallelujah we are doing good hallelujah and we're seeking the peace amen hallelujah we have humble ourselves hallelujah hallelujah and we're serving god amen so when when when we are anointed and appointed hallelujah hallelujah when we humble ourselves what he will do he will exalt us in due season glory to god just like david david was anointed when the people of god saw him they said isn't this the king of the land no he wasn't the king of the land yet he was just anointed to be king he was not yet king but when you walk with the anointing of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah it is recognizable because that is what they recognize first hallelujah hallelujah so the enemy cannot do us nothing we must walk with our authority and power and no matter what our situation is we must know hallelujah that we trust a god who is able to deliver we can trust a god who is able to heal we can trust a god who is able to set free we can trust a god who is able to break bonds we can trust a god who is able to provide salvation hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god is all powerful and he's always he always act at the right time let me say it again god is all powerful and he always acts at the right time hallelujah is suffering over all your situation hallelujah so this morning i want you to join with me and say i will bless the lord at all times i'm in the hospital but i will bless the lord i mean i have no money but i will bless the lord hallelujah may not feel right and i'm a system but i will bless the lord hallelujah this song can be a problem but i will bless the lord hallelujah may not work it but i will bless the lord hallelujah glory to god because he will come to the right time because his time in an affair with timing so while we wait till we change come like job [Music] it must be personal when they become personal nobody nothing pump you nobody never push you hallelujah andreas hallelujah and the praises god hallelujah hallelujah when we feel powerless god can help us when we feel powerless god can help us his strength can overcome this fear and any penance trial and we can always pray that he will deliver protect and sustain us i bless you in jesus name lord to god hallelujah just want to give god thanks for the word blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah he's our protector hallelujah and butler this morning come on shall we bless the name of the lord shall we bless the name of the lord glory to god hallelujah i take time out at this time to greet our host pastor reverend royal robinson and i just want to welcome back were you pastor reverend lee paul francis and his beautiful wife god bless you sir blessed be the name of the lord i just want to give god thanks this morning for his god and there's no god like him this morning you know many times when your back is against the wall hallelujah jesus and it seems that this there's no way out but god almighty come true in the middle of the night come on shall we bless the name of the lord in the middle of the night when we go down on our knees sometimes we can't even pray sometimes you have to cry he said an amen is that an amen sometimes only the tears come in the middle of the night but i thank god that he always come true hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord in the middle of the night when my back against the wall [Music] and [Music] jesus christ [Music] against the walls [Music] [Music] the is of the night in the middle of the night [Music] we get many answers in the middle of the night hallelujah jesus when everybody else is sleeping oh glory to the most high god and you are there on your back in the bed you can't sleep jesus what god almighty taught us all to pray this day we learn to pray in the middle of the night when we start barlow to god when our tears and knows not mix up in the middle of the night hallelujah jesus said when sister we are shall fear saucer in the middle of the night oh god almighty when hell let loose in the middle of the night this is where we fight tobaccos and win them [Music] my team is middle of the night in the middle of the night [Music] [Music] [Music] yes bless the name of the lord shall we bless the name of the lord glory to the most high god and we're going to have another intercessor prayer it's going to be led by reverend lee paul francis and i'm sure that you have some middle of the night prayers glory to the most high god there are many times when you have to cry out to god in the middle of the night and that's where the lord taught him how to pray glory to the most high god he's going to come and going to pray for the educational system educational ministers mrs favel williams youth teens children with disabilities and special care care financial barriers poverty conflicting common communities and absent absentees parents go to the name of the lord reverently foreign [Music] [Music] as we put our voices together [Music] there's not a friend [Music] like the lowly jesus [Music] no not one god lord [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] all about our struggles he will guide till the day [Music] jesus knows all about our struggles here oh yes not a friend like the lowly jesus [Music] can somebody leave your hands and put a praise on it can somebody give god a praise in the house can somebody leave for a praise in the house can somebody lift up a praise in the house can we entertain the holy ghost somebody entertaining with the praise somebody entertaining with the hallelujah somebody entertaining with her glory somebody entertained with that thank you jesus oh hallelujah somebody help me to entertain the holy ghost hallelujah entertaining with that with without praise entertaining with a glory somebody help me to praise god in the house somebody help me to praise god online somebody help me to pray straight at my baby oh hallelujah so many praise god in the house [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody hallelujah [Music] we're going to pray oh hallelujah i feel the shivering power of the holy ghost or somebody just lift your hand just praise god hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus jesus almighty god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] jesus glory to jesus we're going to pray hallelujah jesus as i as i intercede on these items that are under the intercessory section i want the church to bear me up in prayer hallelujah i want the church to carry me this way yes in the name of jesus i want the worshipers to carry me with a praise somebody praise god hallelujah it is not a time to spectate and to observe and to it's a time to worship and to care me in the spirit somebody come with me in the spirit praise god jesus hallelujah our eternal loving and compassionate god we thank you lord you are good you are great and lord we magnify you above all our problems lord we magnify you above all the chaos that is on earth jehovah god we we come to you dear god to declare that you are god we come to declare to you jehovah god that you are good that god you are excellent that you are extraordinary that god you are our son and lord we declare that god you are also in this place almighty god you are awesome in this place our father lord god almighty we lift our hands and we declare that you are holy you are righteous you are magnificent lord god there is no other god like you in all the earth and so god we are grateful that you are our father we are grateful that you are our savior we are grateful that you are our king the king of kings and the lord of our lord jesus is your name jesus is your name lord we come to you today on behalf of the education system lord god almighty the education minister mrs williams lord she is in need of help lord god almighty the teachers are under pressure the students are under pressure auxiliary workers are under pressure the education system is under pressure but we know a god we know a god we know a god who has the answer lord god almighty we call you jesus because you have the answer you have the plan lord god you have the solution i pray in the name of jesus christ that as the worshipers are united we ask the god that you will intervene in the education system we pray that you will drop by lord god almighty our god the minister of education's office lord i pray that you will touch her heart touch her mind those who consult with her i ask in the name of jesus christ that by your power you will give her new ideas i pray that by your spirit you will give them revelation i pray dear god by your anointing you will allow them to stand to persist in the name of jesus christ father god in heaven we look to you because there is no other hallelujah or somebody brought me to praise god lord we look to you because there is no other lord god almighty there is a cry in the nation there is a cry in the homes there is a cry in the churches the teenagers they are crying out the children they are crying out lord god almighty i pray in the name of jesus christ you feel the burden you see the problem you see the situation lord god answered answer answer answer answer in the name of the most high god i praise your god for a heavenly response team intervened in your lives in your situation glory to god oh god many of our nations you children teenagers they are battling with abnormal diseases psychological issues lord god almighty domestic issues but lord lord lord in the name of jesus christ i pray that you will call your names i pray that you will send the angel i pray that you will send the team oh god rescue them rescue those that need the courage to make a decision lord will your spirit of god inspirate them by your power by your spirit i pray in the name of jesus christ those who are holding on to the last straight of hope they're thinking of giving up thinking of taking their lives i pray your god that lord you will rule those pills you will rule there god that rub you will hold that tree as i bleed you will hold that knife in the name of jesus i come against the bloodline spirit in the family because of stress because of issues i communicate that suicidal spirit the demons of suicide [Music] somebody help me just hold the blood somebody having to stop the blood somebody help me to shrink the blood of jesus [Music] oh [Music] in the morning [Music] hallelujah oh god oh god i see your tears daughter i see your cry but joy comes in the morning last hallelujah [Music] that my spirit weeping only last but far at night hallelujah hold on hold on oh my god i don't know what i'm talking to i don't know what i'm praying for but who are god why god hallelujah jesus hallelujah glory to god somebody just thought in the spirit shout in the spirit will worship us oh god [Music] in the name of jesus lord god one of the money in the name of jesus better days are coming better days are coming lord god those with disabilities days special care better days love god lord god love god better days better days hallelujah oh somebody help me to praise god somebody help me to praise god i feel it in my spirit many days [Music] oh god hallelujah i praise you hope your god for the financial mirrors lord that i feel away to the house there is a financial weight in the house many persons are mirroring a financial burden with god in the name of jesus whatever the burden is i pray lord god you will relieve them of the purgator i pray that whatever the issue is you will relieve them jesus is the answer jesus is the answer lord god the pressure is so great that the time to scare me that turns rubbing love god but lord the lord the lord the lord rescue shows him the right way the godly way the honest [Music] glory to god right to god right to god might to god almighty god almighty god [Music] financial debt the lord the monkeys in the name of jesus in the name of jesus take it away holy ghost hallelujah jesus is the garage and they get power in the urbana lock and middle part like that rural the rural rural in the town areas property property but lord in the name of jesus christ we cross it we cross it like that somebody have been crossing the border lord that we cross it perfectly we cross here poverty we crash poverty will crush hallelujah [Music] father god lord that the conflict in the communities lord god the poverty caused conflict and the conflict give increase to crime and violence lord god community against community but god in the name of jesus christ there is an underdog who is causing trouble in the community's life we pray that god will expose them not to expose them let them be exposed in the name of jesus christ every demonic force every territorial demander every diabolical spirit that is an apparent run in the communities the blood of jesus we place the fire we gotta do with the fire we plead the fire of jesus the fire [Music] father god let them have to take with themselves in the name of jesus let them have to take with themselves hallelujah let the demons have to run away run the cold sand grain run to our next community but run out so great that somebody help me that i'm not here somebody here love god we pray for peace somebody saw peace somebody showed peace yes somebody saw peace yes [Music] whatever communist you come from just call your community and show peace [Music] in the name of jesus christ [Music] with pride for peace peace peace peace peace holy ghost peace just pass your hand in the atmosphere just just whisper peace just swing your hands and just whisper peace those unlike if you're watching me and you're you're able to just leave the hand chance of peace lord peace in my home peace in my community peace peace peace peace of god peace of god lord we await you we believe we're declaring it jehovah god that the peace of god will pass all understanding lord the peace of god lord god almighty will be at the parents who would have wrote god left their picnic ditched them in a boss threw them over the deeds lord god parents who wrote god let them teenage a child run god loved them below 12 years of god child wherever they are let them come right back in the name of jesus lord don't let any child grow up without proper fatherly care proper motherly care i pray that the parents will return you know why they run you know why they are not able to take care of their children but right now we declare in the spirit we declare in the spirit that god they will return in the name of jesus somebody help me to praise jesus and we declare it is done in jesus name somebody put a praise on it hallelujah somebody put our praise on glory to god hallelujah peace peace wonderful piece coming down from the father above [Music] sweep over [Music] [Music] of love we see [Music] peace [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on shout hallelujah come on give the lord the highest praise in the century blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah we exalt your name jesus glory to the name of the lord at this time we just want to welcome all our visitors in the center this morning if you're a visitor and you're here when i ask you to stand glory to god blessed be the name of the lord put your hands together for them blessed be the name of the lord we welcome you into the house of the lord hallelujah just feel free to worship hallelujah this is liberty all to worship the king of kings and the lord of lords hallelujah to the most high god at this time we're going to have a few testimony but if you have a testimony could you go to the back and um just talk to sister bennett at this time in the meantime i'm going to ask brother anderson to come with his testimony blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah god is good god is good god is good to me [Music] oh [Music] how can i let him [Music] to god praise god [Music] hallelujah to give thanks and to praise him and to say greetings to my brethren and to tell my brethren that i love you all hallelujah we are in such a critical time that we have said hold on having a cdc a time now i have a vision at this time but i am here to tell you that the man of god and see this time that will be here now and that man of god is passed a hero blair when he was evangelist 1970 something in preach that there is no safe place on earth and there is no better country than the heavenly one for if you flee from jamaica from that which is to come you are fleeing to that riches to come and if you flee to united kingdom for that which is to come you are fleeing to that which is to come so they are not going to be any safe place when pastor arabia was joseph angelici in preaching 1970 might be 1975 and preach that message no cf please and i'm not allowed to tell my virgin that he didn't preach before for we might say hold up prophet now see but it has been preached before now hallelujah lord jesus we praise god hallelujah thank you my brethren for praying for me three years ago i've left jamaica to america wasn't well when me left but just stand the time like four days for me to return to jamaica i take secret i did secret my heart it was come worse and i have to my daughter run with me to the hospital and from that admission tonight and god there's a whopping heart surgery that's our god i'm a virgin i didn't know that you could have a court i want my surgeon and no feeling opinion until no i don't feel no pain here after the surgery until now i feel pain different parts of my body where i have to be taking exercise but no pain here god is good god is good and i'm here to tell my brethren if god said let us go on the other side of jordan lord jesus and even though the storm come on arranging the disciples said mars are curious not that we perished but it was himself people on the other side so whoever makes sound damage and destroy united mclaren at the ocean and he's the one said let me go on the other side so the disciple called to him say mastercare is not that we perish he awoke and calm the storm they have never seen such a mystery they have never seen so but with god in the vessel he means sumailakistan hallelujah glory to god i i i got some brethren in america i mean remember i tell you thanks for praying already there are yes prayer here for me but this man i'm here to say thanks to everybody for your prayer i meet some virgin in america my brethren and it was just god on the other side of jordan prepare prepare the way for me and prepare help for me they care for me they care for me that sometimes it make me cry the love of god and the love of the virgin makes me cry and i'm here this might be the last testimony lord jesus one of them is the last one i tell everybody know that i'm not yeah i'm not at the arrival side again i'm at the departure area now we are trying to fly off departure side [Music] the airport the airport have two area you know arrival and departure i'm at i'm at the departure side even at the hotel they have arrival and they have they have departure check checking and check hold i'm at the checkout side but i'm staying with god amen and even this time are raging i know he's the one that said let's go on the other side i'm not leaving him i'm staying with him until until pray for me jesus blessed be the name of the lord shall we bless the name of the lord shall we exalt the name of the lord is now for the um the virtual testimony hallelujah glory to the most high god but before sister nicklin comes and you too i'm proud for the youtube request i want all to help me to say happy anniversary to say alison my baby girl happy anniversary and i just love you god bless you today is our anniversary blessed be the name of the lord now sister nikki will come at this time hallelujah to the most high god hallelujah god is good god is good god is good to [Music] can i me him down i cannot let him down he's so good to me oh it picks me up [Music] hallelujah hallelujah pleasant afternoon to everyone in the sanctuary greetings to everyone watching on youtube and listening on more fm i want to give a wonderful warm welcome this morning to the newest member of our family sister nicole francis she's with us for the first time this morning in our fasting services welcome welcome sister francis welcome hallelujah good morning rev good morning um reverend francis picture testimonies this morning minister anita makinis has relocated to a new state and prayed that she got a new job she got her interview and she's awaiting her call glory to god you know how we do it in three waterline hallelujah vienna clerk says thanks be to god she requested a deliverance and financial breakthrough last wednesday at our fasting to build her house and god came through for her on the friday how do we do it in water lane hallelujah god you are worthy of all our praise she says thanks be to god for the prayers pansy smith's mom is now doing better we glorify god monica morrison's documents have been released and she has now been sworn in and she says thanks be to god hallelujah sister edith allen is out of the hospital and giving thanks she says thanks to the church for praying hallelujah mel carr requested prayer for ralston reed who was sick she says god still answers prayers because he's now out of the hospital and doing much better glory to god hallelujah we now move on to the prayer request glory to god kemar heart healing zaria and job salvation rose vaseline family in kingston brian mckenzie breakthrough and strength carrie gray henry divine favor in the usa rogan divine favor mr ryan gray divine peace alex johnson and yanit dawson salvation chukwuma lefrock court case in march brianna mckenzie breakthrough ronda wilson's father needs deliverance and healing cesar campbell andrea cunningham's son needs deliverance and williams spiritual strength and deliverance mr grant he's a cancer patient and he's requesting our prayers yuffie glaucoma and cataract patrick and peter battling prostate cancer and diabetes earth swanson healing from cancer juliet nelson breakthrough at the workplace munching mason's husband and children salvation mary healing and breakthrough elaine williams and yasmine gordon healing and deliverance mitchell family in lingsteed deliverance shane and chinese breakthrough and salvation jackie reed healing all over her body carlene and family deliverance and divine favor to purchase a home empress meech healing in right shoulder angela forrester approval of green card verona stevenson loss of sight and she is requesting prayer for healing leticia healing annie williams pain in knee jacqueline stevenson can't walk or talk she's requesting prayer for healing des world clark battling lupus and not doing well today evelyn barnes son griffith's family alison fletcher healing in canada mary henriquez breakthrough in the usa donovan peace on the job maxine swaby breakthrough audrey clark doing surgery in new york carlin creef health and spiritual growth neshiba laws documents to be approved and spiritual breakthrough ruth brown and family deliverance and spiritual growth poochie annette and kevin's salvation dawn brown battling hypertension and eye pain patrice and hakeem healing and direction at least alice bennett and family marine hines doing some tests and needs us to pray for god's favor lazy isabella healing and immigration clearance marva foster's children salvation kelly has court case february 10th and requesting that we pray for divine intervention darren simpson going through a depression the carla will williams battling a severe eye issue jenny green and family latoya and sheldon release of immigration documents in the usa shane lorna thompson's mom mother-in-law in the hospital pansy smith divine favor on the job guard for thompson breakthrough rosemary sadler i own assault as husband and children salvation and breakthrough sister brazilla mackintosh she's having pain in her feet and is having elevated blood pressure davian bailey healing jilly scott's healing martin patty foot has a court case tomorrow martin lawrence deliverance chelsea clark doing eye surgery shady and hazley healing franklin mcintouch and family sherlyn laylee and family natalie burke urgent release of documents tanisha belland family georgia siroccoson family sister maxine mackin touched blood coverage any faith divine favor to own a home dylan henry and sister carol brown sonia greene jumped not doing well truly and staple divine favor latoya ricketts healing from ovarian cysts and fibroids and mary reiny not well kalisha clark deliverance and financial breakthrough babies the dane clark not doing well angela cooper deliverance and breakthrough nelson's family in maroon town of brittany maurice brown and carter's families so she repairs blood coverage and protection ryan horton's salvation and deliverance sandra mcintouch healing michael trotman awaiting job in washington d.c donna divine favor for mortgage donovan clayton and family therese brooks shirley hansen and family healing for her brother stephanie heath and children breakthrough and salvation garrison kinglox spiritual release from stronghold melis brown's daughter and mom healing shelton jr saving grace william max and francie valerie deliverance karisha resolution with insurance case from 2019 grace abel requesting that we pray for the broken marriages and broken homes annie simmons thirteen-year-old granddaughter who is hospitalized keisha figueroa release of documents financial breakthrough in favor venezia thompson's family in elegant town hanover elaine starts his four children salvation sophie mclarty's son-in-law salvation denise jackson's mom who is hospitalized in canada williams family loss of loved one clarence clarke kurth ralston and sheena thompson sandra clarke sharon brody healing sofia palmer deliverance fiona fiona and minot deliverance and breakthrough lisa deandre and aj breakthrough and deliverance latoya pregnant and not well in kingston kimberly smith healing and deliverance samantha gopal and jermaine mccoy joyce and foreign family andrew annie and joyce roberts j ramnon brown scarlet family loss of diet in bog walk dolores johnson children breakthrough and healing rosalind hayes deliverance and healing avia gowan family kamisha restoration of health everton greg financial breakthrough and spiritual upliftment kerry blake documents to be approved and released annual favor in finding a job jahim wetterburn court case february 16th lawyer shane walker special protection and coverage davian daedrian and janelle favor for finding a job jourdain and jahena divine acceleration and documents to be processed agatha reed stabilizing of blood pressure merle cars family and children claude swaby battling mental issues donovan divine favor grant's family marcy and lorna ives elon campbell's family divine intervention over property in manchester kimura karen mike monique ophelia and tk sharika deliverance sister pauline healing for her eyes sister pollock williams healing and deliverance herman williams healing from thyroid issues shirley cunningham divine healing and total wholeness gregory campbell bachelin depression seabour sea bird bonik and family sister jasmine elixir gordon and family andrew forrester's granddaughter with speech problem gloria robinson and family you letter williams and family financial and spiritual breakthrough in brooklyn new york elizabeth mart stroke on the left side in london veronica bailey deliverance and healing in london millicent knocking touch healing and deliverance and breakthrough vanity misa not doing well today canadian foot surgery and her husband's citizenship to come through family breakthrough monica grant monica's grandson kemar doing the test tomorrow miller central healing injury healing from glaucoma nordia brain problem joon pain in knee spine cataract and bad eyes damien graham court case deliverance for his family hayes family in manchester breakthrough hansen family blood coverage clover brown and family blood coverage and members of the ylm healing sister alma clarkson family cb health condition and healing deliverance brenton walters and family healing and deliverance whitney gordon worked to improve tracy and lewin sister p rose daughter in florida the mchale's in florida the big big big bees in florida anger in florida marlene and family and lucy mr cleaver brown and family charmaine miller doing two procedures gwendoline laces to j cecil robotham 20 years in a mental institution in port moore carmelita campbell appealing residency revocation cynthia clark from boghill mrs c thompson work permit and she needs to have a child lester williams healing in his body he's battling cancer lisa lawson and family francine work permit barbara and children ventris falwell from tower hill is doing a surgery and needs comfort for her son who she lost velma campbell jennifer thompson mrs brooks mr grants on the grand family in trelawney janelle brother michael clark who is sick and sister anita having discomfort lord please hear our cry today i'm gonna ask reverence robinson to pray for these no i'm sorry it's gonna be irreverent francis will be praying for the request this morning [Music] could the church stand with me once more hallelujah oh praise god i know the peace speaker go ahead praise steam and i know him by name [Music] don't be afraid to sing that song in your spirit hallelujah [Music] could you see it from your spirit everybody [Music] [Applause] i know [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody praise god hallelujah somebody praise god somebody praise god for there is peace peace [Music] coming down [Music] play to the spirit play to the spirit [Music] with your eyes closed everybody forever [Music] could we do it one more time there is peace hallelujah [Music] sweet [Music] forever [Music] our father and our god let the church help me to pray hallelujah jesus we come to you once more thankful that you are never too tired to hear our voice we're happy jehovah god that lord each time when we cry we plea before you you don't turn a blind eye or a deaf ear oh hallelujah jehovah god we will forever praise your name yes jesus hallelujah we will forever glorify you oh hallelujah we will declare that you are our god hallelujah you are our deliverer you are our miracle worker you are our way maker you are our light in the darkness our god jehovah god that is who you are somebody praise john in the house hallelujah lord god almighty once more we come to you god bearing these requests is in my hand lord god almighty you see you know all about the cares of your people lord you understand every situation and lord what a privilege it is to carry everything to you our father to you in prayer and so god once more we come to you lord god this list in my heart is heavy lord it is heavy in the spirit lord god i can feel the pain i can feel the affliction i can feel the weight of your people's situations and crosses but lord god what better place than at the altar of sacrifice laid lord we ask the question is our all at the altar of sacrifice leader lord god we talk to you we come at the altar we cover the sacrificial altar with our petitions with our cry lord the altar is where we lay our problem the altar is where we cry out to you so lord god we cry out for deliverance we cry out for a miracle we cry out for a breakthrough in the name of jesus christ lord god almighty some people are in need of a breakthrough this morning lord they have been crying for so long lord got some of them the problem just found them but lord what better place to come than in the house of father in the house of jehovah lord god will look to you because the problem that we look at we cannot handle it we look to you dear god because our help comes only from you we look to you to hold your god because our mortal bodies cannot manage this level a problem lord god almighty we pray almighty god i pray we pray the lord that you will intervene in the life of your people lord god some people have been crying some of your daughters have been crying your sons have been wailing but lord i pray for the answer i pray for deliverance in the name of jesus christ [Music] father god you see the lord that that which your people are i asked in the name of jesus christ it is not only from a lord god a humankind nature but lord it is stemming sourcing from a spiritual nature but lord god almighty in the name of jesus christ of nazareth every every member every warrior every worshiper who is faced with all sorts of crisis that is coming from demonic forces i come to you jehovah because you are the all-powerful god you are the omnipotent god lord god you are the god that created the heavens and the earth mankind will spoke to you demons have to bow to you at the name of jesus every knees help out and everyone confess that you are god lord i pray that your people will be delivered from the devils from the demons from the hell that you're going through i pray to your god almighty that the neighbors that they have that is giving them hell i pray dear god that those neighbors will hold your peace hold your peace in the name of jesus hallelujah oh god lord god almighty we pray to hope to god that lord every person that wants to raise war against your children that god you will rise up lift up the standard let hell know that you are the bigger boss let everybody dog every spiritual mongrel dog that is working on the back and no bite let them understand that you are the bigger dog you are the best gonna pray right now that will rise up with a roar rise up the lion of the tribe of trudeau the rise rise rise rise up rise rise [Music] [Music] oh somebody praise god lord god some demons need to know that you are still in control in the name of jesus oh god somebody judge and praise god lord god so many of you praise god hallelujah father god lord god i pray for those who are in need of a healing touch lord god i pray that lord if you're used if you choose to use the doctors that's all right if you choose to use the nurses that's all right but that if you see that this one this deserves your intervention will you come forth will you come by will you stop by at the hospital at the homes in the communities will you [Music] drop by jehovah god glory to god father god i declare i speak a word of healing i speak a word of miracle god god every medical issue i pray in the name of jesus christ dry up in the name of jesus christ every cancer oh god every lupus oh god every cancer tube or rather cancer cell in the name of jesus christ every one in the heart every corona virus patient like that every other translation lord can every diabetes present every high potential patient lord god the power of the holy ghost we declare healing in the name of jesus every pain in the foot yes lord lord god every period in the food yes daddy jehovah jehovah the doctors can serve the one day lord god the nurse can't sell the pain in the foot love that i speak to that pain i speak for the back pain be removed and be healed of jesus in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord god you see you understand the tears of your daughter like that man problem husband problem but lord god almighty i pray dear god that as you are the answer you will ride in jehovah you will stand up in your darkest corner in your son's card in the name of jesus christ that which you have put together let no man put us under that god every hell every demons that want to rise up every jersey bella every delilah we come against you we intercept you we mess you up we buy you up we dismantle you in the name of jesus christ lord god almighty every name that is on this list some of them their lord their names are written on parchment paper lord god some of them their pictures were taken and placed on the candle to burn out their pictures were taken and placed on saucer adults and dalia oh god but lord in the name of jesus christ every person whose name is written down by the powers of darkness that is why they're having some so much problem in their life and marriage i pray dear god that with the blood of jesus christ that you will wipe out the name of the parchment paper dear god that you will hold the candle dear god almighty i ask the lord remove every trace of god of the name and picture of god from the sorcerer workers jesus lord prove the daughter's name wrong no man [Music] and laughing the devils and demons are looking and laughing but lord god every mind that has been trapped dear god under summer demonic i come against it now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth let god arise and over enemies let them be let them the name of jesus scatter the holy ghost somebody so scared of them lord god scattered them lord lord god scattered them help me the praise god hallelujah any any oh god prince of persia that is fighting against your breakthrough we declare that prince of persia killed in the name of jesus christ whatever it is that the prince of persia is holding up we declare in the spiritual realms that it will be lost in the name of jesus christ look out the blessing is loose look out the miracle is loose look out the healing is loose in the name of jesus so god [Music] we put in our part we put in our part we tell you about it we give it to you lord will you act on our faith behalf according to our faith it shall be done we believe dear god that it is done we believe that god that it is done in the name of jesus christ somebody put a praise on it we declare that it is done it is god it is about god it is stopped oh god did not come yet but it is god oh shall we help me to praise god in the house somebody help me to praise god in the house in the name of jesus in the name of jesus it is done somebody praise god hallelujah [Music] just look at the problem and declare it don't the man just look at the city ways and declare that it is [Music] some people some persons are afraid to declare it why are you afraid to talk to your problems i speak to your problems it is not part of your problems talk to your sweet voice answer it is known in the name of jesus christ somebody praise god in the house somebody praised god in the house somebody prays shall in the house hallelujah i'm gonna also keep standing as we shout the blood of jesus christ seven times in the century and those on youtube shouted us after two one two the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the blood of jesus oh glory to god what a mighty god we serve always victorious always watch the varasa blessed be the name of the lord i want to thank sister rosetta cemeter brother stephen atkinson brother nakia camber reverend lee paul francis taking part in today's service and we give god thanks for them in the name of jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah and at this time it's time for the word blessed be the name of the lord before wrath come hallelujah robinson will bring forth the word today come and put your hands together for him for the man of god blessed be the name of the lord but before he comes hallelujah we're going to have a special selection and since the master will come and lead hallelujah after that pastor will take shall we shout hallelujah hallelujah shall we shout hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god in the highest tears are a language god understands god understands tears are a language god understands hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we worship jesus [Music] come into your eyes and burn [Music] is [Applause] [Music] language is [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] when things do not work [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] language [Music] of a broken heart and [Applause] hear them [Music] foreign hallelujah [Music] [Music] my [Music] spirits [Music] jesus says [Music] is [Music] [Music] my sing it again [Music] somebody help me now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are standing [Music] grounds [Music] [Music] all around come on fasting everybody everywhere jesus [Music] god's presence the very last time come on worshipers i command you to be straightened just now and i know all around let's just praise jesus now we are standing is [Music] go ahead and worship the lord everybody go ahead and worship the lord we are in fasting go ahead and worship him hallelujah go ahead and worship him take half a minute more and worship him from behind those mass praise him keep it going musician somebody if you have a might to your mouth put it closer let us shove up the lord tonight everybody praise the lord everybody praise the lord somebody magnified the lord somebody exalt the lord [Music] glory bless you see if you can find your seed if you can find your seed hallelujah let me take this opportunity today to greet our esteemed moderator sister williams let me greet reverend francis and his wife let me greet our council members present and those who are viewing by way of television let me greet those virtual worshipers all over the world tuning into our deliverance fasting let me greet those who are tuned into more fm and listening the word of god i want to greet every worshiper in the house first time visitor second time visit a third time visitor and our members could we just lift our hands and praise god i know the mask is muslin your your praise but could you give him a better praise come on musician join with us just give him a pray give him a praise give him a praise when the praises go up the blessings come down hallelujah already the presence of god is in the house and will continue to linger at his feet for additional uh blessing from him could we put our hands together for reverend malcolm a retired veteran is in the house not able to do what he would want to do but his presence means much in the name of the lord hallelujah i want to salute sister alison who is celebrating our anniversary could you put those hands together for her happy happy anniversary sister alison in the name of the lord i want to ask [Music] we are favored with many viewers online but i want our viewers to share our info our service to their friends and loved ones and let them become not just a viewer but a subscriber so i'm asking the many hundreds of worshipers now if you can find two or three persons to share this broadcast and tell them to become a subscriber one of the advantages of being a subscriber time the door of the church is open any time the praise team start to sing you will be informed that something is happening at three water lane join in and be a part of the blessing and for those in the house to want you to ensure that the persons with whom you share our youtube streaming or info with tell them press the subscribers button and become a part of the montego bay family anything we have you will be notified praise god mine is a task today to share a word amen to share a word the lord has laid on my heart a portion of scripture coming from judges chapter 14. judges chapter 14. reading from verse five could we stand for a change everybody in this fasting service hallelujah whether or not it is found stand to your feet amen my virtual worshipers stand you may just receive a miracle just standing and the word of god says from verse five then when samson down and his father and his mother to timnah and came to the vineyard of tinia and behold a young lion somebody say a young lion roar against him not his parents but roar against him samson and the spirit of the lord came mightily upon him and he rent him as would have rent a kid rip the lion apart and he had nothing in his hands but he told not his father or his mother what had done what he had done and he went down and talked with the woman and she pleased samson well father another time behind this sacred desk i stand to minister your word to your people lord there are those in the house and there are hundreds if not thousand across the world participating in this fasting service this is a service that lord you have raised up to reach the need or the needs of your people to overturn the powers of hell in their lives and to give them victory father you have done it in the past do it again today let preaching be easy let the holy ghost sit on us today there is a lion there alliance to be killed in our life lord we need the anointing of the holy ghost to slay those lions hallelujah the lions must fall in the name of jesus christ somebody raise your hand right now i release the anointing upon every soul those in virtual space to attract and kill the lions because the lions will not prevail have your divine way today in jesus name somebody praise the lord sit down with your bibles open your pen in your hand amen and your spirit ready to worship the lord somebody praise him hallelujah the little thought i want to leave with us today is your lions must fall come on now your lions must fall are you there come on now could you say it personally my lions must fall come on come on everybody those in the virtual space whether you're in england canada america came and caribbean say my lion must fall [Music] oh god hallelujah praise the lord lions my friends are considered apex predators and are referred to as the king of the beast as king of the beast they are territorial they mark out their space amen and they use their feet along with their their body ways to spray at boundaries to allow intruders to know someone is here are you there territorial amen they because they are territorial they are defenders of turf come on now they will fight to the death any intruder that cross over in their own territory amen they also dwell in numbers that is called pride a lion my friend it possesses a god about eight new grown men strength they possess about eight grown men strength at once oh my god it can by itself take down a prey that is ten times its size and try to a shady place for feasting am i talking to y'all amen amen are you there are you there when they roar reverend francis it's vice travel about three miles or more across the periphery announcing its presence i am here we are talking about lion so powerful are they the lions can leap 20 feet our god ahead of itself to capture a prayer and escape and pray are you there hallelujah that is the profile of the lion that exists on earth but let's go to the spiritual lion spiritually speaking they our god are not only real lion commit me now they are not only real lions in the bushes our god but we have human lions are you there human lions to feed lions hand clapping lions you better preach with me now hallelujah they are physical lions amen issues in a life that is territorial ah man are you there we have spiritual lions psychological lions family lions are you here financial lions and sadly church lions [Music] sadly church lions can i talk to you lions my friends our god represents enemies can i talk to you there lions represents enemies and attacking enemies lions they represent enemies and not docile enemies but attacking enemies come on sit over here because you're going to preach with me today come on you come over here you're going to preach with me today hallelujah come on you sit there you're going to preach with me today you preach come on if you sit there come on you you singers come here you're going to preach with me today hallelujah hallelujah come you come a little closer in the name of jesus somebody showed lion lions hallelujah we are the lions which are called the enemy enemy of our life enemy of our soul enemy to our families come on enemies to our health attacking lions come on amen hallelujah fighting lions come on come on killing lions destroying lions come tell them to come on haven't you heard the heart of the battle the switch and the victory because oh god bless her no lion contest [Music] oh somebody praise the lord somebody praise the lord pass your hand over your head tell yourself i'm covered so let the lion of the time come i am covered [Music] hallelujah are you here heartless lions are heartless come on lions drive fear in persons but when god is with us come on church when god is with you all lions in your life inside and outside are you there around you they must fall [Music] you don't hear me every lion that is attacking her insider and outsider around you beneath you above you they must fall somebody shall fall lie and fall you must come down you must fall to the ground [Music] lion must fall and the fall that they will get her is not a fault that they must rise up but they must trap dead coming the man because god has given us the power and authority to cheer the lions come on church i release upon you authority cheer your lions oh lord o lord cheer it apart cheer them apart rip them apart come on come on your lion must fall your lion must die in other words a lion was dead come on kill your lion come on come on come on tear it apart tear it apart tear it apart every modern day lion tear it apart every lioness tear it apart every cobra tear it apart [Music] somebody showed enough is enough come on fast you did not stand for your feet so god shout enough is enough enough is in offer make a 360 degree turn tell the shouted altar enough is enough spin around again enough is enough [Music] hallelujah somebody lying is falling come on somebody lion is going away the lions you see today [Music] the lions you see today you shall see them no more [Music] sit down with the praise behave yourself hallelujah come on come on you have family lions you have marriage lions your financial lions are you there heartless lions lions that doesn't like you because god bless your lions here but who god bless [Music] listen church lions drive fear in person but when god is with you all the lions in your life and around you must fall and be defeated in the name of the lord to fall they must hit the ground and leave you standing still amen come on you must not go down with your lion your lion must fall by itself only with thine eyes shall do behold and see the reward you're preaching with me and see the reward of the wicked you must watch your life and fall but you must not fall down with the lion because you have to see them fall come on you must close your eyes when your lions are falling you must open your eyes because the bible said only with thine eyes shall do behold and see the reward of the wicked [Music] so for your lions to fall you must left standing you must not go down with your lion in the name of jesus listen while you must be left standing because the angel of the lord come on fasting the angel of the lord encamped come on around yo come on oh man somebody need to celebrate victory the angel of the lord and jam picture round about you all when you can't see them with the physical eyes your protection somebody help me now is all around you hallelujah standing around this goes to say the child of god is special and not even the king of the beast can take us down do you know you're special come on if you never know or if you never remember pat yourself tell yourself i am special come on fasting come on come on yeah some people want to wipe their proverbial feet on here but you need to rise up stand up and tell them say ah i am special there are some supervisors and boss and even co-workers want to wipe their feet on you as if you know nothing and there must something come on but god said to tell them you are special [Music] why don't you give him a special praise in the house why don't you give him a special hallelujah and fasting why don't you give him a fasting hallelujah you are special some of you under the rest of my voice ah you pick up this pose you pick up the man are the woman without nothing god used you to promote him or her and now they're behaving as if you know nothing i like the material ah long run shot catcher am i talking to somebody don't let anybody use you i wipe their feet on you you are special oh god somebody hear me according to the text you are anointed to kill lions [Music] [Applause] [Music] anointed to kill lions i am special i don't care what you want to say i am special come on let me see the hands of those who have lions attacking you come on a man everybody should have died on our two but if you don't have one you're supposed to have two at three or four because of the because of god's blessing there are some lions look on you and hate you but they must only can look but they can't touch because you are anointed somebody help me preach lift up your hand say i am anointed i am anointed i am anointed and yes though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no lion because i am anointed [Music] somebody look like you're afraid today come on come on man you're a lie and kill us he'll lie and kill us come on a man come on you're anointed to kill our god this spiritual lions come on somebody somebody get excited give the lord a wave offering hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i would to god you never allow any lions to come out of 2021 into 2022 but by chance if the cross over with you pursuing you we are gonna kill them today in the name of jesus i command every spiritual pursuing lion to be dead in the name of jesus get out of your life come out of the way come out of your marriage our god our god promoter commander press you in lionel my eviction oh i serve you notice that out of god's children's way [Music] somebody shall come out come on evict your lion if come on if he oh god somebody gets in the spirit he think that lion he think that lion [Music] somebody need to tell your neighbor come on point your neighbor tell your neighbor i'm not going down i'm not going down listen lion by nature how god is wired to kill and to go for the truth but oh god you have something to conquer any time did they ever go after your character you have the anointing come on somebody showed not this one not this one so god almighty so not this one shall not die but shall leave and declare the words of the lord somebody show not this one so god tell somebody not this one not this one plan my death not this one will your conference not this one set the trap not this one [Music] not this one not this one [Music] it was daniel in the book of daniel that the king and his host set a trap for daniel you must not pray if you're caught praying you'll be thrown in the lion's den but come on a man daniel say allah you are telling jamaican talk allah your tail come on oh man amen the bible said in a defiant mood so god daniel opened the windows towards the city and as low as he could he picked up blood in prayer he showed god his enemies he sure got the lyanna amen and they arrested him tried him and threw him in a alliance then but come on oh man god was in the den waiting for daniella you know what god did god shut the mouth of the lion [Music] take it down listen by the revelation when god doesn't kill the lion he's saving the lion for your purpose come on come on because if the lions are killed an impact who will destroy your enemy come on god left the judge of the lion so daniel was saved somebody lifts up your hand my sword i am serious lord god somebody not preaching to me i am serious he walks with me so god save the lions fight daniel's enemies [Music] [Music] god save the lions he could kill them all before daniel go down to the bottom but god has another plan somebody touch somebody tell somebody god has another plan ah the bible said only with thine eyes shall behold and see the reward of your underminers oh god somebody help me now i feel the anointing all the way down nicer only we die nicer when the king reels up the morning and said daniela i know you would be here i believe in your god take him out and every man that fight against him throw him in the dinner every man that plate against him joined here somebody helped me through their family dear somebody showed torture our god the bible said before they reached the bottom the lions it's dance and time it's clapping time your lions are dead [Music] we are the lions they are dead [Music] sit down [Music] every youtube worshiper you have a lion in your life that real king havoc grunting attacking abusing i serve you notice your lion shall fall today the harder they come the harder they fall come on youtubers come on worry from worshippers there is a moment of rejoicing in your life canada american lioness england lioness australian lion king and lioness in the lion african lion they are falling today [Music] in the name of jesus god has a way to tell lions look but don't touch come on look don't touch look but don't touch come let's go into the text listen samson was a judge in israel god raised him up to be an elevator of his glory and a defender of israel amen it's high time somebody must know that you are not normal and not be normal you are not abnormal come on pretty girl you are not normal but not being normal goes to say you are abnormal you are extra ordinary come on our church come on fasting you know abnormal people say you are abnormal but it's like they're telling you are extra special you are extraordinary somebody glorified god you are a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar person [Music] not normal [Music] but extra normal you won't find that in webster you are extra normal oh god you are not normal neither are you abnormal but you are extra oh somebody glorify god extraname listen it's high time somebody under the reach of my voice know that you are born for a godly purpose and you are not an average person [Music] not because you're not driving alexis [Music] you are special come on [Music] you know what makes you special the anointing of god come on a man come on come on yes i'm overshadowed by his boneless love come on we are the worshipers in the house yes i have protection from the light above [Music] [Music] go ahead and worship him come on go ahead and give him a hallelujah stop staring at me man it's worshiping time you are extra normal come on everybody come on everybody i mean i'd have done i bank account full of money but i'm extra ordinary [Music] you are born for a godly purpose and you cannot you cannot be an average person come on a man i've ever seen some people when they pass you they look down on you like how they're looking at a piece of floor mat somebody help me in a man but pity did they know that god is with you and what you are going through you are going through a process god god god is preparing you for better things so let me preach honor our god i hope in the day to come quicker when we fire away this mass god is preparing you for bigger and better things so go through you go through go to what you're going through go through your persecution go to your trials go through your crosses the light is coming the light is coming weeping meant yours for the nature for sure somebody worship god your joy is coming the bridge is coming [Music] our god strengthen yourself from a fast dinner be european carry your burden check your liquor graduation day is coming [Music] it's not every day going to be clothing ah lord god is gonna send another win and blow away the clothes that the sun comes shining through somebody shout yes somebody should blow it to me lord blow it away blow it away blow it away [Music] come on you better start celebrate with somebody because your day is coming somebody you better start shout with somebody because your day is coming you better start rejoicing with somebody because your time is coming and it is very short [Music] you're not an average person you're extraordinary amen listen purpose is in your dna purpose is in yours in your bloodstream purpose never die you're preaching with me oh god though it might be delayed never die come on ah if you chop it up surety is going to grow up if the true europe have gone they can't swallow you come on a man because purpose never die purpose must come to pass come on something lift up your hand say after me i shall fulfill my purpose my purpose shall be fulfilled in the name of jesus so you can't stop me laugh your life criticize you want as much as you want to call your friends as much as you can come on man i am coming up on the rough side i'm doing my best to make it in i am a purpose child i fall down many times i fail many times but purpose is in my dna i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord somebody showed hallelujah somebody showed hallelujah somebody showed hallelujah [Music] [Music] listen there was a man in israel oh god the enemy invaded israel and they killed him but he was a man of purpose they made mistake they threw him on elijah in elijah's tomb his body touch the bones of elijah the man of purpose her god jump up have god to life again who kill yours who kill yours will bury you god said to tell you today's the day of resurrection today's the day of life you may encounter pretty much your data but purpose say you must not remain dead you must come alive come alive come alive young men come alive young girls come alive worshipers my life purpose is not yet fulfilled [Music] come on alison sister alice manager alice anywhere the enemy bury you you are gonna come alive right there the place of burial is the place of resurrection somebody start dance noah oh lord any country any degree about any supporter any cemetery pie river cemetery duff cut cemetery and the other one local cemetery around the back of the house anywhere they bury you you're gonna come alive resurrection [Music] so [Music] can i preach around here i don't preach for a long time ah god tell somebody point at somebody don't touch them then i got tired to see your fears to see your fears am i tired to see your fears they can't get your hold up there is sir somebody worship god your family shall rejoice your family shall rejoice you are back you are back back from the grave not from the dead god said you must live [Music] come on worship god worship now stand to your feet push your foot oh god come on push your foot step sideways step backwards forward i feel life i feel the holy ghost giving life [Music] listen sit down you're misbehaving yourself now come on sit down samson samson purpose was in his dna his hair must not be caught he must not defile himself with wine he must not mingle with the dead come on you cannot as a child of god you cannot mingle with every old thing we have to be separated come on now for god your man if you want to kill your lion you have to be separated come on you can't be mixed up mix-up oh somebody help me now you can't take a take her teeth and sleep out and come back come on even if it hurt me once it must have happened twice somebody not preaching with me now [Music] i'm preparing a message sacrifice for heaven if you want god to bless you and to use you if you want victory over your lions you have to separate yourself from certain things uncertain people samsung indeed was a true nazarite but sister alice sir above all things samson was anointed [Music] our door is here was called although he was wineless i thought he never touched a dead that was good but what makes him special the anointing of god somebody give him a praise somebody give god a praise somebody give god a praise somebody give god a praise yes come on come on can i serve notice the anointing is for everybody listen stop fighting for church position come on fight for the anointing stop search for church position search for the anointed anointing follow me let the power [Music] of the holy ghost on me [Music] me [Music] why david could not go inside armor because he had the anointing why he went with the sling and the stone he had the anointing [Music] so when you come to fasting virtual or physical don't just ask for healing and miracle say one more time lord come on come on one more time let the power of the holy ghost fall at me let the power of the holy ghost sit on me [Music] come on raise your hand on here it says sit on me holy ghost everybody virtually and otherwise put your hand on your heads sit on me holy ghost sit on me sit on me one more time somebody hit me one more time somebody hit me one more [Music] thank you for the miracle thank you for the healing thank you for the preacher but sit on me one more time [Music] [Music] go lie and laugh at little david and said i will give your body to the falls of the ear and my adult that you come with a stone and a sling he underrated little david but david was anointed you come to me with a spear and a sword but i come to you in the name of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to be anointed it means the spirit of god is upon you and you are armed and dangerous come on tell somebody i'm armed and dangerous i'm armed and dangerous i'm unarmed and dangerous [Music] to be anointed it means you are chosen by god to be anointed it means that you're approved by god to be anointed it means you are to be a spiritual warrior [Music] you're not anointed just to watch lions go by you are anointed you see lions attacking you you must steer them to peace or to pieces some of you are too nice you know why you're nearby no one said you're a warrior come on no man come on you don't want your nice co-workers they know that you're you're you're a spiritual warrior but you guard nice and i say when when holy ghost catch you in that office oh god your boss is going to fight now there's god they're going to see a spiritual side yeah [Music] years ago church sister going home from church in waltham park some guys took her up she misunderstood it to us for a taxi and they were taking her away to have their show and possibly kill her come on and while they were having their time and what they're going to enjoy and do the anointed girl was in tune with god come on a man come on because this lion of rape not going to succeed against me tonight somebody help me but out of the blue the holy ghost overshadow her she jump up in the car start speaking tongues come on amanda ah the three men become frightened they said drop the mad woman out of the car you know she said mother money pick up her come on come on come on they started to laugh after the driver i'm mad man you pick up her but pity did they know assume a girl sanctify god anointed god come on you're a warrior warrior warrior command warriors command warriors warriors cannot be decent at times there are times you must come on you must put on your warrior garment [Music] listen on the day of the lion attack samson was on his way to meet his bride it was a wedding day you know what go back to the text he was on his way to meet his bride and to marry his bride lord god surprisingly a lion attack him but the spirit of the lord come on ah overshadow him oh god somebody help me now come on a man come on come on somebody lift up your hand the wedding must go on can somebody help me can i'm in the spirit now i'm telling somebody the wedding must go on hey you're told about shanda i don't know who you are whether you are before me are you viewing me god said to tell somebody the wedding must go on somebody help me preach help me preach god said to tell somebody the wedding must go on i have given you the man i have given you your partner and the wedding must go out lord god almighty i don't know who you are but god said the wedding must go on because who god bless anybody say lying on you anybody say lying on you the heart that they come the heart of the fall the wedding must go on come on somebody put on the ring for somebody come on somebody put on a ring on the ring finger for somebody because the wedding must go on somebody put on the ring i know they clear you man and wife somebody help me the wedding must go on the wedding must go on the wedding must go on god said to tell you the wedding must go on [Music] listen the man can't make open mind you know so sir somebody prayed for me now man today i killed that lion of conviciousness a bad mind of jealousy the wedding must go on picnic girl you must walk with the ring god said the man belongs to you get up rise up eat food put on closure set the theater tell the man at that time is the wedding oh god oh god the wedding must go on [Music] [Music] come play here comes the bride come on come on quickly you know here comes the bride somebody that's not there with me play for somebody pray for somebody pray for somebody play for somebody turn up the keyboard ah elizabeth 178 turn it up here comes the bride i release a daughter i release a young man the wedding must go on we're in moscow sit down for this i was marrying a copper oh god in one of my previous pastorate one off it was a private wedding in my office when it comes to the time for the man said evol the man dropped on he said drop down yes drop down in the name of jesus you're going to repeat that voyager today i run phillica smelling stars i rub him up and i put i put aside my marriage book i grabbed him i said you know i'm gonna die you're not going to die you're not the enemy officer you have a married fossa and you die after i say in the name of jesus rise up get strained i will not bleed the blood as a company girl make me do this thing fast because why you forget you're gonna get it somebody said everybody must go on the wedding must go on i speed up the vote i pronounce them my wife i say guan me girl today is your day somebody shout your wedding must go on my wedding must go up [Music] release somebody come on come on i don't know what the lord telling you to release somebody a long time noah a long time you give them an heart demand all the children him can't tell you say no married but i release it [Music] i would to god if somebody could good good good match the way they must go on no no no i wanna remember olivia and orion play the music play the argument play the again call me daughter come olivia come over regard appearing good match for your daughter good match for your son ready must go on no more stoppage no more lion so [Music] come on release your penis release your pick me you never god never give you them for them come sit down and look on your fears god give you them for them to be a blessing to become parents and care your grandchildren come make you play with them and touch them on their chin come on oman release your children release them release them the wedding must go on [Music] jesus christ you must play with the burpee your grandchild child your grandma come on come on oh man princess [Music] hallelujah somebody shall loose loose the wedding must go on [Music] hallelujah children must burn in a wetland everybody put in a candy bar not a wedlock someone must burn in a wet look come on now somebody let me preach call you but let me preach are you wrong if you take me down here hallelujah put the most money no bad luck everybody can they buy another weight loss baby must burn in a wedlock and give god the glory the marriage is honorable the bed is on the fire [Applause] you know love me down here but i just sent me come some times ago i was pastoring in another pastorate a woman gave this man about 10 children but the man won't make up his mind so i said i'm willing to work with you the ring was bought and put down i said what time the man come from bush he said coming nearly four or five o'clock i said all right get ready the trinity bear my witness as i get ready let me come in from my radio church held up when i turned about the horse the man and i turned about the halls the same time the man said lord pastor oh god your time may well say yes he said give me a few minutes make me straight not mr hurry come on amen i said it to him i said no it's not the time for sure beard i'm on a mission oh god so i'm doing a shot in a version of things i'll grab him and marry him him say i don't like in your news i pronounced the man and wife i said goodbye i said i'm ready must go on somebody help me show she said thank you pastor i can't serve my god no [Music] come on right the master's business preach with me oh call for yes somebody leave for the answer the waiting must go on what time now what time now lord jesus should i stop my narrator mother sent me muslim stop somebody praise the lord somebody shout the wedding must go on no lioness stop it [Music] the spirit of the lord sat upon some so mightily amen many of you are attacked by some form of lions from your on your wedding day but god said to tell you you shall not die but live and declare you see if you don't kill the lion from the waiting there in rome it is going to trillion it is going to start yo there are some lions are released they are on a mission and you should kill the lion from the wedding day but you never kill him so that's why you're having problem today anytime god said kill you must kill come on no man come on anytime god said destroy you must be strong now frightened about the ring [Music] come on somebody worship god with our mind some of you 10 20 years the lion is stuck in your marriage but in the name of we're gonna stay right at church today we're gonna kill that lion come on somebody lift up your hand show the blood of jesus you never say it as if you mean it shout it out again shot it again another time another time another time another time the last time [Music] [Music] listen the anointing came to samson's help isaiah 59 19 said when the enemy comes in like a flood somebody raised a van the spirit of the lord her god lift up a standard against him and put him to flight so shall they fear the name of the lord god said to tell somebody ah who is fighting a lion with your own strength come on you can't win by your own strength huh it's not by much it's not my power but by the spirit of god somebody said holy ghost help me come on now come on youtubers holy ghost help me holy ghost help me release release in the name of jesus come on holy ghost help me holy ghost help my family come on man open your mouth holy ghost help my husband i'm going to hit my wife [Music] all right i wanna finish but i can't finish [Music] let me just tell you three things the enemy chooses specific time and death to attack us on our divine mission don't underestimate the devil you see what time he chose to attack samson on his wedding day number two samsung was on his god assign mission to timna to marry his god-given bride anytime god blesses you don't delay that was the time the lion attacked samson obviously the lion wanted to ruin samson's joy and the day it wanted to stop samson's progress but the spirit of god allows something to be unstoppable close your bible everybody come on pat your chest tell yourself and others i am unstoppable everybody i am hunch [Music] come on do it again shout it out stand to your feet come on lift up your hands and my family is unstoppable even if you don't married my spouse is unstoppable come on come on no man my spouse is unstoppable my business is unstoppable [Music] i have to come back i'm not finished market don't have to finish it unstoppable anytime you see the spirit chips in you must know that you must stop your lion the spirit ships in you must know it's one time [Music] so when the lion rears up against some so in fact the bible said it was a young lion that means it was fully loaded with strength and anger [Music] but it was no match [Music] to the anointed samson no match come on someone said no much how much no match no match [Music] no match somebody will not die raise up your hand i'm finished i'm close right now somebody shall not die hallelujah but live [Music] live in the name of jesus live [Music] live leave us all leave never leave here [Music] [Music] sing that song [Music] sing it as if you're a warrior come on now [Music] [Applause] [Applause] everybody wave your hands [Applause] musicians sing it again i shall not die amen amen i shall not die [Music] amen i shall not die [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] i've gotten many testimonies with persons infected with cancer [Music] some even at stage four [Music] but when they go to the doctor there is no trace people trump and shout in the doctor's office because they are not going to die anytime soon again god said to tell somebody you shall not die hallelujah and you are so docile about it come on man just worship god you shall not die hallelujah i don't care what stage the cancer is i don't care what stage the lupus is i don't care what stage ah coven is god said to tell somebody [Music] it's not your time you shall live hallelujah come on worship us hallelujah [Music] with your hands raised with your hands right come on sister williams that same song i shall not everybody sing it [Music] the words one last time i shall not die i shall not die but live hallelujah right where you are raise those hands i command those joints to be straightened come on my virtual worshipers you are never been excluded from these divine command [Music] if you are typing stop if and at all you're driving and you can pull over [Music] you're going to kill your lion now in the spirit everybody open your mouth come on you need to release a prayer you need to command that lion to be dead right now everybody raise your hand come on now you have a minute to pray that prayer come on the lion of the tribe of judah shall break every train father we gloriously give you thumbs for your word this is not your robinson this is you i cannot do anything without you i'm grateful you use a wretch like me to speak to your people cleanse me from all unrighteousness strength me lord every lion roaring chasing attacking my god destroying uh in my life around my family i kill it now in the name of jesus [Music] we are anointed for this to kill the lion every lion that is over my health attacking your people's health every lion that is attacking the marriages every lion that is an assignment every sickness that represents a lion [Music] i curse it now every tumor stubborn unmoving tumor stubborn covet that affects the vital organ plea the blood of jesus against you now in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus every symbol on the table [Music] every container of water olive oil every purse every wallet every photograph every bag in the name of jesus i release life upon lord they represent sicknesses pain [Music] spiritual attack every prayer request [Music] lion of cancer in the name of jesus jesus substance addiction and name of abuse [Music] lion of separation lion of war and misery in the union [Music] lion of unemployment [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] i speak life i speak life somebody point your hand down here i speak life i speak life to god i speak life father i raise up sister bernice williams sick at home sister marcia dewaney sister dwayne out of lindstead sister edith allen sister mavis and family sister james's sister who passed away the family lord i pray for them father sister tasha clay horn the kligons family in norwood i stand in the gap brenton walters and the walters family sister vivian thompson reverend thompson's wife the baker's family harbour view the rose family white house the rose family white house above all i pray for john yes lord the mother of ocean will you touch her i pray for the gardens family you know the mountain that they are facing at this time i pray for strength christ i pray for mother watson in england julian god maisie garden her friend benzina sofia morgan sister leslie she's the heart and sister connecticut the greens family cayman island bishop neil morris family and church our administrative bishop and family reverend god let grant pray for him right now i cover reverend francis and wife yes jesus i cover every council member moderator musician worshipers in the name of jesus i covered judy and a daughter or precious daughter will you touch that infant right now baby be healed baby be healed baby judy be healed baby julie be touched in the name of jesus christ that lion of sickness that lays your claws upon that infant release your grip because there is power in the house amen hallelujah somebody shout release release release release release demons or men whatever it be release in the name of jesus christ hallelujah in the name of jesus in the name of jesus oh it is jesus oh it is jesus it is jesus it is jesus [Music] in my soul for i have touched for i have touched the aim of [Music] [Music] one last time well oh it is jesus sing with me now [Music] it is jesus [Music] is [Music] is there one unsaving the fast in today is there one and saving the fasting today you're another christian you're online you're another christian we want you to indicate there's a form you can fill out someone will talk to you online is there one unsaved today in the house we want to pray for you one more time sister williams that song could you step forward i want to pray for you oh it's jesus [Music] it is jesus [Music] in my soul i have touched [Music] [Applause] [Music] father i reach out to every unsaved under the reach of my voice some are heavily clawed by lions of all types some are on the point of death spiritual death physical death and eternal death [Music] but this fasting somebody clench your face raise your hand take a stand against any death that is not ordered by you god there's a mama's boy there's a daddy's daughter somewhere out there virtually and otherwise that needs deliverance we the church deliver them in the name of jesus every person that is on the youtube platform now there is a need in their life for deliverance from some form of spiritual lions we loose them in the name of jesus be loose be loose lord i pray against that financial lion [Music] god there is a recession in somebody's financial life [Music] i release it now take your rusty dirty hands of god's property god's blessing lord ensure that the financial blessing you have delivered in somebody's favor let it be delivered in the name of jesus hallelujah [Music] lord touch today everyone in this place you're not well raised at hand father will you release god that lion of sickness in the house not welcome here the blood of jesus is against it now give us testimony victory testimony lord that hernia lord god that lupus that hemorrhage whatsoever it is a bind now in the name of jesus that way one boy that way what girl that child that is addicted i declare him or her loose in jesus name in jesus name somebody give the lord a hand clapper praise god somebody give him a hand global praise [Applause] could you just turn to somebody tell you that person it's over now jesus christ i wonder if i could get 20 people in the spirit tell somebody else it's over now the lion is dead can i talk to you again pretty girl it's over now the lion is dead somebody help me again tell somebody it's over now the lion is dead my day is secure my future is safe in the name of jesus hallelujah give the lord a handclap of praise in the next five minutes we shall be out of here i want you right now to give a victory offering a victory offering online a victory offering come on if you were going to give five let it be a thousand if it's gonna be a thousand double it to two it's over it's over it's over start coming go to spur open everybody find something come and put in this offering it's over sister williams find something i know the peacekeeper i know in my name hallelujah hallelujah come on everybody if you don't have anything come down here and go back to the seat because it's over now [Music] come with me quickly [Music] jesus [Music] when he says come on singers let it be sweet come on musician [Music] on go to go to go to spur open spur open [Music] yes per open vienness thumbs samsung square check in account number 1240 new testament church of god give and it shall be given to you press down shaken together running over shall not give into your bosom [Music] come on stand with me everybody [Music] i soon sent you to the table i shall send you to the table come on musician give me good to the end good to the end go to the end [Music] one more time i know come on let it be sweet i know him by name [Music] come here never mind never mind when he says they have to obey [Applause] [Music] is [Music] father i give you thanks for the givers who gave today it is a victory offering in the spirit you ministered the lion is now dead thank you for taking care of that life will you bless them continually they continue to give bless this offering to your glory lord i pray for angela and co-workers at the iron shore kfc outlet i pray that you will touch her and her colleagues in a very special way any need in a crisis come through for them i pray for kayla spence richard wilson tamara or the florida maxine chantel kayla leroy marshall tyrell elaine robinson and children trevor daley in the hospital jolene mckenzie oh god with document approval angela brown divine intervention god miss graham donovan courtney otis mackenzie iona pickens and family audra reid and family simone graham and family serene's caught her you finna malcolm and husband god oh god the meek of ferguson alicia morgan jarrett joyce foster arlene stewart almighty god and williams christopher royal need a stable job latoya royal in the name of jesus had here in hospital i come against that kidney complication erica wisdom in hospital sandra dixon daughter is sick oh god i pray for deliverance phyllis in the hospital in boston clara needs deliverance oh god devin duncan and sims alexander family nathan hall taylor family jacqueline spence uh waldens stephens and family caution linden family chelsea robinson and family pop city smalling cheryl nelson yannick warren sharon reed marlene williams oh god and the peanuts family there are others but god don't know esther i asked you to touch oh god lisa and daughter diana and aj i pray god the mighty for a special touch all their requests i hand it over to you in the name of jesus as we bring this fast into a close let the lingering anointing journey with us home lord if there's a snack will you sanctify it will you bless this ministry continually oh god god the enemy said he will smite the shepherd and the sheep will scatter cover your servant everybody right now point to your pastors right now take half a minute cover us take down those lions that are after us come on keep it going organize youtube worship worshipers pray for us this is no ordinary ministry the devil is very vindictive [Music] it is destroying and destroyful cover us remember my family in the name of jesus cover your people no one to him that is able to keep us from falling to keep us faultless before he's exceeding shown to the only wise god to whom dominion and power bill are in the name of jesus i know the peacekeeper stand beating everybody it's going home time [Music] take care of that long time god bless you [Music] i suppose there's a little snack as usual am i right go to the map before you go to the gate tonight is bible study six o'clock six o'clock six o'clock bible study [Music] [Applause] [Music] go to the map before you go through the gates god bless you [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music]
Channel: The Montego Bay New Testament Church of God
Views: 10,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C4SqNpYI604
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 267min 29sec (16049 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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