Delicious Smothered Pork Chops And Onion Gravy Recipe #porkrecipe #easyrecipe

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laughs [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel and in this video I'm going to be showing you guys how to make the best smothered pork chops with a nice onion gravy that's going to be undeniably good so let me run down everything that you're going to need to make this I got some pork chops here that already been cleaned and patted dry I got my spice blend I got my eggs I got some flour and cornstarch and I got some onions that I sliced up and this is what they should look like I did it off camera okay get the picture I got some chicken broth back here some heavy whipping cream and some Worcestershire sauce and as we go along anything else that I add I will let you know and as usual all of the ingredients that I am using I will be listing them in the description below with the measurements let's get started okay guys so I got my pork chops here ready to go so I'm gonna show you guys what I normally do and I think I showed you in my mustard fried pork chop video which I'll link in the description below so you guys can uh check that video out but what I like to do is take a sharp knife and slice a small little slit down the middle make sure it goes all the way through you because this helps with the pork chop not bubbling up when it fries and you won't have that problem if you do this one is already done but I want to make sure that I've done it correctly and yes I have no idea all right guys so let me get these seasonings ready and we're going to apply the seasonings to the uh the pork chops now so here is our seasoning blend and as I mentioned earlier I will definitely be listing everything in the description below as far as the amounts and exactly what it is so we're just going to give these a mix and make sure they're all fully Incorporated and with these season is here what we are going to do is put some of it onto the pork chops and the rest is going to go into the flour and cornstarch mixture and some will be reserved for later for the onion gravy that we're gonna make all right so it's looking good to me and this is what you should come up with all right see that there we go mixture to our traps now okay so now that we got our season blend mixed up I'm just going to apply some of it and we're going to do both sides we're going to do this very lightly we're going to season it very lightly because a lot of the flavor is going to be coming from the gravy itself so you don't want to over season these which you don't want to under season them either because you want to have flavor in every bite right so what you got to do is do what I say like just want to press that in I'm not even going to rub it just press that in so we can do the other side all right so we're going to season up this next side like I said you want to make sure you got enough but not too much you just want to press that in all right guys make sure that you like this video I greatly appreciate it any type of support comment let me know what you think in the comments below and make sure that you subscribe to the channel so that when I post a video you'll definitely know about it and also make sure you hit the notifications so that you can know that I posted a video okay it looks about good to me I'm gonna let these sit for about five to ten minutes okay all right looks good to me how does it look to y'all okay so let's add the rest of this seasoning into our cornstarch and flour mixture all right so we're gonna add this into our flower and cornstarch mixture just like I said now that we have added our seasoning blend to our cornstarch and flour mixtures you can go ahead and mix that through you can use a whisk a fork anything you like but right now I'm going to use my hand because it's absolutely okay to do so so guys I've added the uh cornstarch to our flour mixture because it's gonna help with making the pork chops you know extra crispy so it will hold the gravy better and also to help with the uh the gravies consistency to keep it like a silky smooth gravy instead of just using plain old flour so let me get those eggs so we could beat those and start preparing these pork chops to get ready to fry okay guys so we got our eggs I'm not gonna season these because our pork chops and our seasoned flour has enough seasoning I don't want to over season it because we don't want to have anything salty I know you guys agree with me on that one so now that we got our eggs beat we're going to line up our assembly line to get these pork chops into the egg mixture then into the flour then we're going to set them aside for about 10 minutes to let that flour adhere to the pork chop so we can have the perfect Fry on those but for now make sure that your oil is already starting to preheat you're not going to use a whole lot of oil but I will show you guys exactly what I'm talking about but right now you want to have it um preheated to at least about 325 degrees okay guys so I'm adding the oil now and you want to add at least about a cup and a half we're going to be doing a shallow fry this is a pretty wide pan so that's why I'm going to be using that amount okay so everything is pretty much set up so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go in that egg mixture I suppose it's a little bit small and realize that earlier but it's a-okay as long as it does what I needed to do let the excess drip off look how well seasoned that is oh man these are going to be good I already know all right so put that in your flour mixture remember as I always tell y'all when we are when you guys are watching my frying videos you don't want no bare spots so make sure that whatever it is that you're frying is evenly coated and you give it a press doesn't want to shake off the excess okay looks perfect to me now we're gonna let this guy hang out right where we got them from then I'm gonna do these other two then we'll come back when it's time to fry these boys up okay guys so our oil is ready remember whenever you're dealing with hot oil you always lay everything away from you so we're gonna fry these on each side for about four to five minutes until it gets a light brown color and we're not going to cook them all the way through because we're going to finish them off in the gravy they're just going to simmer and finish out this cooking process and be 10 days ever so I will be back when it's time to flip them and I will show you exactly what they're supposed to look like good okay guys I just wanted to show you what your pork chops should be looking like at this point and now we're gonna get to sauteing our onions okay guys so I discarded the majority of that oil I left at least two tablespoons behind so now to those two tablespoons of oil that I live by I'm gonna add two tablespoons of butter now we're going to let that melt down then we're going to add our onions as these pork chops smell amazing I'm ready to eat them just like that guys don't forget to make sure that you subscribe to the channel and also share the video and definitely hit the like button for me it helps out a whole lot and also make sure that you hit that notification Bell so that you are alerted whenever I do post a video okay so now let's saute our onions just want to move those around and make sure they all get coated in that butter and oil mixture and all of that flavor is still in that oil from where we fried those pork chops which makes it even better so you want to do this at least from like four to five minutes not until they are translucent we still want to make sure that you have a bite to them because once they simmer in that gravy you don't want them to be soggy or even disappeared to where you have you know not so much onions or none at all so from here you can see that the onions are starting to change color which is perfect you don't want them to be too soft because you don't want them to disappear in your gravy when you simmer it down with the pork chops you still want to have you know full body onions they can be bendable that's fine it can be soft but you know not too soft to wear as though you know it's just nothing so I'm gonna let this go for about another two to three minutes and I'll come back when it's time to add our flour Guys these onions are perfect right now so what you want to do now is add your flour you don't have to add it all at once because you don't want to put too much but I will leave the measurements in the description below as I stated earlier so you just want to mix this around get it fully coated and cook that flour taste out no bit of gravy over here and remember that corn stock that I put in the flour mixture to uh coat our pork chops is going to help this gravy become silky smooth I just feel like you know adding that makes the consistency better than just using flour just want to move them around a little bit for about two to three minutes to cook that flour taste out so it's been long enough and as you can see I'm adding our chicken broth right now start with about a cup but I want to overdo it and you want to constantly mix that in I know it looks a little light right now but trust me it's going to all come together because we're not done yet this looks amazing like those onions are everything and having so many onions is going to create the best flavor in the gravy I guess it's safe to say I can add the rest of that broth let's do that but not the rest just some of it don't worry guys the measurements will definitely be in the description below okay so now to the gravy I'm gonna add the Worcestershire sauce okay guys so now to the gravy I'm gonna add the Worcestershire sauce with the Worcestershire sauce is going to do is gonna help with the color of our gravy as it starts to cook down it's going to give it the perfect brown color you'll see just stick with me okay guys look at that beautiful brown color see I told you to stick with me and everything's gonna be all right so this is the consistency that you want you can see still see that it's kind of you know thick on its way to being even thicker you want to be able to add your chops in there at this point because if it's too thick then it won't work out it'll just Clump up it's gonna be way too much so this consistency is fine okay so now we're gonna taste for seasoning wow that's good but I'm going to put a teaspoon of chicken bouillon in there and also a little black pepper I'm gonna mix that in we're gonna do a taste check again wow that is perfect and guys another reason why I wanted to leave this gravy at another reason why I wanted to be this loose at this point because I'm going to be adding the heavy cream and that's going to also help with thickening this gravy up so it may turn a little light but that's okay because guess what that is nothing bad because again because it's all still going to come together and still attain that nice brown color you see it coming through right all right guys so now it's time to add our chops to this ingredients foreign guys now we're gonna let this simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes until the pork chops are cooked all the way through then we'll be ready to Plate up okay so I'm going to cover this for that 15 to 20 minutes and I'll be back to show you guys the final result and we're going to Plate up after that okay so we're back and it's time to see the final results of this amazing dish that we just created smothered pork chops with onion gravy oh man look at that that's what I'm talking about yeah the gravy has a perfect consistency as you can see oh man guys this smells amazing oh my God I am loving this and you see what I told you about about the uh the gravy and its color since we added the uh heavy whipping cream didn't even do anything bad to it okay guys so I think I want to hit it with a little bit of parsley to make it pretty some food glitter okay I think that's perfect all right guys let's plate up so we could taste this all right guys let's complete this plate right now look at that oh my God come on y'all oh man that looks amazing and you know I tasted it already guys come on I wouldn't be me if I didn't so I completed making our plate so now it's time to give this a try let's see how it did well that went right through guys this is so tender wow look at that all the way cooked through moist and I'm sure it's good wow listen I'm not saying this just because I made it but this is really good this tastes amazing those flavors and the way that we layered them oh my God you guys gotta try this recipe I kid you not you would never make it no other way so guys that is it for this video make sure that you like share and subscribe to this Channel and definitely turn on your notification Bell so that you can be notified whenever I post another video and guys I thank you so much for all of your subscriptions all of your views any type of support you know just want to let you guys know that I definitely appreciate everything so guys that is it for this video I'll see you in the next video peace [Music] [Applause]
Channel: MR. NYSauce
Views: 61,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fried pork chop, smothered pork chops, onion gravy, brown gravy, southern fried pork chops, comfort food, onions, pork, easy recipe, homemade, Sunday dinner, how to make pork chops, pork chop recipe, easy pork chop recipe, mr.nysauce, fried pork, southern cooking, home cooking, Easy recipe
Id: qVeCwzqah38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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