Gina Young Live Cooking Session Big Ole Pot of Great Northern Beans Pull Up

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yet Lynette coma is here hello I see the 20 people in here give a thumbs up on the way in if you have not done so happy Saturday how is everybody doing today hi you call me Janie okay Lynn Lang hello good evening beautiful how are you today I'm doing fine all right Florine and Roslyn Lynette is laughing at me it's a okay you know you can call me Genie there's people that call me all kind of stuff and I'm okay with it you can call me Genie uh Maddie how are you hello welcome every single person hi Sonya how are you hey Brandy you're glad to be here I'm glad you're here Amy hello KJ hello Veronica Janie and Ivan hello Ivan Kim hi Kim how are you drock is here uh Tanya Jay is here V Smith hi Miriam Audrey Latricia Florine and Debbie Parker is back how are you welcome everybody to Jeannie Adams live it's Saturday and we are going to have so much stinking fun yes we are okay coffee is back hello watching you from Little Rock Arkansas okay okay hello everyone Catherine's back how are you listen if by chance I happen to skip by your name you know or I don't get to like respond to your comment during this live just please uh understand and be with me and understand that I'm only one person out and it's kind of hard to read every single comment okay so if I miss your name if I miss your comment maybe you can uh comment back okay comment back and hope and hopes that I see your message okay tea time hello Joyce is here hello Tommy painter is here he says how are you this evening Gina I see you got a few things on your page there that I'm thinking about ordering some stuff from the new things that you got okay Tommy this is awesome today is the last listen listen Tommy I just got a reminder uh today is the last day to um order with the coat you know you want to if you want to order and you want to use that promo code then you can get 12 off so if you do it after tomorrow you know after today that promo code is not still available okay so do it today all right we got some new stuff on the merch it's really really exciting hello Patricia sweet Liz is here hey there Gina watching from Southern Illinois okay all right great Ty is back Miss B is back okay listen everyone Chattanooga Tennessee okay um listen we are going to have so much fun today it's Saturday and I figured excuse me with today being Saturday we want to make something and it's full time I felt like I wanted to make something nice and Hardy something that's going to stick to your bones that we can eat for a couple of days and something that the whole family is going to love like honestly the kids love this the adults your grandmom your Grandpa Uncle Bobo everybody's gonna love this here recipe so now what I decided to do okay okay so Tommy is saying all right thanks Dina I really appreciate it and also I do totally enjoy watching your cooking and I have learned a lot you helped me so much Tommy I'm here for you I am so here for you thank you um and and to each and every one of you thank you all who have subscribed everyone that's been with me you know old subscribers and new subscribers I appreciate you all and like I just told Tommy I'm here for you guys when it comes to recipes and a good fun time on Thursday and Saturday Tina young is here for you all even if you don't want to cook with me you can just come to the live chat and we can just chat all evening you know like um I'm gonna promise you good clean fun at Tina Young's always and always a good recipe with God on our side you'll be watching but not cooking and that's Lottie hi Lottie oh that's fine that's just fine Christopher Williams is back hello so today Saj how are you hello okay so today we're going to be making Great Northern beans oh thank you Sarah okay thank you yes Great Northern beans we're making some cornbread and then we're also gonna have some rice on the side I feel like when you have beans any kind of beans you must have like some type of rice to put underneath it so that's the plans for today now normally let's talk about normally and then we'll get started here in a little bit but I do want to give a few people some time to come in and get their ingredients together use the restroom do all the fun stuff that they need to do before we get started okay I want to get started without you know I don't want to get started and everybody's not ready okay you never heard of the recipe okay so now usually when I'm making a big old pot of beans I like to use the dried beans but you guys told me the last time we spoke and alive I said how can I do the beans if the beans are going to take me four hours to cook you know and somebody came up with the bright idea they said get the beans in the can and I said that's it gonna use the beans in the can so you can use the beans in the can or the beans in a jar and they're not going to take us forever and a day all that's going to take us a nice amount of time is the Smoked Meats that we're going to cook and I'm going to show you a really stinking easy way to do it I'm going to show you how to pack in some amazing flavor into this recipe and these beans right here you're going to want to take them to work uh next week all week you're going to want to take it to work for your lunch do you make cornbread also absolutely I do um to I make homemade cornbread but today since we're doing a live and we're cooking other things I figured we could just throw together some Jiffy or I also said in the community tab that you all could go out and purchase you know Jiffy or some pre-made um cornbread okay I just there's Rob uh uh Raymond hello uh what I was gonna say let me let me see what she's saying let's see what she's saying here Lynette is saying Gina needs you to press the like yeah Gina does Gina needs you all to press the like button I can see everyone that's in here and I see who's pressed the like button but there's uh quite a few of people that has not pressed the thumbs up now when you're pressing the thumbs up you may need to back out you do need to back out of the live give a thumbs up and then come back into the live okay there's Raymond how are you lady Shaws how are you we're gonna have a great time today we'll give it about say about seven minutes and we're gonna get started okay welcome Alan how are you lady Porsche TV hello [Laughter] fun times ahead of us today what's the weather like where you all are at do you guys have amazing weather or is it really cold hello glow and my holy king is back hello oh it's okay Ty it's okay sweet brown sugar is here yes they do he says the beans take forever to make especially the red beans you are absolutely right and so that's why we decided to get let me show you we decided to get these kind and you might be able to see that they say let me see I can't read it fully cooked and ready to eat okay so they are just as they say they're fully cooked and they're ready to eat but we're still going to cook them down you know we're going to cook them we're gonna mix them in with that beautiful flavor that we're going to extract from the Smoked Meats and listen here one good recipe is this right here and it's easy and like I said don't worry if you didn't get that jar right there because you can use the cans of beans and really honestly any kind of bean will serve for the same recipe even if you wanted to switch up the beans to like a black eyed pea a pinto bean uh 15 bean mix whatever the same recipe that I'm gonna show you guys today will work for all of them even your lima beans okay amazing weather you said it's 85 there oh my goodness okay so Thomas is saying 55 degrees there hello Carol how are you Tracy Stone says I think she said it's hot beautiful day in New York okay it's hot in Florida okay you said I've never seen those beans where did you buy those my fiancee my fiance loves Great Northern beans I'll tell you where I got them you well let's talk about where you can purchase them I know you compared to some at Walmart although I did not go uh to Walmart to get them I got them from Kroger's but Walmart sells them if you just take your time when you're going into the supermarket and you look in the bean section in the bean section you're gonna see all kinds of cans of beans and normally on that bottom shelf you see the big cans of pinto beans they're big cans of Great Northern beans absolutely and like I said when I can't find these I get the cans and I may need six to eight cans you know what I mean to make a big pot but hey that's fine it's 84 in Georgia okay Pam Scott hello how are you 77 in Richmond okay all right Renee p is back how are you I'm going to make him Beans oh ham and beans okay Patricia Raley how are you you said I just made pinto and fried Tater sweet cornbread and had green onions it was about 80 there in Southern Kentucky oh my goodness show it again show it again Gina the jar of the beans okay see see we need this time before we get started right all right when you got there what are you doing with that thanks okay here you go look at that and we keep like these here in our pantry can you go get the pinto beans real quick in my pantry Do not drop it Dakota go get it the big thing in the pantry that's yeah it's at the bottom but yeah is it butter beans no it's great northern beets it's different from butter beans it's different from lima beans it's its own beads it's a great northern bean and I me personally I love the color I love the texture I love the taste you hear me this is something that we keep in our pantry and normally well most of the time it has a really great shelf life so you can store these up in the pantry for a later later day you know what I mean throw these babies in a pot with some bacon and some butter a couple seasonings and guess what dinner is done basically after it heats up you know if you put some onion and bell pepper in it you want to cook the onion and bell pepper but like I said this right here is a meal for you especially with inflation and all all kinds of stuff that's going on prices go no it's in a jar like that Dakota when you first go in on that uh rack in the pantry yet Diana say yes it is okay I know I got some crazy lighting going on I think I fixed it they do you said they remind you of navy beans okay okay give a thumbs up give a thumbs up give a thumbs up southern cooking today yes we are Derek Jesus back hello oh I missed you too all right great okay so here is the same thing look at there pinto beans so many people and this has been in my pantry for quite some time um so many people there are lots and lots and lots you can put this back and do not let it break Dakota I can't stress it and don't shake it don't open it or shake it um so Dakota I don't know what I was gonna say oh Lord I don't know what I was gonna say to color them threw me off laughs Mildred how are you just got off what are we cooking we are cooking Great Northern beans oh oh what was I gonna say ah it'll come to me my dad always used to tell me if you can't remember it must not have been that important it had to be something put up this over there put the computer over there you trying to do one thing and I'm doing this let me see put this over there with the chat coming through I hope you feel better Derek oh my goodness if Derek is not feeling well we pray in the name of Jesus that he begins to feel better we pray that he is blessed from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet Lord please heal him by the stripes on your back he will be healed in Jesus Christ's name I don't know if he's sick but I thought someone said I hope he's feeling better so that prayer is for Derek uh oh Gina you are my human cookbook your meals never fail okay that's great thank you Courtney Reed and Debbie says Amen to that yes love pinto beans what I feel like there was something I was getting ready to say it'll come to me are y'all ready to get started are you ready to get started how many of you are ready to get started oh she said Alan says we make ham beans in a crock pot let it cook all day oh yes oh you're gonna take a nap you might be back afterwards okay you're more than welcome to leave and come back okay but we're praying for you Derek that you start to feel much better with God on your side you said something about a lot of people I don't know I know what I was gonna say okay listen how many of you all are gonna be cooking with me or you know someone that's going to be cooking with me live today okay Mildred says I'm excited to cook okay great if you're cooking with Gina Young today give me red hearts in the comments section so I have an idea of who's going to be cooking Mildred is definitely one okay JK says a lot of people ask quit doing that to me I don't know what I was gonna say but it'll come to me it may come to me it may come back Sonya's cooking okay this is great she said Gina has something about the pinto beans this is funny because there's so much I want to say about beans it really is so I don't know what I was gonna say Patricia is cooking with me okay she says hello and and Derek says but I wanted to come in and say hi before my nap I might be back afterwards okay Derek all right we're praying for you okay so we got Valencia pray for me and my pain in my hip I have a uh I will have a surgery done on them keep me in your prayers God bless you all this is Lynn Lang Lynn we're going to pray for you right now and I see D Rock is cooking with me okay this is great heavenly father in the name of Jesus we pray that you put your hands on Lynn Lang she has some pain she has some discomfort and we pray that you bless over her we pray that you bless over her body her bones her organs bless over her whole life in the name of Jesus Heavenly Father you told us that by the stripes on your back we shall be healed and we trust you that Lynn Lang let me make sure that's the right name We Trust You Lord that she will be healed we know that God is on her side and we thank you for hearing and answering this prayer please protect her during her surgery may she have a beautiful successful surgery and and a quick healing and then she can get back to normal life with God on her side in the name of Jesus we pray all right let's do it let's do it let's do it wash your hands if you need to wash your hands make sure your hands are impeccably clean let's get our aprons on we're gonna get started one of the first things that we're going to do when we get started flip this camera around is you want to take out your onion and your bell peppers in your garlic and that's the first thing we're going to do is we're going to cut some veggies down okay Dina I love your show says Nadine Nadine Hamilton thank you thank you for coming in I appreciate it I'm so glad you're loving the show I am so glad before we anytime we go live I always pray that you all enjoy it I pray that you all are enjoying the live like this channel is for you guys this channel is for you all to show you all how to cook easy simple delicious recipes Jeannie young style and also to show you how to be stress-free in the kitchen because I totally understand the cooking sometimes can't be stressful but I'm gonna I'm gonna try my hardest to show you it doesn't have to be as stressful you know if you do a Gina Young Style you know always cleaning up as we go you know that helps a bunch get my apron on here you need to put the thing where I usually have it where I can see it over by the thing okay let's get this apron on Heidi is back hello Heidi welcome back all the new subscribers welcome all of the old subscribers where's the other puppy at okay I see him he's under the table Heidi says hello Sonia how are you all right I got a puppy I got a puppy scratching me on my leg all right let's flip this camera around let's get started Genie young Style oh you said the pumpkin pancakes turned out delicious great and you know what it's it wasn't hard right the pumpkin pancakes weren't hard at all here listen I want you old I want you all to listen to this if at any time I'm getting ready to put the uh microphone on okay if at any time the uh lighting goes out uh feel free to let me know and we'll fix it I'm gonna fix the uh put the microphones on right now so you lose sound for just about just a couple seconds and then the sound will come right back foreign okay I'm coming I'm getting the microphone on right now microphones attached can you all hear me where did you buy those beans at both the beans at Kroger's but you can buy them in Walmart and normally they're on the bottom shelf the bottom shelf where all of the beans will be located the beans that come in the can you know whether that's black beans uh pinto beans pork and beans always at the bottom shelf you'll find these huge jars of beans that are cooked fully cooked and ready to eat all right let me get my microphone on yes I can hear you okay great Diane or Dina or is your name Dina Deanne or Dina she says uh yes with the cornbread all right hello hello all right moving in the right direction let's do this everybody Jeannie youngstyle you sound great Gina thank you Sonya Deanna okay thank you Deanna or okay he says sausages in the beans no sausages in the beans but I tell you what you can definitely put sausage in your beans and it would turn out Immaculate like so delicious really it would I feel like we need a little bit lighting here we usually have this Lighting on can you turn the lighting on and make sure everything's in the camera please okay everyone so what we're going to do is we're going to go over the ingredients we're going to go over the ingredients let's talk about it so now what I have here is I have my jars of beans you may have the cans of beans and like I said it's really about knowing how many people you want to feed you know if you're feeding um just two people you might only need just one jar or maybe four cans of beans like you you'll know how many beans feed your family especially if you want to eat it all week then get a little bit more bees okay so what we're going to be using today if you feel me doing like this I'm just moving my microphone okay all right so right here we have some chicken broth we're also going to be using water okay we have Jiffy corn mix cornbread mix that we're going to make up some cornbread and of course you know we'll need the ingredients for those okay we will be making some white rice on the side because here at the Young's house we can't have a big old pot of beans without rice we do have some chicken powder and I'll talk about the chicken powder a little later because so many of you ask what is chicken powder I'm gonna show you today I'm going to show you chicken powder we got a pinch or two of sugar and I know right now somebody says sugar for the Bean she said she putting sugar in the beans I know you're doing it I know who you are but listen it's just going to be a pitch and it's not going to be so much to where it Alters the flavor or makes it sweet at all like listen you you just have to trust me on this okay it just gives them that Umami Factor make them say Mommy what was in them beans okay that's just that no special secret that we're putting in there of course Salt and Pepper you know we got to have that and then we got to have um onion and garlic powder okay so that's our beautiful spices we do have some since my garlic cloves are so teeny tiny like they're tiny I'm using two but if you got one nice sized garlic clove that's all you need okay we're not trying to overwhelm it with garlic you know okay so I'm going to set this aside so we can get started with our veggies if you have not washed I'm glad I didn't drop it I'm glad I didn't drive a stop now Gina for you do um get the veggies out give them a nice rinse okay and then Pat them dry with a paper towel so I had listen I got my onion in the refrigerator in hopes that when I pull that baby out I'm gonna chop it up real quick because I don't want it to make me cry I have seen that keeping the onion nice and cold or throw it in the freezer for a few minutes before we slice helps me a little bit with the tears so we'll cut the onion last we're going to chop up our bell pepper peppers and chop up this garlic okay now for my pot of beans all depending on how much you're making and then I'll step in and look at some messages here in a second um for my pot of beans I'm using a wok okay I always love to use it like if I'm making spaghetti sauce chili something that's a lot you know or Saucy I always use this you can use a deep pan if you have like a deep pan that it comes up about this high on the edges that's fine as well okay so I want to get my hands nice and clean we're going to get started chopping up some garlic some bell peppers and the onions next if you want to go ahead get started chopping up yours without me that's just fine okay so let's do it together after I wash my hands I'm going to come right back to this computer and see how everybody's doing now I do have let's show you the meat too I'm going to show you the meat so remember in the community tab I said you're going to need some smoked turkey now originally I wanted to just make the beans using just smoked turkey because it's so stinking healthy right and it's delicious and it puts off amazing flavor you hear me like that smoked meat flavor going into these beans listen here can I tell you nothing right okay it's so true but since I happen to have a ham hock that I wanted to use I'm going to go ahead and throw that in there too okay just because I want to use it okay but normally I'll just use the smoked turkey meat by itself or either ham hop by itself or either ham Pieces by itself or mix it all in okay whatever type of meat that you have and also like Raymond says he he made a really great comment he said are we putting smoked sausage in the beans no but you can okay okay and and seriously it's delicious you know those that smoke um Polish sausage that I like to use all the time use that use some unduly sausage chop it up and put it in there delicious let me wash my hands I've said about four times now I'm really gonna wash my hands all right get these hands impeccably clean okay who drinking with me while we watch okay that's Ty Ty says is anybody drinking while they watch okay so Christopher says me too Sonya a meal is not a meal without smoked meat now growing up I just have to tell you growing up uh when I was younger um I want to cover my Meetup hold on guys because you know how sometimes those little teeny tiny gnats can like mysteriously make it into your house I'm going to cover my meat up just to make sure that they don't go anywhere near it all right just in case there is a net flying around here we're gonna cover this meat up okay until I'm ready to use it okay so I'm just using a little foil you see me and I'm gonna set it there and so I'm ready to use it okay so now let's go ahead and chop up well let me see how everybody's doing first anybody have any questions before we get started uh her sweet Liv says I know I hate those little naps like where did it come from like where do they come from and how do they get in that's my question good afternoon Helen how are you and happy birthday to Mr Young I'll definitely tell him thank you any questions anybody hey Gina chat just tuning in Lord I thank you my friend uh recovering at the hospital from a car accident he's still in a little pain but he's gonna be all right all right praise God I remember you I think you told us about your friend that is awesome God is a good god I put regular old hot dogs in my red Northern beans okay okay the red bell pepper is massive yes okay let's do it I don't see any questions so now I'm going to use the side of my knife okay and I'm going to bang it just like so and when you bang it look what it does it helps to pull that skin right off if you don't knock it with the side of your knife you're going to be peeling for days try and get that skin off okay knock it a little the skin comes off okay now I want to talk about something really quickly there are people that love to use the garlic in the jar and it's okay if you use that but I do have to step in real quick and say the garlic the fresh garlic if you ever try it versus the kind in the jar you'll never turn back but if you just you know you might be that person that doesn't want to uh deal with the hassle of chopping the garlic then I totally understand but oh you can find The Garlic sometimes in the produce section that comes already peeled and it's just in a bag and you need to chop it down so you might be that person there where you want to buy the already peeled garlic okay so now that I've taken the skin off I'm going to whack it again okay and what does that do well it's going to help me chop it up a little bit okay so now it looks like it's kind of chopped up okay so now we're gonna run our knife through it several times to really chop it down you don't want real big huge pieces of garlic in in anything you know so we chop it up and this right here it's really just going to kind of disintegrate down into flavor land you hear me like you know what flavorland is right it's going to disintegrate it's going to put off some amazing flavor so listen the first thing oh she says I love both of them she said the fresh and the minced garlic oh yeah okay listen so she's Golden Girl said get it girl okay what we're gonna do right now I'm gonna show you all how to extract flavor and put it into a broth and then we'll put our beans into this broth that is so flavorful you hear me okay so now this process that we're getting ready to do right now and we're getting ready to Shrek this extract this beautiful flavor from the Smoked Meats I do this before making greens before you put your greens I know we're talking about something different though but before you cook your greens you have to make a beautiful broth you have to extract that meat from the smoked meat and the veggies and that's what I'm going to show you how to do right now so you take your garlic that you chopped up or your minced garlic whichever you love okay let's put it right into our pan here nothing else is in the pan right now but that garlic is okay this is how I'm going to show you how to build flavor on top of flavor on top of flavor okay so we got nothing but garlic in there okay and now let's chop up our green bell peppers if you just have one color pepper it's okay I promise you because I just have to be honest with you the different color pepper is just because I'm on TV and I want it to look nice you know what I mean because if I was just here with my family I just use a green bell pepper you know just to be honest but you know when you want it to look gorgeous for TV then you grab why not grab a red one too to put in a little bit color you know but believe it or not a lot of people don't know this each different color bell pepper lets off different flavors yes they all have different flavors they're different colors and they taste different so that that could be another reason why you may want to use different color bell peppers so you see how I'm cutting my pepper up not too big yet it's not too small you don't need to mince it now what we're going to actually do is we're cutting the whole bell pepper yes we are now if you're not cooking a night a big old pot like I am then you just use a half of a bell pepper okay and a half of an onion okay so now half of my bell peppers are going to go into this pot and then the other half will go in later well Gina how come you're doing that why is she doing that I know you're saying it right now well because the first what do I what I do I want to say dose the first dose of um bell peppers and onions is going in now is really like I said they're just going to disintegrate and they're going to put some flavor into this broth that's going to pretty much be unbelievable right okay so now you got the rest of the bell peppers and onions left there what are you gonna do with that and when you're gonna put it in well we're going to put it in later during the cooking process because those bell peppers and onions are not gonna we're gonna cook We're not gonna cook it so long to where it disintegrates okay and I'll show you it's been the other half that we put in later it's going to still have some texture and some gorgeous color like I said I can't help but to repeat myself but this is just gonna kind of disappear into the flavor okay all right so now what I'm going to do I'm going to cut the red bell pepper just like so and I'm going to show you how much I'm gonna put in now and then like I said I'll show you how much we'll put in later so what I'll do after I cut the bell pepper I'll ask you all are you ready to cut the onion up together and then we'll move on how you all doing I can look at a couple message while I'm cutting up the bell peppers thumbs up the live if you have not done so give Jeannie young a thumbs up you may need to back out to give a thumbs up and then come right back in how you doing Hank says I love your shows Sheena well thank you Hank and welcome to Gina Young's live everybody Welcome Hank you look like a new subscriber um we're just cooking some Great Northern beans and we're just now getting started oh okay Austin says Gina I'm making Sunday greens okay this is awesome are you feeling better Gina I am feeling so much better with God on my side and I'm so grateful and thankful I was really not feeling well you know I'm excited because I think that my five weeks is up if not it's almost up in time for me to go you know back to the doctor so that I can get my blood work done so I can see how my iron levels are in hopes that my iron levels have went up but honestly I'm feeling great I still have that lingering cough that's kind of irritating you know you kind of try to hide it when you cough but you can't really help it but I'm feeling great thank you for asking stop what you're doing says Christopher Williams he says stop what you're doing right now give a thumbs up folks [Laughter] what about smoked Tails absolutely you can absolutely you can it would be great any Smoked Meats any smoked sausages hey you could use ham pieces if you want okay so now that we have the bell peppers cut up I'm gonna see does anybody need me to slow down and are are you guys okay oh I'm gonna grab um a bowl here I'm gonna put half of my peppers in here because this goes in later it's just a little bit we'll put it in later but this right here is going in right now I'm looking at the comments oh Ty says Gina you moving fast okay I'll slow down thank you for telling me thank you my holy king he says hit the like button you don't need a debit card he says it's free it's free to hit the like button it's also free to uh subscribe all right bell peppers is going in right on top of that garlic we have nothing else in the pan but bell peppers and garlic oh you said I'm slow okay it's okay I'ma wait on you though I don't mind waiting on you Ty no problem okay Ty says give me time okay I will that's Andrea hello Gina Young says Keisha Matthews how are you Keisha welcome to Jeannie Young's live okay so so far all that we've done we've only did three things as we have put Garlic into our pan we've put half of the bell peppers that we chopped into our empty pan okay now I am going to grab my onion out I'm gonna start chopping up my onion okay and then we'll wait for everybody to see how everybody's doing so we can all move cohesively together okay Lolita so sorry Gina I just got here proceed I'll catch up okay welcome everyone Ty is laughing all right I'm just grabbing my onion I'm not going too far like I said I want to keep that onion in the refrigerator as long as I can because I do not want to go off crying okay Andrea Saunders says hello everyone okay let's go sorry Gina no no no no you never had to say sorry you are just fine because I totally understand and I believe that I was moving fast you know so it's okay to tell me Gina hey slow down girl you moving to it's okay it's okay I totally understand okay Eula says tell Dakota hello Dakota says hello I'm just I'm just drinking a a can of pop here last time I was drinking something on the live you all were listening to my gulps as I gulp the drink down and I thought that was so crazy we got a good laugh off of that and then I said okay I need to take the microphone off when I go to the restroom I said I'm taking a microphone off foreign all right Gina when you cut your bell peppers No Seeds when I cut mine I have seeds okay so it's actually the way that I cut the bell pepper um let me show you something real quick let's see if I have another bell pepper I'll be able to show you but if not I don't know what to do uh I don't have one I don't have one but what I did was that the scenes are in the middle let's act like this is the bell pepper okay the seeds are in the middle like it's not on the outside so what I did was I cut the bell pepper like this whoop right I turned it and I said whoop I turned it I said whoop and whoop and then I cut the bottom so the part that I threw away was nothing but the seeds so I will show you all in a tutorial how that works but if you cut the sides just like so you know just like that cut the end you pull off the seeds and you toss it but I'll show you guys okay that was a great question or a great comment I'm putting my four look I'm putting my four look in these beans on God all right let's do this let's cut some onion all right now on the onion I'm leaving anybody behind on this onion because this onion will make me cry Lord y'all know me and the onions it's just like oh my goodness like I love onions you know really I do but the onions don't love my eyeballs you know because I'll go off crying I'll have to say guys I'll be back then I need to nurture my eyes for a few minutes you know all right so now chop your onion down no special way you can slice it you can dice it just get it chopped up okay half of the onion will be used to go in now the other half will go in later with the other bell peppers and onions okay now when I'm done I'm gonna wait on y'all okay I'm not going to move ahead of you all right so I'm just putting these onions in with the little bell peppers and that bell peppers that we're going to use later and I'm gonna scoot this far away from me so so the cameraman's eyes can water instead of mine quick chop up the onion the bell pepper is really going to make some great flavor okay so now in your pan my eyes are starting oh Lord okay in this pan all you should have is fresh garlic chopped up bell peppers and onions chopped up and you should have a little bowl of onions and bell peppers that you haven't used yet that's what we have okay you hear me Sun out let's wash my hands I'm going to wipe this down to stop the onions my cameraman is fan of his eyes because his eyes are watering he's laughing I don't laugh when my eyes water I cry I cry when those things start burning my eyes all right my hands are nice and clean cutting board is wiped down onions burn your eyes because it's attracted to the moisture in your eyeballs they are closest thing this moist use a wet paper towel y'all just put it next to the onion your eyes will never burn okay moonchild I'ma test you on that okay Ty says this is fun Ty I'm so glad I'm so glad you're cooking with me okay okay let's see thanks Sonya just wanted to know what wines she enjoy let's see Drew mosses thanks Sonya just wanted to know what wines she enjoyed with her wonderful meals okay let's see I'm going to try that next time hi Gina and I'm not able to join you today on the way back from apple orchard in the mountains all right hello Gina just tuned in sorry okay okay okay garlic bell peppers onions okay now next thing we're going to do is I want you all to grab your meat whether it's bacon whether it's smoked turkey smoked ham hocks or if you want to use them all go get them out and rinse them off I've rinsed mines off already okay and I want to show you how to score the meat with the knife when you score the meat if it's a ham hock a ham bone or smoked turkey tail or smoked turkey wing or smoked turkey Lake you're going to score the meat with a sharp knife and what that does is it helps it cook faster and it helps it kind of fall apart real quick in the in the pot okay I'm gonna show you how right now let me grab it out the refrigerator oh I put it behind me put it behind me okay so now in my case let me move this all right so what I have here is a smoked turkey wing that has been washed off and I just used some hot salt water give it a nice rinse okay I'm going to take the sharp knife and we're just going to kind of cut it as we like if we were trying to cut it but we but not really just just trying to put some score marks into it so it Cooks fast and it falls apart in your pan doesn't matter how you cut it doesn't matter where you cut it okay if you feel like you're cutting a bone don't freak out about it it's okay let's get you some little Cuts all over it okay there's no wrong way you can do it all right not trying to cut it in half just trying to put some score marks onto it okay how simple is that you bet it's simple okay all right same thing for my ham hock because I figured I want to go ahead and use it and I love ham hocks okay but like I said please don't don't worry if you're not using ham hocks there's a lot of people that don't eat pork products and that's totally okay then you're going to be the one that's just going to use the smoked turkey alone and it'll be delicious by itself okay so once again with this same thing get some score marks onto it okay no special way all right so now I need to bring my pot into the equation put the uh bring the camera in put the ham hock in there put your smoked turkey wings on top of that beautiful bed of veggies okay and we're going to use some chicken broth okay chicken broth and we're going to boil these down until they get nice and tender it takes a while for it to get nice and tender okay but we got all the time in the world we got nothing to do y'all plan to be here with Gina Young right okay so let's do it all right so we're going in with 32 ounces of chicken broth if you don't have that much chicken broth then you just use water now uh will it taste different if you use water no guess what because I'm going to show you how to season it where it tastes just as beautiful as mines does and we're going to use some chicken powder right so that chicken powder actually believe it or not it makes chicken broth right you got me I know you got me okay so see see um see how much that one container of chicken broth covered it didn't cover much of the meat so what I want to do is I want to use another container of the chicken broth to kind of bring that level of the liquid up a little bit more so my meat has something to cook in you know I want to cover it up a little bit you know all right like I said if you don't have enough chicken broth rise that broth up using water okay if you're with me say you're with me and then we can move on and season this and then we're going to turn this up on high start extracting some beautiful flavor out of these meats in these beautiful veggies and we're going to taste this broth uh we're gonna taste this broth when the meat is nice and tender and so you can see what it tastes like before we put the beans in okay so I'm opening up my garlic my onion powder gee I'm actually watching you from the soccer field I enjoy watching you cooking converse with us okay great thank you for watching on the soccer field thank you for coming in and joining us I hope your team is winning all right so I'm bringing all my spices near that we're going to be using okay Ty says I'm with you Gina okay and Carrie says I'm with you okay this is great I learned that from you when I make greens along with ham hocks thank you okay so Drew Moss says Gina do you even like tofu it's like gross I'm not a fan of tofu but and I don't cook it you know I don't make it but there is a dish um that I love it's the Asian dish it's called Pad Thai it has tofu in it and they kind of fry it up and it tastes like a fried egg I like it that way but honestly I never cook with it so I just have to be honest and I do feel like that it tastes like just like like egg you know it doesn't have much flavor you know I'm not a vegan or anything like that so but there are some people that know how to use that flavor they know how to cook with tofu but I'm not that person all right let's take some chicken powder and you see I have some in my fingertips you see about how much I'm putting in okay I'm gonna do two of those okay in between my fingers you see you see let's do two of those pinches okay we're making flavor we're making flavor on top of flavor you got to know how to season in order for it to taste good okay gotta know how to season in order for it to taste good okay chicken powder just went in please keep in mind the chicken powder does have salt in it so I always like to tell people if you're going to use chicken powder and salt just be mindful of how much you use because both of them is salty okay or you can use one or the other or just kind of watch how much you use I'm gonna put some salt in and you can see how much I'm using okay all right and then we're going in with onion and garlic powder and I want you to get nuts with the onion and garlic powder how about it okay get nuts with it I'm so serious okay all right so now we're gonna put black pepper or a white pepper whichever you love perfect and then we're gonna put two pinches of sugar if you're that person that doesn't want to put it in there I promise you you don't have to use it okay if you want that mommy flavor but some in there all right just a little pinch and then another little pinch not going to make it sweet I promise when I promise you I'm telling you the truth okay trust me all right so what do we have here take a look down in the pan we got garlic we got onion and bell pepper we got all of our seasonings and our smoked meat and we covered the meat up half the way in the pan I want you all to turn this up on high you can cover it up if you want to make it cook faster and let's let it start to boil let's let that meat start to extract the beautiful smoked flavor all right let's let those veggies start to really cook down into this broth we want this to be flavorful before your beans go in keep in mind this is how I start my greens as well always making a flavor for broth before the beans or Your Greens go in so I'm just going to put this on the stove behind me up on high and I'm gonna cover it with foil I'll be right back I'm gonna put some aluminum foil on top and you know what your house is going to start your house it's going to start to smell so good you're gonna be like oh my goodness it's smelling good up in here all right just let it go you don't have to worry about it you know burning or anything because you know we have a nice amount of water or broth in there whatever you decided to use there's a nice amount of liquid in there and um it's not gonna burn okay what's going to be happening when you walk away is this going to come up to a boil the meat's going to extract flavor into the broth the veggies that garlic and those spices is going to form an amazing broth for these beans to go into now let's talk about something really quickly but before we talk I do want to ask anybody is everybody okay is everybody doing okay do you have any questions do you have any questions okay uh Z Nisha says that Pinch of Sugar is everything for recipes hey yes you bet Assad says that's a good smell it is it's gonna smell so good right okay so Gina and I I'm in Albuquerque waiting on my train to Los Angeles watching you okay the living legend number one welcome to Jenny Young's live thank you for coming in everybody Welcome the living legend number one thank you for coming in and joining us I love your holiday this is Deanna I love your holidays recipe and I can't wait till Thanksgiving can you do a hog mug recipe I you know I feel like I'm gonna do the hog mug recipe this holiday I feel like I must and if I don't I feel like I'm just gonna totally let y'all down I'm going to I feel like don't quote me on this you know but I feel like I'm like 90 that I do want to make it the only reason why I wouldn't make it is if I couldn't find them if you know because I am I live somewhere else and I gotta like find the the uh meat markets that sell it you know oh no Drew okay Drew says I like hog mugs but they smell so bad the hog mugs though it's the chitlins that smell really bad the hog mugs don't smell you might be mixing it up Gina I'm watching you now but I have my grandsons coming over to spend the night but I'll go back later to watch the live okay no problem Grace Hey listen thank you for coming in and joining us thank you thank you I'm so glad to have you oh and Drew says oh okay yeah yeah so I'm I'm I've told y'all in the past that I'll make chitlins for people or I'll eat I'll eat them but I'm really not a fan of them of chitlins but when it comes to hog mugs hold on guys I had to sneeze and walk away all right now let me wash my hands and then I'll come back and talk about it hold on I'm washing my hands now what I was gonna say is um when it comes to the hog mugs I'm just going to repeat myself they don't have the smell and they are so delicious you hear me without the smell I cook them down or I cook them babies down they are so so flavorful and I eat them with a little bit of vinegar a little bit of hot sauce and me personally I can eat the whole pan of hog mugs yes yes yes yes oh is that Drew chitlin smell like something brown in the bathroom you flow yeah they smell pretty bad Gina do a five flavor cake for the holidays or jelly cake okay that's really it interesting I've never heard of a jelly cake are those pieces of meat um are you saying are you talking about this here if you're talking about this here this is a ham steak this is a ham steak that I wanted to use I'm going to put some ham in mines um because I I don't want this to go bad so I figured sometimes when I make um okay we're going to come down with the camera sometimes when I make beans I like to use this ham steak because there are a lot of people that like to have pieces of ham cubes in their beans you know although even though we're using the ham hock sometimes you get the flavor from the ham hock but not a lot of ham that comes off of the ham hocks so I like to use this and it gives you even more flavor Gina is one chicken Cube hold on Gina is one chicken Cube okay okay don't have the powder my pot is on I'm on point okay okay one and a half chicken Cube but if you have one chicken Cube that's fine okay you'll make up for a flavor with salt okay so one chicken cube is fine that's what a great question because chicken cubes are the same thing as chicken powder it's it's just in a cube form and there it's delicious um the only reason why I don't buy the chicken cubes you may X is only because um they expire quicker than the powder does you know but I love chicken cubes and I especially love to use the chicken Maggie cubes in Haitian cooking oh you made black eyed peas and rice salad and homemade biscuits oh Sandy oh my goodness that sounds good okay so it looks like you guys are right along with me everybody is doing great I'm so proud of you all listen every single day and I'm telling you everything Gina Young can do you all can do and uh you know how you can do it stress-free is just you guys keep seeing me clean up and move this way and move that way I'm cleaning up as I'm going when you clean up in the kitchen as you go you're gonna be stress-free it's a promise it's a promise so now what I want to do I want for you all to get started on your rice you might be making regular rice or if you're making the type of rice that I'm making I'm making the boil in a bag rice right okay so what I do is I take my water about this much water in a pan okay bring it up to a boil salt the water just a pinch of salt once the water comes up to a boil we then put our bags of rice and I'm going to use two bags we put the bags of rice into the water and we let it boil for 11 minutes 11 minutes gives you that perfect rice every time so many people and their mama they ask me why you don't make regular rice well because I like this rice like I told let me see what's going on in my pocket I got some type of message happening here I'll wash my hands after I touch my phone okay let me wash my hands I kept feeling vibrating vibrating vibrating I'm getting notifications about the driveway the vehicle in the driveway but I seen the vehicle okay my hands are clean yeah thank you Sonya Sonya says 11 minutes for the rice perfect every time okay so if you're making regular rice you get started on it okay if you're making this kind of rice that I'm making I'm gonna bring that box a little close to you the boil in a bag rice you boil some water salt your water after the rice comes to a boil you're going to put either one or two bags in and don't open the bag okay let me show you this bag is preparated when I say that it has little tiny holes in it because somebody asked me a great question they said Gina why okay so the bags the rice is in the bag why are you salt in the water I said well because the flavor can go through these little perforated holes okay all right so I like to take two once it starts to boil 11 minutes only okay can't stress it enough it's going to be perfect and then you drain it from the water cut it open and put it into a bowl with a little bit of butter then let's do it together my rice is boiling but if yours isn't and you need me to tell you how to do it again I'm going to tell you okay oh you you're fine all right so now I'm going to look down and see how everybody is doing how you doing how you doing thank you Sonya she says clean up as you're going okay that person needs to be blocked who is it hold on guys I'm gonna see what's happening here foreign okay grace okay great okay thank you all thank you so much please be kind and look alive absolutely you know sometimes we get so cuckoo cuckoo in here you just gotta get rid of them okay all right so now when it comes to the beans your beans are gonna have liquid in them okay and you can use the liquid that's in it okay let's just say you're using two cans let's just use this for an example say you're using two jars or you're using four cans you can keep the liquid in two of your cans drain the liquid in the other two if you're making two of these you can drain the liquid out of this one keep the liquid in this one okay you see when you see where I'm going at because you are already going to have liquid in your pan okay and if you're that person let's just say you might be that person that says I want to drain the liquid that's fine okay that's absolutely fine because like I said uh then again you are still going to have liquid that we're going to put our beans into because we're making an amazing broth so it's really up to you Gina well which one do you want us to do drain half and leave half okay but I'm just I just like to throw out options for you all okay so let's just say you're making six cans three cans you can drain the liquid three cans you can leave the liquid or drain them up okay and really because I just have to be honest like I said I like to give all kinds of options because either way you do it it's going to turn out perfect okay like I don't know if you all have ever seen me make my red beans and rice when I make my red beans and rice I I like to keep that liquid it makes for a nice thick Bean but like I said you can rinse it too okay absolutely says Deanna sorry you are doing a good job that's such oh Sony you are doing a good job okay I have never seen beans in a jar oh girl listen always look on the bottom shelf of where your beans are located in your local market they always have them we keep this in our pantry for a later day like I said inflation is going on prices is rising every second as we speak and you got to have some stuff stopped in your pantry you hear me gotta have some rice gotta have the dried beans have some of these you know what I mean have some spam have some Vienna sausages canned fruits and things like that this right here we have ton of them for a late day or a day you just want to make beans and you don't want to wait on those dry beans to cook you know okay let me get Lala out of here all right Lala let me get you out of here all right all right Lala is gone I never seen beans in a jar okay Walmart and Kroger have the beans they are located on the bottom shelf says Sonia what is the difference between hog monks and ham hocks oh okay great question okay so now hog monks and ham hocks are completely different right um or or uh maybe you're asking the question what's the difference between hog monks and chitlins let's talk about all three hog monks is the actual stomach of the cow that I love I love I love it right chitlins is the intestines of the cow that I don't love although I can make some delicious chitlins you know for I can make some delicious chitlins for you and I'll even taste them so but chitlins is the intestines you know thing that goes like this and you know what it holds okay hog marks is the cow's stomach and the uh ham hock uh I don't quote me but I feel like the ham hock comes off of the lake cow I could be wrong about the ham hock maybe somebody can chime in if they know and moonchild says we know what she means chitlins oh yes candy girl they are a cow and Drew says is a pig or cow I'm confused it's cow yeah oh hold on hold on let me let me hold on I'm I'm com I'm confused hold on I'm I'm doing this wrong let me see chitlins is from the pig hog mug is from the pig's stomach if I'm wrong somebody said Gina you're wrong but I don't think I'm wrong I think I was just saying it wrong I was saying cow but I'm going to rephrase that there we go thank you Sonya chitlins are pig intestines and they said it's pink thank you oh you guys are awesome so listen tell me this right now your house should be smelling absolutely amazing right now that smoked meat that garlic the onion and the bell peppers is really starting to cook down and my house right now smells amazing I know my neighbors if they're outside right now they're totally wondering what is she cooking because it smells so good is your house smelling good right now Sue says I'm just coming in she says it's all pork I'm sorry guys I got a little confused there but you know what I just have to be honest I'm I'm human I can make mistakes that's why I said come on in come on in and tell me if you know I'm definitely I felt like I was saying it wrong you know thank you all I'm making greens today uh but tomorrow I'll be making some beans with ham shake oh good beans smells so good says Sandy okay this is great Renee P how are you thank you for coming in and joining us and coming back oh Sonya says yes my home is smelling good okay oh yes absolutely Eva there's no shame absolutely it does come from a pig sorry Diana I was um I think my mind was somewhere else but it's okay thank you Sonya slider says I love your channel thank you all right tomorrow I'm making beans with smoked turkey Lake okay this is great it is it's a huge pain to clean them you're right okay so here's what we can do we got the rice cooking you know your rice is going to be done very soon and we got the broth for me okay and when it's time to um take a look at the uh the meats to see if they're nice and tender we'll do it together and you guys can tell me if your meat is nice and tender or if it needs to keep cooking okay so I'm actually going to come around there I'm going to sit and chat we're going to be face to face we can talk about whatever y'all can ask me questions and then when it's time to take our rice out we'll do that and then we'll just let the beautiful broth start to form for our amazing Deeds okay I'm coming around I'm plugging the computer in because I don't want the computer to die on me and then I'm going to take the microphone off just for a few minutes to plug up the camera so our camera doesn't look you lose charge you're going to lose my sound just for one second but the sound will come right back okay everybody okay all right we're looking good turn the microphone off beautiful [Applause] all right jars of sauerkraut no it does it looks like sauerkraut and that's so funny that you say that but no it's jars of beans yes it is uh-huh the mic sounds like you're in water I I took the mic off I don't have it on anymore oh okay Debbie is saying let's see Debbie is saying I made your chicken spaghetti recipe today it's fantastic oh that's great and so it says Christopher right but it will somebody eating them I'm not sure what she's saying golden girl says beans baby yes that's what we're making here at the Young's house we're making beans and they gonna be good oh you love the waterfall thank you okay Renee thank you so much for the Super Chat she says Gina I enjoying watching you cook because I had oral surgery and I'm very sore but I wasn't going to miss your life ah thank you so much thank you thank you for the Super Chat Renee P thank you for coming back and joining us we enjoy having you all right that's great oh it's smelling so good in here haha yes all right Drew X was their couch no no no there wasn't I'm sorry I made a mistake no no no it's pink it's pink I made a mistake um I I forgot to ask my husband exactly where I got the waterfall from but I will ask him when he comes back I made your chicken spaghetti today for dinner oh that's great I can only imagine the smell and it makes me hungry yes Linda it smells so good right now so Drew says I'm gonna go shopping now get out of here Drew you will go shopping for them you ain't gonna find them disclaimer it's pink sorry about that it sounds so relaxing it really does it really does thank you that chicken spaghetti was the bomb okay great Heidi this is awesome it does it does and you know in the evenings when you want to relax and you're tired or you're just sick or whatever um and you want some relaxation I just go and hang out over that way you know sit over there and it is so relaxing it does it does in some place or not plants it's a light with rocks at the bottom and it really makes the water look beautiful and kind of shine like Shimmer um so if we just have that light on in here it's really pretty okay April since I love the southern style cooking okay thank you Heather how are you thank you for coming in oh he enjoyed it oh my goodness he enjoyed it have you used an instapot I have used an instapot before but mostly it's just for um like a roast or um like a shredded pork you know what I want to cook like a pork shoulder a pork butt roast and I want to shred it up I put that baby in there and it's red so good and I just put some barbecue sauce in it and we make pork sandwiches oh it smells so good in here also listen somebody said did he enjoy his birthday yes he did we had the time of our lives and we was there from Tuesday to Friday and listen so let's talk about this we went to a uh hope what is it called what is it called um Dakota I forgot what it's called oh escape room never mind never mind so listen we went to an escape room here in a second we gotta check our rice though somebody remind me so I say rice like like yell at me okay we went to the escape room and I didn't know what to expect I didn't know what to expect so when we get in there they make you sign the disclaimer you know because I can see like some people panicking in in there and I know that they make you sign a disclaimer because people could get scared I don't check your eyes okay all right Sonia let's check the rice and then we'll come back now when we come back I'm not gonna I'm not gonna turn the camera that way because you all know what the rice is going to look like when it's done okay if your rice is done you drain it cut the bag open and then pour it back into your pot or a bowl and just put a little bit of butter on it okay you can put butter on it later let's do that right now and I'll be right back remind me that I'm talking about the escape room because I could totally walk away for one second come back and forget what I was talking about all right I said yell at me and tell me about the rice she said check your rice it was that quick that's Christina all right my rice is done so I'm draining it I'm gonna put two tablespoons of butter on it and that's it drain all the water off of it remember I don't have my microphone on okay so bear with me look guys rice perfectly done that's why that's why I love the rice because it turns out perfect every time I love this rice I do they probably come get this off the floor please I dropped something get this off the floor I dropped something please huh you see it on the floor okay all right Bryce is done I drained it two tablespoons of butter and it covered up done right how can you tell if a ghost is lying I don't know sweet Liz I I don't know if that boil in a bag rice comes in jasmine I did want to come back I love you guys what do you mean oh listen listen so oh you talking about come back home okay okay okay okay I could have stood maybe two more days though I could I could have I could I could have stayed there two more days we was having so much fun especially with family okay listen let's listen so back to escape Alcatraz okay so there was different ones that you could choose you could choose high level Escape rooms or like the beginning escape room like different levels or whatever I think we did like the middle did we do the middle what do we do we did the second hardest the hardest was silent Okay so we signed a disclaimer and um it was me and my husband it was Dakota it was uh my cousin Nikki and her husband okay and when we get in she closed the door behind us listen to this dance she closed the door behind us she tell us she say now you can get Clues and um you know you can ask for a clue I think she said if you go over what to cut Dakota's talking to me if you go over three Clues and you can't get no more clues oh you can't hit the record because we went past three Clues okay okay so we didn't hit that part on the record because we had to ask for more clues than three okay we go in listen this okay so when we go in it looks dirty like they made it look dirty it wasn't like a dirty room you know Dakota turn that ice off but it wasn't just like a dirty room that was really dirty they purposely made this room look disgusting teeny tiny and what I say is teeny tiny is teeny teeny tiny it's all of us in there and um they closed the door behind us but you can see there was a camera up there so they had to be watching us and when we asked for a clue they had to be watching us because when you asked for a clue the clue comes on this little TV that's up there so I'm gonna tell you what it looks like it looks like dirty walls right it looked like there was a bed up against the wall that had chains on it but the bed wasn't down it was up against the wall you could tell it was a bed and then there was chains on the bed if you look this way there was like a sink there was a soap there was like this box that had a whole bunch of soaps in it and then there was like um a toolbox on the floor they had a combination lock on it you know where you need to fix do the combination and then there was another something over here that had a lock on it you needed to figure that combination out and then there was um some other stuff right and then there was yeah there was some other stuff but there was a toilet there was this like this steel toilet and of course there was no water in it because it wasn't a real toilet you know it was steel though and so once she closed the door everybody looking around like what and then you look at the TV and you can see your time you started to fit an hour you look at that time and the time is ticking you got an hour to get out all of a sudden I think it was my husband I think I don't know I think it was my cousin Nikki that said the toilet if I reached his hand down in that toilet oh he said a key hey right and there's all these things with padlocks combination locks so one of the things uh needed a key so they go into one of the things and they open it and when they opened it it was a head like a mannequin head right it was a mannequin head and um that was wild like and so we're looking at the head like what are you okay what do you do what do you do with the head well if you looked at the head right here there was a number five on it okay so you know that number five is gonna mean something so we just set the head up on the Shelf heck we don't know and then inside of that same box they had cards that said all type of stuff it said um different things I don't know if it was dates of when the people that escaped Alcatraz I don't I don't I don't know what the dates was but there was numbers and stuff on the cards and you when you first get in there you don't know what the heck is what all right and then there was like okay so where the toilet handle is I turned this thing this silver thing right it's so deep but so if I turned and it ain't doing nothing it was just up on the wall where it's all it is and they also tell you like um they say don't yank or or pry anything open it won't come open like don't destroy our building and we understand that so when I did like this and nothing happened I just thought oh okay we don't want to mess with that pipe we'll mess it up my cousin Nikki she turned and then nothing happened and then all of a sudden I think I don't know who started turning it somebody started turning that thing again right turning it turning it turn might have been the color turn it turn and turn it and then all of a sudden this wood came up off the wall right where the toilet was and this door opened before somebody could crawl through and they listen it was dark but it was spacious enough where somebody could crawl through my cousin's husband crawled through right he girl crawled through and it was dark I couldn't believe he did it and when he went through there he looked to his right and there was a door he opened the door and the door opened for us we're in the door open for us right so we got out of there but then there was a some other stuff so now we're in this second room and they asked for something else right and they and then we needed a clue and then we said we need a clue and then the clue was something about the head the head had number five on it and they said put the head in the bed but how do we put the head in the bed if the bed is up on the wall and it won't come down we figured out how to bring the bed down off the wall and then they said make the bed with the head put the head that's right put the head on the pillow and then count the numbers if you counted the number so the number five was on the head uh there was two numbers on this brown blanket that was under the bed and then there was a number on the bed so and so the number might have been five six nine right and we was like we put that in the combination lock and it opened something else like it might have opened the toolbox and then there was something else then there was something for us to listen to it's a little tiny recorder my cousin's husband clicked on it and we was listening right when we was listening it was like right and we're like what the heck so we looked behind the door and behind the door there was like a DOT there would be like a line in dot dot so what we had to figure out this is nuts when we had to figure out was the numbers so it was like one two two so he's like one two three four legs number four is first right we somehow we figured it out listen we got in this was so much fun this is something I would like to do again but we kept saying clue she'd give us clue and we had to um like exchange these they was like if you hang up these uh what was it uh if you hang up these little Flacks and take the other flags down the people that's patrolling the the uh the area won't notice you so we put up new flags and they said do this and look at the consolation on the ceiling right and this was so nuts they said something will happen when they said something will happen after we did that this window opened like I was like okay okay but it was so much fun so out of an hour out of an hour 0.5 seconds left that's all we had to get out all I knew was I see my cousin Nikki she was booking down there was two steps she's like Zoom flew out them steps right and I was right behind her we got out on time and when we got out um the lady that was watching us the lady that was watching us she was right at the door she said ah she's uh she said y'all okay and we always like yeah um I said was you watching she was like the whole time she said y'all was so funny right so she thought we was so funny oh so come to find out the last thing we needed to do was figure out how to get out into the yard like you know how to get out out of the you know the facility you're in into the yard there was a key hanging on this gate the whole time I was holding the key because the key didn't go in where it needed to go the key was inside of something locked inside of something hanging on a swim a swim jacket or a lifesaver and the last clue she gave us it was like the lady was yelling at us she was like the key to get out is on the Lifesaver I was looking at the wrong lifesaver in there we ran out but it was so much fun so if you guys ever want to do something like that I think that's great to do with the group you gotta have some people with some brains in there and here's how I told my husband in the car I said if it requires math I'm not gonna be able to get out and guess what at some point in time we had to unlock another box and in the Box guess what was in it a calculator and I looked at my husband right they had to put together an amazing math question that I would have just sat on the floor and died the floor and cried because I didn't know how to do it but they figured it out and we was out of there 0.5 seconds left how many of you would have liked that though I said Don't Cry is there anybody that's done one of those before oh okay you said no oh my goodness I I thought see because me listen guys I don't know if I've told y'all I am claustrophobic okay Drew says I love escape rooms with the right group of people yeah yeah yeah yeah so I am claustrophobic I know I'm claustrophobic and I know I will totally freak out but I I did okay I did okay and I was in the cup issues that I would be calling Jesus what am I scary though it was scary it was scary this messes with my anxiety it was so much fun oh my gosh you be trapped uh a Mildred says Nope but like I said I felt the comfort of my husband it was really just being in there with my whole thing you know with my family I was comfortable but I feel like if I was in there by myself oh Lord I don't know how I don't know I don't know how I would have did it and then there was this book you had a little FL listen when we walked in and the lady started explaining stuff to us the uh the light was really dim I already can't see and I'm thinking is this all the light weekend looking like this little late it was it was a light that looked like it's getting ready to blow out so it was dark in there and but then we seen some uh little tiny flashlights right about this big and there was three of them and we had to shine a flashlight on one of these books and then it was like uh Taurus Sagittarius Aquarius all this right and it had all these consolation signs on the book right but then one of the clues she says Shine the Light on the book right and then they said put the book on top of your head and see what you see or something we I know we was looking nuts to this lady it was it was so much fun I'll definitely go back Your Leader says no way no how no sir no ma'am yeah Carol says with the group it would be okay yeah with people you love you know uh you know you got your husband your wife there you know people you trust you you'll be okay and Dakota was working hard buddy hey he was working hard at one point I see my husband laying down and my husband had these really nice jeans all right they were light light blue and I was just thinking oh my husband is all into this he was on the floor and I'm thinking about to message Jesus up that's one thing I was thinking about he was on the floor he was doing that combination I was like oh man and the combination was nuts like you needed a flashlight because you couldn't see so you needed somebody to fly Shine the flashlight on the combination so you can make sure you got the right numbers woo go again if I'm paying oh I loved it I must I must say I love it oh Ty says it sounds like a video game it did it did I guess listen Ty I think that the Panic Room started on a videotape and then they turned it into like real life where you could do these things they told us if we did a review on how we enjoyed it um we would get 21st cent off next time we went in so I don't maybe I'll do it they just sent my husband an email today it was and this was all for his birthday we sat there the movie was called Panic oh I seen the Panic Room movie no you couldn't could you take your cell phone with you they tell you no was it that uh uh what's it that oh no let me tell you what happened it wasn't that I don't think they said you couldn't take your cell phone but I think they said don't use it or something I had listen this is so true I had charge on my cell phone right when we got in there something told me to pick my cell phone up out my pocket the charge was gone my phone was dead and I thought what the hell the charge so I don't know what I don't know what happened but I lost charge as soon as I went in there it was like something just drained my battery [Laughter] okay golden girl says um they record the whole thing and laugh at you yeah yeah um she said she was laughing at the at us the whole time and I felt like when the lady told us where the key was to get out I felt like she was screaming at us you could just see it written on the TV but I felt like we had I don't know it might have been six seconds when she was like the kids attached to the thing oh man she was laughing when we ran out that door you said nope just along for the ride here's what I want to do I want to turn around and look at the um I think I want to look at the meat to see how tender the meat is right now so how about we do this together um I'm gonna have my cameraman Dakota this live is fun thank you Ty I'm so grateful I'm so glad that you're enjoying it Hey listen I am so glad each and every one of you are enjoying it this is what we do on Saturdays and Thursdays okay can we come over here and look at the meat uh what I want to do is I want to take like my knife my fork and kind of push it into my meat to see what it's looking like I'm gonna have my cameraman not be so close because the steam is going to be like you know the steam is going to be yelling at us so I do want to feel the meat to see how tender if it's real tender that baby gonna fall off the bone but if it's not then we just cover it up let it continue to cook but let's check it together okay all right turn it around I'm gonna have Dakota take us over there and we can look at it all right let me get my apron back on I'm not gonna put my uh microphone on just yet but once we really get back over there to start cooking uh I'll put the microphone on you know no worries get ready to check the meat let's do it together it smells good in here guys when I'm telling you scoot back you don't want that uh uh steam in the camera okay what oh it's hot as hot be careful when you hold you open it because you're going to have a lot of steam take your time let the steam release okay you eventually get it opened okay if you use a pan lid you'll be in a better situation than I am I think I'll have to go to find my pan does this boil right here well that foil is hot all right so now what you're going to notice is you will notice that a lot of our broth has boiled out and that's okay because when we put more liquid in you're either going to put more water in or more chicken broth at some point okay I'm gonna go in with my knife and check let's see I want to feel oh look at that I don't know if you can see but that ham hock is nice and tender you hear me I got some steam happening here so the visual isn't going to be the greatest for you but let's check in on this gorgeous smoked turkey oh it's looking good okay what I'd like to say is we are to a point to where the meat is so tender oh yes look at that what I want to do is I'm going to go ahead I mean this is tender uh-huh what I want to do is I want to go ahead take the meat out of the pan okay listen to me everybody listen to me here I'm going to put the camera on my face so you can see what I'm talking about okay so what I want to do since the meat has begun to get nice and tender let's go ahead and turn this broth off okay whatever meat you have in there we're going to set the meat onto our cutting board let it cool down for about five minutes okay and you can let yours cool down a little bit more if you need to we're going to go in with a fork and a knife or two forks and we're going to just kind of pull the meat off the bone you know in such a manner chop it up if you need to and we're going to throw away the skin because we don't want the skin right we're gonna throw away the bones okay so we can get prepared to do this together okay I'll give you guys about three to four minutes to do whatever you need to do and then we can do this together so what are we going to do I'm just going to repeat myself we're going to turn the broth off we're going to take the meat out of the broth don't throw your broth away okay because we're using that beautiful broth to make beans okay let's take all the meat off the bone let's take the skin off the bone and then the meat goes back into the broth and then we're going to be putting our beans back in how about it okay my cameraman is going to go back around I'm going to get my hands nice and washed and we'll finish our conversation because we got so much to talk about okay all right I'm gonna wash my hands all right give me give me good so they can see what's happening here I want nobody left in the dark and then I need my computer so I can see everybody's comments so I can make sure everybody is uh incohesive with what I'm doing I'm gonna put my mic back on foreign let me put the microphone back on it's gonna it's gonna go uh the sound's gonna leave us for one second but then the sound okay can everybody hear me I see somebody said Gina Young family style Edition you bet it's always to the young family style Edition absolutely okay if you can hear me somebody say we can hear you if you can hear me loud and clear say loud and clear I love good vibes okay Ty thank you this is great okay all right we got some meat here and some of you right now may have the question you may say oh Gina the meat the meat is pink now when you have the Smoked Meats please keep in mind the smoked meat color is always going to be pink okay all right so now I'm going to wash my hands and we'll let the meat set here for a few minutes and then we'll start to cut the meat off the bone discard the bones discard the skin and we put the meat back into the liquid and then we're going to be bringing our beans into the equation okay we can hear you okay loud and clear okay beautiful kitchen says Tammy thank you then I'm watching Tropic Thunder snacking on some barbecue pork skins oh that sounds good Nadine says I can't believe I finally caught alive hey Gina and everyone everyone welcome Nadine Jones thank her for coming in thank her for joining us we definitely appreciate having you here with us okay I'm just gonna wash my hands okay get your hands nice and clean all right I need another paper towel go get another paper towel thank you for welcoming Nadine all right let's see trick-or-treaters need that survival candy this Halloween let's see my holy king says that Clean Hands fans okay so now uh let me get a fork sometimes your meat can be salt tender where all you really need is two good forks and you can just shred that meat right off the bone okay I need you to come turn this camera down so they can see what's happening here right about now okay all right we got some gorgeous turkey wings here I tell you what it smells so good oh it's smelling good they can't see what's happening here all right come down so they can see no no no no no put the camera put the camera down put your camera down and lean the camera lean the camera thank you okay so now here's how it goes falling off the bone yes it is and the meat's gonna get even 10 even more excuse me even more tender as it cooks with our beans okay if you see like little tiny bones then you just discard of it you know all right some of you may like the skin and if you're that person then you leave the skin okay I like to discard most of the skin because just to be honest some of the skin I do like okay and then the bones you discard of it how simple so I'm using you can see I got a knife here and a fork and I'm just kind of doing like that okay and same thing for your ham hock all right if you see any fat then you don't want to use it you know what fat looks like you know so look at all this gorgeous meat here I tell you what that smoked turkey meat is so healthy for you that's why I said some of the people don't want to use pork and that's totally fine because this smoked turkey meat a long listen here it's going to give you some good flavor you hear me all right so now look what you have you got a bone that you can discard I don't ever suggest giving your dogs any bones guess what because the bones can choke your dog so I didn't know that in my younger years you know but I've learned that as I got older not to give it to them because it's not safe you know if it gets stuck in their trachea that's horrible you know what I mean when you can just purchase treats for them that's safe for them you know what I mean okay so look at this so there we are two um two turkey wings and we've taken all of the beautiful meat off discarded the skin toss the bones I got a ham hock in there then I'm gonna take some meat off and then you can go through with the knife and just and and you see I really didn't have to handle it it was hot but I didn't have to handle it because I have these two utensils here okay so now chop it down if you want so guess what you do with it you put it back into this beautiful broth here can you show them the broth gorgeous yes you see it okay so now putting the meat back in there you can show them as I'm doing it come on show them what we're doing beautiful that's all the meat that's going to be in your beans check me out whoo now if you don't have chicken broth you're going to use water but like I said don't worry about if you're that person that has to use water because we're going to flavor that water you hear me trust me I do have to cough excuse me let me wash my hands always wash your hands no matter what you're doing you know you got a cough you got to scratch your head whatever wash your hands when you're done because that's going to be the best way that you can keep you and your family members safe what do you mean by safe well I was taught when I was in culinary arts school that if you do something just as simple as even scratching your head you know what I mean when you're cooking you get somebody sick from bacteria so if you do anything like that scratching your head you know coughing sneezing whatever just doesn't come back like we just did you know and it really helps all right and it shows that you care about people you know so here's my beautiful ham hock here girl listen here you ain't oh my goodness y'all know what good eating is [Music] this thing right here looked good we'll cut that meat off uh-huh cut that meat off all right got some great meat here yeah like I was saying earlier sometimes the Hem Hawk doesn't have a whole lot of meats but this one here whoa this baby got a lot of meat and I am so glad oh my goodness oh all right get as much of the meat off as you can now uh just to let you know that the bones of your smoked meat whatever you're using gives off a flavor too believe it or not the bone gives off amazing flavors and you know that's why I like to tell you guys when I'm making pork chops or something I like to say cook the pork chops it has the both it's going to give you the most flavor because the Boneless ones don't really have a lot of flavor it's just true all right so we're looking good there I got a little bit of meat here oh how many of you right now are saying oh Mommy make yourself is there anybody that's saying that right now or am I just totally nuts it's okay if you call me that good afternoon Gina I'm here and that's Geneva Smith my holy king oh Mommy all right so now let's clean up our area because we want to be stress-free that's a beautiful haha thank you all right so now like I said clean up as you go just to help yourself not to be stressed out in the kitchen okay so now let's talk about what we got here she said it's a lot of meat too yes it is okay so what do you have come in come in so we can talk about what we have and what we're getting ready to do we got broth we got veggies we got meat um if you want to you can taste your broth I'm going to taste my broth because I need to see what it tastes like and if it's delicious I'm going in listen here listen here there's so much flavor all up in there there's a lot of flavor in there okay grabs the straw for the broth okay let's go ahead and put our beans in you can use this liquid if you want you don't have to I'm going to drain this one you can keep the liquid if you want you know or drain it I'm just draining it in the sink as much as I can they're still going to be a little bit of liquid in there but you know it's going to be okay relax all right look at that beans going in shake it shake it shake it shake it uh-huh get in there on top of that meat and those veggies oh yes let's do it again you know I opened the can and the top says where have you been all my life okay I I never knew that the K that the cans say that I never knew that the can says anything where's this one say taste the beans not the can that's what this one says okay I guess so now I know there's a little there's a little saying in each can okay what I'm doing right here is I'm just draining it you know all right shake it shake it shake it like a salt shaker shake it like a salt shaker all right come on all right we got beans and a nice amount of it okay so now what I want to do is I want to gently fold in all look at that I'm folding in all of the meat oh yes I'm folding in the garlic the bell peppers and the onions okay fold it all in just like so in this manner okay and now what we're going to do that was two cans let me see how much I actually have here two cans I feel like let me see I feel like two cans is plenty enough I'm gonna stop it two cans okay I'm gonna stop at two jars so I have some leftover chicken broth I'm gonna go ahead and add it just like so and so now what we want to do is we want to cover this back up and Dakota I'm gonna actually have you get the lid instead of the foil okay and we're going to let this cook down with the beautiful meat just like so and um let's let's cook it for half an hour remember please keep in mind that um the um what am I trying to say the beans are already cooked you really just have to heat them up but I do want the meat to cook just a little bit longer just to get a little bit softer okay so cover it and now instead of turning it up a high this time let's it like on medium maybe a little bit higher than medium so now I have a beautiful lid here if you could show them I got a lid and we're going can they see and we're going to turn this down on medium and Let It Go we got rice done okay now in a half an hour set your timers in a half an hour we are coming back and when we come back we're going to be tasting the broth to see what seasonings we need to be using because several times when I'm making uh greens or when I'm making beans I like to season several times because not only did we add more broth is when you add more broth or even more water you need to re-season because it kind of dilutes the flavor you know what I'm saying so we're going to come back I like to open up my seasoning so I'm ready to re-season when it's that time so in a half an hour gonna come back and season again I'm opening my spices so I'm all ready okay everything's nice and clean I am going to make some hot soapy water for my um for my dishes here all right I'm coming back around I'm not going too far okay we're adjusting the light you may see the light doing some tricks right now foreign 's nice and clean all right turn that light why'd you turn the light off Dakota turn that light back around now what I want to do for those of you that want to make some cornbread real quick how about we make some cornbread okay so what I'm gonna use is I'm going to use some vegetable oil I'm going to use uh two boxes of Jiffy Mix I'm going to use two eggs and I'm going to use a little bit of milk okay and I do put a little bit of sugar in mines okay I'm going to oil my favorite pan that I like to use I'm throwing this baby in the oven because here at the Young's house can't have beans without cornbread okay and and just please remember everything doesn't always have to be homemade it just doesn't yes we know Gina Young makes amazing cornbread right we know that but what if I don't feel like that well if I don't feel like making homemade cornbread so so you make Jiffy all right so that's what we're gonna do all right so gather all your stuff together because we're making Jiffy now some of you right now you're gonna say um what are you doing with the extra onion and the bell peppers well in that half an hour when we check it this goes in okay this goes in and it's gonna it's gonna give even more amazing flavor like I said and it just makes it nice and beautiful okay how about it get your beans on the stove cover them and turn it on medium maybe a little bit over medium okay but don't have it up so high to where the bottom of your pan Burns okay we don't want that all right foreign 's moving in the right direction I'm proud of you guys everything Gina Young can do you can do as well you hear me you bet you can't I I am I have so much confidence in you guys I really do okay we're looking good let me wipe my stove down a little bit I hate to have a messy stove oh I don't even like watermarks on my stove I love this stove back here oh yes I do all right so now let me grab all of my stuff I'm going to need for my cornbread all right we're gonna use two boxes of Jiffy how you guys doing I'm trying to read the comments and see what everybody's talking about okay all right cornbread wham bam and this always calls for some milk it calls for an egg I just oil My Pan and turn it in on on 350. and honestly I don't measure my milk but you can read the ingredients right here because it tells you you know how to make it okay there has been times where I'll put some shredded cheese in there some jalapeno that sugar I'm gonna grab two eggs and I'll be right back in my milk all right here's my eggs I hope you all are having oh you used the pet milk I really like that idea it probably makes it taste nice and Rich oh I know it does I have some of that too wonder if I should use that I'll go ahead and use this because otherwise I'd have to go to where my pantry is you know going in with some milk I don't measure it like I said because I know you know I know how I want it yes they are Diana that's a great point that she makes she says beans are really good for you yes they are you know good for your digestive system it's good for the little kids too you know and if you make them taste good even kids will love them you know you know right away that Uncle Bobo's gonna love your big old pot of beans oh you use buttermilk in your cornbread okay so there it is simple right and then I have like a favorite pan that I'm going to use I'm throwing a baby in the oven it's gonna get done and we're gonna butter it down right oh I found out something too I found out something it's like a I'll tell y'all I'll tell you it's like a Beauty secret hold on I gotta tell y'all because it's exciting somebody says I'm getting so hungry okay this is great let me show you what we're having for dessert let me show you guys listen I want to step in real quick and tell y'all how much I love y'all I love you guys so much I really do I really do I love you guys like from the bottom of my heart I wish I wish I could have y'all here for my Thanksgiving that would be like totally nuts I could just see my neighbors I could just see my neighbors wondering what's going on like uh yeah it's a whole bunch of them out here they're in the house they're in the backyard I see people in the driveway in the front yard what's going on over there I can just see it I could just see it and there's nobody but my YouTube family and we're here having fun so listen uh we are having a cheesecake tonight and I just picked up this Edwards signature cheesecake so that's what's going to be for dessert and I'm pretty excited because I'm gonna have dessert tonight you know I'm just gonna you know when you have diabetes you gotta weigh out everything what you gonna what are you gonna have you know I mean if you had a bread for breakfast then you can't have dessert you know if you had you know you just really gotta weigh things out I'm gonna have me some dessert tonight and I'm gonna enjoy it oh Mildred says we love you too Gina I love you thank you if you cook in for one person one can is more than enough I did three cans oh Sonia thank you the cheesecake is so good okay I love you back Tina says Gwen I love Oreo cookies and orange dream cheesecake oh man Junior's Cheesecake I love Edwards key lime we're all coming I'm bringing a case of wine this is golden okay listen listen I'm just gonna grab my pan real quick I'm gonna oil that baby up and get this into the oven okay all right that's my refrigerator telling me you left me open let me close it okay let me see where they put my favorite pan at I have a favorite pan that I totally love to use for cornbread but I gotta find it the coat I'm struggling I got it y'all did y'all hear that I said Dakota I'm struggling and then dogs start barking see laughs okay I'm not really struggling dogs they smart I said I'm struggling and the dog start barking all right a little bit of oil huh um I don't know what I called you for oh I called you because I couldn't find my pan and you know you and Daddy be putting my pants all type of places and I can't find them I don't need you right now oh okay Valencia says I did three cans too thank you guys so much that really helps me because I just have to be honest and tell you guys that I don't know how many people you're cooking for you know what I mean and I don't know how much to tell y'all to get you know what I mean that's why I said and the thing gets six to eight cans because I don't know how many you know but I'm glad you all have common sense enough and all y'all have common sense to know how many cans you need because I don't know how many you're cooking for you know and then here at the Young's house we make a whole bunch because um ah we like to put food into the freezer eat it the next day have it for lunch freeze some you you know and I don't know how much y'all need so thank you all so much oh my holy King's cooking for five people see all right there's my cornbread mix I'm gonna set that in my hot soapy water okay got my spices opened and ready everything's still cooking and it's smelling and looking good this is going into the oven and then I'm going to come back around and we can finish talking about whatever we was talking about where did we where did we stop with what we were talking about somebody hopefully you can remember because I know I ain't gonna remember all right cornbread is in I got some paper on the floor I want to pick up all right and I'm gonna wash my hands again nobody freak out laughs nobody freak out on me I'm going to show you guys the dogs because the dogs want to get in the camera they want to say hello and they're right behind me you said Gina you invited you invited us to Thanksgiving well I didn't invite y'all I hate to say that um I would like to invite y'all let me wash my hands I would love to invite y'all I would I really would it would just be so much fun you hear me you know listen guys I pray in Jesus Christ's name that Ron Wilson is doing okay I pray that he's okay I pray that his wife is doing well so everyone if you think about it please think about Ron Wilson and pray for him and his wife I haven't heard from him although I have not looked in my email to check and see if he emailed me but I am thinking about him and how him and his wife Kathy is doing today Okay so that half an hour we're going to cook those beans down okay you may have your cornbread in the oven and if you do that is totally awesome okay I'm coming around right now oh yeah cause I want to tell y'all something really interesting that I found out and that I'm figuring out I think I think I figured something very important now something that's been driving me nuts and you all know about it okay hold on here I am but let me show you the puppies okay I got a baby right here there's polo polo can you say hi uh stay there so they can see you uh oh look he's coming close to me now he can't he's on my leg can you see God hold on he's all over the place well well I'll try to catch him I'll try to catch them they moved run yes Ron is in our prayers oh what's been driving you nuts I'm it's nothing real real serious but it is something that bothers me um hold on let me pluck some things in real quick hold on all right got the computer plug back up all right I'm back here all right I'm going to I think I'll keep the microphone on for now because in a half an hour we got to go back over there did anybody put a timer on but then again I could totally understand if Ron didn't know that I was going live today because um you know when I was on vacation I I didn't keep up with you guys like that you know so that that would tell that's totally understandable okay here's what I'm putting on if anybody's wondering cucumber melon it smells so good okay so listen do you all know how um I have been like I always tell y'all I can't where's the comment somebody say hello I'll see one comment okay okay do y'all know how I always say um how uh it drives me nuts about my face being oily and I always have to use my brush on my face to soak up some of the oil I may have figured out a solution I I may have may have figured out a solution with God on my side because it's like it's like the worst thing to have an oily face and not know why your face is so oily like sometimes I feel like my makeup is slipping off of my face not really but you know what I mean you all know what I mean but anyways I decided to do some research yesterday okay remember 422 when you put thank you Sonya 422 when you put your cornbread in okay uh in six minutes your time in six minutes all right are you saying in six minutes my time for my beans okay listen so um yesterday and today I've been doing some research I just got listen I got on YouTube and I said solutions for oily face I did solutions for oily face because I'm mad right as when I was on vacation my face was just so stinking oily and I was so mad at my face like face you got to get it together okay so listen everybody was sitting there saying they said what is it Gina what get to it it's so funny because I'm doing exactly what my husband does that I hate my husband will carry a story on forever before he gets to the subject and I'll be over there biting my tongue like get to it tell me right so listen listen okay okay okay all right all right all right all right all right they said everybody and they're saying everybody in different videos said don't sit there and think that because your face is oily you don't need to moisturize your face so all this time I okay so I use uh CeraVe I use CeraVe for my face and I love it right I mean I love it till my heart's content I use one for acne which I don't have acne but I use it because I want to dry my skin out I want to dry it out because my face is so oily and then I use the regular kind right so they said first of all you don't need to be using the kind for acne to dry your face out because your face needs moisture right and if your face don't have moisture it's going to produce sebum it's going to produce moisture and you're going to have oily face because you ain't been moisturizing your face I use all these nice products beautiful Pro I use um uh uh Meaningful Beauty the one by Cindy Crawford and I use CeraVe products um and I use something else right I'm using all these products and they work but I'm not moisturizing my face I wasn't moisturizing my face because my face is so oily so I was messing myself up not one time since we've been on this live have I used my powder thing on my face moisturizer before I put I say Gina you put the cornbread at 6 22 your time okay okay okay so I moisturize my face real good with CeraVe moisturizer put my makeup on and not one time that I go in with my thing I may have figured out the solution you've got they said even if you have the oiliest skin in the world you got to moisturize because if you don't your face is going to feel going to go in panic and it's going to produce oil and I thought you have to be kidding me all this time I was thinking my face is oily I'm not moisturizing my face and making it more oily well I use the moisturizer today and look at me oh hey I'm so happy I know I'm nuts I know I'm nuts right now but I'm so I'm so stinking happy right now so listen if y'all have Valencia's totally laughing at me uh dry skin is the issue that was the issue yes so I'm gonna moisturize my face at night I'm gonna moisturize my face right before my makeup and we're going to see where that leads me how interesting I never knew I was on the verge of going totally nuts because my face was so oily and when I would do videos where I would do lives every five seconds I'm doing my my little you know my brush thing on my face and I'm like okay this is getting like obsessive because my face is getting more it was because I never ever I don't know when the last time I put uh lotion or moisturizer on my face you need to and I need to so I better get over myself and start using moisturizer if I want skin regular skin so that's all that's what I wanted to talk about it might not be nothing to y'all but it's kind of exciting to me Mildred says I'm happy for you Gina thank you I thought and then they start saying it's so funny because in the videos they would say and if your face is so oily you might have an underlying medical condition I'm like you have to be kidding me you know sometimes if you read too much into it you'll get you you know you'll start hearing all type of stuff what kind of CeraVe uh Dakota come here 's the thing I just have to be honest with you I I um I like wearing makeup right so you see makeup uh I do have some marks on my skin but I don't have like bumps or rashes or anything on my skin I like to wear I just like to wear makeup right but the most thing if I was to say something is the oil issue and under my eyes is really dark but you can't see that without you know what makeup on but under my eyes is really dark but other than that I don't have skin issues other than oil and we're going to fix that right away oh Lord did it go again look like Jill Scott oh my goodness oh you have sensitive skin Dakota come here go get my um go get my okay if you go in my bathroom are you listening because you're walking that way go in my bathroom and I have a blue and what a white and blue bottle of Sarah Villa says moisturizer go grab it in my shower I have the face cleanser that has green and then I have another one that says acne can you bring them all here please thank you ah there they go again you look like Jill Scott oh my goodness oh you've been using Noxzema since high school is still using it Sonia my husband loves Noxzema my husband loves to use Noxzema and his my husband has really nice skin smooth face and he was knocking oh but he also uses um uh uh uh Maxima he also uses um there's something else that he uses thank you yeah let me say no you gave me the wrong stuff okay facial okay so here's the moisturizer he gave me the wrong one I got one for pm and one for the am I I used the one before my makeup today it was the am kind faster moisturizer CeraVe okay and it is expensive but now in this one I've been using this CeraVe acne control cleanser um which come to find out I don't need the acne one right so I'm going to back off off of using it you know if I ain't got acne why use it right so I'm gonna show you which one I actually need to be using so I'm gonna switch from this one since I don't have acne right go get the one with the green in my shower this is not green this is blue cornbread okay somebody said check the beans okay okay okay I'm coming right back okay cornbread is not done I don't know why I'm screaming because I got the microphone on oh these beans listen here okay here's what I want to happen I know y'all can hear me even though I'm not in the camera view I'm staring my beans and the meat is getting more tender okay you got me in there okay and so now what I'm doing here let me just bring my beans over into the equation put that camera down scoot back screw back back back back and come down a little bit so they can see what's happening okay can they see me yes okay so now go ahead and take that leftover onions and that bell pepper put it in there just like so my cornbread wasn't done I did check it okay and look how beautiful can you see in the pan look how beautiful okay oh my goodness okay here's what I want you to do I want you you you and you you and you to taste the broth you taste this broth and I want for you to decide if you need more seasoning I just have to be honest with you I know I'm gonna taste it and I need more seasoning why well the reason why is because we added more liquid okay so let's taste it together um oh duck well that's good you hear me um I tell you what I never told you a lie um that is so delicious you hear me and now it really don't need any more seasoning I may be a little nuts but I'm not I gotta put a little bit more seasoning just because I'm Gina Young okay wanna have a little tiny bit more sugar a little bit more and and really when I say it's a little bit more it is just a little tiny bit more okay garlic and onion powder okay I'm not going to put the salt in because we already used it and this time I'm going in with one pinch of chicken powder I'm done with seasoning this this okay that was the last time that I'm seasoning any of this all right I have a different spoon I know summer you were gonna say ah I know she didn't got a new spoon okay and I want to taste it again I want to taste again because I can't Let's Do It come on somebody I don't have the camera I don't have the uh computer with me so I can see your comments but I want to hear and see those comments about how your broth tastes right now okay here in just a second Melissa I am one happy person right now because this flavor right here pretty much out of sight let's let it cook for a little bit longer let those veggies cook and let that meat continue to get nice and tender we're not going to forget about our cornbread pretty soon this is going to be done we're all going to say a prayer and we're going to eat together how many of you think this is exciting save the messages for for when I come around so I can read them foreign just done I'm turning my beans up a little bit and I'd like to say I'm turning them up to like a medium uh I'm sorry a little above medium high wait let me rephrase that let me rephrase what I just said turn the beans up to like medium high don't go above it okay now I did have some extra meat that I wanted to put in I'm going to do that and you know this ham steak it's um it's fully cooked okay so no worries there I don't want anybody to freak out and say oh it's not going to cook long enough that that meat that ham meat that I had it's a ham steak it's fully cooked okay I'm coming around so we can talk all right hmm how to fix the light this is the kind if you have acne this is the one that I've been using I shouldn't be using it because I don't have acne I shouldn't be using it so I'm going to stop using that one I'm gonna use this one if you see that on there that's makeup okay so uh this one is foaming facial cleanser okay and it has all the good stuff that they tell you you should be putting in your you know your stuff that you're using for your face which is the three essential ceramides night uh I don't know niacinamides I don't I could totally be saying it wrong but if I am just laugh with me you know and hydro hydrolonic acid um so it has a foaming action gently refreshings and cleanses niacinamide helps calm the skin fragrance free okay non-comedogenic I don't know what that means where it won't clog your pores but this right here and moisture in my face is going to help me with so we'll we'll just actually see if at any time I feel like I need to use my thing my pal my um thing for my face we'll see because so far I've been doing okay without it it's it said nothing wrong with turning up Ty is Ty turning up Tire you turning up right now over these beans laughs please tell me where you got that pot from I Love It I got the pot from as a gift from my husband I mean from my dad my dad brought me the gift over 13 years ago I didn't know where he purchased it but it came from the Wolfgang Puck collection but if you want a pot like that you're just gonna ask for all right you know if you go on Amazon or something you're just going to say that you want a stainless steel flat bottom Wok you said Gina we're turning up on the live okay Hey listen have fun I'm glad listen I'm I'm glad y'all having a okay Sonia yes that's what I want to hear that's what I want Sonya honey I'm here for you and any of you guys that cooked with me or anybody that's watching I am here for you I'm commenting on uh Sonya's comment she says Gina my broth is bussing that means it's totally delicious okay so [Music] this is great hold on I'm getting somebody's in my driveway let me see somebody pulling up in the driveway and the dogs heard it hold on all right let me go go to the driveway I don't want the backyard okay it's my husband all right isn't that funny them dogs they hear it buddy and they standing right by the back door or by the door all right it don't take you long for get buzzed and drunk what are y'all talking about out here oh that's such again y'all having a good time and I'm so glad I am so glad y'all are having a time of your lives what kind of eyeliner do you wear uh I'm going to show you it's actually CoverGirl it's the only kind that I'll ever use it's Covergirl and it has the um eraser on the end and every time before I use my eyeliner I sharpen it with the pencil sharpener so I can get a sharp I can have a pencil sharp you know liner because I feel like if you use a dull liner it's not going to turn out good on your skin especially if you have a darker skin so I'll show you here in a second you said jars and cans of beans at Walmart at Kroger yes you said just can't eat Northern beans but they look so good I bet you you could you could eat this recipe Sonia just told you how good the broth is oh thank you can anybody tell me where to purchase the chicken powder at Walmart okay okay what I want to do I gotta check my um cornbread let me check the cornbread and I'll be right back two seconds thank you hey babe he's big okay so when I check my cornbread I'm literally going to take my Fork inside and if my pork turns out nice and clean my cornbread is done like it's done now so we're gonna set this cornbread one two a cutting board and we'll smear it down with some good old butter how about it okay [Applause] hold on I'm moving a couple of things around and then you all can actually see me butter up that cornbread that we just made okay I seen it baby uh yeah okay so I got some beautiful fresh butter here I'm just going to take the whole stick can you turn the camera around who's whose food is this honey this is yours okay can you turn the camera around real quick put them down so they can see this pretty soon our beans are going to be done don't laugh at the holes we have holes because of the fork put your fork in take it out if it's nice and clean that means one thing and one thing only when it comes out clean your cornbread is done look what I like to do take the whole butter stick and just smear it on that baby like so talk about some good cornbread but listen for those of you that want my homemade recipe for how to make you know hot water cornbread or just a regular cornbread go to my channel Gina Young is going to show you how to make the hot water cornbread how to make regular cornbread you hear me and talk about delicious listen here but if you don't have time for all that you know I know we sometimes we don't have time for certain things then you make some of this and butter it up real good and you're set okay so there's that okay I'm coming back around my beans are are kind of boiling very viciously so I'm going to turn them down a little bit okay and we're all going to be eating very soon very very soon I'm coming around all right here I am can't wait to eat okay this is great it is melting your mouth cornbread Raymond you're right my cornbread is done yes it is somebody says eat and sleep oh thank you Elizabeth thank you so much thank you for joining us Elizabeth Sasha says yes pinto beans doobie but yeah pinto beans are delicious I feel like everybody grew up on pinto beans you know oh you're eating barbecue today yum oh thank you Xander D thank you once again for coming in yes Alan says hi I'm back welcome back thank you for coming in and joining us I think we could probably turn the fan off because it's a bit cold in here oh the dogs are eating looking International let's see what they're talking about look at the international aisle for the chicken powder absolutely there's um an international section where you could find like um stuff to make um International Foods like Mexican foods Puerto Rican Foods Haitian food where you might find products like Goya and stuff like that and you can find uh male uh different types of mayonnaise Goya products and you're always going to find that chicken powder you may even find the chicken cubes that someone had asked me about it comes in a box and you get these little tiny cubes right and then you just they're soft you break them up and you just put them into your beans when you break it up it turns into a powder but it's delicious what it it oh let me let me tell you this if you if you don't have an international section let's just say you go to Walmart you know where the soup aisle is the regular soup aisle where you buy Campbell's noodle soup right chicken noodle soup you look on the top shelf you're going to be able to find Chicken Boy on cubes okay check me out Chicken Boy on cubes where are the chicken bouillon cubes is you'll see it and then next to it you'll see Chicken Boy on powder or beef bouillon powder okay so in your soup section or in the international section okay you can find Maggie Pollo Maggie Pollo m-a-g-g-i-e p-o-l-l-o or it'll just say chicken powder or it'll say chicken Boya uh oh Gina purchase your turkey now the price has gone up oh my goodness okay that's fine Lynette come back hey we enjoyed having you thank you because he is back welcome kissy everybody Welcome Kinsey back thank you for coming back and joining us it's so nice to have you um hold on ah Catherine said her go to the Asian store thank you all for welcoming kiss kissy back Freedom says they have turkey 65 here in Texas oh my goodness sixty five dollars that's a lot Elizabeth says 65 dollars for a turkey she said that's nuts okay Sonia said her cornbread is done so how about okay in 15 minutes foreign excuse me for sniffing in 15 minutes we're all going to check our beans I want to check the meat and see how tender it is if that meat is nice and tender in 15 minutes guess what we can say a prayer we can eat okay if that sounds good to you somebody say that sounds good I can't wait because my my turkey is going to be so delicious oh you're buying your turkey tomorrow I know that's right he said that turkey must have a baby turkey in it because it's 65 I never heard of a 65 turkey Tom going that's a lot of money okay you said my wife said she would rather starved and pay that much for a bird that can't fly okay so Nadine Jones says I have been watching you since the fried bologna sandwich and have been enjoying your channel ever since oh that's great now Nadine let me ask you this which bologna sandwich because I think I made a fried bologna sandwich back in 2017. which one was it one that I made okay what are you snacking on Gina I'm so hungry that's Elizabeth Elizabeth my husband stopped it um what is it baby Taco Bell and he got the churros s and they are so cinnamony cinnamony I think that's the word I'm trying to use and um soft tacos so I I love soft tacos I'm gonna go ahead and eat a little bit because I'm starving right about now oh hmm Derek said I'm back I'm feeling a little bit better but it's too early to buy your Toki I know I don't bite my turkey till I don't buy my turkey until I guess I can say like a couple days or a week before Thanksgiving you know foreign what do you mean is that a YouTube channel Robert I don't know what you're talking about how I left the gymnast inside the what the turkey oh that was that wasn't another lie yeah I did if it's all in here oh no my tournament turned out good I thought we were young too huh he mentioned that the Butterball oh it's funny on on Thanksgiving Eve oh that's exciting I remember when I was younger we would watch um Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving Eve did you guys do that did y'all watch like the pumpkin patch Charlie Brown's pumpkin patch on Thanksgiving Eve uh Susie Q says Mr Young's birthday was awesome he said well thank you oh in 2017 oh my goodness thank you for being with me that long I'll tell you what I just have to say I love Taco Bell this Taco Bell tastes like it has cinnamon in the meat I don't understand what's going on with this with this soft taco right now I love their soft tacos but I'm not oh I know what's happening the sentiment from the Charles I can pick out anything the cinnamon from the Charles must be on my taste buds and when I tasted the taco I can taste it um oh your granny already got a turkey and a ham in the freezer okay oh you love the wax me the wax museum was so interesting I've never had Del Tacos you know just to be honest so if we started cooking at somebody said that was fast cooking so here's the thing yes me and my cousin we got in the jacuzzi and we enjoyed ourselves so yes we did and we got in the pool too so we had a good time I I love the y'all y'all know I love the water he shouldn't have brought me these home because I'm gonna eat them all I'm gonna eat them all to pull the indoor pool where we went for my husband's birthday oh you made the pound cake it was so beautiful everybody had such a great time we really did um I made peanut butter fudge last night oh wow Christopher says the Pete the pound cake was so good Gina oh that's great those West they did the wax people look so realistic and it was so interesting because when you looked at them they totally looked like they was getting ready to come alive they look so interesting there's so much detail in them yeah I'd like to say there was some that didn't really look you know but 95 of them they look exactly like the person very nice it was I would definitely go back have you made peanut butter fudge or chocolate fudge not for my channel I'd like to tell you that I made um I may have made chocolate fudge I know I made strawberry fudge and I know I made strawberry and chocolate I don't know if I made strawberry I really have to think about it or go back to my channel you know oh thank you Carol I wonder what they feel like if you touch their skin I don't know they tell you not to touch it and I can understand why like you can only imagine how much money they put into those mannequins you know but like I said some of them look so real look like they were just staring through your soul my husband said Jack Nicholson he said he looked like super real let me know when 15 minutes is up it's gonna be time for us to eat hopefully it should be because the meat should be nice and tender who works at Taco Bell Stephanie is seeing somebody works at Taco Bell who's she saying works at Taco Bell don't nobody here work at Taco Bell she must got somebody else mixed up all we did thank you Christopher I'm gonna make sweet potato pie when are you gonna make it when are you gonna make it hey oh you say yep he did look more realistic than the others yeah Gina how do you keep the beans from being mushy since they're pre-cooked you don't cook them too long right and so that's why we did all that cooking you know for a long time getting the meat making a beautiful bra extracting the flavor from the meats and then at the last minute you add the beets then they won't become mushy okay because I promise you each and every person and you're even going to see what my beads they're not going to be mushy now and they don't cook those beans they cook them right yeah they cook them and they're fully cooked but they don't overcook them it's different if they overcook them and then you try to cook them then they will get overcooked but if you just go nuts and you cook them too long yeah they'll be mushy but we're not gonna cook them that long that's why all the cooking ahead of time was done with just meat and veggies and seasoning okay thank you Judy meat veggies and seasoning cooked a long time to get that meat tender extract the beautiful flavor make a gorgeous broth put the beans in later and that's how you do greens too I know I mentioned it like three times other times but it's important that you know you make a beautiful broth extract the oh you said Michael Jackson oh you said the Michael Jackson look better wax I don't I don't do the Facebook the Instagram Twitter nothing like that YouTube is definitely enough somewhat kind of cake what kind of cake did Mr Young I think you said what kind of cake did he have well you he wanted the better than anything cake and he loved it yes he did that's his favorite cake he asked for it so I was more than glad to make that cake for him and it turned out just yeah yeah a family really loved it they loved it and I was so glad to make it for him and his family so it looks like I'm gonna be making that cake some more and I don't mind because I always every time I make it I have fun making it better than my holy king says better than anything I never heard of it well listen when we get off of here you should definitely check out the video for it I have a video a couple of videos for different types of better than anything cake and people go totally nuts over it okay so I say he's Pro what's interesting five more minutes okay did you ever think about a hair tutorial no I haven't because I'm not the greatest with doing hair I'm not I have my hair stylist style my hair and then I take it over from there but um and on days that I wear my hat it's because my hair is just doing its own thing but thank you I'm not I'm not I'm not a makeup and hair stylist you know so I I don't feel like I'd be able to tell y'all how to do hair and makeup you know I can just learn from YouTube how to do my makeup and that's what I did and then as far as my hair I just kind of wet it and I put the design Essentials leave-in conditioner design Essentials mousse and then I use a diffuser to make my hair have curling definition hello Gina Gibson how are you check the beans okay everybody said check the beans what's your favorite Halloween movie um I really have to think about that I don't know thank you Derek thank you my husband loves football yes you said does he love football he does my husband loves sports oh you're getting over the flu I'm so glad you're here I'm so glad you're doing well oh nobody special juice Miller I just kind of click on something you know and see like who to watch you know how to learn what to do you know all right here's what here's what we need to do let's bring the beans over into the equation let's take a look at them I'm literally going to take I'm going to taste the bean to see if it's nice and soft okay I'm also going to taste a piece of meat to see if it's nice and soft and if that happens we're going to say a prayer you all are going to get that first bite especially if you um didn't cook today I'm going to make up a big old pot I mean a big plate you guys get to taste it okay so let's flip this camera over so you guys can see what's getting ready to happen Dakota I need this camera in on me all right got the beans of course we got the cornbread that's gorgeous we'll we'll cut it later all right I want to wash my hands before I get started what are you doing foreign turn that this way so I can read comments while we're doing this just kind of push it up this way a little bit and I can see what what everybody's talking about okay there is a new horror movie coming out but after Halloween called Megan about a robot life-size doll oh my goodness okay get ready to check okay okay Lottie thank you Lottie for coming in I definitely enjoyed having you here if I didn't get to speak to you I definitely apologize okay so I'm gonna grab a spoon here don't bring the camera too close right now all right so let's see what we got going on okay look at this now somebody said how do you prevent the beans from getting soggy don't cook them too long and that's it don't get nuts with cooking them too long if you would have put them in earlier than what we did they definitely would have been mushy okay but you can see they still have some integrity all right look at that all right so now come on beans oh yes all right so now I want to taste some meat I'm going to taste the ham hock meat all right I'm gonna just set that there can you come come down please I'm going to chase that and see if it's nice and tender all right okay I gotta blow it I gotta blow it um fall off the bone tender you hear me all right so that was my ham hock meat okay so now I want to go in and taste my smoked turkey let's see because I can see the difference in the two Meats okay all right there we go smoked turkey meat okay I can see my forehead's getting a little shiny we'll have to fix that all right let's see um hmm taste all your foods you have to before you feed your family you got to know what it tastes like you got to know if it's seasoned you're gonna know if it's tender you got to know everything don't be afraid to taste your food to know what you got going on before you feed it to your loved ones okay so now what I'm doing right now is I want to taste my beans to see if it's nice and soft and I'm pretty sure we're getting ready to start eating oh let's eat oh let's eat it's so good this right here make you smack somebody oh my goodness let's go ahead and say a prayer right now Heavenly Father we'd like to thank you once again for today I thank you Lord for all my subscribers and viewers I pray that you bless over their lives and keep them safe I pray that no weapons formed against them shall prosper and we bind the devil away from all of us in Jesus Christ's name let the devil know he stands no chance Heavenly Father we thank you for this fun life we thank you for today we thank you for this uh Fellowship we thank you Heavenly Father for a blessed uh recipe Lord we need you in our lives we can't do anything in life without you please forgive us for our sins come into our hearts we make you our Lord and savior send your angels to surround us day and night your Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace over our minds in the name of Jesus no weapons formed against us in Jesus Christ's name we thank you once again for this beautiful meal amen all right the food is ready get a plate get a bowl get your rice cut the cornbread say your blessings time to eat we did it we did it you did it you know and all along there were so many of you not sure how to make it but we came in and we made it and you have to be honest it was pretty simple right yes it was simple so here's how I like to do it I like to put some rice in the bottom of my bowl okay you see that not too much rice okay cover that Rice back up turn your stove off turn your oven off make some hot soapy water for your dirty dishes okay we're going to cut some cornbread and we're going to enjoy these beans Gina Young Style don't be afraid to make a recipe that you never cooked before especially when you're cooking with Gina Young I'm going to give you guys the best details the best instructions I'm going to show you how to do it step by step because everything that I do in this kitchen you can do as well all right when you put these beans into your bowl you make sure to get some of that good broth that flavorful broth okay uh oh what's Dakota can you see if I lost connection Dakota is it Frozen is it Frozen it's Rosa okay all right I thought everything went went dim for a second so now here is what it's going to look like put the broth in there and I'm gonna put a little tiny bit I know my husband he likes to put um hot sauce on his which is such a great idea right foreign I'm going to put a tiny bit of salt and when I say a tiny bit of salt really it's just a teeny bit but that's the fun about you know let your family do what they want you know after they make their bowl I'm coming around we're going to chit chat for a while your beans should be done turn the stove off turn the oven off wash your hands and let's get started eating you know look what you got honey a bunch of everything when we cut your cornbread for you huh okay cornbread okay hold on guys I'm coming around here in just a second okay I'll make my husband a beautiful plate for him and he said he gonna go in he said he's gonna go yeah all up in these beans okay so this is great you want rice honey a little bit a real real real little bit okay he don't like rice y'all he don't like rice and he said why am I making him eat it I'm just giving him I'm just giving him a little tiny bit he said he gotta say just a little tiny bit he said why are you making me eat it then if I don't like rice okay I'm gonna give him a bunch of ham in here A bunch of turkey meat look at that oh wait make you some Gina Young style you won't be let down you hear me you want the hot sauce honey all right here's that here's that all right and the hot sauce I don't know where the hot sauce is okay here baby here's sweetie pie I know you want uh black pepper the color you can turn the air off [Applause] all right I'm coming around I'm coming around I'm coming coming enjoy sweetie pie I didn't give you hot sauce because I couldn't find it okay love you all right who's ready no hot sauce for me hot sauce completes the meal yeah help your dad find the hot sauce your father didn't like he didn't like uh rice now he likes fried rice excuse me I took the uh microphone off excuse me y'all foreign still trying to get over that nasty cough okay here we go go get hot sauce out the pantry Dakota just go yeah come on look at this look at this I can't bend it but so much because I don't want my juice to come dripping but when I put it on listen when I put it on my spoon you're gonna see you're gonna say you're gonna say you're gonna see you're gonna go nuts over this that's a big old pot of beans look at that hmm and and honestly it's that simple a little bit of cornbread to go with it I'm going in um I'll take some hot sauce I'm gonna follow me by next year yeah you said there it is yeah there it is oh okay so I put the hot sauce on oh come on listen tell them how to make it tell them how to make tell your family how to make it tell your family how you made it and who showed you how to make it thank you listen I'm so happy with the flavor right now where's the dogs okay I say words with dogs they barked at me because they wanted to go downstairs [Music] um I see you Sonia Sonia said it's so good yes yes once again see I like to soak the Bean Juice up with I like to soak the Bean Juice up with the rice it's like having red beans and rice kinda but not really [Music] she said I would have never thought of that Derek wonder what she's talking about let's see foreign about that either Okay so did she say he said put the cornbread in a glass of milk um huh foreign let me see your your rice that's way too much rice Dakota you don't need all that carbs that's too much rice so put some of it up you don't need all that all that uh rice now I think what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna get the the milk and I'm gonna try it because this sounds so interesting Susie Q said her socks is off all right I'm gonna try it Catherine said it's good put the cornbread in the milk okay let me get let me get the cup let me get the cup s okay so this is exciting really like this let's cover this purple all right I'm getting my milk go ahead okay got the milk I got some beautiful milk so what I'm seeing what I'm noticing is my face is just a little tiny oily here just a little bit and I'm okay with that just a little bit so what do I need to do I need to keep moisturizing my face but I made it halfway through the live y'all gotta really give it up for me now come on all right so we need to take the cornbread right all right dipping it into the milk all right let me see hold on I got hold on I gotta think about it hold on I'm gonna really dip it hold on oh Rumble it into the milk okay this is new for me so here's the thing it's not bad I'm not sure about it I'm not saying I don't like it now dip the cornbread they said now dip the cornbread in the broth okay hold on all right dip the cornbread in the broth all right oh my God listen it's good both ways I've just never had this one it's interesting it's interesting look at this come on flavor shine through on the flavor now look at that oh um now um talk about tomorrow now tomorrow what's going to happen is this is going to have so much flavor you ever talk you ever heard people say yeah and that spaghetti is going to taste better the next day you know I'm paying attention Gina it looks good and I see the palettes of flavor let's see inattention of temperature in your cooking I see it okay hmm that brought us in the bottom of there a bean broth um listen these beans right here this recipe can be used for any kind of beans you decide that you want to make okay so that's what's great um I am totally really enjoying this I'm telling you um listen the uh turkey meat is so succulent and tender the ham hocks is so succulent and tender as well um you have to have beans in your life sometimes Michonne May Sean says get down to it um you can have some of my fried fish oh that sounds good you said I need to get a bell it does it really tastes good Mason hope hopefully I'm saying your name right all right here we go um oh Mildred says I took my cornbread crumbled it into my beans and rice with hot sauce oh yes if you're using chicken does it have to be pre-cooked [Music] um I would start everything off well okay so if you are using raw chicken what you would do excuse me is cook your chicken excuse me cook your chicken until it's well cooked in the broth with the garlic the onions bell peppers the seasonings until that chicken is fully cooked after you've extracted the flavor from the chicken the seasonings and the vegetables then you put your beans in okay you see what I'm saying that's how it works all right I'm taking some more cornbread I'm kind of squeezing it between my fingertips and I think I'm gonna try that again and the thing about my cornbread is is still warm you know what I have to say I think I like the cornbread and the milk idea I think I like the cornbread and the milk okay oh not dipping the cornbread pour milk over on the cornbread okay oh he said this barbecue got me stuck on the sofa what what kind you have um okay Heather says soak the cornbread okay hmm I only got a little bit of cornbread left though hmm Ty says I can't cook Gina yes you can yes you can oh you have ribs and chicken um yeah you can thank you the Lord for my parents and Gina helping me cook and thank you oh my goodness some beans is making my stomach swell if I tell you one thing this is good Brandy says this was so good oh my goodness dog man see he doesn't know he doesn't like the ideal of soggy cornbread that's what dog man says but tell you what it was not bad it was something I've never had before because I usually just eat it with whatever I'm eating you know um the beans are so flavorful I feel like beans is like a necessity for for utos you need to have beans in your life um oh I do too Brandy I love how the beans taste with rice so like growing up when I was younger anytime my dad had beans they are a great source of nutrients uh-huh anytime when my dad would make cabbage beans or greens we would always have rice with it we would and I don't know if it was to stretch the meal but if that's what my dad was doing stretching the meal so everybody could get full uh it just makes me love rice with beans rice with cabbage rice with greens you know um oh it's so good ah Valencia okay she said this is so good my sister back in the pot um I am really enjoying this you hear me it's so much flavor and so much flavor that we was able to make with those seasonings that we used with the meat that we used you know the chicken powder believe it or not look at that there's a lot of meat on this one um [Music] um I know my husband is totally loving this right now what I was going to make but he just ate a little bit of that fast food and then when he seen what I was making he was like oh yeah I want some of that he just took a big old Bowl downstairs okay Derek thank you for coming in Gina watch you eat makes the food look even more delicious thank you oh she said the beans taste better with sweet potatoes and chicken I think that's what she said oh Maria I made chicken with rice and pigeon peas you know I love that you know I love that Maria my favorite can do less oh I love them I love the Gondola's piece how many of you are totally stuffed right now one full belly too says T Smith yeah oh Christopher says Christopher oh he said I said I'll be right back I'm not leaving okay Christopher yes I'm gonna go live on Thursday um I'm gonna go live on Thursday but what I'm gonna do instead of us voting today I'm gonna think of what I'm gonna be making and then I'll surprise you guys with what we're gonna be making I promise you it'll totally be something that you guys are wanting to make um it'll be something delicious I want to make sure that it doesn't cost a lot and it's going to be kind of easy to make that way you guys can cook along with me okay so Thursday when I when I do my live it will be at 6 00 p.m Eastern Standard Time okay I'm totally stuffed so let me show y'all what I've done here all right that's my bowl I'm done and then my cornbread is just crumbles so thank you Lord once again thank you Lord this was such a great meal and I'm so thankful to you Heavenly Father thankful that we got to have another meal with God on our side you know because you know honestly there's people out there that ain't eating you know there's people out there that can't cook a meal there's people out there that ain't eight in a while and therefore I'm just so grateful for so many blessings you know because there's some people out there that like I said they don't have a meal you know let me see so uh um yes Gina that's what I said I learned how to cook my beans from you except I don't use pork I'm a Sabbath keeper so I can cook on Thursday oh yes but not on Saturday oh okay okay okay uh-huh I'm gonna be cooking on Thursday yes Lord thank you for Gina Young style oh thank you my holy king thank you so much Gina I'm so full I can take another bite I know I know I'm too but like my stomach is stuff right now Sasha's Christopher it's been like that since I was little I'm good I just don't drink them they heavier than a Sprite or seven up I barely drink sodas though dear do your dogs eat table food sometimes they do yes Gina amen says Renee Bama lost okay all right Mary Jane welcome we missed you on Thursday oh my chance is still eating yeah um I was reading something on my phone oh that made me sleepy that made me instantly sleepy my goodness but listen here how I'm so glad to be back with you all in the flesh we had a great vacation that's why I told you all I wasn't going to be doing you know the live I said but I got some great content for you so hopefully you guys enjoyed the content because me and my family had so much fun and I was so grateful to give my husband a uh amazing 50th birthday somebody said Gina they said your husband 50 they say how old are you because you look 22. I said and I thought I wanted to comment back well I ain't 22. I'm not 22. oh man oh okay someone says whenever you need to take a break just let us know we'll understand you're only human somebody tell me in the comment section if you remember last year last year do you who who remembers somebody tell me you remember Gina you let us know where you got the ham hocks and a smoked turkey wings from Kroger that's where I got mines from but you can get them at Walmart you can get them at Walmart um so do y'all remember last year what True Green did to my yard they tore it up somebody tell me if you remember if you were like with me last year and you remembered at TruGreen tore my yard up when they went to overseed the yard does anybody remember that last year yes I remember that's Heather okay listen guess what happened and we said we would use True Green because after we paid the 500 to get it fixed we showed TruGreen our receipt where we paid 500 to get it fixed TruGreen paid us back and my husband said that's okay he said that's good that's good business I'll use them again right so we used them again this year and then guess what they came back this year to overseed and do whatever else they tore the yard up again and not only did they tear it up they tore it up even more you hear me and then not only did they tear it up they tore my neighbor's yard up I said you have to be kidding me I can believe it I run out there in pajamas I run out there in pajamas I see you got to go I see you tearing my yard up I thought he was getting ready to leave he turned his machine around and he tear my neighbor's yard up and I thought this is nuts I said baby he tearing in the neighbor's yard up my husband said you gotta go I don't know what my husband said because I'll bite by that time I was in the house the man leaves he stops the machine we had to tell the neighbors so sorry they tore your yard up oh my gosh I called the people that fixed our yard last year I said listen I said how soon can y'all get out here I said I will pay y'all extra if you can just get out here and get sawed put into my yard how much is it going to be well we got to come out and then you know we can come out this day it's gonna be three days before we come out I thought oh Lord because I want them out right now I want to out right I want I want them out here right now put new salt in my yard and fix my neighbor's yard they were so nice and so just they they remembered my whole story last year they got out here like this the data we went on vacation they was out there putting salt in the yard and they said where we're at in the neighbors I say right there she said you got an extra spot over there I said get it just get it right they charged me 505 dollars it's fixed the neighbor's yard is fixed all we gotta do is water it and the whole time I was on vacation TruGreen kept calling me and I'm gonna call them on Monday and I'm gonna give them the receipt and I'm going to tell them don't make me wait on my money don't make me wait on my money so now this time what we're going to do is we're not going to use them again and then the place that I had put the salt in the yard they said honey we can do your overseeding because you do overseeing in the fall they say honey we'll do your overseeding and we know your whole story we know not to where not to touch in your yard they said we'll do it and we'll do it right they said you're not going to have that issue with us and I said next fall I will call you to oversee the yard I said thank you so much but true green True Green is canceled True Green is done True Green is done they messed my yard yeah my holy king says Wicked um yeah so uh they're pretty much done we gave them a second chance because they paid us back you know but but they did make us wait like four months before they paid us back but this time nope so we'll get somebody else to treat the yard and take care of the yard you know the whole summer and then we'll get somebody else to do the overseeding in the fall time I can believe it oh and then guess what so the day that they was coming to do the overseeding I called that morning I left a message with the man I said listen they're coming to do over seating I said there's a part in my yard that they messed up last year I don't want them to touch it when they come don't touch it don't touch it as soon as he got on there I said Lord I said you terrible I said they left a message for you they left a message for you not to come back here get the message I thought get out of here oh so man I was so good get out of here [Laughter] very unprofessional you're right yes yes yes but yeah we're done with them so uh True Green we can say goodbye to True Green because no thanks but when I came back from vacation my neighbor's yard is gorgeous my yard is gorgeous and you can't tell that nothing was ever done and uh all we got to do is just water The Sod I told Dakota I said when you when we go out there to water it I said just water that that area of the neighbors too I don't even want the neighbors to have to water it you know we will water it for yeah so that was nuts that was totally nuts okay so like I said uh Thursday 6 p.m Eastern Standard Time I'm gonna be making something amazing how listen let me ask you this before let me ask you this did you all enjoy the bean recipe yeah bye bye True Green did y'all enjoy the beans yes we enjoyed the beans how many of you thought it was going to be more difficult than what it was even the people that cooked with me let me know let me know what you were thinking they did mess up twice girl okay it was out of this world okay Sonia says yes I did okay so did you think it was going to be harder than what it was okay yes those beans was off the chain okay great I'm so glad that we was able to do this because I really did okay great okay said I cooked but I don't know what I made oh man um oh you missed the cooking session okay yeah I feel like a lot of people I cooked and dranked um I feel like a lot of people think that something that takes a while like um it's hard to make but it's not you know like I said I'm gonna try my best to give you guys easy recipes that's delicious because I want to show you how to make things that's from your childhood you know you guys had very similar childhoods like me and everybody grew up on a big old pot of beans I want to show you how to make everything and show you that it could be made simple even if some recipes like this you gotta wait a little while for the meat to get done but once that meat is done everything came so simple you know and I I like I said I can't say it enough I'm so glad y'all made this with me because it's delicious I thought it was going to be harder but thanks to letting us know about the jar pinto beans are great absolutely absolutely I didn't expect such flavor okay I use recipe tomorrow I'm making fried cabbage kielbasa beans and fried potatoes oh my goodness okay oh Nadine says I remember do they sell red beans in those jars um they don't they don't um I know they sell the pinto the Great Northern maybe the navy beans but the others come in the can but I use the cans all the time like I said figure out the amount that you're going to need for your family and just use the kind and the kids they're exact you know it's the exact same thing oh yeah and it cuts down on the time because I figured you know if we were to make the dried beans the dried beans was going to take us we would still be cooking them right and when we got off the live we would still be cooking them so I would never be able to show y'all how to complete it you know you know what I mean so I love that they have those pre-made beans already done and delicious well my beans came out as good as oh my goodness amen cook and pray amen cook and pray what are what do y'all have going on here I I see some weird stuff going on up in these comments today I bake me some baked chicken some more oh okay I'm Gonna Bake some baked chicken tomorrow let's see and my leftover beans rice and cook oh then I might do that I might do the same yeah I might do the same just make some chicken and then we got a big pot of beans and rice and cornbread you know that's all you got to do tomorrow's dinner is set right Ty you are nuts tonight what the what is going on in this comment section foreign so listen everybody thank you all for coming in yeah I think so Raymond I agree [Laughter] um thank you all for coming in and joining me today I'm going to go and I think I'm gonna take a nice hot bath I'm gonna get some warm PJs on I'm gonna get cuddled up in my bed and I'm gonna watch some of my favorite shows and just kind of relax and I think I also want to read the Bible and just thank God for all of us many many blessings I appreciate you guys thank you Raymond thank you so much okay yes do you know hugs we cannot ever get off of here without Gina hugs I love you guys so much I do thank you kizzy for coming in thank you everybody thank you for my moderator Sonya thank you so much we'll pray for Ron Wilson okay um I will see you all in the community tab I'll be posting a community tab early this week letting you all know what I'm going to be making for Thursday okay um I would just like to say I did my best today and when I say I've did my best I did my best to stay on as long as I could because I'm still pretty stinking tired from my um my vacation Okay so I'm pretty sure by Thursday I'm not gonna still be tired okay so we'll have even more fun on Thursday okay whatever I decide to make it's gonna be delicious you make sure that your notification Bell is on make sure you press all uh because all is going to help you to get the notifications okay even when I post a notification a video or if I'm going live you want to be the first one to know okay so press all all right I love you guys from the bottom of my heart I'm gonna get off of here and relax and like I said Thursday I have a little bit more energy okay I love you guys getting off of here thank you everyone that came in okay I'll see y'all on the flip-flop God bless good night good night guys love you too Mildred love you all I see juice Miller gave me the peace sign yes salute chat all right guys I love y'all good night love you too Catherine bye sue my holy king Alan Susie May Sean Tyrese everybody Derek Eads I love you all Renee P Christopher Amy good night such I love y'all
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 136,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gina Young Live Cooking Session Big ole Pot of Great Northern Beans Pull Up, Great Northern Beans, Great Northern Bean Recipe, How to cook Great Northern Beans, Gina Young Great Northern Beans, Great Northern Bean Recipes, how to, comfort food, great northern beans recipe, beans recipe, great northern beans recipe southern style, great northern beans recipe stove top, great northern beans recipe on stove, northern beans, gina young, gina young style, gina young recipes
Id: 0HNiGlrpPR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 3sec (13803 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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