Deja de usar Midjourney, crea arte con esta IA GRATUITA

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I just found an amazing tool that can compete with Meet Journey. Today I'll tell you the step by step so you can start trying it today. This tool is called Leonardo Punto Hay and I'm going to leave you in the description of this video all the links so you can go. directly to it once you enter the link we will see this the main page the first step you must do is request access OK To request access we are going to touch this button that appears here we click on it and we are going to place our email Ok one Once we put our email it will automatically ask me to join discord if you do not have a discord account you can still register for free And if you are automatically logged in you will join discord here once you click on this it will Open another screen that would be this, which is practically where we must accept the invitation. Once we have our discord account, we will accept the invitation and automatically the server will be installed on the disk, then this screen will appear Here we will choose our language in this case Spanish and we click next then here we are going to see what language we speak here we see some strange languages ​​in this case I am going to omit it then it is going to ask me what I am going to use the tool for in this In any case, we are going to say it to create art and we click next, then this screen will appear where it indicates that Leonardo is a separate website from discord, we just have to accept here, we select both and we finish it, then we are going to go again there is a Leonardo point and we are going to touch this button that appears up here and we are going to launch ourselves into the application we click on it and once we are here we are going to put our name in this case we are going to put Óscar we are going to put the email with the that we register Ok and Here we are going to tell him that we are already in the waylist Ok once we do that it will automatically open the application page we are going to tell him login and here we register with our email or we can register with Google in this In this case, I am going to register with the Google account that I registered here and that's it here now we can choose a username in this case we are going to put for example Oscar tests and Here we are going to choose some interests for example we are going to choose marketing we are going to choose art Ok I confirm here that I am over 18 years old and we open Leonardo and that's how we enter Leonardo many people find it difficult to enter All you have to do is simply follow the steps that I gave you and you will be able to enter this powerful tool and here we can see the different versions here we importantly have the free version which allows us to generate up to 150 images a day Obviously if we compare it with other tools this gives us a pretty good benefit that we can take advantage of additionally here it brings all the options I recommend that you review it Let's see which one best suits your needs and The costs per month range from 10 dollars to 48 dollars we have different options according to your needs now we are going to start using this tool we are going to do some something very important is that this tool has different models to generate images, for example, here we can see the Leonardo diffusion model, for example, here we have some other models than these Where can we check them here where it says the models here we can see some model options so we can choose which one It is the model that we want to create this image in this case here you can review it to see which one suits your needs we have from cartoons to quite realistic images like this one now here we also have the option of for example the personal fit that this personal fit is All the images that we have created will be saved here. Here we also have, for example, we can train a database to generate images according to what we want. For example, have you seen some images that are created with a tool that can be It calls stable diffusion where we upload 10 of our photo images and it begins to generate images that are very similar to ours. Well, we can do this by uploading an image database here and start creating images. very similar to ours with different options here we can generate this Now here in the tools we have this which would be the main one which is the generation of images here we can place our prompt remember that the from in this case has to be in English now I am going to give a pair Max so you can take advantage of it and Here we are going to choose, for example, the model here we have the different models that are available for the free version and We also have the style in this case Leonardo Style Now here we can also choose How many images we want us to Make each prompt, for example, from 2 to 25 images, unlike other options on the market that allow us to generate only four options. In this case, for video effects, we are going to leave it at 4, which is the default configuration. Additionally, here we can configure, for example, the dimensions of the images, the resolutions from 512 by 512 pixels to 1,200 thousand 24 by 1024 pixels, here we can also choose the ratio. For example, if we want an image that is square If we want an image that is in vertical format, like Instagram reels etc. or we can also choose an image that is in YouTube video type format now we are going to create an image we are going to go to a page that I am going to recommend is called lexicon and there we can find inspiration through images for example this would be the page we can observe the different options of images that are there we can choose the one that most attracts our attention in this case we are going to choose for example Look this is a very crazy frog with a rocket we are going to copy this prompt and we are going to go to Leonardo and In this case , we are going to choose the format, which is one of the things that most strikes me about Leonardo, is that we can choose. For example, if it is a square image, we are going to choose it in 916 format, which would be the vertical format. Here a Warning Ok appeared here it tells me that the model is not trained for this ok It's okay we're going to choose the square it doesn't matter let's leave it in a square we're going to choose four images Ok here we choose the four images and we're going to tell it that would be the render we're going to choose in this case I recommend that you choose the Leonardo diffusion, which is called the most trained model of this tool and we now give it generate and here we can already see the four variants of this frog here we can see the first one Look how interesting that would be the second one this one was not done with three eyes Yes this is another quite interesting one Here we see another one with four hands and here we have another one Ok here we can even make the comparison I think this one is quite good Look at it with this one Ok here we can see some comparisons interesting not quite interesting now ok Let's do For another example, we are now going to copy Meet Journey, which would be the most advanced tool in the creation of digital art, but as you already know, it is a paid version. In this case, we are going to look for some interesting art here on the Nick Journey platform, just like the showcase here. we can see some options the only difference is that it will not allow us to copy the punt completely because we have to have a paid account to be able to access this library in this case it will allow us to copy some prompt for example this prompt let's see this This is a hyperrealistic image we are going to see how Leonardo makes us the hyperrealistic images we are going to place the Front here and we are going to tell ourselves generate we are going to leave it the same we are going to see how that hyperrealistic image appears to us And to be able to make the comparison of Leonardo with mid Journey [Music ] Ok and here we got the result here we can see some images Wow I don't know but I think it's quite interesting to make a free version Look at the level of detail of the face Ok and we can see there some opportunities for improvement But look how interesting the features [Music] I really don't know but not impressive Look at this if I definitely see a lot of detail even something that this has is that it also allows us to play with some additional editions that the other tools do not have, for example we can play with the background For example, here we can touch this and it removes the background and leaves us only the image. Let's see what happens with this here we can see the variation he made He removed the background with a single click if we are interested, we just click Download Here we scale it, we can even scale it a little more to see the level of detail And yes, definitely and here we can see the comparison of mid Journey in this case This is the woman who created mid Journey Fair complexion and this is Dark complexion But the level of detail caught my attention let me know in the comments that this tool is appearing to you now we are going to do another interesting test that this tool brings For example , here we upload an image once we upload the image We are going to put a prompt here so that it complements the image This prono can vary and we give it generate Look here what it did was that it took my photo and it changed my face Look at the face that put me here, this other one looks quite real but it definitely doesn't look OK to me But it is an interesting variation there we can explore with the different Fronts that we are placing but this tool already has it integrated into the same interface which, for example, if we compare ourselves With the other tools like Meet Journey Blue Widow we have to do all that but in Discord here we do it directly in the now I am going to show you an option that brings this tool that you have not yet seen in the other tools Look how interesting we are going to choose an image that lends itself to that we are going to look for example this image that is here Here we can see it here it gives us the description of the very interesting image and it even tells us with which model This image that would be RPG 4.0 was generated So in In this case we are going to take advantage and we are going to generate this same image we are going to touch this button image by image we are going to go and this automatically copies the prompt in this case I am going to choose the model that was rpg4 Ok and here in the style we are going to leave it Leonardo Style we are going to see what appears we are going to tell it to generate know that it does not generate to see if it is something very similar to this image Ok and now we are going to do something with this image we are going to touch this button that appears below OK Let's enlarge it and Automatically, look at what is going to happen. This same image is going to grab me and I am going to process it in this option that Leonardo will bring to be able to enlarge the image in size and here is the original image and look at the zoom that the image made for me and I I automatically fill in the image here Look how interesting the original is and this would be the image zooming in but it automatically recreated all this for me and made it more interesting for me this definitely changes it a lot because imagine taking images and being able to generate more width or more size in the image more summing more sumauch and with this fill in automatically with artificial intelligence now look how interesting we are going to go to the Hay Canvas tool that would be this and here we already have a format let's say established we can change the format here vertical horizontal as we want ok In this case we are going to choose this horizontal and we are going to copy the same prompt that we did now before we are going to tell it Ok we choose the model in this case we have to generate here in stable diffusion we have these two models we are going to choose 2.1 ok and we are going to tell ourselves to generate four image options and here we can also make some adjustments that we can make, we are going to generate it and we are going to see what it generates for us . next Look how interesting this is going to be copied we are going to tell you Here we are going to do the same thing here and we are going to tell you generate another image with the same prompt and look how interesting this is generating different images but practically the options of the images are adapt Here we are going to do a little zoom they adapt to this other image So I can continue enlarging the image according to my needs in this case we are going to choose For example that OK we are going to accept it and now I can continue creating here we will generate and we can continue enlarging the image and the artificial intelligence will take the main image as a reference and it will continue enlarging it look, look how interesting this is, I give it here it gives me four options and I can choose any of those four options, I will accept it and now I can do it for this side look here just one small detail here is that when we are going to enlarge we try to leave the image at least a quarter of the other image so that it takes reference Like that OK Let's hit generate and here we can see the different options that the tool gives us we click on accept and here we can break down the images and we can make pictures Let's say if we wanted to have some creative picture here we can play with a Canvas and play with the picture imagine the world of possibilities that we can do with This if we wanted to download it, we just click here Download and it automatically begins to download the arts here we can also see everything we did now it has consumed only half of the coins and there we can continue generating images for free and remember that a Once we use up the images, it doesn't matter, the next day we are reloaded with 150 images to be able to take advantage of a tool that allows us to modify Chrome in a very personalized way. It allows us to make some adjustments to our allows us through the application itself. without having to go to discord to generate images of our own proms with our own images, we can train a model to generate personalized images for us, it allows us to enlarge the images with artificial intelligence with the option to change and the most interesting thing about this tool is that it gives us 150 completely free images per day if you liked this tool let me know with a like and if it's the first time you're here you know I invite you to subscribe and turn on the bell so you don't miss any of the next installments for now goodbye leaving you these two powerful digital creation tutorials and see you in the next video a big hug [Music]
Channel: Oskr León I Negocios Digitales
Views: 149,999
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Keywords: midjourney, midjourney ai, midjourney tutorial, como usar midjourney gratis, como usar midjourney, crear imagenes con ia, ia, midjourney como usar, leonarndo ai, leonardo ai, leonardo ai tutorial, leonardoai, free ai art generator, midjourney vs leonardo ai, leonardo ai prompts, leonardo ai image to image, leonardo ai vs midjourney, leonardo ai canvas, leonardo ai como usar, como usar leonardo ai, oskr leon, Deja de usar Midjourney, crea arte con esta IA GRATUITA
Id: ivPu_dTyY6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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