DEGENERATE Celebrities: Hypersexualized, Pro-Migrant, Anti-Trump VMAs | Ep 73

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the show my name is Lauren and this is Liam hello and we are so glad you guys are joining us tonight especially our live viewers we have a great show today we're gonna be starting off with all of the craziness that went down at the VMAs this week tons of just celebrity degeneracy is how I'm thinking of it it was pretty depressing to watch some of that stuff anything right yeah I mean I hope if aliens are monitoring us they don't think we're all like that that's all I'm gonna say then we have a discussion about an intersectional feminist who has apparently alienated literally all of her friends and she's mad about it she's blaming their whiteness we'll talk about that then Dave Chappelle is back on the comedy scene and he has this outrageous special that is making all of the right people angry and finally we're gonna close things off with a very strange story of a women's shelter and sort of rape crisis clinic being boycotted by feminists we'll explain why when the time comes and before we get into that though I do have a special message from a sponsor about this time every year we're coming up and to September our attention is of course gonna turn to the anniversary of 9/11 it's a moment when we reflect on those who gave their lives that day firefighters and victims everybody and those who would pay the ultimate sacrifice in the years to come defending our liberties and places like I've got a set on Iraq so now here we are 18 years later and we find ourselves seemingly in a state of permanent war were warned that the Islamic state is poised to make a comeback and we watch as the Crescent of Iranian influence extends its long shadow in Afghanistan our leaders are negotiating the terms of peace ironically with the Taliban not usually known for peace so I want to tell you guys about a recent film that ties all of this together it's called Mosul and it's the story of the last battle of the Iraq war documenting the 2016 to 2017 fight against Isis in Iraq's second-largest city that is Mosul it's directed by former CIA officer Daniel Gabriel and Mosul it's much more than a war story it takes you on the journey up the Tigris River into the heart of darkness which is the Isis Caliphate revealing an apocalyptic battle against two unyielding enemies the Islamic extremism and the sectarian mistress and hatred that will remain long after the politicians declare victory so if you haven't in the movie yet we can you can check it out it's on iTunes Amazon and Vimeo you can visit wwl - film comm to find out more let's get into the VMAs now obviously if you are keeping up with music culture the VMAs are the MTV Video Music Awards first of all why why you still keeping up with music culture come on yeah I mean I personally I anytime one of these award shows comes around I'm reminded just how out of touch I am with like today's youth culture yeah I increasingly know fewer and fewer of the people that are performing but it is good conscience yeah so yeah we at least I was following along on social media as it was happening taking in all the interesting parts so you gentle viewer wouldn't have to watch it I didn't really watch all of it either but I did I did get the good parts so I feel like now more than ever there's this disconnect between celebrities and the average person right I mean we're not just talking about outrageously different amounts of wealth but just like lifestyle and values in general like I don't think there's ever been a time when Hollywood was so disconnected from the average person like in no way are they representative of the people who are probably listening to them enjoying their music and stuff like that they're in their own kind of echo chamber though all these Hollywood elites think the same way and they pressure each other don't think the same way yeah there's just a complete wall well celebrity is what they are and everyday individuals whether you're left or right these Hollywood elites are totally different from you well what it reminds me of it's increasingly looking like you know the Capitol people from the Hunger Game all their crazy hairstyles that's what Hollywood looks like that's way more they actually look like the red carpet not even kidding yeah yeah that's what it looks like so there are a couple things that I want to touch upon from the show first off let's start with the outfit so celebrities on the red carpet they always wear like the most outrageous things and they're trying to get attention right I don't think they think it looks good because there's no way anyone could think that looks good there they're wearing it there like peacocking right trying to make headlines get their face out there I mean essentially you sympathize with them actually I can imagine cuz you don't remember at the end of the day celebrities are mostly bigger people there were at one point yeah and then you go up and you have to like sup and have thousands of people or hundreds of people taking pictures of you and they'll talk about what you're wearing and it's like that's that would stress me out a lot I respect those celebrities who it's like you know they're trying to look good but then some of them take it the other way where it's like they're not they're just trying to get attention right there's no effort to like a peer stylist stylist they just wanna I guess grab headlines so one person's red carpet especially this year has been getting a huge amount of attention it's this beauty guru her name is nikita dragon so she's not actually a musician why non musicians go to the VMAs I don't fully understand but we have a photo of it and insert that we can throw up so she is essentially you know she's got she has men on leashes right like the what she's actually wearing is like this sequined getup for anyone who's listening on an audio platform it looks pretty good aside from she's got some like weird nipple stuff going on but it's not the most a modest outfit on the carpet but then for some reason she has three men in colors and chains on a leash on their knees on their knees I don't think they were on their knees the whole time though not that that makes that's not the worst part of it it doesn't really make a difference what they're doing yeah so obviously a lot of people are talking about her outfit and I saw on Twitter she's now defending it as like this feminist statement as a symbol of hurt as a woman taking power back from men look it's fine you did it to get attention you're getting attention it worked we're talking about it a lot of other people are talking about it like just just own it you know you don't have to try to make it seem as if you're making this huge socially conscious whatever you're trying to make us talk about you and it's working but it's funny because people on the whole I was actually impressed with how in agreement everyone is that this is not a good look and even like when she was trying to couldn't come out and defend it as feminist there are a bunch of people like to my pleasure saying hang on isn't feminism supposed to be about like equality not subjugating men which it kind of looks like you're trying to do based on the fact that you have them literally on collars and then like the more woke people who maybe would have bought into that whole oh no about feminism it's funny they were upset because one of the guys that she had on a chain was actually black okay I thought that was I didn't know those progressive who were like progressive well apparently they're not happy with she's got like it looks like a white dude a black dude and and what maybe Hispanic dude yeah it's like a multiracial entourage of male slaves yeah but apparently no not a good look to put a black guy they were saying like in a collar on on a chain which is I mean I'm sure if she had only white guys they would still be complaining about not being inclusive enough in her feminist statement I don't know just just don't put anybody on collars and chains on the red carpet I feel like is a way this all could have been avoided and so okay the next spectacle I want to show you guys this is a performance by an artist named Liz oh this is what I'm saying like I'm totally out of touch with youth culture I don't yeah Liz oh she's actually like I hadn't heard of her before this I think she's a good singer I like the song but the performance has obviously been getting a lot of attention as you'll see it's it's it's booty centric to say the least and we have that video clip [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] kind of like we're like a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah it's it's getting for the salt yeah it's getting increasingly hard to defend like Western cultures like this was the right option guys you should all follow us yeah I know I mean look she's I'd never heard of her like I said before I don't have any like bias against her I think she's a good singer clearly a good performer I kind of like the song it's catchy I wouldn't mind listening to it I just don't understand why why so much with the buts like right you had like a giant inflatable ass you have Asus chaps there's a lot of Buc going on like in my opinion she's a strong enough performer where she doesn't need all of those gimmicks I don't know why this is what like music and performance has become I remember when it was like 2001 Britney Spears was performing I think it was at the VMAs and she had that like that snake around her and she was performing on the slave for you I've been in a Britney Spears kicks up and watching a lot of her old performances anyway um and that was really controversial cuz it was like you know she had a tiny little top on and she was dancing with the snake and people were freaking out and now it's like we have totally just there's like no no limit anymore it's like whatever craziness debauchery on stage you want to do you should go for it absolutely now yeah and it's like I don't know I I wouldn't watch want my children watching this kind of thing maybe that's just me but it's like mmm and also I mean in my opinion the this isn't as serious or as concerning as the butts everywhere but you also had in her performance that like feel-good message of like everyone deserves to feel good yeah yeah I mean it's not the most harmful thing going on the VMAs I think but it's just well it's just hedonism yeah there's one thing I learned about this person from that performance is maybe she should feel less good like maybe she should tone it down a little bit we discussed this in the last show but like hey let's bring back a little bit of shame to society you know just like a little bit to the point where like me we start wearing pants that cover our butts I don't know call me old-fashioned so another thing we saw at this award show is that we have celebrities doing what they've been doing for a while now which is making everything political and you know a few years ago I did make a video about celebrities getting into politics and I think I didn't express myself well and and people were kind of pointing out to me and like fair enough I hear you guys it's not that I think celebrities shouldn't be allowed to have political opinions because everybody should be allowed to have political opinions it's just that their political opinions don't mean more just because they're a great singer actor right I don't think we should all be stopping to listen about what who's that obnoxious guy who seems really pretentious who was in all the oceans movies George Clooney yeah George Clooney okay yeah I'm not waiting to see what George Clooney has to say about President Trump I don't think any of us should be and it's also that look if my dentists anytime I went to get a cleaning was going on about how much he hate Trump I wouldn't go to that dentists anymore if I had a mechanic who any time I went in for an oil change was going on about some open borders crazy nonsense I wouldn't go to that mechanic but this is the best one because it's like okay you can't even even respond to them I have had dentists who try to talk to you like not just at you but engage in a conversation while they're cleaning your teeth it's like you know I can't answer I don't know like this is great that you're friendly but because it's like awkward trying to talk with someone in your mouth that's what she said okay moving on um yeah so I mean don't mean to hate on celebrities being political too much but I think what really bothers people is when they insert it into their like regular work I think you should be able to go to a dentist just to have your teeth clean I think you should be able to watch an award show about music videos and just have it be about music videos right I mean you can do whatever you want in your own time celebrities but it's like literally don't expect people who enjoy your music to tune in to hear you talk about your political beliefs because they don't care and like literally they don't care I was looking it up apparently this year's VMAs were the lowest rated ever in terms of viewership so look at that one example we have of this French Montana I think it's French Montana again I'm not up with what the kids are listening to and Alison Brie who is a she was from community she's an actress so they were presenting an award I think and the clip we have it cuts out a bit at beginning but for context for infringement Montana was talking about being an immigrant when this exchange happens and we have that video we are the people that make this country and I feel like I'm gonna be the horns [Applause] constitutional immigrants are what makes the United States and I say that as someone who thinks that immigrants can be an awesome part of the country whether that's the US Canada UK like whatever but it's kind of a slapped slap in the face of the native population to say you are the country right like if if immigrants are the country then you know their own countries would be just as great there'd be no reason to come over here okay clearly we see that's not the case you could say it's it's part of what makes the country great but I don't understand the need to make immigrants people who are not Americans the best part of America it can be part of it sure but it's just it's very strange to me and also I mean Alison Brie I don't know what part of the Constitution you are referring to that might give people the right to just come in to the country I'm not sure maybe she's referring to the detention centers which like I don't think anybody likes them but the way I see it is like they could they're just send it back then right send it back there we go you know maybe apply like I I know I don't know online or through an embassy and wait until your process that way instead of just showing up just my two cents but the biggest news hands-down that came to us from the VMAs is probably Taylor Swift so Taylor Swift she received an award and she's known for she was known for a long time for being apolitical she never really talked about politics and it actually became a meme that there were like a handful of people mainly just on social media who were really bugging her to make political statements and and know the rest of us didn't care we don't turn to Taylor Swift to know who to vote for and she didn't say anything throughout the 2016 election cycle apparently she's changing her tune now because she is really pushing hard the usual progressive celebrity shtick so she was going up to receive an award and she had this to say about some it's like equal rights legislation or whatever there was a petition and there still is a petition for the Equality Act which basically just says we all deserve equal rights under the law half a million signatures which [Applause] which is five times the amount that it would need to warrant a response from the White House I mean the thing about Taylor Swift is she's big enough at this point where I doubt this is gonna alienate anybody I mean people who love Taylor Swift they love her hardcore and honestly her fan base it's probably what young girls millennial women they probably agree with her politics anyway it's probably just gonna be fine but just like for the record so the rest of us can know what's going on the Trump administration isn't just like randomly and Republicans aren't randomly just trying to deny rights to gay people it's not as black and white as she's making it seem and the White House did respond to Taylor Swift because that's the 2019 time line that we're living in president Donald Trump did respond to Taylor Swift's demand for equal rights protections okay so from Fox News we have this article it says the White House responded to Taylor Swift after the singer championed the Equality Act at the 2019 MTV Video Music Awards says quote the Trump administration absolutely opposes discrimination of any kind and supports the equal treatment of all however the house-passed bill in its current form is filled with poison pills that threatened to undermine parental and conscious right conscience rights said the statement from a White House spokesperson and we also have a little bit more of an explanation about why exactly the you know Republicans White House wouldn't be in favor of this again from Fox News it says at a news conference Thursday but this is an older article Republicans said the bill in question would jeopardize religious freedom by requiring acceptance of a particular ideology about sexuality and sexual identity so it says representative Vicki Hartzler called the legislation grossly Mustaine dand said it is anything but equalizing the bill hijacks the 1964 Civil Rights Act to create a brave new world of the scrim based on an undefined terms of sexual orientation and gender identity Hart sir said the legislation threatens women's sports shelters and schools and could silence female athletes domestic abuse survivors and other women she said some critics also said the bill could jeopardize title 9 the law prohibiting sex discrimination in federally funded education programs all right so just the reason why I bring this up is because look I'm sure Taylor Swift in all of her infinite wisdom and infinite goodness really does just want everyone to be treated the same and have equal rights but the thing about celebrities is that they are not political geniuses okay there's clearly more going on here about this specific bill then Taylor Swift I think probably knows understands or maybe even cares and you look I think for a lot of people all of this political virtue signaling it's just getting a little bit it's getting a little bit old like I said the VMAs had the lowest ratings they've had I think ever and I think this is the third year in a row where ratings are just consistently low and it's not that these people aren't performing as good as they used to it's not that the music isn't as good as it used to be I think it's like literally just shut up do your job I it's it's as simple as that you know best of luck to Taylor Swift though I'm sure she's still gonna be making lots of money and now the media leftist will also be on her side and not bothering her she's not gonna care about what we say but that's just how I view it okay our next segment is kind of a sad one if you're anything like me and a little bit of a softy so say Saira Rao and I think that's how you say your name probably isn't I've probably just committed a microaggression but she is one of if not the most woke hardcore intersectional feminists on Twitter like she is so woke that a lot of people actually think she is a parody account like she's not though she's completely not you know she's real she's verified a while back she actually did appear on Sargon's channel now I think she ended up ragequitting they were doing like this debate conversation thing that I don't think she finished but know she's a real person with these beliefs which trust me is Guerry in and of itself but the other day she published a thread which ended up going pretty viral where she essentially she describes how she's lost all or if not most of her close friends her close female friends because they didn't want to get on board with intersectionality wait age it that it's awful a lot of people found it funny I myself found it more sad than anything just because I'm like I said a softie like that but here we have the thread here she starts off by saying quite a few black and brown women have recently asked me how they can help their white women friends understand white privilege in the hopes that they'll start their anti racism journey in the hopes that their white women friends can be trustworthy automatically premise is just super weird you know I'm mixed-race I have white friends I have like Asian friends black friends I would never like in my mind classify my friends based on race and then think ah man I don't know if I can trust that one she's black like that's that's awful okay if you're doing that to your friends you're probably not a good friend yourself you should you should try to work on that she continues though here's what I've learned whiteness is the most powerful drug on the planet and if you yourself don't want to wean yourself off of whiteness it can't and won't happen you have to not just want to wean yourself you have to desperately want to wean yourself so a lot of people have been wondering what exactly she means by whiteness how can someone become not white or wean themselves off sorry whiteness when they are white you have to understand according to these people whiteness is a mentality right it's whiteness is living with that the privileges that white people enjoy and not using your whiteness to benefit you know more marginalized groups it's crazy and it doesn't make sense but that's just where they're coming from she continues I was a white feminist until 2016 I was deeply self-loathing and internally oppressed nearly all my closest friends were white women these women were in my wedding and I in theirs they cradled me when I wept for my dead mother they would have done anything for me except give up whiteness I spent one full year meeting them for coffee drinks lunch dinner I send them articles I wrote articles I sent them those rather than show an interest in awakening nearly all of them dumped me okay so here's where it gets sad she describes these close friends of hers her closest friends you know being in each other's weddings comforting her when her mother died apparently they would have done anything for her except give up whiteness is how she says it but really it's except sign on to intersectionality that seems to be kind of how she's describing it to be anti whiteness and apparently she spent one full year trying to convince them otherwise and look this isn't the friends fault right they apparently gave her a full year of putting up with her trying to convert them to her craziness and they stuck around for most of it so honestly that's more than I think a lot of people would do I very strongly believe you can have friends with different political opinions but look if if every time you hang out with the other person they're trying to convince you you're wrong maybe convince you that your race is oppressive or whatever it is I think that's when it comes to a point where like alright you can maybe start to back out of that and not feel guilty right she says all of them dumped her sounds a little bit more to me and I think a lot of people like she's the one who was alienating them for their political beliefs she says dumping has involved a pinch of ghosting a dash of I'm really worried about you we are really worried about you it's involved leaving me and my family out of group plans and pretending it was an accident it's involved leaving me out of group plans and not pretending it was an accident some of these women weren't even really my friends before but have bonded over their mutual disdain for me and my craziness they've bonded around whiteness like again it's kind of sad because she has in her mind built up this like anti white narrative she tried to push it on her white friends they didn't I guess like to be called racist or oppressive so they backed off which is the normal thing to do when your friend turns into a raving lunatic over a prolonged period of time but all it's done for her who apparently lacks any self-awareness is reinforced the idea that wideness is bad it's like look if if one of your friends leaves you because of like your political opinions that's not good maybe they weren't a good friend but it's like if all of your friends all of them are ditching you maybe it's you right maybe that's the point where you start to think hmm wonder what I'm contributing to this and this is this is really funny it's got a lot of people she says this is no different than the KKK yeah that's the same instead of robes they coalesce around brunch weddings spin classes I no longer Harbor anger towards them I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me sad from time to time because it does she says the overarching feelings I have are a understanding understanding how they are all just reading from their whiteness script a script they received before they were born and B fear fear that if the intense love they had for me and my family wasn't enough to reflect on their own white supremacy what hope do we have those who love us still love whiteness more by a long shot the most powerful drug on the planet so I mean just like the fact that she would call her friends who as she says were close to her loved her she would still accuse them of having white supremacy because they're not intersectional enough it's like you're insane like and I mean that to me was probably really hurtful hurtful for her friends that she would be accusing them of being white supremacist and it's like just because your crazy cult says that I don't like white people it doesn't mean mean it's true um it's interesting to see this from her perspective but like ultimately I think she she was to blame for these friendships falling apart and I mean it's depressing as well because usually when people are like politically radicalized if there is something to bring them back to the light to kind of calm them down it would be friends or family who have different political views and you who could kind of say let's come calm things down a little bit maybe back up a little bit but no it doesn't work when you alien all of them so I guess this this was just something I wanted to bring up to say or to point out how damaging and how toxic this ideology really can be and like it's not just for the people around her but it's like for her own life uh you know I'm sure that she's obviously not a very happy person she's alienated all of her friends she clearly has a lot of resentment toward anyone it's like who is this ideology helping right it's not helping anybody it's causing more racial divides causing more interpersonal divides and it's just I mean people can laugh at this if they want I chuckled at the KKK but in spin classes part but honestly it's just more than anything this is sad alright so next up we have Dave Chappelle so he has a new Netflix special out it's called sticks and stones and it has a lot of people talking basically everybody loves it anyone on social media it's like 95 percent positive it's getting rave rave reviews and personally to be honest I always found Dave Chappelle a little too r-rated for my liking if you don't like mature humor if you don't like a lot of swearing don't recommend you check it out is definitely not child-friendly but it was it was really funny this is the most I've laughed in a really long time and like I said everyone is loving it except for incidentally leftist journalists who are not that impressed so I mean it's essentially the most politically incorrect piece of comedy I've seen since maybe Ricky Gervais cz's Humanity is the one that heated and that's another good one if you haven't seen it and you're okay with vulgar humor I recommend you check it out so we have a promo clip of what we're talking about to give you guys an idea of what the material is like and this is one that actually Netflix has been promoting on their social media the next one's a little harder I want to see if you can guess who it is I'm doing an impression but hey there if you do anything wrong you're dull and I find out about it I'm gonna try and take everything away from me and I don't care what I find out could be today tomorrow 15-20 years from now if I find out you're finished that's you that's what the audience sounds like to me so that was the first promo or first part of the special I saw before I actually watch the whole thing and honestly I didn't know that this was coming out this was that promo was really my first glance into this and yeah he got me good at the beginning but I laughed at the end that's one of the clips from the show that's gone viral and you know in the special Chappelle really takes on things like canceled culture LGBT activism me to Jessi Smollett just pretty much everything people from vice and Vox have been talking about for the past few years that's what he craps on so if you're into politically incorrect stuff seriously you're gonna love it I haven't heard anybody who knows how to take a joke say that they didn't laugh at least a little bit and he actually in one point says something along the lines of I can't live in the world you're trying to create and to me that's just that's so true and I think that's why so many people are responding so positively to this is just for for the past few years I feel like a lot of people have been walking on eggshells right unable to fully breathe almost because we're so afraid of saying the wrong thing offending someone and then having this authoritarian mob jump down our throats and try to cancel us so to have a huge comedian like that just say the most outrageous like I don't I don't get offended easily I hope you guys know that by now but there were times in the show where I I had like my hands clamped over in my mouth I couldn't believe it he he talks about Michael Jackson and how he's clearly not a pedophile because Macaulay Culkin didn't says he didn't molest him but if he were a pedophile obviously Macaulay Culkin would have been who he molested right and it's just like okay it's stuff like that you have to be brave to say it and yeah he's nothing if not brave and something that I really like and we saw that in the first promo is that he does this sort of like they switch he kind of sets you up maybe believing that he's about to do the same politically correct woke comedian spiel that we now see from people like Amy Schumer or Sarah Silverman 2.0 but then he just like decimates that we have another clip this one's about abortion by the way and at first I I saw this in the special I didn't know where he was going with it and again he didn't fail to deliver this is even better than the first one in my opinion I'm not for abortion I'm not for it against right to choose is there unequivocal right not only do I believe they have the right to choose I believe that they should have to consult anybody and ladies to be fair to us I also believe if you decide to have the baby a man should not have to pay if you can kill this month I can at least abandon them it's my money my choice it's a it's a bold move to joke about abortion in this political climate but it is especially a bold move to joke about abortion when the punchline of your joke is that abortion maybe isn't that great right because I I agree with him right it it only makes sense that if women aren't able to just like full-on abort their kid that guy should be able to kind of bail out of financial support and like he says but if that doesn't make sense then maybe none of it makes sense and I think he's he's absolutely right on that but the thing with his comedy is that right there are things that he jokes about where you know that's not actually what he believes like you know he doesn't think Macaulay Culkin for a pedophile is just too hot to not molest clearly a joke but you know then you have things about the stuff like abortion and cancel culture where I think he is making a deeper message or commentary on society and I think where people get upset is when they're unable to tell the difference between the two right where they're not able to read between the lines of the the deeper context of what he's trying to say and apparently people in Slate from slate are exactly those type of people they were not fans of his comedy special they have this article that they released Dave Chappelle's sticks and stone fights for the rights of the already powerful in in his special he talks about castle culture and how it's affected people like kevin hart and louis c.k it's good points right at the idea that we can't make jokes anymore the idea that louis ck's behavior although kind of gross he's one of those ones where it's like alright but but did he hurt anybody is the response that it got from the public really proportionate to what actually happened those are valid valid points to make for anyone to make but according to slate that's just simply him defending celebrities and we're gonna read some of this now it the author says watching Dave Chappelle's latter-day comedy special is like dropping in on a rascally uncle who doesn't know or doesn't care how much he's disappointing you he was more clever than anyone you'd met up until that point and there was something impressive about the lengths he'd go to make you laugh then he went away for a long time and while you changed with the times he fashioned himself a badge of honor for definitely not doing so now his jokes make you wince each visit reminds you that your face is technically capable of laughing and cringing at the same time but it certainly doesn't feel good to do so despite it all Uncle Dave insists it's not that his viewpoints have gotten stale everyone else just got so much more sensitive Chappelle rails against the perceived softness of many different groups Louis CK's victims Kevin Hart's detractors in the gay community and Michael Jackson's survivors whom he says he doesn't believe anyway Chappelle also directs his exasperation at his own audience or at least the kind of viewers who aren't interested in supporting artists and celebrities responsible for horrendous things if you do anything wrong in your life he ventriloquist here in Wow ventriloquist keep okay I don't know how to say that word and I find out about if you continues I'm gonna try to take everything away from you but as is so often the case with those who accuse others of having thin skin it's mostly prediction I don't think we can always take Chapelle at his word his evident obsession with the details of the Jackson case in particular gives the impression that he accepts more of the allegations than he professes to he'd rather just reach for the nearest narrative or the most puckish punchline then grapple with messy truths but he obviously also takes pride in serving as an Oracle or at least for the kinds of audience members who whistle and applaud when he calls Jackson's accusers liars or evokes the rights gay agenda by declaring homophobia is the single biggest taboo in show business if his jokes were so funny on their own which too pale have to spend so much time justifying his right to tell them so clearly this person doesn't understand humor right this is one of the people who Chappelle is railing against and it's so obvious because right he accuses Chappelle of just not having change with the times when everyone else has and that's why he has to spend so much time justifying his own jokes when the rest of us agree with him his jokes are still funny and his justifications themselves of why he should be able to tell these jokes are hilarious but I mean one of the things I will say is that he does talk about Michael Jackson that the whole case the allegations the fighting neville neverland fiasco I actually I don't think Michael Jackson was on the up-and-up uh you know I think even just the stuff that people admit to him spending time with kids and that and of itself is inappropriate but here's the thing even as someone who doesn't agree with him about Michael Jackson it's still funny the jokes are still hilarious I don't need to agree with his political take in this instance to laugh about it but clearly that that's not a viewpoint that the slate people share and and by the way guys I do just want to take this opportunity to tell you that if you're enjoying the social show so far and you're watching live you can of course give us a super chat we're gonna be around after this show is over on the same stream to answer any q a's read all of your comments questions and concerns but if not if you want to go the extra length you can of course always head on over to blaze slash lauren and subscribe using the code lauren to save money on your annual subscription not only do you save I think it's 10% but you also get a ton of other $10 sorry you also get a ton of other great shows to watch yes so slate not a press with Dave Chappelle apparently though neither were neither were the people at National Review they also took issue with and I think Vox or vice had some unkind things to say to him as well but look ultimately you don't need to think Dave Chappelle is super funny you don't need to think that he's right about abortion or or whatever I think the main takeaway that he would want you to agree with is that he shouldn't be canceled just for saying inappropriate things you know so far people from Slade and I think it's like visor box there I think not trying to cancel him there so far just saying that he's not funny but uh you know we'll see how much this outrage builds to because oftentimes it can get pretty bad over a period of a few days or even weeks before it really comes to a head I'm hoping that we've heard the end of this though okay next up we have the story of this is a strange one and actually I want to think I think it's basically Kim who follows me on Twitter for suggesting this story sometimes I asked you guys for stories you want me to comment on she's the one or I hope it's a she she sent me this and I just want to say thank you shout out to her so this is about turfs or trans exclusionary radical feminists if you haven't heard of the term before these are feminists who generally don't accept trans women as women or trans men as men and they don't themselves refer to each other as turfs they see that as kind of like a slur against them and before any of you say oh so they're feminists with a brain or they're feminists who make sense the reasons that they don't accept trans men or trans women as what they identify as are very different than the reasons that maybe Ben Shapiro might have for not accepting them for what they identify as right so from what I gather a lot of them believe that trans women are just men trying to sneak into women only spaces and trans men on the other hand are just women who have grown to hate their own bodies as a result of the patriarchy so they're just kind of like self-loathing women who are therefore trying to be men almost like gender traders right so that's there view of trans men and trans women which I like obviously very different from the approach that yeah conservative a right-wing person might take to the whole trans ideology even though they both generally disagree with it okay so the reason why I bring this up is that there is a women's shelter in Vancouver it's called it's a women's shelter and rape relief clinic and they've had some run-in with feminist activists that actually caused them to lose their city funding so the shelter it's called the vancouver rape relief and women's shelter and according to what they have on their site this is who they serve it says we are the longest standing rape crisis center in canada since 1973 our group has responded to close to 46,000 women seeking our support in their escape from male violence says since we opened our transition house in 1981 we have housed over 3,000 women and over 2,600 children the operation of our rape crisis center and transition house our forms of direct action developed for women by women in the 1970s as part of the second wave of the north american women's movement more than just providing immediate safety we offer a place to group analyze strategize and fight back against male violence now upon reading that you may be thinking why on earth would feminists try to take away their funny this sounds like an awesome feminist initiative right helping women helping women who have been victimized specifically the thing is though apparently this women's shelter limits its treatment and its services to biological women so they like they won't house or accept trans women but they curiously enough have said that they would accept trans men right so they're saying they only cater to biological females and this is what the National Post reports on uh that this whole situation they're running with feminists it says Vancouver rape relief and women's shelter Canada one of the oldest rape crisis centers has been stripped of city funding after refusing to rescind its policy of only serving female born women in a statement the organization said they were the victim of discrimination against women in the name of inclusion and accused Vancouver city council of trying to coerce us to change our position meanwhile the measure was cheered by activists who have long singled out Bank Coover rape relief as a bastion of trans exclusionary behavior after the vote Vancouver city councillor Christine Boyle posted a tweet to her account accusing the organisation of supporting transphobia trans women are women and sex work is work I can't support organizations who exclude them Boyle wrote in an accompanying note the defunding is the latest flashpoint in an ongoing struggle between transgender activists and female organizations or sorry feminist organizations who maintain that female born and male born women should remain distinct groups one of the figures leading the defunding charge against Vancouver rape relief was Morgan ogor a long-standing transgender advocate and vice-president of the BC NDP I can open any organization I want and discriminate against the people I don't like but when I start to bring taxpayer funding into this it makes this entire room responsible for my actions she said the group's city funding will dry up starting in 2020 according to the measure pulling the money then Coover rape relief cannot access City of Vancouver grants until such time as the organization makes changes to become aligned with city policies the City of Vancouver money represents only 33,000 of Vancouver rape reliefs more than 1 million per year budget most of which is provided by the province of BC the city of Vancouver money was used for educational outreach programs which Vancouver rape relief said were free and accessible and available to everyone including trans people they also continued that men are strictly banned from spaces operated by Vancouver rape relief and the organization has previously argued that their clients all of whom are recovering from male violence do not feel comfortable while in the presence of someone who used to live as a man even deep voices male insignia like baseball caps and boots make women can make women nervous wrote Leigh Lakeman a founder of the center in 2006 and more recently in January talk at a Vancouver public library Lakeman said to me the discussion of inclusion is really the conduct of the backlash against feminism and in 1995 the organization was actually the subject of a discriminate of discrimination lawsuit led by Kimberly Nixon a post operative transgender woman who was denied vancouver rape relief programming now here's the thing I personally I do find it a little bit strange that they refused a post op trans woman any treatment or counseling right I mean to me if I were operating a woman's shelter and someone like Blair white strode in and they said I need help please help me I wouldn't feel good about turning them away just you know on principle I I'm apparently trying to help people here's a person in need with that being said though I think it's very strange that these feminist groups just because this shelter doesn't accept trans people would one only want to not only criticize the shelter which of course they're free to do but actually go so far as to deny them funding because again you could say that maybe they should also be helping trans women I would actually agree with you but to say that it's better if they help no one then help trans women I I don't understand that and actually the conflict between the feminists and the shelter has gotten so bad that there have actually been several several instances where the shelter has been vandalized and like pretty viola if you ask me there's this this one post they posted up to Facebook the shelter that is August 16th there was a rat that was nailed to one of their doors the post reads this is what women attending our support group for a woman who have been raped or battered found when they arrived at the location of their last session shame on the misogynist bullies who did it and there was another one actually just recently what drew a lot of people's attention to the story they posted on Twitter a follow up to the dead rat that was nailed to our door recently this morning we found this writing scrawled across the windows of our storefront space that we use for support and training groups they said hashtag misogyny so some of the things that were written on their storefront were killed turfs trans power turfs go go home you are not welcome and trans women are women obviously I just want to clarify because we've expressed skepticism about like different hate crimes on this show there is a chance that these attacks were staged I haven't seen any police reports that have been filed about it or any kind of evidence to back up the idea that this was in fact a rival feminist group that was doing it not something that was self-inflicted or even maybe something that was done but I just I don't know actual like just random misogynist this men whatever another group so take those posts however seriously you want to but the way I view this situation is kind of the way I view the whole Catholic orphanages situation a lot of people are upset the Catholic orphanages don't adopt children to same-sex couples so much so that they try to shut them down they try to deny them federal funding and again you can criticize these charities for not operating the way you want to absolutely there's nothing stopping you know if you want to protest if you want to try to convince these women that no actually you should care for trans women I mean that if you are this worried about women being triggered by like male appearing things and it doesn't really make sense to say you would treat trans men who might seem very much like biological men you know like whatever criticizing me all you want but at the end of the day they are still doing charity work they are still helping people even if they're not helping all of the people you may want them to help in all of the ways you may want them to help they are still ultimately doing good work and I find it really crappy that you would be so incensed that they're doing the charity work incorrectly that you would try to prevent them from doing it like at all you know it's it's like with the people who would rather the Catholic orphanages be shut down than them not adopt to same-sex couples like would you really like this shelter have that these fewer resources to help women then not help trans women off especially considering that trans women like I'm sorry are such a small percentage of the population right try to see the big picture here and I mean ultimately I think this is maybe an example of the specifically feminist groups eating themselves and I know a lot of people take joy or Glee out of that but it's like with the you know our other story of intersectional feminism this is one that actually just makes me feel sad because the people who are being hurt by this are incidentally just regular women you know rape victims survivors who maybe don't have any political inclination one way or another of how they view you know trans people or this feminism in general they're the ones who this funding is going to be withheld from and this is actually to tie this back to the Taylor Swift equality bill that we referred to earlier this is an example of why bills like that then make the sweeping declaration that you're not allowed to I guess discriminate on the basis of gender or sex without going into any more specific details can actually end up hurting women right because the article does say that right now the shelter is still receiving money from the province of BC where Vancouver is but I mean if memory serves BC is a pretty liberal province as well I don't know how much longer if they continue these trans exclusionary practices this shelter will be able to operate again do I agree with them not serving trans women no but I mean I would still rather they serve some women than no women which I think unfortunately might just be where the story ends up going but I think that's all we have to say pretty much for now if you are watching live then be sure to stay on the stream because we're gonna be back in just a few seconds with some exclusive Q&A but aside from that thank you guys so much for tuning in and we'll see you next time
Channel: Lauren Chen
Views: 106,968
Rating: 4.8688755 out of 5
Keywords: Roaming millennial, conservative, conservative vs liberal, conservative news, republican, republican party, commentary channels, egalitarianism, taylor swift vmas, taylor swift trump, vmas, nikita dragun vmas, alison brie immigrants, politics, current events, political news, lizzo vmas, nikita dragun, vmas 2019, alison brie vmas, alison brie
Id: MJlAJ5hlAJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 13sec (3013 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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