Wartales Guide to Combat - How to Master Tactical Combat

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foreign and today we're continuing our guide section with a in-depth combat guide this is going to be a different guy than the others I figured many of you might be struggling in the Tactical aspects of the game so I wanted to show you a typical combat and how to deal with it how to interact how positioning affects your characters and just the general order of things I go through the basics and a little bit more advanced and we're going to do a bit of a play-by-play whilst we're going along so the situation that we're finding ourselves in I deliberately have chosen a party level 11 some of them level 12. um and paired them up against an overwhelming Force you can see on top here we're having six characters ignore the bear four now and we're fighting against uh an overwhelming number of anywhere between 11 and one round of reinforcements that could be up to 20 enemies so a couple of things to note in advance I will be playing through that as as we go this here is the base party that I have been suggesting uh to build in my best party guide so this is more an indication of how to actually play them in combat and how to manage your resources so let's start with a bit of theory and then we're seeing how it applies uh the most important resource for you in most of the combats is going to be Valor points and are more of your tanks I mentioned in my bar a party guide that you want to have at least a third of your characters as tanks we have six characters two tanks in this case The Brute and the Swordsmen uh both are one-handed Shield wielding with around 600 armor um 65-ish guard so that's an effective armor value of give and take 2 500 hit points as long as they remain with guard let's talk about enemy aggression and how to deal with them with the tanks you want to typically focus on choke points you can see terrain that allows the enemies to bulk up and cluster enemies will always go for the nearest Target unless there is a better Target a multi-attack option available or unless they can flank a Target so keep that in mind if you for instance move to this field here they will flock around the tank number two you can see that every single character is about 1.5 meters or five feet in um in width which means if we're positioning some something along the lines of that this only leaves a meter worth of uh field that's not enough for them to squeeze through so you have a broader field of blockage with that going back to Valor points that I mentioned initially my theory was available points typically the damage dealers and then there are characters that generate Vella points typically the tanks and the support characters in this formation are both tanks as well as the spearmen are going to be the Valor generating um characters um whilst the others are going to be the Valor spending characters so in order to pull this off we have started with full Valor um and I want to make sure that according to my um to my own description that we are going to build a front line here typically you want to eliminate threads before they even appear in this case you can look at who is going to be next in the initiative order it's going to be on that side and then afterwards we're going to see the these two acting so getting this guy in combat relatively early would be helpful keep in mind we want one meter distance here so that we have the maximum blocking potential anyone moving up here cannot reach us so they will need to move all the way around here we're going to do what the brute character is good at which is being Veil or neutral and respectively dealing some damage via repos I've gone through the build detail in my brute guide so what we're going to do is we're engaging with every engage we're getting available point and with every disengage there is a 50 chance that we are hitting them plus every second hit that we are executing um generates us a repost so after a few hits you can already see that we have killed the first enemy mind you this is a tank equal if not higher enemy easily goes down and we have lost almost no Health in return we're going to stay here end the turn and build a front line on the side now unbeknownst to us uh someone was up here and is uh using fire more precisely a fireball or a burning oil good let's talk about further Valor generation I want to set us up for uh for next turn with appropriate Valor but before we can do it we can now see that enemies are acting and I don't want to take as much damage I right click the skills that I want to use in order to get a preview if there is a position where I could get everybody in and there indeed is one we're moving into the back line with our DPS that triggers a lone wolf because he's more than five feet uh five meters away from The Brood we're challenging shouting every one to us and we're going to use our uh our cutting Maelstrom execution in order to kill all of them you can see we've now lost a few Valor points that is normal I mentioned that we uh would be not available Frontline anyone coming from up here would go for The Brood there is an undisclosed number of enemies over here and there are quite a few enemies over there moving on we don't the next enemies uh will act over here there's a potential that they will come in up here which means we want to build the next front line before we do that though I like to use tactical order and I like to use technical order for the characters that generate the most availor typically you want to get a brood in range in order in order to do that so A more optimal way of doing that would have been to get the brood right up to here and then use tactical order since we're okayish on Valar points a triplet will go well we then want to use a bravery a level 12 skill that is increasing the crit hit and crit chance for as many characters as we can we are moving into the best position that we can we're missing our Warrior here but is okay it's still worthwhile everybody gets Zeal with the exception of our Warrior we will then proceed to move forward we know that the Renegade up here spearmen will start to engage and I would like to say up here it's still the closest Target he will not be able to reach us fully and we would have the ability next turn to deal even more damage with a spear throw end of turn sometimes positioning all right I stand corrected barely reached us sometimes positioning is more important than anything else so next up henchman down here would be able to uh to uh to move next we want the fast character the ranger is the perfect one for it Ranger again is a spending character so we're going to spend more Valor than we can than we would need uh we're healing the burning off of the spearmen proactively we're then moving quite far down to here characters already bleeding which means that our assassination automatically triggers a critical hit and unfortunately for us that means we can no longer get the reset of movement so we could have been a bit a bit more efficient by hitting him and then triggering the reset to go all the way back to the Renegade but we're fine we saved enough veiler for now next on however we need to go a little bit more aggressive so let's talk about crowd controlling and positioning that's where the Archer comes into play Let's assume the bear wouldn't be here looters looter's turn will come around soon so what we want to do really is we want to use our Lone Wolf status over here we want to get rid of the looter the easiest way to do that is actually him all the way back into the fog it's not dead but he is deeply injured and for us or slowed for two rounds So currently we don't need to care about him in the meantime we're continuing with our war bowl and are starting to hit individual enemies typically we would be available spender but with um orderly that we have gotten and the ability to kill that frequently were actually a veiler generator we could go in and even wrath kill uh that guy but there is no point in doing that instead I want to make sure that we're not missing any character here and we're ending our turn good Raider begins to uh to set up for the next uh for the next turn but that is totally fine we are going to be ready for that let me show you a couple of tricks of how to deal with that Spearman in this case has the ability to reposition uh the uh the enemy um we know only one character that brood is going to act before the end of the turn which allows me to be a bit more cocky and actually start sprinting in foreign move the character closer to the bear for next turn and we're going to provide flanking bonus we are okay on veiler would have needed Vader since the spearmen generates Valor in the current scaling that I do have by standing next to her character I would have not moved in but that way we we are now positioning ourselves very well up here any character that is going to come to us will need to deal with the repos and also will only be able to attack from one angle there is not enough space for multiple characters Spearman next turn can simply Sprint away and leave the guys beep we know there is a character there and now finally enemy reinforcements are incoming our positioning with a tank up here turned out to be a really good idea so let's take a look there are a couple of enemies over here and one enemy that we do not know where exactly they are so in absence of that knowledge I want to explore a little bit further what we're going to find over here we're pushing that radar closer in and this time we're building a front line with brutality as the radar comes in they will need to deal with us I could have even gotten us more available points but for now we're fine the fire on the other hand sucks we need to deal with that relatively soon our tank engages up here both of the spearmint don't want to merely engage immediately but we see an opportunity or I see an opportunity up here for a nice multi-kill so let's try to set that up next where whenever I see multiple targets we're either going to use our warrior in order to engage with them this time maybe on on the front line down here or we're using our Ranger to to execute them all of these guys have already acted so there's no point in uh in actually acting uh immediately against them but I would want to say though is in case of a doubt I tend to use things first in order to close a specific front line that tense in general to be a more efficient way of playing because you um you can make sure that your back line is being well kept so we know these guys are acting next same ordeal we want to kill threats before they appear a hit another hit and we're barely not making it in I was trying very hard to actually reach both of them but with him now forcefully engaging with us there is this whole flank uh is being well kept there is no more threat from here so how do we want to deal with that the radar could theoretically go in um flankers we don't want that so what we're going to do instead is um and let's talk about that for a second we're going to use all of our abilities so number one we want to deal as much damage as possible slow down whoever comes from up here that's another level 12 ability it generates a lot of rage sex as you can see plenty of Rage 6 as well as getting them down nicely the bumper here the Archer will die but this guy hasn't acted and we talked through a couple of other combat mechanics if you are immediately standing next to a Target you can always shoot through if the target is within the um within the direction of your shot there is a percentage chance however you can negate the percentage chance with aim and we want to make sure that this guy is being taken care of um well then continuing to move further heal the bear so that they don't take burning damage and we're continuing to eradicate the battlefield super strong showing by the Archer you can see just with a basic bow he's just having a normal War Bowl um he can eliminate multiple targets kill two and slow down all of them even if he wouldn't have killed that Target he would have pushed it so far away that the target becomes irrelevant uh should have moved five feet away that was a bit stupid I reignited the bear again all right seeing a triplet up here always warms my heart because there is a real chance that we can multi-kill but I would need to move through them yeah unfortunately that will only be a doublet all right good we're we're getting reduced value so let's see how we can generate some more Valor one way of doing that is working with the tanks and one thing that I like on my tank uh tanks is Braves oil which gives you a 50 chance of generating a veiler uh when engaging combined with this skill for the things it is actually a hundred percent chance you can see we have just gotten two valer out of it um spend one get two easy math right there and for free skills like uh your normal melee attack it even creates a two so you can see that was Valor positive and we even killed two on top of that repost tanks very very strong good time to finish a couple more over here I'll show you a few more tips and tricks of how to deal with positioning or starters killing that guy we're then moving up if you're sprinting after burning you remove burning by the way just a little tip yeah that already concludes the battle I think long enough for a small guide I hope that have taught you the absolute basics of the combat we've went through Valor generation and Valor sinking we've talked through positioning and sealing off or flanks we've talked through efficient use of action economy we've talked through crowd control and you've seen the builds in action as well so that's really the basic of how combat Works don't sweat it if you don't have all of those skills yet just apply the basics from what I've been trying to teach in this video and you will see an immediate Improvement in your combat setup thanks for watching and have a great one bye
Channel: Syken Plays
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Keywords: Gaming, syken
Id: posGSb-kuCw
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Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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