DEEP SECRET OF DOCTRINE | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon 2021

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i i know that you love me all over the world and i'm grateful for your love i'm indebted to you but it's unfortunate that there are a group of people it has gotten to my table time and again that there have been several people parading all over the internet as joshua salman and coming up with all kinds of charitable projects taking advantage of the love the support and the loyalty that people have for me and extracting money from people and it's it's terrible is to know that people can can do this kind of thing and i'm saying it especially to our international community there are a number of sites i don't know if the media would project them but that is not me personally i am not on social media you find any apostle joshua salman or anything that looks like me or on social media it is not me uh these are scammers they may project my message they may do a lot of things but anybody let me say this um you are always free to share my content it's it's been my joy and and there are there are several platforms on youtube instagram and all over that just i know that there are different fan pages on on social media that just celebrate what god is doing in my life and become support systems for us to take this message i love you those people you have my endorsement and my blessings but anybody please listen let this be a disclaimer anyone who would ask you to send money to give them money for any charitable project please know that you are dealing with a fraudster you can feel free to report them to the various authorities that govern the social media platforms and you can also do well to communicate a protocol department our media department our public relations department the lines will also be on the screen for you to see please make sure you have these details have our protocol lines our public relation lines they they respond to everything that has to do with correspondences the media for all your media concerns um this is so that you can have the the authorized channels we make ourselves as accessible as possible for everything that has to do with the ministry we have able-bodied trained people who love you passionately who will be able to communicate and for all your givings you can also contact our finance department absolutely lovely people please listen because i know that many of you um desire to probably sow into my life so into the ministry there are there are designated details that the finance department can give to you please anyone parading i would repeat again as joshua selman i do not have any charity project i'm a philanthropist you know that i give with all my heart but i do not have any orphanage hope that i and then i will not i'm not even on social media and i think it's it's insulting to you i honor you too much to go on social media and ask you for money for prayer please listen i want to say this you know that i'm a man of integrity and this also let me use the opportunity to say it on behalf of any a man and woman of god that is a person of integrity when you listen to a man's message it gives you an idea of their convictions what they can do and what they cannot do i i i will never never go by god's grace god has blessed me with several people who continue to bless and support what we represent all over the world and i am profoundly grateful for their partnership please and please if you want to partner with the ministry you want to bless me there are designated channels i am grateful but so that your seeds don't enter um wrong hands and have people take advantage of you millions of naira thousands of dollars have been extracted by several people in the name of you know all kinds of things there are even people who have supposedly written publications uh as joshua salman it's unfortunate you know it's come to my notice also that people have written books proporting to be joshua salman when a book is out we have that influence and we'll let people know by god's grace we have lots of things out i know that god has granted me a measure of influence and i'm grateful for it and many people can leverage on it for their own advantage provided you do not hurt people provided you do not scam people is a terrible thing and i will assure you that we will continue to look out for these people and make sure that the social media as far as this ministry is concerned is safe for your participation so please do well connect with us on on our all our platforms for updates and then um do well to spread the teachings the teachings are free let them go all over the world and then just let everybody know that i am grateful thank you so much for your love thank you so much for everything hog the way you want but um you can turn to your left and right and tell someone good morning and for our online family morning to you afternoon to you night to you wherever and whatever the time zone is we continue our journey this morning and i'm excited to be sharing the things that i'll be sharing by the spirit of god it's always an honor to bring the word of god to this church and to the body of christ to this platform spirit of the living god will depend on you you are the spirit of revelation you are the spirit of wisdom we ask in the name of jesus the christ of god that he will help us this morning we pray for our global family following all over grant us illumination grant us grace in the name of jesus may your word come with power let it give us insight let it help us to attain maturity and stature in the name that is above all names amen and amen paso de la thank you thank you i truly honor you and your wife please be seated god bless you doctrine we are discussing the matters of the kingdom and yesterday we spoke about the assignment examining the mandate of the church and a corporate assignment as believers and now we're stepping a little higher to examine the concept of doctrine all through scripture you find out that there was a formula that matured believers in the bible especially when you read the book of acts the bible lets us know again and again that there was an exact spiritual formula that was responsible for the maturity and the dexterity of the early church and if we must see the signs the wonders and the mighty things that were done in their days we must subscribe to the pattern that they followed [Music] doctrine this is the mystery behind maturity this is the mystery behind statue yesterday we began to discuss the fact that many believers get saved but the system now that takes them from that outer court if i would call it into the deeper things of the spirit is why there is a lot of confusion the body of christ according to scripture where a people who could not be mistaken every time you saw them you would know this was a christian because there was a common doctrine are we together now there was a common approach to their growth to their maturity but today sadly we have all kinds of versions of people who profess the faith and there is a problem because of what the people eventually become and sometimes a student supposedly under different denominations and different mentorship systems we are sometimes we get very surprised at the kind of spiritual products that are produced and the the the factor to blame is doctrine doctrine is the maker of men in the kingdom please pay attention this is very very important what is doctrine i'm trying to be as simple as possible the word doctrine comes from the latin word doctrina let's just do a bit of bible studies it comes from the latin word doctrina and it means teaching it means instructions basically doctrine talks of a set of beliefs that are accepted and taught a set of beliefs not just random they're a set of beliefs that are first accepted by a standard whatever standard it has to be accepted please take note of this definition it's not just a body of truth communicated a body of truth that has been accepted if you want to use the word standardized or verified are we together now so we're not just talking of a body of truth we're not even talking of opinions we're talking of a set of beliefs that have been accepted by a reference or by a standard and then taught a body of teachings a body of instructions so you call a body of truth doctrine the qualification for a body of truth to be called doctrine is that it must be standardized based on a reference if that truth is not standardized based on a reference it cannot be called doctrine very simple definition but we can spend the whole day explaining this that means a compromise of the standard usually will start with dishonor to the reference are we together now if there is a reference and the references or not it will be difficult to compromise the standard we can trust the graduate that comes from harvard we can trust the graduate that comes from oxford are we together we can trust the graduate that comes from john hopkins say the hospital the doctors there why because we did not need to know the lecturers that taught them we trust the standard are we together now that there was a body of knowledge communicated to them by whoever and we know that there was a system of compliance that ensured that anyone who passed through harvard no matter how higher no matter how low there was a minimum standard he would not come under so if someone came to you and said i'm a graduate a true graduate of harvard there are some questions you would not ask again because the name has already verified it's told you that a standard was kept we're trying to examine what is wrong with the body of christ and why believers fail to mature to a defined standard because the bible tells us that if a believer follows a pattern there is something he should there is a kind of man he should become and now as we look across the length and the breath of the body of christ from we the man of god to those we are leading we see that there are aberrations and compromises on the kind of formation that the bible says should be so after 5 10 15 20 years in church under active church activities we do not yet see that formation it ought not to be so are we together yeah so we want to examine what is wrong the bible is full of the concept of doctrines please just be a bit patient we are doing a bit of bible study this morning and i hope you do not mind there will be lots of scripture media you would help me so that we work together there are few scriptures that talk about the reality of doctrine as far as the kingdom life is concerned let's look at a few of them please deuteronomy chapter 32 and verse 2 i picked out a few and then we look at the concept of doctrine as far as the ministry and the mentorship system of jesus was deuteronomy 32 and verse 2 it says let my teaching drop as rain please give me kjv thank you kjv thank you very much kjv it says my doctrine shall drop as the rain my spirit shall distill as the dew as a small rain upon the tender hub and the showers upon the grass he likens the doctrine as rain coming upon a shrub a hab what does it do to it it causes it to grow and it causes it to flourish next scripture proverbs chapter 4 and verse 2 proverbs 4 and verse 2 wisdom speaking now he says for i give you good doctrine forsake not my law three more scriptures isaiah 28 and verse 9 isaiah 28 and verse nine shali parus kiyata balakatusiya whom shall he teach knowledge is a question and whom shall he make to understand doctrine he says them that i win from the milk and drawn from the breasts are we together now that means the system that takes believers from infancy to maturity is the communication of doctrine isaiah 29 and verse 24 isaiah 29 and verse 24 they also that head in the spirit shall come to understanding my goodness look at this scripture and then that moment because of ignorance because of childishness shall lend doctrine watch this now notice that every time the bible talks of the transition of individuals in the faith life from childhood to maturity interfacing them is doctrine please keep that scripture there it says they who have aired in the spirit they shall come to understanding and they that moment shall lend doctrine last scripture jeremiah 10 and verse 8. [Music] this is a prayer we must pray for the church and the body of christ that god will help us avert this tragedy it says but they are all together brutish and foolish the stock is a doctrine of vanities there is such a concept as the doctrine of vanities it is not only the doctrine of demons there is a doctrine of vanities [Music] when jesus walked the earth our pattern man jesus is perfect theology jesus is our reference not only our savior not only our high priest the bible says looking unto jesus not unto a prophet in fact even when the bible says to follow paul speaking he says follow me as i follow christ that means before you follow me verify that i am also following christ if at any point you find out i am not following christ stop following me follow me only as i follow christ are we together let's see how jesus began to mentor the disciples just a few scriptures i'm just touching on it just to build my case on the necessity of doctrine and that doctrine is the mystery that produces stature and maturity across the body matthew chapter 7 and verse 28 what did jesus teach matthew 7 28 and it came to pass when jesus had ended these sayings the bible says the people were astonished at his so what was he saying doctrine when he was communicating he was not just talking stories he was not just giving remember listen we have to examine the things we have been teaching there there is a set of knowledge spiritual information that is not profitable for the growth and the maturity of the saints just because it is spiritual in context does not mean it is useful they were astonished at his doctrine matthew 22 and verse 33 please exercise a little patience let's talk on these scriptures it says when the multitude heard this they were astonished again at what his doctrine we see doctrine there again mark chapter one please and verse 22 mark 1 22 look at how jesus taught look at how jesus built and they were astonished again at his doctrine for he taught them as one that had authority and not as the scribes chapter 4 same book of mark and verse 2 chapter 4 and verse 2 of mark and he taught them many things in parables and said unto them in his doctrine doctrine mark 11 and verse 18. mark 11 and verse 18 11 and 18. [Music] the scribes and the chief priests heard it now watch this he began to teach the people who came around his meetings he taught them doctrine matters of the kingdom and then it got to a point where his doctrine had gotten to the scribes and the chief priests and when they heard it listen it says they sought how they might destroy him for they feared him what made them afraid of jesus i will tell you because the people were astonished at his doctrine what created the fear was not the passing it was the power and the effect of what his doctrine was doing to the people he was teaching them doctrine and once they began to lend the doctrine was changing them and it was making them to ask questions the scribes could not answer doctrine is powerful luke chapter 4 verse 32 [Music] and they were astonished at his doctrine again for his word was with power two more scriptures john 7 and verse 16. we're looking at the pattern of jesus's ministry if we must mature the body from a state of ignorance and infancy is not going to come by opinionated remember that is just handpicked based on our desire and our experiences there is a pattern a body of truth and spiritual information audited and approved that if communicated accurately there is a guarantee that whoever passes that system will become a kind of christian john 7 and 16 jesus answered them and said my doctrine is not mine but he that sent me i am a skewer of that mystery also the doctrine is not my invention i was sent and sent with a doctrine that means we have a right to vet anybody sent who sent you and what is the body of information given to you you cannot say you are in ministry don't tell me he sent you with a message alone what is the doctrine that becomes the authority you have to mentor and to build the doctrine is not bible college no bible colleges you're training to be effective in communicating that doctrine your bible college ed defies you not those you ascend to doctrine when we know this we know what satan is really fighting because many of what we think satan is fighting is not what he's fighting there are few things he need to take away from the believer and he can let you continue your activities because it remains powerless no matter how anointed isn't it amazing how we protect anointing and yet we do not protect the sanctity of doctrine follow me carefully we have a very long journey this morning if i ask the average believer in the african church today choose anointing or doctrine before i finish talking he would dive out whether it's an oil or a jar when he picks that oil he believes that he must be effective in ministry this is why we are surprised because we continue to receive impartations we have res i hope you know that i teach from a standpoint of love i do not teach from a standpoint of sarcasm i am part of the body our admiration and respectful anointing as wonderful as that is doctrine is a strange concept in the body is why there are manifestations without the maturity that maintains and sustain them we have spiritual activities that start revivals like smoke and it evaporates and people return back manifestations of power crusades part full of people people get born again and the harvest rottens because there is no doctrine that preserves [Music] john 18 and verse 19 were examining the ministry of jesus and the high priest asked jesus of his disciples and his doctrine look at what the high priest was concerned about not his miracles there were two things that threatened the high priest one your doctrine to those listening to it i am interested in what you are telling them and i'm interested in the loyalty that is coming out of them by reason of what you are communicating now this is our jesus you now see why his products were powerful out of out of the 12 disciples who would become apostles of the lamb only one and judas was not a bad man judah was just a selfish man that's why he could not spend the money most of us will spend it judas didn't spend it [Music] i think it's some level of regard for him there [Music] all that you have given me i have kept and none is lost except the son of perdition and that that scripture will be fulfilled notice the son of perdition was not mentioned judah aligned with that prophecy most of the prophecies in scripture had no names attached to them so the spirit of grace hovers around a dispensation finding the vessels that align to that prophecy [Music] are we together so we see that all through scripture doctrine has always been the strategy for building in the ministry of jesus he used parables but hidden in those parables were doctrines precepts of the kingdom let's look at the ministry of the apostles because there is a condition for any truth to be called a doctrine number one the idea must be captured in the old testament this is theology number two it must be manifest in the life and the ministry of jesus number three it must be manifest in the life of the apostles any truth that is not captured in the old testament any truth that was not manifested in the life and the ministry of jesus and was not manifested in the life of the apostles does not qualify to be called doctrine now in light of what i'm teaching we will respectfully look back just just like an introspect and find out most of the things we teach in the body of christ do they pass through that test and today are they standardized enough yet we have made doctrines out of them the challenge with the body of christ largely today is because as well-meaning as we are our exegesis is largely based on opinions encounters and visions as wonderful as they are they have not passed through the spiritual nafta if i will use that word that qualifies them to be called doctrines so on one hand the doctrine only only blesses those who are called in that pattern [Music] doctrine should profit everyone in the body so i can communicate through that only prophets people who are going into ministry if you are in business my message will not profit you that's dangerous then i can come and teach in a way that you have to be a businessman to be blessed then i teach in a way that you you must have lost your father your mother for my message to profit you if you come from parents who are born again my message will make you feel guilty all these variations are because we are communicating opinions well-meaning opinions based on the mentorship systems we also subscribe to and we have ignored doctrine let's look at the early church acts chapter 2 and verse 42 yes lord yes lord you are the king there is none other yes lord yes lord yes lord and they continued steadfastly in what the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers look at the pattern again that every time they gathered someone didn't just get up and say i had a dream yesterday everybody sit down get a pen and paper according to my dream i was in a realm i don't know whether it is heaven or where and you see i'm not i'm not being sarcastic a lot of nonsense today is in the body of christ especially visionary experiences i can use my visionary experience and create a bible school with it in fact train people who now train others so now you are meant to feel guilty because you've never had any vision you see that now it is not a doctrine it's an advantage that is based on the election of grace or your quality of alignment but it is not a doctrine and so there are many things that are communicated and continue to mislead believers and so if i now know that if i am not seeing angels based on the theology you have taught me i'm not mature the logical thing to do is to begin to lie i don't lie because i'm bad i lie because i have to confirm so i also stand and say i'm seeing angels and if it gets so bad that while i'm lying someone now falls under the anointing or is shouting i can fall into that deception myself there are pastor you brought me to teach you the rate at which we claim we see angels every day the rate at which we claim we see jesus every day the rate at which we claim we go to heaven every day the rate at which we claim we go to hell every day the rate at which we go to other planets every day it looks like a proof of spiritual maturity we are deviating to a catastrophe that if not managed a generation will stand today that will not know what christianity is all about we are we are fainting the line between christianity and other religions we are that wall of strength and stability the average child today does not even know what it means to be a christian [Music] acts chapter 5 and verse 28 we're still doing bible study acts chapter 5 and verse 28. they rebuked them sharply saying did we not straightly command you that you should not teach in this name and behold help me read ye have filled jerusalem with what and intent to bring this man's blood upon us ah this is someone who had died and gone to heaven but there was a doctrine there was something that the apostles were teaching and it was making the people go back to these politicians and say so this man no no we will revisit this case this man is an innocent man [Music] what is it that a man can teach from a small room and threaten a government with it you didn't go to a radio station you gathered a few people and taught them something and yet the political powers are afraid they said we are not going to train you in prison but please among the many things you say do not teach doctrine i tell you why satan is not afraid of us starting churches all he needs to verify is what you will teach if he knows all you are going to teach our just whatever else aside from doctrine you are more than welcome he will give you the support the backing i'm saying this because the end time church one of the things i will wrap up i told you the final session will be the coming move of god we will have to examine the sequence this the mystery of enoch and elijah you have to study enoch and elijah as the spiritual patterns there has to be a restoration of the ordinance and the precepts of the kingdom the reason why we do not see the glory of god is because his patterns are not kept the glory of god always comes to confirm that his patterns have been kept are we blessed romans chapter 16 and verse 17 romans 16 and verse 17. let me just finish this scripture so that i just build on a few things and then we'll wrap up wherever we stop again this morning now i beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to what the doctrine which he have learned look at how he's he's telling them look there are a group of people causing confusion and this is not an emotional thing they are called enemies with respect to their disrupting doctrine not because we have any personal bias with them look at the bible's definition of an enemy to the church it's not just someone who is not your tribe it's not just someone whose personality is not the same with you whoever mounts himself as a resistance to doctrine is an enemy to the growth of the church it says avoid them [Music] ephesians 4 and verse 14. let's go to ephesus now paul paul is in ephesus mentoring the body of christ and now he's bringing context to their spiritual um their spiritual journey and he's talking about the five-fold or four-fold as we call it theologically he says this is why he gave the apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers for the maturing of the saints that the saints now matured will do the work of the ministry are we together until we all together as a corporate body we come into the fullness of the stature of the measure of christ it says that we henceforth be no more children toast and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine doctrine is powerful the bible likens it to a wind that it has a way of shifting people and vacillating their convictions toe and fro by every wind of doctrine and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive a few more scriptures first timothy paul is mentoring his son in the gospel now first timothy chapter one and verse three first timothy one and verse three as i besought thee to abide still at ephesus when i went to macedonia that thou my test church some that they teach no other doctrine paul was protecting the doctrine the sanctity of the doctrine if you want to be like this church you must adhere to the doctrine so you could look at a believer in ephesus you could look at a believer in macedonia and they look the same even though they never met because what made them the same was doctrine like you a doctor from unilad can meet with a doctor from ui and they greet themselves and literally can begin to talk or do some medical things the moment they verify oh you were trained under prophet saw this you learned this but you hardly will say a believer come from this come from that and let's pray immediately use prayer as a reference we are two believers we love jesus let us pray the first shock will be the content of the prayer and what is going to be said [Music] are we in agreement on this [Music] someone else will be conscious of his words and what he's saying maybe using present tense or past tense to make sure he gets it theologically right to make sure that all his prayer refers to the finished work of christ someone comes and says that's nonsense i'm seeing the demons now as i'm talking to you i know what i'm saying are you saying that now and all of them are believers and all of them have proofs this is what makes it serious where are we goodness first timothy chapter four and verse one we have to finish timothy now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith by giving heed to seducing spirits and the doctrines of devils i think we talked about this the first time i ministered here you want to get the teaching this is how apostasy is formed a deviation from the known patterns of god and that there are two dimensions to apostasy number one there is the corruption of the vessel himself but number two there is the corruption of the doctrine so the vessel can be wrong together with his doctrine but number two the vessel can be sincere but the doctrine is the doctrine of demons [Music] first timothy chapter four and verse six [Music] sheila baruch [Music] if thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things thou shalt be a good minister of jesus christ nourished up in the word of faith and of good doctrine where unto thou has attained he uses his ability to preserve doctrine as proof of a good minister of jesus christ you are a good minister of jesus christ to the degree to which you are able to preserve good doctrine are we blessed first timothy chapter 4 again let's read verse 13 and verse 16. 13 and verse 16. please be patient with me 13 and 16 till i come give attendance to reading give attendance to exhortation and give attendance to doctrine you know what that means keep reviewing it don't say i've exhausted the curriculum go back again give attendance to doctrine does this look like what fathers of faith used to do when you study the history of the church they would all camp meetings for 60 days and sometimes talking about the same thing and you are wondering is it that these guys don't have anything new it doesn't have to be new but it should be fresh the body of knowledge that matures believers is finite you can hold the truth it is the knowledge of god that is infinite but the body of truth that matures believers is finite the same way learning never stops but there is a body of truth that produces a graduate you can exhaust it defend it and you are awarded a certificate it doesn't mean you are done learning to see you high and lifted up you are shining in the light of your glory pour out your power and love as we sing hopefully overly home to see you high and lifted up shining in the light of your glory pour out your power and luck as we sing holy holy holy open the eyes of my heart lord does the prayer open the eyes of my heart i want to see you i want to see you as part of the service open the eyes of my heart lord open the eyes of my heart i want to see you [Music] i want to see you we'll see you and lifted up you are shining in the light of your glory pour out your power and love as we sing holy holy we'll see you high and lifted up shining in the light of your glory pour out your power and love sweet sing holy holy only say prayer that was a prayer that paul paul was trying to teach and teach and teach and he got to a point where he said you know what let's take a break it is for this course that i paul i bow my knees to the father of our lord jesus christ there is something he needs to grant to you to make my teaching effective [Music] ephesians 4 from verse 13 and verse 16. can we look at it quickly sorry first timothy i meant to say first timothy 4 13 and 16. first timothy and then let's go to verse 16 now we're looking at a few scriptures it says take heed on to thyself unto the doctrine continue in them please look up can we read this together one to read is projected take heed on to yourself and untoward the doctrine it says continue in them for in doing this you shall save yourself and them that hear you he was talking to a man of god that just because you are teaching does not mean you are safe you have to still go back and review these doctrines in doing that you will preserve yourself and those who are loyal to the truth you communicate you can keep teaching while you are deviating yourself until you find out that both you and those you are teaching are no longer truly established in the faith in doing this you shall save yourself and those who hear you three more scriptures second timothy 3 and verse 16. [Music] [Music] second timothy ii timothy chapter 3 and verse 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and the bible says scripture is profitable the number one prophet of scripture is that it is the basis for communicating doctrine watch this the first reason why scripture is profitable is not because of correction it's not even because of instruction it is because it is the only authorized platform that can help a minister to administer doctrine then reproof correction instruction in righteousness and that's responsible for the maturity when you read verse 17 it tells you that the man of god may be mature the word perfect there means mature thoroughly furnished unto all good works second timothy chapter 4 and verse 3 for the time will come when they will not endure wow so doctrine requires endurance not attentiveness alone there is a dimension of the communication of doctrine that you have to go past the realm of attentiveness you will need endurance ask me what people will be doing for 40 days listening to a resurrected i mean when jesus was dying he was not even thinking about his exaltation he was thinking about the remaining part of the lecture as soon as he resurrected he went poured his blood that whole ceremony was done he returned back with speed didn't even have time to celebrate so guys let's go back to the class in 50 days the holy ghost is coming i must cover that course what a visionary god if i resurrect from the dead will i teach again [Music] oh come on let's be sincere here [Music] the same way herod had about my death he was also here [Music] please keep that scripture they will not end your sound doctrine but after their own lusts they shall hip up to themselves teachers having itching ears that p a time will come this is a prophetic statement that paul was saying that a time will come when believers will not have the stamina again to end your sound doctrine once the communication does not resonate with their loss they shut it down does it look like what is happening around the body of christ titus chapter 1 and verse 9 we're almost done holding first the faithful word as he has been taught that he may be able to by sound doctrine both to exalt and to convince the gangsters that means the basis of our argument if any is not just opinions it is doctrine isn't it amazing how that when you talk to non-christians they will raise a controversial scripture that will begin another debate and sometimes because believers are not matured in doctrine we now begin to also communicate opinions and at the end of it we veer off from what was the initial subject matter and we begin all kinds of vein bubbling and at the end they convert you the believer because now you find out how ignorant you are you dabble into matters that are not within the curriculum of your training there is a kind of knowledge that is called forbidden knowledge yes that was the knowledge that was captured in the tree of good and evil it is not every knowledge that is needed to be known so someone will come and ask you and say okay after rapture what happens to those who are in the lake of fire now and you see it as a challenge and you are guilty you feel i must defend the name of my savior and my lord doctrine gives you rest so that you can ignore some answers and still not feel guilty all you need to do is check within the curriculum of the doctrine apportioned to you now you begin all kinds of arguments that don't make sense and eventually you will put yourself in trouble mislead those who are going with you vain babblings hebrews chapter 13 and verse 9 that will be the last scripture when the lord opened my eyes to this mystery i told the lord to grant me grace that i was not interested in just being a celebrity preacher but a communicator of doctrine after the scripture i'll begin to teach prophetically so i want you to listen 13 9 be not carried about with diverse and strange doctrine notice what doctrines do they can move people every time the bible talks about strange doctrine it says it can sway you please keep the scripture there it says for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace not with meats which should be prof which have not profited them that have been occupied so on and so forth now he's talking about doctrines strange doctrines in 2016 or 15 now the lord began to put in my heart the need to introduce among the many things that the body of christ should have to call the body of christ back to the place of doctrine and maturity and the lord told me that he will cause an event to happen around the body of christ that will begin to cause men to return to doctrine please follow my teaching because a time came in the body of christ when believers were no longer interested in spiritual growth rather loyalty to a man to a faith to a denomination they there was no passionate and personal interest bookstores would testify that their sales went down because people were no longer interested if someone come pray for me and he can speak over my life and i return with results i will be kind enough to bring the seed to i will forget about you you just make sure that we're in partnership the spirit of god started causing a shaking now i'm teaching with every sense of honor especially for our global audience and even people who are listening please understand that this is just a prophetic teaching from the standpoint of truth the lord to do what he told me he would do in an interesting way sir god began to raise people within the body of christ and outside the body of christ or i would say for some god allowed for some god raised who began to challenge what we call status quo in the body just follow what i'm telling you at first they themselves made mistakes because of the way they approached it they did not know that the opening of their eyes to see this error was an election of grace and so they did not approach their communication with love they came from a standpoint of sarcasm and so it did not even make the truth they were communicated they were communicating to be worth considering because they already came with backlash against every other person who was not them however in the midst of that flesh and confusion god was still there listen carefully to what i'm telling you you know what god is in it because regardless of the limitations of men it still does not die god is that merciful and he is that powerful it began to cause men of god and members alike to go back and say okay it doesn't matter whether i'm for paul or apollos the most important thing is i need to open my bible and you will be amazed to know how long many people had not opened their bible they had opened youtube pages to listen to messages quickly make a jot in in honor of the voice that they respect and when to teach it for many years people would not sit down again the word concordance you would not hear it again the word greek hebrew lexicon you would not hear it again so this shaking began to cause members to ask questions why this why that not just that we're doing it what is the understanding and what is the revelation that is behind this and for many of us ministers we were shocked that we did not have answers we just created some something you know the intelligence around it they look just but the truth is when we went back we said ah god we didn't know we are deviated this much [Music] one of the blessings of the shakings that happened in the body of christ was a restoration of the consciousness of doctrine it was a shock how many members were swayed left and right that was a representation of the quality or otherwise of the spiritual product if i will use that word that we're producing how could i be with someone under my leadership for one two decades and with a two weeks lecture all of a sudden my entire 20 years lecture you forgot about it something must be wrong with that quality of teaching it's like insulting a 30 year old woman and saying you're a man and she goes by mirrors everywhere and looking and says it true that i'm a man no 30 years experience of being a female is more powerful than an ignorant person's advocacy of saying you are a man if that why didn't that happen to us as far as the fake life is concerned then came the pandemic oh the pandemic was a revealer brothers and sisters i sympathize with all those who really went through a lot and all together as a people we've gone through a lot but it was a revealer and it was a harbinger a warning ministers to return back to the place of doctrine because our opinions didn't seem to work again for instance the vacillations around this was it god that caused it was a man that caused it look how confused we were trying to interpret these things and yet we said we've gone to heaven every day we said we met angels every day where was the wisdom you find out from scripture people who had this kind of thing do you know the kind of insights they came with [Music] remember i apologize don't forget my apology remember don't forget my apology out of his sincere heart is a challenge to us [Music] doctrine the word of faith movement if you studied historically they were people who there were many other aspects of the faith life they really did not know and they did not get respectfully but in the matters of faith they stayed there the average person who came from those movements were grounded everything that had to do uh with the word of god the power of the spoken word the mystery of faith they exhausted that curriculum from left to right even at the point of death many of them did not give up their conviction that is worthy of salutation we need to restore doctrine back to the body of christ it is the spiritual system allocated for producing men and women of stature it is not impartation that qualifies men to be teachers of the world and to do ministry i'm telling you this [Music] you can get an impartation in two minutes but you do not lend doctrines in two minutes it takes endurance now let's touch on a very interesting concept discipleship what is discipleship we're dealing with doctrine this is a concept that has been is not foreign to the body of christ but maybe the understanding and the application a disciple i wrote down here you may want to write a disciple is one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrine of another that's a disciple broadly speaking that a disciple is one who number one accepts and then number two assists in spreading the doctrine of another so the condition to be a disciple is number one you must accept the doctrine you are about to spread so from the standpoint of that conviction you will assist in making it known a disciple discipleship is the spiritual system that mentors and mature believers matthew chapter 28 please give us from verse 18 to 20 matthew 28 jesus himself when he rose from the dead matthew 28 from verse 18 to 20 go ye therefore [Music] okay and jesus okay any any just that from 18 let's take it from 18. jesus came and speak unto them saying all authority the word there is exousia all authority in heaven and in the earth is given unto me 19 it says go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost 20 it says teaching them to observe teaching them create is don't just preach to them don't just get them saved create a system of mentorship disciple nations [Music] colossians chapter 1 and verse 28 colossians 1 28 and 29 paul was mentoring the church in colossae and he says whom we preach warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present that's the goal of discipleship that's the goal of doctrine that we may present every man to be perfect in christ second timothy chapter two and verse two the things that thou has heard of me among many witnesses it says the same not a different one the thing you have heard the way you were trained it says commit doubt to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also this is the scripture that better than our school of ministry [Music] that the things you have heard of me among many faithful witnesses committed to faithful men and they will be able to teach others also [Music] i wrote something down here the course content for the believer's education is called doctrine there is a course content there is an allocated body of spiritual knowledge now this does not mean visionary experiences encounters are bad no it is that they are only support systems not foundations [Music] write this down we may differ in many things but there are foundational doctrines that the bible calls pillars of foundations of the christian faith that means that the idea is not to make all of us the same in personality the same emotes of teaching and operation no that's not the idea the idea is that we come to a point where the foundational pillars that represent the fabric of the christian faith is preserved regardless of the change in mode regardless of the mentorship systems if we're deviating the foundations it's no longer christianity hebrews chapter 6. hebrews chapter 6 doctrine verse 1 therefore living the principles of the doctrine of christ it says let us go on to perfection not laying again the foundation and he mentions six dimensions number one repentance from dead works number two faith towards god verse two number three the doctrine of baptisms number four of laying on of hands number five of the resurrection of the dead and number 6 of eternal judgment we're not going into all of this but this is just to let you know that paul was telling them that no matter how you vacillate there are foundations that must remain unshaken this is this is really where we're getting to we're getting to the the zenith of my communication now the truth is that we may not always teach the same our modes of operation our personality differences the biases that have come from our personal encounters the products of our alignment and all of these things differ but in all of our communication we must make sure that all believers globally are mentored after the same foundation so that no matter what happens these people are standing on the same foundation permit me now to borrow [Music] something that i want to read for us i had the privilege to be in the seminary and there was something called the apostles creed please listen carefully we were made from day one you had to learn it and to know it of heart now it's not only the anglican catholic and so on and so forth are we together now i want to read it for you i'm no bias at all for any denomination i'm just communicating it because in later years i would discover the power and the richness of what we were chanting without revelation this for me is a representation of what we believe any believer who does not believe this no matter what else you believe you are not a christian you don't know a christian just because you accept prosperity or reject prosperity you know those are matters that the implication does not necessarily attack the the fabric if i will use that word but there are things if you do not believe if they are not captured in your teaching and your mentorship system it is not the christ of the bible that is being communicated can i read it please here's what it says the apostles creed i believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth number two i believe in jesus christ these are the foundations of the christian faith pastor daily we have to go back to vet because there are all kinds of arguments right now and it's costly to assume that just because i am a christian we are talking about the same thing we may be able to we may argue about all of the prejudices that come around the body of christ i know that we're a body that is still evolving but in the midst of all our imperfection and the issues we must go back to vet do we really believe the same foundation i believe in god the father if you do not believe in the existence of god the father it says hear you israel the lord our god is one lord the what one lord does not mean singular it means unity our god is one lord let me continue i believe in jesus christ his only son but now we know that he is not the only son today he is the first begotten of we the brethren these are foundations of the christian faith our lord who was conceived by the holy spirit born of the virgin mary that he suffered under pontius pilate he was crucified all that is important don't jump that he didn't just die if jesus just died without crucifixion he could not become a cause because the law is that it is in your dying on the cross that you are being caused it says christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a cause for us for it is written it's a law causes every man that hangs on a tree not dies hangs on a tree that the blessing of abraham what is the blessing of abraham not cast and money the blessing of abraham is justification by faith might come upon us the gentiles command to the end that we now justified might receive the promise of the spirit to faith every version puts full stop after that statement so the whole system was to transport the holy spirit into us he died and was buried he descended into hell that is true hades the place of the dead scripture tells us that he went to hell and when he went to hell something happened there is that true apostle peter even told us that when he triumphed he also preached to those who were is that true that they were bound the prisoners in hell he preached the gospel they were the first to hate and then he came out with them he did not resurrect alone the bible tells us that graves were open and the ancient saints they came [Music] this is the bible the bible says and on the third day he rose again from the dead the resurrection is a concept that brought trouble between the um pharisees and the sadducees so it's not enough to believe that jesus came that he died do you believe he resurrected [Music] he's seated at the right hand of god the father almighty he says from there he will come to judge the living and the dead that is true i believe in the holy spirit it right here the holy catholic church there is a star that is written here because the catholic respectfully speaking is not just talking about the roman catholic denomination the word catholic means a universal body of christ so you can safely say i believe in the body of christ that there is such a concept as the body i believe in the communion of saints otherwise our gathering he says unto him shall the gathering be is that true psalm 133 how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity it says to not forget and neglect the gathering of the saints that means whatever comes to indefinitely attack the gathering of the saints is attacking a foundational truth a pillar there is no amount of social media that sustains the power to replace what happens because there are many things that happen when believers gather one of it is that there the lord had commanded the blessing [Music] hallelujah i believe in the communion of the saints i believe in the forgiveness of sins ah otherwise that is the basis the forgiveness of sins otherwise what is your gospel what do you tell the sinner i believe in the resurrection of the body that one day the bible clearly tells us that with a loud trumpet isn't it amazing to know that if our hope is only in this life scripture tells us clearly because there are all kinds of doctrines now that are coming up as to the reality of the resurrection or what the bible calls rapture now there are certain concepts that were not used exactly as they are pronounced one is trinity the second is rapture however from biblical exegesis there is a way you can compare scripture with scripture that proves the reality of this the trinity and god said let us is that true the holy ghost comes on jesus the word and the father speaks from heaven trinity they are about to kill stephen full of the holy ghost he looks into heaven sees the father sitting jesus standing at his right hand trinity so we believe in the existence of trinity not based on a visionary encounter based on the integrity of the word of god which is profitable for doctrine this is how we make our defense [Music] then rapture there's no word in the bible rapture but there are events the bible tells us that it says that the day of the lord will come like a thief in the night i think i've corrected that scripture should we look at it first thessalonians 4 is that first thessalonians 4 verse 1 please give it to us is it first thessalonians or second [Music] give us five let's see we have to touch on it yeah first thessalonians 5 verse 1. but of the times and seasons brethren you have no need that i write to you now this is talking about the events that believers call rapture a quick correction i should use the opportunity to just correct something that has been a trend in the body of christ and yet is not accurate from scripture for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so comment as a thief in the night it's been a teaching for many years in the body of christ that jesus is coming as a thief in the night to believe us from the authority of scripture i tell you that is not a very accurate teaching because those who communicated it as well meaning as they did they did not read the scripture accurately next verse [Music] for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction coming upon them has travail upon a woman and they shall not escape if you are a christian read verse 4 one to read one more time [Music] wow this is the bible he is coming as a thief in the night not to us the bible says the coming of christ will be in the similitude of the days of noah have you read that in the day of noah did the reign take noah unawares no no i was informed about it is that true when all the animals came god himself closed the door and then the rain came and the bible says it will be that day most times when we talk about the days of noah we just talk about it with respect to the nephilims and all the emergence of the giants and the extraterrestrials that is a dimension but that's not the only dimension it is true that in the simulated of the days of noah all these beings these disembodied spirits will find expression again and they already are here there's nothing to hide we know that already [Music] if it is true that we are one with him inseparable by the spirit of grace why should he take us unawares then it means our oneness deserves to be questioned there is an exact formula for the coming of christ the bible says all of what we call the science of the end times the bible says they are only the beginning of birth pains is that true there is only one condition that is given biblically it says and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached not as a message as a witness that means god has no right to judge and condemn anyone who did not have the chance to listen to that message so the message you don't have to receive it but there has to be a witness that it reached you that means we can determine when he comes by the seriousness of our global evangelism are you getting what i'm saying now the bible says looking forward to and hastening the day of his coming [Music] so if you are tired of the mess around the world the key is not to say jesus come just because you are born again you are not the only one he loves he loves the world remember the bible says that imagine if the person who preached to you that you got before you were born again let me tell you this the essence of the revival and the move of god is to confirm the fact that there are many reasons why we know jesus is coming back number one because the bible says so number two because jesus went to heaven with his body the condition to be on this earth is that you must have a body the first time he could not come because there was no body look at the activity a virgin was needed a responsible husband who could manage in spite of the fact that she was not his child are we together the courage to resist all the accusations of the scribes look all that went through for jesus to come so he didn't take any chance he went back with his body he doesn't need a virgin to come back again he can return on act with his body the man jesus is seated on the throne [Applause] [Music] so as far as the law of territory is concerned he can come there are things we have to believe the reality of god the reality of jesus christ almost all religions capture in their framework something about yeshua it is not everything about jesus that saves there is an information about him that saves jesus as a jew does not save jesus as a human does not save there is a message there is something about jesus that saves number one you must believe his virgin birth number two you must believe that jesus is god incarnate perfectly human and perfectly god you must believe in his sinlessness that looks easy until you talk to a philosopher [Music] these are the pillars of the christian faith it is for many religions it is almost inconceivable how the holy spirit will play the fatherly role of jesus in fact the whole idea of the trinity is a confusing concept that only by the wisdom of the spirit would you be able to scratch into it if there is a trinity why are there two thrones in heaven why not three because the third throne is us you see it's true [Music] pastor i am concerned and my concern is that if there is no restoration the foundational truth of the kingdom today respectfully speaking if you want to teach it many people will say you have exhausted all your revelation you don't have anything new again to share the appetite for new things and remember has put pressure on men of god there are so many men of god in this country in africa who are under pressure literally they sleep and wake up on youtube searching for anything that is new wow ana caso that becomes the message for sunday now it's not happening because we are evil people no it is the pressure show us how current you are in the things of the spirit by telling us that there are seven planes i just came back from a dimension in the spirit no one has gone to you know how fast the realm of the spirit is many should i talk about this now i shouldn't even do you know paradise is not heaven [Music] jesus said this day you will be with me the man on the that if you remember the thief on the cross this day you will be with me in paradise many people have gone there and they called it heaven i hope you know there are different planes of heaven the earth is a minute fraction of the vastness of the realm of the spirit just because you were out of your body and it was not evil spirit you saw does not mean you were in heaven i'm trying to how how do i this is a were mature believers do you know there are other spiritual [Music] civilizations the bible says while man slept is in your bible it says the enemy came so the enemy is living among men the bible never called that enemy a man he said well men human beings were sleeping there is another specie of people that came and planted this tear and left they have seeds too and they come plant are we together when you read like i was saying yesterday i'm only saying it because a reference was made to it enoch the seventh man from creation right he talked about encounters where some of these fallen angels desired the daughters of men you think these angels just came to beautiful women and say i want to marry you i want to have children no the women will not agree like that that's not how you ask your wife out you didn't just come and say i must marry you by force no that was slave trade and all of that but a decent maturity there is always a system of seduction those fallen angels proposed ideas they were the ones who taught people how to conjure witchcraft by passing through fire this is this is bible history they brought some of these things that empower people supernaturally right and when these giants this nephilim racist nephilims and they are not the only class of giants they are just the prominent ones we know like nimrod kush og the king of bashan goliath of god and all of these people but they were not the only ones there are people on earth today who are carrying human frames but they are not humans it's true they are not pure humans satan also has his seed salvation is only for men who came from adam i hope you know if you did not come from adam you cannot be part of salvation that's why demons cannot hear the gospel and repent the 24 elders the rendition that kjv puts there is that um you know when they say the worship of the lamb they said and had redeemed us unto god no the rendition is they had redeemed them unto god you see that now those elders had been there for a very long time they didn't just arrive there and those elders are not just the departed saints of old no people had visions in the old testament they still saw those people they saw the creatures they saw the elders i told that we are immersed in a dispensation we don't know how many dispensations before we arrived and how many more are waiting for us the word eternity means the summation of infinite dispensations we are only one out of many dispensations past and dispensations to come that's what makes god ancient of days if it's only six thousand years we can call him ancient of this [Music] because a thousand years is like a day so he that would just be six days it's not enough to be ancient from the realm of the spirit when god is called ancient of days it is a very deep statement because it means that a lot happened i hope you know once upon a time lucifer was not even created and god was still god and there was a program so what was that program lucifer was not yet created there was a day god taught about him because our whole scope is like he starts from lucifer and ends with his destruction no when people like nathaniel bassey says you are god from the beginning to the end it's a very deep statement [Music] do you know why i'm teaching you this i'm not boring you you see when you stand to minister the power and the grace of god these are the information that stand as the support structure that release power according to scripture when jesus was transfigured he showed us how his spirit man was pure light and that is the standard we keep pressing into man shall not live by bread alone every time we feast on the word the revelation there is a dimension of illumination that we have are we are we together that illumination is noted even in the realm of the spirit they can see the increase in the growth we will stand in the golden city in the new jerusalem all i hope and all our pain will be no more we will see that is stable and cry only eastern land we will worship and adore you forever forevermore please look up the days that are coming will test all that we know that we call christianity i assure you the bible already told us that our works will be tested everything that we know do our children believe in god do our children believe in jesus do they believe in the holy spirit do they believe that man is unable to save himself that salvation is an act of god's grace and mercy apart from our works of the law it is the gift of god received through faith there are many people today in the church who believe they are saved simply because they have been around but the bible tells us it is a foundational doctrine we have to be careful because honestly speaking many people are going to hell they are not just being around god is not the condition for heaven no the bible says there is no other name under heaven given unto men by which we must be saved in fact he puts it this way the formula the the the formula is in romans chapter 10 from verse 8 to 10 it says that who shall ascend on high how did he put it now then he says that the word is nigh thee romans chapter eight please but what said that the word is nighty even in thy mouth watch this and in your heart so as far as salvation the new birth experience is concerned according to god's intelligence your mouth and your heart must participate are we together the word of faith which we preach verse 9 it says if thou shalt confess with your mouth not with your mind you can think with your mind you can speak with your mind but as far as salvation is concerned you will confess with your mouth the lord jesus and you shall believe listen if you believe in the cross and you don't believe in jesus you are not saved it's not the cross that saved men is jesus that said man believing in the cross is wonderful but the cross in isolation to jesus is not salvation [Music] you shall believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead the bible says you shall be saved for verse 10 says with the heart man believes unto righteousness that is another concept maybe another time if god grants us grace we'll be able to do definition of terminologies sin righteousness judgment salvation what does it mean to be born again it's a very interesting concept because in reality there is a difference between being born again and being saved [Music] when we call people to surrender their lives to jesus like we say we give our lives to jesus the bible does not teach that for salvation you receive his life that salvation when you give your life to him is the surrender that leads to service offer yourselves as a living sacrifice is that true romans chapter 12 holy unacceptable unto god he does not call it your altar call he calls it your reasonable act of worship these are the concepts that we must balance in the body of christ so that when we send missionaries out when we send people out we are sure of the quality of the harvest and then we are sure that when the people are saved they can be grounded they can be mentored otherwise my dear people i tell you sincerely a time will come when many people will begin to depart from the faith and a time will come when global evangelism will die because it looks like we don't see the use again [Music] most people participate in evangelism simply because they are doing it in loyalty to churches and ministries that they are part of or they are doing it in loyalty to men and women of god that they love and respect but intrinsically the revelation that truly sponsors the global harvest is not yet there hallelujah righteousness what is the nature of god what is the way this life that god gave man we call it everlasting life i don't know if it was here that i made that correction like pastor daley rightly shared it is true that when the bible was being canonized and translated the english people did their best in the translation and because um the bible the old testament was largely written in hebrew and then the new testament was a combination of greek and aramaic and the context of communication hebrew is like yoruba one word can mean many things one word and can be act for with by same word so those who translated this the institutes they did their best to capture the richest essence of that word and many of them were not filled with the holy ghost remember the this holy spirit issue we're talking about we have to really talk about that issue there is no hope if all we bring to the table is just intelligence and so we find a lot of mistakes that continue to confuse believers again and again the word it's away is not just eternal life you may have heard me say everybody has eternal life the condition for eternal life is not accepting jesus the condition for eternal life is passing through the womb of a woman when you preach to people you don't ask them will you spend eternal life the question is location lazarus and the rich man seen one when earth was over they were still alive is that true the rich man was still alive he could remember his memory was still working he said i have relatives please he was tested he could feel the impulses of emotion just water from the drop of your hand it was not a parable he was really testy and jesus said no that already is a message we can preach jesus said you don't need to come back from the dead again there are two principles that walk here there are the prophets and there is the law that anybody who does not pay attention to the principles already on earth even if something comes in the beyond it will still not convince them that should help us to begin to probe carefully many divine revelation encounters where they see almost every man of god who has have jesus christ in hell some of those things are and the vessels may be sincere but because they themselves were not mentored in doctrine i've told you that doctrine has doctrine gives you the coordinates for administering the gifts of the spirit so that no matter what you see you will sieve them through the lens of doctrine before you interpret them are we together so for instance if we're rounding up now i forgot that this is a monday a morning service you can imagine i always think it's a vigil goodness [Music] imagine that the lord opens my eyes now prophetically and let's say i see a spirit behind this my dear sister now my interpretation wrong or correct will no longer be god's fault is dependent on my accuracy of the word and my establishment in doctrine are you seeing why random impartation jesus refused to do impartation he said i know you people sit down and learn impartation will happen after three years plus 40 days he did not impart on them to one preacher he gave them his name like i give you my atm it's not your own you use it and give me back so you can trust the fact that i have money [Music] it was not anointing they used to do no no no he gave them his name when they returned with it they could not do that miracle again read your bible is there anyone who left jesus independence i now have the name and went outside of his command no i can see this spirit and now if i am sound in doctrine i should understand the character of god and the way he operates that every revelation as far as it comes from god is for edification are we together so i'm not going to put fear in this lady now if assuming god for be there my dear assuming that i see that i just have a vision of a ghastly motor accident i won't come to this woman and say madam you are dead tuesday mark mark tuesday i don't know but may god help you i will pray for you but with what i'm saying you're already gone now it may be true watch this now because visionary experiences work like time zones some people enter morning before others so you can peep how the morning looks like if you tap into a particular time zone that's how visionary experiences work some people enter tomorrow before others and yet you are still in the same earth geography has helped us to know how visions can work there are people who are eight hours behind so while other people are almost getting to afternoon that's when some people are entering that's the advantage of visions it can help you right but it must be administered within the boundary of doctrine the soundness of scripture honestly there is no hope for our spiritual experiences if we do not submit them through the sieve of doctrine the margin of error will be so high it will not glorify jesus christ even though the gift came from him now if i am if i have been properly mentored and i am sounding doctrine i will sieve my vision through the lens of the wisdom of the world as i speak to this woman there are certain information i will not even give you because number one i will be able to discern your spiritual level and know that giving you this information now you may not be strong enough to receive it so there are certain experiences i will just withdraw it and intercede for you if i sense that it will be profitable to tell you then i will be able to tell you in a way and manner that does not downplay the victory of jesus christ i cannot downplay the victory of jesus christ over something no what i've seen what then is the excellency of dominion what then is the excellency of the finished work of christ what then is the excellency of the name the blood the word even if there is a legal basis upon which the devil is destroying you a scripture should already give me stability blotting out every handwriting and every ordinance that spoke against us so i speak from that standpoint i'm able to administer the gift and the grace of god with accuracy because it is bounded by a sound a it's like there is a jurisdiction of doctrine so don't let anyone please pastors those ministers listening around the world don't let people intimidate you with gifts they should still sit down and learn doctrine because i think that's one of the things that people do around the church people come and because of their prophetic inclination they automatically exempt themselves from the mentorship of doctrine and they will cause confusion in that church even though they are sincere people because the devil sees the loophole in their spiritual understanding colossians chapter one and verse nine the three realms of knowledge to know to be filled with the knowledge of his will to be filled with no wisdom and in spiritual understanding [Music] we ordain people today just because he prayed for someone or because he prophesied and we now say you are a pastor you see and that person is there and the devil is so happy he's there because there is a vast there is an array of loopholes that the devil can choose anyone as he pleases so you find out that sincere people become instruments of disaster let me respectfully say this as i round up this morning we must not compromise on the conditions that qualify people to stand upon this altar and communicate the truth of god's word if a celebrity gets born again he's a babe there is no instant maturity in the kingdom we must sustain the courage to allow people pass through are we together now yeah if someone has been in error for a long time and he repents he's a babe [Music] let us hallow our altars once again and bring people who truly have been trained even though we remain students in the school of the spirit but respectfully speaking we must trust god to to stand with a level of maturity that can sustain and lift up the name of the lord the level of childishness and immaturity upon our altars from sentiments to tribalism to every kind of a plethora of things that doctrine was designed to cover [Music] we don't have to fight the messages whether they are right or wrong the messages are a resultant effect of something leave the messages leave the arrow don't worry about them focus on the vessels let's restore ourselves back to doctrine and in this school of doctrine there's no graduation we continue in them so once we are done after preaching from a powerful program like this we don't exempt ourselves and say have you gotten the teaching we go back ourselves once again let me refresh and you are reading genesis like you just got born again and you are reading the finished work of christ again and then the devil now comes to tempt you and say by now you should be pressing into deeper things and the spirit of god tells you settle down continue in it i want to believe that part of the things that jesus was teaching in those 40 days there were repetitions of certain things i will not be negligent to put you in remembrance of these things although ye know them and are established in this present truth please rise up on your feet we have to wrap up blessed be the name of the lord from the pages of my heart let my worship begin that never ends your my god and your name is yahweh your name is yahweh yahweh you're my king and your name is yahweh your name is yahweh hallelujah we just have two prayer points this morning the first prayer point is not for ourselves the first prayer point is a deep intercession coming from a heart of love for the body of christ who are going to pray one prayer for the body further restore your body to doctrine restore your body to doctrine more than opinions more than corningly devised fables even from well-meaning people pray for ministers of the gospel grant us the grace to not be ashamed of their sadducees of doctrine let our appetite for new things revelation not not cause us to mislead believers help us to be intentional to return back to the patterns of spiritual growth according to hebrews chapter six and verse one the fundamentals of the kingdom that make for a solid foundation so that will become immovable unbendable steadfast are you praying for the body of christ all of you who are following please join in this prayer pray for your pastor don't condemn them don't call them names don't go around insulting people pray for them grant us the grace oh god to be restored to doctrine that will not compromise on the foundations the pillars that represent our christian faith hallelujah praise the name of the lord the second prayer point now is for ourselves it says study to show yourself listen i defined a disciple for you that a disciple is one who accepts the doctrine then promotes the doctrine a disciple is not a goer you are made by the doctrine then out of the strength of your conviction you become an advocate of it many of us may need to unashamedly return back to the doctrines of the kingdom we may need to buy some of these old books we have ignored to go back again to your bookstore some of you after this service you may need to rush to a bookstore and so i know they are faded i know the quality of the print was not there but contained in them are rich truth some of you may need to go back to study the gospels again are fresh matthew mark luke and john you may need to study the book of acts again ephesians the polling epistles add to your depth strengthen your foundation because when all is said and done if your foundation still stands then you really stand are you ready to pray for yourself we're going to pray for ourselves and also by extension we pray for those who are following us from whatever nation the grace to be established in doctrine please leave your voice and pray the grace to be established in doctrine the grace to be established in doctrine the grace to be established in doctrine the grace to be established in doctrine please like we said join us online it's an online meeting and uh privilege uh those who are privileged to be in the studio with us we thank god and uh please just stay online and we will so apostrophe okay new minister as you're starting out you know we've been looking at startup and he's interested in this doctrine thing and he wants to get it right doctrinally where does he start from how does he you know what is the approach is there a systematic approach to that so that i want to start out in ministry and i want to be sure that everything has got to do with doctrine i get it right and you know i'm not gambling and i just want to be sure and of course if somebody else was deviated from the pathway and it's not beginning to land doctrine what is the process of coming back you know especially when you not need to tell your people all along you have been wrong be sure you just do it that way or systematically you begin to bring the people up to speed with what god thank you thank you very much two questions in one number one is how to approach the issue of doctrine um ideally according to scripture the foundation for correct doctrine should start from the mentorship platform that means that naturally it is assumed that the man of god or whatever spiritual platform that provides the leadership should be sound in doctrine so that out of their accuracy they can now lead but we know that that may not be the case i will advise that person number one the first the first assignment is to trust god for grace to identify a man of god or maybe a group of men of god who who represent a level of soundness and balance transformation is difficult without a reference so you will have to pay that price by the spirit take out time to pray and god will help you because usually if for instance you identify pastor delay as a man who you have seen a sound exegesis of doctrine within the boundary of balance you will now find out whether he has a school of ministry or a bible school or a discipleship program you see that now there's no excuse because at the worst you can get his teachings you can buy the tapes find out there are people who have done i know pastor you did i think the whole of acts if i'm not mistaken now so you can see if it means to pay for some of these materials you can pay for them and sit down if there is an organized platform that communicates this then that's an advantage if you are already under a ministry and you're not comfortable with the approach of that ministry especially in light of your enlightenment number one do not fight that ministry understand that every man who is truly called of god is doing his best we differ in our levels of alignment but we must be able to um to vet the sincerity of the heart and accord every man of god honor because this is i hope i'm not taking time sir i need to say this because one of the things people do with revelation is that they use it now and begin to fight pastors fight people make it look like you don't know anything i just came from a conference where something serious was talked about what is this nonsense you are giving us again and they become troublemakers i think it's a wrong spirit the goal of revelation is not to puff us up to fight people however and then also do not fight that structure by introducing principles that are not consistent with their modus operandi i would advise that person let your growth and your transformation first be personal because i'm saying that because there are people listening you understand what i'm saying there are denominations where it's not going to be easy to just use zeal without knowledge to introduce some of these things you will violate their patterns and you'll be surprised god will not support you you see so i would advise that regardless your denomination and the limitations or otherwise you can use your new found light for your personal growth and edification start from there first then as god grants you an opportunity if you can have any formal system of mentorship and training either directly under a man of god who represents for you there's nobody who knows it all we're all students in the school of the spirit so the idea of perfection is out of the way it's just to be able to find a man or a group of people who are worthy references enough to get you going if you can subscribe to a bible school or you can buy books maybe what we may do is maybe in the evening i have a few books on revival we'll add one or two on this i know for one um the basics of the christian faith ew kenyon he has done a basic bible course on an advanced bible course two kinds of righteousness the name of jesus kenneth e hagin also has done justice on that and um i think many of the word of faith people if i'll use that word respectfully speaking they have done well as far as establishing the pillars of the christian faith so we can start from there and it will be a great balance but in all you're doing do not fight anyone then if you are the man of god yourself and you find out that you may not have been communicating the best and now there is a need um you don't have to come out and embarrass yourself you are not you didn't do something wrong you are just growing it's like a baby saying i'm sorry for being a child no you grow the most important thing is that you must sustain the humility to evolve because it takes a lot of humility to evolve it will mean that you would have to silence some of the wrong communications that have come from ignorance sometimes you would need the courage to also severe certain relationships if your being in their presence will have to make you sustain certain truths that you now know will be antagonistic to your conviction so you don't live in guilt you are part of a group of people but you know you no longer believe what they are teaching but you still have to keep that loyalty and all of that it's not going to profit you but you don't have to come and stand before members and say i have been wrong there's a psychology to leadership um when you express weakness in the presence of your people even when you are sincere it affects their trust so it's wiser to evolve as growth than to communicate it as weakness i don't know if i attempted the question thank you [Applause] you
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: sLXZg8i-hJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 53sec (6893 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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