LISTEN! GOD HAS NOT FORGOTTEN YOU with Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak

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a very powerful prayer lord i obtain grace to wait lift your voice and pray i obtain grace to wait [Music] i obtain grace to wait they that wait upon the lord they shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as the eagles they shall run and not be really we shall walk and not fail [Music] allah please pray pray from the depth of your heart [Music] hallelujah praise the lord one more prayer point father my heart is opened my spirit is open visit me tonight lift your voice and pray [Music] my heart is open visit me tonight seat me tonight give me a visitation tonight in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah praise the lord father we are here tonight in the name of jesus we are here again in the school of the spirit we are here again in the place where you make men my help comment from the lord the maker we are here to be made we are here to be lifted we we're here to be enlightened we're here to be empowered we're here for very definite encounters tonight lord we cry we cry in the name of jesus that our expectations will not be cut short tonight we pray that you will heal the sick we pray that you will deliver the oppressed let the veil o god that stands between our desires and their manifestations let the veils be torn into pieces holy spirit we grant you access not only access to this place but access to our lives access to our minds access to our hearts access to our destinies that will manipulate everything to look like christ we give you all the praise in the name of jesus christ amen and amen please be seated god bless you good evening hallelujah praise the lord let me again welcome very specially all those who are worshipping with us for the first time it's always an honor as we receive people who have come from different places far and near hallelujah tonight we're going to pray but then what i'm about to share with you tonight i pray in the name of jesus that you will never forget it for the rest of your life i pray that you will add it to the archives of the mysteries of the kingdom that you will use to rot righteousness in this life in the name of jesus i remain committed to sharing with us the truths of the word of god that make men that lift men that empower men and when these truths come it's important that our hearts receive them receive them receive them are we together you can listen but it does not mean you are receiving you can hear you can even take notes there are two notes there is the tablet on your hand and there is a tablet of your heart says do not let them depart from you keep them in the midst of your heart they are alive to those who find them and health to your flesh hallelujah psalms 106. verse four koinonia is a place where every time we gather it's not only an encounter with the holy spirit it's a feast of light the mysteries of the kingdom the principles by which the saints command victory in their lives and in their territories we're going to read two verses together and then i'll just establish a few things and we will pray psalms 106 and verse 4. please let's read together if you can see it one to read remember me o lord with the favor that thou bearest unto thy people o visit me with thy salvation scripture number two isaiah 49 from verse 14 to 16. isaiah 49 let's read together one to read but zion said the lord had forsaken me and my lord had forgotten me 15. can a woman forget her so clean child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb yea they may forget yet i will not forget you 16 behold i have graven thee upon the palms of my hands thy walls are continually before me help us holy spirit the book of remembrance write it down i want to share with you a very powerful and deep spiritual mystery very deep spiritual mystery the book of remembrance [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that's your way [Music] [Music] let your will be [Music] one more time [Music] please be seated apostle john was banished on account of the testimony of christ place it down and whilst john was in heaven he had access to many many truths about the operation of heaven john was told to write a letter to the seven churches in the den asia minor which were a typology of the complete church admonishing them across different lines of the spirit work then john had access to the throne room where he saw the worship of the father and the worship of the lamb then john had access to the things that will happen thereafter he began to see the end of times and the desolation that would come upon the nations then when we get to chapter 20 john is given the privilege again to go to the throne room and he's watching and john testifies that there are books in heaven and books were opened the book of life was only one of the books this is john's record and we know that his record is true john said he saw that there were books in heaven that those books had many functions and that those books were for earth there were things that happened in the earth that were captured in those books one of those books is what i want to share with you what it represents in the lives of the saints is called the book of remembrance the book of remembrance memory is a very deep spiritual mystery please look at me memory is an advantage that god gave man it is because of the power of memory that you are able to remember it is because of the power of memory that you are able to preserve knowledge are we together now it will be impossible to advance in science and so on and so forth if you lack memory memory is a system of retention is god's intelligence given to man an ability to retain things because god is not only a giver he's a keeper but i know whom i have believed follow me tonight and i am persuaded that he is able to keep that which is committed so god has many systems of keeping things there is a system that keeps the prayers of the saints the bible says the prayers of the saints arise like incense and they are collected in a vial and stored he is able to keep hallelujah and that one of the things that can be kept in heaven is the activities of the saints in the earth and that there is a book called the book of remembrance now the book of remembrance to a canal man would suggest that god forgets the book of remembrance is not necessarily supposed to remind god as though he forgot no the book of remembrance is one of the ways that god administers justice in heaven please understand this in the judiciary some of you who are lawyers and legal practitioners you have a very thorough knowledge of the constitution however there is a manual a compendium of all of the policies that should govern the activities of men within a defined territory and when you are in the low court i pray that god will open your eyes tonight when you are in the low court you not only need your memory you need the books the books that archive and represent the basis of your advocacy the george himself before he would pass a declaration no matter how experienced he will make reference to the books and consult with the things that are written there please listen very carefully and as he consults with the things that are written here he would be able to come up with certain verdicts there are people who look guilty until the book bails them out there are people who look innocent until the book proves otherwise and then we see that there is a book of remembrance the activities of men in the earth the bible clearly lets us know that there is the all-seeing eye of god now if you studied fine arts you would have learned something called perspective is that true that means that a viewpoint you can stand from an angle and they will ask you to capture every information you can find paint it draw it let it be represented are we together now the same applies for technical drawing and anything that has to do with construction you are taught to be able to capture realities and images and information from different angles now so when i am here now i cannot clearly see overflow one i almost totally cannot see overflow three i cannot see our online people and so when we talk about the ability to see it's difficult for us to understand how god sees because we think that god uses his eyes to see the realm that god dwells in listen very carefully the ram itself is an eye the bible says listen carefully that god dwells in unapproachable light that is full of light and in him there is no darkness no shadow of turning no variableness are we together now so that everything that surrounds god everything emanates light and so there is no possibility of darkness i hope you know that darkness also means the absence of information the absence of truth so that from the realm of god it is impossible for any activity to happen within a sphere that is under the jurisdiction of his creation that he cannot see are we together now the concept of sight we only know it based on what physics would teach us or medicine and and all of that but you have to look at sight as a product of life if the bible says there is no iota of darkness that means there is no absence of information there is absolutely nothing upon the face of the earth that the all-seeing eye of god the creator cannot see now this is very powerful because there are things that you would wish a man saw so that you'll be able to advocate for you for instance the injustice that happens in our world are we together now people can be oppressed and use their earthly influence to manipulate injustice to become justice but the bible records that while all of that is happening in the earth they're the all-seeing eye of god is there a system of vindication that what men cannot vindicate you on there is still hope are we together now please follow me very carefully so we're discussing books here god sees all things god knows all things god is everywhere this is the unique attribute of god that he did not share with man it is what qualifies god to be in a class of himself god gave man any other thing gave him his image gave him dominion gave him the holy spirit but god did not give man omnipresence god did not give man omniscience god did not give man how many potents these exclusive dimensions are reserved in god's class man does not know all things man cannot be everywhere are we together now this is very powerful so the bible records that every once in a while god would seem to show up in the earth and then begin to backdate certain things whether for good or for evil that there is a system by which god can go back in time and begin to deal with an issue that you may think has been long forgotten and that there is also a system where god can go back in time and begin to reward the saints for certain things now please understand what i'm telling you then the bible comes to the earth realm and begins to teach that men can forget are we together now scripture is scattered with this possibility that the best of us can forget your memory card can crash is that true your laptop can crash there's something in medicine called brain damage i don't know what it is but i i have an idea that whatever it is it represents a state where your brain for some reason may not coordinate at the frequency it was supposed to there are people who have gone into coma is that true and they came back and could not identify their wives their husbands is that true they didn't even know themselves they didn't know how to walk again how to talk again now i hope you know that if memory is not a possibility you will not be able to walk you will not anything you did now you will not remember again so that memory is an advantage you can archive yesterday and use the information for today i don't have to learn to walk again i learnt it once it's been recorded it's been stored anytime i need to walk i use the mystery of remembrance are we together now listen very carefully i don't have to learn alphabets a to z again i did that many years ago but because of this power the ability of retention through memory and the ability to call the past into your present not everything in your past is bad i can call that knowledge and use it today is that true if i raise a song now that you used to sing when you were small it's amazing how effortless you will still sing it remember you did not rehearse but for the power of remembrance but as as flawless as men are they still forget they can't forget i can give you a promise commission i can give you a promise meet me tomorrow and i'll give you one thousand era and excite you you may remember what i may forget whether for health reasons demonic manipulation or just whatever it is and you come to me making a demand and i say no no i cannot remember and i rob you an opportunity to enjoy this blessing simply because i forgot there are people who are not employed today because their helpers forgot they forgot where they kept their cvs are we together now there are three stories in the bible that are very interesting they are testaments of the mystery of remembrance and how the saints can tap into this as one of the mysteries that caused them to command dominion and very quickly we are going to look at it remember this is a prayer meeting story number one genesis chapter 41 i'll run through the story very quickly the bible tells us that joseph when you begin to read from chapter 39 then chapter 40 the bible lets us know that joseph now from potiphar's house on account of an accusation remember what relocated him was an accusation potiphar's wife lied that he raped her and then they relocated him to a dungeon a prison and left him there and then the bible says one morning that joseph watch this joseph noticed the countenance there were many other people in the prison but two were worthy of note the buckler and the wine presser the bible says they all used to serve the king and for whatsoever reason they annoyed him and he threw them into the dungeon and so they were there with joseph and then the bible records that joseph unseen them he called for the attention and then they communicated dreams they had heard and joseph said tell me the dream and i will help you let's see what can happen and then the butler brought his own dream and then the wine pressure started first and the interpretation of his dream was in three days the king the pharaoh of egypt will call you out of the dungeon and you will be restored back to the palace where you will serve the butler was impressed at this news and said i also dreamt and he said okay tell me your own dream i was holding three baskets upon my head full of bread he said and suddenly the ravens came and ate of the bread and joseph said oh dear this is what it means in three days you will also go out of here but the only issue is that when you are out of here you will be hung and the birds will eat your flesh so he was done and then he quickly told the one president please when you go to pharaoh do not forget remember me tell pharaoh now that you are with me in the prison we don't lie in the prison there's no point lying you are already there prison is where they tell the truth a lie is told so you will not go there but once you are there you see that so at least we've been able to discuss as co-prisoners you know the truth now please go to pharaoh and use the opportunity you have and tell him that there is a man who is who has been unjustly accused and whose destiny has been unjustly tied i can imagine the one president said no problem god bless you when i go back the first thing i would do is to tell i must make reference to the person who prophesied to me it's amazing how good things can make you forget where you came from and can make you forget that you need to help others too this is man for you are we together now i i can imagine them hugging themselves loving themselves blessing themselves and saying look i'm not sure you'll stay more than one week in this prison again now that i'm out by evening just imagine in the prison that we are discussing your issue joseph will say thank you but the bible i love the bible the bible says that when he was reinstated it noted that the man forgot joseph joseph remained in the prison for two years because one man's memory went bad please understand the implication of this not because his kill went down not because god was no longer with him the memory of his helper could no longer capture the need to help him and the man was there full of grace full of gifts full of potentials full of prophecy full of dreams but at the mercy of one man's memory are we together now then the bible says when god was now ready to remember by himself genesis 41 let's start from there i've saved the long reading of chapter 39 and 40. genesis 41 let's start from verse 1. and it came to pass at the end of what two full years take note of that information two full years that pharaoh dreamed and behold he stood by a river verse two and behold they came up out of peace this and that and that jump to verse nine let's save time verse nine now remember let me just save us the stress he gathered everybody the sorceress and everyone and said i have dreamed a dream that has troubled me the pharaoh's speaking now and he attempted to get those who would interpret for him and they could not interpret and then the bible says verse 9 then speak the chief butler onto pharaoh saying i do remember i do remember my fault this day next verse pharaoh was wrought with his servants and put me in word in the captain of the god house both me and the chief baker and we dream the dream in one night i and he and we dream each man according to the interpretation of his dream read on and there was with us a young man was he not supposed to say this earlier but because he could not remember two full years were added to a man's experience and now by the mercy of god look how effortless he's remembering everything that means the information was still in his memory something stopped it from coming to light follow me please it does not look like this man forgot the story so why could he not remember look how articulate he is in stating everything remember his brother was now two years old in the grave he had died and he still remembered everything he says there was this young man and hebrew servant to the captain of the god and we told him and he interpreted to us our dreams to each man according to his dream did he interpret 3 13 and it came to pass as he interpreted to us so it was me he restored him to my office and him he hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the power of remembrance then only after remembrance then pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him hastily hastily that means speed was a possibility in his life but just because the memory of the benevolence what he did could not be remembered this man remained in the dungeon and he shaved himself and changed his remnant and came in onto pharaoh now when you begin to read the remaining parts after interpreting the dream at that moment joseph is reinstated and not only reinstated promoted to get to a point where he became the prime minister of egypt and pharaoh made a declaration that only in the throne would joseph be lower than him now remember that everything in scripture is a type of christ and the church are we together number two everything in scripture is prophecy the bible says the things that were written are full time they are for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture might find hope are we together now yes so joseph is put on that throne and then they bring him an egyptian wife are we together now the daughter of potiphara the bible says the priest of own and she became his wife and they too became the rulers of egypt and under their leadership egypt began to thrive and excel even in the times of famine now notice everyone who came to buy grain to survive only did that because one man remembered look at the miracles that were associated with remembrance the reinstating of a man the fulfillment of a prophecy the saving of a nation and the dead world from famine for seven years were at the mercy of one man's memory everybody say the book of remembrance if one man's memory can produce that kind of boomerang effect one man just remembering and the king fetches him from a dungeon and he becomes a representation of god's purposes within his day then it means there is something we need to know about the power of remembrance number two in isaiah chapter 38 please give it to us verse 1. the bible talks about a man called hezekiah are we together now in those days verse one please look up hezekiah was sick unto death everybody said unto death that means that something was about to end in his life and the bible says isaiah the prophet the son of amos came unto him and said thou sayeth the lord now when god is speaking and and i hope you know that isaiah was not a fake prophet as i was a genuine prophet thus saith the lord set your house in order for thou shalt die and not leave who is speaking god is speaking through a mouthpiece called isaiah and saying hezekiah i hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are not going to recover you will die and hezekiah turned his face toward the wall and prayed unto the lord let's see the contents of hezekiah's prayer ready and he said everybody remember now remember when i remember my wrong this day that's what the butler said remember now oh lord i beseech thee how i have walked before you go to the archives and check god of heaven i know there is a verdict upon me now but i place a demand on the mystery of remembrance remember that you are a just god righteousness and justice are the foundations and i become a lawyer at the point of death i need to plead the case and i'm using the remembrance he says i have worked before you in truth and with a perfect heart and i have done that which is good in your sight is it not written that if they obey and serve me they will spend their years in prosperity is that true now isaiah is bringing before god he said lord i know you are god but something is wrong with this verdict i know that you can remember there are archives testaments of my uprightness before you and i bring it before you and i plead although you are god remember next verse then the word of the lord came to isaiah again so the bible is showing us how god remembers now watch this he's praying remember the content of his prayer remember the bible is showing us how god remembers that when god remembers a thing or a person this is how he acts verse 4 again please let's go back to verse 4 so that we understand what we are then the word of the lord came to isaiah saying next verse go and say to hezekiah thus saith the lord the god of david thy father i have heard your prayer of remembrance i have seen your tears behold i will add to thy days 15 years verse 6 and i will deliver thee and this city out of the kingdom of assyria and i will defend this city and then you read on he used the sun as a sign to go back 15 degrees so that he would know the certainty of the things that were spoken everybody say remembrance if you knew isaiah and isaiah died you say oh dear i mean hezekiah hezekiah you have gone but hezekiah refused to die and hezekiah used remembrance to insist that oh god remember i have walked uprightly before you and the bible says god remembered he turned his situation around the last story is a prayer meeting story story once upon a time there was a king called a hazardous and that king the bible records that he was lord over 127 provinces then the bible lets us know that he was married to a woman called vashti and that the king would usually as they did in those days flaunt their glory including their wives are we together and it was time to bring vashti to the scene and varsity refused and i hope you know that what vasti did was not really it was an offense but it was not that bad it was because she was in a position that she had the power to influence other women if the king a hazardous was not a king an ordinary man the suggestion would be counseling counsel them and say that's all right you are not the first just make sure you don't act like a stupid woman tomorrow but because she was in the position the king was such a nice man he didn't want to act but his advisers came and said no no no these people are models that means not every offense carries the same gravity at every level you will do tomorrow what you did today and the consequence may be more have you seeing that now then the bible says first is banished then the scene changes and the king calls for young virgins to come all within the province and then the bible says in shushan there was a little village girl called hadassah are we together yes the she was the niece of mordechai one who sat at the gate now please follow my story then the bible says a time came when certain people were conniving to the throne of azeroth and mordecai heard that information and he took it to the king and told the king that this and that such and such is to happen and they apprehended the people and justice was administered then the bible says it was recorded and left are we together now so cut the long story short esther becomes queen but in that same palace the right-hand man of the king who was a friend to varsity obviously are we together now by the name herman the bible says that this man was antagonistic to the purposes of god he hated the jews i believe had they left her man for long enough one day he would have implicated esther herself because his plan the bible says was to and he laid the jews one by one he would first focus on the ones outside the palace and then deal with the ones within the palace so a man was making life very difficult are we together now and then every other thing that happens is the hand of god and how he delivers people but now let's go very quickly to esther chapter six on that night look up please on that night could not the king sleep and he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles and they were read before the king i hope you know that the book of esther again is a type of our relationship with the christ esther being his bride the church mordecai being the holy spirit are we together now a man being satan the accuser of the brother who once had access to the throne who was now banished are you getting the point now esther being queen king ahazaros being the father now understand all of these stories the bible says that on that night could not the king sleep was it not in your bible that you should give him no rest until he establishes jerusalem are we together now so the bible says that they were read before the king next verse and it was found written that mordecai had told of bikana and teresh two of the king's chamberlains the keepers of the door who sought to lay hand on king ahazaros verse 3 and the king said what honor and dignity have been done not will be done that means under normal circumstances this man should not be in this situation after communicating that level of benevolence what had been done to this man mother kai for this then said the king's servants that ministered unto him there is nothing done for him there is nothing done for him the company runs by your intelligence but there is nothing done for him the lives and the destiny saved to your love for god but nothing done for him next verse and the king said who is in the court now a man was coming to the king the outward cord of the king's house to speak unto the king to hang modekai look at this this this wicked luciferian type of attitude that means if the book of remembrance were not open for three more days mordecai would have died remember it coincided with when you wanted to get the permission to finally finish him is good to be remembered on time is good to be remembered on time now here is a man i'm sure the man had discussed with his wife we will hang that man today but that same time quarter to shame may god arise for someone in the name of jesus christ just when the desire of the wicked seems to find expression by the intelligence of god and by the mystery of remembrance may god raise help in the name of jesus christ follow my story a man was in the outward court of the king's house to speak to the king to hang mordecai on the gallows that he had prepared for him the guy had dropped the gallows i'm showing his mind he had imagined how modern would die rejoice not over me my enemies god can remember next verse and the king servant said unto him behold a man standeth in the court and the king said let him come in let's read on look up please so a man came in and the king said unto him what shall be done to the man whom the king delighted to honor when god is ready to lift you now notice when he was talking to the chamberlains he said what shall be done to modekai but when her man now came if he said what should be done to modekai he said what will be done to the man whom the king or not i hope you know this same mystery was used to conceal jesus when the pharisees came and said are you the christ why are you john said i am the voice of one crying that means i will not tell you i am elijah that will forerun the coming of the lord are we together now jesus christ that concealing continued to happen until the father finally declared this is my beloved son so now mordecai is hidden as the man who the king wants to honor now a man put in his heart watch this to whom will the king delight to honor more than to myself so his selfishness was about to propose a fantastic idea to his peril he makes diviners mad that god can turn their reasoning backward so that they will not perform their enterprise and her man answered the king for the man whom the king delighted to honor command let the royal apparel be brought before the king before which the king used to wear that means a man had even been eyeing a hazardous himself are you seeing it now [Music] you are told to honor a man and you say king you have many ropes there's one that you wear let it be done to that man when you start wearing the king's clothes you are shifting closer to the throne my god and the horse that the king ride that upon does that sound like satan to you i will be like the most high i will arise above the stars of god the same spirit that walketh in the sons of disobedience he says and the crown royal which is set upon his head verse nine and let this apparel and the horse be delivered to the hand of of one of the king's most noble princes that they are the man without whom the king delighted to honor listen and bring him on horseback through the streets of the city and proclaim before him though shall it be done to the man whom the king delighted to honor full stop what a wicked man because he thought about himself and listen that opportunity only allowed his lost and imagination everything he had imagined to happen by all means now he had the chance and he said king this is what should be done to that man next verse hallelujah then the king said to her man make haste and take the apparel and the horse that thou has said and do even so to joshua salman [Applause] there is a strong anointing on what i share with you [Music] that seated at the king's gate let nothing fail of all that thou has spoken nothing next verse [Music] then took herman the apparel and the horse and arrayed mordechai and brought him before the horse park through the street of the city and her man was dragging mother kind thought shall it be done to the man whom the king delighted to honor next verse and mordecai came again to the king's gate now notice this let me explain to you what this means look up after all that glamour when medical was done he returned back to the gate and sat there will you climb the king's horse with his apparel and not go to the throne and sit down mordecai said i will stay where i was lifted there was a place i stayed even though i am rising i will not forget that it was my service at the gate that caused remembrance to come can you wear the king's robe ride the king's horse and still remain where the king kept you the king had not promoted him the king gave an instruction i'm sure while mordecai was on that horse he was saying don't be carried away you are not yet in the palace you will go there but you are not yet there and he came down imagine the entire crowd said mother kai i'm sure you are the assistant now and he says watch me let me return back to the place from whence that grace found me i cast my crown before the highest royalty [Music] your glorious majesty you're the king of kings and lord of lords you are the king of kings you are the lord of lords your glorious majesty [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] listen this right here is how great men fall when they are tested with power when they are tested with lifting when they are tested with the anointing when god begins to lift you and suddenly come overnight chances are that you will forget deuteronomy chapter 8 don't turn there it says let it not be that when you have built houses when you have done all these things you will say my power and my might has gotten this he said but thou shall remember [Music] listen is not only god alone that has a book of remembrance men must have books of remembrance when david stood before goliath he said the god who delivered me i remember what happened the god who delivered me from the bear delivered me from the lion today he would deliver me from this uncircumcised philistine bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me bless the lord all my soul and forget not his benefits forget not forget not that he took you from nothing forget not that there were 10 of you in your family and you are the first to rise now forget not that it was you you started rising before you knew anything about favor forget not let's just stay here let me teach you something very powerful my brothers and my sisters a man who can remember is a man who can be sustained a man who can remember the faithfulness of god remember where you were yesterday remember the hand that lifted you that is the man that will never go down pastors forget businessmen forget years ago i remember i watched the nigerian film of a village girl who was loved by a wealthy man i don't know the name of the film i don't even know who acted are we together now and he picked this village girl i think she was selling something ground not also you know the way they do nigerian films and he saw her and liked her and picked her his parents insulted him he said kill me i would marry this village here and then like 11 years or so down the line shall become the wife of this man and there was another village girl who was a house help in that house and this one's village girl he treated this woman he treated the young girl until one time i think she got blind or paralyzed or something and when she was paralyzed it was the small girl that stayed behind the hospital and then a pastor came to pray for her for healing or something and then she began to remember that all of this and that and that then the longer shot of the nigerian film is that she later discovered that that girl was her sister the little girl i think maybe the mother had the child somewhere also that was a sister that she was ill-treated let me tell you this the bliss of the palace made the butler to forget the bliss of greatness the uploads of men you know most people sit and say what is there in fame no no no no no no there is a reason why remembrance is necessary you want sustainable anointing you want sustainable impact please learn to remember you need to have a book of remembrance that is in the similitude of that which is on the throne i remember that ten years ago when i was nothing this gentleman came i remember when i was soaking gary for instance you would say i remember so that you don't see him 10 years later i'm pushing no there are mistakes you make when you are outside of the palace it does not matter if you make those mistakes in the palace you will pay for it first she could make any mistake outside the palace and go scout free but now this mistake on the throne would cost her so much thou shall remember the lord thy god thou shalt remember many have forgotten their fathers many have forgotten their mothers many have forgotten those who played all kinds of roles in their lives many have forgotten the god that lifted them many have forgotten the hand that helped them please listen to what i'm telling you god is speaking to someone here that a man can rise so high that the scar of yesterday's pain can so erode from your life and your mind it will never look like you were there it will never look like you ever climbed a bike in your life it will it will never look like you so curry i know sometimes we are excellent people but sometimes we allow the deception of success to so swallow us that we lose the ability to forget i have learned as a personal principle that modesty is the closest way to remember when you live a life that is modest temperate the bible calls it that he that strives for mastery is temperate that means defined boundaries it was a mistake solomon made he refused to be temperate by the time we get to ecclesiastes solomon was a man who was utterly lawless and careless see let me tell you this i believe in prosperity i believe in all the blessings of god but look at me believers there is only so much cloth you can wear there is only so much food you can eat are we together now this is all the stomach you have another one will not come from anywhere thank god for all the cars you have you will not remove one leg and put it in one jeep and remove your head and put it in another car the way we approach success if not guided by these mysteries many people will fall by the wayside this is why you find out respectfully speaking this is true for men of god it's true for business people it's true for politicians they begin to rise and when the whole world is watching suddenly they vanish out of thin air the mistake of her man and the wisdom of mordechai are two lessons we must learn mordecai rides on a horse the king's horse that all know is an honor that i don't think even the queen had and when mordecai dropped he said thank you her man he returned back to the king's gate that's where they found him was it not on your knees the anointing found you have you returned back was it not in the place of fasting and prayer that grace met you was he not in the place of dedication where you would roll like this my dear brother that was rolling left and right i'm sure for some of you that was so embarrassing this guy is falling in his hand so uh a deceptive approach to life tells us listen if you were lifted on your knees remain on your knees if you were lifted while singing his praise remaining in his praise it's very uncomfortable to remain on your knees when the world is watching you it's embarrassing you are not that naive you should stand so you can shine apostle joshua salman the man of god anointed but when you remember that if god forgets you anything can happen to you when god forgets you anything can happen it's a lesson we're still going to move on but i need you to get this listen i have shared this for years and told people be careful i have warned many people in my life and said if if you don't pay attention with the way you are managing success you will fall by the wayside it was not prophecy some of them thought it was nonsense nonsense and today sadly speaking many of them have gone down as if it was not god that lifted them do you know the higher you rise the more slippery the part is a day can come when you will even be ashamed to roll before god why will i roll my designers on the ground in the presence of kings and in the presence of nobles this was the mistake that saul's daughter made that made her remain boring when david it was time to take the act baby danced and danced and rejoiced like a fool and the daughter of saul said king you are no longer a shepherd you are carrying a stupid bush mindset you want to embarrass yourself you are no longer you are a king act like royalty and he said i'm dancing before god who took the kingdom from your father and gave to me and the bible says god had that conversation when god had that conversation no matter what would have happened she wouldn't have given birth because an indignation rules i continue to tell god i say lord i remain your boyo huh i am other people's father i am other people's mentor i'm other people's role model thank god for that but i remain your boy you will always meet me where you found me adam where are you i heard that voice but i hid because i was naked he said a man let's continue say it please a man he stepped to his house morning crying and having his head covered next first and her man told zeresh his wife and all his friends everything that had befallen him and said his wise man and zeret listened then said his wise men and zeresh his wife unto him if mordechai be the seed of the jews before whom thou has begun to fall thou shalt not prevail against him but shall surely fall before him that means this mistake you have made mordechai is the seed of the jews there are commandments that have been given the jews to not forget if mordechai is a true jew and will remember those ordinances you are finished because the factors that should make him fall and give way will not happen again your doom is true look at this mordecai once at the gate now i want to save us time because you read later on you'll find out that her man was hunger the goddess all kinds of things began to happen in his life culminated by esther's declaring to the king that this man wanted to destroy her people and the king went to his garden to think like any wise leader would do to not be his team speech and then he came and knelt down and was begging her and when the king came it looked like he was trying to rape the wife and the king said not only have you annoyed me you are now trying to rape my wife go and hang this guy the goddess was there waiting for them and they hung him there and that was the end of it and then eventually mother kind was born to take the place of haman in the palace and that ends the story of esther listen carefully there are two women only in scripture whose names became the books of the bible and their names were written there so that we will remember what they did the two names ruth and esther were put in the bible the two women did the same thing notice that in all cases it had to do with men it had to do with marriage and it had to do with the power of submission the power of loyalty the power of not trivializing the things that god can do and the remembrance that follows ruth remembered her mother-in-law and said i'm not leaving you your god will be my god your people will be my people and because she stayed and remembered how this woman was nice to her as a mother-in-law she led her and advised her to a field of a wealthy man called boaz are we together now yes and boa saw her and loved her and took her i hope it's very interesting because for esther she had never married but for ruth she lost her husband and now an opportunity was coming again remembrance the book of remembrance that archives the works of the saints and that there is a reward system attached to it and that once you can invoke the mystery that will make god remember now take note he is not remembering because he's forgotten he's remembering because it is part of the ordinances of heaven for administering justice remembrance let me show you a scripture i found that really really changed my life and then i'll give you two keys and we'll pray never forget this scripture for the rest of your life nehemiah 13 and verse 14. please read with me everyone is projected if you can see nehemiah chapter 13 and verse 14 one to read remember me oh my god concerning this stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop that means you can't take any matter to god and provoke remembrance concerning these you can put your these there concerning my finances concerning my family situation concerning my joblessness concerning the tragedy happening you can go before god and say remember me oh my god concerning this and wipe not my good deeds that i have done for the house of my god and for the offices thereof when the lord showed me this scripture i remember crying like a baby i said this is powerful lord do not wipe these good deeds without humility you can go before god lord i have served lord i am a faithful worker i stand before god it is true that i clean the seats lord i stand before you that you can go concerning this this is how to petition the parliament of heaven remember concerning this and all that i have done do not wipe it out for the house of the lord and for the offices thereof [Music] so god remembers and every time god remembers god acts please look at me my dad is such an amazing man quite a very very amazing man one thing i learned from my dad that i thank god for he's still alive i truly thank god for is that my dad was an extremely grateful man my dad paid attention i saw this growing up if you did something striking my dad would make a big deal out of it and will continue to raise a memorial over that act one time they were traveling to the village and it was in the night i don't know what took them there was really late and the car broke down i think it was raining and there was they axed around and there was a mechanic now they were more than halfway the journey almost in the middle of nowhere and the mechanic was brought and he had to look at the car and the mechanic not only looked at the car i think i hope i'm right he followed them right to the village so that if anything happened he would be there you know from that time until i left home every time my dad were traveling he would buy potato or buy something and stop at that house and say where is this man this was even it was it was more than 10 years down the line he was still doing it remembrance remembrance there are people today who are not supposed to be sitting with kings but are sitting because the kings remember their fathers remember their mothers you said you are the son of who that man let me tell you a little story in 1961 i was a young boy from the village with a torn trouser when your father gave me a cup of water the cup of water that was worth 10 naira is now what a great destiny because of remembrance when god remembers you you are lifted when men remember you you are lifted you need the book of remembrance to be open where would i be if you left me now where would i be if you left me now where would i be thank you jesus [Music] do you know let me tell you in my personal work with god there are things that god has done in my life even to this day he continues to do them and most times when i go before him to say thank you he will remind me of a particular kingdom not necessarily sacrifice he will tell me that this that happened do you know there are families before i finish my story there are families that will never go down do you know why because they didn't have all the money but they left a little room for missionaries they left a little space and every man of god would come you would think the people are ministry their job is to cook and you would think those things will be forgotten but there is a book in the heavenlies where these things are recorded and you will see the child will come many years later sometimes the child may not even be serious with god but for that covenant of remembrance god will come and visit the children remembrance i once watched the documentary of fiji island the revival that happened in fiji island and it was said that the missionaries the early missionaries who got there that the people oppressed them and killed them or butchered them or did something very tragic and then they died the moment they died is a documentary i think you can find it somewhere the fish in the sea stopped producing fish the land stopped producing at its maximum it wasn't even producing the nation literally plunged to depression until some intercessors began to pray they began to pray and to pray and to pray and then the lord revealed to them that there is an indignation that is rising over that territory and that they needed to clean the blood it would take the blood of the eternal covenant to solve this problem and then they had time to pray repent on behalf of the nation and then in addition fortunately they found the grandchildren of the missionaries that they had killed the grandchildren and they invited them to fiji island and they performed a ceremony officially apologizing loving them and they prayed and bless the land just like child's play within a short time i don't know what time frame exactly strangely they saw fish in the sea and special fish that they have not seen the first crusade that we had as a ministry the first crusade it was in plato state i remember one of the people who was guiding us the tour guide he took us to the graves of the missionaries and showed us the missionaries that were killed when they brought the gospel to that land and showed us the missionaries and showed us everything and that from that time that they killed the people all kinds of things had been happening in the land and i remember standing there to pray and we said lord the lord is gracious and compassionate the bible says he's slow to anger and rich in love we stood there and said we are also missionaries and in the name of jesus christ we stand by the blood that speaketh better things than the blood of any evil there and to speak and say in the name of jesus that the land be released i tell the truth and i lie not we were somewhere standing and we were watching a hill and all of a sudden physical dark shadow like everybody you could record it we just began to see it slowly moving out of the land it took almost 45 minutes so it was not something you would rush like that just moving corporately out of the land where i schooled secondary school there used to be a tree the three i'm not exaggerating the tree was dried but all the leaves were on it they tied ropes around the tree and you would ask and they would tell you there was a story that the tree was caused there was a story that happened around there cost as a memorial over the land why would god tell the nation of israel raise a memorial in this place and teach your children that means they should not forget if they ask you why do you do this teach them that this is why we do this so that you will know this book of the law shall not depart from out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate keep it keep it my son he says pay attention to my words incline your ears to my sayings it says do not let them depart depart from your mouth keep them in the midst of your heart then it says you are alive to those who find them and health to their flesh as a man i have had people in my life who i almost cannot reject helping and lifting because they the the power of remembrance they will always remember and make reference and say apostle thank you you did so so to me you did so so to my family and they remind me of god and i'm compelled every time even when they don't ask me anything it's like their remembrance of that is is a debt that that i must pay i am moved to wanting to help them again many have forgotten like a man i want to employ the wisdom of mordecai that you never forget where he brought you from are we together that there is remembrance now let me teach you before we pray very quickly two keys two keys that open the book of remembrance over a man there are two scriptures that will reveal these keys and then we pray blessed be the name of the lord galatians chapter 6 and verse 9 this is the first key that you will need to open the book of remembrance over yourself over your family over your territory let's read together one to go and let us not be weary in well doing uh-huh for in due season we shall reap if we faint not watch this the first key that opens the book of remembrance is consistency of your well-doing regardless of reward regardless of who sees you regardless of whatever commendation comes or does not come consistency wariness is something that can catch up with you when your value is not being appreciated when your impute is not being noticed are we together now we're humans and if you continue to strive to contribute in the life of a man a ministry an organization a system and it looks like you are not noticed and you are not rewarded the side effect is wariness and the bible says let us not be wary that means that your reward is tied to your consistency this country is full of stories of people who deserve to be rewarded politically spiritually are we together financially in business in ministry but for many years they had all kinds of commands around their lives around their offices yet the people continue to be steadfast many of our loved ones have situations where they were qualified to be the ones sitting at certain positions but manipulations happened and yet they continued being consistent the bible says if you are consistent if you are steadfast if you are on bending in well doing the bible gives you a guarantee that a season according to the law of times and seasons the law of time and chance because it happened to them all the bible says one day like the hand of a clock it must come to your tongue and you must find expression this is true this is true i met a precious lady yesterday one one dear lady i used to know her that should be 2004 2005 in the campus here she used to sing in one of the fellowships wonderful lady she would sing her heart out dance and celebrate god everyone wanted to attend the fellowship just because i mean the lady would lead worship with all she was always smiling always happy and then i had the opportunity to see her yesterday and i saw her she was happy now a mother of many children and i looked at her and then she brought me her album and said apostle i remember those days and i said oh dear who told you god does not remember who told you god forgets the sacrifices of the saints there are things you are doing today you are already securing tomorrow with it a day will come you will watch the video of this level of koinonia and tears will come out of your eyes you say that was me cleaning the chairs that was me playing the keyboard and someone stands to say you are not supposed to be where you and god says it's too late your consistency imagine if mordechai got tired and said look i'm tired of bailing the king out and then her man will be receiving the glory mordecai was consistent even when he rode upon the king's back he returned to stay where he was found everybody said consistency listen this is an encouragement to someone right now the worship team got it powerfully what's that song again you are not turning back where's to sing not turning back and not going just sing that part for gonna me on you jesus i'm gonna wait on you jesus i'm gonna wait on you jesus i'm gonna wait on you that's a [Music] i'm not turning [Music] jesus i'm gonna wait on you jesus i'm gonna wait on you jesus and i'm not turning back now that i'm not turning back now i'm not turning [Music] listen let me teach you something impatience will always give back to what will fight your promise you must sustain the stamina to stay let god meet you where he last instructed you lord i will continue another woman who showed us the power of waiting was another prophetess the bible says for about 60 years from the time she lost her husband listen carefully for about 60 years she was in the temple do you know what it means to pray without results for 60 years abraham did it for 25 years hey my soul went down upon the lord there is power in waiting there is power in staging there is power in remaining i keep sowing i don't see the heavens open but i will continue sowing i keep speaking i may not see the result but i will never stop speaking i will keep serving i may not see the result but i will keep serving i will hold on to the word men may mock me they may call you stupid you are wasting your time where is the consolation when the lord turn again the captivity of zion we were like them that dream and our mouths were filled with laughter and they testified among the hidden that the lord had done great things for us it says the lord had done great things for us whereof we are glad born again our captivity like the streams of the naked the bible says dead that's so in tears listen call anonymia it is possible to sow in tears and the bible says in guild season john remained in the wilderness until he sees sin of appearing hear me listen to me you must conquer the pressure that men will bring to you they will push you into seasons that are not yet god's design they will push you into things that are not yet god's desire mordechai can you remain in the palace can you stay at the gates looked at her man and knew that her man was occupying his position but the battle is the lord's he remained at the gate if a man tried to fight modekai mordecai would kill him because mordecai her man was the king's friend can i tell you this my brothers and my sisters it will not always look like this let me speak to you it will not always be that you will go home every night and wonder what do i eat no no the bible says while we look not at the things that are seen but the things that are unseen man of god it will not always be that you go to a meeting and the power of god will not be there no you you are in a season stay stay i'm prophesying to you you are in a season build stamina and stay the day will come when the glory of god will man to you stay while you learn jesus you are savior not at age 12 you are savior not at age 18 jesus you are savior not at 30 you are only savior at 33. [Music] the 18 year old jesus would not save the world [Music] joseph you are a deliverer but not in the pit please listen to what i teach you tonight these are secrets of the kingdom my soul wait so the first key that causes the book of remembrance to be open the book of remembrance in heaven and the book of remembrance before men is consistency keep praying you look like a fool but keep praying pros you are still here five years you are not making progress your colleagues have started ministry stay there stay there stay there stay there while you pray listen let me tell you one of the most powerful virtues of the spirit is self-control many of the gifts of the spirit are tied to it why should i keep quiet when i can prophesy why should i not talk when i can preach there are people in this ministry that i love so much scattered in and around they are mighty men in the spirit in ministry some of them are mighty business people in this ministry multi-millionaires you will never see any pressure to be known any pressure to be seen they come and sit down they serve god they worship god yet they are mighty prophets they are mighty apostles let me tell you something when you see a man that has self-control respect such a man it is powerful to have what to say and keep quiet it is powerful to know what to do and still remain it is powerful to see a door that is open and yet not move if the door is closed it's not a proof of your stamina the door is closed but can you stand before an open door and yet not move hallelujah this is very powerful i've had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people in my life and sometimes when people want to tell me who and who i'm going to meet they'll say apostle this man is a great man or maybe he's an influential man politically or is a great man financially or spiritually and apostle these people have this and that and i stand before the lord god of heaven and i lie not i have never been under pressure to tell anybody sorry sir can you help me and by the church card uh there is a ministry called coinonia if the ministry is blessing you can you centenaria no no consistency god is ministering to someone now because you see let me tell you this there are many of you that coming to koinonia is even an embarrassment to you because by the time you come they look at you and say for five years no car no nothing the only thing you do is to pray like a fool the only thing you do is to loiter around and sometimes you can feel stupid for being consistent i give you a scripture you are already opening a door stay there till the door opens you see the thing about god is that five minutes to your lifting it will still not be like it five minutes to your rising joseph you are still in the prison while the person has left the palace and is coming to you already you are not seeing him or israel when god is already winning the battle you don't have to fight but you are not seeing just believe in what jehoshaphat is saying hallelujah consistency i will pray as before i will fast as before i will worship as before listen never be ashamed of your today you will miss it tomorrow receive the grace and the stamina to stay let people laugh at you let people mock you especially for our dear ladies because society has all kinds of pressures on ladies show us your husband is he a rich man show us this show us that have you traveled to um um asia america london uk and you stand there feeling stupid for loving the lord let us not be wary in well-doing there are preachers that need to stay lord what should i do now should i start a church or should i stay and god says just keep doing what you are doing in due season we shall reap can i tell you this the season of reward for a man's life is a careful dimension of that man's life for reasons you cannot tell and explain you will see that god will command the territory to begin to sing your songs and to speak your purposes david was going to be king but for a very long time he was in the wilderness he killed a lion what remained in the wilderness he killed a beard if that news got to saul they would have called him to serve in the palace but he would never be king sometimes don't be quick to announce your achievements let god and time reveal it just kill the bear but remain quiet in the wilderness this is to talk sometimes it's proof of weakness you sabotage where you are going did the bible not already tell you that you cannot light a lamb and hide it under a busher [Music] waiting is very hard is proof of spiritual maturity to wait until seasons come hallelujah i've shared with you my story for many years in this ministry god would not allow me to buy a car even when cornonia was on crowds of people here i would climb a bike and come for conor you would think i was a stupid person it was not lack of finances just like that lord why do you want to humiliate me i love you so much why won't you leave me to buy a car then people started bringing cars to give me and god will tell me to just bless them and let them go if i were your relative would you clap for me for that kind of brain you would just be careful what you call common sense it has destroyed many people the way of the spirit is very strange i will never forget one time a man came to sit in front of me and said this is what god gave him he was going to bring me car keys and he carried the keys of the car and i was already smiling when he came again said this man has not discussed with his wife his wife would join the people who would talk about you and say you have manipulated the husband i appreciated the man prayed for him with all my heart and told him to carry the can go you see that will i ever have a need of a car today no never ever forever listen waiting peace when god wants to pay you he will backdate it press down shaken together to make room for more feel it till it runs over sustain the stamina to wait shut your mouth on your ears against the things that people say and all the rubbish and the nonsense that you will hear people say you are on your way to a dimension of grace he's training you he's teaching you listen you can stay with god you are lifting people out of the wheelchair and god will tell you not to honor one invitation sit down lord ask what be a brother in welfare not even prayer band not even any place lord at least let me go to prayer department he says welfare is where i need you but lord are you aware of me prophet and you i will be a prophet to the nations you will say cook let me teach you how to feed men and you are there turning food and somebody says do you ever have the ambition of being a chef and you almost want to slap the person and say are you do i look like a chef and god says turn it i teach you how to overturn and you carry that cooler on your head and you imagine someone said emoji was he not you that was in our house yesterday said this you mean i thought you were a pastor said i walk in the welfare department what kind of church is this is it that they don't see men of god in this church and you feel stupid you drop that cooler and say no god this this lady i choose she has saw me prophesy god says carry that cooler because it is while you are carrying that cooler you are qualifying yourself a day will come you will be able to carry any luggage and not be ashamed because you learned how to carry something embarrassing hallelujah i always tell people jokingly i didn't start ministry preaching let me tell you you've heard my story i started ministry playing keyboard for a reverend who were part of the there was a prison ministry they were part of the people who preached later on to general obasanjo when he was in prison they used to allow the mission agencies to go and preach they preached to him i used to play keyboard for them i had my local church and then later on he started a church when he started a church it was quite a distance from where i would live i would carry my own keyboard by myself this was 93.94 i would carry keyboard by myself and track to the international hotel where he was using and drop it there i will play that keyboard they will finish here the grace i will carry it and trek back with joy the only thing i ever got throughout my time of serving in that ministry was one cassette and one bottle of fanta when they were dedicating his album i would have been offended and i would have been angry and say you don't know who i am the proof of sonship is servanthood if you can serve your son indeed let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus though he is god he considered it not robbery he came and humbled himself died even the death on the cross wherefore on the strength of that do you know that jesus was almost giving up at gethsemane as a man if it's possible let this call pass over me i said nevertheless not my will but yours be done so this is the first key someone said i will continue better is the end of a thing the bible says than the beginning thereof it is not enough to start you must trust god for grace and listen my brothers and my sisters i admit to you that it is painful your humanity will catch up with you while you wait yes as a gentleman they will look at you and say i used to know you in 2000 you mean you are still here how much is this shoe you are buying which church did you say you are servicing now i've been promoted i'm a deacon it's a thickened dicken indeed your useless life looking like you're yesterday you have not changed and you stand there feeling stupid for serving god and god says continue i almost gave up some [Music] and like i just couldn't take a life anymore this an encouragement for someone my problems helped me bound depression weighed me down but god kept me [Music] so i wouldn't let go [Music] god's mercy kept me so i won't let go [Music] god can keep he can give strength to the faint whatever you have to do keep moving even if you cry cry but keep moving even if you feel discouraged keep moving insist that i will never stop if god has not stopped on me then i will not stop on myself i know he's called me to be a worshiper to the nations my first song they forgot it in two days you may be saying some of you put your songs online after three months only two people liked it no problem just continue some of you put your summons online and you had only four comments and all of them were criticizing you go back to bible school someone wrote nonsense another person said look false prophet and he just said i would never go online again i will never preach this thing again no reinhardt bunker said the first time he used to escort a man for crusade and that day the man told him god said he would not come back again right now bunker would be the person to preach and when her bunker said he was shaking he was saying lord is this how you have chosen to embarrass me and he stood and began to preach and he began to minister to the sick and people started shouting blind eyes i can see deaf ears i can hear people were rising out of wheelchair please continue receive the grace to continue receive the grace to keep praying receive the grace to keep speaking hallelujah someone can come to your family and say kai this is your family you will never change you will pull up just like this keep declaring with my eyes will i see the salvation of the lord surely there is an end my tomorrow is better than my today i will one day be called beulah and hefsiva i am the planting of the lord a well-watered god thou has caused men to ride upon our heads we walk through water and through fire but thou protest us into a wealthy place the lord is my light and salvation of whom shall i be afraid he won't stop he wouldn't stop till my life looks like him he wouldn't stop he wouldn't stop till i look just like him i wouldn't stop i won't start till i look just like him i wouldn't stop i won't stop please sit down key number two and then we pray the first key that can cause remembrance towards you before god and before men is to not be weary in well doing continue rewarded or not continue commended or not continue understood or not continue number two isaiah 43 26 thank you jesus isaiah 43 and verse 26 want to read coinonia put me in remembrance let us plead together declare doubt that town may yes be justified god is speaking put me lift up a cry from the earth to heaven and say lord remember put me in remembrance put me in remembrance are you ready for one powerful scripture you should add to your library if there are five scriptures in your library let this be there ah i found this scripture day before yesterday i was meditating it fired like an arrow from my head to my feet i blessed said in tongues i said that's right you see the bible says the kingdom of god is like a man who lost his treasure and you find candle and boom you sweep it when you find that you rejoice numbers chapter 10 verse 9 numbers 10 verse 9 look up colony and read it with faith in your heart ready one to read and if you go to war in your land against the enemy that oppress you then shall you blow an alarm with the trumpet and ye shall be remembered before the lord your god and ye shall be saved from your enemy i now know what they did in before jericho that when you stand and your enemies over when you lift up the trumpet is the power of praise oh chalice lift up that trumpet the word is yadah praise lifted with understanding that when you see that you are encompassed by enemies and there is no way for victory when you pray in addition to that prayer put god in remembrance then don't disturb him again lift up your trumpet and begin to blast it like the priest that you are go around your jericho while you blast the trumpet go around your jericho while you blast the trumpet and the bible says that sound that suffer will come before god as a memorial [Music] this is scripture see let god be true and let every man be a liar [Music] hallelujah please take it higher for me look at this scripture it says you shall be remembered before the lord when you lift up your trumpets i just saw a trumpet this is what i saw in the spirit like a sound is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] let the people praise him he says then shall the earth yield total increase so the earth can yield when you stand before a parry land it says put me in remembrance then when you are done praying all paul and silas after you pray sing and let the mighty one that sits upon the throne come and rent the heavens [Music] the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run right to it like the act of noah and they are saved agarego [Music] listen the bible says though the olive may not produce they may not be fixed on the vine he said yet yet i will rejoice i will rejoice i will join the god of my salvation my bible says let the redeemed of the lord say so it says do weeping and just for a night caught only i hear me so it comes with the money [Music] listen there is one thing i know about god that no eye has seen no ear has heard neither has it entered into the heart of man what the lord has in store for them that love him but the bible says he has revealed them that when i praise him when i lift up a cry and say lord remember me concerning this when i'm done saying it i begin to sing and dance like a madman and sing my way to another level and dance my way to another dimension it does not make sense he said i will sing unto the lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horses and his rider has been thrown into the sea hallelujah please hear me do not trivialize what you have heard do not trivialize this deep mystery your destiny helper has a book of remembrance men have books of remembrance listen there are things you have done for the kingdom some of you have served god some of you have prayed some of you have helped men some of you your parents lifted people and everybody has forgotten about you let me tell you what to do when there are men in your life who can help you and they forget about you don't go knocking their offices you are you are doing it the wrong way go to the god of all flesh the father of spirits raise a cry before him unto thee that answers prayer shall all flesh come lord i bring before you this petition i am a member of welfare department i am a member of prayer band i'm a member of worship team let god be true he says to lift up that incest and then begin to sing can you open your mouth and begin to bless your tongues pray the spirit [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah praise the lord please look at me esther chapter six verse one please media help us quickly esther chapter 6 and verse 1 and on that night could not the king sleep the same way could not sleep because the three hebrew boys daniel was in the lion's den listen i'd like you to pray in tongues for the next one minute and listen this should be your focus when you pray father wake everyone sleeping who should be awake to remember me lift your voice and pray in the spirit on that night [Music] [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah so number one the king had to wake up number two he commanded to bring the book of remembrance you are about to pray self-come in the name of jesus said father i stand by the blood and in the name of jesus and i declare tonight let the book of remembrance in heaven and on earth concerning me concerning my reward let it be open now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] please look up look up listen the first time the spirit of the lord opened the book of esther for me the book of esther as a book containing a mystery of favor was open to me it was a february of that year the entire month i prayed favor i prayed favor into my life i believed it with all my heart because i found it there that books can be opened hallelujah now listen but faithful is real please hear me don't sit down waste your time and hate god for nothing favor is very very real hallelujah all blessings come from god through men to you from god through men to you when the book is opened in heaven the spirit opens the book and the bride also opens a book on earth it is the spirit and the bride that tells the world to come listen it is not difficult when the book is opened azeroth said what should be done to a man who the king chooses to honor is a choice is a choice god can choose to honor you jacob have i loved is so have i hated there is nothing that can be done when god's jealousy has been invested upon you listen to me believe us in christ where people who are beloved you know what it means to be loved that means god has made himself vulnerable to you beloved i have loved you with an everlasting love he said and i have drawn you with my loving kindness but that the book of remembrance be opened i have seen these books opened even for me i have sat down quietly and suddenly god brings to my mind the names of people not word of knowledge not word of knowledge god does not just tell me their names god connects something they have done to my life and i suddenly become indebted to them i just remember a woman had done something for me years ago very trivial thing i think it was towards the end of last year it just became a burden in my heart for no reason clear the school fees of the children help them with whatever you can do it was a burden the woman never she was not even in contact with me i didn't even have a details and i had to look for someone i said please can you help me access social also say yes i said please let me have our details and suddenly i looked at it and i said okay no problem madam can i help you this is what the lord is putting in my heart the woman said this is an answered prayer i've been crying i'm a widow i'm a widow see let me tell you don't go around harassing people to help you that's not the way it works everything works in the realm of the spirit stay and pray and declare and declare and sing and declare that the heavens open up its book that the seven seals be broken that it be opened weep not for the book is opened when the book is opened that remembrance suddenly someone will called you and said i forgot you remember what happened to the butler i remember my wrong this day have you not blessed people in your life did you not win souls in your life have you not served the purposes of the kingdom heavy believers don't be ashamed of your service it is a memorial that can rise before god hezekiah turned his face to the wall and hezekiah cried and said remember oh god do not forget bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord all my soul and forget not his benefits lord you have said if i obey and i serve you i will spend my years in prosperity my day is in joy you have said it and i serve you with all my heart let the blessings that follow service follow me is a petition you are placing a demand like mordecai the bible does not record it but i believe that whilst mordecai sat at the gate he continued to speak and call upon the god of the hebrews avenge me my adversary her man is in the palace causing mayhem to me and to the people of the lord arise in your mercy listen there are things that can happen between you and god on account of your service that when the enemy raises an assault against your family against your life you can stand up with the counter petition lord remember remember when god is jealous towards you it has happened it has happened i'm telling you what i do myself and i'm sharing with you these secrets kanonya let me tell you this is october but if you believe the things i'm saying and the books are opened you will be surprised at the unending you will come and testify here that someone who forgot you remembered you and said sorry is your father still alive when joseph met with um benjamin and all the other brothers he asked them a question he said is your father still alive is everything well with you is this well with you fetch them and bring them to egypt they brought them they settled that question and they were prosperous until joseph died and joseph said when you go out of egypt carry my bones carry this principle carry this pattern with you don't lose it this is the structure it's an ordinance carry it together hallelujah there are things that god has done for others for the sake of others there are things that god does for the saints for the sake of jesus there are things that can happen to mephibosheth because it's connected to the house of saul please yummy believers were rounding up i truly want your life to experience the reality of god's grace i want you to touch these mysteries to experience them in a way and a manner that makes you exceptionally fruitful remember the lord told us at the beginning of this year that i will make you exceedingly fruitful he said it he said it and i believed him it's a year of extraordinary fruitfulness and now i show you the mystery of remembrance that a book can be opened you can call upon the god of heaven and say lord remember remember remember my father was a missionary you can tell god he's going to be with the lord but remember he served you even at the point of death lord this is not how you reward them that serve you suddenly the book is open and god says let me come and invest my favor upon this family for the sake of the sacrifice it is not always about what you have done personally you can take advantage of every good thing philemon chapter 1 and verse 6 that the communication of your faith might become effectual through the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you in christ you can take advantage of every good thing lord i'm in the worship team come i sing i sing i stand before your people and i sing lord when an apostle is preaching i'm also standing sometimes i am tired but i'm standing remember oh god your service and the heavens open towards you and god comes to you son what should i do and you say oh god bless me give me wisdom give me favor and he opens up your heavens do not waste your yesterday many of you make good use of it use it as a memorial let it rise to heaven speak to him concerning every matter don't forget what i taught you don't forget the scripture that i taught you that you stand before god and say remember concerning this issue remember you can confront him concerning any issue bring your strong reason lord let the plague of death end in this family why should the plague of death end lord even if everybody serve idols i stand as a preacher i stand as a priest i have called upon the name of the lord and adam knew his wife again and she bore seth and men began to call upon the name of the lord i stand as a preaching my family hallelujah let me give you one prayer point last prayer point and then we are done i'd like you to pray and say lord every good thing that should come into my life as declared by your word as declared by scripture i declare that on account of this remembrance i receive it by shame let it come please leave your voice and pray i receive it by far every good day i can't see that every good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] hallelujah praise the lord i decree and i declare over your life in the name of jesus the son of the living god i stand by the privilege of god's grace and i call upon our father who is the god in heaven concerning you concerning your family concerning the issue of request i agree with you let the book of remembrance be open now let the book of remembrance be opened now let the book of remembrance that archives your faithfulness let the book of remembrance that archives your sacrifice let the book of remembrance that archives your consistency let the book of remembrance that records your diligence your unbendedness the service you have served in the house of god i stand before the god of all heavens and i declare let it be opened now [Music] and i pray in jesus name that every a hazardous that sustains the influence the wealth the intellectual prowess the access to lift you and take you from the gate of your destiny into the palace i command let there be no sleep for them tonight in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ i place an anointing upon you and in the name of jesus christ by that anointing i declare that as you walk the length and breadth of your territory your city everyone anointed and obtained to remember you for good i compel that the anointing will cause them to do so i bring your ministry before the god of heaven let it be remembered tonight i bring your family before the god of heaven let them be remembered tonight i bring your education before the god of heaven i command remembrance tonight i bring your finances before the god of heaven i provoke remembrance tonight [Music] i bring your marriage before the god of heaven i provoke remembrance tonight i bring your business before the god of heaven i provoke remembrance tonight i bring your destiny before the god of heaven i provoke remembrance tonight i even bring your past before the throne of heaven and i declare remembrance for the sake of mercy [Music] that every dimension like joseph that he would have entered and has been delayed for two years delayed for three years delayed for 25 years delayed for 60 years there are blessings god spoke to your grandparents it's been delayed for decades by the mystery of remembrance i bring you into that inheritance i bring you into that experience i'm praying that between now and the end of october as surely as the lord lives let there be a sign in your life let there be a sign in your academics is signing your ministry and signing your family in the name of jesus christ the last prayer for you [Music] everything you have lost [Music] please believe the prayer whether it is money you have lost relationships you have lost assets you have lost any kind of thing your spiritual life your fire i stand by the god of heaven and i decree and declare on account of the book of remembrance being opened i provoke sudden restoration sudden restoration by the power of the holy ghost sudden restoration listen and i not only pray for you i pray for everyone connected to you connected to you by blood connected to you spiritually let the extension of this mystery of remembrance reach them [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus let me challenge you before i do the altar call please listen i'd like you to use this weekend into next week as god grants you grace please put this that i teach you to work don't just get excited for nothing many of you need to go back to god on behalf of your family do business with god i'd like you to put your destiny in front of you and negotiate your way into dimensions of power dimensions of grace remember oh god sing before him dance before him do it as a couple do it as brothers and sisters do it as fellow judge members fellowship members stand before god with understanding and watch the wonder working power of the mysteries of the kingdom lord will give you all the praise let the name of the lord be praised lord may we have many tests you
Channel: SBiC Connect
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Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, About Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2021, Apostle Joshua Selman's New Sermons, Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Commanding Results, Joshua Selman, Selman, Nimmak, Apostle, joshua, Selman's Videos, Online Sermons
Id: o6pbry1a_pA
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Length: 138min 0sec (8280 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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