Decoding Extra Virgin OLIVE OIL: Your Ultimate Buying Guide!

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do you think all the extra virgin olive oil are the same no no no today I'm gonna show you how different they are and I'm going to show you which one is good and which one is bad ah oh it gives the cake oh it's spicy whoa whoa whoa wow I'm awake wow so stay tuned because your life is about to change so to to review extra virgin olive oil to taste taste it we we need a glass you can also use a plastic glass if you want it you don't need to use anything fancy but you want to be able to warm up the glass by doing this and to clean your palate you need a glass of water and a green apple this is very important so the first question is what is extra virgin olive oil extra virgin olive oil the what comes out from the olives is like the juice the olives produce okay there is nothing else in there it's basically olives pressed and then you get the extra virgin olive oil Pew is the purest oil that you can get does the color of extra virgin olive oil matter no the color doesn't tell you if the extra virgin olive oil is good or it's bad okay the only difference is when the extra virgin olive oil is freshly pressed like it's nobelo nobelo means new when it's not brand new it's freshly squeezed and so that it's very very dark it's extremely dark I really like it beautiful color okay but that's novello okay very hard to find in bottles because the novello like I said is fresh especially squeezed so that's a different type of extra virgin olive oil which you will never find in a bottle okay in the supermarkets so that's the only two different colors freshly squeezed extremely dark or a normal color from the supermarket the first Extra Virgin Olive Oil we're trying is the Bertoli probably the most commercial and most popular Italian extra virgin olive oil it says world number one olive oil brand who said that oh second cold extracted extra virgin olive fruity taste fruity let's have a look if you read here on the label it's very important you read a label if you read the label here it says packed in Italy from imported ingredients and again it reminds you world number one olive oil brand why who said that so yes it's packed in Italy but it's made with different important olives ingredients they say so if you are mixing the olives you're not getting a top quality product okay the extra version of oil needs to be made from olives from the same field the same olives so you can have a beautiful variety of Olives there are so many different varieties okay so the fact that it says packed in Italy from important ingredients is a No-No for me I don't like it so it cannot be number one for me already but let's try let's see put a little bit in there you don't need much of course now let's warm up the glass the glass needs to be warmed up so we want the oil to warm up a little bit and close the top one like if you're tasting the whiskey you know you want to close the lid you want to smell it I can smell [Music] I can smell the extra virgin olive oil but I don't smell freshness that's very important I don't smell freshness and that's not a good sign for me okay and those melt fruity but I might be wrong now to taste the extra virgin olive oil this is what we do move it around your parrot and then as water okay so the palate tasted it and it's not giving me any fresh flavors or fruit I don't really taste that I just taste a bland extra virgin olive oil when you do this that's where you need the water next to you because you might uh you might cough or you might get a very spicy extra virgin olive oil and yeah you don't need to drink so this one is not spicy this one is not strong I won't even call this robust it's just blend it's not amazing it's not something that I will say oh wow you should go and buy it the reason why it's cheap is because it's cheap it's a mix of extra virgin olive oil so what we do now drink and cut a little piece of Apple to clean the palette am I going to buy Bertoli I don't think I will have a Bible you will never see this in my house so this is probably the first and last time you see Bertolli in my kitchen the second Extra Virgin Olive Oil we're trying today it's a premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil from pulia okay this is retail here in Australia for about 35 dollars for a small bottle it's not cheap okay it's not cheap but I am expecting high quality now Puglia for me in my opinion is the best reason for extra virgin olive oil plants improvia have been around for 4 000 years four thousand years okay they are the masters of extra virgin olive oil and usually they do not mix Extra the olives to produce the olive oil okay so if you read the label here it says extra virgin olive oil produced in Italy otrando is in the South part of Puglia if you've never been I recommend you to go one of the most beautiful places on the planet here it says product of Italy ingredients made in Italy from 100 Italian olives and this says that the origin of the olives it is protected okay so what this means is that the same olives I use to produce a top quality extra virgin olive oil and pulley is one of my favorite region in Italy and I know it's not cheap I know this this is not for everyone I I understand that smells different already nice again we don't care about the color we don't care no close it warm up the glass fruity fresh straight away you can smell it straight away so one thing I need to tell you when you read the label there should be a date on it okay here the date it says 21 22. so and then it says it will expire in 2024. that's not something I like to read extra virgin olive oil will last a maximum of one year okay after one year it is not good anymore okay top quality extra version of oil any extra virgin olive oil should last 12 months the fact that they have expiry date 2024 even though it was produced 2022 doesn't make me happy I know it's a commercial brand I know they need to sell it and I I'm aware they have to do it because it's a commercial brand but it's not right okay but if you go back to Bertoli here Bertoli says best before 31st of May 2023 but the thing is it doesn't tell me when it was made this could have been made three years ago four years ago who knows we don't know we have an expiry date but we don't have a May date so always check on that okay so let's drink this beautiful Puglia extra virgin olive oil [Music] foreign wow Are You Gonna Know I put it in my mouth oh it's passing now I put it in my mouth enough I can taste fresh I can taste new I can taste Pulliam I'm gonna suck it and I get this beautiful cake here you know the Romans used to use extra virgin olive oil as medicine and I know why because I can feel it now it fixed my throat okay it's nice it's a nice feeling it's a nice taste and I don't want to wash this off I really like it that's the difference between these and the Bertolli you know we have a commercial and we have an artisan okay and the two different products are completely different this is no extra virgin olive oil for me this is so if you find these get it if you find these stay away from it now it's time for monini a commercial brand you can find these in all supermarkets here in Australia and I believe USA and wherever is not as commercial as Bertoli but it's pretty commercial now if we read a label we can see it's classical classic for everyday cooking and seasoning 100 Italian extra virgin olive oil cold pressed cold pressed is a good sign but most of them are cold pressed what's more important is the quality of the extra virgin olive oil product of Italy again okay so it doesn't say it's been mixed with other olives so it is a good sign now here it says best before November 2023 okay but when was this packed when was this made that's what we need to know the pulia extra virgin olive oil told us the date it was produced so they always were collected in November 2021 and made between 2021 and 2022 okay but these we don't know all right now let's try it foreign don't look at the colors color doesn't matter let's form it up the smell is nice okay um it still tastes like extra virgin olive oil 100 it does have that taste of extra virgin olive oil it's just a little bit I don't know if bitter is the world is the water it doesn't taste as good as the pulia one I mean the Puglia one it really gave me an explosion of happiness in my mouth this one here there is something turning me off there's something that wants me to drink the water now and clean it off so yes it is extra virgin olive oil you can recognize this oil so you know the same olives have been used but when was this made and are they olives good quality anyway as a commercial brand yes you can buy this one it does a job it's just not as good as the pulia one but it does a job let me make this clear Italy produce some of the best extra virgin olive oil in the world okay but I don't believe the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Italy travels around the world I believe they stay in Italy an example is my family make an incredible extra virgin olive oil and so other families in Italy but these oils don't do not leave the town where they're made from this actually stay in the same town where they're made from it's sad because not everybody can enjoy them but at the same time that's how you preserve quality which means a small quantity quality of a quantity so unless you go to Italy and go to small villages small towns or good restaurants where you actually get to try it's very hard for you to try a very good Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Italy that you buy from the supermarket it's very difficult unless you pay big dollars so my family extra virgin olive oil it's about 9 to 10 euro a liter at the moment okay which which means if you want to bottle it you have to sell it at the shop for at least 35 40 US dollars okay after you know the transport and taxes and isn't that I don't think anybody will buy it now let's move to Australia now okay now this is an Australian brand very popular everybody love it cobram estate robust flavors Australian sustainably grown and made premium quality okay 100 Australian extra virgin olive oil you hope they don't mix the olives let's see oh okay this is funny so when you have this it means that they spend money for the bottle and they spend extra money for this so you might say this is so good I like it it makes it easier to pour the Olive and I agree with you what makes me worried is they spend the money for this for the bottle and less money for what's inside the bottle because as we know extra virgin olive oil is very expensive this is an expensive business so why would you go and pay for this which is not cheap and don't focus on the what's inside the label it says best before September 2024 Harvest 2022 this is good this is a good sign it tells you that it was harvest in 2022 so last year and it will last two years that's not a deal you don't want any extra virgin olive oil to last two years but like the boolier one it tells you when it was Harvest so well done color is nice blend you can't smell anything so that's a worry let's taste it [Music] blend like drinking water so yes I like it did they say when it was harvested but this is a cheap extra virgin olive oil so do I recommend you to buy this okay you want to save money it can do the job yes but if you pay a few extra dollars and you can buy monini which is a lot better than this let's try now another Italian one the next Extra Virgin Olive Oil we're trying it's a frantoy kutera around they've been making extra virgin olive oil since 1906. if you read the bottle says 100 Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil from hand-picked olives robust flavor cold extraction it sounds really good to me and then we go and read it says product of Italy ingredients extra virgin olive oil and these is from sizzling now it tells you it tells you it was made between 2020 2021 so the Harvest must have been November 2020 made in 2021 and then it says that it should be used by March 2023 okay so it is already expired but it gives you that two years expiry date which is good this oil is um available in supermarkets in Australia is very popular in USA and it's very popular around the world now let's open it and again we got this okay what is this for why are you spending the money for a good looking bottle for this maybe not for what's inside okay I don't know maybe it's good maybe it's bad the only reason to tell is when I compare it with the other ones because I've used this before it didn't taste as bad but now I'm comparing all of them and I can tell if it's good or bad so here we go this is like a commercial brand but the price range is like the monini so you're looking at like the same price a little bit more than the cobram and more than Bertoli Bertoli is the cheapest [Music] it's not as strong the flavor I can smell a little bit of oil yeah I can smell the olives but not a strong [Music] get a little bit of a cake a little bit a little bit spicy yes I can feel it but it's a bit Bland again it's like the cobram it's blend why do you spend money for the bottle for this and then what's inside is not top quality and again it's not the most expensive extra virgin olive oil it's like like a normal entry price level I think this is an entry price level extra virgin olive oil I do prefer the monini over this I think this looks pretty it looks Artisan but what's inside is not what I wanted to taste Okay so I don't like it it's time to try colavita this is available everywhere on the planet okay available in Australia very popular in USA and this is something I used before and I know it's good but I've never compared the flavors with the other ones so the label says cold production great premium Italian 100 certified Italian good so he's telling me it is real it doesn't say where the olives are from it tells me the best before December 2023 but it doesn't tell me when it was produced I don't like that okay it looks nice again all of them look nice I have to say warm up yeah it's got a nice smell I mean I've smelled so many olives today but it's still not as good as the Artisan Italian one as nothing monini has stronger flavor I have to taste it robust fresh it is fresh it's nice spicy it is a beautiful extra virgin olive oil to say for a commercial brand and for the price that you pay it is nice I think for commercial brands at the moment we have monini and colavida first the two best options I know this is double the price we're looking at 33 dollars here in Australia maybe in USA will be twenty dollars this is premium this is top quality so if you want to spend more money get for this if you want to save money and buy a cheaper olive oil get this it's a few a few dollars more than Bertoli but it's worth it all right this is this is the moment I've been waiting for okay this is Joseph cold pressed extra virgin olive oil South Australia from Primo estate Mclaren Vale South Australia this bottle is retail for 60 dollars Australian dollars okay about 40 US dollars it's not cheap but is it good I know it's good these this label tells me it was made in 2022 so 2022 is 2023 we are gonna be able to drink this or use this or cook with this until December 2023 January 2024 but by January 2024 they will have the new bottles so I like that I like that they do put 2022 so you know when it's made grown in Australia is it worth the price so I'm really looking forward to try this this is fascinating 60 dollars bottle the sound is nice it sounds like you're pouring wine into the glass whoa wow okay guys you kill smell there is a reason why sixty dollars there is a reason it's fresh it's fruity it's beautiful it's great let's drink it wow wow wow wow wow South Australia you did it it says the Mediterranean climate around Adelaide is ideally for making or olive oil and I agree this is beautiful this is nicer than the bully one but at the same time okay keep in mind that two different olives okay two different olives so we can't really compare the two it's like comparing a Shiraz and a Cabernet I don't know the two different wines okay you like one or the other I would say I can do this for cooking and I can do this for dressing I will use these more just for dressing I'm not gonna waste these for cooking so every oil is different from whatever you use it for this is beautiful this deserves to be in in top restaurants I don't think this can be found in shops because it's way too expensive but this is good so when you look for extra virgin olive oil always buy the extra virgin olive oil in a dark bottle why because it protects the extra virgin olive oil during the the transportation of flying or being on on a on a boat you know from from overseas let's say you have to drive if the olive oil has to go from Italy to USA on the boat it's going to take about three weeks so you want this to be protected and the dark bottle does protect it I see Aldi they sell extra virgin olive oil in plastic it's dark plastic yes I know it does the job plastic is not really good for you to keep anything in it lots of brands use the thin and I think the thing is the best one to keep your extra virgin olive oil I do like to buy three liters extra virgin olive oil three liter stain is the best way to to to store your extra virgin olive oil and then for me you put it in a bottle okay I use lots of extra virgin olive oil so this is probably last me two weeks uh for you normal people maybe you can use this for a couple of months but for me as you can see I I drink my extra virgin olive oil I'll use this in less than two weeks all right now it's time to taste the check or the checo is a famous pasta brand come from a region is the most popular pasta brand in USA and it's really good okay it did turn industrial because it went way too big um it's not my favorite pasta brand at the moment but it's still one of the best ones for commercial here it says all your extra virgins so it says fruity Lively extra virgin olive oil made with olives from the European Union so you come from my region Abruzzo we're very famous for extra virgin olive oil why don't you use olives from our region why do you have to use European olives why I don't understand so from olives grown impressed within the European Union so you're not even pressing the olives you get someone else to do it and then you pack it in Italy I don't like it let's see if they use top quality and I'm not saying that European olives are not good Tunis is pain Greece Italy or whatever Lebanon whatever region countries you want to talk about they're all good but why do you mix them the beauty of Olives is they have uh they have a character like all of us are different we all have something different to bring to the table let's see delicate again delicate none of these olives have strong flavors blend it doesn't say robust it says Lively so let's drink it it does have a nice taste when you have it it's not spicy it's bland it does the job uh it's not it's not amazing um it's sad to say this because this brand is from my region and I want to promote it as much as I can but it really disappointed me because we're gonna find these in the entry level extra virgin olive oil price range and it deserves to be there unfortunately it didn't impress me I mean after trying these two bombs how can you go back to any of these we got two more to try this one this one it's it's something that you buy at Italian grocery stores it's not from the supermarkets Dante robust flavor extra virgin olive oil it says packed in Italy from multiple Origins again why do we need that okay let's try let's try this one but there's no date here doesn't tell me when expires blend [Music] yes it's robust but it's bland this is what I'm talking about the extra virgin olive oil Mafia which is not that much difference easily this is every producer of extra virgin olive oil from everywhere is belongs to the olive oil Mafia because who knows what they put in there who knows how can you change the flavor how can you change the extra virgin olive oil why do you do that now we got two more we have two more to try one is Italian one one is another Australian one but actually it's not Australian it's a private label certified organic made in Spain ah suitable for vegans that's what it says on the packaging on the label suitable for vegans all extra virgin olive oils are suitable for vegans okay so it's funny to write that uh three and a half I'll start reading certified organic cold pressed but is it good best before 2024 I'm not gonna try this okay this is certified organic it tastes cheap so I don't understand how can that be cheap it says suitable for vegans so I'm not gonna try it because I'm not vegan but here it is I want to finish this with this is from the tin okay this is made with 100 Italian olives this is actually a thirty dollars Australian uh probably 20 U.S thing three liters so actually with one one of these you can buy probably two of these okay so this is less than one liter here you get four bottles of this so so this is more convenient if you can buy a thing buy it because it doesn't expire you save money you have quality so here it says packed in Italy made with Italian olives and I bought this from an Italian daily Okay so you don't pay the supermarket price it is something that probably you need to have your Italian connection to get something like this but let's see I can taste it I can taste olives I can taste olives why because it's still in the thin it's been protected indeed it's been protected this is from Bari from Puglia they make this impuly again like the other one it's nice it's cheaper than the one that you buy from the bottle and it tastes good ah well let me give us the cake oh it's spicy which is a good sign too you know it's different different whoa whoa whoa wow I'm awake wow this is nice this is nice if you think about it this is the cheapest out of all of them I know it's thirty dollars Australian for a thing but if you think about it it's the cheapest and it's so good for a commercial brand so if you want to me to tell you which one you should get get this store it in your pantry and you refill the bottles whenever they need to be refilled you want commercial go for monini monini is good morning is a good commercial brand for a good price very good both of them are very good same price probably a bit more expensive but these are two good olive oils if you really want to spoil yourself well Joseph sixty dollars Australians for a bottle is your ultimate extra virgin olive oil experience amazing and I'm sure there are other good ones out there okay I don't have them here there are other ones this one very good from Puglia great flavors different different flavors different olives I really liked it it took me all the way back from polio so you want to pay you want to go commercial let's do you want to go commercial you want to go commercial but in bulk you get this one cadel Monte really good you want to get it in bulk call Avita makes a three liter tin so you choose which one you want okay I hope these helped you I'm sure there are so many other brands out there so what you need to do is taste it buy a small bottle taste it if you like it you can get a big thing that's my recommendation there is so much to talk about there is so much behind the production of extra virgin olive oil but always look the date when it was made the expiry date make sure the bottle is dark or the thing make sure it tastes like olives make sure it's fruity or robust make sure he's alive you don't want to have blend this was blend this was really disappointing this was really disappointing they'd write to you number one world whatever it is world's number one olive oil brand maybe Olive Oil this is extra virgin olive oil different olive oil is not pure extra virgin olive oil is the purest so these guys are telling you world number one olive oil okay we don't want olive oil we want extra virgin yeah so I hope this helps I hope this video is going to help you to choose the right Extra Virgin Olive Oil from the next time you go in the shop thank you let me know if you need more if you want me to do a blind test maybe I can do a blind testing and and maybe I will change my mind maybe I will say oh I doubt it so yeah my brother comment below let me know which extra virgin olive oil you like to use maybe it's not here maybe I'm missing out tell me now and I'm gonna go and buy it because as you can see I love extra virgin olive oil low cholesterol thanks to extra virgin olive oil you can put it on your skin you can stay young forever oh yeah George Clooney does that and lots of vitamins thanks to the extra virgin olive oil so this product is your best friend your doctor in your pantry thank you I will see you in the next Vincenzo's plate video recipe aorta we drink olive oil extra virgin olive oil thank you today we're going to taste taste the extra virgin
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 259,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to buy real extra virgin olive oil, olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, best olive oil, fake olive oil, best olive oil brands, olive oil benefits, best olive oils, olive oil fraud, virgin olive oil, olive oil test, fake extra virgin olive oil, how to detect fake olive oil, real extra virgin olive oil, how to pick the right olive oil, you are buying fake olive oil, are you buying the right olive oil, how to find good olive oil, vincenzo's plate olive oil, vincenzo's plate
Id: v1hmaqOPx9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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