Deck Tension Ties and How To Install Them

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[Music] everybody I'm Dominic's mass-media I why in this video I'm going to show and explain what a deck tension tie is for your deck and how important they really are and how a lot of towns so the building apartments are now requiring them now you have your deck here and normally and on this deck we will we have it's brand new decks we haven't put it in just yet we have our lag bolts that will go in to our ledger and that's going to connect to our rim joists and that's all fine but your ledger will stay attached to the house what about your floor choices now if you have an issue and it's gonna fall off and it's what's been happening even with the joist hanger here no joist hanger is only really to hold the weight of it not from pulling out and away from the house now once that starts pulling away from the house that's it games over you have it these straps here these tension ties they connect to the bottom of your floor joist four and a half inches away well we're gonna install this with these screws that they give you a nice wood screws and that gives it you know that's pretty strong it then we have a nice long bolt that's gonna go right into and in this case if you look over here we're gonna go into the bottom plate the bottom plate is sitting on our foundation which is bolted to the foundation so that's not going anywhere and what you see the size of these bolts they're pretty damn big and that's what's gonna hold this from going in you don't need it for everyone some towns building apartments require every fourth one or every other one okay so not exactly the cheapest thing but they are required and they are very good so let's let's install I check the size of that would screw huh it's galvanized it's gonna go in this hole right here but more importantly it's gonna go right into our sole plate of our house now we don't always have the option of having the sole plate you could be that your ledger was lower than the foundation and you're not gonna put a wood screw into the concrete so you'd be using a different concrete anchor to do that you can also put these on the side which would go up higher and you want those into the actual plates either from the wall above it or the wall below it you don't want to really rely on their existing rim joists of the house oh ah that cannot pull away too you know all right so let's get going and put this in I mean to put it in you definitely want some power behind it you want to use a wrench or socket all right got all this installed got this nice long bolt going and if you look now that's going right through our sheathing of our house and right into our lower top plate our plate for our wall here in secured you don't want to crank us down really tight just that it's you know snug and again definitely check with your bill in the par me to how many you're gonna need now it's not how many if you decks 30 feet long like this is obviously but you can use quite a bit but you want to know how often it could be every two feet every fourth one whatever definitely check into that they are so worth having and take what two minutes to install big deal anyway I hope you learned something thanks for watching
Channel: askmediy
Views: 15,037
Rating: 4.8444443 out of 5
Keywords: diy, how to, askmediy, dominick, deck, deck tension ties
Id: 5T5igLZES4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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