How To Properly Install Joist Hangers || Dr Decks

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[Music] hey guys dr dex here today i want to talk to you about something that's very common what we use it's how to install a joist hanger all right so simpson strong tie is a company that makes joyce hangers they make all kinds of different brackets for deck building and for construction in general they make heavy duty brackets light duty brackets medium duty all that stuff so we use a lot of their products you're going to hear the word z-max a lot in outdoor living because z-max is an enhanced coating so everything that we use usually is identified at the end of the model number with a z so this particular joist hanger is called a simpson lus 210z which means it's a 2 by 10 z-max joist hanger which is really important for corrosion resistance now this deck is going to be waterproof so it's not going to get wet all the time like some standard decks will to have protection from copper chromium arsenate or other chemicals that are in pressure treated lumbers that are corrosive to metal this helps protect it more obviously stainless steel is your best option but a lot of people can't afford that they're like seven dollars a piece where this hanger is under two so it just depends on where you wanna go with the longevity of your deck but one of the most common problems i see with when people use a joist hanger the joist hanger is designed to have a withstanding force pushing down so the hanger needs to go all the way to the very bottom of the joist i see this all the time on decks we tear down on decks that are failing people don't seem to understand that these have to be all the way tight to the to your frame if they're not then you're not really serving the purpose i know that lumber can shrink that happened but when we are installing our joist hangers we always try to make sure they're super tight you'll notice that there's a couple of flanges right here one on each side those are like temporary supports that you can actually tack the joist hanger in place before you put the nails or screws in it so there's a couple different options how you can fasten this joist hanger i'm going to show you two different ways one is you nail it you can use tico nails they have to be rated for joist hangers you can't just use a regular 8d or 6d or any size nail you want it needs to be a special sized shank that's designed to withstand loads so we have ours loaded into a nail gun but these are two and a half inch nails a lot of people put inch and a half nails through these holes right here and then they put a two and a half to a three inch nail through the side but what we do we put two and a half inch nails through here and then we use a two and a half inch structural screw made by simpson it's called an sd screw two and a half inches long and they're structural which means they're gonna be able to withstand an earthquake better than a standard screw would those go in through the side so you get a double shear holding power because you're going through the joist hanger you're going through the joist and then you're going into the ledger board these are approved to use with this hanger in this particular instance now these joist hangers come in a two by four two by six two by eight and two by ten sizing which is l u s two four eight and 210 you can use a 2x10 joist hanger on a 2x12 as well it's engineered to be that way so they actually will sell you a 2x10 joist hangers for your 2x12 joists in case you're running 2x12s and you weren't sure they don't make a 212 z they used to but they don't anymore both lus 210z for your 2x10s and your 2x12s and then your lus28z you can actually use for 2x8 and 2x10 but i prefer to go with a 2x10 joist hanger if i'm running two by 10 joists that's just the way i am all right so we'll get to these in a minute but uh these again are stamped i don't know if you can see this but there's actually a stamp on every single screw with uh there is no equal symbol on it that simpson symbol plus there's uh identifier like 2.5 on there i believe uh to let the inspectors know because if you put in the wrong length screw if you put an inch and a half screw through here and the inspector can see it go wait a minute man what are you guys doing put an inch and a half screw through the side of it that's not going to do any good it's just sitting it's not even going into the ledger so when you go to put your joist hanger in okay you got to make sure that you have the bottom of your plate bottom of the joist plate the joist hanger tight to the bottom of your joist then i'll hold it like this and i'll put my my first tab in now you'll notice all these joists are hanging on this wall but they are not there's no joist hangers on them yet that's because we just put all these up i've put them all to grade now when you're installing joists on your house the joists can vary in thickness up to a half an inch so we never pre-install our joist hangers on the ledger before we put in our joists because there's going to be problems if you try to do that you would never be able to know where this goes if every joist is a different thickness you're going to be trying to shave them or shim them you're not supposed to shim them with anything you're supposed to have a nice tight fit just like this every time okay nice tight fit so now that my fit is tight i went to the other side i put my little nail in so now my joist hanger's sitting exactly where i want it it's ready to go so now i can nail all of my nail holes now for us because we're you know we're deck builders and we're production guys we're going to use the nail gun to install these eight nails that go in into the side of the ledger so here we go so now we have all of our nails if if we have one that doesn't go in all the way you know take a hammer just tap on them make sure you've got a nice tight connection to the house now that that's done we're going to go back with those special simpsons screws now i the reason i changed this is because i noticed that when i'm attaching nails or screws through here there was two reasons one there was an issue that uh a two and a half inch nail wasn't coat approved that you needed to put a three inch nail through these sides i think it depends on your jurisdiction if that's true or not but if i use this two and a half inch screw it does not matter i'm good to go no matter what it passes all 50 states okay so check your local jurisdiction if you're gonna nail instead of screw these in but the benefit of screwing these together this really cinches everything in and it gives you a really tight connection and you're screwing with a structural screw through here through the joist and into your ledger which i feel is a much better connection in an earthquake which we get a lot of them around here it's gonna prevent pull pull away which is really important here we go and you can see how the joist hanger kind of sucked in a little bit when we did that just for comparison simpson makes two different lengths and they make two different sizes we use the number 10s these are number 10 there's an inch sorry my gloves are probably in the way lit here's an inch and a half screw and a two and a half so you could use these inch and a halves if you wanted to to attach all these to now sometimes we have to use these because if we're attaching to a concrete ledger or concrete wall or a foundation wall two and a half ain't gonna work so you to go to something shorter so then we'll use these shorter screws to go into our ledger if it's if it's something solid behind here that the nails won't penetrate we got one in got three more to go three and i can see this joist hanger moving as these screws go in and these joist hangers have kind of an angle set to them so it's really hard to mess up the angle that you're supposed to put them in because they kind of guide the screws right in at the proper angle all right man so that is how you properly install a simpson joist hanger thank you for watching 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Channel: drdecks
Views: 80,327
Rating: 4.9184246 out of 5
Keywords: Dr decks, drdecks, deck building, custom decks, pacific northwest, carpentry, decks, deck, deck board bending, how to, tutorial, how to install joist hangers, joist hangers
Id: n79FUlA_quY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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