Dec. 6, 2020 | HOMILY | NO WRONG TIME TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT - Fr. Dave Concepcion

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the lord be with you and read your spirit reading from the holy gospel according to saint mark glory to you o lord the beginning of the gospel of jesus christ the son of god as it is written in isaiah the prophets behold i am sending my messenger ahead of you he will prepare your way a voice of one crying out in the desert prepare the way of the lord make straight his path john the baptist appeared in the desert proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins people of the whole judean countryside in all the inhabitants of jerusalem were going out to him and were being baptized by him in the jordan river as they acknowledge their sins john was clothed in camel's hair with a leather belt around his waist he feed on locust and wild honey and this is what he proclaimed one mightier than i is coming after me i am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals i have baptized you with water he will baptize you with the holy spirit the gospel of the lord praise to you lord jesus christ many have been asking did god really created the world in seven days and my answer is i do not know but from the letter of peter from the second reading it says one day in god is a thousand years one day in god is a thousand years so if god created the world in seven days it was created according to peter 7 000. years but what is the second reading trying to tell us that the time table of god is not our timetable a saint paul would have said the thoughts of god are not your thoughts and your thoughts are not his thoughts and saint augustine have said this if you think you understand your god then he said most probably he is not the real god most probably he is not the real god why how can you comprehend the mind of god and put it in a so small brain that you have my dear friends my brothers and sisters what is the first reading trying to tell us the first reading tells comfort my people from the prophet isaiah it does not say i comfort you but god said comfort my people comfort others not you because perhaps this is god's way of knowing us or teaching us how to comfort ourselves to comfort ourselves is to comfort others to comfort ourselves is to comfort others brothers and sisters but you can never be a source of comfort if you have not experienced the comfort of god and you will not experience the comfort of god if you have not experienced the peace of god the second candle of the adventure is a candle of peace and what does peace means it is to be restored from our brokenness to do to be made whole again because we are broken by our own sinfulness we are broken by our sinfulness what kind of brokenness not because that god has abandoned us it is because that we distance ourselves by doing what is wrong to straighten your path so family are the wrongs we can accept the only wrong we can correct are the wrongs we can accept and the only person we can change is ourselves never attempt to change someone because even god was unable to change the heart of judas the role of every parents is to simply influence their children and it's good to be reminded my dear parents that your children are not listening to what you are saying they are listening in what they see in you among we are living by example and many times have said this you must live your life well because you might be the only bible people are reading today you must live your life well because you might be the only bible people are reading today you cannot take things for granted m what makes sin more evil is when we try to justify them you must keep this in mind my dear brothers and sisters that your future will always depend on you that you cannot depend on others in building your future your future will always depend on your attitude because the only way to change our lives is to change our attitude this pandemic is nothing if it will not change what are the things that need to be changed our attitude is like rajan of the past the speaker of the present the prophet of our future the invitation of today is to check on our attitude that simply in the wrongs that we have been doing because regardless of the wrong if we have a wrong attitude then we cannot change our lives if we will not correct what is wrong then our brokenness will remain and because we are broken we will never be comfortable brothers and sisters that's why our goal every day is to make ourselves better today than yesterday better today than yesterday in the past 10 months ask yourselves have you become a better person today than yesterday or you have been you have worsened because you simply think of yourselves remember this remember the words of pope francis that in avoiding evil you are good but not doing good you are evil avoiding evil you are good but not doing good you are evil independent keep this in mind there are no right time to do what is wrong and there is no wrong time to do what is right announcement december 8th is a holy day of obligation supposed to be but the holy father dispenses us because not all of us can go and attend live masses so on december 8th we will have the sunday schedule 9 o'clock and 12 15 it will be an online or broadcasted online and another one five o'clock in the afternoon in the afternoon congregation of people avoid close contact avoid confined places keep the physical distancing and always wear your face mass going back to what i've said my brothers and sisters you can only be comforted and be a source of comfort if your life is not broken if you are if you have received the peace of christ how can we do this correct what is wrong the only wrong we can correct are the wrongs we can accept what makes sin more evil is when we try to justify them worst we make others do the wrong we are doing my dear friends my brothers and sisters hopefully this pandemic has invited you to change your attitude because the only way to change our lives is to change our attitude our goal is to become a better person today than yesterday indiana and big land m keep this in mind not doing evil is good but not to do good is evil there is no wrong time to do good and there is no right time to do evil the lord be with you and with your experience and may almighty god bless you the father the son and the holy spirit amen go now in peace to love and serve the lord thanks be to god
Channel: Fr. Dave Concepcion, EVERYTHING IS GRACE
Views: 16,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fr dave concepcion, homily, sta maria goretti parish, everything is grace
Id: nexyaQanc98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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